This is an heterosexual school girl.
This is an heterosexual school girl
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The above post is a lie.
>school girl
Pick one.
why you fuckin' lyin' tho?
So what is the greatest OTP of all time? I seriously can't decide between Aya x Youko or Sakurako x Himawari.
Just makes me so sad that I ship Aya and Youko so fucking hard and they'll only ever be friends canonically.
Now fuck off
Why is Karen so shit? she ruined the whole episode
Needs blingee.
Sure she is
I really like that pairing too. shame I can't read kanji
Yeah right.
Are you calling Youko a boy?
How can this show be so much gayer than the one that has gay shit in the title?
Sae x Natsume.
>the one that has gay shit in the title
Yuru Yuri.
Yuru Yuri is pretty gay though. Read the manga.
Which mosaic's kiniro would you drink?
I would love to sip Karen's pee, as she slowly lets it drip out while I suck on her cute little pussy.
Stop trying to spread lies on the internetz.
Which reminds me I still have this.
Ayaya is so fucking kawaii desu
why does this sound so appealing, even though I know it would taste bad?
Because the warm flow of Karen-chans pee would give you a heavenly feeling as she used your mouth as her personal urinal.