Official vinsmoke power rankings
One Piece
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Was Zoro's master just a Wanoboo?
Is times like this that Sanji needs her beloved Nami-san next to him.
Oda hurry up and make their reunion happen already.
I'm not going to waifu Reiju yet.
Fucking nips keep killing off all the girls I like.
>judge worked with vegapunk
caesar will BTFO judge confirmed
look forward to it
In the end, Sanji will be the new leader of Germa 66 (or some shit like that)
Hail to the new power in the StrawHat Alliance.
At this point I can't wait for Sanji to start kicking ass again.
It always bugged me how Sanji was right behind Zoro in strength even though Zoro constantly trained like a motherfucker.
I guess it was finally explained.
So what's gonna happen when Sanji gets rescued. Germa is still gonna kill Zeff out of spite so who's gonna save him? Unless this is going to be the one group of villains Oda actually kills off.
I sure am glad there are no Nazi's in One Piece
How many people in this thread went "HURR DURRR SANJIFAGS BTFO SANJI JOBBER DURRR HURRR" when Niji beat him even though it was obvious Sanji couldn't fight back because Niji threatened to get Zeff killed?
Sanji has a new powerup revealed:
>Genetic altered
He activates his genes.
>Ichiji = Sanji
Quite a few, we've gotten more people butthurt at Reiju being obviously good a 5 year old could have seen it coming and pretty women not getting beat up by good guys though.
Likely they'll give the order to kill Zeff because Sanji gets a little too much for them to handle, and Zeff will beat their asses, call on a Den Den Mushi they have and tell Sanji to go wild.
I would assume he also has the cuffs off by this point.
>Anti Reijufags and miss fatty are pic related
I fucking love your tears
Let's cut the bullshit.
Something's not right here.
Sanji almost defeated Jaji if he wasn't shocked by the soldiers being skewered.
He also beat Yonji's effortlessly; yet Ichiji lighting blitzed his ass literally.
Was it due to the fact that Zeff was being threatened?
What's deal with "Exo skeletons"?
No, its due to Sanji being stronger than them and building strength on his own instead of having to rely on genetic modifications.
Sanji is just stronger than them, that's all.
We 4 musketeers storyline now!!!
What are they? Birds?
>fly my little ones fly
More like Captain America and Red Skull now.
It's the age old "a robot can only function at a 100% while humans can reach 110%" and so on maybe.
>mfw doesn't see man in iron mask = sanji
>inb4 Zeff somehow comes and gives sanji a motivational speech or something to get him to fight back
Watching these kids is like watching powerpuff girls with that episode with the boys.
>implying big mom wouldn't invite the groom's adoptive father
>implying she doesn't want to eat his delicious meat
>people think Luffy will be the one that crashes the wedding
>it's actually Zeff that crashes it
If vinsmokes are nazis what does that make sanji?
>zeff crashes the wedding
>keeps Big Mom in check with the power of catering
Think Hermann and Albert Göring.
nothing happens: the chapter
Never and that's coming from someone who liked Gin. Don't you remember he was poisoned by Don and had a good few days to live?
stale shitpost: the comment
Don't you remember Pell was caught in a nuke?
So Blackbeard sucked Whitebeard's dick to get his powers right?
Everything is prepared in stage just for Gin. We're just waiting our savior. He will crash this wedding with his steel balls with Zeff and you know it inside your heart.
Post Nami and Sanji kissing please
What if he met Reiju by some miraculous coincidence? What if he is one of Germa 66 now out of gratitude?
nah u good famm
Hitler was funded by the royal family of england.
>ginfags BTFO
Then why would Reiju be dicking around in the East Blue? For your situation to work Reiju and Gin have to run into each other days after the events of the Baratie Arc. Not saying it's completely impossible but VERY unlikely
Nah I want Sanji > All of them. He was deemed as a failure of the project but I hope he's actually the perfect one and the others are failures. Or that he's a failure that's stronger than others. We need to see him have revenge against all of his family.
I just really don't care about these sob backstories.
I'm ready for Sanji to fuck their shit up already.
I'm so glad Reiju turned out to be good. I wonder if she will help Sanji escape again.
Sanji is gonna die this arc.
La Résistance.
if sanji is killed luffy would probably kill himself for taking 2 fucking years training and still being unable to save anyone
If Vegapunk supposed to be good, then how could he able to pick most exquisite assholes of 4 seas for his science team?
Either he inherited his father's intellect or he just straight up learned from experience. All the others have their strengths and have hit a plateau. Sanji has gone through hell multiple times so he's been forced to become stronger up until the present.
I wonder if she'll take Sanji's virginity like the dirty brocon she is
>If Vegapunk supposed to be good
when was this ever said or confirmed?
this is headcanon
Sanji is the perfect one, and Judge's understanding of his field is flawed.
>supposed to be good,
Never mentioned.
>pick most exquisite assholes of 4 seas for his science team?
I'm sure he picked whoever would fund his experiments.
We learn that he helped those islanders when Franky Kuma'd into that winter island.
This is from the real actors of One Piece
>Chopper, Kuma and a bunch of bear characters eating honey like Winnie the Pooh
What's with Japanese children and always requesting these very oddly specific drawings?
he kicked Caesar off his team and we don't know what went down with Judge
This is what nicefags believe
Here's how it's going down
Literally MemeWars
>Germa 66 personal clone army
>All 5 sibblings are clearly genetically modified to have an ability but Sanji's the only whose isn't obvious
>Judge is literally Darth Vader and will be shown in the final fight that his whole body is cyber save for the spine and brain
Sanji's power up... "The Heart"
my first thought was what a fucking jobber.
he better redeem himself sooner or later with some new technique or something
Imagination which you never had.
he doesn't need a powerup, why are you such a fucking idiot?
if he tried and could do it without repercussion he could take his whole fucking family out solo
The problem is he still looks like a bitch doing it
>ich = 1
>ni = 2
>san = 3
>yon = 4
Fuck I'm retarded for that fact only clicking now after so long
sure thing sanjifag
oh and
>rei = 0
laugh at me all you want
>H-he didn't really get beaten he chose to throw the towel in!
What do you call someone like this? a white knight oxymoron like Sanji?
they even have numbers in their shirts, you should get checked out user
not even, I think sanji is out of the monster trio
Why do people read this "endless-shit-no-story-just-more-volumes" shit? All they do is throw in more arcs without any impact to the fucking story. What impact did buggy have on the story? What impact did captain black have overall? what impact did the fucking Giraffe guy have on the overall progression of the story? NONE. FUCKING NOTHING in this series has ANY impact on the god forsaken fucking story. They keep saying "Oh if we hit this milestone we're so much closer" but they aren't. He's still not one fucking bit closer to the god damn goal of the mother fucking series then he was in 199fucking7
stop liking things I don't like I actually really liked it when it came out and stopped when I realized it would go on forever.
So the vinsmokes didn't find out sanji was training for 2 years with trannies?
Scrolling too fast, thought someone was posting 3DPD.
Why is this cute?
I doubt much information leaves that island, considering they are affiliated with terrorists, and the way Sanji showed up there would leave no clues.
I don't get this. Did Judge impregnate a woman or were they created in a test tube?
Well, they all seem to be the same age, so they're probably quintuplets.
genetically modified
judge says sanji cooking is him following momji's legacy
You'll have to judge for yourself.
Who the hell is this?
fuck off carlos
But that person is wearing armor and has 2 spears on their back, in one of the panels on the left you can clearly see Nami without armor
what the fuck
maybe he planned something for nami and then changed his mind?
look at the left pannels
it was a one-panel gag. she slept in armor because of the ants.
is sanji going to have some advantage from just being a normal human? some bullshit like the genetically modified ones cant use haki
not everyone can use haki, regardless of who they are
No he's going to activate his superhuman genes and blitz all his brothers then beat the fuck out of Judge
Carrot's Stand
How can it be the "Year of Sanji" when he keeps getting BTFO'd so easily? I mean he was holding back because of Zeff, but still. It's kind of sad to read at this point.
it's year of sanji because it's sanji-focused. not necessarily that he's gonna get to wreck everyone yet.
>white eyes
>blood from mouth
kek, Sanjob just got one shotted
Everyone has the potential to use CoA and CoO, they just need to train for it.
CoC is the only one you have to be born to use.
yeah yeah I worded that wrongly, what I meant is that you need to have the resolve and not everyone is able to get to that point because of their way of thinking
they are just pawns of his father so I doubt they can get the resolve
Were they named in order of being born?
Genetically modified. Think GATTACA
no their dad randomly started by naming his first kid 4 just because
If a dud comes closer to its potential than the rest then how do you rate them anyway?
So why did Judge pick Sanji for the son that was to marry a daughter of Big Mom, over literally any of his other sons that he had close to him?
>irrelevant character will BTFO anyone
Most likely Reiju helped him escape from the prison back then
Why don't you slow down speedreader-kun?
What's with Yonji reaction here?
That does not answer my question.
I also haven't read the latest 13 chapters yet, starting right now.
This also doesn't answer my question.
He will go full Mr.Prince by the end of this arc and fucking destroy them all. Not just physically but mentally as well, they're gonna get TOLD.
>It's been six years since she's appeared in the main story
I just want best girl to return already and see her interact with the Strawhats.
>having a problem with the more authentic jap pronunciation
trauma of being btfo by sanji kicking in
>asking questions about the last 13 chapters
>didn't read them yet
Why are you retarded?
i like lobin, blook and flanky too
>japanese can't pronounce the "L" correctly
>>more authentic jap pronunciation
Because I want to know the answer right now and not later?
Simple question, why or how it was asked should not matter to you.
Just answer it or ignore it, no reason to bitch.
Okay I'll answer only because of those digits.
The reason he picked Sanji was because he said he does not love Sanji and he wouldn't want any of his beloved children marrying into that crazy fat bitch.
Watching Sanji beat the fuck out of his siblings is going to be the most satisfying event since Luffy punched that Celestial Dragon
>Hey guys does luffy beat doflamingo
>I'm about to start reading the dressrosa arc btw
I didn't even notice the trips.
As I said, the reason why a person is asking a question should not matter to you.
If they ask for spoilers willingly, then they obviously don't mind getting spoiled.
i can see either that happening, or all the reserves get destroyed
>I'm going to fuck up Niji when I see him
>lol ok shitter
Who here wants to see Sanji snapping and stop caring about his arms being blown up/the death threatr, then beat the ever living shit out of his brother and father?
>He manages to use haki to protect his hands just enough from the explosions, probably crippling it forever but still useful for cooking
>after beating his entire family, he makes his way to luffy with the help of his sister
That, plus the straw hats busting him the fuck out of there.
I want to cum inside Reiju
don't we all?
How tall is Dadji?
He seems pretty alpha to me.
Franky will just make him new cyborg arms.
Dumb frog poster
It'll be the most satisfying event on the series, it'll also blow the whole GENETIC BORN TO HURR DURR shit out of the water finally. No more nardo bullshit
>two smokes
Dumb Luffyfag
h-he's still gonna be good right..?
...right guys?
You said the same about Reiju.
>kicking the poor turtle
That was his biggest crime
Didn't mean to link, ignore that.
Every attractive antagonistic female villain to date, has been redeemed in one way or another.
Whether you like it or not Monet will COME BACK. Reiji will turn out to be good. Both will be redeemed.
Prove me wrong.
>inb4 marines
They don't need to be redeemed, they are the good guys.
saint shalulia
>tfw people on MS think the "I didn't think you swung that way" part is referring to Cosette, not Zeff, even though there's a picture of Zeff there as he says it and he mentions "East Blue" repeatedly AND threatened Zeff to control Sanji last chapter.
Why do I keep reading the fucking comments? They make these threads seem intelligent, I guess there's that.
Sorry I don't understand retard speech.
It will probably get destroyed but they will keep the army already in hand.
In the end, they will see the truth. One side shits on them, kill them and shit. The other side (Sanji and friends) treats them like humans.
I hope not, I hope Sanji destroys him for kicking that turtle.
But Reiju obviously IS good. She's been shown a few times looking shocked as he's mistreated THEN laughing. She even explained it - yes the explanation on its own could seem like a lie but we even see her do it when Sanji doesn't see it.
raw literally says "that cooking woman"
it's a niggastream fuckup
Most of the World Noble's are ugly as fuck on purpose.
Oda better let Sanji kick the shit outta all three of his brothers. I can take the losing for now but he seriously has to beat them into the ground.
>"Neechan, its swollen up again!"
>"Awww... Sanji-kun... you poor darling... here, let big sis make it better..."
>"Ooooh, nee-chan..."
>"Mmmmn... sllrp... smk"
>"P-poison is coming out..."
>"Thats it, sanji. Let nee-chan have aall your poison..."
>"Aaaah! Nee-chan!"
>"There. All better now..."
>"Remember, Sanji-kun. Every time it swells up, come to nee-chan and she'll take care of all that poison built up."
>"Ha... I love you, nee-chan."
>"I love you too, dear little Sanji~"
nearly every villain has been redeemed in one way or another
why are you pretending it's just females
>quads wasted on this autism
I like how Oda masterfully gave loli Reiju one of those skirts that's so light you could lift it up with your boner.
But there is a part with Zeff's face there and he does repeatedly mention East Blue and threatening it. So what's he saying about all that, then?
Big Mom confirmed for attractive
Gods Qods.
don't ask stupid questions before you finish reading you faggot
Well. Shit.
What about people like Hordy? Don Krieg? Kuro?
>trying this hard to fit in
Is the "swing that way" thing mistranslated? In the sense he may have really said "I didn't know you had such weird tastes"? Because "swining that way" does pretty much mean "being gay".
zeff's life is used to threaten him not to fight back
the reason for the fight was cosette, niji asks sanji if he liked her and on the next page they taunt him about making her sanji's servant if he's fine with
Nah, she's not attractive. That's why she's going to lose.
There are a lot more male villains so it's easier to find exceptions
Still, most of them do get redeemed
The problem is that since when have anyone that had outright said they 'didn't want to do this, they forced me to do it', actually meant it? She sounds like an abuser. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. You know I love you, right? I would never willingly hurt you. Forgive me?'
>fit in meme
fuck off
I just don't like it when people ask questions that could easily be answered by reading the manga
Maybe you should get that autism of yours looked at then and maybe stop being bothered by things that have literally no effect on your everyday life.
>you will never EVER lick Perona's sweaty dirty sour lolita feet after a hot summer day
Swing that way, as if willing to debase himself to sleep with a commoner. Remember, nobles and high-ranking people in One Piece literally think of the commoners as animals. Of course, the most obvious answer is that the translator had fucked up.
That is not true at all. It was flat out said some people can never achieve haki.
Why do you think Teach wanted the 2 fruits that cover a lack of haki? Now he can touch logias and he can massively pump up damage.
One piece is not that complicated. Go read another manga if you want that.
maybe you should stop encouraging shitty behavior in these already shitty threads
Sanji confirmed for gay
Yeah I get that. Thing is, I guess Oda saw that possibility and so showed her looking shocked - not laughing - and THEN joined in laughing. It's one of those meta things where if only the audience see it, it's true - if Sanji has seen it then she'd be doing it to trick him, perhaps, but it was just for our benefit to see she wasn't into it like the others.
I get that you could twist it to mean that but it's almost always used to refer to being gay.
This says "usually" but I'd argue it's more than that. Like, if someone said "which way do you swing?" they'd mean "are you gay?" not "do you have a fetish for women wearing bike shorts?"
I bet the raw says "I didn't know you had such weird tastes". MS tried to force in slang and fucked up like usual.
>enel, sort of
yes, as said in last thread niggastream completely fucked it up. by mistake or purposefully
niji basically just goes " "what the hell, you... did you like that cooking woman?"
>perona's favorite ice cream is strawberry
She really is perfection
>Nami's favorite ice cream is lemon
Sour flavor for a sour bitch
>"what the hell, you... did you like that cooking woman?"
Ganbatte Spee D. Reader-kun!
If everyone in OP smashed their cocks together, who would be left standing at the end?
Big Mom
The girls.
The WG are the Nazis, m8tboi.
Reiju the futa clone
>implying Nami and Robin don't have beautiful, gentle, cute penii.
Caesar BTFO Judge and joins the crew confirmed*
Unlike Ichiji, Yonji knows that Sanji is strong, so he knew that Niji wouldn't be able to take the hit without injuries
I want to smell Caesar gassy farts
Is he augmented by tech here or using something similar to Electro?
I wonder if Electro will end up being a by-product of engineering, like Vegapunk or some similar scientist created the minks by splicing humans with animal for HIS version of super soldiers.
>Vegapunk makes cyborg supersoldiers
>Judge makes gene spliced supersoldiers
>???? makes furry supersoldiers
>???? makes furry supersoldiers
Whell that's Kaido with the mass-produced Zoans
yonji = okuyasu
they're only as bad as their peers
It makes sense it's some innate ability, like Sanji's flame.
In fact, there's enough of them to represent each element.
Lighting (air)
And for Reiju, it could be aether or soul - "Rei" does mean "soul" as well as "0". And that could tie in with BM somehow, maybe her kryptonite for some reason.
We'll not see Robin in 5 years because this shitty arc
electro is just some inherent ability though, much like "Hearing the voice of the world" or talking with sea kings
what's Ichiji and Yonji supposed to be
I like this arc so far. I'm not a big fan of the whole BIOLOGICALLY ENGINEERED HUMANS things that the vinsmoke has going on but its not as bad as the spoilers made it sound.
Nami confirmed as Asuka
This, desu. Sanji got fucked by Niji due to holding back becuase of the Zeff threat
>tfw no Carrot porn
>Lighting (air)
Umm.. Kindly asking, what?
the "ji" is a counter, so its literally as though he pointed to each of them in turn and said "ichiji...niji...sanji....yonji..." a truly heartless bastard
I want to touch Carrot's fluffy tail
I mean I can't imagine any of them have faced the level of challenges sanji has had to deal with.
>tfw barely any carrot fanart either
it hurts user
Well Earth or Water, of course. I don't feel I know enough to guess which yet, though. Maybe Ichiji will be Water to opposed Sanji's Fire.
Lighting represents air. It's not a strange thing to say. Most main gods are meant to represent the sky and are often represented by birds (or winged angels) and are also associated with lightning bolts. Lighting is literally made by warm and cold air.
Monet confirmed to get a second fruit power
Probably the latter, I feel like it was foreshadowed last week that once the marriage fails, since the WG excluded them, pretty much means the Germa and everything associated will be seized by the WG.
Niji seems to be fine after that kick, but yeah, Sanji didn't used a named technique unlike him.
inb4 Big Mom gets jobbed by Kuina's stairs
Can Oda just kill Sanji already
>Has never been useful
>Weakest of the crew
>Jobs every opportunity
>Damsel in distress
>Throws fights because he just gets walked over
>Can't even beat his family
>Hands are now being held hostage
Just fucking end it already and replace him with the chef girl
>I can't wait for Sanji to start kicking ass
Judging by your picture, I'm going to assume "kicking ass" is your euphemism for "taking it in the ass".
Oda, next week better fucking be about ChoBro and carrot or Im gonna fucking kick yo ass
He has to get Nami pregnant first. He can't die until that happens.
Fat people DO hate stairs. And stairs have no soul. Hmm.
>Mr. Prince
The Vinsmokes are more like some weird Samurai/Hapsburg mix, than Nazis.
Lighting is fire not air.
>literally using Eugenics
They went full Nazy user
Kuina's stairs are yonko level... Gol D. Stairs
Nami is a raging lesbian and pedophile so that is not happening
Yeah, specially considering the know history of samurais and eugenics.
>Kai D. An
Final boss?
Eugenics is selective breeding, not genetic modification.
Nami and Sanji have sex when everyone is asleep. That's why their sleeping schedule is like it is.
stop that fucking gif i hate it
Sanjifags, everybody!
How? It's created from nothing but air. It comes from the sky. It's linked all through human history with sky elements or gods of the sky.
To take a different angle, in many games lighting is in the air category of spells.
No joke, I'd be insanely excited to see that somehow.
in one of those games, blood is in the same category as earth
really makes you think
Well our bodies were meant to be made from the earth in that kind of crazy mumbo jumbo.
Monkey D. Luffy
"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro
"Cat Burglar(D. Orobo Neko)"Nami
Go D. Usopp
"Black Leg" Vinsmoke Sanji
"Cotton Candy Lover(Wataame D. aisuki)"Tony Tony Chopper
Nico Robin "D. Evil Child"
Cutty "Franky" Flam
Almost all Straw hats are "D."s
blood literally smells like fucking iron
japanese words don't counts since they're canonically speaking english in the one piece world.
No he wasn't.
Though the ex-King Edward the VIII was a fan.
>I saw it in vidya.
Counter-argument just as valid as yours.
>>Cred Forums
> you wut mate
>Landwhale says "post pics"
>15 minutes later and still nobody does
>Posts pics herself
You'd be happier if you moved on.
>>Cred Forums
>tfw americanos are better at making shonen anime than the inventors of shonen anime
>It's created from nothing but air.
You just went full retard. Lighting is literally plasma, it's closer to fire than air. When it hits the beach it turns sand into glass just like fire, when it hits a forest it burns shit up.
Is this pasta?
bropper fag
I propose that she pushed him away on purpose. So that he would not stay for her sake.
this is not spam
Oscar Schindler or Albert Einstein.
She is hot.
I would inseminate
>zou had no impact on the story
I wonder how strong Zeff is?
The properties of DNA weren't even discovered until 1953. Hitler was long dead before the first deliberate genetic modification took place, and ancient history by the time the first mammal was cloned.
Nazi eugenics was about selective breeding and euthanizing the retarded, handicapped and mentally ill.
>I don't know what eugenics means, I think it's cloning
>They literally said a couple of times they are modifying humans by changing their dna.
Nice speedreading skills faggot.
>Shounen thread
>Brings his otaku loser mantra
You can fuck off to whatever rabbit hole you crawled from
If I had the chance to make a kid and not lose it I would jump at the chance
world gov't will capture caesar by the end of this arc
>vegapunk reveal
Reiju is good.
No. Caesar will fight Kaido with the strawhats.
Also tastes like iron. Usually.
Alright, this guy convinced me. I'll go with this one.
So you're saying Momji was Dadji's cousin?
The Habsburg family was infamous for how inbred they were. They went extinct because of it: the current Habsburgs are technically the house of Lorraine, but they style themselves Habsburg-Lorraine because A.
It tastes more like copper.
>sex with Alvida with hearts appearing on my eyes
>zero friction
What should I do Cred Forums?
Well, it is really close to the taste of iron for me but I can't say I'm very good with my tongue.
>Almost all Straw hats are "D."s
>5/9 have D, 3/9 if English, 2/9 if Japanese
What is this shit that you're trying to prove?
>Post yfw Sanji was revealed to be a fucking Vegapunk clone
he is genetically engineered, not a clone
how can no one get this right?
First it was biscuits
Now this?
Where did you get that font from?
The raw script says
Which is unmistakably referring to Cosette, not a homo romance between Sanji and Zeff.
Niggastream gonna nigga.
A lot of people think Franky is the fourth strongest in the crew, but I actually think Brook is, and I've never told anyone why. I first assumed this when Kuma used Ursus Shock on the Straw Hats. Zoro could still move around and Sanji just barely could, which we all know is a reference to their "power level." Everyone else was knocked out. Except Brook. Brook couldn't move, but was still conscious and observed Zoro's sacrifice.
My suspicions arose again during Sabaody when the Straw Hats attempt to flee in three groups of three. The first thing you notice is each group has one of the Monster Trio. You probably then realize, not just that, but each group has a member from each of the "Trios" in the crew. Post-timeskip, Oda even calls them the Middle Trio and Weakling Trio, though mostly in jest. Knowing Oda is a bit obsessive compulsive, I wondered if each of the three groups had an "equal" "power level," which determined who'd be in each one. Zoro is canonically the second strongest and Oda himself said Usopp will always be the weakest: it's their schticks. They're grouped with Brook. If you ranked the Straw Hats, you'd be able to figure out from there where each one was in the hierarchy:
1. Luffy
2. Zoro
3. Sanji
4. Brook
5. Franky
6. Robin
7. Nami
8. Chopper
9. Usopp
>Luffy, Robin, Chopper
1 + 6 + 8 = 15
>Zoro, Brook, Usopp
2 + 4 + 9 = 15
>Sanji, Franky, Nami
3 + 5 + 7 = 15
From halfway through Dressrosa until now, they've primarily split the crew in half. So, I wondered: did Oda do it again?
Well, these two halves both include Luffy, as well as:
>Zoro, Franky, Robin, Usopp
2 + 5 + 6 + 9 = 22
>Sanji, Brook, Nami, Chopper
3 + 4 + 7 + 8 = 22
I'm done. Just felt like sharing my autism. Oda gives some characters more love than others and he has his reasons, but I believe there's a real power level hierarchy he keeps in his head regardless of "feats." What matters is the story.
>use genetic engineering to make super humans
>they're all pale skinned and blonde.
>yfw Sanji is literally a Nazi
what's your point?
Reiju loves the BBC
They were born like that. Dadji just gave them super strength and ability. He did not make them. I'm guessing their mom was blonde
That oda is not a very subtle man
I don't know how to feel about this chapter. It was good, yes, and long. But now Sanji isn't just "a normal guy". Zoro is the only normal motherfucker left in the monster trio, and he'll probably end up being some bullshit skygod or fucking samurai descendant.
Their names are indicative of their powers
>Sparking Red
>Electric Blue
>Poison Pink
I bet Sanji's Searing/Scorching/Smoldering Yellow
Well you see, Spee D. Reader, they actually made a point in this chapter to make it clear that out of all the children, Sanji was just a normal human.
That'd be a better explanation for his Diable moves, rather than "I spin so fast friction ignites my fucking leg."
oda is redpilled as fuark and he doesn't give a shit, don't you remember the swastikas?
>Germa is one letter from german
>Aryans are the clones
>Judge is their dictator
One Piece always had a political and racial theme to it. Like the fishmen are slaves/niggers being discriminated against
This is so autistic it must be true
just google cc wild words
I bet his skin's made of some Johnny Storm shit that is both-hyper conductive yet hyper-resistant to friction, eventually he'll be able to use his fingers as flint to start the oven or like his cigs.
whoa whoa whoa... Chopper > Nami
Very autistic, and the fact that Nami>Chopper should've warned you of that
It's possible you are right, but you are absolutely, without a doubt, autistic.
Oh. I have to download them. Idk how to use them.
Thanks anyways
Holy fucking shit its autistic enough to be true. I'm pretty convinced
Big Blackbeard Cock?
you just download the file, go to control panel and then select fonts
just drag the file to the place that shows the fonts you have and it'll be installed automatically
Got it. Thank you
Couldn't Nami just weather the shit out of Chopper? Even if he was in Monster form he'd still get electrocuted or frozen. These are the forces of nature we're talking about here.
But Reiju calls Sanji "little brother" and when it was first revealed with the boys, they said "All four of us were born on the same day", not including Reiju.
no problem
>there is no distinction between r and l in japanese
>pretty likely a reference to another famous swordsman (Zorro)
Yea he was do the research moron.
Well everyone has some sort of tech so he's at a handicap there. I would like to see a one on one with just the person, but given the nature of that family it won't happen.
>Dadji improperly genetically engineers Sanji.
>Somehow Sanji is the one at fault
Idiot can't even accept he fucked up.
Now when Sanji gets his cuffs off and no longer is held back by his obligations... he'll show how he was able to surpass the "perfect" creations that his siblings represent. Effort surpassing destiny.
I mean... damn. Sanji represents nothing but failure for his father.
Side note: where would the younger number-jis rank in relation to the strength of other characters shown to be monsters as children (Luffy, Lucci, etc.)
I think it's just tech. He also did the "Stealth" too. Remember daddy had tech out the ass in their fight.
Monster is too resilient, don't forget that it took Gear 3 to knock out Monster point
Maybe at top. It was said they had grown man power this chapter.
Also Dadji did not fuck up. Sanji might just be a late bloomer. This arc his power will kick in. Idk
I don't think it's tech, tech alone doesn't explain how Reiju can eat poison, right?
This arc is really annoying. I know it's pronounced "germa", like "gherma", but I keep reading it as "jerma" and everybody talks in a Bostonian accent.
who are you talking about?
They're nazis, give them german accents in your mind, and try to read germa as deutschland.
Ichiji is wind
So what was this shit from Vito about? I wouldn't guess that he's telling Sanj that they have Zeff surrounded and are ready to strike because
>A) Pekoms nonchalantly mentioned the Baratie and Tranny kingdom in the next chapter as possible victims which would make the "secret" in chapter 813 useless
>B) Sanji was totally surprised when he found out Dadji whipped out the Zeff assassination plan last week
inb4 Momji is alive and Dadji is a lying douche
the crew probably, remember that mom already knew they were there
The Firetanks are with Big Mom
that Pudding is hot
>I made pudding cum with my tongue
>Sanji was just a normal human
Naw. Sanji still has the super genes. That was just the examiner's verdict at the time. It's obvious that verdict will change soon.
>not knowing Jerma
Holy shit, I did that too! Thanks for posting.
So Vito lied? Dammmm
Nah, its a nature vs nurture moment.
Sanjis gotta beat them with his skills, not a spontaneous gene power up
Sanji's always been the best character in the series.
>suave, manly
>still protects his bros
>willing to give up his life for Zoro and Luffy
>third strongest
>knows the torment that is starvation and won't even subject his enemies to that
>best fighting style
>fights for beauty but knows that people are their hearts
>has a more original dream that "HURRR I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST"
Diable jamble is not natural. Maybe just a portion of his power he got from his dad.
It might get stronger this arc (his fire)
You forgot he gots the best fashion sense.
Even Nami agrees.
Why has this come out so early recently?
strong enough to at least sail in grand line a year
how do clothes stay on her?
Reiju is going to need to pull some serious shit to get my sympathy.
Her relative kindness doesn't excuse her complacence in his torturous training and what would have been his execution. She sat around, laughed, and smiled and never once tried to stand up for him in any way that truly mattered. She more than any of the other siblings should be sorry, because at least the other three never pretended to care. Sanji always knew what to expect out of them. But Reiju is a fucking coward who was more concerned with her own safety than even attempting to lighten Sanji's burden. She doesn't even try.
Of course, knowing Oda, we'll get a Sasuke-tier "Yeah, sorry" instead of her groveling for forgiveness like she should.
the four seas are a kindergarten compared to paradise
if you can't survive indefinitely in paradise then you are nothing so your argument is invalid
My "predictions" for the future of Sanji and Germa 66:
>Reiju saves him from the mask and tells him to run away, as no one knows he's still alive, or cares as he's publicly "dead".
>This, combined with Zeff's teaching on women, cements Sanji's love of and idolization of girls, as his big sister and mother were the only ones in his family to show him love.
>Fast forward to the future, and Reiju tells her family about her releasing Sanji, prompting violence against her.
>Sanji snaps and beats the shit out of the offender.
Aryan. The rest of the -jis are pretty Nazi, though.
Because of holy days in japan.
oh c'mon you autisic shut-in fuckbend, like you would even stand up for him
Who gives a shit about your sympathy tho.
No one cares.
what argument are you fucking talking about, that is a canon fact, it was mentioned a solid 4 or 5 times in the krieg arc, hell krieg was literally after zeff's i year sea journal
I agree with you, unless she pulls a hail mary save at the last moment I'm calling crocodile tears.
Still butt blasted I see.
I mean that surviving in paradise isn't enough to gauge his strength
>you autisic shut-in fuckbend
Teehee. Good one! I prefer "anal-cramming penismunch", myself.
Goddammit. Duval was a second attempt at Sanji, wasn't he?
As long as REIJU CONFIRMED FOR BEING GOOD pollutes these threads, my post has value.
She isn't good, she has more of a sense of self-preservation than sympathy for Sanji. In a series where the good guys are constantly taking bullets for one another, metaphorically or literally, her weasely "have it both ways" attitude just makes her look like a coward.
Not blasted just really skeptical. She's only really sorry when she wont get any shit for it.
is this trolling
god i hope so
Duval is older than Sanji.
No, he's right. Protecting her little brother is the most basic thing a big sister is supposed to do.
>Sanji got his ass kicked again
For what purpose? I thought he was stronger than his siblings.
oh, that's even better. he was the first draft that went wrong
To find All blue is my real test
Jobbers gotta job.
This is literally all of you.
His siblings don't have hostages or carry bombs around, captain Spee D. Readeru
To show that they're so far above him they have multiple skeletons, and to hype us up when he overcomes his limits and kicks their asses completely
>if you do anything we'll blow up your wrists!
>not only that, we'll kill Zeff and friends!
Let's be honest here. Zeff's probably already dead.
sanji has been on a jobber roll lately. how is he ever going to live up to his name in the crew?
I'm just over here waiting for Reiju to go the way of Monet. She'll enter the realm of stalepasta one day.
didn't we see them recently in the usual news segment after a big arc?
>implying any of his losses are legit
One time he lost it was when one of his dad's servants intervened. The other times he lost were when his friends were being threatened.
He can beat all of them in a fair one-on-one fight.
I wish he stopped spamming diablo, and show off more fancy named kick combos.
To cook them is my cause
so who is gonna fight who? place your bets
>I-I don't have to prove how she isn't a bitch
I'm still waiting lyingfag.
sanji will have to fight all of them in a gauntlet. if he can do so they will let him free with any wish
I do think Nami is stronger than Chopper. If you look at their fights in the past, she usually fights more impressive opponents (when she does fight). I think Oda arranged CP9 to mirror the Straw Hats (in a hierarchy sense) and I think Kalifa with her Devil Fruit was actually stronger than Fukurou, and Fukurou "should have been Chopper's opponent." Them being the naive kid-like members of their groups and his laugh even sounds like Chopper's name. I think Chopper ended up fighting "the Robin" of CP9, Kumadori, since Robin's opponents tend to be gonks who are difficult to grapple, he has grappling himself and can also make a swarm of appendages with his hair. Chopper had to go Monster Point to beat him because he was out of his league. A lot of people would say, "Yeah, but he beat him, so that makes him stronger," but the pay-off of Monster Point is that it becomes another obstacle for his own allies and he's rendered useless for the rest of the encounter. Post-timeskip, he can now utilized Monster Point better, but I don't think this power-up is any different than all of the other power-ups the Straw Hats got. I think they all became equally stronger, or relative to their previous power level, meaning the hierarchy didn't change (despite Usopp's original thoughts). So yes, Chopper beat an opponent Nami couldn't have, but it was at a cost, something usually only Luffy or Usopp have due to being at either extremes.
I think for Chopper and Usopp, being strong warriors is more important to them than it is for the girls, especially since Oda is Japanese and can't help but think of men and women being divided in this way. That doesn't change my stance on it, though. When it comes to "general power level," I think Nami's a little stronger than Chopper.
>I do think Nami is stronger than Chopper.
this is objectively wrong by virtue of monster chopper
Nami isn't very strong user, she can hit outsider her weight class, but only if she gets prep time, or people distract her target. But in a straight fight she's forced to spend most of her effort on avoiding getting hit, rather than on setting up her big attacks.
That's not how battle shounen work. You can't just say, "Well, he can turn into a giant monster, of course he's stronger than a little girl." In battle shounen, physical power is just one many, many aspects in a fight. Nami is practically a wizard at this point.
Since you're obviously a feats-fag, Monster Chopper got captured by someone Nami made retreat with a single attack. So much for Monster Point...
And yet she defeated a professional assassin/martial artist who fights almost exclusively by blitzing people and physically attacking them.
>Kalifa was being dumb
That's part of her powerlevel. It's not just speed and strength. We're also talking about Chopper here of all people, who couldn't even tell Sogeking was Usopp.
Usopp is ridiculously far ahead from the rest of the crew in terms of power. How could they possibly keep up?
Well at the same time what's Nami's best tanking feat? I think she's been kicked around a bit and stabbed once, MP Chopper would just need to wave in her direction.
You don't need feats at all. I know Jack is weaker than Kaidou. Does that blow your mind? How could I possibly know when we haven't seen them in a real fight yet? I know Jack and Cracker are approximately the same strength, too. I must be a genie or something.
Feats are just whatever Oda feels like drawing at the time. The narrative, themes and written word are more important.
>Chopper uses his broke as fuck Kung Fu point for just about everything (even if it is ugly as sin form for the cutie )
>Nami observes her surroundings, weather conditions and has to pack accordingly, then she spams weather eggs and lightening
>Chopper uses Horn Point and Arm Point in the right conditions(seriously though he needs to use those more than relying so damn much on Kung Fu point) and saves Monster Point for when its needed
>Nami sneaks around and uses the environment to her advantage, then spams weather eggs
The fights both of them have been in Post Timeskip are pretty even I'd say, but in the crowd clearing fights its Kung Fu Chopper taking out a lot more efficiently than Nami who forgets about her myriad of tools she has at her disposal and just twacks people with her Clima stick, when she could do rain then thunderbolt tempo that she is fond of using on big name enemies
So IMO Chopper is slightly more stronger and sexier than Nami, but only in mobs, Nami has the upper hand on 1v1 battles but only because Haki can block Kung Fu point, but it can't block the elements as much as physical blows
How does it feel fapping to reiju only realizing after she's just a genderbent sanji?
The main thing is that Mr. Prince is way more clever than his siblings.
>the sister is shown caring for Sanji but unable to help because of family pressures.
>Sanji's brothers don't act the way they do because of the same pressures.
You're forgetting that Sanji was also genetically modified. His modifications likely just didn't produce the results in the same way.
>he probably doesn't even use Color of Arms haki
>his body can just produce flames and heat
>his other siblings have the other elements
if sanji wasn't able to use CoA vergo would have turned sanji into a bag of boiled ribs
Feats only stem from the narrative, themes, and written word. Oda draws a manga on purpose.The specific characters you mention would not give off the impression they do if one didn't down three battleships in front of Fujitora, Tsuru, and Sengoku, while taking barely damage.
Cracker fought Luffy.
Yonji jobs to Sanji.
Sanji pulls out a win aginst Niji, but is badly injured.
Ichiji overwhelms an exhausted Sanji, but Sanji latent abilities due to his altered genes finally surface. He gets a power up and manages to win in the end.
Sanji fights Dadji, who has been roughed up by either Luffy or big mom's forces after the deal falls through. It's more slugfest than an actual brawl as they yell at each other and work out thier issues.
Reiju is the one to finally put Sanji down, but more so to stop him from fighting and hurting himself further than daddy's orders.
Luffy and company fight Big Mom's forces while all of this is happening.
Later we get a cover arc about Reiju taking over Germa while her family is incapacitated.
So was Sanji's mother the head chef at the research facility his father was working at with Vegapunk and they had sex in the pantry? I mean the judge specifically mentioned his mother in the flashback.
Ain't nothing wrong with genderbent Sanji.
Its pretty clear Reiju is the strongest.
Go look at all their training montage images. She was the only one not trying during all of them.
The other three with struggling compared to her.
It's basically admitting you'd fuck him if he had a vagina and tits.
You wouldn't?
I would fuck a genderbent version of myself m8
also, where the fuck do you think you are?
Yes, and?
>same character, just softer with tits, even same fucking hair
This kills it for me, every fucking time.
Are you saying that if Reiju appeared in the manga before Sanji, you would want to suck Sanji's dick when he was introduced later?
>Whiteskin pirates
what is your grand vision then?
genderbent isn't so much of "what would this character look like if they were a girl from the beginning?" it's more "what would this character look like as a girl right now?" so of course they'd look the same.
you're thinking of something different, cause if they looked different, they wouldn't really be the same character would they, and therefore it wouldn't really be "genderbent?"
Whitebeard's skull looks much better with the bones around it
when's usopp going to stop being an irrelevant piece of shit?
when's nami going to stop being an irrelevant piece of shit?
oh wait tits
hesaved luffy and law and learned haki
he also has the third biggest bounty right now and literally recruited a fucking armada for luffy
No because I"m not into guys.
Watch, either Luffys team, Choppers, Jinbei or Pekoms will cut Big Moms communications with whoever is threatening the Baratie. With communications down, Sanji will be free to kick ass. He really needs too.
huh? I thought luffy rejected the armada
The Nazis will win, right?
They didn't accept Luffys refusal though.
do you read at the fucking speed of light? how is this even possible
But by your logic, it would just be a Reiju with a penis, and if you found Reiju attractive, you would also find Saji attractive since you think they look the same.
>spee D. reader
I wouldn't. I know what a genderbent version of myself would look like, and it would look like my sister.
I know that other sick fucks on this board might find that appealing, but I doubt that most of them even have a sister to know how fucked up it is to think about that.
you should really go back to where you came from, this place is not for you
But I don't want reiju with a penis
And people who like Reiju wouldn't like Sanji with a vagina and tits.
I'm pretty desensitized from most of the shit that I see here, so I can take it pretty well. Very little really shocks me anymore from these boards, besides real gore (like people being executed with a chainsaw).
My take on the whole wincest meme is that most guys see another guys sister and think she is pretty hot, and that they totally would like to have sex with her. This tends to detach themselves from any actual feelings of incest they would have with an actual blood relative. Most guys would not really want to fuck their own sister, but the thought of another guys sister is really appealing. Thus, it becomes very easy to claim that you would fuck the fictional sister when in the shoes of a specific character, since it's not their actual sister they are dealing with.
i think some was just uploaded to rule34 last night
But when i see reiju i'd think of sanji first since he came first long before.
Except Zeff and Sanji are obviously going to talk this arc. Watch one of Germa's transponder snails go off.
>niji answers
>hes shocked then quietly walks over to sanji
>we hear over the line, "you little eggplant don't act so high and mighty worrying about us over here!! give 'em hell sanji!!"
>all 4 siblings pounce towards him
>sanji cracks a smile like pic related.
>diable jambe..
No, they are the jews.
Which was the point I was trying to make with and . If Reiju and Sanji are distinct enough were you can't claim the opposite case is true, then doesn't hold water. That's like saying Reiju looks like Sanji, but Sanji doesn't look like Reiju.
I'm just tired of the 'lets give them literally the exact same hairstyle' shit, it's like reverse futa, 'what if they looked liked the character in every way except with TAnV?'
> do the research
you didn't finish yours.
i know, but having something be "genderbent" is the just having it look the same, but be the opposite gender. it's about being recognizable, not different.
i totally get where you're coming from though
Makes sense since Chopper is an idiot. He'd be stronger than Nami overall if he were less naive, but Nami is a cunning bitch and this arc currently already shows how that comes into play. Just like Luffy's charisma attributes to his power by befriending everyone, Nami being a gold digger and opportunist is a real advantage over the considerably straight forward Chopper.
But power level fags only ever consider raw numbers and feats of strength, that's never going to change.
Reminder that the 3 strongest members of the Big mom pirates are gonna lose to Luffy and friends.
Reminder that Sanji will beat his entire family by himself,.
And Asura is?
Gear 4 Luffy is by far the strongest Strawhat and he's losing to Cracker
Luffy has to job to every enemy, that's a rule.
He is gonna win.
That doesnt even
I can't speak for anyone else, but personally I am a speed reader. Since Fishman Island I've only skimmed through each chapter.
Luffy always lose before he can win.
He lost to Crocodile, Enel, Ceasar, Doflamingo and many others.
pleb here, what site would be better for reading than mangastream? Also is "niggastream" referring to some hilarious mistranslation they made in the past? I would like to hear about this please.
>He lost to Enel
No, he didn't. At worst, that was a draw.
>That's like saying Reiju looks like Sanji, but Sanji doesn't look like Reiju.
because that is true. Sanji is the first character and an established mc. How can i not compare her to him
He was incapacitated and had to carry a huge golden ball.
He didn't lose a fight, but lost a battle when Enel did throw him from the ark.
>Enel ties a ball to Luffy's arm and throws him off the ship
>a tie
Enel ran away from him like a bitch, because he couldn't beat him.
>L-Luffy was out of bounds! That means he's disqualified, r-right?
>user gets thrown out of a plane
>he lands several thousand meters below
>his body is broken and crippled
>with this last breath, he whispers
>this was a tie
Luffy got throwed therefore he lost.
Enel had time to kill everyone, including Nami, and Luffy couldn't do anything to stop him.
dammit you made me laugh
>the user that throwed me out of the plane is the one who lost because he wanted to run away
>Enel had time to kill everyone, including Nami, and Luffy couldn't do anything to stop him.
By that logic, Enel lost as soon as Luffy and the Straw Hats beat his subordinates.
A fight is between two people. Enel couldn't beat Luffy. Enel couldn't put Luffy's life in danger. Enel could only run from Luffy.
Luffy had to defeat Enel, he failed.
If he wasn't a jobber he wouldn't be thrown from the ark.
>he doesn't know
Oh, man. I envy you.
mangasee has viz volume scans. bakabt torrent has the best scanlations though.
powermanga's site has some of the more recent chapters but they're lagging behind right now.
as far as i know, niggastream just refers to their tendency to include loads of swearing, slang etc. in their work
>verbal diarrhea
I'm 90% sure that that's a direct translation from the Japanese.
To me Germa 66 doesn't look all that nazi, rather It feels like it was inspired by the German empire, I mean the soldiers wear a hat similar to pickelhaube and Dadji has a mustache that looks like Kaiser Wilhelm II's.
>Sanji is Solid Snake
So is Sanji going to defeat Judge with a can of hair spray and a match?
I wonder what the nazi's were inspired by.
It surely was not the first and second reich.
Yeah, good point.
>Reminder that Sanji will beat his entire family by himself,.
This is what I want.
The memes in this arc.
Also, sanji will die
Nice throwback
how can oda get things like this but then fuck up his explosive bracelets
Why didn't franky build kyros a prosthetic leg?
Law could give him new arms.
They could even take Niji's arms.
whoever goes there never comes back, sanji was just really lucky to have been part of the strawhats
Flanky is pretty great honestly
I hope he doesn't get some super secret genetic power, I'm fine with him/hoping that he's already stronger than everyone but just not winning because of zeff
Just wait for next week where she is somewhat involved with helping Sanji escape
So does Sanji's siblings having an exoskeleton explain why he is considered extremely tough?
Even though he was stated to be just a normal human, I dunno, I'm starting to question if he has a exoskeleton to a lesser degree.
I mean, did Oda fuck up? Now that Zeff is in the crosshair that's all they need to disarm Sanji if he tries anything.
i hated that fight so much because that retard was so disgusting. I hope there's some sort of food enemy on big mom islands that sanji has to fight and he uses his knives again and shows off to everybody in the process
Yea, just like how Bellamy one-shotted Luffy, right?
Will Ichiji be as strong as Sanji?
It's already obvious that Sanji is much stronger than Niji and Dadji.
The explosive bracelets aren't a fuck up, they took them off because now they can blackmail him with zeff
He hasn't had the bracelets since the meal with cosette
I don't know, it seems stupid to do that without showing them taking the bracelets off and it is an unnecessary risk
still it is weird that they can't be seen in the whole chapter, I don't think oda can fuck up that bad
maybe they are in his rolled sleeves?
How much pity sex is Sanji going to get after that childhood?
Was coming to terms that sanji was just tube baby until this. I really dont want him to be a tube baby DESU
Does Shanks have a fleet or is his entire crew just Marco to Admiral tier?
his crew is full of fodder with a few admiral tier commanders
Buggy D. Jester Clown
Can't be worse than Whitebeard's crew.
The only one on admiral tier was Marco and he jobbed to Onigumo. ONIGUMO
I'm assuming he's like Luffy and just has a strong as fuck small main crew, and a bunch of other dudes who just pledged loyalty to him
>takes away oxygen
caesar will 1HKO that jobber kaidou
all of shank's "commanders" are shichibukai to admiral tier though and he has like 10
>Was it due to the fact that Zeff was being threatened?
Yes, that is pretty much obvious. Ichiji flat-out says that they'll kill Zeff if Sanji fights back. Germa, for all their genetic modified master race bullishit really a bunch of losers who have to resort to using hostages even in petty family quarrels (Big Mom's threat prevents Sanji from seriously trying to beat them all up and escape).
Too bad The Kaido still has oxygen left in his muscles.
fishman can't be blacks because they get twice as good underwater
they are though, neptune even acts like fucking obama
Who is the Trump of One Piece?
Source: user's headcanon
Don't bring that shit here.
The Tenryuubito. They're gonna build a bridge, it's going to be huge!
Their clones, calling it now just to piss off anime user. SCREEN CAP THIS NOW!
Clones of who? They look nothing like their dad.
>sanji will die
Where did this meme come from? It makes no sense.
So is Duval just a failed attempt to clone Sanji? we know age means nothing since they can make a 20yr old germa soldier in five years.
We saw Duval born in the Shiki chapter though, it was around when Roger was executed.
Thats research? Thats a fucking Cred Forums thread. Its fucking proven that the rothschilds and every other big family fund every side of a war for a profit.
Spee D. Reader
The war economy, Jack.
I bet youll also defend our Federal Reserve bank. And say that JFK died for no reason.
There is the question
I'm calling it, bitches: Luf and others arrive, Sanji slowly wears his Tuxedo *his fancy bgm playing*
His fag brothers realize they're fucked.
They probably fears him since Sanji in mugiwara crew. This explains the real reason of making him wear handcuffs
Remember how ridiculously strong he was? Maybe he was one of the clones.
Give it up already user. Snow girl is dead.
>ridiculously strong
>got beat up by east blue Sanji
>Zeff crashes the wedding
>turns out he knew Big Mom personally - I.e. The only husband she truly loved
lost respect for zeff
>he ran away when he found out the 'truth'
that she's ugly?
Who's the sweet commander Urouge took out? I WANNA KNOW
>I'm 90% sure that that's a direct translation from the Japanese
Except japanese doesnt have any literal swearing in it apart for the direct translation of the word "shit" meaning they added all of this for the edgy teenbase.
Does Big Mom's fruit protects her from diabetes?
1) The 'Whole Cake Island' scenario
2) Maybe Big Mom turned into a hag but was good looking once
wen sanji is actually a much better swordsman than fucking zoro
how about you read the chapter instead of skimming through it?
And Zoro is better with his feet.
aside the point that a lot of the arcs do contribute, albeit generally in extremely tiny portions, why do they need to?
Why can't they just go on a bunch of back to back fun and fairly seperate adventures for a couple decades?
Stop hating fun
haha kill yourself my man, it never said it, nor showed a picture
Ichiji > Sanji right now
then Sanji > Ichiji when his genes will activate
not going to happen
I'm calling it, bitches: Luf and others arrive, Sanji slowly wears his Tuxedo *his fancy bgm playing*
His fag brothers realize they're fucked.
They probably fears him since Sanji in mugiwara crew. This explains the real reason of making him wear handcuffs
Why did you post this twice
we actually made it past autosage this time
So you can remember every word, user
viva la france