I stopped TTGL after Kamina died
Should I have continued?
I stopped TTGL after Kamina died
What is the point though
I don't know
Fake hotblood
It only gets worse from there
>Stopping for a shitty character.
Really, Kamina is such a overrated garbage character.
Why can't people see how lame he was.
Gurren Lagann is my favorite anime.
Can you repeat the question?
Simon grows a lot as a character and the ending fight is pretty good.
Despite how influential Kamina is/was to the main characters of TTGL, he wasn't really necessary for the story going forward. In fact, he would've slowed down Simon's character growth significantly, since Simon would've clung to his coattails for as long as possible.
For me, Kamina represents the very concept of fighting spirit and freedom, and his death showed that when people die, their fighting spirit and freedom doesn't die with them. In death, Kamina pushes the remaining characters forward to better themselves and fight.
In the end, Kamina did more in death than he did in life.
Kamina was an awful character and the series definitely improved once he was gone. It didn't truly get good until after the time skip though.
because you need to
do the impossible
beat the unbeatable
row row fight the powah
Just watch Getter robo Armageddon instead.
of course
to see Simon go from beign Shinji 2.0 to "fuck the laws of reality, I do what I want!"
It replaces the stupid fun and over the top nature with seriousness and Nakashima's shitty writing.
So no.
That bait was so bad i won't even care about uploading an image.
Eh, the last 2 episodes are good, but other than that the show is shitty after Kamina isn't there.
Only Simon, viral and lord genome carried the show, kamina was filler.
Why are you even on site, everybody fucking hates you.
Because it's a good story you caveman.
No. It only gets worse, and when you think it becomes good, THEN EVERYTHING BECAMES SHIT AGAIN
The series should have ended after defeating genome. I didn't like it after that and felt stale. The final fight was good and all and shoos have been used there, but I kinda did like the final bad guy in a cool kind of way being a sketch warp.
But yeah, I kinda didn't like it post ime skip. It kinda felt a bit lame and stale and didn't get into it after.
That's a good place to stop.
Yes, since Kamina was a shit character.