I will post this every day until Christmas!
95 days!
I will post this every day until Christmas!
95 days!
I Hate My Life
You didnt post it yesterday
Try again.
Please develop a stomach ulcer.
We need less idiots like you on Cred Forums.
2nd Christmas without moot.
Thanks for posting yesterday user.
Haha that's a funny joke user. There's no way it's already time for this. Christmas just ended not too long ago!
It's sooner than you think!
You can't just put a hat on everything! Putting a Santa hat on something does not make it Christmas themed!
It's already christmas related, it's a loli getting a belly pat as a present.
hats just make everything better
Did you really edit out the other hat instead of just getting the original from iqdb?
That's cute. You're cute.
95 more loads to blow on Yui!
I want proof you sick bastard.
You two should really meet up!
Hello anonymous.
Were you a good kid this year? I hope so.
What do you wish for this Christmas?
Needed to refine the hat edges... Why am I doing this?!
What do I want for Christmas?
Maybe put these two together?
Don't make me blow loads on you too, b-bakas!
I'm going to watch Non Non Biyori on Christmas
I got loads, in fact I got AK47s, 10Mac-11s, 22.45.
Just remember this, here's a lesson, guns don't kill, people do.
Gotta get my daily dose in.
Jebus Having Random Sex With Cred Forumsnons!
Filled with nothing but polite introductions, reassuring banter, the sound of a door closing and locking... Furniture being upturned , with screamin', clawing... maybe a few gasps of exhaustion.
Banned in 48 countries. Get it now before you need to have the Dark Web to download it.
I think I was pretty good.
My wish is a secret.
Festive dubs pls
Oops this one is the shitty quality one because of baka.
Close enough!
Someday, we will squeeze you into this...
Can I save this
Baka- wait
That looks pretty creepy
threads like this are canker
>Gimmie Gimmie
I am trying to stop you, but putting tape on the screen looks terrible and is ineffective.
Take it before I change my mind
> I have a canker
Please wash and dry the affected area, then apply ointment as long as the infection persists.
Hope you feel better, Cred Forumsnon!
RIP Smochi. ;_;
holy shit, the madman did it.
Every day until I forget.
Forget what?
I usually watch tokyo godfathers
>tokyo godfathers
Good choice, even if you're watching it... alone
Coming soon to vinyl.
Why hasn't Santa replied yet?
Where do I find Santa? I want to make you a card.
Santa is as real as your waifu, dumbass.
This is the hero that saved christmas
[spoilers]The pain[/spoilers]
We lost The Jew
But gained The Jap
This is the HIRO that saved Christmas
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Why does no-one ever post the sign up info
The threads are on weekends only you dip.