The MC from the last anime you watched has been replaced by Carl Brutananadilewski.
How's your anime now?
The MC from the last anime you watched has been replaced by Carl Brutananadilewski.
How's your anime now?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Eh yo Soul-man, can you turn into something besides a friggin' scythe?
>How about a chick with huge cans?
>No? Well how about just an ugly chick then? Come on man I'm desperate
>Carl Spiegel
Carlboy Bebop is a funny comedy series, but not the classic it is now.
Very funny, maybe even classic, but not as classic as it is now.
>Hibike Euphonium
oh my god
>Ey Betel-fuck you breaking my balls here man!
>Oh god these little annoying brats won't shut the fuck up! I wish that brood with the giant cans was back.... without spilling my fricking guts though.
>Ay uuuh, Bang.
This is the best thing
>Yo, Sloth-man.
>Tell ya what, I'll take you to da best whore house you eva seen.
>It's got none a' dem kids, none a' dem witches
>Puah adult ennatainment
>She can give you an unseen hand am I right?
>Dangan Ronpa 3: Future Arc
>Makoto replaced by Carl
>"It don't matta. None a dis mattas."
>Re: Zero
>After multiple "deaths"
>Jin Roh
Monster Musume just got a whole lot more interesting...
>Hey Douchiro why don't you just take ya bank-ai and shove up ya ass!
>Rangiku why don't I show you some real swordsmanship BOOM! HA HA HA!
>Aizen you freakin breaking my balls here, bring me and my gang off to fricking Mexico getting sand in my ass!
You mean not be shit? BOOM! Yeah-hea!
danganronpa 1.
I really don't know...
>Oh yeah Emilia make sure you work on that magic get some good power!
>You are gonna need that when you get stabbed by a knife
>How's your anime now?
I have a suspicion it might not actually be all that different
Mob Psycho.
100% better.
>Fate: Zero
Holy crap
>Hey King Arthur why don't you try pulling out my sword?
>I'm talking about my dick!
>Taboo Tattoo
The show can't get any worse, right?
>'Ey, Izzy! Check this out.
>I'm shootin' frickin black holes here!
>That lil' bitch thinks she's got me, huh? Well, I'll show 'er. I'll beat the frickin' crap outta her! YOU HEAR ME, PRINCESS? I'M GONNA BEAT THE FRICKIN CRAP OUTTA YA!
>Ey, Tom. Shut the hell up, okay?
>You may have anything in my palace as a reward
>Threesome with the friggin one eyed maid over there
>Are you sure you don't want somethingel-
>look clownface ya asked what I wanted and they in your palace
not anime but....
>Shinra don't mattah
>Re-watch DIO's World from Stardust Crusaders
>It's za fricking WORLD!
>Why's that friggin helmet girl staring at me? Freak of nature...
Sonic X.
Ey Hogman,Howsabout you run to tha store and get me a beer?
Hey uh, Bat girl, I got a nice hard gem between my legs right here!
>Code Geass
>Hey carl da rockstar of britannia orders you to uhh get me some pizza oh and beer with some copies of DxD Juggs edition
>Hey you bondage girl with daddy issues, why don't you uhh get into a bikini or something
>rewatching Haibane Renmei
>so we dead or sumthin? wuteva it dont matta
>Rolo, more like friggin' roll ova and die you giantatic pussy
>Re: Zero
Lots of hilarity
Zeta Gundam for me.
Danganronpa 3 for me.
>i got ya clock right hea
>a clock without the l part
>There will never be a manga/anime with an MC like Carl to give you a laugh riot while the plot goes on.
Carl in any anime makes it 100xs better.
Carl in gin Tama is even cooler and better now actually.
But user! Don't you just love how every MC is the same older teen NEET looking motherfucker with no variety on age, personality, or even appearance!
>But user! Don't you just love how every MC is the same older teen NEET looking motherfucker with no variety on age, personality, or even appearance!
You know what I like? Rock playing on the system of my hot rod, that's driving through some girls I got. Ya know what I'm saying. Badahaa Bamb, badaha Bomb!.
>Haha I'm going to clock this noise with some actual music talkin about some White Snake baby Yeaa all right
>I'm gonna kill the shit outta all these freakin' Titans or somethin'.
>Haha hey Armin quit bein' such a freakin' pussy.
>Mikasa? Haha you can come over to mi casa, if ya know what I mean, yeah.
>ao haru ride
better ride now
Lol. Carlgeki no Soma.
> Ahhhh! It smells like a freakin' hooka's asshole in here. What in the hell you little kids cooking?
> Yo! Big tittied Blondie! How 'bout ya come over here and have a taste of my grade A meatstick? Hehehe yeah you know.
> Im talking about my dick!
>Madoka Magica
Would he replace Homura-chan or Madoka? I'm fine with either, but I'd prefer the latter.
Log Horizon
>Yo Shiroe man, watcha mean we stuck in this world?
> Hey Akatsuki, I got your overskill right here, heh heh yeaa, I got your shadow lurk right here.
> What the fuck is with the cat person?
>MD Geist
Guess Carl's gonna die again.
>Yucarlhira Souma
Take a look at my huge dish, heh. It's a giant brat(wurst), not as big as my dong though.
Whaddya mean the theme was ramen
Madoka was the main character.
>yeah I guess I'll be a magical girl or whuteva
proceeds to look at every girls titties from past present and future
>psycho pass
Holy fuck
>Sakamoto Desu Ga
The friggen coolest
>Saiki Kusuo Psi Nan
>Carl with pink hair and psychic powers
I didn't know Saiki could be improved, but now I know it can.
monogatari series
>Ey, Hanekawa, nice sweater puppies. I'd pet your pussy cat any time, haha!
>What's with this green haired girl, is she retahded?
>Are there any horny, high school girls around here who don't turn into friggen monsters?
>Hey kid, you told me we were gonna go see your hot mom but we've been walking for 6 friggen hours!
>You know everything huh? Hehe. So what's happening in my pants?
>Oh jeez... why is there a friggen 8-year-old talking a bath with me? I'm going to jail, aren't I?
Yo Simon, we piercing the heavens or what?
>Dragon Ball Z
There is no amount I wouldn't pay to see this happen
>7 Dragon balls eh? the only balls you needs are right her because they gunna make any girls wish come true
>Hokoto no Ken
>Ay, eh, yous is already dead.
>Steins Gate
>Yo lab coat hooka why don't you come sit ova he so we can talk
>Ey, brain problems girl go get me some beer and wings
>Lard ass why don't you hook me up with some of 'em movies you can get from the web thing
>Man this is the life I wanna do this foreva, oh wait I friggin can!
>Oh god Hand-Lamia no!
Lucky star.
>Why would I pick up girls in a dungeon when hookers exist?
chestia still bestia
Non non biyori:
What da hell? Dat chick is friggin' 10? Dat's it, I've had enough a dis friggin country.
>Darkness? That ya stripper name or somethin' cuz I got something to put in your darkness if you know what am sayin' HEY HEY HEY!
Da hell is it with dis island? Da 18 year olds look like 10 year olds and da 10 year olds out in Hicksville look like frigging college students! I'm inta all kinds a crap but this is messin wit my mind, man.
what I will remember most about this anime is the MC having the tattoo of a Thai prostitute.
Black lagoon.
Somehow they trick him into fucking Felix instead, because Carl never wins
>Mikasa, su casa hehe I don't care, I'll take a cheap motel for a night witchu.
Hey babe, I got a dominator for you to pull right here. Gonna turn your hue white, heh heh. Oh, you're gettin nervous, eh? Welp, enjoy gettin turned into chunky salsa then, bitch.
>Macross Delta
I have a feeling he won't srick with Hayates no kill policy.
>RIP In Peace windniggers
But he IS in the last anime I watched!
>Panty is a friggin HOO-UHH
>sayonara zetsubou sensei
I like where this is going.
Can some one do mirai Nikki? I'm drawing a blank
>Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
Every episode would be just him completely apathetic to the situation around him, dying a gruesome death and then inexplicably being alive in the next episode.
>Carl never wins
There's been a few episodes where he comes out on top.
Not very often though.
The ep where he pillages the little elf world was fucking amazing
The question is what anime wouldn't be better with Carl as the MC.
Adult Swim didn't air chinese cartoons.
How come you all weebs watched Aqua Team Hunger Force
Man this may sound gay as fuck, but Cred Forums may hate Cred Forums and vice versa with a burning passion.
But I'm happy we can agree that ATHF is amazing.
>How come you all weebs watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force
How come you never learned English?
ATHF is one of the greatest anime of all time you baka!
carl just hangs himself in the first episode and the series ends.
Uh, I just imagined the dad in Amama to Inazuma being replaced with Carl and it's all really sad now
Yeah. But it was also kinda sad.
>Yugioh Zexal
cuz it's the best goddamn western cartoon ever made
Aqua teen hunger force is a better anime than evangelion.
Tsumugi would be dead within the week.
>Thunderbolt Fantasy
Kinda want to see puppet Carl doing wuxia-puppet things now.
Also, how do you pronounce that last name?
>JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable
I don't even know how to explain.
>We are catching Killer-man
Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan
It'd become very gruesome very quickly
Has yuru yuri been done yet?
>Whoa so you can uhh turn into anything? So like no limitation or nothin' cuz I am gunna need me to do a real solid
>Phoenix Wright
I need help for this one.
The Clone Wars are also amazing.
>Yeah, that was a contradiction. You ah, said one thing, thinkin' it was smart, but really it was friggin' stupid.
Best anime fight scene of all time
>Adult Swim didn't air chinese cartoons.
I'm pretty certain they did
>Gundam IBO
My sides are in orbit when he gets on the ship full of girls.
Tartakovsky is a god among men. CG Clone Wars are also great. Dat spess Vietnam episodes.
What the movies should have been
They did. Saturdays were literally nothing but Chinese cartoons. It's how I got properly hooked on this awful shit.
The best anime ever made.
>They all just didn't just group up their force power and levitate him.
Jedi are fucking retarded. This is why you always go with the Sith.
>shokugeki no souma
"what, ain't you pricks eva heard of a microwave?"
K on!! just got really weird
>How friggin' nice for my guild to leave me with all dese girls. That is nice. Where's my penis?
>Hey, Albedo! How about I show you my libido!
>Heh, heh,. Y'know what I'm sayin? You gonna let me touch those tits again right?
Surprisingly I don't feel like it woukd change that much. He'd probsbly go for Aqua or Darkness though since I can't imagine he'd want to bone a 14 year old.
Would he have even died at the start though
Probably no.
Well the main character of snk is supposedly Eren but at this point literally who the fuck is Eren? We Armin now. So it's infinitely weirder, for starters. And smellier.
Yeah you're right.
Well there's a problem.
Kek. But c'mon, we all know Armong's the real MC. He always was.
>Sword Art Online
>I'm not getting in that fuckin' tin can unless I get some quality time with the broad that drove me over here.
>Friggin' harems
>Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
But will the count see this coming?
Yo, Shinman. Get in the frickin' robot.
>Ghost stories dub
>monogatari second season
>yo it says here I need to sacrifice dis here creature and I can summon dis here monster in ah defence mode yeah.
>you can't sacrifice that card Carl it's a spell card
>YEAH WELL UP YOURS KAIBA I'M FRIGGING DONE PLAYING THIS KID GAME, now where that broad w9th the harpie cards. I'll send her to the grave you know what I'm sayin!
it basically is chinese cartoons user
Fuck. You got me to laugh.
>Aqua Team Hunger Force
its the best anime ever made
>King a' games eh? I'll show dat brunette broad, Anus or whatever, who's da king a' games, know what Im saying.
>I'm talking about my dick! YEAH-HEA!
>Yeah, Vapeman. My style is pretty "Brutal". I call it KICKIN YOUR FUCKIN ASS!
>Yo Tan Hi. Nah, it's cool I just lost my eye. Now you can call me the One-Eyed Impaler... While I'm pounding you with my One-Eyed Impaler! HO!
>Yo Fryman, why's this dude's hand up my ass? Like I'm some kinda puppet or sumthin'? I ain't into no gay shit, ya know what I'm sayin'
Your turn.
>Your Lie in April
>I don't need instructions to know how to Bach!
Lets face it. It would be better and funnier.
>Shokugeki no Carl
Please god, no.
>space dandy
Carl never leaves Boobies
>Ah yeah, I dunt know much 'bout no cookin... Well actually I do got dis one recipe my mom used to make. I dunno where I could get a dead skunk in ol Jap' land tho.
All these fricken' OJ-sammies or whateva, and none of them a' old enough to a- vote and stuff.
It's ah, water all over the fricken' place, and you can't drink none, know what I'm sayin?
What the frick is a hokie pokie tea time?
Yeah I'll eat your cake, just get me cold one, none of this tea crap. You know I had a band once, and man if we didn't fricken shred. What kind of music did we play? We shredded, that's what we played. Thanks for the beer sweetheart, and take that guitar off your back, you look like a retard.
No no no, not Farina or whatever you just fricken said, Foreigner. F-o-r-... whatever, Foreigner. I want to know what love is. Hot Blooded. Double Vision. No, not dabaroo bishin, son of a bitch.
Yeah, I'll be your club's sponsor, long as I don't got to do nothing. Cut that Carl-chan crap out, do I look like Jackie Chan to you?
Keion, sounds like a wide receiver! That's some football humor. Yo five-head, go get me another beer.
Oh crap, look at that ugly ass turtle.
>there will never be a series that plays on this premise
>using the original VA too
>Hey you! Yeah, the chick with the purple hair!
>How about ya ditch that fruity lookin' guy, I got your bone of creation right here!
>JJBA: Diamond is Unbreakable
What would be his Stand?
>first day of fall
>fire up spicy wolf
>open Cred Forums
>see this thread
I don't want that. I don't want that at all.
the friggin world
"The Enforcer. I wanna be called Spaghetti."
pretty much this
It becomes a lot like the episode where Carl ruined Alternate Carl's life
Fate would twist so that Carl was doing his best to avoid danger at the expense of others and gets killed anyway in the process
Or he just has a heart attack.
He's not a healthy man
Was it not Saturdays? It's been a long time.
Unsure if you're talking about the midnight run, I just assumed you were a post-toonami revival newfag since during most of the 2000s they had anime on during weekday nights too
I was referring to the nights where adult swim would play nothing but anime all night long. I knoe the did it mixed in with other stuff the rest if the week.
>sappy piano jazz music playing as Carl drives around the city
>it don't matter...none of this matters
>man I wonder if that robot broad would be down to for some...negotiation
>I'm talking about MAH DICK
I don't get this meme.
Lurk more and watch ATHF user
but Sensei did hang himself first episode
he's just not qualified to die
is Carl qualified to die?
So uh, ya gonna stop time or somethin?
>carl is more virtuous than kazuma
With butchered Japanese?
English with random attempts at really butchered Japanese. Carl being the only one speaking english.
>is this friggen dog legal?
>yeah? hey pooch I GOT YA APPLES RIGHT HERE
Imagine if Brak was an anime character
>how about a chick with nice cans
But there was one of those that was ready for the D at any time.
It is good now
I would watch the fucking shit out of that. 11/10 AOTD
I have no idea how this'll work
I feel as if very little would change.
Well this is gonna be interesting. Carl's probably going to tell Yuno and the TSAB to fuck off and try using the Jewel Seeds to wish for a bunch of hot chicks or something.
This thread is gold.
I'm not even sure who becomes Carl.
I'm dying
>How to make K-on actually enjoyable and funny
This is the only one I read in Dave Willis's voice. It's literally too perfect.
Highschool dxd
This is perfect actually
All of them
Best one so far
>highschool classroom full of carls
>nano and professor become carl
Jesus christ.
Poor Sakamoto.
Carl with cat ears on
What about this Sakamoto? How would it work?
>Ranma 1/2
Help anons I have no idea what to write.
Yeah friggin what coach you can punch that gut- I mean toned abs all figgin day ain't gonna feel jack
Instead of being awesome at physical task he would just make insults to get people to what he wants
>Ey you jackasses locked us in a friggin room with a fire? Time to be mista fire man and put out the fire with your manly fire hose
You think you're gonna live forever, but you wont'. Someone'll kill ya.
Someone'll kill ya with a knife.
>you 'no, its not like I dont 'preciate the attention from these broads. But I'd prefer if this nun chick didnt try to turn me into friggen sliced Bologna sausage 'ere!
He knows how to rock.
Hey, uh, Mayo. You gotts da power to summon people right? Why don'tcha summon that titty monster again? I'd like to present something to her.
Kyon replaced with Carl has the potential to be funny.
>Did you just throw some friggen water at me?
>female carl
pls no
>Hey Hippoman, don't think I don't see you staring.
>Hey c'mon. Five bucks if ya wanna touch.
>Don't tell Yogurt. I gots something goin' on with him.
marginally different
>lightsabers act and are treated like baseball bats
>best fight scene of all time
He'd fit right in Gintama, NEEDLESS, or even Ikkitousen.
>ey griffman
>we all got our urges and things but you just raped my lady retarded
>and just when I was finally getting some for free, feel me?
>this sword is going up ya ass
Every episode is like this
Say he isn't shot by Revy and left on the first ship.
They they somehow defeat the Hind.
In no way does he survive his first encounter with pic related.
I think the last time I watched an anime was KLK, and that was a few years ago... Perhaps I'll watch One Punch Man and then come back, until then
>Ryuko Matoi
If we're also counting mango
I'll come back after I watch some ATHF, I don't have Carl's personality pegged as well as I'd like.
Slam Dunk
Kammy hommy honolulu or whatever
Yeah that's what she said. You got a light?
>Eh, are you freaking deaf or something?
>why don't i just write down how i feel about you on paper?
>why do you sound like that hatsoone miku girl?
Surprisingly well
>I can see your lines or whatever
>All I know is that non'a this matters
Pretty sure I watched Inuyasha, Kikaider, Samurai Champloo Wolf's Rain, Blood+, Witch Hunter Robin, Blue Gender, FLCL, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Ghost in the Shell, Paranoia Agent, FMA and Scryed on Adult Swim
>Hey, kyubey, breaking my freaking balls, ey where's that mami chick with the huge ass mammis?
>eyy i'm the fricking goddess now, watch me moon the entire universe
The Third.
Hey boogieman, heh, how come the only chick we've seen for years is a lesbian? paifu? yeah I'd make'r forget all about pie if yaknowwhatimean. I guess there Issa robot chick. I don't know man, sounds like a lot of lube. oh hohoho I got a third eye now like that dude who wants to marry me. wait. this is dumb. I'm going home.
Im happy this threads still up
I got something else that's up, ya know what I'm talkin bout ehehehehe!
>Kill la Kill
>Carl it turns out you're part clothes
>Oh please do go on
>hey Griffith get over here let me tell ya somethin. Sometimes it's ok not overachieve. Just ah take me for example here, I can't read, I was raped by a huge black man because my fadda sold my ass to him but it's ok he was drunk and grieving you know what it was my fault anyway that's beside the point! Just next time you think about overachieving you let me know! Well go out and go to a titty bar or somethin.
One sacrifice later...
>Ey yo Mikiya, gimme a kiss or something dork man
Simply amazing.
I also did the yougioh one
Any others I could probably do another one.
How about this one?
Fuck haven't read it yet. I'm sorry I failed. I tried reading the wiki entry but I don't even know how to approach it. Sorry friend.
>Muv Luv in general
>Hey hey, Takeru my man! Say. you got lotsa broads hanging off ya. Wanna send one my way? Oh come on Takuman, I'm friggin desperate!
>No. Go away Schmidt. Bald asshole. Leave me alone. Freaks.
>This war? Don't matta. None o this matters...
>Yoooo, Axmann! So, we gonna be like, breaking in some broads tonight or what?
>Shogun? Whas dat? Sound like somewhere you go show me something, heh hey!
That's alright my friend.
ATHF seems like one of those shows that no one particularly LIKES, but literally everyone has seen at least several episodes of it
I don't even fucking like the show, I just love Carl
>widdly widdly widdly widdlly waaaaaa
Shut the fuck you retarded post 98' born millennial faggot.
If no one likes it then why does everyone always talk about it?
I do believe that this is one of the greatest threads of all time
Twist: everyone born from roughly 1982 to 2000 is a Millennial
Because it's the last generation of the second millennium
Also people born in 1999 are 17 now, almost 18. I hope I'm still on Cred Forums (in a good way, like an employed but occasionally still browsing way) when 2019 rolls around and the 2001 kids start hitting 18
The memes involving birthday cakes with the twin towers on them will be hilarious
It doesn't change the fact you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to the heyday of Adult Swim's popular shows, nigga.
It's surprising how the mods fucked off and the old "Can Accelerator defeat the Flash?" fun Cred Forums came back
And with only minimal shitposting
I've been rewatching, and there are several episodes that I thought were hilarious as a teenager when they aired but think are fucking stupid now.
That being said, there are still a ton of episodes that hold up amazingly well. It has a better good episode to bad episode ratio than Sealab, and I love Sealab.
I am I am a different user
Fukigen na Mononokean
>Oh man, I feel like shit.
>What the, who put this freakin thing on my back? Get offa me!
>Ey, you an exorcist? Exorcise me right now.
>I think I'll call you Fluffy. The F stands for fuck you. Get outta here.
>What? I don't have that kinda money! How about I spot you an IOU? I know a guy who gots lotsa money. Dude freakin makes robots n' shit.
>How about I give ya $200 in Monopoly money and tell you to pass Go Fuck Yourself?
>Ey yo Koko I know you're like, a freak Albino and everything but I don't think crashing airplanes is gonna stop people from killin' each other, I mean they still got knives too
>Does that fancy satellite of yours broadcast Cinemax?
>Hex you are a WHOOAH
>Ey yo Bookman-man wanna go halfsies at the strip club?
You really got a feel for Carl's syntax.
>AS didn't air anime
I spot a Brazilian. Only in Hueland Adult Swim was shitty and aired Bob & Margaret instead of anime.
>Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu LOVE! LOVE!
We already have Yufuin En, why would we need Carl? They're practically the same character.
>School Days
So aside from probably the fucking happening sooner, nothing changes
We don't hate you.
We just blame you for sending all the "goku vs Superman" and "One Punch Man vs _____" our way.
Grevious then went on to be a jobber in everything else.
Hahahaha the fact that he just looked legit upset at all the jailbait.
Too late.
>Initial D
>"So, we gonna go race down this hill, or something?"
>Running In The 90s starts playing
>"De heck his homo erotica?"
>Changes it to More Than A Feeling
>"Dah we go!"
>Michiko to Hatchin
Ey, where's Hiroshi? I gotta get rid o' this freakin' kid. Sum hot black chick won't get off muh nuts. It's not watcha think.
We both know the D cars stand no chance against 2 Wycked.
ATHF is one of adult swim's only good originals. It is stupid as hell but it's quintessential AS. The next best stupid AS original is Xavier. My personal fave is Morel Orel but it was pretty deep, no stupidity.
FPA or Empire?
Oh he has your Free Planetary Alliance. Heh, heh. Y'know what I'm sayin?
Probably both.
newfriend spotted
That's okay though, but 5 years ago Cred Forums and Cred Forums were all about "can accelerator beat flash" to the point where people drew fanart of flash and accelerator in a group session trying to work out their differences with each other peacefully.
Good times.
Please, someone put Carl in the anime "Dai Guard."
hunter x hunter
>hey killua check it out man, REN! Go ahead use gyo check it out.
>Carl! Stop using nen to make your penis larger! It wasn't dunny the first time and it's not funny now!
>Yeah well kite is dead it don't matter, none of dis matters.
>Carl wants a young boy to see his penis get bigger
>implying it wouldn't be Kurapika since he looks more feminine
Full Metal alchemist.
>So lust, does your name have anything to do with your personality? Because let's just say dey don't call me the full Metal for nothin you know what I'm sayin? Yeah! I can eh transmute this into any shape you need baby!
It's not about who he's showing it to its about him making a giant dick joke, remember that episode with the Lazer frylock built that can shrink or super size anything?
If Reinhard
>YA'll friggin stupid er sumthin' just don't stand they shoot them, like all of them at the same time. Now someone get me some friggin women, way too many dudes here makin me feel uncomfortable
If Yang
>Hey toots get me some friggin liquor, you know the stuff. Form a semi circle or somethin, it don't matter, FPA don't matta
Not even sure how the show would work the same anymore.
>Hey skullman! you want to come here and say that to my face? You look like a gay death metal frontman!
>Simon, don't friggin believe in me. Mostly cuz that's kinda ya know weird, believe in the drill you have. And I ain't talkin about some drill in ya heart of brain or whateva, the only drill that matters is the on in your pants. Now if you'll cuse me I got some heavens to pierce of my own
Hes better than subaru
>not Hot Blooded
Are you friggin' retarted or something?
wut about venture bros and harvey birdman?
>283 posts
>not a single Free post to reference his pool
Would he make a good MC?
>oh, oh my god.
Is there a single anime or manga character who can beat Brock?
Not in a knife fight
Sex and murder.
Brock in Fate/Stay Night
>He fucking kills Berserker and Lancer on his own.
>Smacks, Gilgamesh shit in.
>Archer wouldn't do anything.
>Fucks, Saber/Rin/Rider/Caster and Sakura all at the same time.
>Illya is amazed at her onee-chan and Samson protects her fucking smile.
>Destroys the Holy Grail and Priest-dude is wrecked.
It was the Greatest Holy Grail War. Nasu make it happen.
So ended SOX, caught on their first day.
That's a damn lie Shake you never went to no damn college
Didn't I Frylock? If I didn't go to college, why did they mail order me this diploma?
Yeah Frylock how come they ordered him a diploma if it ain't real?
But thats wrong you retard
1980-1995 are millenials
1995-2010 is Gen Z
Seeing reaction images with Shake and some morbid copypasta/story is paired and I read it in his voice. Comedy gold.
>You can't eat Angels, silly daddy.
>Of course you can't like that, you gotta N2 mine it, 'till the AT Field gets soft.
>highschool dxd
I dunno, carl could be a grown up issei, if issei flunks out of college or whatever.
It would be decidedly creepier though, what with carl perving on ~15 year olds.
>Yo Rias, lemme get some of that uhh, sexual healing, ye-heah! Tonight!
>They're always talking about freaking chess, i don't know any of this shit. Look, the fryman is the science guy, you wanna play kings and queens you talk to him. Unless we're talking Queens, NY, that is.
>Again with the boosting, we get it, shut up, i'm trying to watch girls gone wild over here.
>Carl is now cirno
Ya whatever you friggin baka's imma go chill and watch the game. Get it, chill?
>speed grapher
pretty fucking awesome desu senpai
I feel Akko's expression matches my feelings about her being turned into Carl.
Would every matsu turn into carl? Or just osomatsu?
>implying anything changes regardless
It changes whether he wears the parka or his tank top with a matsu logo.
>Cross Ange
I don't even know where to begin...
I thought about posting Cross Ange as well user, I ran into the same conclusion you did
>So dis uhm here Alcatraz is full a' broads? Did I die and go to friggen heaven or sumthin'?
>Hey ther can someone hit me ah up
with that interogation lady? You know the one with the huge cans, cause she can interogate me all night know what im sayin.
What instrument would he play?
>Prisma Illya
Man, I don't even know. He'd probably try to hit on Beatrice as soon as he saw her and get promptly killed. I kind of want some art of him wearing Illya's outfit.
>Yu Gi Oh Arc V
It's a little less gay
Fuck, im tempted to commission this.
>Ah'm gonna play the trombone cuz I gotta friggen bonuh right heah! Ya know what I'm sayin?
I didn't know Shagi from Scooby-Doo was a Padawan.
>what instrument would he play
>when all he ever does is air guitar
See what I mean? Practically a fusion between En and Ryuu.
Well, for one, Totty would be less gay.
There will be more swearing
>Ey, I'm gonna be a school idol, and ya ain't gonna stop me, toots.
There's your solid
> Jackpot! I knew there was something special about you and I'm not just saying that 'cause you're a whore, but you are a total whore. [Conversation with Raynare after she transformed/her first appearance]
> AH YEAH, HERE COMES THE BOOBIES. Wha look at this, I don't see crap in this!! know this game. This is is how they get you!! -dies to Raynare's spear-
>Ey yo ddraman, you're telling me that if I give up my right hand for your power that I can totally get on with that Demon broad with the great cans? AH YEAH NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!
>Yoooo Kibaman! So this occult club, are we gonna be like, breaking in some broads tonight or what?
>Ey yo Rias, couldn't help but notice when we made eye contact... I really like your shoes, try laughter, laughter is a good thing. Screw this, this is lame. Hey! I saw you checking out my goods! You want a sample? A little try-before-you-buy, eh? Come here, bitch, stand and deliver!
>You know Valiman, our rivalry means nothing, the dragons don't matter, the war? It don't matter, nothing really matters. So, how bout you and me be like, watching a porno and discuss about banging some broads tonight?
> Alright ladies, say hello to Goliath. We had to get some special armor for him upon rebirth. [His rebirth after receiving Great Red's flesh and becoming a god damn megazord/When he receive his armor from Ddraig to fight Ravel]
I could go on but its like a gold mind here.
I could've tried all day and it wouldn't have been this good
>Tokyo ghoul
Well shit, I don't even know.
Oh I'm laffin.
I can't channel my inner Carl though because I haven't watched ATHF since the movie came out.
This doesn't belong here.
Yes, it does
Fucking hell.
oy you
yeah you
wit da thong
>queue shitty 14/Carl puns
Shit. They would probably get along wouldn't they?
You implying that Funko isn't the MC? Because I consider her the MC.
Fucking lol
Just re-watched Stardust Crusaders
So uh, you gonna give me a break or what?
>Nodame Cantobile
I have no clue actually.
Then Carl dies
Alternatively he is Dio but dies, instantly
Can someone do this please?
>Carl being a sarcastic dick as his classmates die around him
I dig it.
Honestly an improvement after the Ono and EGAO bullshit
>psycho pass
Carl is never accepted into the MWPSB, he wouldn't survive one day
Carl in Shimoneta.
this could only end hilariously.
Too bad ayame would just keep freaking out when carl whipped his dick out
anna would be happy though
oh God that mental image
wait no that means the series just turns into a generic hentai, with the hot chick getting railed by some ugly old fat guy
and with Carl's commentary it'd be hilarious
>that one chick
"Whoah, okay we gettin impaled ovah heah"
Carl would be arrested quik-lay
>Ahahahaha yeah, beach episode! Time to see some legal aunt ski-whaddaya mean trip is ovah?! Some retard got hit by a friggin' boat? And his brain crapped out?!