Magazines are out a day early this week because of some holiday or something tomorrow, so Kaguya Thursday is on Wednesday this week.
Kaguya Chapter 35
First for hungry kaguya
I haven't actually got good scans yet, but I decided to make an exception and use the publicly available ones for the dump this week because I felt the chapter needed to be translated as soon as physically possible.
Oh shit it's time.
>Kaguya Thursday is on Wednesday this week.
Holy fuck that change.
Also thanks for translating early, user
But that just means we're going to have to wait an extra day for the following chapter.
I can already tell this chapter is going to be cute as fuck.
>Smithee A. Haysaca
Who the hell is this qt3.14?
I'm not even sure how Aka knows this stuff, but it's actually a reference to American films. Look up Alan Smithee.
Oh damn, thats just strict. I'm assuming from this that Kaguya's parents don't know about Shirogane.
GOAT chapter
result at the beginning? hrrrrmmm
Not the rape I was expecting, but I take it.
She's gonna fall asleep right?
>how cute
>how cute
>how cute
How cute
Cute not cleavage!
Oh boy here we go
She's super cute here
The doujins are literally writing themselves.
That's all for this week, obviously don't reupload these anywhere because I'll have better raws tomorrow.
Awesome chapter, thanks.
rip Shirogane
Fuck that ended too soon
Thank you very much for the translation
Kaguya will have lead color next week to celebrate Volume 3's release next month, by the way. That makes it pretty much the most popular new series in the magazine in quite some time, wouldn't be surprised if it gets the cover soon.
How cute.
Thanks for the chapter
>that "How cute"
didn't see that coming
Now that's what I call cute.
Ib remake is coming, slowly but surely. I'm glad I'm a patient man.
Do it Hayasaka!
Thanks for everything, this chapter was the cutest thing ever.
It must have felt heavenly
Hayasaka is perfect.
Fuark, cute as shit
Probably the cutest
>throw a box of tissue out with him
It's happening
Haysaca left it there
i expected disappointment, then i got hyped, then i got kind of disappointed
i expected at least a kiss
anyway the "not having a strtegy" part is probably the biggest development, they're starting to realize their feelings too much to keep up their competitive act
Absolutely amazing
Oh I see, thanks. I honestly didn't understand.
You know that since Kaguya is sick, she might have needed them to wipe her snot or something.
She has a cold
Holy fuck
just how good was that cuddling under the sheets I wonder.
Aren't they going to be in their third year of school soon?
They better hurry with their antics or they won't make it before they go their separate ways.
It was probably very warm and sweaty, with Kaguya's hot and unwashed body acting as a heater.
Why is Kaguya so best?
Its a gag manga bro
it's going to be a mutual loss (or victory?) just before graduation, isn't it?
well, it's the journey that matters anyway
Cuteness overlord. And brawless camisole nightwear on DFC is utterly pure, yet very sex.
But the passage of time is real.
>first they spend half a year on nothing
>then a year younger Ishigami joins them, so they're second years
>the exams
now the second summer break approaches
I want to pamper Kaguya.
The author can make 90 chapters which covers only a month if he wants
This guy draws literally the best "in heat" kind of eyes I've seen in my life, I can barely contain my boner.
doujin shitters step up your game.
Now we know who's the narrator. Hayasaka best girl counter raising.
SYD spend the first year pretty quickly to introduce the sister and after that they're stuck in a infinite loop.
>Looking down her shorts
Holy shit that's lewd as fuck.
STOP IT, President is too pure for that
Japanese school years start in spring, so summer break coming doesn't mean they're about to go up a year.
sleep well, comfy president
thanks translatorkun. you are doing God's work
This is a heavy blow. That's not strict, that's plain paranoid. Kaguya coming to love Shirogane is nothing short of a miracle.
This chapter was absolutely amazing.
Judging by the middle panel, it may be Hayasaka's plan to overthrow these rules by making Kaguya fall for the Pres.
Remove Subject F reminder.
Thanks Jag I did NOT expect to see it this early. You made my day.
Did he manage to see her pubic hair?
Makes you question why they even have servants with that "do not rely on others" rule.
I want to do lewd things to subject F's posterior.
subject F best subject
Kaguya being in a volitionless state was kind of a coup out.
Kind of a dissappointment.
I guess he is not handling fame very well.
Aw hell yes. I can't wait for the inevitable fireworks chapter.
it's not really relying when it's people you give orders to
holy shit
Great news.
How long until anime announcement?
I give it 20 chapters.
THey really jumped the shark with this chapter.
I got hooked on this due to the 'battle of wits' dynamics they had going, but now it seems that they phased that theme out in favor of a regular romcom atmosphere. Too bad.
So what is going to happen next chapter? This is very different from everything we've had until now.
Kaguya hates pres now because he tried to rape her
>Regarding Kaguya Shinomiya Part 1
So it seems this will segue into a flashback/character explanation chapter, it seems?
I tried pocari sweat. It has an interesting taste
>How cute ...
>needed to be translated as soon as physically possible.
You're a hero.
Well it's going to be pretty awkward. Hayasaka did say that Kaguya might have turned into an idiot, but an honest idiot. Perhaps pres will pick up a clue.
She looks kinda scary here.
Which is pretty weird because she always looks kinda scary.
Shirogane is blushing too much, he's going to get her fired
He just wanted to share the lewd
Maximum bullshit mode: activated. But then, she's a ninja maid so I can't complain about bullshit.
>black background
The setting is odd, but the mangaka totally flipped on Horror Mode in panel 1.
A long time
>20 chapters
This isn't Shonen JUMP user.
BokuGirl was really popular and never got an anime. If this gets an anime it will be in at least 1 year or two.
>BokuGirl was really popular
It actually wasn't. I don't remember it ever doing too well in Japan, just enough to keep going until the magazine got some new romcoms.
>You will never rudely awaken a sleep deprived president
Poor president.
Does this make Kaguya a slut? This is very important.
>Do you live here now?
Wow, cute.
She's definitely not pure after that. I blame Fujiwara for teaching her about the dick.
Hi there
Gotta get started early if they want relief pitchers.
She's just a pure girl in love who wanted to cuddle.
Could Jag clarify if that is what she wanted? I can't help but interpret 'be together' in a much more lewd way which would indeed make Kaguya a slut.
"Let's be together" is a literal translation, interpret it as you will.
Why don't you fuckers wait for the translation to be done instead of making a thread that will easily devolve into shitposting because everyone's waiting for the chapter and has nothing to really discuss?
Why don't you read the thread?
She made her better.
>Why don't you fuckers wait for the translation to be done instead of making a thread that will easily devolve into shitposting because everyone's waiting for the chapter and has nothing to really discuss?
I'm gonna quote you on your stupidity so it stays after you delete your post.
Is this nigga serious?
Hi newfag
With no one entering the room, it being soundproof and Kaguya having no memories of this, how will president defend himself? I find it hard to believe it will just revert to status quo.
>How to spot a retard in one easy step
>inb4 was only pretending
>inb4 bait
>She made her name the same as her real one so Kaguya would not blow her cover in her delirium
Clever girl.
As far as I know, only one volume of Boku Girl made it to the oricon chart and it was the last volume.
Meanwhile, Kaguya's 2nd volume got ranked and is only going to get more popular from here.
I love this place.
He's not leaving the mansion. She'll have him defend himself to the man of the house. This is how president meets Kaguya's father.
What, you actually believed her on that? She's trying to hook them up, not pimp out her employer.
>next chapter is 36 = love advice
>stalker-chan comes to the student council room
>Kaguya and President are both gone so she gets either Fujiwara or Ishigami
Oh god yes
It will be Fujiwara, with Ishigami eavesdropping on them and coming to a conclusion that Fujiwara likes him.
He gets suicidal after she rejectes him again.
I hope this happens. It's the best alternative to Ishigami going to the mansion.
>Ishigami going to the mansion.
After this chapter, I am 100% certain that if Ishigami had gone, Kaguya would have outright murdered him.
He did make that call last chapter
And yet he still played the game.
>do you live here now!?
God, that's cute.
First and foremost it was always a romcom. They're both falling in love with each other. You can't let two people in love be cold during the whole manga. They're showing development, Kaguya most of all.
You want cynical assholes outwitting each other, go read Death Note.
Why did she think that tho?
You're the guy who also complained about the early thread, right? You must be.
What I mean is that it moved too fast, I cant picture they going back to the previous dynamic after all this.
I see.
Cred Forums is full ID and no ego at all.
Their relationship can't do anything bu change after this.
I don't know but I'm sure this will be one long week of waiting.
But who won ?
Check first page.
Shit, their next meeting is gonna be akward as fuck.
Us. The viewers who got to see Kaguya's cute face without fear to our personal safety and reputations.
Jut swat is she looking in her body ? kiss marks ? seman ? blood ?
She failed as she prepared nothing and neither did Shirogane. What we saw this time wasn't one of their battles, just an episode of youth.
Why so retarded newfag?
She probably doesn't know what to look for, yet she must.
>Everything I do is for the first time
This page really hit me hard
Hey neat a Kaguya thread a day early I wonder what's going to hap
Oh me oh my.
It's funny that she has an "almost but not quite" cleavage.
Thanks for the chapter Jag. Looking forward to a cleaner version.
Part of me wishes that moments like lasted longer because this insight into both Kaguya and Shirogane's character and personalities are really important amidst the comedy and shenanigans. Not that I minded the conclusion to the chapter but just like with the exam chapter, these moments are too fleeting.
>these moments are too fleeting
Well, the "part 1" in the chapter title certainly implies we're going to get more of it.
I wonder if by next chapter she will continue with the misunderstanding. Hayasaka probably has no way, or interest, to tell her she invited him so at the end I guess Kaguya will have to show her trust in him, this will be either shown at the beginning of the next chapter or it will be the plot itself.
Any anime adaption would be disappointing.
Too many ways to fuck it up.
You know they would just repeat the rules of war in love over and over again like the manga does. Except with the anime you have to wait until they finish instead of quickly reading past what you've already seen.
If Kaguya's character dept is about she coming out of her shell, I suppose Shirogane's will be about his work ethics and/or him having a hypothetical inferiority complex given the school he attends to.
That sure escalated quickly
Agreed. Too many things wouldn't be captured correctly.
That ship sailed long ago. The dynamic slowly but surely changed from "I'm going to trick you into makeing you confess" to "I know you're crazy for me. I'm making this easy for you, so tell me you love me already!" Most of all for Kaguya.
That face.
My sides.
I actually forgot this was a two parter.
But what is it turning into this time?
>You know they would just repeat the rules of war in love over and over again like the manga does
Not him but I don't see why this would happen. Adaptation usually cut things, specially those that are repeated. And even if they didn't cut it I barely see a problem.
If anything I believe this would be one of the easiest series to adapt, maybe being weak at portraying moments like this , where the artist's style shines.
>this is a two parter
I think we're nearing the end of the series already
No way that's happening. Kaguya is selling really well, why would Aka drop a goldmine?
Her slowly falling in love with Ishigami is the real plot. Pres x Kaguya is a sidestory.
Last chapter was a 2 parter. This was the conclusion.
I think the change this time is going to be from Shirogane's perspective. He trusts Kaguya more than when the series began, seen in the reduction of the "How cute" paranoia. After this he should realize she's no longer the unapproachable ice queen she was in first year.
Tehy won't be able to rerun to the status quo after this, one of them is going to confess, rendering the whole premise void.
>Tehy won't be able to rerun to the status quo after this
Why not? Kaguya even confessed before and it didn't cause her to drop the game.
No, read the title of this chapter.
No way that's happening user. I know you're making sense but you're doing it in the wrong direction. Money always comes first. In what way could Aka continue the story? Can he still make it be good?
>she won't remember anything when she recovers
That's a pity
This was the second part of the home-visit episode but the first part of the "Regarding Kaguya Shinomiya" story.
Can't wait for the clean version so I can see exactly what's in the middle panel
Who was this again?
>Regarding Kaguya Shinomiya
This title sounds so serious.
>this image
my sides
After the exams chapter this was the first one not to be named the usual way. And you guys know how serious the exam chapter was.
Remember the couple that Shirogane and Kaguya helped to form, the other girls that liked the boy and the one girl that was shown following them in their dates and such?
No one employs this meme anymore.
That's sweet and all but where is the fanart?
This chapter was about her feelings as a sheltered person, next one will probably expand on that.
It's not a popular series.
Aka already confirmed the story isn't limited to them getting together. What happens next is for the three of them to decide.
I ship the two of them so hard I can't even waifu Kaguya
It's like I-Spy only depressing.
>the one girl that was shown following them in their dates and such?
Holy shit I never noticed. Thanks user
I guess their battle of wits can continue after they get together, with new objectives (first one to ask for a kiss and such). They can even battle when dealing with other couple's problems.
>Except with the anime you have to wait until they finish instead of quickly reading past what you've already seen.
Just have Wakamoto read the lines really, really fast.
>Just have Wakamoto read the lines.
I'll wait for as long as Wakamoto wants.
>Implying they won't find a way to get married and have kids without confessing.
They're both very stubborn. I really can't see any of them confessing for the time being.
>Implying they won't stay stubborn until the last year and then start wondering if the other one even liked them before parting ways and always regretting it in the future
Imagine the kids they would make.
Imagine that baseball team in action.
This doesn't get the loves it deserves. Which may be good, keeps the cancer away.
Happiness when?
Indeed, let's enjoy the threads till the anime is announced.
With his sports skills, they'd probably end up killing themselves.
But it sells well in Japan yet no fanart, no drama CD, nothing. What's happening here?
It's still pretty new.
It's only 35 chapters in, nothing strange is going on.
Imouto when?
There's a couple, just not very good, in Pixiv.
Didn't that stupid nip from the last thread say it's still not popular there?
>that face
>"How cute"
No one was expecting that the first utterance of how cute would be like that.
>"How cute" is always pictured as cold and sarcastic.
>Once it actually happens it's full of warmth and loveliness.
What a delivery.
Thanks Jag. Until next week.
That navel.
Thanks for the chapter. I'm worried since it said Part 1 that Kaguya is going to take a lot of convincing.
> tfw
More like her father. He's not leaving that mansion alive.
Wait, was that actually heart-pounding?
Aka is denying us the Kaguya armpit service.
He has been sexualising Kaguya a lot recently. Butt crack, cleavage, what's next?
For what purpose?
>Magazines are out a day early this week because of some holiday or something
I just wanted an excuse to post pic related
He wants to show effort and make buying the volume really worth it, but it kind of removed some personality in this instance.
Feet sole
Nice doujin Jag but where's the actual chapter? My Aka couldn't possibly be this lewd.
>It's okay she's still a virgin
>I checked
I like how funny the left looks, but maybe the author wants to show his growth as an artist (right does look better in terms of line and non-exaggerated expression), or he just changed his mind about what he wanted to portray.
Honestly that left face always felt out of place to me. It doesn't really look like kaguya.
Haystack a best
How the fuck did we go from barely touched one another to going further than 90% of romcom manga in the span of one chapter?
You are the type of person that makes coming to Cred Forums worth.
>he came alone
I was expecting at least Fujiwara tagging along.
>checking her shorts
>Hayasaka's nonchalant "who can say"
Goddamn. I feel like it's gonna be a while till we can return to status quo genius battles.
does have a maid fetish?
Sakuya is that you?
>Do you live here now?!
She doenst lose time, next question will how to name their baseball team.
I blame Fujiwara for this shameless slut.
>Sakuya is that you
Don´t bully.
She is trying to temp Prez to do lewd stuff to Kaguya.
>Prez current mindset.
Fujiwara merely coaxed out what was already there
Damn, I know that the usual archetype about rich kids is that their pride and obligations makes them try to do everthing by themselves, but when that mindset of doing everthing by themselves is instisgated by the family is just plain cruel.
Kaguya used to be pure, prime waifu material. Look at what we have now.
>first panel
The black background and extra shade make it look like a horror moment (Nothing new here) but Kaguya expression is so full of lust, God is giving me a boner, you dont see a face with such geniune lust all days, and that counting hentai stuff.
Here is your kind reminder why Aka avoids drawing feet.
>how cute
Left is so much better though
>Side boob
This is my fetish.
Real talk, is this going to be the lewdest chapter in the series?
My sides I never noticed that he was so bad at it.
How the fuck is Aka going to top that "how cute" delivery, shit wouldn't have been out of place in the last chapter of the series.
>I felt the chapter needed to be translated as soon as physically possible.
Is probably just exageration, it can be THAT good.
>it is that good
I am glad to be wrong, no haremshit can even compare to pure love, based jag, based author, based everthing.
>shit wouldn't have been out of place in the last chapter of the series.
You can bet your ass Aka is gonna top this.
you are the best Jag, thanks for everthing, wish I could give you something aside from just words. Being a poorfag is suffering.
Anime when?
Nobody did, and it was glorious
Based Author.
Either Shirogane will say "how cute" to Kaguya or he can just predictably end it on a double "I love you, please go out with me." KO
if the adapt this, they better find a way to mantain the "horror" panels somehow
btw, is someone going to add this to pic related?
>Fujiwara x Ishigami
> No Prez x Fujiwara
user please, the prez will retreat from the love wars and become the objective to capture, Fujiwara and Kaguya will eventually fight over him with crazy plans trying to outmaneuver the other.
I live torn, I dont want animefags to come and ruin the threads, I enjoy them almost as much as the manga, but I also want a anime, but that will ruin the threads.
>Fujiwara ends training them
Prez will owe her big time.
After this chapter, I want doujins
> double "I love you, please go out with me." KO
I was expecting a different reaction.
Only purityfags cant appreciate the wonders that talk did to Kaguya going on by this chapter.
>as soon as physically possible
You were right.
You and the guys doing Grand Blue are my heroes. Thank you for your service.
Or last chapter is their first official date, at the end, they keep staring at each other for a moment, they kiss and when they separete, both o them says "how cute"
But user, that would eventually be NTR...
is not NTR until he is official taken.
>side boob
Is red Chaika all over again.
I wonder if there'll be a chapter where Fujiwara finds out about what happened and what her reaction will be.
>Wake me up
>Can't wake up
I wonder how long we'll have to wait for them to be as cozy with one another as they are in that first panel.
I expect years.
probabky the next one or a few ones after this. This is shaking the status quo too much and I doubt Aka is the type that will resolve this with just "Hayasaka explain me everthing" "camera on room showed me everthing" and then forget about it.
Imagine the battle of wits it'll take to get them to get in the same bed after marriage.
>Hay Stacker was watching
>Hentai doujin about their honeymoon
>Mangaka is a pen name used by Aka
>45 pages before they even trick each other into undressing
>they trick each other into undressing
>then try to trick the other to take the lead while they belive they are the one in control
>they panic
>but suck it up because of they think they cant look bad at this point
>keep tricking each other into more extreme plays until dawn
Two virgins desperately pretending to be sluts is my fetish.
you dont find many of those.
what chapter was this?
Chapter 13, the one about the indirect kisses.
Delicious sideboob.
Holy shit, I'm grinning ear to ear.
Much thanks.
My brother
How? I really mean it, this was perfect.
My boy Shirogane has an iron will if he can resist that temptation. Kaguya is in full semen demon mode here.
One of the best time of the week!
Together with Murenase!
The way one of her eye looks jet black without pupil is scary as shit. (But hot)
I'm late but holy shit.
Holy fuck, the public raws enable Treasurer Vision!
いっしょに ねよ
Chapter needs more fujiwara
Arranged marriage when?
Wow there's another hand behind Kaguya's head.
>Kaguya full-yandere mode
Prez is lucky he just ended up sleeping next to her.
Implying her father won't forbid them contact
Just creases of the blanket
So, Kimi wa Midara all over again?
It might be what dynamic evolves into, two geniuses secretly communicating with their ploys.
They keep putting the President to sleep, and they don't even need to drug him to do it. Wouldn't this mess up his sleeping schedule?
He already has a messed up sleep schedule hence why he can fall asleep by just taking away his caffeine.
I meant more that he has a time schedule for these things. It's probably that his body gets all the sleep it can get so he can just spontaneously gain sleep without losing sleep later.
>Kimi wa Midara
About that manga, is it that nobody scanlates it or is the manga this irregular in Japan?
I am a pleb so I don't understand the logic of "My daughter have to marry this rich faggot from other family"
I mean why the fuck? You are letting that other family to gain influence inside your family by letting them take the daughter you waste so much time and money grooming to succeed you.
If I were her dad I'll adopt some genius kid somewhere, have him take my family name and/or marry him with my daughter maternally. This way the money and talent stay inside the family.
New chapter whenever the author and artist want
They could release one tomorrow or 5 years later
I know this is from the last chapter but could a smarter user please explain Ishigami's math to me?
>tfw silly gag manga makes you feel dumb
I really want to like that series but it was just too dumb in execution for my tastes. That and whenever Main girl loses control around anyone not the MC it's incredibly cringy to watch.
irregular in japan
Are the scans up to date at least?
I was too lazy to think about the calculation back then, but let me try. But my guess it is similar to that three duelist problem.
You increase the stable family wealth easily. Instead of wagering money on a kid that's nobody and just has potential go for one that has his daddy's fortune backing him up. He will likely succeed some of that fortune and also have influence and connections.
The simplest way to explain it is that if he didn't pass he got 1/6 chance of getting it right but risking giving his opponents more information if he missed. By passing he could have let the others giving information if they missed since they more likely missed too.
I don't know about the math, but with so little cards you don't want to use your turn to reveal a new one.
>pick up the first card, you don't know where its pair is
>instead of using 1/6 chance of drawing its pair from the remaining pool of 6 cards, you pick up a card that was already revealed
>now the next player has to take the 1/6 chance (if you picked another card and failed to make a pair, the chance for next player would raise to 1/5)
The logic is like that: if you failed to reveal a card that you can immediately pair up, its useless to try when so little cards remain.
The math is well explained in the chapter, the concept is that he purposely made a mistake to not reveal the other cards when chances were small he would make a hit.
Is Kaguya an only child? If so doesn't the conglomerate just end up moving the money outside their family?
Thanks, I that's what I thought he was trying to do. I just didn't understand how he calculated all those percentages.
Nothing has been mentioned yet, but we'll see.
Wasn't she doing it with her nephew on camera?
Doing what?
As kids? I don´t remember that.
Irredimable slut.
Chapter 14.
Not only has she already lost her first kiss, but it was incest and on camera, and now she is shown lusting for cock in amounts only few h manga succeed to top. How can she even compete with Fujiwara?
Oh, her baby nephew. How cute.
Used goods
Could anyone make a post that highlights all plot and character development? Things like we had this chapter and president realizing that the reason he's not confessing is just because he's shy, him having top grades so he can rival her etc. I feel like I've fortgotten a lot.
>president realizing that the reason he's not confessing is just because he's shy,
When did he realize this?
exam chapter
Sure is.
wew lad
What are your thoughts on GAL Hayasaka, user?
Prime breeding material but a slut.
>How cute
I giggled like a little girl
My favorite Hayasaka
Calling it. Next chapter, it turns out Shirogane caught her cold.
Good call, but it can't be next chapter. Next chapter is the continuation of this one, he's probably still in the mansion.
She's funny but if I saw her in real life I would think she's forcing herself to act like that.
I´m pretty sure he sprinted home at the end of this chapter. So it´ll probably be either Hayasaka explaining the situation or some drama involving Kaguya past.
>Next chapter is the continuation of this one
Not necessary. It wouldn't be the first time a chapter is called "Something something part 1" and we don't get the part 2 until later.
>kaguya expression
Is just perfect, fuck ahegao, this is the face of someone driven by lust.
truly the daughter of politicians.
her eyes looks weird for some reason.
I don´t think so.
No even applying at this point now.
>how cute
Why is this phrase so good in this manga?
If you could choose one girl who would it be?
Kaguya actually. Not that I'd ever change but she is giving my waifu a run for her money.
Good choice, user. Hope you can handle the absolute madman.
and your waifu is?
A monster virgin like him is good on the offensive but never on the defensive.
At least he has a better defense than Yu.
How can a man dig himself so much?
Great chapter. It's so good that the thread is still up, Jag can just dump it here as well.
He has a talent. A very dangerous talent.
Dump what already got dumped?
He probably means higher quality scans.
Nah, I think Jag will use the HQ scans for the release on his site, given we already got the chapter dumped here.
He draws pretty hands, why do the feet look like duck's?
President's imouto
But she hasn't even made a proper appearance yet!
>Pres get sicks
>heart pouding sick visit from Kaguya
>Imouto either try to supports them but cant belive how shy they are or harass Kaguya like no tomorrow
That's what's gonna happen once he catches the cold from her.
There's a mistake on the 3rd panel, the last percentage should be 20 not 25.
fuck off nerd
Probably gonna harass Kaguya, imouto is a tsun brocon.
I wonder if she only wore that skirt for him and wears super-long (delinquent-style) skirts to school.
Only Fujiwara remains pure but her fetish indicates she won't stay so for long. Kei save us.
his sister looks like somekind of legendary deliquent that no one has seen in a while.
She actually looks A LOT like a delinquent in that.
I will have a serving of the right one.
Kaguya or ramen?
I´ll take some of the left then.
The symbolysm is real.
what symbolysm? pres only wants some ramen.
He sure became thirsty after all that ramen.
That face is the face of a man that's only interested in one set of tits.
So pure
Pick one.
They are the perfect size you philistine.
Shiro is pure like white snow.
>almost not existing boobs
>perfect size
>nips call it indirect kiss
>my country says "drink if you're not disusted"
Shouldn´t you be making out with Miss Wabisabi by now? What´s taking you so long?
I am so behind this thing, I need to catch up fast with it.
>almost not existing boobs
Live TLs are actually relatively far by now. Yamada and Onizuka chapter soon i hope.
Literally the perfect size.
Same here, and seeing how nips care so much about transmiting sickness to others, it surprise me that they have the indirect kiss thing instead of disgust.
Dang now I can't unsee that second hand. It looks like an exact cut and paste of her hand.
I don't know but it's pretty cute. Over here we start by a good 10 second rubbing of the bottleneck with your sleeve, and that's after you say you're fine with it.
That is something I haven't heard in a long time
here it depends per person, some dont care, some clean it, some will ask to pour the liquid in another cup/bottle/recipient if they have one handy.
Ib readers jerk each other off in every Kaguya thread tho?
It´s coming up pretty much every Kaguya thread.
As a rapper
At the fireworks festival. Yamada hooked up two other couples already. That girl is straight savage.
>this chapter has "Part 1" in the title
>the superstition is that you can be cured from the cold if you transfer it to someone else
Will a home visit to Shirogane's house be next?
Well he DID sleep next to her so it´s not unlikely that he caught her cold. But i think if she visits him she´s probably gonna be mad about what she thinks he did and go full horror/yandere mode.
Imouto will put her in her place
What about if Kaguya ends being more facinated for all the pleb stuff in pres house than actually taking care of him .
Don´t worry, Ishigami will come as well and ward off Kaguya by screaming in horror and almost peeing his pants as he didn´t expect her to come.
Watch shiro catch kaguya's illness and require a home visit too
i really want to see what de-ego'd prez is like
>Imouto ends healing Ishigami
>he fells in love
>tries to get close to pres on school to have a change of meeting with his sister again
>Kaguya inst pleased.
I love this idea
all that freud shit was hilarious.
He will try to have his baseball team with Kaguya
Damn. Kaguya is probably the most enjoyable manga I have ever read.
Considering that he does actually have some (very repressed) lust for Kaguya, him going for something lewd like handholding or cuddling is quite possible.
the monster virgin strikes again.
And this time he will say How cute
F-for real this time, too?
for real.
Will he look as gloriously handsome as in pic related, too?
Is president better looking than Kaguya in universe?
It's a draw.
Kaguya appears to be balding, has no tits and weak hips and ass. She's not too handsome when compared to other girls, while president is absolute god tier.
He´s pretty damn handsome but his eyes look a little scary and he attracts mostly creeps (Kaguya as an exception even though she also has a very extensive yandere portfolio). Kaguya is more traditional beauty but she´s not as curvy as Fuji or as athletic as Hayasaka.
>Kaguya appears to be balding
What? Where?
Have you not noticed her 8head yet?
>Pres realize his feeling for Kaguya is a immature crush and just lusting for the girl closest to him
>He starts noticing Fujiwara for having the superior body.
Her hairline is really high up, she's probably not balding but that's not pretty.
Her what?
Think about it.
>She's not too handsome when compared to other girls
you gay, son
Isn't that only appears to be so because she's always seem with her hair tied?
That's just an artifact of Akasaka's style. There were a few big foreheads in ib I think as well.
Kaguya is still cute even with a 5head anyway.
Yeah, she used to have her hair down but ever since she isn´t so cold anymore (since meeting Shiro) she´s had it bound up.
Also have some rare small Miyuki.
Literal shit taste.
>how cute
I'm not saying she looks bad per se, but both Hayasaka and Fujiwara are prettier. I'd say she's a bit better than the girl who asked for advice tho. Imouto will probably top them all.
Well she´s got Prez genes, long (probably) blonde hair and she´s potentially a delinquent, too. That does sound pretty damn badass.
Where's the glare? Fujiwara said there would be a glare.
>harass Kaguya like no tomorrow
Oh boy, I want this so much now.
Apparently he was still practising his glaring power at that point.
>Kaguya likes being glared at but doesn't understand dominant men fetish
What does that indicate?
She just likes a man who is as brutally dominant as herself.
>You will never have Kaguya try to make you confess to her
Why live?
>Why live?
To strive to be a man as perfect as prez.
That doesn't warrant a Kaguya tho he was just very lucky.
I don´t think that´s possible, user. But you can try.
Go away Ishigami.
>implying Ishigami isn´t WAY too afraid of Kaguya to even consider her as a dating prospect
Subject F
I'll train her.
You just didn't work enough to get into the super elite circle where she would be user
Clean version's out, see you next week.
Thank you Jag. One of these days when I get a job I'll try to pinch in something.
Also thanks Jag, you´re the best.
I'd like to think that I'm on my way there, but by the time I finish my phd she will have already started forming that baseball team
Thanks Jag.
Kaguyas should not be making me hard
Practice, someone post the Sera jazz hands from early ib when she revealed to Yume that she was the one who dropped the bomb
Until next week friends.
I bet she smells like ass right there.
She's sick, sweaty, and been laying in bed all day.
I don't see a problem
>implying it's not her another trick by overloading President with pheromone
nah probably not