The joke has gone to far.
Anime on Steam
Anime has been on steam for a while.
>buying anime
Im lmaoing real hard at normalfags casual weebs.
link it
Ninja Scroll? More like Nigga keep scrolling
Top kek
That one image is finally coming true.
This to be honest families
you could probably buy the DVD's for cheaper off amazon
Don't underestimate the power of normalfags.
I noticed they are sometimes cheaper at cons.
>going to cons
Spotted the normalfag.
Naruto has been on steam for like a year OP
It was the first anime I think
Yeah I usually pick them up there as well, you can usually get some good shit on the last days
>low prices at a con
Well yeah, it wouldn't be much of a con otherwise.
oh no. my cover has been blown.
my user cred is ruined.
>3.99 to rent
Fuck off back to facebook with your normies friends
steam fags pay for censored VNs
They are the lowest of the low
You guys have short memories.
I wouldn't even hate it if you could download the damn things. You're literally just paying for a stream.
Nice, i will now just wait for actual series to show up in there.
Good little goyim
>no links
nice shop
>Look it up
>It's real
Judging by sales, no one's actually paying for them. Except the ones with 18+ patches.
>back to
can't go where I've never been.
*fucks off back to facebook with normie friends*
I know this one bisexual chick who ask's every organization that she's interested in if they have a tumblr.
I'm sure you would get along just fine bucko
Is it raw? subbed? or dubbed? Also, what video quality are we talking about? 720? 1040?
There are uncensored VNs on steam now.
Nigga how new are you, next are you gonna pretend you don't believe there's anime on Netflix?
>This item is currently unavailable in your region
Stop using steam
All I've seen is that Kindred Spirits yuri thing, and as far as I know that only has descriptions of fingering and a hint of titty.
nah they stopped giving so much of a fuck recently. Most H patches work on steam anyways
>living in mexico
>will of fire is mostly negative
Fucking Cred Forumstards
>no K-ON cards or achievements, or even special avatars
Into le trash
It's just one guy complaining that it's dub only.
Knowing steam it is probably in japanese but you have to pay extra for the subs.
who fucking cares
think a bit further than Mexico
Abandon the internet, you fucking lazy retard.
Who thought it was a good idea to put Naruto on steam, you know, the gaming platform. More importantly
>*fucks off back to facebook with normie friends*
What the fuck are you doing you fucking newfag?
it's just text sex right?
I don't see a single nude when I searched it up on google
tags says nudity
>mfw dumbasses buy lewd censored VN from there
>mfw these people are probably browsing Cred Forums right now
>this thread
>not paying for what you want on a platform you use often
>not downloading the patch to uncensor the fucking game the developers usually have or someone makes
Are you retarded?
I would buy it if it's something I like and want to support. It helps that I have a job and money to spend on my hobbies.
This is as far as it goes.
>paying for anything ever
Are you?
...Well that was entirely the wrong picture.
t.normalfags cuck who stream and support CR
>paying for things
>having a steam
>Doesn't even know how to imply
Spotted the newfag, or maybe an actual retard.
Just leaving this here.
Where's that parody picture of "Madoka Magica" and other shit on the Steam front page? It's looking less and less like a parody everyday now.
Thanks Obama.
Lurk more 2 more years before posting on Cred Forums.
is she checking for hemorrhoids?
I can't see the K-ON movie on steam, do they hate my country or something?
I'm tempted to buy them now that that's the cheapest and easiest money I can give to them
>buying overpriced anime with shitty subs on jewish media platform
>buying anime
Pretty big accusation to make. Where do you get the idea that i stream? Do you have my browser history or something?
If supporting studios you like is retarded, then sure. Always pirate what you wanna buy first, though so you actually know if it's shit.
Wait am i retarded or did i just understand that wrong, you can "rent" a movie thru steam? You could just record it with some program for later use, whats the point?
Yeah it's all NTR and dick pics.
Why do these threads always bring out the dumbest side of Cred Forums?
And Cred Forums, more than likely.
>probably thinks normalfag is just synonym to normie
>video games
>Cred Forums
No fucking shit.
First part Naruto movies were really good.
I have a job and no living expenses, but that doesn't somehow mean I'm going to just go and spend as much money as I can for the fuck of it. If I were going to spend money on my hobby I'd be buying some unscanned official manga releases so I actually got something for it, not anime that I can watch for free.
>You can rent a VHS thru Blockbuster? You could just record it to a blank VHS, what's the point?
Welcome to the 90s.
Well i don't stream but you're right about me looking up NTR porn. The thought of another man's penis slips into my waifu's vagina and ejaculate his semen into her womb until her ovaries are drowning in it and scream for help makes me diamonds.
And pics of velvety cock are also nice to jerk off to once in a while. Do you have a recommendation for a good NTR porn?
Cred Forums has literal paid STEAM mods user, I don't have it now but there was a janitor that was ordered to delete pirate, Origin/GoG threads while making new threads for STEAM.
You can actually just check Cred Forums and see how there's STEAM shill threads every day, they worship it, see
>paying money to rent a digital file
See I was right.
Stupid normalfag cuck.
>check Cred Forums
Stopped reading right there.
Not him, but that makes fucking sense because if Blockbuster sold you the VHS they wouldn't have it anymore (plus there was generation loss), so obviously that would be worse than you recording it. That doesn't apply anymore - if you rent and record a digital video, it's literally the same as you having bought it for a lower price.
Well games are the same because DRM.
Don't try to tell Cred Forums though, Cred Forumsalve mod will just delete your threads or they will be shitposted
Come on, user. Try it. The thinking man's fetish and all.
Let's stream cuck porn and jerk it off together.
"rent a movie" for 4dollereuros
>Copy it using some shit software
Buy a movie for 13dollareuros
And this is virtual copies not material shits
kys cuck
>people paying for anime
>people paying for NARUTO
so...... this is.... the power of Cred Forums.......
Cred Forums*
>No Steam Boy
One job
If you can download BD size movies, I can definitely see a market.
If it's just a CR ripoff stream thing, not so much.
At least the game is actually on your hard drive. I largely don't care about DRM, but I'd stop using Steam if it turned into "Pay to stream this game without downloading anything", which is exactly what these anime movies are.
>cuck laughing at anyone
fucking top kek
Do they give out achievements for watching shit shows?
I like physical copies.
Fuck off and kill yourselves, Cred Forums.
Actually, this whole thread is cancer and should be deleted.
>not being a cuck
What the fuck are you even doing here?
Like pottery
Paid steam mods? You know that stopped being a thing in less than 24 hours when Gabe Newell himself said that he'd remove them and instead give an ability to mod creators to get like a donate button or some shit. I can't remember it too much. If you're talking about mods being paid to delete those types of threads, then I don't know what they're doing over there nor do I care. As a user of all 3 of those sites I will stand by Steam being my preferred one if it's available for something I wanna buy game or VN wise, unless its possible for me to just directly give my money to the developers of said product. In the case of anime I'd rather just download a rip and pay for a BD or stream without watching it and just keep my torrented files as normal.
hol up
>use OBS
>get it for free
>Garden of Words 1.7GB
thought valve was trying to do something interesting again
Can't wait until 11th of November and all poltards and drumpftards get BTFO eternally
its april 1st guys.. haha... you all got fooled again!! NEXT TIME TRY TO BE IN ON THE JOKE
Cred Forums > Cred Forums
Or you could not do more work than necessary for a worse result, and just download a good rip.
t. transgender cocksuker beaner
>"Oh no, a service I dont use is showing anime I don't care about for a price i'll never pay, this must stop!"
How is this bad? A company thats willing to take risks, partnering up with a company that takes risks, to make things more available to people that may or may not want them. There is literally nothing wrong with steam getting anime, and the only people that are against it are the same people that act as the lowest common denominator for anime. Nothing steam does has any affect on you, so why care about it?
But Cred Forums hates almost all of those.
>confirmed Cred Forums is edgelord angsty tastes
>the only uncesored VN is yuri
looks like gaben is a fucking /u/ fag
What a steal.
>more people will be tempted into wasting hours of their life watching the pointless mess that is Loups=Garous
>How is this bad?
>think this is a joke
>it's actually real
I can remember when "anime on steam" was a fucking meme. 2016 is the final collapse between memes and reality.
Steam has the old Super Mario Bros cartoon and a few other things now too I think
I always thought some kind of Steam like platform would be better than Netflix for people who actually pay for TV shows, so I guess just slapping them onto Steam is basically the same thing in the end.
He supports Trump so he's okay in my book.
>transgender beaner
That is very unlikely as it is just starting to spread from your country, so their population is extremely low.
you used to have to download full length trailers off steam, I remember downloading the tf2 meet the spy trailer off steam, it was like downloading a game.
How much of this would go inside Yamada's wallet?
This is important
Nonsense. I love anime
This bait image only works on Cred Forums.
not anime related.
Who Cred Forums here?
Like 80% of this whole thread?
will they leave though?
This thread is a good argument for not tolerating anything even slightly Cred Forums-related on Cred Forums.
I post from Japan so everything i say is anime related.
Not an argument.
A microscopic amount of money.
Might as well send Kyoani a dollar using the postal service, at least they get something.
fuck off pedo
or Cred Forums realted
post feet
who's to say the office lady receiving it would not keep it to herself?
None. It all goes to Gaben's dinner.
Though there's nothing wrong with that. He is thicc as any other good women, user.
Not the other guy but I hope they stay, more salt from them is a good thing.
>retail price rental fees
>on old shit digitally streamed
just when you thought they've managed to kill overpriced rental services, some big fat smelly piece of shit figures out how to revive it
Is this the cuck thread?
dude I just want them gone.
I knew Cred Forums's been gettin stupider and stupider, but this shit's just sad. I'd expect to see shit like this in /k/. Do you niggers realize how fucking retarded and autistic you two fags are?
>UBW: The Movie
You do realise that more you insult him, the more you're getting him off, right? It's like mocking masochists. Unless that's exactly your point, in which case, please get a room, you two.
kys cuck
Yes user, please continue. It's arousing me to the max.