A tale of tragedy and loss
Danganronpa 3
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Don't crossboard you fucking Nagitofag
porco dio io voto salvini
Red pubes?
What did he see?
Hell yeah.
My fucking nigga
All the title matches he was forced to lose in his younger days.
True waifus never die,
>you will never save Nanami Chiaki when she's on the brink of death
>you will never tend to her
>you will never see the light resurge in her eyes as her wounds heal and she regains her former physical condition
>you will never force her to sleep for extended periods of time "For the sake of her recovery" while you secretly operate on her body, pumping her full of all sorts of talents that she was never intended to have
>you will never see the smile on her face slowly die as she realizes what you're doing to her, too helpless to fight back, assuming the absolute worst intentions of you
>you will never continue adding in more and more talents to her, doing it ever so carefully so that her personality doesn't end up suppressed, ensuring that she can continue to enjoy talents
>you will never see her regain her smile as she realizes she was wrong to doubt you but asks you if she can be let go anyway
>you will never promise her that you will let her go soon and see her smile and give you a hug, letting you feel up those soft, squishy Nanamis right against your chest
>you will never discreetly hook her up to a personality rewriting machine when she's sleeping one night and force her awake just as it turns on
>you will never explain to her that you're going to overwrite her personality with your own, so that you can enjoy her body, and see the light in her eyes flare up one last time as she struggles to resist
>you will never listen with delight in the cries and moans she makes as she helplessly attempts to resist your assault, her mind in utter shambles as you force her personality to the back of her own mind and allow a superior personality, one of your own choosing, to take its place
>you will never let 'Chiaki', the full, complete, Kamukura Izuru 2.0, out of the brainwashing machine and see her give you a big smile for helping her out so much all this time
What is there to HOPE for anymore?
Whats her ng code again donuts??
The only point where she could've possibly triggered her NG was in a fight with Juzo. Fortunately for her, Juzo's NG happened to be punching, and he didn't opt to use his legs in their fight.
I think we all know who the real SHSL Luck is.
his face when he sees your hope
Redheads with red pubes are the best! I love it!
>instant death
No instant death wold be seeing violence
Guaranteed death was letting Naegi live to the 4th night.
Her's was avoidable since her Ultimate skill is an athletic ability so Kohacku can bullshit around that
Post rare Monokumas, please.
Mukuro is best girl
I-I can't help that it's small! I was born this way!
Man these 2 had a lot of pent up burdon and stress, just based on how badly they mauled themselves during the despair trip
She didn't get hit with a punch or a kick.
Pay attention.
She picked a fight with the guy who isn't allowed to punch, so she was actually pretty safe.
And the only other person who would resort to violence against her was Munakata, and he was all about his sword (which would still kill the shit out of her, but not via NG code violation)
If anything, her NG code was one of the safer ones, alongside Gozu's and Chisa's.
They were already beating themselves up BEFORE they watched the video.
That's not even a Danganronpa thread, it's just gunposting. What is happening?
>tfw you will never date Hiyoko and sexually tease her while she's a loli
>tfw she'll never femdom you after her growth spurt
There was like literally 4 people that could actually fight
1 was handicapped by his ng code
1 never met them until the end
2 were on their side till they died
Kicks counted too
They shoulda just fucked, honestly.
Gozu's was kind of a 'What the fuck' NG code.
Like, if shit went down and people started killing each other, who the fuck was going to try to pin that guy? Nigga could literally elbow drop through a concrete floor. Who the fuck is gonna fuck with that.
Him growing old and losing his muscle. Having to face the reality that despite his SHSL talent he will grow old and weak and lose to people much less talented than he is. Having to face that all that he excels at will be lost in three decades max.
Holy shit, stop.
A artist draw for me Mukuro for me. Very hot! She is nude, holds the knife in her right hand and pink blood.
Immortality, dude.
Those huge... Donuts, her brown skin, her stupidity, her gluttony and her athleticism make her the SHSL highlander
His was the safest after Ruruka's.
Hiyoko is for femdom at all times.
I like the idea of Juzo being totally ignored and heartbroken while Munakata and Chisa start making out in front of him.
Can you faggots please stop posting spoilers in your OP? Some of us either haven't had the time to finish DR2 or start the anime.
Don't be Cred Forums-tier.
Post it
We need more scenes like this and the anime is saved.
The mastermind evidently knew the only way to kill him was to make him one of the victims. Might as well not bother with his NG.
It's amazing how he actually got a code like that, while others had to deal with shit like "Don't witness violence" or "Don't turn right"
Ruruka's is only safe after you learn there is no exit, which isn't as simple when there's a massive, colorful door labeled "SECRET EXIT"
I dont remember seeing this
>Not posting the uncensored version
Step it up senpai.
My wife is so cute with her hair down
I'm not really too into it but I'd go through with it if it made her happy
What do you doing with the damn ugly bear?
I want NTRfags to leave
It's three seconds. All it takes is a few people to team up and dogpile him and he's toast.
Literally the best person for her to fight since he can't punch her
>ill kill you now, for love and dewicious sweets
We did get one, though. With Nagito.
Reminder kodaka actually had the balls to kill off kirigiri and people spent the past 3 episodes coming up with inane bullshit theories as an excuse to say he didnt have the balls.
The worst part is you faggots still cling onto random theories you pulled out your ass, cure W was retarded enough as was considering seiko's medicine doesnt even work, but now you idiots are banking on fucking ED lyrics. Just accept kodaka actually had the balls to kill off someone with lots of plot armor.
When I just scroll past this without reading I keep thinking it's Mitarai.
Well, we only know that now. I could totally see why Ruruka would panic at seeing her NG code, if she didn't realize that opening up an exit is tantamount to killing everyone in the building.
Except Asahina, anyway. When it turns out that there are no escape routes, she's probably going to grab Naegi and swim for it.
Well, it's not like the mastermind had any control over how far everyone was from the monitors when they fell asleep. That was just bad luck. He was trying to stay close to the door in case the attacker came through.
last 10 minutes of the show is Geno running around and stripping everyone of their clothes
t. falseflag king
Reminder that you are a killjoy cunt.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
What color are Mahiru's eyes
Why did they actually draw her tits?
They could've done so much more with his character. He was the textbook definition of a worthless character.
Why is Mahiru so fucking sexy when it looks like she has a plain body with her clothes on?
Gozu was actually pretty far from the door relative to Naegi and Asahina's positions.
Incidentally, you can see the box he uses later right here in the corner.
Assertive personality
Poor fashion sense
Because that's what modest clothes actually do.
>Falseflagging again
What is your endgame?
Remember how we saw that Izuru was able to conceal his presence for the entirety of the first killing game until the very last minute, using the SHSL Spy talent? Nobody there saw him until he decided to show himself. Junko brought him there in the first place in order to convince him of the unpredictability of despair.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if somebody else like him - say, a Izuru 2.0 - was doing the exact same thing in the Final Killing Game? Just watching everybody act like a moron, slaughtering one another with impunity, with anybody unwilling to do that either killed via NG codes or by suicide via brainwashing, and doing nothing to stop it themselves even when they have all the power in the world?
Could it be that the aim of the mastermind, whoever it was, was to prove a point to Izuru 2.0?
They were made for NTR, user.
Why did they draw Mahiru's whole body, but not Hiyoko?
Life is unfair.
Luck. Naegi needed her to carry him.
>You will never have your first time with a blushing red-head tsundere
>You will never untie her bikini top bra to expose her perky breasts
>You will never coax her to doing more with you by rubbing your fingers over her panties
>You will never see Mahiru blush as she pants for more
>You will never untie Mahiru's pantyline and expose her well-trimmed firecrotch
>You will never have the chance to grab that ass while stroking her folds with your tongue
>You will never hear her say "I'm on the pill this time, there's no need to get to the drawer..."
>You'll never fuck her missionary as she wraps her legs over your back and holds you close
>You will never have her take nudes of yourselves while she's riding on your lap
>You will never hear those Sa-chan/Mariya/Lucina moans as she calls for your name, softly, then loudly as you hit climax
>You will never have her squirm up to you from a good night of sex to kiss you on the cheek before falling asleep
>She will never force you to run those nudes through the red room the next day and wait an ungodly amount of hours to wait for those polaroids to finish
She's not a slut who shows off things that only her husband should see.
How do you explain all the bizarre inconsistencies like the disappearing (very heavy) cabinet in episode 02, Munakata walking into a closed room without opening any doors in episode 06 (double-checking episode 05, they showed multiple angles of the room and all doors were shut, and there were no hints of any sort that Koichi left one open for him), without a 16th mystery person who did all of this stuff?
Plus, there were those weird ceiling-shot camera angles that people originally theorized were of the killer. Now that we know for sure who the "killer" is, they might have actually been intended to obscure our vision of somebody else on the ground.
Tengan said in reference to the Kamukura project that he wanted to "protect it". His wording, while not being quite as ambiguous in the funisubs, implies that there was a second Izuru project in the works as well. Izuru 2.0 could do just about everything required to answer the remaining mysteries in the plot, as they have every single talent, including the ability to remain unnoticed.
At this point in the story, there are extremely few people we know of who could have had the opportunity to become Izuru 2.0. For somebody to be capable of becoming that, they would have to gain access to the Kamukura project facilities and be somebody who could be "disappeared", much like Hajime himself.
At this point, aside from random smurfs, the list of potential suspects narrow down to a single person. There can be nobody else but them, as everybody else who could possibly be a viable candidate is already doing something else.
user why.
>He didn't get the man's nut
It's like you're not even trying.
>Liking a feminist
Mahiru is a great character.
I would nut all over her if you know what im saying
Is the FF so fucking oblivious to the use of mind control in this universe that their leadership would actually watch anything on the monitors?
Nevermind Mitarai's animu. Like, weren't mind control helmets a thing pretty early on after the world turned to shit?
Mahiru isn't feminist even if so
>not wanting to show a feminist the power of cock
>That was just bad luck.
The only people who could organize and predict this much bullshit are Tengan and Junko. I don't want to believe she's the mastermind again, but the game's set up banks on too much.
>Chisa was meant to be first to push Muhkatana over the edge
>Bandai's NG was meant for him to be an example, because the mastermind somehow knew he'd end up seeing Juzo beat someone
>Gozu was meant to be mindhacked.
>Izayoi's NG was meant for Ruruka to kill him because of her NG. The mastermind somehow knew he'd find the secret exit.
Finally, there's this part in Mirai episode 4 that might hint at the mastermind's full intentions. Monokuma said that there were twelve Future Foundation members remaining, but the counter said 13. That means that whoever the mystery person is, they are not a part of FF. This rules out Hagakure, Killer Killer, etc.
Is it all just a crash course for Izuru 2.0 to know the dangers of running the FF? Did Junko test out her SDR2 brain-remodeling idea on Izuru 2.0? Even now, the mysteries abound, but I am positive that despair 11 will clear up at least the big ones.
She's no where close to a feminist.
She's just has a little too high of standards for how males are supposed to act
>Not curing a feminist through the power of the cock
No wonder she tells you to be a man.
Mahiru might be the only bitchy character I ever liked in anything ever.
>Like, weren't mind control helmets a thing pretty early on after the world turned to shit?
monaka used them in AE.
FF should know about them
Why didn't juzo get brainhacked? had the vid been switched off already?
It's pretty sad that Juzo seemed willing to let Chisa have him. Then again, Juzo can find better.
>high standards
Considering the weirdos she was stuck on the island with, her standards would probably be pretty normal.
When you look at what he does (being a trapmaker) the fact he might find the secret exit (as a result of trying to find places to put traps) makes a lot more sense.
She's not really a bitch.
Just a nag.
You can shut a nag up with a kiss.
They obviously never found such strong mindhack before
Who was watching them?
the mindhack videos started out with monokuma talking on the screen. they probably were thinking they'd keep watching until he gave them directions.
He isn't man enough for her.
Nag is just a positive spin way of saying bitch
its not falseflagging, i had to spend 2 weeks seeing you idiots go off about how delusional the people who accepted her death were, then when the VA's and survivior count confirm shes dead without a shadow of a doubt you just come up with some other retarded theory like juzo's bracelet getting cut despite the fact that the survivor count is an out of universe plot point specifically to play with the viewer.
Just reap what you fucking sow already, you guys bought into retarded cure W bullshit without any backing behind it and paraded it around as fact.
All the NG codes were deliberate and ironic.
The wrestler can't be pinned, the boxer can't punch, the tomboy can't BE punched, the manlet can't run away, the guy always eating his girlfriends snacks can't put food in his mouth, the manipulative bitch can't let anyone run away. The person who sacrificed Naegi to survive the fifth trial in the previous killing game dies after the fourth round if he's still alive. Etc etc.
That doesn't mean the mastermind had somehow scripted this entire series of events without any direct intervention. A few like Bandai's or Kirigiri's were predictable or meant to be easily triggered, but others would be almost impossible to predict or control.
Afterward she will just yell louder....
No it isn't.
Celeste is a bitch but she doesn't nag.
Mahiru nags but she doesn't bitch. Bitches just want to hurt you but nags are just overly concerned with correcting your behavior.
There's a difference. Hiyoko's a bitch. Mahiru's a loving mother
Absolutely delicious.
someone with complex motives
But the FF had made a deliberate effort to stay away from Towa City, because the Towa Group told them to fuck off.
I want a nude mod for this!
Oooh okay. I know that's the room he was setting the traps up in, but didn't he only find it because the tremors toppled the bookcase?
Hope it was Tengan
Either it was off or it wasn't directed at him. That, or was too distracted from the overwhelming pain of having most of his internal organs cooked by a superheated katana and blood loss from chopping his arm off to pay attention too the video.
>first time in years since Dangan Ronpa got spooky
>wasted on a shitty anime that ruined the series
I'm glad I'm not a Cred Forumspologetic kodacuck
the only character that could be izuru 2.0 now is chiaki, just cause no one else really was prominent enough in either show to be it that wasnt already in the killing game. its bullshit that she'll survivie her wounds if this happens but next despair might start with the reveal that tengan was behind the camera at the end of ep 10 and then how he convinced izuru to save chiaki so he can use her for his experiments.
>Taking personal offense because people believe in a theory
Holy autism
Explain what was deliberate and ironic about not having your shadow stepped on, opening your left hand, walking through doors
I want Mahiru to nag me every day for the rest of my life.
What I mean is, even if the tremors didn't dislodge the bookcase he might have tried investigating it (since it's actually a fake and everything on it is bolted down).
What would she nag you about anyways?
NTR me up.
It's a shame she has absolutely terrible taste in friends
The mastermind had to have at least a general idea of who would die though, related to the NGs or not.
I don't think ALL the NG codes were like that.
Like Munakata, Kizakura, Seiko and Miaya for example just had rather bizarre codes that had nothing to do with their character.
I'm sure she can think of something.
>Wanting to be emasculated in public
>Being this low T
The theory itself was fine, its the fact that a vast majority of you autists kept spamming insults calling people who shoot down the theory delusional when ironically a couple weeks later you all start looking that way.
shes fucking dead.
Togami escaped with the captives and talked with Komaru and Fukawa before that
He should know and should of informed the rest of FF
I want to touch her red hair... even her red pubes... why is red hair so attractive?
You never played a game about stepping on others shadows? That's a popular kid's game in Japan.
>left hand
Ironic echo of how he was unable to save that cute Class 77 teacher from getting bombarded by Enoshima's cannon.
>walking through doors
He's the former SHSL Student Council President and the head of the FF, he was used to opening them.
Did we ever find out what real Miaya's NG code was?
What if Kirigiri is the second Izuru
Would Mahiru be a better team mom than Chiaki?
Or is she just not capable of opening up like that to a large group?
She lived in Ruruka's shadow her whole life now she can't let anyone live in her's
He spent his life making a future now he can't open any of it's doors so he is trapped
>Left Hand
Probably just wanted Fedora dead
>Yfw best maid talking about Mutants tomorrow as the Reserve course sucides
Little shit
Not holding the door for her, holding her bag for her, basic chivalry shit that would otherwise be considered dead in todays society unless your some white knight online fedora neckbeard m'lady
>juzo hiding his eyes
So pure
Mahiru likes helping people so she ends up associating with weirdos with lots of problems.
Reminder that Mahiru was even nice to Nagito. She's the one who felt bad about tying him up. She was the one who started feeding him.
Maybe Kizakura is actually left handed and that's somehow intrinsic to his character which we'll learn tomorrow.
Are you saying that Chiaki is a slut?
Not to a large group, and she's too busy bullying boys to get them to do anything.
>Probably just wanted Fedora dead
I chuckled a little bit at how you just gave up on him
Miaya's was turning right.
I can't imagine her code changing if she were actually there instead of her robot.
Mahiru already was team mom in SDR2. She was the heart and Twogami was the brains, and they both croaked super early.
AE had so much concept art made for it that theyre still getting material out of it.
I'm saying she's good at bringing together and managing a group of eccentric personalities.
She just needs her normie boyfriend to make it worth her while.
Seiko spent her whole life in Ruruka's shadow. That kind of shadow play is also a popular children's game, appropriate for someone with an issue with their childhood friend.
His left hand was the one that Kizakura hurt trying to save that teacher.
The door thing is a bit more abstract, but probably has to do with Munakata's failed efforts to open the door to Hope's Peak while the killing game was going on. He couldn't open that door- someone else had to open it for him.
Gekko's NG code I can't really guess at. I'm not even completely convinced she had one, since it wouldn't do anything anyway.
Chiaki isnt a team mom. She's a team security blanket or team cuddly pet that everyone loves.
S-she's coming back you hear me. T-The bottle, that random bottle that could have been anything, I-it was the cure.
N-never end Never land!
Except she was lying through her metallic teeth about that, she turned right a couple times. Not to mention every shot of her has her wrists conveniently hidden from sight thanks to her long sleeves.
You guys are kinda stretching to make them actually ironic. I think only some of the NGs were special for their holders; you can tell which people the mastermind was focusing on.
>its bullshit that she'll survivie her wounds
I remember when I thought this
This thread needs more HOPE!
Door, closet, Juzo joke
>AE had so much concept art made for it that theyre still getting material out of it.
pretty much
It just is.
Oh, right.
Funny but I don't think it really translates.
I just figured the poison from violating it didn't work because you can't poison robots.
He's man enough to take nudes of him.
(Taken from the Souda POV manga)
It still would have gone off and made the little jingle.
We are among nobility.
The second one looks like a Young Tengan.
I assumed so. Works for English-speaking audiences though.
That's pretty funny, shame if I stole the joke no one would get it.
Point is- all those NG codes WERE intentional and specific. Some were just more subtle than others.
Red Hair is Life
You do know that there is a at least one episode left, right?
Your behavior might come back to bite you in the ass, falseflagger-kun
Seiko didn't live in Ruruka's shadow. She would likely be doing the same thing with or without Ruruka. She allow Ruruka to walk all over her for years. Her NG code forces her to make a stand for herself and stop being a doormat.
>Chiaki is down
>Kirigiri is down
Aoi or Komaru next?
For some reason I never thought about that.
Guess her code will forever remain a mystery, just like the rest of her character.
Is that a alpha Juzo?
The twist where everyone killed themselves from looking at the monitor might have actually been good if everything in Dangan Ronpa didn't amount to brain washing thanks to the shit show that is Dangan Ronpa 3 Despair Hen.
>Gozu's and Chisa's
What were they?
In the future everyone will trace their lineage to Aoi Asahina
lets add this one too
Mukuros thighs
>beta haiji is literally munakata
Not if she's been the secret mastermind this whole time. Her and Mitarai's are the only codes we don't have absolute confirmation on.
no, those are for haiji and his father
She was the team mom. She nagged her sons to get shot done and helped her daughters with the housework.
Gozu was being pinned for a 3-count and Chisa was having Munakata die.
Good fucking luck trying to do either of those.
Friendly reminder that Kodaka was going to make this pair canon.
I'm cool with it.
Please, Donuts can't die.
She should have her own line of action movies
She died.
Mahiru's red hair is better! I want to touch and smell it!
>Originally an action game
>Realize 90% of your audience are visual novel players and not into those games
I appreciate their consideration to their audience but it still kinda hurts, Im happy with AE though.
What happened in the despair arc actually halped set up what happened in the Future arc nicely
And don't kid yourself, it was always going to be brainwashing
>Mukuro will never snap your neck in-between her thighs
No. If either of them die, then either Cumaru Naegi or pic related will become cannon.
Well, beta Haiji IS literally Munakata
Fuck Mahirufags
Post Mikan
Will she ever swim in any of them?
Wouldn't matter, the entire game is automated anyway.
Despair Arc is Star Wars prequel tier. Didn't need to be told, just made things worse.
That image is beautiful.
I'm still holding out that Monaka was the mastermind but lied about it before fucking off to space. We know the entire game was just running on autopilot. Hell, why not?
At least for Mitarai's code we can make some sort of educated guess based on what we've seen (using his phone, for example)
Miaya's doesn't even have that much.
Both the dead Miaya's were robots, the actual real Miaya is the mastermind.
You'll see.
have a better version of that pic
Stop trying to erase Chisa's existence, you piece of shit OP.
They should have made Kanon a heroine.
I want to lick it...
Do you have scans of the art book?
> You will never have a female Super High School Level Big Boss help you ruin everything forever out of love.
Oh wow.
>Stop throwing tea in the harbor, colonists!
Why did this anime have to kill all the best waifus? Chiaki, Kirigiri and Juzo.
All gone.
Why Cred Forums? Why?
Then Gandalf the grey and Gandalf the white and Monty Python and the holy grail's black knight
>Why did this anime have to kill all the best waifus? Chiaki, Kirigiri and Juzo.
Neck yourself.
Doubt they have any time whatsoever to bring her back, we only have 20 minutes left (but i hope to god the final despair is actually another future arc episode) and i think the confrontation with tengan/16th person will take up so much time that theres no way to bring kirgiri back, the only way i can buy it is if tengan uses kirigiri hostage in some way to fuck with naegi telling him shes actually still alive just in a coma (which is the only way i think id be ok with kirigiri being alive)
Such a shame it wasn't developed.
You think the main point of despair arc is about just being a simple prequel, and not about being tied together with Future Arc, don't you?
>Her not caring and fucking off to space was just an act
>She actually flew to the FF headquarters
found them posted quite a while ago
Why wasn't Nagito put into an institution since he clearly has problems and is a menace to society
I agree!
And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
I like how Koichi always took his hat off, whenever they found a new body, to show respect.
He was lucky
>not being femdommed by a girl half your size
He was put into Hope's Peak.
Because Aoi has consistently proven herself as best girl
Is Juzo the purest Ronpaul?
because Monaka is fun and there's literally no satisfying way to end this series without bullshit, so fuck it, make it the fun girl
Did he take his hat off for himself?
>Badass ACTION Komaru, now with 100% more despair!
I coulda gone for that.
You really think ultimate luckman couldn't hide his disability from society? Besides, he doesn't really go super crazy until there's some real despair shit going on.
It fell of, does that count?
>ywn be wake up in the morning to find Mahiru snapping a picture of your "cute sleeping face"
>ywn get ready for work as Mahiru makes your favourite breakfast in the kitchen and hurries the kids out the door
>ywn do a bad job of doing up your tie, eliciting a "GEEEEEEEZ" from Mahiru as she fixes it for you
>ywn rush out the door before giving Mahiru "her kiss", prompting her to pull you back in.
>ywn open up your lunch to find a loving note from Mahiru scribbled on the back of the photo she took of you sleeping that morning
>ywn come home after a long day of work to play games and have dinner with Mahiru and your kids
>ywn read your daughter bedtime stories while Mahiru tucks in your son in the other room
>ywn climb into bed with Mahiru and tenderly cuddle with her
>Mahiru will never tell you that today is a safe day, so it's okay if you want to fool around now that the kids are asleep
Chisa exists, she just isn't the heroine.
Sorry, Chisa.
>Komaru's ahoge
holy shit
Take him.
I don't really understand why people who criticize Chisa always go for her opinions on normies first. The worst thing she ever did was everything with Nagito. Nagito's a crazy terrorist and she kept sticking up for him.
But it made Mitarai pretty much irredeemable.
The fuck do you mean he knows what that crazy bitch has been doing to turn people to her side?
So all these years he has known that a pretty sizeable portion of the most dangerous people of the world were recruited by a specific method, that he himself developed, and all these years instead of saying something and trying to develop a counter-measure or at least make everyone aware that any of them could become despair with the snap of a finger, he just sulked in the corner?!
I don't even mind the brainwash as the twist of Future, if MINDHACC just came up as DR weirdness, it wouldn't have been as bad. We have certainly accepted worse, so no, Despair arc wasn't needed for that.
>Munakata gets Juzo's body and his heart.
Is this ok?
Nothing is sadder than a dead waifu.
Juzo is a little bitch who ruined everything because she didn't have the balls to confess her love
That's the kind of fun-seeking, no-theory roller-coaster attitude we need going into the finale. Serious is suffering.
She clearly is but hey memes are more fun, right.
ill be honest, while people are trying to compare the chiakizuru theory to the retarded ass kirijunko theory it might actually be a legit possibility. and if chiaki really is the 16th member i can almost guarentee you hinata actually manages to save her this time,
holy shit the strawberry seed striking 3 times bandai mentioned was never junko, it was chiaki. And i guarentee you user if chiaki is saved then kirigiri will be too, her face just might be fucked up and potentially be in a coma.
best boy juzo is actually dead though. But at least he had the best death in the series.
He was pretty good at hiding his HOPE in the early game in dr2. If surrounded by normal people, then there no reason to show his true self. Plus, because of his luck, he usually avoided getting close to people since they usually end up dead.
Of course. Although just once per film, Asa-ing wet Hinas is too stimulating for the common public.
But is he the purest?
You have to ship Mahiru with either Nagito or Hajime, who do you choose and why?
Wouldn't Monaca stick around if Junko was the mastermind? Bored or not, she liked her.
If she is alive and well she will obviously be within the mastermind's plot/revelation
Blind devotion is what made Izayoi terrible too. There has to be a point where you draw the line.
Definitely the purest, most innocent, most moe. A true maiden.
>juzo will never look at you the way he looks at munakata
Life hurts
I ship Nagito with Hajime and have Mahiru take pictures.
>Not wanting to be the responsible father she always wanted for herself.
You don't deserve her.
I would've loved a game like this, komaru with sick ass ahoge power would have been great
Yeah, I never cared about Mitarai so there is that. He is pretty much a flawed character
No one will ever look at you the way he looks at Munakata.
>Chisa is true heroine
>Doesn't even have a figure
Of course.
>Loved Munakata since high school
>Didn't expect ANYTHING back, did as asked for everything
>Didn't report Enoshima not because he hated himself, but because he was afraid that Munakata wouldn't keep him around anymore if he was found out
>Used his last seconds to save a man whom he thought had hated him and casted him aside, but since he loved him so much he didn't care.
Not even lust, pure love drove that man.
I don't know any women I would save if I wasn't tapping it, hell even if I was me>>>>>them.
>NO ONE will look at you the way he looks at Munakata
>you will never see Juzo blush profusely when a love song that reminds him of Munakata comes on
Maybe she cant have any kids?
I want more hentai doujins with Mahiru.
As Junko said I can't see him as anything but a pure maiden in love
Chisa's theme makes me so sad.
I want to put my face in his tits and die there. That's my hope.
I'll assume they're not that stupid to actually put "Sleeping pills" instead of "Sleeping drug"
But what if it isn't a mistake?
50 bucks says you might be right.
it gets stuck in my head sometimes
I think Mahiru would be more self loathing if she couldn't do something that women are supposed to be able to do.
>remove hope.png
It's most likely just engrish. "Pills" and "Drug" are very close anyway.
>He will always be too late.
On one hand I want Munakata to suffer for what he's done to Juzo.
One the other, I want him to live so Juzo will be happy.
Love stinks.
user you are getting my hopes up too much.
I'll be entirely honest, i want a happy like ending for this no matter how bullshit(save the anime ending, thats retarded) and chiaki + kirigiri surviving is pretty much what i need for that to happen, both are unlikley of course since theories aside both are fucking dead. But i want to believe but dont want to be burned by the final episodes of both shitting on me.
>waifuing the best mom
>not wanting kids
pick one
That's a stretch. How would she even know
Naah, im sure she would be just fine.
one more because i like her design
>Makoto was terrified that people would find out he used to wet his bed
>Meanwhile his classmates are either serial killers, crossdressers or fratricide committers
So before we start analyzing this too much were any of the other words they flashed in the opening relevant in the slightest
So, V3 will have a different Monokuma child for each trial. What are the odds that the Monokuma ties into either who the killer or victim is? There's a robo Monokuma and a music Monokuma, which tie in nicely with robo Naegi and Kaede. You could potentially tie the other Monokuma's to some of the other characters as well.
Juzo is the purest, most perfect waifu.
>we'll never get gundam piloting souda's robots
why even live
Post early character designs
Link me this theme, user. Please.
She'd probably find out eventually when she wasn't having any kids and then it'd get to her.
Even normal women have trouble with that one, man.
Not much changed
Too obvious
>early character designs
Juzo survives and they all live happily ever after.
He truly is.
>dark hair
everything changed
>final future arc episode starts playing the op
>it gets to the scene of everyone falling
>naegi reaches out to kirigiri's hand
>this time he actually catches her
How would you react.
I'm so glad they swapped Fuyuhiko and Nidai's designs.
It's not on Youtube, if that's what you're asking. It's the theme that plays when she talks with Naegi (episode 1), when Munakata reminisces about his big plan to change the world with her and Juzo (Episode 6), and I think it plays at least once in Despair as well (think it was episode 1).
The big advantage about Gozu's NG code is that it would never be accidentally or inadvertently activated nor can it be inferred due to a obvious change in behaviour.
Kamakura Izuru will be our lord and savior, you just wait and he will save us from despair with his ultimate everything power.
Not if it ties to the victims identity, since that will already be known at the start of the trial.
So the second design then turned out into another character, aka kanon, right?
Komaru's power ahoge's fucking cool.
Glad they changed that
Angry that they wasted time on the opening when they skipped it last episode.
Komaru and a more femme fatal version of Fukawa / Syo
Honestly, the only way Munakata could redeem himself at this point is by getting down on one knee and proposing to Juzo. And he can't do that if Juzo is truly dead, so deep down, I'm hoping for a cheap fakeout asspull where Juzo was merely passed out instead of dead.
I don't care how dumb it is, I want my happy ending.
Death game (which was)
and some kanjis. I couldn't get the first one, the second says "Despair" he last one says "Hope"
Milf Chiaki
>he will save us from despair
Juzo is already dead though.
Despair has consumed me inside and out.
Servant Komaeda had some nice differing designs
It really is
I kinda like it
His hamsters were supposed to hide in his hair instead of his scarf
Ishimaru is.
>Naegi lost 2 waifus
>Munakata lost 2 waifus
>Hajime... lost the same waifu twice, but AI Chiaki wasn't that similar to RL Chiaki, so I'll count them separately
So yeah, they need to lose 2, it's a rule.
>Far left Komaru on top
She looks like fucking Hajime
>That second design
>Toko's design
>So the second design then turned out into another character, aka kanon, right?
The last design looks like the girl from V3.
why would the Ultimate Gamer dress like this?
Rules are made to be broken.
Looks like Yukari
Well guess what?
That's the design they used
kind of,
just the long hair bit
Another comparison for reference
When is Kanon going to show up in the anime?
I want to fuck Chihiro.
They really like Hajime. Even Naegi got retconned into being mini-Hajime.
Man now when I think about it, Miria-hen episode 11 was really fucking gay.
So has Kodaka finally lost it? Will we see lesbians drama in V3?
What is with these artists and beauty marks?
No fuck that. Munakata lost Chisa once to despair, and lost her again to death. If we can count Nanami as two, we can count Chisa as two.
Munakata is going to stay behind while the facility floods. Mitarai, too. Asahina will take Naegi and swim for the surface. Togami will be alive in the rubble.
Hagakure will be the mastermind.
>He's the former SHSL Student Council President and the head of the FF, he was used to opening them.
I don't see what his positions had to do with his capability and familiarity with the act of physically opening a door.
Unless this is some dumb way of "OPENING DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY" in which case you could fucking fit the entirety of The Great Gozu with your ass stretched out that far.
He looks good.
How many husbandos will Kaede lose?
I will never get over that fucking monokuma we could have had.
Thank god that literally did not happen.
>When is Kanon going to show up in the anime?
Sadly.. probably never. So many missed opportunities
>now when I think about it
i can't tell whether you're baiting or not
Juzo's sacrifice in vain.
Well, I guess Kizakura's kind of was, too.
Not how it works, user.
We gotta go to the cheesiest place possible, daughters named after them.
Naegi is going to have 2 daughters named Kyouko and Sayaka, Munakata will have 2 daughters(?) named Chisa and Juzo and Hajime will have 2 daughters... both named Chiaki.
Confusing, but nothing we can do, it's the rule.
2, but her DAUGHTERS will be named after them, always daughters.
It's just the mastermind fucking with him. He failed to open the door to HPA. Thus, he can't open ANY doors.
Munakata couldn't open doors because there needed to be a reason for Naegi to get him to stop attacking him so he could do one of his ULTIMATE HOPE speeches.
Only if cap-kun turns out to be Naoto or they decide to fulfill yuri shippers desires and make twintails a lesbian.
Another Chiaki beta
Why is Leon Larry Butz?
Mirai episode 11 gay? They're just bros, man.
warriors of hope
literally my mom's chihiro
No, Hinata's daughters will be named Nanami and Chiaki.
Except Chisa genuinely loved Munakata both before and after she fell into despair, and she was still generally genki and cheerful (just look at how giddy she is to send herself to her doom). Hajime and Chiaki's relationship literally reset from 0, and her AI doesn't even have the same personality (being more reserved and detached from the outset, for one).
What twitter?
>Seiko spent her whole life in Ruruka's shadow
No she didn't. Do you even know what the phrase "living in someone's shadow" means?
>The door thing is a bit more abstract, but probably has to do with Munakata's failed efforts to open the door to Hope's Peak while the killing game was going on. He couldn't open that door- someone else had to open it for him.
This is such a stretch.
Remember when toko and komaru literally started to fly and they yelled at a giant Monokuma?
let me add Chihiro's mom
and sayaka's sister
Remember that time Mahiru covered up a murder
Is she the Mukuro of DR3?
I have no idea, I'm sorry user.
Speaking of opening doors
Remember when they tried to spin it as "Komaru doesn't care about hope or despair" when they very blatantly rely on the non-abstract actual hope that Towa city will get better?
I like Fuyuhiko as a character.
This is how delusional fujoshits are.
There's still a sense of loss that comes with learning the truth about her, user. Whether or not she still loved him isn't the point.
>Chihiro's mom
>Implying Donuts and the hopelet are only having 2 kids
They'll get to honor every single DR1 victim AND blackened and maybe even the people from DR3
>The day they regret this is the day they scream at Sayaka to stop running after Leon with the scissors.
>Sayaka's sister
RIP in peace, along with Santa
Damn it, Monaca, you knew there was not a attacker since you saw Chisa/Gozu kill themselves.
Oh, is that why there's all those nip toilet jokes with Munakata? Now I get it.
>I'm hoping for a cheap fakeout asspull where Juzo was merely passed out instead of dead.
>I don't care how dumb it is,
Do you know what delusional means?
Mukuro is the Mukuro of DR3
Santa's getting at least a small feature in the upcoming sound novel, so he's canon.
Beta Hajimemes with regular Hajimemes
If Kirigirifags and Chiakifags can be delusional, we can be delusional about wanting Juzo to be happy, too.
s-shut up bastard!
Fukawa lifted Komaru up in her arms , jumped in the air and pretty much floated
Apparently. a serious / confident fukawa has the same powers as Syo
I can tell that Kaede and Robo Naegi will be the cutest ship ever, I really want Kaede to be older than him too.
>That weedman and Togami
I would've vastly prefer these versions way more then what we had
Why would she tell them?
It's kinda hard to show red hair in a black and white picture.
Everyone in this thread knows what it means yet you keep posting your pathetic yaoi fanfics.
>Chihiro's mom
Poor woman lost everything
I was praising her manipulator skills obviously.
Who the hell carried them all to the undersea section? I can't picture Old man Tengan carrying the likes of Juzo and specially Great Gozu all the way there.
>That scene
fucking hurt man
You seem triggered
I'm waiting until the first chapter or so to see if Kodaka trolls us by killing off one or both of them.
Surprise, twintails is MC and cap-kun was her romantic interest all along!
>"Mooom, it's not fair! Why am I grounded for trying to tell Mondo a secret?"
>"YOU ARE NOT TELLING MONDO ANYTHING! Now back to your room!"
She knew from the beginning. That whole deal with getting 'hacked' by Monokuma was an act.
As soon as you realize that Monokuma was a recording (seriously, go back and watch if you don't believe me, it's pretty obvious) then you have to realize that she was playing everyone from the start. She didn't 'find out' she helped set up the game in the first place.
Chances are, Tengan approached her, exposed her as an infiltrator, and then before she could go all BERSERKER MODO on him, he told her he was a Remnant of Despair and one of Junko's followers. Then he had her help with the setup for his game.
Once Monaca realized that the goal of this game wasn't despair at all, and that SHE was the one getting played, she got tired of pretty much everything and fucked off to space.
You pretend Juzo is a heroine when it was Munakata that needed saving which Naegi managed to do after the two of them pretty much fought it out against each other either through dialogue or good old fashioned fists.
Kizakura was Jin's right hand man, and now he can't open his left hand.
Also, the only one there that knew about how bros Jin and Fedore were is/was Tengan.
It fits.
Not as triggered as the fujoshit that keeps reposting the same image and pasta over and over again.
You wound me, user.
I don't like yaoi.
I just support Juzo and his dreams.
Mukuro got to have a character.
>Fukawa's face
Finding all this shit about relatives of her classmates must have been fucking rough.
>regular Hajime
Doors you say.
Fukawa knows... and also knows that telling Komaru would only make it worse
Munakata has been fucking Chisa for years now, he isn't gay.
This to be quite honest.
Getting triggered about fujos in a discussion about a canon gay character is fucking retarded and you should kill yourself for getting angry about it.
And I'm a straight dude.
Who would hand my dick over to Juzo the instant he asked.
Why hand big
My point is, the change between pre and post-despair Chisa is much less than it is between Chiaki and AI Chiaki. Even their executions and demises are met with very differently - Chiaki is in absolute terror given she's a schoolgirl with hopes and dreams who never expected to be in this situation, while AI Chiaki is fairly neutral about it initially, and then smiles when she 'dies' because she's just combining her spirit with Hajimes so they can create a miracle together. AI Chiaki talks about miracles with confidence and courage, while real Chiaki acts more like she's hoping for a personal miracle.
I was trying to remember Juzo's NG code and then I got it.
Fucking hell i cant find stuff like this cute anymore knowing shes dead.
That's why my final hope for the Kibougamine arc is for Munakata to experience his bislut awakening.
I am telling you, after being piggybacked everywhere the season is going to have a Naegi princess-carry.
Who is going to give it to him? I don't know, but the main heroine deserves to be treated as such
I feel like it would make way more sense to have naegi crying over kirigiri here
this is a blue board
>he thinks this'll stop people from making and posting art
That part actually got to me a bit. "what a cute girl. hope she is okay!"
rip best boy
Except those two are very similar in what happened. By the time they realized what happened, it was already too late.
>Toko's face
>act 1 we play as kaede plotting and killing robot
>we use lies during the class trial, but end up losing
i'm ready
plot armor lolz
Idk why but it feels like bullshit that we ended up with only 4 survivors (hell maybe less is crazy things happen in the final episodes) and two of them are DR1 survivors. The other two are second protagonist Munakata and despair arc plot armor Mitarai. I guess they killed off Kirigiri (if that sticks) but given the odds it really feels hackneyed that the DR1 chars were mostly safe while almost every new character died. Literally there isn't a single wildcard 'wow I can't believe they made it to the end' survivor and it kinda bums me out.
i mean I'm not gonna wish for Asahina to die, her dying would be worse than Kirigiri dying to me but it's so predictable
god damn it, i cant find this adorable anymore, it just hurts.
I really do want to have the protagonist die at some point. Why not make it Kaede? Sounds good.
Someone post the Asahina pasta
I was not expecting, and still do not expect munakata to survive this.
I honestly cannot believe how much I liked Toko after playing AE. I didn't like her at all after DR1 and she was the primary reason I had low expectations for AE in general.
To say she went from the worst character to the best would not even be an exaggeration.
I can only hope that the characters in V3 are as well realized. It'll make their deaths a lot more potent.
Munakata and Mitarai dies, Togami and Hagakure dies, only survivors will be Asahina and Naegi.
How would you feel?
I just realized last week's despair was the last time we ever get to see chiaki.
I love how we all arent talking about Togami at all because we know he's alive.
I wish they would show more of kirigiri's crime log than 2 pages, I'm really curious what she did believe
>Toko's face
the face of silent suffering
Santa was canon, though. He just died before the game started and was probably fed to his plant.
Or is it?
>typinghabits is one word
This is why you're not a SHSL student
I'd prefer they have Kaede die in act 5. Until then, they'll hype up or slyly try to force the player to get attached to a certain character a la Chiaki, who we'll get to play as in the final trial after Kaede dies.
IIRC he was mentioned in DR1 tho
Honestly, Absolute Despair Girls really is relevant so people realize what Togami's 'place' in the series really is.
>being this triggered over a gay character
user im forcing myself to not have hope, like its honestly the best case scenario going into the next episode convinced shes dead cause that way if she winds up alive i can be happy but if she stays dead i had already accepted it.,
but i keep coming up with these bullshit predictions of how it ends and i have a hard time picturing it without her alive. So im kind of boned next week.
>"T-this is bullshit Juzo shouldn't have survived being stabbed."
>Togami surviving the equivalent of 9/11 is acceptable though.
Some mental gymnastics to bitch about writing amuses me at this point, anyone you don't want to die can survive nukes and people you want to have die could trip at the end of the episode and you get "X FAGS BTFO" shitposts for days.
Funny because you had to drop out of school since you ran out of student loans trying to fund your degree in basket weaving.
Take Kaede's perspective being introduced to the mess they're all in. We switch to robo's perspective, including him being killed by an unknown attacker. Class trial starts and we're back as Kaede. Trial ends and it's revealed that Kaede was the killer after all and is executed.
Fucking angry, I don't want Weedman to die. His death would crush me
>this much butthurt over drawings
Your tears are delicious, please keep them coming
I can post my dick right now.
He can't keep getting away with it.
Clearly not a SHSL Trash Talker either.
So is the Hope Arc episode supposed to air in the same spot Despair airs in, next week? Or is it right after Future's final episode next week?
Not as delicious as the tears from a fujoshit who even ignores what she sees in the anime.
How does it feel that Munakata didn't even want Juzo's AIDs ridden blood to splatter on him as he was killing him?
She dies if punched and picked a fight with the guy who dies if he punches. If anything she did not die because she picked a fight with Juzo.
I only read a summary and don't feel like playing it or watching a playthrough.
Can you tell me, user?
That's just speculation.
I love the development she got in ae, I'm glad toko's character exists.
>naegi and kirigiri never fucked like rabbits to the point of exhaustion
shitty series
pretty much. Nobody believes he's dead.
Things close to Fukawa survive. Even her pet bug
his best role as damsel in distress that messed up and lewd fantasy
But Hagakure was clearly knocked clear of the building collapsing.
The fact that he's nowhere to be seen NOW, and not helping dig Togami out, should be viewed as significant. He's probably the real mastermind and is heading down to the underwater facility right now in order to end things.
People move in their sleep user. Also we never actually SAW her sleeping like that, we just assumed she did because of the way she was moving before she fell asleep. She might have knelt down and stretched out backwards.
He's literally a joke character.
But Juzo is a virgin, user-kun
Why bother following non-h series?
This is just speculation?
SHSL projector it is then, welcome to hope's peak!
Reserve course
I'm glad she has viable plot armor now. Aoi and Weedman were Kodaka's joke survivors, but he made Touko someone we could all love.
animation errors or something, i think cure W has more weight to it still just cause it does take a conscious effort to add something like that in.
Not after being whored out in the boxing world and coming in contact with blood and sweat all the time. .
AE did wonders for Fukawa. Glad she got the chance
See, you're projecting again
Is this cute?
Those are some hardcore fantasies you have there, user. Is there something you want to tell us?
Nope, that's official. Nevermind then. We're getting a finale in the final Despair slot after all.
Should be same time slot as despair.
>Just got done playing the Vita port of DR1
>Completely forgot about the after credits scene
Don't use your headcanons as an argument.
It's kind of funny how everyone gets all up in arms about one waifu or another, but deep down everyone is secretly Tokobros.
>Mirai-hen 12
>Zetsubou-hen XXX
I'm guessing that's supposed to indicate the Special for Zetsubou-hen, right? Fuck man, I wish we could get legitimate clarification on whetehr Zetsbuou will have 12 episodes or not. The idea that we might have to wait weeks or even months for the actual LAST episode of Danganronpa 3 is already giving me an aneurysm
Is THIS cute?
Just fuck already
>souda was never developed into a likeable yet bumbling bro character and instead we got le creepy stalker xddd
>runamu-sensei's art
Funny because you been posting your headcanon all the time.
Now keep crying as you see Munkata refusing to touch Juzo in any way.
But you're the one talking about boxers gangbangs, user
You need to calm your fantasies a little bit
I'm pretty sure it's one cross episode that will conclude both stories. The first half will wrap up Future and the second half Despair.
Look carefully, it's says Kibou-hen.
whats this about a Hope Arc episode?
no, it's 希望 as in kibou as in 'hope'.
>people move in their sleep
Yes, they roll around and shit (hence why the others had slightly shifted positions) but Kirigiri was clearly showed falling forward, but ends up in the exact opposite direction. Not to mention what an awkward position for her body to be in, especially if she had been shifting around in her sleep (face up with her arms and legs perfectly straight). Not to mention how the notebook is perfectly concealed underneath her, where if she shifted in her sleep it definitely would have left it in a less intentional position.
Souda was okay
I like your fanfic but there are probably better venues for it than here.
New thread.
Well fuck me sideways I can't help but feel excited now. Any idea on runtime? I'm not holding my breath for an extended or hour-long special, but it could happen.
>kibou side
Nah. not everyone.
Still. Nice to see several fukawa posters here now and see her get some love.
Oh, ESL-kun! We missed you! None of us should've been responding to you in the first place. Let people have their fun, jeez.
Please, no.
Please let this be a bonus episode that shows how Future would have gone with the real Miaya instead of the robit.
It's still only 30minutes.
>page 5
>We think it will conclude the series
>ends up being a hopeman SoL episode
Report and ignore it.
Oh, ok. Still really exciting though, I didn't expect that, I was still under the impression that we'd get blue balled into some irrelevant cast special in place of Zetsubou's last episode.
Holy fuck yes, now the series might actually end on a super strong note
also if there are really 2 episodes left of the future plotline then i actually can buy kirigiri being alive since now they have enough time to do it.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone here outright show any hate for her, though. At least among the crowd that played/watched AE. I liked her in DR1 though she was clearly a joke character, but I thought she was more entertaining than Hagakure
I hope it's a continuation of Mirai then, since it means it gets completed in 50 minutes instead of 25 if there was only one episode left
Kek the friend that protected her for years from Natsumi's bullying """"""terrible friends""""""
Thank god, seriously this really needed an episode to conclude both arcs.
Also i now believe kirigiri is alive, my literal only reason for losing faith was their just wasnt enough time left to reveal her alive, but if this really is one last episode for both arcs then hell yes there it.
I believe in hope
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
>Kizakura's left hand was the one that he hurt trying to save that teacher.
More like her blood splashed his hand. I rewatched the scene where he lets go of her hand and falls, the hand was intact.
ded thread?