Obscure waifus encouraged.
Draw your waifu
Kayden Morris
Isaac Adams
Actually 40 min in Paint, holy shit.
I'm very sorry for this horrible drawing, miss Kunieda
Luke Powell
A cute
Kayden Davis
I guess this is now a Beelzebub thread
Carson James
Jeremiah Turner
Chase Morgan
Camden Myers
fuck, it's difficult to draw with the mouse. I'm so used to tablet.
Josiah Phillips
its a trash can
Joshua Hughes
His waifu is Danny Devito
Daniel Evans
Carson Bailey
There was an attempt.
Brandon Kelly
Camden Ortiz
>tfw author forgets your Waifu exists
Sebastian Lopez
>princess resurrection
Nicholas Ramirez
I thought it was Hilda which makes it even less obscure
Robert Clark
Cameron Hall
Straight copy
Juan Flores
some hanayo love up in here
Landon Hughes
Nice brows.
Matthew Gomez
Josiah Hill
If you know who it is you'll know the quality doesn't matter that much anyway.
Angel James
It is infact hilda to correct the record.
Chase Martinez
Fucking burn in hell.
Angel Johnson
why do tumblrites all have the same disgusting artstyle?