Just watched the series and End of Evangelion and I'm kinda pissed and sad
What does Cred Forums think of the show and movie?
Neon Genesis: Evangelion
Try the Rebuild movies. Still waiting on 3.0+1.0.
I've never heard of it, must be pretty shitty.
I've heard mixed reviews about the rebuilds
I know that 1.0 is just so 1-6 then 2.0 and 3.0 or different plots but I'm more concerned about the overall ending and outcome of the series
Plus, I'm not certain one can just re-write the plot of such a series
Well, my final opinion of the rebuilds will be the result of 3.0 + 1.0 because 3.0 was...weird, but 1.0 and 2.0 were amazing
Is it Friday already?
Yeah I heard 3.0 was odd but do you think 3.0+1.0 can actually change that or at least make up for it?
Not him.
I'd say only partially so, unless they go for an extra long movie.
Kinda doubt seeing their movies only stretch to about an hour and a half
Also, do you think it could possibly expand on the events that happened in the series and end of evangelion? Or is it still going to be something that's very different like 2.0 and 3.0?
It's going to be very different simply because 3.0 already happened. 1.0 was literally reanimated NGE, 2.0 is reimagined NGE, and 3.0 went completely off the rails.
I think 2.0 was like 110 minutes long. They could manage with something a bit longer than that if they don't fuck around, I'd say.
I guess Shinjin and Asuka will be on that beach forever, or at least in the viewer's minds that is
Don't watch re-build stay away user. Don't be part of this suffering.
I don't think I could bring myself to watch it anytime soon.
The ending of EoE will be replaying in my head for weeks now
There are plenty of videos that explain the ending.
What year are you posting from?
If you think they stay like that forever then they do. It's a deliberately ambiguous ending, the first version was abandoned specifically for suggesting too strongly that only Shinji ever came back.
Wait who the fuck is the guy to the right of Shinji? What the fuck
Are you fucking serious
The friend he crushed and forcefully amputated his legs.
Unless you got the message Anno was trying to convey in Eva + EoE, do not try the rebuilds, you will come out of them thinking its shit or wishing it was more like 2.0
Rebuilds are the new fuckery Anno is doing, each movie has a meta symbolism that has nothing to do with the plot, story or any thing in the movie and just exists to fuck with people
Oh boy you will hate 1.0+3.0, I can assure you
pissed and sad why?
Well humanitie is now free of the original sin, Shinji and Asuka have finally managed to communicate and where left with a promising ending.
How do you feel to be so late on the sad train that you could not be sad the last new year's even when the whole humanity got tanged and you didnt
The shittiest pile of pretention ever.
>Crazy ass shinji who was alone in tang land for god knows how long and bitch mode asuka who only came back because she is a huge egoistical bitch
Yui was right, better to be sure and become a gigantic statue to prove we were here than let two stupid teens save humanity
>Kinda pissed and sad.
Yeah, that's just about right OP.
Can anyone tell me the series in order? Or is the 1.0 , 2.0 just remakes of the original show? Pls im confused
How hard is it to google it?
Can someone tell me what ironic shitposting is?
they explain it with too much and i get bored i just want a quick explaination of what to watch after NGE: The End
You should probably wait until you're not a child anymore and have developed the attention span necessary to google a simple question.
This thread is shitty, good thing I've arrived.
>A disgraced Eva pilot shows up at your house and won't stop playing your Sega. What do you do?
You have to be eighteen or older to post here user.
Kick her out
This cutie pie looks lost. What do you do?
A visual "Tour de force"
One of the finest, and most influential works of Anime of all time. The anime equivalent to GAME OF THRONES by GEORGE RR MARTIN.
If Martin is the American "Tolkien" then Anno just may be the Japanese "Tolkien"
Comfort her and help her build herself back up.
lurk more
>I'm kinda pissed and sad
Don't worry, this feel will come off eventually
>The anime equivalent to GAME OF THRONES by GEORGE RR MARTIN.
>If Martin is the American "Tolkien" then Anno just may be the Japanese "Tolkien"
It'll never happen and you know it.
fuck all of you for not saging when posting in threads like these
no one cares about your inane opinions about a show that ended 25 fucking years ago
its shit
its great
Why that fag Kaworu is so popular? i´m tired of fujoshit fanservice,movies just ruined everything