Does Megumi's popularity prove that people prefer more realistic heroines?
Does Megumi's popularity prove that people prefer more realistic heroines?
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Megumi is only good because she has a cold demeanor and is snarky and witty with MC.
She is the same as Hitagi.
There's that word again.
The best girls are realistic
She's actually very nice. Utaha is someone cold.
>When nips don't like my favorite girl, their taste is shit
>When nips like my favorite girl, their taste is good
>realistic in any way when she is pure otaku bait
Pick one and only one.
She's not as stoic in the LN. She's shown to be cold or showing flat expression when she has to deal with MC's bullshit.
You mean the default boring/nice personality. They rarely are that popular, so not really.
Megumi a shit.
>isn't a vapid bitch
>doesn't suck chad dick on the side
>a female actually agreeing to be a part of a visual novel project (without pay)
>comparing Megumi to the typical boring nice girls
She's a notch above that.
Reminder that boring characters like Megumi and Onodera are shit because they pander to boring beta cucks who don't like female characters with personalities and only like the characters that remind them of their submisive mother that their fathers used to abuse before he was sent to San Quentin for a DUI and manslaughter.
>implying s he doesn't have feelings for MC
>Not wish-fulfillment cute normal girl turned otaku waifu after getting dragged
Megumi is a notch above the boring category alright.
>I hate niceness
Sure is crawlin' in here.
Give a single scene from the anime that shows Megumi loves Tomoya.
What happened to the other girls when she won the MC bowl
Don't try to weasel your way out with "muh LN." Give me a scene from the anime that shows she has feelings for him.
She doesn't even love the MC. She's probably going to ship Eriri and Tomoya at the end.
I love this meme
>prove that people prefer
Yea if you mean filthy Elevens.
They love their boring doormats.
>muh anime
Read volume 7, newfag.
Now now, evasive tough guy images won't heal those wounds.
Majority tend to have shit taste. This is one of those times.
>implying Megumi isn't the most popular everywhere
>implying she's a doormat
Fuck off secondary.
>Megumifags still trying to claim no romance in order to make their girl sound less generic
As usual.
Why don't you just watch superior western television? It's filled with the strong women who don't take shit from nobody.
I'm not sure the majority of Cred Forums would agree with you.
Twintail Tsundere's tend to be the traditional to-go-to
Volume 7 says she doesn't have feelings for him.
Most popular in normalfag sites like Reddit and MAL.
>Land of chickenshits who are stuck in tradition with their submissive servitude and ultra polite culture
Can't say we're surprised, though.
Twintail tsunderere old and busted. Eriri isn't even more popular than Utaha, less alone Megumi.
Who cares about reddit and MAL? Only Cred Forums matters here.
All of a sudden you magical know about the series beyond anime now? Secondaryfag pls.
Are you seriously implying Megumi isn't Cred Forums's favorite?
Popularity in Cred Forums goes Megumi >> Utaha >= Eriri > the rest.
You're the one bragging about how your waifu is popular everywhere. It's like you think anyone elses opinion but mine actually matters.
Michiru proves you wrong.
>implying that Cred Forums isn't crawling with redditfags.
I'm just stating that fact since you seem to be under the impression that only Japan likes Megumi when she's the most liked in Cred Forums as well.
>if you like Megumi, you must be a redditor
You can't be this stupid.
Prove me wrong redditfag.
This is some high level irony here.
>I can tell what reddit likes because it's usually the opposite of what like.
Nothing ironic about it.
I like Megumi and am not a redditor.
Michiru is an unironic tsundere despite the act, idiot.
>replying to the reddit spammer instead of reporting him
For fuck's sake.
>mongrel's perception of the glorious motherland
Gaijin is brute who lacks honor, respect, grace and nuance. Only understands brashness, force, egotism and things being spelled out for them.
That sounds like something a closet redditor would say.
Megumi is fucking awesome, but I don't think she's realistic. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find many girls as open-minded and generally low maintenance as her.
Speaking from experience, are we?
Still not a conventional tsundere.
This is obviously a bait thread anyway, why does it even matter.
>Still acts like a tsundere
Doesn't mean much.
>no one could possibly think Megumi is a realistic character
Only a troll would. Or a newfag who have only seen 20 shows.
It's already proven that any Saekano thread that focuses on one character and nothing about the plot is just an excuse to start a flame war.
I'm Jewish. We're special.
Is this your first Saekano thread? Every Saekano thread that focuses on Megumi or Eriri is just a bait for the next shitfling circle jerk.
>He doesn't know about Yuipollfag
That guy ain't a Megumifag, guy. You have some lurking in past Yahari and Saenai threads to do. Not that there aren't a lot of other traits that set her apart from generic nice girls.
>no one genuinely wants to discuss Saekano's characters, it's just bait
How much do you have to hate the series to believe that?
So you agree then.
>watching 2d animation
>preferring "realistic" heroines
Fuck that. Give me a big titted alien loli with knife ears.
I like the series but the threads on Cred Forums are just shitshows. Why do you think people are calling us the worst fanbase on other threads.
Sounds like a new boogeyman.
I meant to quote the guy above you.
He's probably THK too
Just because one apple is more yellow than another apple doesn't mean it's a banana.
Only read the first volume and never got around 2nd yet. But at least in the LN, Megumi was rather unsettling to me because I couldn't read anything out of her behavor. Haven't seen a character like that in an LN harem so far as I could tell. Does she poker face throughout the rest of the volumes/series?
Not really. The guy almost always goes out of his way to bring up Yahari so that gives him away.
Eriri's heartbreak moment will be so delicious.
>Does she poker face throughout the rest of the volumes/series?
Tomoya sucks at narration. Just watch the anime, it's much better.
She's had a few heartbreak moments already, I guess author wanted to take the edge off early
I think his zealous unreliable narration just made her feel all the more odd to me.
It felt kinda like watching housewife who decided to entertain a Jehovah's witness by joining his cult cause she has nothing else to do
She gets one in every volume in that S2 will cover.
Not him, but honestly it doesn't seem like many people actually like this series. Most people just stick around for one or two girls, and they aren't interested in having good threads or respecting people and opinions that are different from theirs.
It's rare to see someone actually liking more than 3 girls, Tomoya, and being neutral when waifuwars and shitstorms happen. I think the few actual fans would rather avoid these horrible threads altogether unless there's new content to discuss about.
Getting mad people like what you don't like/don't like what you like is sad. Saying "shit taste" and lashing out is expressing hidden butthurt; you're insecure about your own taste.
Just eat your shit in peace, don't fling it.
That only describes Eririfags and Utahafags. Megumifags genuinely care for the series.
literally redit the girl
It's about moe, it has always been about moe.
>genuinely care for the series
To say this with a straight face when Megumifags hates and generates waifu wars more than anyone else. Just wow. Megumifags are biggest waifufags so they only care about Megumi and nothing else.
It's been proven that Eririfags are the ones who start the waifu wars. Megumifags are the only ones who discuss the story.
>No story discussion, just purely waifuffagging
>Baseless muh Eririfags samefag accusations
>The only discussions there is happened because Megumifags started an argument with Eririfags since they were bashing Eriri
Yeah no.
>t. butthurt Shitoge/Eririfag
Ironic considering he got you to reply like that.
>Eririfags shitpost Megumi
>get called out on it
>"nuh uh Megumifags are the shitposters!"
>Everyone who hates mai waifu is the same person and must be Eririfags
I wonder's who's behind this post. At least you're not denying anymore.
Are you serious? Lelouch is literally 1/4 of the current Utaha fanbase.
Only Megumifags and Eririfags were posting. By process of elimination, there is only one possible group that could be shitposting Megumi.
It proves people like bread without butter on it.
Because lurkers, trolls, fans of other girls being indiscreet, or haters who don't like Saekano at all simply doesn't exist. You're cancer and retarded.
There was literally an Eriri picture dump, and you're going to tell me Eririfags weren't doing it. Just look at past threads and trolls will admit they're Eririfags. Izumifags and Michirufags flat-out don't exist. Utahafags just drop by and post some pantyhose.
ESL-kun, how have you been? Keeping up the ol' fight I see. Just wondering though, do you purposely make yourself easy to identify?
>9 hours until Eririfags posted
>less than a dozen of images were posted in response to Eriri being called delicious
>all that happened after all the negative opinions Megumi received from hours before
>will call anyone who doesn't like his waifu muh Eririfags no matter what
To iterate, you're cancer and retarded. You're proving how Megumifags starts fanbase war the most.
ESL-kun! My good friend! How's it going? Still as vigilant as ever I see, eh? Haha well good on ya, show those Megumi-losers who's boss!
One of the most boring and uninteresting main girl ever. It's a shame she will win the Tbowl.
>Pretending ESL-kun isn't a sperglord for Megumi
Hahahaha, you can't be serious.
Megumifags = Yuifags = Remfags = Kosakifags = Aoyamafags = Setsunafags
You're trying way too hard. For one thing, the ESL-kun that originated in TLR threads hate Eriri. He has shit taste after all.
How are these threads so consistently terrible and among the worst on Cred Forums?
Other girls are just too cookie-cutter it's hurt.
Katou is like a breath of fresh air in this shitty harem genre.
Because we try our best to keep these threads at a specific level of quality.
Megumifags are cancer.
As a Megumifag since day 1 I really want Megumi to dump MC and then fuck off wherever she want from these shit pile of characters 2bh famalan niggas.
They can all go gangbang full marathon for all I care.
Yup. Eririfags are also pure cancer too.
Don't feed him.
Nowhere near the vocal and insecure majority that is Megumifags.
Can't be help though. Megumifan is like 10 times the amount of other fan.
>Can't be help
Just like Remfags.
Does [insert non-realistic popular heroine here]'s popularity prove that people prefer less realistic heroines?
Do you even watch both show user?
Onodera Chitoge Utaha Eririr they are all the same. Their ''''''''personality''''''''' is but a facade. In the end all they want is to get impregnate by the MC.
Katou Megumi doesn't even want MC as boyfriend and won't devote herself to him. She's just nice to him liker she's nice to any other boy.
She is more popular, but isn't that popular. To illustrate, the amount of fanarts Megumi has isn't greater than the total sum of Eriri + Utaha's fanarts.
Megumi is bland but not realistic. She's not a slut after all.
>the no feelings bait again
You don't estimate ratio of fans on the amount of artworks. People who can draw are like 1% of the whole fanbase.
I didn't read the LN.
You seem really insistent on proving the opposite.
You mean simple facts.
Nope. Eririfags manage to be pure cancer despite being a minority.
Agreed. Megumifags are rabid, militant and obnoxious as fuck compared to everyone else. And as bad as Megumifags are here, they are even worse at places they congregates in mases. Places like reddit, AS, FB, tumblr, etc.