SHSL Heroine edition
Danganronpa 3
Due to last thread's slapfight, I claim this thread in the name of Incredibly Gay Shit.
That was some severe autism going on back there. What happened?
You're just gonna have to live with it, user.
I'm not bothered by the fact that Juzo is gay.
I'm bothered by the fact he's feminized.
Especially considering his and Munakata's body types.
You can get the fuck out of Cred Forums
I agree, actually. I love the picture but Juzo is a giant buff macho man and Munakata isn't.
It's hilarious to imagine Munakata trying to carry him, though.
I don't see why fujos don't like bara.
Blame Junko.
She called him a maiden and now everyone is memeing about it.
Why are people still claiming the meme bottle was an animation error when there's literally a shadow for it?
Oh. Why do we bother with him again?
Everything is an animation error, user.
Chiaki dying was an animarion error.
>hope arc
Where were you when the King got completely and utterly BTFO?
It's intentional because they wanted us to have the "Is she alive or dead?" argument. Same reason they didn't show us the left side of her face and why no one checked her pulse to be sure she was dead. They wanted us to do this.
It's Schrödinger's Waifu. She is both alive and dead until next episode, where she will collapse into one of the two.
I promise user, one day when I learn how to draw hands and feet and general male anatomy, I will draw Juzo bara titties.
I've wanted to fufill draw requests for awhile but it's much, much harder than I thought. I don't know how nip artists put out so fast but I want to draw the best homolust possible.
No loomis will not help I need hands on help from an instuctor.
Do you approve of this relationship?
As a straight guy its the first time I've shipped two guys. Its just a really wonderful and heartbreaking relationship.
>only one sided
>both of them are huge dicks. Kyosuke cares too much about protocols and the way things should be that he sacrifices his relationships with others and probably never even realized Juzo had a crush on him. And Juzo is so single minded that he goes way too far to prove his loyalty with him that he beats and berates people and doesn't apologize for his actions, and does it in a self destructive manner. Also Kyosuke totally intentionally tried to kill him, and Juzo went behind Kyosuke's trust in the first place and didn't devote himself to him to rat out Junko
I can't really get behind the relationship. I guess I have to care about both characters first, but them doing one good thing doesn't absolve them of all the shitty things they did throughout. If things ended up differently and they opened up and showed their softer side with each other a little more, I would like it but in it's current state, too little too late.
It's just a poor man's Mondo/Ishimaru to me.
Yes, my first homo ship.