The legend is back
Are you ready Cred Forums?
The legend is back
Are you ready Cred Forums?
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wrong pic
protag will be this qt
legendary hack
so just more of the same
thats why I'm happy
maybe he'll try putting amusing situations in this one
I love his art.
>My copy of Nichijou volume 3 came in recently
>Already plannign to get the others as they come out
>Now I get to read this too
Life is good.
Nichijou inspired me to learn 日本語, I'm getting all 10 volumes someday soon.
Its pretty unique, it makes me feel happy
She's cute
Kyoani will never adapt anything with unique artstyle again.
I gotta stick with the Vertical Comics releases as I am an EOP. But if things keep going well, I'll have all 10 myself one day.
this one is pretty badass
Same. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's so unique and beautiful.
I wonder if there are going to be cameos from nichijou, sorta like that Yukko's appearance on Helvetica Standard
anime fucking when
maybe this one will actually be funny
Who knows if KyoAni wants anything with Keiichi, what other studio would make it?
why does nichijou translation takes forever?
Its not very popular, I guess.
I've been studying nip speak only for 5 months and I can read about 80 pages per day, only missing some more complex sentences
Or maybe editing is hard.
I have this silly dream of getting a novel published and having the cover art done by Arawi Keiichi.
>Its not very popular, I guess.
Are you telling me that only Cred Forums likes nichijou? and any other western anime community didnt like it? There was a new update recently but before that one it was months of nothing.
I gotta add too, some translated phrases don't have the same impact,for example, Yukko's string of bad puns is way worse in japanese, which makes it funnier somehow.
Maybe translators are not up for this shit.
most nichijou threads on Cred Forums die early
that white cat on top of the robot is the same one that is here
Does Arawi have an artbook or anything? I would love to have a big collection of his drawings to flip through and use as inspiration.
The new slapstick comedy manga will center on Nagumo, a penniless college student who moves to a town filled with bizarre people.
Is it just me or has there been a rise in college settings in anime/manga as of recent?
meant to greentext the top sentence
is probably because many otakus are around that age now
So all hope to see this awesome manga translated is lost, hate not knowing moon.
He posts a lot of drawings to his twitter
>college student
The future is truly upon us
For those romance or harem series that ended with a frienship ending or a bittersweet one with no clear winner, I want sequels on their college years (since many have a school setting) fixing everthing.
and in ten years, the next trend will be depressed unemployed MCs that are overburdened with dept
>There will never be a Nichijou RPG or an RPG with character and world design by Arawi
But with the low birthrates, high number of suiced cases or plain overworking to death and people getting out for retirement, shouldnt be a abudance of jobs since there isnt enough people to fill all those jobs?
Look at his twitpic
Being a nichijoufag is suffering.
The robot is "Mechatro WeGo". There are figures of it but for the model kit Hasegawa got him to do the boxart for it and even did a Nichijou version release.
>shouldnt be a abudance of jobs since there isnt enough people to fill all those jobs?
Those jobs will be automated. Governments will then be forced to give out a guaranteed income equal to the living wage to appease the angry masses, and we will all live in history's first NEET society.
I picked up the first couple volumes on a whim when I was in Japan the first time in 2010 since the art and cover looked interesting. That was before I knew anything about it nor the anime being announced. Was a good pick in hindsight.
Honestly, contact them through the correct channels and he might be amenable to contract work for the image. Especially if its just one. You'd probably have to pay a few hundred though for full color.
I think TSF no F said it cost something like $5-10k USD to get Taniguchi-san to do the art for his one story.
I don't get it, why to make a new series if he's gonna make exactly the same shit over and over again? Just keep doing more of the classics and done.
I like how he is able to make scenes like this, with so many shit going on.
It's not the same though
I bought this not knowing it was a model kit. I guess I am building models now.
how did nichijou ended?
The manga you mean?
Does Nano finally get to remove the crank and live like a real girl?
>he's gonna make exactly the same shit over and over again?
It's literally not though
Yuuko is the kind of girl that gets physically abused by her mother but you let it happen anyways because it's funny and seeing someone more damaged than you brings joy.
The robots themselves are easy and just snap together like gundam kits. The little figures though require glue and paint.
I'm excited as the Soviet Union.
Hopefully if we get steady scans to go as well.
KyoAni adaptation soon.
Those KyoAni faces...
>2-3 years later KyoAni will adapt it
Fuck yes. More reasons not to kill myself
Maybe KyoAni will be able to cut the middle man for this one and co-produce this with Kodansha.
The paint is the hard part. It's all listed in Japanese brand colors, not sure if I can match it well from a mini-fig store. But I am really excited to do that Gundam pen detailing.
same here nigga. Full of life.
Uni girls are love. Uni girls are life.
>He's back
The man behind the mask
the manga is cuter than the anime
shes happy with being a qt robot now
How's Vertical Comics translation? Volume 10 will come out September 2017 if they keep up the pace, probably earlier than lazy Habanero scans
so they remove cultural references and honorifics, so there are very few translator notes, It still is pretty solid.
and here I thought she was an invincible alien
Yukko's Labyrinth
This is beautiful! I had never seen it before. I'm in love.
>It's all just the girls pretending