Other urls found in this thread:
>Jojo Part 9
We will probably never see part 8 animated
Gay priest is here.
Kira did nothing wrong.
100th episode in a couple of days..
We sure have come along way anons
>tfw the koreans are in charge of it
Gappy makes me happy
>Tsurugi looks like an actual human being
>tfw Lisa Lisa will never choke me with her scarf while she steps on my balls with her high heels
Was Kira ?
It's not gay if I ship him with DIO right?
Joshuu makes ME happy
No, DIO's not human and therefore technically not a man.
>one man's head
>one man's body
>another man's everything
Bro, that's like... triple gay.
Part 2 is shit.
I've got to break free
gonna have to upvote this post
But who's the chubbiest??
Shh, Gyro is sleeping.
So do we get the 3rd OP tomorrow or during I am a Alien
Preview in a couple of hours right?
>Dio and Jonathan doujin that isn't fujo
>tfw no epilogue chapter with Jolyne and Jotaro doing father-daughter stuffs
DavPro please save us.
This creepy motherfucker is the most fucked up person in part 8 besides Damo. The way he calmly killed that rock human was fucked.
Do you think him putting knives through his tits hurt
>tfw no Josuke meets Jolyne episode
Part 2
Tsurugi is a fucking pimp
But he's just so darned cute, though.
>that rock human
His name was Aisho. He was very nervous and insecure, and implied to be very young by rock human standards too. This lead to him foolishly falling in love and putting his trust in a human woman and telling her his secret. This proved to be an extremely dangerous move which nearly led to his death when she cheated on him and sold his house, taking advantage of his vulnerable state. He also had some sort of heart-condition, having regular doki doki sound effects around him and being seen taking pills for it later on.
Poor Aisho.
I'll share a beer with him.
He's just a poor boy.
DESU part of me wants David to skip SBR and animate 8 instead so they could actually do it well
Quick post stands that would fit just as good/if not better as one belonging to a main villain
>Jonathan Joestar's reincarnation DIES BY A FUCKING ROCK
Really? This is too funny.
>Kira is associated with cats
>Killer Queen, Stray Cat
>Dead Man's Questions Kira seemingly has nothing related to cats
>He's doing the Cat's Cradle in the cover
fuck, i didn't catch on to it until recently
Gappy isn't happy
a rat could use the hand better than okuyasu
Nah. The Hand is too blunt, too straightforward. Swipe, pull, punch, erase; it lacks versatility.
Gold Experience Requiem, on the other hand...
So concerning this part what in the fuck was supposed to be funny about this gag
I dont think they are going to animate anything past the og universe
Both 7 and 8 will be really long anime series that will need high detail and budget to pull off
>Joshu Yasuho and Gappy using Milagro Man and Shakedown Road to get a shitload of money
>Jail House Lock
>Heaven's Door
>Heavy Weather
>The Emperor if Hol Horse realized just how broke his stand was
>Doobie Wah
>Earth Wind and Fire
Honestly I can just imagine a lot of these being amazing when in the right hands especially Earth Wind and Fire and Jail House Lock for Diavolo.
I don't even know where the rest of that spoiler came from.
Rock human tried to steal his body
so are rock people just sbr pillar men? or are they just normal dwarves
That would not have happened to the og jonathan
I don't think you know how the whole universe thing works. Also yeah he did, it's pretty funny. The old guy said it was just one version of a story that's changed over time so there's probably inaccuracies.
Why did Jotaro forget how to fly in Part 4 and Part 6?
>Implying Earth Wind and Fire is a Stand
>Jail House Lock
Wouldn't that stand only be threat in like buildings, cause i don't remember Miu Miu saying anything about it's area being able to increase
Its some dumb japanese joke
He forgot doing leg day
It's shitty Japanese puns and wordplay. Araki put so many dad jokes into 7 and 8 it's not funny. Tsurugi is basically Gyro 2.0 in that he's awful at jokes but won't stop making them.
Gyro makes fun of Johnny in heaven because of this.
>Earth Wind and Fire is a proto stand like the Pilar Men Modo
They aren't Pillar Men but they're meant to be reminiscent of them. There aren't any vampires or Pillar Men in the SBRverse.
Is it Friday yet?
>Believing in Aliens
I really don't remember myself if the stand's effect wears off when you leave it's range. All I remember that it can set it on someone of her choice.
>An Italian tells an American a joke that only makes sense in Japanese
Araki is such a fucking hack. Part 7 confirmed worst part.
IIRC it was semi bound to the front area of the prison, meaning she can't use it anywhere but the prison. Kind of a shit Stand to have honestly.
>tfw someone use his headless reanimated body
>Not believing in the ayylmao
If dogs, cats, rats, plankton and a zippo lighter can have Stands, I'm sure aliens can have them too
Wow it's almost like it was written in Japanese or something.
He calmed the fuck down.
>Two britbongs and an italian talk to each other in japanese
what a fucking hack
so how come joseph has to smash the camera to use hermit purples spirit photo ability but dio can just tap it without destroying the camera.
or is joseph just fucking retarded.
I don't remember Part 6 very clearly, did Jotaro ever realize Annasui wanted to fuck Jolyne? or was he too autist to realize it?
Well fuck that shit then. I don't know which ability would give him the best chance to stay hidden other than Earth Wind and Fire and Khnum
I remember him making a remark on it questioning Anasui but I think that's it
Annasui literally asked Jotaro for his blessing before dying
>or is joseph just fucking retarded.
Le 2smartruse man got nerfed in Stardust because he wasn't the protagonist. He learned how to properly use Hermit Purple by Part 4 though
Yeah he's just an idiot. He probably broke one accidentally the first time he was using it and just assumed he had to break them each time.
Annasui asked Jotaro for he permission to marry Jolyne out of nowhere halfway through Made in Heaven, to which Jotaro just looked shocked and Jolyne said yes to shut Annasui up for the time being.
>He learned how to properly use Hermit Purple by Part 4 though
>didn't use it to easily find Kira and end Part 4 early
>or is joseph just fucking retarded
You can't find a man you don't know. When they learned about Kira, he changed his face and fingerprints so he couldn't be caught
At least for DIO he was technically related to him
The reason he came to Morioh was to find Akira
who they knew jack shit about
I have all the tools for the Mario Kart Wii mods
I'll replace Mario for Jotaro over a dolphin
just to test if it's hard
In order to prevent shitpost if you want to say something here's the blog:
Looks like you've got your priorities straight, boss. This sounds promising already.
They at least knew about his Stand and have seen it multiple times. Heard his voice, was aware of the bow and arrow, etc.
Kira was a nobody before he killed Shigechi and a nobody after killing Aya
He was a senile old man, the real question is why Josuke doesn't restored Kira button to find him.
Wait same thing for Kira
They know pretty much everything about his stand and they've seen it
It's a separate mass from the shirt, buttons are just hanging by like two bits of thread. It's kind of a bullshit excuse but there was one at least.
He did manage to get pics of Josuke and Angelo fore Part 4 began
Why do girls love kakyoin so much?
I Have No Doubts That David Productions Will Bless Us With An OVA Of Little Jolyne In Morioh With Giornio Inexplicably In Tow So That Anime Onlys Will Get Invested In Those Characters Earlier
I still wonder how Jotaro managed to marry and then have a child. For someone as autistic as him, you'd think he would spend all his life taking care of dolphins instead of trying to get laid
fujoshis love the jotakak ship because it's pure, unadulterated boy-love between two of the most bara'd out boys of the series.
That sounds fucking stupid also don't Type Like This in the future please.
He's literally a 90s shoujo character
Is no one gonna fucking pick up that phone?
I actually wonder if Jotaro asked his wife to dress as a Dolphin or if he was yelling ''ORA ORA ORA'' when he was fucking her.
plus girls love a good reroreroing
I dont like phones, I hear voices
It's doujinshi by noname, and not by Araki, so it wouldn't.
Kekyoin is somehow a very likeable character.
It's [M-A-G-I-C]
Jaden, is that you? Get off the 4chans
Araki Loves Doujins It's Why He Gave The Green Light To Have Little Jolyne At The End of Eyes Of Heaven. It Makes Total Sense To Showcase Those Young Joestars In An OVA To Get People Invested Into Jolyne and Giornio. It's Movie Magic.
Joestar Sex Drive requires him to reproduce against his will
Just look at DIO
I'm pretty sure Joseph just blocked Jotaro access to SWF money until he got a heir
The Kaks has a very mysterious charm
What would happen if The Hand were to punch Cream in the mouth?
It was just quiet, uncomfortable silence as Jotaro just got it done and quietly returned to work. or the theory that he was drugged and raped by his wife.
Not really, we didn't need OVAs to get people interested in Jotaro or Josuke so it's not needed for Giorno or Jolyne. Also Don't Type Like This Please.
20 years of fujoshi magick has produced the perfect male specimen. You will not find a better looking artistic rendition of a jojo character.
girls really loves memes senpai
It would CREATE space rather than cutting it. They'd be repelled from eachother.
They ignore ecah other or The Hand will play volleyball with Cream
Oh fuck I just realised that RPS Kid will be episode 100 of the entire anime.
how's the jojokart game coming along?
>Facebook filename
Jesus fucking christ
Rohan will be episode 100 of the entire anime.
What a way to celebrate
I'm changing Mario into Jotaro over a dolphin
>Rohan punching a 12 year old in the face and acting cool about it in front of a bunch of teenagers is how we'll celebrate the 100th episode of the series
Wouldn't have it any other way honestly.
Why is he so... sexy, and cute in the anime?
I'm not gay david, fuck you araki.
Josuke is the purest Jojo
Josuke is most handsome JoJo. Especially Late Part 4 and in the anime
/ss/ when?
does this count as glasses kak?
Terrorist don't go to heaven
especially the ones with weird fetishes
It'll be ep 28, based on the previous 2 cours first ep being op less. So Highway Star 1
Josuke is the perfect mix between Jonathan Joseph and Jotaro
>Strong af like Jotaro and smart
>Funny and is good for asspulls like his father
>2pure4disworld like Jonathan
>Josuke is most handsome JoJo
not with that shitty hair
Kaks thread? Kaks thread
Why is Caesar considered the worst BroJo?
But he has dick on his head.
I'll burn your house again rohan
Fuck off
t. Rohan Kishibe, the greatest mangaka in the world
He doesn't do anything useful at all
Gets killed because of being an idiot
and its not funny
the last time I posted kak here I got banned so we can't take over this thread, bud.
he felt way more useless at than just about any other Brojo without being the cool yet useless type like Okuyasu
just like Rohans house
I doubt I Am An Alien will be in one episode considering they've got 7 chapters to cover. Unless the first half of Highway Star is also I Am An Alien chapters.
He doesn't really do anything other than yell and then die, though his death scene was pretty good. It just felt wasted on him because he shows up, loses every fight he has, has the most predictable and mediocre character development you could expect then promptly dies.
Even Okuyasu is smarter then him.
Besides he is ugly as fuck in manga.
If you were that user that spammed the thread with Jotaro x Kaks shit then I'm not surprised
no I wasn't them I just didn't post enough text posts apparently
bout to murder this teme
hwo manny pennis u likcle?
it was me dio haha
Vento Auero is the worst jojo part.
>Joseph is the original Jojo instead of Jonathan
>actual dynamic rivalry with Dio before he becomes a vampire
>they end up fucking
There needs to be more TAS
I want to marry the Boss!
smol oku
Honestly I liked the fights in Venti Oreo more than Battle Tendency or Stardust Crusaders
But it had lamer protagonists than Stardust despite all the development they got
Does Diavolo created Doppio or was Doppio who created Diavolo?
I want to torture the boss for eternity!
Diavolo was first but it's possible that Diavolo was like Doppio before he went apeshit, making Doppio like a screenshot of Diavolo before he became crazy. His name was always Diavolo so Doppio is just one he made up.
boy do i ever have the thing for you
this got linked on leddit a few days ago
Doppio is actually attracted to Kira.
why doesnt kira use bite the dust to create a timeloop in which he can kill all he wants before ending it after it restarts to get away with it all while also living the most quiet of lives.
He already had Crazy Diamond out before Rohan even got to him. I never understood why Josuke didn't just unleash the DORAs. I mean he practically already was, this shit just don't add up.
GERs upside down chest heart looks more like a bow sack
The way DID works strongly suggests it was Doppio's personality that came first, with the violent Diavolo persona manifesting as a response to trauma.
If Diavolo used to be like Doppio then doesn't it mean that it was Diavolo who came later on?
I don't regret clicking that link
Diavolo Doppio Doppio Doppio Diavolo Diavolo?
>There are actually a million more Bites the Dust loops that we haven't seen
>One is of Kira going full postal
>Another is living a quiet life and having another kid with Shinobu
>Really, it doesn't matter since time only resets thanks to Hayato
Doppio Diavolo Diavolo Diappio Doppivalo, fucking retard
Why does it seem like so many jojo fans wanted Kira to win? He's a remorseless serial killer who preys on innocent girls. I don't get it
Because after he first sets BtD he doesn't remember the subsequent resets. That's why he had to go with Hayato to confirm who was killed and how Hayato tricked him. He remembers the first rewind ie when he put it on Hayato (not shown) and when he put it on the nurse, but every time after that point when they reveal his identity he remains unaware of the reset like everyone else, because i wasn't him who triggered the bomb. So if he were to kill a bunch of people it means it was fated to happen and they'd still die in the next loop because he was fated to kill them. It won't erase the evidence except in the case where the person with BtD attached reveals Kira's identity. Plus he doesn't have access to KQ when BtD is set so he'd have to kill manually as well as clean it up like normal.
Edgelords, memers or people who didn't like the main characters for some reason
He just wants to live a quiet life, man.
Other than the whole "Sociopathic Murderer" thing, I empathize with him pretty strongly.
Technically if you wanna look at it like that, though the actual Diavolo personality started off like Doppio then evolved and made a copy of it's younger self and gave it a different name, so it's basically semantics at this point.
I love Kira and I relate to him on a personal level but giving into your hand boner when you lucked out with this was easily the reason he lost
le quiet life face
Why is Kars fanart so amazing, the character himself is pretty mediocre compared to most
Can someone make a gif of dio's lipstick from this video?
VA when
He's the perfect being you dip
purple hair is just naturally cool. it's why doppio is so universally adored.
What was his stand?
And what did it do?
Next year, starting on the 1st of April again.
He didn't have one, he managed to join Passione by passing the lighter test legitimately.
Stand name: Suge Knight
Power: A Magic Shovel that turns your hair into donughts
He didn't have one.
Giorno murdered a normal guy who posed as much of a threat to him as a toddler armed with a stick.
I want to be some weak Pillr Man who thinks Lisa is an easy snack but gers recked. I end up being so bad against Ripple that she's fully effective at controlling my body like any other tool infused with the Rippke, and can bring me pain and pleasure 10 times of what a human would experience in the same stimuli.
She quickly tears me apart with ease, laughing at how weak my Pillar cells are while a ton of them effortlessly burned away in her grasp.
The rest of my existsnce is being kept in a dungeon at her island. Every momment is spent is some sort of bdsm prison, with every article being laced in oil and Ripple, allowing the flimsiest of strings to cut into my skin. Every sort of "punishment" a male sub would get happens to me with more potency, utterly destroying my pride as a Pillar Man.
She periodically stops by in person to add to the torture herself. Always dressed lavishly as if to imply inferiority in Pillar Men's lack of clothing. She does shit pegging, CnB torture, anything really. Both her and the contraptions often make use of my own malleability, strecthing, contorting and gaping all parts of my body to whatever she desires.
Her visits ends with her peronally extonguising a couple of my cells. She could vaporize my entire body with ease but uses her weakest possible trace of Ripple to make this last as long as possible.
Her attack is accompanied by stuff like pinching my flesh, choking, kicking, stomping under her heels, but she's most fond of what she happilly calls "eating" me. Which usually means forcing me to worship a part of her flesh and then sending the Ripple into my head through that part. It sometimes also means enveloping my my dick or balls with one of her holes and turning her insides into a meat grinder.
She puts me into the bext contraption with her bare hands and leaves. The cycle continues for years until I am mush on her floor. She wipes me of the face of the earth in a puddle of her Ripple Urine.
Nah its gonna start around summer season
Hey, do you guys hear that?
It was a nerfed Hey Ya that works in reverse. The shovel, pal. It didn't even warrant a reveal.
was that confirmed? it's also possible he was grandfathered in before they started that test, or he had some weird specific stand that he couldn't use in that situation, right?
What the fuck
To be fair, Giorno didn't kill him. He can't control the animals he creates and he told Luca he'd die if he attacked it and he did.
Wait so everybody we see from Passione like Bruno's gang, La Squadra, and Diavolos men are a bunch of idiots who fucked up that test?
what did you mean by this?
i'm pretty sure it's an old copy paste that someone retooled for lisalisa
I suddenly feel so much better about my vore fetish
He never mentions Stands or even mentions anything seemingly off about the weird shit Giorno was doing like thinking just maybe he had a Stand, so he seems to not know what Stands are or have one. How he got into the gang is a mystery.
>What did he mean by this?
Yep, not one of them managed to keep it lit for 24 hours. That's the actual goal though, if someone manages to pass it legitimately then they won't get a Stand but they have some sort of insane skill that the gang can make use of regardless.
user, please try turning your brain off and turning it back on again real quick-like. I think you got some kinda... yeah, you got a thing to work out there. Definitely some kind of a thing.
isn't the test just for the more trusted gang members? surely they'd need a lot of warm bodies to keep the gang running, and not every one of them needed a stand. the grunts doing the mugging/extortion and other bitch work wouldn't need stands
Giorno's intent wasn't to kill him, but it was still a dangerous abuse of power that unsurprisingly wound up with someone getting fucked up. The animals Giorno creates are arguably like live bombs in that anyone who harms them (even someone doing something as innocent as swatting at an annoying fly) will be badly injured, he's probably unknowingly hurt or killed dozens of people unless he makes sure to change his life-forms back once he's finished using them.
>Luka is extremely confused whenever the rest of Bruno's group uses their Stands
>They just tell him not to worry about it while Abbacchio pours him a spot of pee
Luca was to OP so Araki had to remove him from the story
Probably. I like to think that he passed the lighter test legitimately though because it makes me laugh.
what the fuck
>Vore fetish
I'm convinced the only reason why Araki gave Giorno his reflecting ability was for this cool as fuck panel to exist.
Is there a doujin about the entire gang (sans Fugo) being defeated, raped and eventually consumed by Notorious B.I.G? I mean, the thing forms tentacles and got really grabby with Trish, this shit writes itself.
Funny Vorelentine
delet this
Funny Vorelentine
Maybe they failed the test but already had a stand like Giorno.
Either way, their power is tested. If you defeat Black Sabbath with your stand, you live. Or he kills.
How many more parts will we get before Araki dies?
Or rather fakes his death so he can continue his endless life as another persona
Im pretty sure thats how most of the shit in this series works
Things happen because Araki though it was cool
I don't know if he'll continue JoJo for that long but he'll definitely keep drawing manga until then. I expect one more after 8 honestly, depending on how long 8 is.
I like the voices they gave them
He said that he retires in his sixties. So one more part.
all my one handed text dumps are completely original. Really now what could you possible replace that with in a few word changes? Spelling errors everywhere too.
>Araki makes Kakyoin have puppets and cool voodoo(?) powers
>he cuts the painting and Jotaro gets cut in real life
>just kidding he can only use emerald splash
>JoJo might end in your lifetime
Sad, but that honestly sounds kinda hype the series is gonna give us a final trilogy. I wonder what Part 9 will be like
The painting thing was literally just for dramatic flair, he used HG to cut his leg while walking. Why don't people get this?
I mean it proves the point that the painting thing was just something cool Araki came up with to show up that HG can slash you with his tentacles, something he also never does again
I hope part 9/10 has more lady jojo's desu. part 6 was great because of how araki explored le psyche de waifu and part 5 arguably would've been top tier status if more characters were women.
There's a skill called Bad Company in the new SMT game. Why did crunchyroll have to change it to Worse Company?
It will be about the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games
>knowing what a Facebook filename looks like
is Johnny, dare I say it, a madman?
Because its knowed that jojo names its shit after bands
A similar example is with HxH where there's an ability called Deep Purple
>have Grateful Dead
>sit in my living room and activate stand
>everyone fucking dies noone can stop me
I have to respect Araki for taking the plunge into writing a lot of female characters at once. And he did a good job too, Jolyne, Hermes and F.F are all top-tier, and on the whole the girl characters since then have been much better than the ones in the early parts.
Would have been cool if a couple of people in Buccellati's gang were girls though, all you need to do is slap some tiddy on Abbacchio or Buccellati or whatever and you're gold, they looked girly as hell anyway.
It's quicker to just change it just in case of a lawsuit rather than get permission. In CR's defense, they get the episode like a couple of days early to sub it and that's not enough time to get sufficient permissions to use everything so they just don't bother and it's up to VIZ o secure them for the proper retail releases.
What about Narancia? Sure, its no stone ocean, but with her in the beginning, and trish added on near the end, we end up with a pretty diverse group.
except if they happen to drink a cold drink with ice in it at the same time , then they can beat you up
Didn't he retract that statement in a later interview? Wherein he basically said he wanted to keep drawing Jojo as long as he feasibly could?
>>have Green Day
>>sit in my living room and activate stand
>>everyone in the city dies and noone can stop me
It doesn't have infinite range, only about a train. The area would get sanctioned off and if you don't stop, another stand user WILL eventually knock your door down with a hard counter.
I want a cat like Killer Queen
I've replaced the blue shell with Sheer Heart Attack and the Green and Red shells with Steel Balls.
I might replace the Bananas with Gappys bubbles and the Bullet Bill with Made in Heaven
Oh ha ha. Narancia's not even all that girly anyway, half the time he looks like a fucking gremlin.
I guess i got too complex with it. Its a little weird when you start writting sub shit from the perspective of a different species.
You want to live in a fucking Michael Bay flick?
Nichijou and his moody bloody toot 'n frooty is the only gremlin i can think of in part V. also, yes she is that girly.
Just realized, is that supposed to be this?
His name is Cappuccino you heathen
Actually that would be cool
It's worth it
no because I'm not insane
Probably, Araki references stuff constantly. That toddler Josefumi and Holly pose is based on a statue of Jesus and Mary, I'm pretty sure.
JJL volume 14 when?
who else expect Great Days to be catchy as CNBT ? i hope it is
It's the looks that count anyways.
I doubt it, but it might be. To be honest, the scream is also a common shock pose except exaggerated.
I'm still pulling for the next "JoJo" to be fraternal twins whose names both start with Jo
I feel like it's also not just referencing the pose but also symbolic as well, so I don't know if that one counts as just a reference.
>Calling Gazpacho the wrong name
Real funny, guy.
Thanks Doc
Not if they're at a higher elevation than you, user. Also Green Day doesn't have that long a range from what I remember, but maybe I'm wrong.
I expect it to be catchy like CNBT but also 'hard' like chase. It'll be sort of halfway between the two since the final cour is halfway between those two in terms of tone.
>Holly is so demented she ate her fingers
That's not how dementia works you fuck
It happens
It's how he wins Tower of Gray
Emerald Splash never works
>ken with white hairs
that look so weird on him
that sounds dumb
Whose voice is it? Shinobu?
She doesn't have dementia though, it's a made up disease so it can do whatever the fuck Araki likes. She's missing perfect spheres of brain matter throughout her head.
Is Usian Bolt the villain?
>Why haven't we seen your stand? You've been using it this entire time! How is this possible?
>You mean "insert name here" ?
>(activated an ability that has fuck all to do with the event)
Green Day was city wide..
Hoping for twin grill JoJos, honestly.
It's seems to be Reimi's
I think that was Reimi.
What the hell is that voice?
its legit just high jumping in this arc.
you cant know that for sure, the episode isnt out yet
It's Shinobu talking her relationship with Kosaku to herself.
She later asks "Kira" if they want to play RPS too.
i agree , going with white is a very weird choice
Shinobu narrating, nice
When I say the arc i mean in the Manga. They may reach geights over buildings but they clearly decend to the ground immediately and always have their legs in a jumping or falling position. There's no literal standing still in air or loopty loops like in Dio's World.
i never read part 5
They could just be doing weird poses as they hover in the air. this is jojo were talking about, after all.
Read the thread.
Hate to rag on ya, but ur l8.
user what is cute spicy wife saying?
She's getting very excited about the heated RPS game, calls herself 'RPS Girl' and asks Kosaku id he'd like to play some RPS. Kosaku says no.
She says that you have to learn nip
So what she is saying is she wants her husband to use his skillful hands
user that's a child
In 1999, sure.
>This predicted Ken with white hair
He has it in one of the covers I think
I can fucking hear the hype music and screaming already, this will be such a fun episode.
desu part 5 is mostly garbage.
Giorno has no personality, the fights are way to drawn out, and the stands in general are lackluster.
I have no idea how to pose my Gappy SAS. I can't replicate the "I win completely" pose, either because it's not that articulate or I'm just a baddie.
Gib suggestions pls
Nigga its one of the longest range stands besides the global ones
>Alt Polnareff in a fencing tournament
>Usain Bolt is alt pucci
>Box: Two characters fighting and then one of they stop the time
>He's about to punch the other character in the face
>The dude evade the punch
>"We have.. the same kind of stand"
>Stand Rush a la ORA ORA vs Muda Muda
SHIT i forgot about the desu autocorrect
RHCP vs Green Day when?
desu He should fucking read every part and form his own opinions on them instead of skipping like a faggot, our taste is mostly shit here anyway since some people actually think any part is garbage. Every part has their flaws but overall are fucking amazing.
Why doesn't Killer Queen get a cool suit like his user? It's because he's a cat, isn't it?
>Giorno has no personality
nice meme
>the fights are way to drawn out
Which ones? Notorious big maybe? Generally, they were paced fine. Big fights like Grateful Dead were as much as 12 chapters and were perfect. You might want to complain about part 6 for this one.
>stands in general are lackluster
It has the best stands in the series you shitter
Do the swerve on a nigga one then.
This was one of my first edits :')
the head is tiny.
hi everyone , would you like some kebab ? only 5 for a thousand yen
Sure, why not?
What about... 5 for eight hundred yen?
>It has the best stands in the series you shitter
What the fuck?
No seriously, what the fuck?
First of all, the designs are mostly shit. its all humanoid with a bit of line or circle based texturing, and often gritted teeth.
Second of all, the powers are the worst. A fishing rod? Another Frozone? 4 different stands who have some variation of the power "gross shit makes you unhealthy, then u die"
NOT TO MENTION King Crimson, one of the shittiest stands in terms of explanation.
TLDR: Reeeeee
heres your kebabs
800 ? are you mocking me sir ?
OOF MY GOOD MAN I CAN'T POSSIBLY SPEND 1000 YEN ON KEBABS I REALLY ONLY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY 5 FOR 200 YEN (watch and learn kids this is called haggling)
Don't talk shit about my nigga Ghiacchio
Your meat looks cheap and with too much fat... 700.
AHAHA , if i sell them for this much , my whole family will starve
>nice meme
All hints of personality kind of fucking die by the time Bruno's betrayed by Diavolo, Giorno doesn't even get the spotlight back for himself until Green Day
I understand having him be a good influence over the gang but after a while it becomes redundant and the rest of the characters become the main focus while Giorno sits in the background inspiring them. It's mostly because 80% of the battles in Vento Aureo are spent either developing all the other characters, or come off as unnecessary like Clash and Talking Head
>Ghiacchio in ASB
>He freeze your ass
why isnt there a stand user with the battle cry YATTA "its over"?
He is actually the worst character in Venatus Bolero, hands down.
The flatheaded downie who got killed by mista was more tolerable.
>The designs are mostly shitty
>What is Purple Haze, Sticky Fingers, Moody Blues, Grateful Dead, Kraftwerk, Soft Machine, King Crimson
There's literally no bad design
>its all humanoid with a bit of line or circle based texturing
>What is Clash, Beach Boy, Talking Head, Aerosmith, Baby Face and Metallica
>The powers are the worst
You probably should try reading part 5 senpai.
Oh so you're the autist who thinks White Album and Planet Waves were bad fights, that explains everything.
>Fishing Rod stand is bad
>Suit stand is bad
>complains about variety, despite the variety being good then lists two unique stands on top of that
>reads shit scans and complains because he doesn't understand King Crimson
now you are just insulting me sir , this is the best meat in the whole country
Isn't it was in HnK?
I understand king crimson, i just think his powers are poorly defined.
O SHIT you reminded me, why is the name of the stand that makes things soft Spice Girl? shouldn't it be, i don't know, SOFT MACHINE???!??!
Ghiacchio had actual character unlike 90% of the minor villains series-wide
As opposed to
>hehe my stando is invincible lets go
>gib daughter
No user, that was ATATATATATATA, ATA!
Shit, sorry. I just have to erase all this evidence
It's sounds like YATTA sometimes.
Because Soft Machine also makes things soft. Are you autistic?
>O SHIT you reminded me, why is the name of the stand that makes things soft Spice Girl? shouldn't it be, i don't know, SOFT MACHINE
Soft Machine deflates you and makes you soft, I don't know why you are complaining.
Also, since when are all stand names supposed to be corresponded to their power? I guess Araki was a hack for naming a bug stand "The Tower".
i think you are mistaking the autism of Human Pet Shop for actual character traits. He isn't compelling, he's just self righteous.
As opposed to foes who have well defined motivations for doing the things they do and saying the things they say.
primary google search reports negative
Not every minor villain has to be compelling, he actually had a memorable personality as an autist. Part 5 also has the most compelling minor villain duo, Pesci and Prosciutto.
>Look mom, I used the work hack again!
Soft machine deflates things, you dementia ridden ostrich. spice girl literally makes things soft.
Speaking of naming stands after what they do, how about The Hand? or Soft and Wet? or, as long as we are talking about shitty part V, MAN IN THE FUCKING MIRROR
>tfw Jonathan's descendants were muddled and ruined by Erina's delinquent genes
What are you even complaining about at this point?
We get it, you have shit taste and you hate Part 5.
Explain all of DIO's kids, then.
>Being this autistic about Stand names
Were you pissed when Magician's Red wasn't a magician? Are you upset that Killer Queen isn't a monarch? Are you crying yourself to sleep at the thought that Whitesnake isn't a snake that's white?
>Soft & Wet is named after what it does
What did he mean by this?
>What are you even complaining about at this point?
I've always been complaining about how shit part v is. i've never not been doing that.
Please, try not to clog the Internet further.
Even Josuke is inherently more violent and rude than Jonathan ever was, though yes, he is the closest descendant in terms of general ideology to Jonathan.
It is odd in general though that all of gentlemen Jonathan's descendants are either delinquents and/or on the wrong side of the law.
Epic false-flag.
>Naming things after what they do
>Like Soft & Wet
Magicians Red does Magic shit with red stuff
Killer queen is a killer.
Whitesnake is mostly white, and is also a snakey fellow.
Soft & Wet is bubbles, dude.
do you know what bubbles feel like?
Jolyne seems closer to Jonathan in that she's the only one to be as compassionate as he was, but she hides it under a rough exterior because of the circumstances she finds herself in.
>I've always been complaining about how shit part v is. i've never not been doing that
You sure are stretching it pretty far buddy, sperging out and complaining about stand names.
Oh no! When you are a watermelon blimp I cannot fix you Rohan!?!
>do you know what bubbles feel like?
no, because they fucking pop when you touch them
>I've always been complaining about how shit part v is. i've never not been doing that.
Maybe you should find some hobbies.
Soft Machine looks like a machine and makes things soft by deflating them. Explain Paisley Park and D4C.
sure thing pal
Not gonna lie, Avdol would have been a lot more fun if he taught his stand how to do card tricks or something. But nah, he's content just to be some smug gypsy whose idea of a good time is
>Hey Pol let's catch up on some bro times and piss all over this guy together haha lol No homo
I wouldn't be surprised if Josuke become a con-artist after events of DiU, his urge to scum people is astounding, he cons the bank, Rohan and Joseph under pretenses of "well, it's not like it's illegal or anything, everyone is happy"
Gosh, user. I guess by that logic, then Cream is also named after what it does since it CREAMS people. And Manhattan Transfer, since it transfers manhattans (manhattan has guns which have bullets so it still fits).
She is whore.
>Magicians Red does Magic shit with red stuff
>Killer queen is a killer.
>Whitesnake is mostly white, and is also a snakey fellow
By this retarded logic we can just say that Spice Girl is a feminine stand and that the people that the people Zucchero deflates becomes soft, hence Soft Machine. This argument is fucking retarded.
Are you punching your bubbles? try touching them gently next time
Funny Valentine Does Dirty Deeds for Cheap, Hell, he does them for free. Valentine is a dirty fellow, hence his stands name.
as for paisly park, I've got nothing.
>All magicians have to do card tricks
Let's not forget things Avdol does that still fit, like faking his death, and a disappearing act against Mariah. And also against Vanilla Ice but that doesn't count.
Cream is a pun with vanilla ice, you sperg.
A stands name doesn't have to be relevant through its powers, it can also do so through others traits.
True, but the soft machine only makes things soft as a side effect of its power. spice girl's primary ability is making shit soft, hence why it would be a better name
>And also against Vanilla Ice but that doesn't count.
That one... one was a botched act.
>making things soft is a side effect of making things as limp and flexible as a condom through deflation
I think you're the sperg here, pulling shit out from your ass just to fit your idea of what Stands should have what names. I guess Araki's a hack because Superfly wasn't given to Tower of Gray and because Red Hot Chili Pepper wasn't named AC/DC.
whether i'm right or not, i hope we can both agree araki is a hack
Finally something we can agree on.
>spice girl's primary ability is making shit soft
Mind you, this poor choice of words could cost you precious mental health in the presence of degenerates.
Think most of us can agree you have genuinely shit taste.
i have one last thing for yall motherfuckers before i bail
try telling me araki isn't a hack now
Seconding this. What the fuck is this type of shitposting anyway, in blows 'Angelo's face color in the rock form' out of the water.
Not so wierd decision
Holy fuck Rohan has 5 arms
Nah, it's still a look though. It's just weird with canon validation.
Holy fuck Rohan's right hand(s).
Johnny a cute. A CUTE
Joshuu makes me HORNY
Howdy jojo! You look like one of my bubble now LMAO
Your next line is "Rohan should've driven the ambulance!" TOYU!
>get metallica
>sit while everyone around me die from the Inside
I just realized that Damo's Vitamin C and that guy on the boat from Vento Aureo had practically the same stand.
Didn't you just get banned?
Is this GER?
Rohan should've use HD and order the ambulance to run over Kira
Metallica and heavy and heavy weather could cause some serious havoc. Also, Miu Miu best girl.
Howdy jojo! You look like one of my bubble now LMAO
Why do you do this, user?
I love this picture so much. The crazy diamond dog always gets me.
What is it even based on?
This wiki how article picture
Kek who the fuck draws this?
Oh sweet summer child, that's not even scratching the surface of weird wiki how pictures
Not him, but I don't think I'm physically and mentally prepared to dive in to wiki how
did araki ever explain why anasui was a girl when he first depicted him?
Somebody post the one where the artist shows us how drawing scissors to a gunman is the proper course of action to a hostage situation
Is this the work of an enemy Stand?
I don't think so
but male Anasui > fem anasui
I fucking fell flat on my ass when I read that line
was it intentional reference to Yes or what?
What SAS should I acquire next? 4th reply decides, will deliver in time give me a few months.
>thinking they will not animate sbr
>when we already had refferences to sbr in OPs
Nah I think he realise that the type of character Ansui was going to be would have not worked if he was a female
All of the jokes would end in "well Jolyne its not gay"
With male anasui he goes out of his way to impress her and he gets so balsy he tell jotaro he wants to marry her in his face
Araki's still on Yes by Part 8, user. I would not bet against it.
Only one or two in the first one and their are minor as fuck
Who else would gladly get down on their knees for Father Pucci
lesbian jolyne > straight jolyne. shame araki had to back down from his instincts and conform culturally.
Fuck off yuri fag
>No trigger discipline
Trish accidentally shot Jolyne in the thigh and their feelings of budding lesbianism were swiftly replaced with panic and blood
Paper Moon King
> References in OP's mean that a studio like Davidpro would have the money or skill to be able to adapt something like part 7, which is a really long part in and of itself, as well as having way more detailed artwork and in general being extremely labor intensive.
I mean, they COULD make it, but it would be garbage.
They can't even keep part 4 at a consistent place in terms of animation quality, what makes you think they'd be able to do part 7 without it looking like trash?
>Jotaro on the boat at the end of part 4
>takes out his wallet
>Jotaro opens his wallet to reveal a picture of Baby Jolyne in it
>That picture of Jolyne fades into a picture of DIO in a different wallet
>Giorno closes his wallet
TO BE CONTINUED... /\|/|/| \ | >
Jotaro is a redeemed daddy now. He's always somewhere near her, ready to stop time in case something goes awry, like her getting shot, or Anasui getting a kiss, etc.
Can you stop with this past already?
The Bosse's name is Diavo
Wait, I think user mea lo
Or random Gay Priestess throwing dozen of knives at her
the bossu's name is saitama
he's the most fabulous Jojo villain, that's why
>the jojo who gets the most physically damaged every fight and literally sews herself back on spot
>spent a fight deliberately on fire once
>panicking over a little bullet wound
how did kira survive an oraoraora and losing a hand and the running a km
they're all badly traced stock photos, that's why they look like that
I dunno man, this is clearly her before she went to prison and was forced to toughen up.
Jotaro was seriously weakened on account of Kira blowing numerous holes in him and causing an extreme amount of blood loss.
ma nigga
HEAVENly taste
Did Jotaro forget how to fly?
Sometimes I wish that the anime came out in like, 2005 or something because then we'd have billions of shitty AMVs to laugh at.
>DIO AMV with Firework
Something something loss of power over 10 years
Narancia will be my wife one day.
I'll end you fucker.
Narancia is dead , fucktard
FUCK YOU he isn't
Question to artists and art lovers alike: why isn't Koichi shipped with Yasuho more often?
I want to be some weak gangster who thinks Narancia is an easy kill but gers recked. I end up being so bad against Aeroplane that he's fully effective at shooting holes in my body like any other tool infused with stando powah, and can bring me pain and pleasure 10 times of what a human would experience in the same stimuli.
He quickly tears me apart with ease, laughing at how weak my gangster cells are while a ton of them effortlessly blown away in his grasp.
The rest of my existsnce is being kept in a dungeon at his basement. Every momment is spent is some sort of bdsm prison, with every article being laced in olive oil and knives, allowing the flimsiest of strings to cut into my skin. Every sort of "punishment" a male sub would get happens to me with more potency, utterly destroying my pride as a gangster.
He periodically stops by in person to add to the torture himself. Always dressed like a chick as if to imply inferiority in Gangster's lack of clothing. He does shit pegging, CnB torture, anything really. Both him and the contraptions often make use of my own malleability, strecthing, contorting and gaping all parts of my body to whatever he desires.
His visits ends with him peronally stabbing me with a knife. He could stab my entire body with ease but uses his most shallow stabs to make this last as long as possible.
His attack is accompanied by stuff like pinching my flesh, choking, kicking, stomping under his heels, but he's most fond of what he happilly calls "stabbing" me. Which usually means forcing me to worship a part of his flesh and then stabbing me in the head with a knife. It sometimes also means enveloping my my dick or balls with one of his holes and crushing it with his vicelike anus.
He puts me into the bext contraption with his bare hands and leaves. The cycle continues for years until I am mush on his floor. He wipes me of the face of the earth in a puddle of his Gangstar Urine.
>Staight ships in fujo fandoms
>both have a canon GF/BF to boot
I mean, think of it this way. If your universe got irrevocably changed because a gay priest wanted that vamp dick, and suddenly because of the laws of the multiverse, there exists you and a womanly version of yourself, would you? Wouldn't it be masturbation? It's not a 1:1 comparison because of Made in Heaven works but it's a thought that makes sense, in a way, you know?
>JoJo AMV with Let the bodies hit the floor
When you finish reading this post including the spoiler-text, you are gay
i never knew he was a she lol!
Don't you lie to me!
don't you ever fucking imply moody blues is anything other than complete shit
fucking abbachio is one of the prime reasons why part 5 is so shit
Is it painful, having such poor taste?
I wonder if the VA anime will have the same art style as DiU. kinda hope they'll go back to the more detailed faces - seems more appropriate considering it's more serious.
Would you really need detailed faces to guess Giornio's emotional reaction to a situation?
his face will be a great budget saver
Not Giorno, no.
>backstory is that he was a corrupt cop who got my partner killed, so I joined the mafia, "DO YOU FEEL BAD FOR HIM!" no, not at all
>stand can only look at things that already happened, and Araki had to write around that, if the boat fight had just involved every member of the gang getting KILLED one by one, then all his moody blue would have been able to do was see him friends die and that's it, because it can't fight worth a shit
>"why don't you put your stand to good use and rewind time to see the boss"; and then while he's doing this (and it takes fucking ages because of how shit the stand is), he gets killed, because the stand also can't defend him because it fucking sucks
>"fuck you giorno I hate you!" "why?" "BECAUSE YOU ARE NEW FUCK YOU!" "but without me you would have all died in that fight" "BUT YOU ARE THE NEW GUY FUCK OFF YOU CUNT!"
>dresses like a retarded hot-topic sephiroth cosplayer
literally ruined every scene he was in, fucking worst character
>And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon >Little boy blue and the man in the moon
>When you coming home, dad?
His irrational hatred for Giorno was annoying but the rest is a non-issue. It's like you don't understand how character development works. And you aren't meant to feel bad for him over getting his partner killed, but you ARE meant to understand where he's coming from.
but he DIDN'T develop, the only thing that changed was him hating Giorno
he was still an asshole
his stand was still shit
he still dressed like a faggot
am I suddenly supposed to like him because he was killed?
You're more bitter than he is, Christ. A character not being as powerful or as charming as some of the others doesn't make them bad, Fugo had the outright strongest stand of the team but he definitely wasn't the best character.
And you're acting as though he never did anything other than snarl and bitch, while he's far from a positive or encouraging figure, he was the very first one to join Buccellati after he betrayed the boss, as well as being the single most determined and driven of the gang to finish the job.
I dunno, if you think about Araki's original plan (Fugo is a traitor who turns on them) then Abbacchio's distrust of Giorno doesn't seem quite so weird. He was right about there being a rat, he was just wrong about who it was.
And even ignoring that, he has his reasons for not liking Giorno. He (correctly) read Gio as being someone who'd put the safety of his friends and idealism before his duty, and given his own experiences of what happens when you don't do your duty properly it's no surprise that he took badly to some upstart kid who he saw himself and his own mistakes in.
Development doesn't mean they have to do a 180 on a subject like hating Giorno or whatever. You don't have to like his Stand or clothes anyway.
Don't bother arguing, he's probably one of the people who didn't understand Joshu's character development from the Milagro Man either.
Not him but how DID he develop then? He always reminded me of Kakyoin in that he just kind of stands around doing and saying nothing particularly interesting and then right before his death he gets the obligatory sad backstory. Too little too late, I'd say.
That Karera looks like a Fucking cabage patch doll. All of the others are OK and Joshuu is god tier
He was like Kakyoin but he found inner peace over the course of the story rather than just dying. He never ended up liking Giorno but he came to terms with how his life ended up and managed to forgive himself. We got his backstory earlier anyway, there was nothing in his death scene we didn't already know. It would have been a lot better if he had survived a bit longer after that point to demonstrate how he'd developed but Araki is still a hack at the end of the day.
Are. You. Completely. Fucking. Retarded. Can. You. Speak. Like. A. Human. Please. You. Brain. Damaged. Animal.
Bluray uploads when?
>Araki is still a hack at the end of the day
Man, I don't like you new Jojo fans. Back in the day the standard answer to weird things and inconsistencies was "because Araki" because people bothered to understand how he goes about things but these days it's "Araki forgot" this, "Araki is a hack" that.
It's a joke user, I don't ACTUALLY mean it. Besides, I started reading JJBA back during Scary Monsters. No need to toot your oldfag whistle.
>The Emperor if Hol Horse realized just how broke his stand was
I wonder what other jojo main characters were doing when Pucci was making the sun go a gorillion MPH
Joseph probably didn't notice, Josuke probably called all the Morioh Stand users together to figure out what was happening, and Giorno was probably on the rides at Disney World. He would have noticed time speeding up but Mista told him not to fix it just yet since it made the roller coasters go faster.
Abbacchio does a ton more than Kakyoin though, even if he doesn't get many fights dedicated to himself. He's one of the most vocal and active characters between fights, commenting on what they're going to do next and so on, and even if it doesn't always work he actually tries to put his stand to use doing shit like flying the plane, tracking Clash, etc.
And while none of the characters really get the chance to become totally different people (makes sense given that VA takes place over only a few days) you can see Abbacchio becoming more determined and hopeful as the story goes on. When it first starts out he's brutally dedicated to mindlessly carrying out orders, being wholly prepared to leave Fugo to die if it means they're able to get the key. But by the time Buccellati's betrayed the boss he's changed enough that he decides he'd rather stick with him rather than the boss, even though (as he himself says) Buccellati isn't the one he swore loyalty to. Abbacchio's partner was right in saying that he was remembering what it was like to fight for something he believed in rather than just doing what he was told.
Daily reminder.
27 - Yoshikage Kira's New Life 2 / I Am An Alien 1-3 (4)
28 - I Am An Alien 4-6 / Highway Star 1 (3.5)
29 - Highway Star 1-6 (5.5)
30 - Highway Star 7-8 / The Cat Who Loved Kira 1-2 (4)
31 - The Cat Who Loved Kira 3-6 (4)
32 - The Man on the Tower 1-6 (6)
33 - Enigma Boy 1-6 (6)
34 - My Dad Is Not My Dad 1-2 / Cheap Trick 1-3 (5)
35 - Cheap Trick 4-6 / Another One Bites the Dust 1 (4)
36 - Another One Bites the Dust 2-6 (5)
37 - Another One Bites the Dust 7-10 / Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable 1-2 (6)
38 - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable 3-8 (6)
39 - Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable 9 / I'll Jog Your Memory / The Guardian Angel of Morioh / Goodbye Morioh; Golden Hearts (4)
god what a cramfest
I doubt they'll have that many 4 chapter episodes that any of the final four episodes will need to be 6 chapters. Also, decent chance they'll move Dad is not my Dad right in front of BtD.
Not him but the final ones (at least Part of Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable) would be perfectly fine in 6 episodes because of how fast paced that fight is.
I want to fuck Abbacchio
Shit, imagine Josuke actually dealing with that shit. He was probably terrified not considering the fact that the stand's range was worldwide, he probably thought the stand user was nearby and desperately searched for him, then went into space thinking he failed Morioh-cho and lost completely.
I just realized that most of the JoJos fit perfectly into generic RPG classes
Jonathan - Paladin
Joseph - Rogue
Jotaro - Warrior
Josuke - Cleric
Giorno - Druid
Jolyne - ???
Johnny - Ranger
Gappy - Thief
I dunno, wouldn't everyone have figured out it was worldwide? I mean, there were announcements on the news about it and stuff.
And hopefully he would've been as oblivious of it as most others were, in that people who didn't directly interact with MIH just seemed kind of confused about the actual reset and didn't seem to consciously remember anything afterwards. A small mercy, I guess.
Would've been funny if him and his friends had been hanging out when it happened, the whole gang gets shot into space trying to cover their nakedness and yelling at each other.
Make Joseph a Bard and Jolyne a Rogue.
Coming to think of it, do Joseph, Josuke and the others still remember Jotaro as Jotaro in the new universe or do they remember Newtaro instead?
Jotworo's a better name for him.
They remember only "The marine biologist formerly known as Kujo".
Newtaro, the only person who remembered anything before Pucci's death was Emporio.
Go go