is vegapunk working for WG against his will?
did kuma convince him to join the revoluionary cause?
is vegapunk working for WG against his will?
did kuma convince him to join the revoluionary cause?
Other urls found in this thread:
he is probably the type of "as long as i can do SCIENCE, i don't care who i work for"
Anyone else think Dadji doesn't really fit as a scientist type and it would have been smoother to put his wife in that role? It feels like this is just the thing Sanji needs to have a written in excuse to be superpowered by getting his genes activated correctly.
third for carrot is a semen demon
inb4 Sanji will die memes.
those who didn't believe in her, repent now
She did look pretty concerned when Sanji was beaten up badly.
The only ones in the crew who has the slightest change of dying is Usopp. But even then he would die right at the end.
Oda better reveal shit about Vegapunk soon. You can't tease this shit forever
I dunno, we saw how pissed he got about Caesar's research so we know he's not a aloof amoral asshole
are there doujins where reiju is getting railed by his brothers yet?
I doubt it.
>I dunno, we saw how pissed he got about Caesar's research
can you refresh my memory, because i don't remember that part. What chapter was that in, if you don't know, do you remember if it was mentioned in the beginning of his arc or in the end or somewhere else?
Punk Hazard. I have no idea which chapter
Vegapunk is disgusted by Caesar's weapons research and refuses to experiment with gigantification on children
When Judge and Big Mom get BTFO, Reiju will take over Germa. Screencap this.
vegpunk didn't say really anything about caesar's research being immoral
this >we saw how pissed he got about Caesar's
He might be former 'I dont care as long as i can SCIENCE freely' so he worked with Dadji
Then he was captured, forced to work for the WG and saw all the injustice/evil of the WG/empowered corrupts/whatever
Then he aimed for redemption with the aid of Kuma, maybe helps the Revos.
I bet there's also this non-scientific knowledge, like historical knowledge, side in Vegapunk somehow.
He might be key to solving many mysteries of OP aside scientific-related stuff.
So when's Sanji going to get Conqueror's Haki lads?
Is Reiju secretly a pervert like his brothers?
>one of kaidou's arms is about the size of luffy's king kong arm
she's a gigolette. she has fun with her 10 maids every night.
Daily reminder that Luffy is a loser and would amount to nothing if he wasn't the chosen one and was born into greatness. He gets everything handed to him on a silver platter and has top tier connections.
>would've died to Buggy if not for Dragon
>Dragon saves him from Smoker
>Aokiji pardons him because of Garp
>Robin joins him cause muh will of D
>escapes Water 7 because of Garp
>Kuma saves his ass cause of Dragon
>Rayleigh helps him ect
Fate is fate.
This I'd like to see.
why are one piece openings usually so bland? half of the shit in them is usually generic miniparties that the crew does and it's annoying
They can't fail so why make any effort?
He has mega haki = all three hakis combined = purotu arumoru = Gear assupuru
where are the slaves eh? why are people walking in front of us papa eh?
just read the chapter. holy cow i would just fucking clone an army of reijus and fuck as long as i can before completly drying out.
when will this doujin appear???
fuck you toei
>Gear assupuru
I chuckled
The way I see it, he's a man with a plan. His children and inventions were going to help him take over the world.
yfw vegapunk is mojo jojo
punk hazard was a mistake
Dad of the year material
Why no episode last week?
Punk Hazard falls on the same mistake as Dressrossa and seemingly Whole Cake:
What could have been solved in a few chapters gets brutally dragged because Oda over-complicates the plot
PH relevance to the story is:
>SHs meet with and help Kinemon and Momo
>SHs x Heart pirate's alliance to take down Kaido by screwing Doffy's Smile trade
>Ceasar's work related to Yonko (Smiles + Giantification)
All the rest is filler-tier
>every Marine part
>Yeti Brothers
>streching the kids part
>those half-animal guys
>all that running around
>more running around
everything but raftel is filler serioisly fuck oda
one piece should've ended in chapter 2
The worst offender was Fishman Island in this
Dressrosa is fucking long because a fucking lot happens, there was a truckload of side-but-relevant characters that got significant exposure
>Why no episode last week?
kochikame special
How hype are you for the other vinsmokes getting told? I want them to get btfo by Mr.Prince in the most humiliating way possible.
Instead of that long list you could have just said:
>He's a shounen protagonist.
niji needs to get parage shotted
Is Niji tougher than Yonji?
That was actually some decent manga dad action. He didn't instantly throw sanji away. He just stated hey... you will have to work even harder to surpass the rest of them. And it's not like normal humans in one piece can't become strong.
Everything will be okay when Nami reuinites with her beloved Sanji-kun
sanji already forgot about her
trips confirm
This. Dadji is pretty inspirational here. Pity it takes an immediate turn and he gives up on him in the following page.
What are you talking about, Luffy's death has been made clear since the beginning...
Zeff is already dead. Finding this out is what leads Sanji to start fighting back. It's the only way I see him getting around there extortion.
You are the only one using Dadji on here, stop trying to push for this trying to get popular because it won't. I seen it from multiple threads about the Chapter and it is retarded.
No, he just doesn't know she came for him.
Soon he will find out and it will lift up his spirit
That would be retarded. Imagine Sanji is walking and he overhears they killed about convienient.
Sanji might be the second strongest. Not stronger than ichiji
Reiju not counted because she's a girl and he wouldn't hit her. , (she's also canon good now )
Where were all those retards saying Sanji would solo the entire family. Not only did Niji take his kick casually but he kicked him so hard he started bleeding and had scratches. I am putting Niji and Ichihi on the same level as Vergo if not stronger. High diff fights for all them accept for that scrub Yonji.
You forgot would have died to Crocodile if not for Robin, would have died to Buster Call if not for Merry, would have died to being outside if not for Dr. Kureha, would have died to Magellan if not for Bon-chan and Ivankov, would have died to the admirals if not for Shanks and Law and Boa Hancock, would have died as a minor casualty in a war if not for Whitebeard, would have died to Akainu if not for Ace, etc.
That said, all the really strong characters have not had origins yet, the strongest character who has been properly developed is Doflamingo and he survived just as much from circumstance as Luffy
I mean he was gonna beat Judge if not for the soldier shit
That "kick" at Niji wasn't even a fire kick or anything, in a real fight Sanji would massacre all of them.
The real strong dudes in this arc are Big Mom's crew
>liar noland
>devil fruit book
what's the third one?
Yeah, Big Mom's crew are definitely the heavy hitters this arc. I'm just waiting for Sanji's family to do something out of arrogance that pisses her off and gets them stomped.
Sanji isn't going to beat all his brothers and father solo. No way. Unless we get a power up, which I doubt.
>What is wrong with a power up
Because he didn't use it against Flamingo or Vergo.
judge is probably weaker than his sons though.
wtf I hate luffy now
his super cells will suddenly activate
Why is Carrot so sexual?
He definitely is. He hasn't been mentioned to be enhanced and he beat Sanji by throwing literal walls of men at him.
Because OP girls are always sexual.
He BTFO that little mice though
>Sanji super sayian mode is him activating his enhanced genes
Sanji is going to die in this arc confirmed
you're retarded, he stopped attacking because Zeff was brought up. learn to fucking read idiot
Where were you when Caesar was a good boi all along and saved Sanji from being a freak of nature? Best new nakama confirmed.
It actually looks like judge cared about sanji to a point. I can only assume sanji reminded him of his dead wife and probably his past in failure. So his only means of fixing the situation was to hide it away and hopefully it would die. I'm slowly starting to understand where judge is coming from.
>Foreshadowing Sanji's name and Lola's Vivre Card
>A lot of new characters working along with the Strawhears
>The Artist Formerly Known as Prince is dead
>The cook formerly known as Mr. Prince is probably going to die
This arc is going to be the best motherfucking shit ever.
>caesar hears judge was vegapunk's buddy
>teams up with sanji to wreck him
how will judge react when sanji wrecks his brothers?
Seems more like he doesn't want to accept that one of his projects failed.
Yeah, if he dies is because he got Nami pregnant already.
Beautiful vein popping rage.
Regret that he didn't study Haki.
Ehancements just make you physically improved, Haki lets you fight near-impervious monsters.
Too bad that Nami likes vaginas though
I think you mean old men.
Be pissed that his research ended up being pointless and/or finally acknowledge him as his son
nah, nami's a confirmed faggot
he'll be mad as fuck at his sons for losing. then he'll accept sanji as his true heir.
ask your mom
He'll throw away the other siblings like trash subjecting them to the same mental punishment as Sanji which will make him even more pissed
In your post you concluded that
>that the chemical weapons that tie Caesar to doffy and the other new world evil underground should of been removed
>smoker who has a vendetta against luffy, should stop chasing him
>that Caesar shouldn't have minions
The kids part and the running is an anime only problem. Your post reeks of anime only faggotry.
I hope Sanji beats the shit out of him and lectures him for being shit.
Sanji will promise to marry pudding once he finds the all blue.
Nope. If pudding doesn't join the crew she will be forgotten for ever.
Sanji won't promise some stupid shit like that.
He didn't do it with Viola and won't do it with pudding
Not until 2018, user. The spooky skelly will rise again.
>tfw no art of fembrook being silly and hitting on male nami
>he'll accept sanji as a son finally and accept him into the family
>Sorry, I don't have a father and my family is the straw hats
>kicks his dad in the nuts
Hey Nami-kun, would you show me your boner?
>Sorry, my father is a shitty geezer called Zeff
What are the chances of Pudding joining?
I hope he's not completely "science above everything". The best would be, if he kinda has to do research, cause he can't help himself, but would rather not work under the WG. But since he thinks it's gonna put humanity forward, he does it anyway, in hopes it's gonna help humanity as a whole at least.
If Oda wants to add romance then it's pretty high, if he doesn't then is almost close to 0.
Sanji will "die" but his cyborg cells will activate or some BS and come back to life stronger than ever.
That explains why Zoro is so far ahead after the timeskip. Sanji will get a major boost and become the second strongest strawhat.
Well they say a few times his greatest power is having people gravitate to help him
doesn't make it any less of a corny shonen power
But luffy definitely put a lot of points into charisma and it pays off
So this mean he fucked Nami and didn't cum inside then.
She looks and acts weak as fuck so they are pretty low.
Unless she is hiding her power or some shit.
Sanji is stronger, but he's being blackmailed and is emotionally exhausted. Once he's let loose the vinsmokes are done for, and they can kiss their ships and armies goodbye once the straw hats land.
Idk if it will pan out in that way, I can't see him actually dying but Sanji gaining a genetic mutation power up is definitely happening this arc
Pedro, Jinbe, and Carrot are all lined up to be potential members before Pudding but it is possible
He will combine fire with lighting for his new power.
He will get the same powers his brother have plus his own.
Wind, lighting, Fire and whatever Yonji's has if he doesn't help him
What if other than the exoskeletons and enhanced strength and speed modifications, the respective powers of the siblings are derivated by devil fruits? Their eyebrows would be the devil fruit marks. It would be possible since Vegapunk worked on devil fruits and maybe Judge went on on his own with his experiments.
>Dadji says Momji is dead
>literally one page later tells everyone in the kingdom Sanji is dead while actually sticking him in a dungeon
>post yfw
>Sanji was a weakling that could never win fights
Well that explains his performances post time skip.
she gets more powerful when she turns into her true form with 3 eyes
>judge gets a sad Backstory
>it shows how if his wife died
>and he believes that if she was a bit stronger she would still be alive
>he refuses to have another love one die, so he make his kids super.
>sanji is normal so he locks him away for his own safety and he doesn't have to worry about losing him
Screencap this
Do you think this pattern is intentional or just coincidence?
IJ- (Jinbe ?)
OP-? (Pedro, Pudding ?)
Sanji can't fuck them up yet though - he's got Zeff blackmailed over his head.
He probably just gave Niji a normal kick out of anger - but he can't go 100%.
>he will activate his genes
That is top tier retardation right there.
Nah, Sanji will beat him with techniques he learned from Zeff, declaring that he's his real father.
Like luffy and haki?
>The cook formerly known as Mr. Prince is probably going to die
You shut the fuck up. Sanji can't die, he's been my husbando since I was 6. If he dies I'll send oda my severed head.
Cesar will redeem himself by going on the lam from big mom and going off to help vegapunk save the kids he fucked up.
>Pudding has a chance
Yes please, make it happen.
mate if you know moon you know more than any of us
Based. Does anyone have that awkward comic where Sanji accidentally calls Zeff dad?
Coincidence because Vivi, Monet and Carue
It makes sense.
Sanji is meant to be one of the monster trio, but will soon need to go against awakened devil fruit users. He won't be able to compete with them without getting his own fruit, so Oda will have him activate his genes to get the power boost required.
Shit tier compared to Sanji needing to transform into a drag queen though.
So Nami is pregnant with Sanjis kid already? Will see
There was no reason for Sanji to activate okama mode against Mingo or Vergo because no women were being beat up or anything. I'm guessing in this arc either Reiju, Momji or Pudding gets a slap and then shit is on.
She is weak in that form.
She will join in her true form
Maybe he is a revolutionary. Maybe he is Zoro.
>maybe he is Zoro
>Sanji and Pudding get together on the thousand sunny
>become obnoxiously lovey dovey whenever they are within twenty feet of each other
Zoro would be so disgusted, it would be fucking hilarious. I know oda doesn't usually go for romance but that opportunity is too good.
Cosset got fucked up and nothing happened.
Also you are wrong about vergo because tashigi was being beat up.
Stop shit posting faggot.
>Sanji needs to transform into Okama mode
>Pudding sees this
>Wedding gets called off because she doesn't want to marry a queer
That's all just well enough, because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Vegapunk. One shall be the number of Vegapunks in the world, and the number of Vegapunk in the world shall be one!
Two Vegapunks is too many and three is right out, so the only Vegapunk there is room for in the world shall be Vegapunk, and being the only Vegapunk in the world I Vegapunk will rule the world in which there is only ONE VEGAPUNK!
Brook-chan would be girl of the century.
You faggots are all wrong.
Nami will be the one to give her beloved Sanji-kun the power up he needs.
Hear me out. So how do we know it isn't?
This is retarded but i'd like this plot twist.
loli nami a cute
>tfw they just called her bellemere-san
>biological parents
>terrible beings
>adoptive parents
>incredible people
>implying she wouldn't just go tarazuka mode as a response
Drag king&Queen otp
nigga did you even read that chapter, there was shit all Sanji could do about Cossette since the Baratie was being blackmailed.
And why would Sanji go okama mode for Tashigi when she's Zoro's waifu?
don't tell me not to shitpost in a general, that's literally what generals are for.
Pre-timeskip - Zoro was with the crew at all points Vegapunk was involved in the story - especially Kuma + the MK1 Pacifistas.
t-thanks Obama
he just forgot to feed him
So they have devil fruit powers but got rid of the inability to swim?
More like fucking everyone and haki
It doesn't tell us anything we don't know already.
Maybe he did it in his sleep. I'm just saying don't be surprised when it all makes sense.
Maybe, I think that Ichiji and maybe Reiju are the strongest ones in the group. Plus their abilities are augmented by technology.
Reiju is likely the reason Sanji escaped, and likely the reason why Sanji doesn't hit women.
I don't want him on the crew. He wears sandals and likely no underwear under his robe and I simply don't want to risk it.
>Reiju is likely the reason Sanji escaped, and likely the reason why Sanji doesn't hit women.
No, it will be his mother - all the cooking etc. points towards it; especially with the phrase 'raised' that Sanji uses throughout the series.
Reiju is just the sibling who acts like a sheep so she doesn't get beat up by the rest, but deep down feels sorry for the runt of the pack.
dubs confirm it's really retarded
We didn't see Mum in flashbacks.
>vegapunk getting head from kuma.jpg
>smoking at age 10
Why did Sanji call out for his dad in the dungeon? Why did he say he didn't want to be there? Kids can be so clingy.
No, but we did see Sanji's traits based on her - Judge even comments on it.
I reckon Judge and Sanji's mom will be a whole Nurture vs Nature debate.
>And why would Sanji go okama mode for Tashigi when she's Zoro's waifu?
huh, because she's a woman?
His mother cannot release him from prison though as she is dead. It's possible that the reason he doesn't hit women is because of his mother in some way, but I highly doubt it.
Sanji is in a rough spot right now in the flashback, if he's left there for awhile and Reiju saves him.
Who knows, the women thing might be an entire different thing entirely, not related to the Vinsmokes.
Nigga he doesn't care that's Zoro's. He doesn't even know that yet.
I don't think it has much with the prison.
Also think it's unlikely it'll be some random outside of the family unless he turns out to have ANOTHER parent figure - because simply he states he was 'raised' not to hit women.
'Raised' refers to upbringing which usually reflects on parents or a guardian figure.
That is a very good point.
Yeah, that could very much be Zeff's influence, as we see that the other kids of the Vinsmoke family don't mind beating up women. Even Reiju seems pleasantly surprised as how much of a gentleman her brother has become.
How he get's out of the prison though, I think Reiju could possibly be the one who helps him out here, stressing the point of secrecy of course so she doesn't get wrecked by the family.
Just got off the phone with Oda-sensei (phonebills from south korea are hella expensive lmao), anyway he confirmed that this is all a dream, the entire series.
Luffy will wake up right before the final battle, and realize that none of this was real, he was just coping, trying to forget his harsh real life as a college dropout at a dead-end job.
Yeah - I agree there will probably be more to their relationship, with the prison and shit.
The 'women' thing will come down to his mother or Zeff (I still think Zeff is unlikely due to that backstory being explored somewhat)
The whole cooking thing + Judge's comments telling Sanji to stop that stuff because of his mother implies that to me at least.
Nurture vs Nature.
>Big Mom arc
>Vinsmoke's mom is a mystery to be revealed
>'Big Mom' was one of Judge's experiments gone wrong on his wife
That's not possible. Sanji and Nami can't be siblings.
You mean Pudding.
No, Nami. Can you not read?
Spee D. Reader-kun strikes again!
How the fuck is Nami related to Big Mom?
>Not knowing deluded Sanafags believe Nami is Big Mom daughter so Sanji can marry her and the agreement with Germa isn't broken
I saw a theory about it. With Lola calling her that she felt if they were sisters and shit.
Fuck off you shipping faggot.
She has the best chance
There won't be any wedding in One Piece. Except Usopp, Capone and Aladdin.
Don't you ever put me in that disgusting bunch you retard
I know all of this because they spam their shit 24/7
Friendly reminder that cedar the pharmacist will join the crew by the end of this arc
Sure thing shippingfag, why don't make another fanfictier post of yours? You autist.
shanks was at a wedding
please leave
He feed sanji though.
Wedding of literaly whos.
Develops the nature of DF and expands their capabilities
>every Marine part
Teaming up Luffy with the Marines and eventually involving Doffy vs Kuzan developes the story of the split within the Marines, doing what's right vs ruthless and harmful bureaucracy (which is the basis of the setting itself, Aokiji vs Akainu), as well as the longterm Marines vs Pirates plot. Vergo plot hits home the danger and intricacy of the New World.
>Yeti Brothers
Develops the setting with native characters/style
>those half-animal guys
Develops the villain
Half of this shit is just as relevant as the things you mentioned, and all of it has a purpose, which is to tell an enjoyable story. The arc is supposed to be good for its own sake, not just speed through the overall plot and dole out massive developments for you to complain about online
>there won't be a wedding besides usopp, capone and Aladdin
>shanks wasn't at a wedding
>sai isn't engaged
oh yeah~
>falling for SANAfags theories
top kek
>The arc is supposed to be good for its own sake, not just speed through the overall plot
this. people need to fucking realize this.
You are pure cancer.
Not everything has to do with shipping.
Seriously end yourself.
>mfw the pacing is pretty slow
>mfw the story is starting to get boring
>mfw i really don't care about the cliche ending to this sanji arc
Why can't we get back to luffy gear five? or the cat faggot finding Marco? or better yet, Zoro and law in wano?
>Gear 5
>Zoro and law
Careful with that edge, it might cut you.
What's wrong with wanting some interesting shit to happen? you can see the sanji bullshit unfold from a mile a way. I really don't care about his mother, how his sister is gud, and how his faggots brother are gonna be beat on some bullshit i'm angry hurr durr power up/ We also know he's not gonna get married or leave the straw hats.
I guess
I want to smell Caesar gassy farts
>All of post time skip
>Sanji the jobber
>Turns out he has god level genes that havent been activated
Redemption arc boys
Who the hell shows those shows to a 3yo kid?
That's an edit. The original was just some guy crying.
>Sanji needs some genetical engineerng to be capable
>Usopp has done that much including haki, with shitty genes
>shitty genes
>mother is a weakling dying of some flu
>black skin
>jew nose
>black curly hair
>Zoro and law
the reason is you have shit taste
>Pedro joining
I'd be okay with that.
>sanji fights seriously in front of his family
>they put him in the lab and start experimenting on him to try and bring out his latent powers
>I don't care that there is cloning and genetic manipulation in One Piece's setting.
>My mind isn't racing at the possible implications of what this means about the Pacifista.
>I'm not even interested to see how the Germa 66 commanders fight.
Well... I guess that means that the next few months will be rough for you, user.
>human fucking cloning
>Vegapunk worked on the human experiments with Sanji's dad
>Sanji's siblings are super gods in terms of genes
>Sanji might have them dormant waiting to be unlocked inside himself as well
Fujo trash get out
I hate Sanji but I hate his family even more
It hits close to home. I'm spoiled just like they are minus the killing, beating and soldiers
>I'm spoiled
Get off your phone and pay attention in class boy.
I agree with you on Zoro. I miss him.
have fun for the next year or so
I'd be fine with the crazy little furball nibbling his arm.
he meant Zolo
That third panel was probably a few years down the line.
Would Zeff have instilled that in him?
Me too but Pedro joining sounds a lot more realistic since he was a pirate and whatnot.
>n-not everything has to do with shipping
Not everything has to do with shipping but that's a meme made up by a SANAfag.
Wasn't he just an explorer who got in too deep?
it's not far fetched either
back during Water 7 everyone expected Paulie to join right
but then we ended up with Franky instead
Vegapunk is Chopper from an alternate timeline in the future, and he looks like what original Chopper looked like. He's set up many events in the past in a long game to make the world perfect for Revolutionary takeover by destroying the Marines, Yonkous, and anyone else in the way, (but Blackbeard will screw over his dream and take them out as well creating the true freedom world Blackbeard aspires to, i.e. a world where dreams are determined by personal strength and nothing else so no one has power over another beyond their own, meaning no gods or kings or governingt bodies)
jelly-filled are my favorite
Besides the obvious Sanji beating up his family, what do you think or want to happen this arc?
like Roger, Lufy just doesn't die
and like Mihawk said he has the ability to turn almost everyone in his side
is not just about family bond, but charisma and luck help him to get to the top
That said, no amount of charisma, luck or fate would save him if he was a filthy jobber
Nami vs Pudding
miss fatty "s-stop triggering me"
jinbe joins
What kind of skeletons or skin do the vinsmokes have that makes their heads crack back in place like toys without damage?
>We STILL din't know what DF's really are
>vegapunk amazingly knows
>Inb4 Vegapunk is a D.
This, unfortunately.
Vegapunk is a loli
calling it now
this chapter literally just said they have exoskeletons
Caeser getting bullied
Brook and Chopper getting fights
We finally learn something about All Blue (it's Sanji's arc, this is the perfect time).
He is probably stronger than Yonji though.
She fucks like a rabbit.
Obviously, i said WHAT KIND.
It's not just bone.
>Exoskeletons are made of bones
He is a regular human, that's the point.
Has oda drawn a female Jinbei yet?
So hot
Hotter than Pudding.
>Caeser getting bullied
>Luffy was actually in a coma after eating a spoiled fruit in a bar
>p-pudding Is evil
Lyingfag your theory was already BTFO. Why do you keep having these crazy delusions. Plus I'm still waiting for you to explain how reiju isn't a bitch.
If anything he died immediately after setting sail in that large whirlpool.
>I'm slowly starting to understand where judge is coming from.
>I'm slowly starting to make things up in my mind.
Holy shit she looks adorable. Genderswapped special when?
Well its not fake that he dies care about his kids.and if he truly hated sanji he would have just had him killed instead of locking him away
Haven´t been following in a while. Is it a break week or is the flashback the latest chapter?
Ah come on. Oda actually did a decent job adding depth to Dadji.
First tell me how much you love me.
One Piece Opening 4 best Opening
Bon Boyage!!
>let me try to avoid the question again
Hmmm I'm starting to see a pattern
Pretty much agreed, it's in my top 3 for sure
flashback was this week's
If vegapunk is so smart, maybe he knows how to get/has the one piece.
Allright. Thanks.
How did this make you feel?
Urge to kill niji rising.
>inb4 Germa 66 fucks up Sanji so badly that he snaps and starts punching them all to death, Reiju first
>you will never beat up cosette
>You can't tease this shit forever
Everything in one piece is teased forever. Then when there's supposed to be payoff for the years of hype, it falls flat on its face. (See: Dressrosa)
Worst feel.
I was honestly socked as fuck and I can't wait to see Niji get fucked.
I doubt he is even concerned about the one piece or any other kind of treasure not directly related to science, or devil fruits
It's funny how nobody wanted to believe it was Niji who beat her up when it was obvious.
I don't care.
it might not be so much that he cares for his children as much as it is he cares about having a strong lineage, image, and army. although i could be wrong
>he took the reiju memes seriously
no, everything is always a twist. Did you see the turtle last chapter? yeah it's actually a sea lion
Can someone make a Sanji version of this?
I want that turtle to come back this arc and remember Sanji. Especially if it grew up to be enormous.
I miss Kuma...
>speedreaders didn't make the connection yet
No I think you're right but the fact that he have Sanji a chance is fairly interesting. He actually wanted to see Sanji flourish. Watch, his dad will put the Germa under Sanji and he will go back studying science.
We Captain America a now.
I'm willing to bet that his desire for them to be strong and cares for them so much is because of his wife death
It's Cyborg 009 and Kamen Rider, Oda even used the Shocker logo for Germa.
What the fuck is fedora about that?
The brothers are basically captain America though(physically). They are not cyborgs.
Sanjis eyebrows swirl the same way as Momjis.
yonji will help sanji
post yfw yonji became the target of bullying after sanji left
I didn't know captain america was genetically engineered from birth
I don't get how the siblings havent acknowled Sanji beating Yonji, putting him in his rightful position strength wise. And you would think they'd be ripping on Yonji right now.
faget deserved it
He's been gone for like 10 years, I doubt they'd accept him straight away
tbqf I am fairly sure all of them have DFs and we have only seen the sisters.
I won't trust Reiji until this arc is over, and you can't make me.
It would have noticed Sanji.
yonji probably bullshitted something
Stop with your delusions lyingfag.
1. I doubt Yonji brought attention to it.
2. He's trying to play big bros against Sanji now, with how he mentioned Cosette to him, and it's consistent with:
3. His remark that they should play both sides.
Yonji a weasel.
Reiju the one who helped sanji escape. Screencap this
I actually think he'll be good or at least redeem himself and maybe even, maybe, marry Pudding instead of Sanji.
But you're so fucking transparent in your shipping shitposts, my man.
>screencap this
I refuse.
Most of the biological parents we see in OP that are cunts are also nobles and use their children as pawns. Only makes sense that adoptive parents care more.
Yup, he gets quiet as fuck when Niji and Ichiji talk.
Yonji is also the one who looks like Sanji the most.
Oda is a hack.
>3. His remark that they should play both sides.
this is a good point actually, didn't even think about that
Germa66 are totally Nazis.
Cossette is going to end up working at the Baratie.
And maybe even being endgame for Sanji if Pudding doesn't work out.
I hope we get a Vinsmoke chapter next week as well.
Now in all seriousness, does anybody truly think Pudding might be Sanji's partner or whatever (whether romantic, subtle or not or platonic) during the epilogue?
I mean, I could see it, but I really, really doubt it. No couples.
Maybe we're continuing with the flashback until we see how he escaped and got to that ship.
We're still going to have more flashbacks most likely though, considering the mother and all that. Maybe even some interactions between Judge and Vegapunk (in the shadows, I guess).
Sounds good. The perfect chapter before the break.
Yeah. Although I really want to see the pre-wedding meeting between the Vinsmokes and the Charlottes.
Not even a shipperfag I swear, but I'm interested in seeing Sanji interact with Pudding and, also, Big Mom.
>Niji get fucked
Niji has some kind of electric power, so i think he will be fucked hard by luffy, because you know, oda is autistic and for sure he want to repeat the "i'm made of rubber yolo!" joke. Also i think sanji's bros will be beaten in the early stages of the fighting phase of the arc, the big fights are yet to come.
Also, genetic awakening for sanji during this arc
Same, I can't for both of them to agree to not marry each other and sapu getting eternally BTFO
Anyone else realize Sanji's dad can create wafus?
>especially with the phrase 'raised' that Sanji uses throughout the series.
Oda's answer to this SBS question seems to imply there's actually some psychological barrier preventing Sanji from taking the action and because of his pride he says he's doing it out of chivalry. Maybe something was lost in translation, I dunno,
Truly the most dangerous man in the world.
>implying it won't come back so Sanji can feed it again
wtf I love Dadji now
Sanji's sibling sociopathy makes sense considering they literally are a superior species so regular humans to them are garbage to them.
>Sanji is an antifacist
Based oda
>his mom modified his genes so he wouldn't be able to hit girls
The way the ji's are acting is exactly why the federation banned all human gene augmentation.
>niji or yonji accidentally insults pirates or pudding
>death glare from big mom
>judge sperging out trying to cover it
Kill yourself antifa.
I know most of you guys are dumb and all but you have to realize that Niji hitting Cosette is like a man hitting a chair, it appears as though Sanji is the only mentally defective engineered human as his siblings show a highly evolved mind that seems to be free of backwards instincts like mindlessly liking humans.
Makes you wonder if the Genos 100 years from now will treat our grandkids like this/
Should be pretty fun now that you say that.
Wonder what will be talked about there that might be important for Oda to make this a thing in the manga. Maybe further discussing the deal.
>implying Yonji won't fall in love with pudding
It's happening
does anybody know what he meant by this?
Yonji falls for everything with tits, just like his brother.
inb4 yonji meets the okamas
>Momji is the reason that Sanji would rather let himself and possibly one of his friends die than kick a woman complicit in holding her hostage
Fuck I'd rather get the cliched "Sanji saw Dadji beat Momji to death" shit than that.
Fuck off Judge.
you mean yonji falls in love with nami
Speaking of Pudding, it seems that she and Sanji have actually met, but what the fuck is Oda's reason for just making him a silhouette in Pudding's flashback?
Who knows, maybe momji was a huge bitch too, just slightly less awful by proxy.
Haha nice. Maybe he does end up marrying pudding and that's how Oda will get Sanji out of this
She met Yonji not Sanji.
fuck off samefag
what a useless fucking comment. must suck being dumber than luffy huh
So where does the perverted gene come from?
Dadji is all serious business.
It looks like only Yonji and Sanji are like that.
You are inferior and should serve my superior species you disgusting peasant trash.
Fuck off Niji.
He probably jerks off to an old picture of his dead wife or something. That or he has his own secret harem of sex slaves.
His own harem of clones of Sanji's mom only they dont age.
Reiju is too.
Or they do age, twice as fast. Sanji will have to fight not just his father but his army of hideous old naked grannies as well.
I wonder if Nami gets to use wheather ball in this arc.
Oda seems to have held back on showing this off for whatever reason.
Reiju is probably the one who helps Sanji escape and removes the masks from his head.
Nami is best.
Reminder that people would die if they didn't have a way to not die.
Roger that Skinners.
Where the fuck did the sanji is a eugenic'd kid come from. Was any of this even foreshadowed?
We've known for years that vegapunk was '400 years' ahead of the rest of the world (missiles, lasers, cyborgs and other futuristic type weapons), but did we ever have the genetic manipulation theory? As is in that's what all the various crazy humanoid species are, same for fishmen/mermiads/minks.
I guess such stuff falls into the '400 years' time frame, but I don't think we'd ever seen that branch of development until ceaser.
Franky doesn't have any Devil Fruits, but it looks like he got all of Vegapunk's schematics over Devil Fruit based weapons.
That might be a cool direction for Franky to develop towards.
That can be said for just about any protagonist ever, their luck is frequently bullshit levels. Why this is, is because viewers don't want MC-kun to get so far only to die, then have the story either outright end or pick up with MC-kun2, who gets their own development to establish them, who may not be as 'likeable' as the previous MC-kun.
If you're going to go down that route you need to establish the ensemble cast early and hop between them frequently so the audience isn't too attached to one in particular that the rest of the series isn't worth continuing without them.
One piece in it's current format wouldn't work like that for the target children's market.
But how and why do the 'genes' activate now? Flashback shows that sanji had training from hell as a child and was for strength terms a scrub, barely GL tier. By the time of series start he's at least GL (3IC) tier hanging out in south blue.
It should be more that he's 'awakened' his genetic potential over the series but not yet shown it to his family. Just that as a child they were not at their potential because the trigger event for him trying his best were not present (feeding the starving, protecting people etc).
>what's an unreliable narrator?
Possible, I'd just attributed the reason they look like Kuma to be an intimidation thing.
The tech level of the series has gone fucking bonkers since MF. Why does everyone still use round bullets, where are all the aircraft? Why isn't WG/marines more technologically advanced?
Franky pulls tech out for mere jokes, out of fucking hammer space at times and doesn't really reuse it again. And we've just had a few arcs of 'end of the world' type technologies (eugenics, cloning, even more WMDs, smiles) and the usual ethical dilemmas that don't really get touched on to the degree it could.
>yfw she turns out to be worse than Dadji in every way
He won't though. Definitely once he sees her third eye, he will probably call her a mutant causing sanji to beat him up again.
Yes PH is my least favorite OP arc, the only thing I really enjoyed was Vergo
I also feel like i'm the only one who really enjoys Fishman Island, I get that it's slow, but I don't see why people hate it so much. Especially in color, it looks beautiful
>Was any of this even foreshadowed?
140 chapters ago as they were sailing to Dressrosa Law mentioned this "lineage factor" shit as something Vegapunk utilized to make the fake DFs.
>Sanji really was half DF all along
How to interpret this though?
Franky isn't a complete technological authority. He believes there's no such thing as genetically making/cloning people (which we now know to be wrong) but accepts body modifications (that are completely infeasible realistically).
Pacifista indeed bleed, are cyborg and have a skin coating of some kind. But what he states is just one of many real possibilities. Clones, metal constructs with a skin suit or heavy cosmetic surgery are all suitable explanations, since Franky isn't the builder and can only speculate.
I think the disparity comes from the fact that all this technology got developed in the span of an incredibly short time all from the research of a single man who's very secretive. Either the tech hasn't had time to get implemented all over the world or the WG are hoarding it all in Mariejois.
Not joking at all, but Caesar and Sanji together could destroy Germa in one fell swoop. Sanji ignited Wadatsumi, who's the next biggest foe to SJW. Imagine if Caesar is hyping him with gas.
I would have liked Zoro to be in this arc, just to see him interact with all this situation of saving Sanji, and having one of those moments with him where they hate but respect each other at the same time.
Vegapunk was the first person in the One Piece world to discover DNA and the only people that know about it are him, judge, and the government. Of course Franky wouldn't think it's possible because at that point almost no one in the world had a proper understanding of genetics.
well yeah franky doesn't know about cloning being a thing
but we can now look back on that and his suggestions about "twin brothers" or "super lookalikes" and pretty safely conclude that they're clones with the recent info
Doubt it. I'm sure he will like her.
She looks like she just saw a huge dick.
Was Zeff called red leg because of blood or because of diable jambe?
Unfortunate acronym.
>Zoro and law
this fucking scene hits so much harder than it used to knowing sanji's past now
see:I doubt Roger or Garp weren't saved against someone or something when they were younger. Hell, Blackbeard would have died against Magellan if it wasn't for Shiryu.
He can smell the Marimo stench on her.
i kinda want to see this happening and Sanji going batshit crazy beating up all the Vinsmokes.
His skill level was that of a normal human, but he's still got Nazi super science genes.
Franky will build himself into Pluton
That's too ultimate. That's more something he would do to the Sunny.
whats the differenc between the red leg and black leg style anyway?
Black leg is just because of Sanji's tendency to always be wearing black pants, I assume.
>those joke theories about Sanji being a DF now actually have some merit
More like Adam Warlock actually.
vinsmokes can swim fine though
100% sanji would kick all of his siblings asses in a one on one fight, with or without augs
its the df users that can't swim, not the df itself
Obviously, the "chessboard" on Whole Cake is all set up, so to speak, switching the focus to keep the readers craving for more is the logical step.
>TFW the next chapter is just 20 pages of Alabasta delegation dodging shipwrecks falling from the sky
>not the df itself
ever seen a DF swim, huh?
yep, its called Sanji
hero sold Cred Forums to something awful
>using future tense
>you are
>but im not aizen
am i reading this correctly
It's left to right
I want my floating bald midget fisherman in the crew
I do not, it honestly looks like a generic 90s anime
I am happy with the designs he chose
mein kampf
>Long haired Nami
>those hips
This speculation is actually realistic.
short haired Nami s better.
I'm going to bet sanjis mother did something to ensure atleast one of her children was not altered and that child happened to be sanji
>fucking with a man's science
Not cool Momji.
okay them hips and outfit is killer but skypiea Nami is the best.
The best Luffy Nami shipping moment was when he put strawhat on her head.
the fuck is your point? nobody was talking about shipping. but that moment was nice even tho i prefer Luffy x Robin
I can't believe there are actually people with Robin and Luffy shipping.
Literally for what purpose. Boa is far better.
nah Robin is at least as hot as Hancock and has better personality.
I agree, boa and robin would be hot as fuck.
The best Luffy Usopp moments was when he let usopp wear his hat.
Why was little Sanji so fucking cute? I want to protect that smile and his pet turtle.
Absolutely disgusting.
That something was undoubtedly rape.
I like Nami wearing Sanji's clothes better.
That's what couples do.
I think Sanji would have been happier if he settled down with that naive bimbo mermaid in Fishman islands.
I'm pretty sure if there is some sort of All Blue, it would be around there, where the Gand Line meets New World.
Vegapunk is dead. And also Sanji's mom.
Screencap this, faggots. You know I'm right.
I don't blame her.
Sanji has the best fashion sense.
She doesn't mind servicing him all day every day. And she's probably too stupid to notice.
Atleast she is hotter than the mutant they are trying to marry him off this arc.
And I rest my case. Sanji has never been happier than this.
Quit forcing that meme.
shipperfags are actually a thing now. I really hoped it was just ironic shitposting
kill yourselves asap
Honestly Pudding is incredibly cute. I wouldn't be bothered by a 3rd eye at all.
But this green haired bimbo is better for Sanji.
Being so stupid/naive you end up kidnapped all the time has a cuteness to it as well.
Nice digits.
Anyways we all know who Sanji is the most crazy for.
And with him being a rich prince has increased his chance of getting some.
Not even a shipper but I would want to see this
What's wrong with a little bit of shipping once in a while?
>Sanji Keimi
And while we're at the theme of shipping minor characters, I would prefer Luffy with that blond Amazon girl.
They had really good chemistry, and she was really protective of him, and sort of tried to help him from the others.
And she loves his family jewels.
Do you want to die?
>The process isn't flawed at all.
>Sanji has been able to use his gene-freak powers the whole time.
>Doesn't use them because of a promise he made his mother.
>That is the nature of his "weakness." The Germa 66 are assholes who break alliances and attack whoever in an attempt to recover lost glory, but Sanji keeps his promises.
Sanji's fighting so far, is more or less composed of all the promises he made to limit himself.
Like how he doesn't use knives unless he's preparing fod, despite being a damn monster with them. Or how he doesn't use his hands at all to fight.
Sanji limits himself constantly, unlike Luffy and Zoro.
More like Vegapunk is Momji's dad
CC called Vegapunk an "old man"
Hancock is a pure maiden, I definitely won't mind if she end up with Luffy.
But that mermaid Bimbo is truly ideal for Sanji.
There was a TV special with a Marine villain named... Komei, who had a subordinate that was dangerous to Luffy, just because he was a sniper that had actual rifle shells instead of round bullets. And what's his face, Mr...5 had a bizarre and high tech weapon called a "six-shooter..." from North Blue I think actually. So the implication is that technology is advancing but, probably due to the topography of the world, the spread of it is super slow.
The real reason the tech is all over the place, with some places having future bullshit, is that you have Devil Fruits, which allow you to shortcut some of the research/material requirements on certain experiments. The lasers were specifically made due to understandings gained from Kizaru's powers. Wapol metal allows for shape changing weaponry.
Ethics don't mean much to a global government that allows and practices slavery, and genocide.
Stupid mermaids are the best.
Wait, no. The REAL reason the tech is all over the place, is that Oda was hyped for the discovery of a pirate ship around the time he started to work on his own manga series, but now he wants to draw a mecha/sci fi series.
Keimi has wider hips than Nami.
Nami has a vagina. Keimi won't have one until she's a cake.
I don't think Sanji minds either way.
Now that I think about it, the whole crew could just settle down in Fishman island.
Sanji gets Keimi.
Luffy gets Shirahoshi.
Nami fans get Nami.
Hancock fans get Hancock.
It would be the end of shipper wars.
Will Robin ever get another fight? She's almost monster trio tier and she doesn't even get to do anything. Wrecking Hakuba doesn't count.
I think Oda has trouble inventing new moves for her.
The usual Neck snap is too convenient. But he hasn't figured out how she is going to deal with someone with Haki yet.
>SANA is the best pairing
>o-oh but I'm not a shipper, I just want this ship to happen
Stop false flagging you SANAfag, youre not fooling anybody. And we do know the girl he's most crazy for and that's every girl. Stop with your delusions.
She can still smack people with giant limbs, trip them up, play keep away while keeping vision with spawned eyes and harassing with spawned limbs. She could also have some really interesting fights where she uses the terrain to her advantage, like rapidly digging a pitfall trap or throwing a handful of pebbles at an opponent and spawning limbs from each of them at all different angles.
Oda can get around the neck snapping problem by putting her against opponents who don't have conventional bodies (Diamante and Trebol both would have been good options). He could also handwave it away by saying a joint reinforced by haki is too difficult for her to bend (which is silly when she can use 200 arms on a single joint but we can suspend disbelief).
There are a lot of cool and creative ways she could use her powers and given she fodderized Cavendish as easily as Luffy did Chinjao I genuinely believe she's nearly monster trio tier. She's only really held back by a lack of haki. It's a shame we never get to see such a nifty fruit in action because it's probably my favorite fruit overall.
Her fight with Steven Tyler was pretty cool.
Honestly he jobbed so hard, Robin probably could have beat him as well.
>every sanji theory was true after all
First the prince one, now this. I even saw one about him being some vegapunk experiment. Pretty dam close I'd say. And here I thought they were all retarded theories.
Now now, don't be jealous.
Why are you so tsundere with me?
Lyingfag I'm still waiting on my answers you're so desperately trying to avoid.
>And we do know the girl he's most crazy for and that's every girl.
Keimi is such a silly bimbo though. I often seelf sorry for her and want to gice Sanji to her.
You can call them KeiSa, not too shabby huh?
Which shipper factions are the largest?
I assume it's Luffy Nami, but I have no idea.
It's between LufyxHancock and LuffyxNami.
They are really close. Fucking Hancock ranked top 10 in the popular poll. And I'm sure is only because of shipperfags
>Hancock ranked top 10 in the popular poll
But to be honest, she's the one who can give him the most powerful children in the canon. Since they have both emperor's Haki, it's tempting to pair them up. Also Hancock is truly infatuated with him.
Here you go.
And yes I agree with that. Luffy and Hancock's kids will be OP
Ah, I remember that one. I thought there would be a newer one by now.
That was the first popularity poll in 5 years. So you'll have 4 more years to wait until the next one.
The used Lucy's votes so Luffy wouldn't lose to Law.
He did say once the series he would draw after one piece would be a robot series. He's since decided to go the toriyama route after this though.
I'm sorry that ship has pretty much sailed. That ugly useless octopus will get her
Wow, mangastream actually made worst ji sound more ominous.
>>The used Lucy's votes
>tfw One Piece became Episode 2
I know it's unlikely but if Sanji died this arc how would it go down best? I could only accept it if he went down in a blaze of glory.
It's been years since I read that Fishman arc, but I read in some summary that she no longer works with him though, she has a new job in the mermaid cafe.
He can't die. Unless he already got Nami pregnant. Then yeah he might die.
sanji goes berserk and kill all the vinsmoke family (not reiju), afther that, big mom should kill him
Sanji and Nami after eating carrot
Stop forcing this shit.
>Which shipper factions are the largest?
On Cred Forums or in general?
If you count faggot ships then in the home country of moonland it's probably Ace/Sabo/Luffy or Law/anybody
Will he get headchomped mami-style?
>Chapter uses the word "exoskeletons"
>Reiju showed she had a half butterfly form with wings and drinking poison
Was is something else than a devil fruit? Some magic genetic bullshitery?
im not good at english so i didnt catch shit of what you said
>at the wake of a son for whom I had such high hopes for
Will someone tell whoever translates this shit to learn how to write if he wants to jam in all this superfluous dialogue?
Popular theory is that she has a butterfly type-zoan that allows her to eat poison
sorry. i just read that again...
No. she would eat his soul if he have any (i want sanji to be a souless clone)
Mangastream are bad at their job. This is nothing new.
is too fat to fit through the door. Stop saying he's gonna be a Straw Hat, you dumb faggots. He's just an ally.
He literally just left his crew to join Luffy's though.
Prepare to be mad
>Sanji becomes soulless clone
>but still has enough soul left in him to flirt with women
Why are we supposed to take the Vinsmokes seriously as villains? We know Sanji can stomp them all so they need to resort to threats, clone shields and handcuffs.
It's a good interpretation they just need to cut it down. Viz was short but it took off some of the edge.
We aren't, Big Mom is the real threat here. She's the reason they can blackmail Sanji like this, and in order to stop them the others have to stop big Mom's crew.
>Judge stopped a Diamble Jambe barehanded
>Niji took a kick to the face with no bloodshed or broken nose
Because Sanji keeps jobbing to them and will probably get an asspull power up involving his superhuman genes
>you now realize Luffy can gather a Yonko level fleet of allied forced
Let's try and list all people who would join him in a war against the world government
Shanks, a Yonko
Arabasta, a nation (not strong but would give him legitimacy)
Revolutionary army could potentially aid him unannounced (friends with the second in command and son of the leader)
Fishmen Island
Law's Crew
New Fishmen Crew
His already established fleet
Giants (Ussop was able to turn prolific members against the world government before)
Tranny country where Sanji was
Potentially that Samurai nation
The Minks
Anyone else? Skypiaa perhaps?
new thread
Won't be asspull. He literally had that since a kid.
he was kicking ass until they threatened Zef
you dumb cunts need to stop using that word, cause you don't know what it means and have run it into the ground
i just want to know why you guys do this now
how hard is it to wait until bump limit
>1 post away from bump limit
I always wait unlike the other faggots that do it when is 20 post away
Because Zootopia came, and everyone is jumping on the rabbit train apparently.
That's bullshit. Carrot was introduced before Zootopia was released.
viva la france