Who makes the best tea in Nazerick?
Other urls found in this thread:
>People are gay for him even beyond 4rd wall.
Sasuga Ainz-sama!
As expected of person who ruled over other Supreme Beings.
>He thinks Ainz couldn't wipe the floor with any single Guardian
What gave you that blasphemous idea?
I am not sure how Ainz will fare against such unconventional guardians.
I guess if you kill Victim - you won or not?
I think most people agree that Victim himself isn't that much of a threat alone. Its when he dies in combination with whatever else is on the 8th floor that shit gets real.
>Ainz can defeat chairs
How the hell does victim even work? And when will we see gargantua in action?
Remember the time when Ainz stated that He would survive even if whole nazarick suddenly attacked him...? I do.
I don't, please source me that quote
We saw Gargantua briefly in vol 4.
We (I) think that Victim works by doing some Jihad mass debuff/stunlock on the invaders, sacrificing himself and also possibly rezing other floor 8 guardians.
He himself has fuck all combat power, but when thats coupled with whatever else is on floor 8, its a instant wipe out that is so OP and unbreakable that it was enough to wipe out a 1500 strong raid and persuade all the other guilds of Ygg that attacking Nazerick was impossible.
Here I go again
The coolest thing is not that it can wipe out a super raid, but that it can persuade those players to never bother trying again. Its the perfect form of deterrence.
Vol 1 .
In the beginning when he confirmed that he had access to all his p2w items.
But that was before 8th floor asspull probably.
Maybe entities there have neutral\mob AI and don't count as part of Nazarick force technically.
They're like mines: you don't call mines buried in the minefield your allies.
They'll blow you to pieces.
The very first chapter of first volume. Sometime after he sent Albedo to gather all the guardians. He thought that the NPCs may rebel against him because they may have free will.
I actually forgot that part here Ainz literally said "survive" or something very similar.
Not win or triumph, probably get away with his life is what he had in mind.
He could probably go hide in the library and start a guerilla fight.
I think he did consider 8th in that as well. Because he had no info how much change has happened to Nazarick. Given how paranoid he is he should've consider the worst case scenario as well that is 8th floor going rouge.
Can Narb make Tea?
I reckon Demi makes a great brew.
Cocytus is cold
Aura and Mare let it brew too long.
Albedo makes it good but puts in her secret source
Chair uses to much milk
>Ainz literally said "survive"
user consider that a raid of 1500 players got owned by 8th floor shenanigans. Just surviving when all of the Nazarick is trying to fuck you is a feat in itself.
So yeah, why this mahouka clone with a hackjob paint of SAO gets threads here on Cred Forums again?
like hello? move to reddit or mal already
>feat in itself
I'm not arguing with that.
It's just this user said Ainz can win against every guardian
I argued that his victory over Gargantua or Victim is dubious for different reasons.
Then another user noted that Ainz said about surviving VS all Nazarick with his cheat items.
I'm not arguing that he would survive.
Just not sure about win part.
I think he could beat every single guardian. Not at once, but each individual guardian in 1v1.
Victim only works in the context of the 8th floor and Gargantua isn't so much OP compared to other guardians, but the reason she's kept seperate is that she is A - non sentient and B - to big to fit into most meeting rooms.
>non sentient
You're not mixing up Gargantua and Rubedo do you?
Gargantua is not sentient, it's a guildwar siege golem that come with the guildhall.
No need to include it in meetings.
I understand the 1v1 concept but how do you even fight victim?
Snipe him and gtfo?
What if his debuffs cover "an area"?
You'll basically stand blind, deaf, encumbered with your stats halved going "yay, victory".
I guess it counts.
Gargantua seems pretty OP to me, he's supposed to have a fuckton of HP and Ainz insta-death specialization won't work on it.
This user said that Ainz can defeat any single guardian. With which I can agree. Because its a one-on-one and Ainz has complete info on all guardians and also his stash of p2w cheat hacks. It shouldn't be surprising even if he manage to 1v1 Rubedo by using some bs p2w item he has kept secret from everyone.
This is a big factor here. Ainz has all the info on all the gaurdians but guardians don't have complete info on Ainz. Of course he cannot "win" if 2-3 guardians attack him suddenly. In that case he'll only think of surviving.
>Ainz insta-death specialization won't work on it
It will. Remember that the very land and even the air particles died after TGOALID + Cry of the Banshee combo...? I don't think Gargantua is omitted from this.
If I remember right Maruyama's powerlevels were
>8th floor spec-ops > Rubedo > Touch-Me > Ulbert > Ainz with Nazarick armory > Chair
Why would Ainz consider giving WCI to "those on 8th floor" so that the can defeat Rubedo if the situation ever calls for that?
Entoma, because she replies the stuff needed for Meido tea parties.
Then again, all 6 of them know how to make tea. Probably not as skilled as Pestonya.
Maybe it's to make them immune to Rubedo's special abilities if she was made of WCI.
>Dat thigh slit
>Dat nets
>Narberal derp
so when will they get shitrekt?
That's king of make sense, yeah.
>Narberal derp
It's the face of someone who spends most time with Ainz-sama.
Don't bite anons.
Let's see what desperate bait he delivers down the thread.
>face so dumb from satisfaction it looks retarded
>Ainz don't even fuck her
Imagine what would Albedo face look like once she get the Bone
Megumin joins Cz in making explosions. How much would they get along?
Who's on the left?
Do I smell Clem?
He already did.
>mfw Clem comes back and becomes Ainz favorite
>mfw Clem wins the bone bowl
>mfw a shitty human wins the bone bowl
7 days soon.
non means not
>Clem comes back
>9 volumes later she's still as dead as Ainzbowl
Im completely expecting clem to develope a huge CRUSH and murderboner for ainz because he was the only "man" that completely dominated her and rubber her trauma boner from being raped/tortured way back. its fucked up but its how things go according to criminal minds.
Aura is the lewdest guardian desu
Would you kiss a bug?I would throw up.
Shes going to be a sex bomb
Bug, and bug posters, are revolting.
Ever coming back
I don't want Clementine back although she's actually remotely possible. I want Arche back but she's completely impossible.
To be fair, this is possible for cłem to come back, but arche is dead.
Will we ever get a somewhat detailed explanation on each WCI such as appearances and abilities or is it gonna be cut down to the ones which appear in NW?
We're not even going to get a run down of the NW WCIs.
That said, I expect WCI's to become a thing soon. Vol 12/13/14 is going to deal with one, I hope
Guys guys hear me out
Remember how Hamsuke is going to be practicing with armor? Remember how he knows martial arts and has a DK friend?
Well I'm sure everyone's already thought of the death paladin that DK and Hamsuke can become, but what about the Orb of Death? Khajit used it to cast Ray of Negative Energy
That's right - Hamsuke can both heal his rider and cast a laser beam of death through his mouth.
I wonder if Ainz forgot about that orb because he suddenly had Chair to worry about or if it was just a trash item.
Nabe has a REALLY fine body
Yeah I know it's a she, just forgot
>if it was just a trash item
It literally was
The only reason Ainz didn't explode it on the spot was because he thought it was #rare
So quick question
Narberal uses Teleportation to get away from the Skeletal Dragons, but Dimension Move (Dimension Door) to get to Khajit
Why did she use Teleportation to begin with instead of the much more precise and less failure-prone Dimension Move [Door]?
Is the flying fortress going to be neo-Nazarick? Hide the guild weapon in the original Nazarick, use the flying thingy for all public exposure. Probably let npcs roam free between them.
Same reason a well-equipped party or parties can defeat a boss monster way above their level that would have destroyed any player 1v1
Where does it say [Dimensional Move] is more precise and less failure-prone?
I'd say he forgot/stopped thinking about it. He kept it because it was an exciting new concept (sentient item) but he hasn't experimented with it, that's really unlike him. Remember, one of his key interests is exploring how sentience challenges his preconceptions from Yggdrasil.
Then how does >8th floor spec-ops > Rubedo
Still stands?
Weren't they supposed to be stronger than Rubedo by default?
Unless I'm remembering wrongly, Dimension Door doesn't fail like Teleportation but has a really limited range of like 100 meters in exchange
He kept it to protect Hamsuke from being charmed or mind controlled thus disclosing picrelated.
The Shalltear incident probably blew him off track, he didn't seem to be interacting much with Hamsuke and the Orb doesn't seem to actually make any sound and instead talks through telepathy or some shit and is kept in Hamsuke's mouth so it's natural that he'd kind of forget about it
How does it protect Hamsuke?
So is clem.
Arche still has body parts scattered around nazarick they just need to rez her.
By providing immunity to mind-related fuckery to the bearer?
It's in the LN user.
Hamsuke is pretty stupid beast, charming it should be easy.
Ainz gave it to her for that exact reason.
Give it a rest user. She is gone and so are her sisters.
why didn't they just skin and eat the dumb hamster like suggested
How long till Hamsuke turns into a Carbuncle-like race ?
>By providing immunity to mind-related fuckery to the bearer?
>It's in the LN user.
Actually it literally isn't. The LN says it actually tends to mentally dominate humans who use it, implying Khajit was being dominated by the orb to some extent. Ainz says he and Narberal won't be affected because they have protection against mind-related fuckery.
>he didn't listen to Ainz
Also it's a rather useful tool for experiments and cute
This gemstone is the prime attribute. The word carbuncle has been applied since antiquity to a number of red gemstones, such as garnet, deriving from Latin carbunculus (‘little coal’). This etymology was due to the perceived resemblance of shiny red gemstones with the glistening embers of burning coal, but sometimes the carbuncle classification was alternatively used to describe black stones such as black marble and obsidian, relating to the sable appearance of extinguished coal as well. These black carbuncle stones need not be dull as they could be just as reflective, and since ancient or even prehistoric times obsidian and other shiny, polished, dark stones have sometimes been used for mirrors.
I could not find the citation but I clearly remember Ainz pondering the question about how Hamsuke is mentally weak so she needs Orb to protect her from mind-fuckery.
Where the fuck was that?
It sounded sincere enough, and if it had a head, it would probably have been lowered. Ainz pressed his knuckles to his mouth and began thinking. He had to consider the merits and demerits of taking it as a minion, whether it was reliable, and so on.
Ainz examined the magic item again. For safety’s sake, he should probably destroy it. However, something like this did not exist in YGGDRASIL, so destroying it would be a waste.
After casting several protective spells on the Orb, Ainz called out to the giant hamster that had entered the chapel.
“What does milord desire?”
“Take it.”
Ainz tossed the Orb he was holding, and Hamsuke nimbly caught it.
“May I ask milord about this item?”
“It’s a magic item. You can use it, right?”
“Mm… I should be able to! But it’s noisy! It’s so loud I want to return it to milord.”
Narberal looked at Hamsuke, her eyes wide.
“Are you giving it to the newcomer?”
Ainz could tell from the way she had lost control of her voice that Narberal was deeply shaken.
“Though I’ve already cast anti-detection spells on it, I can’t say it’s perfectly safe, so it’s better to hand it to Hamsuke.”
“I see! As expected of Ainz-sama. Your wise judgements are impeccable.”
Before him were Narberal and Hamsuke, who was bowing. Its cheeks were larger than a human’s fists.
Just as he was about to order them to fall back, Ainz noticed his bright red cape. On a whim, he grabbed its hem.
“Now then. If the recovery is complete, then let us take Nfirea—”
Ainz flourished his red cape in a grandiose manner.
“—And return in triumph.”
I found these too, but the monologue about mind-control came in later volumes I think
You are confusing it with the part where he gets WCIs for the guardians.
I don't thinks so but it's useless until I find the citation.
Wasn't able to find it by skimming through suspicious part and I've re-read it recently so it won't happen anytime soon too.
Fuck it then.
He ponders her being weak in volume 10 but I don't think he mentions the orb...?
What're you doing just copy-pasting entire sections
Is this spam
learn to format, faggot.
Pic related has the best teeth skills im sure
Will Ainz offer free succubus/incubus services to the adventurers that joim E-Rantel's guild?
I rather hope it will be 5 coppers a turn.
To be honest, can't he do shit like conjure gold and dump them into the exchange box
It's the principle that counts.
Kazuma get out!
Even better
>Meteor Swarm
>Meteors are rich in metals and mineral wealth
>mine them with Death Knights
>literally mana-to-wealth
You think Ainz would whore out Demi and Albedo?!
You can drop the meteors on ore-rich mountains so you can mine while you mine
when is the new manga chapter releasing?
Demiurge wouldn't mind as long as he gets to treat it like an experiment. Albedo would do whatever Ainz orders her to.
>Albedo would do whatever Ainz orders her to
You mean like that time he ordered her to stop raping him?
Demiurge wouldn't mind as long as he could see female adventurers deeply regret their choice and get mindbroken, he literally gets off to despair and fear
As long as they actually break though it'll be fine since they won't say anything bad about him.
>drop the fucking meteors in mountains
as if you can properly mine on an obliterated mountain
i dunno LOL
>as if you can properly mine on an obliterated mountain
Um, yes, you can. Mining essentially amounts to selectively obliterating parts of rock that we like.
But would Ainz do that to his adopted children? What would Tabula and Ulbert think?
You're a fucking idiot aren't you
>bore tunnels through a mountain trying to search every part of it for ore hoping it doesn't collapse on your skeleton workers
>break the mountain into a bunch of smaller pieces and have your skeletons and shit walk through the pieces picking out the useful ore
Or literally let PA nuke it with Grand Catastrophe and then use some scying magic bullshit spell to levitate everything you find useful.
fuk yu u triggering dipshit
Except Meteor Swarm also gives you extra conjured shit, which was my original point.
You're retarded, this is Cred Forums material. Fuck off.
Well while Meteor Swarm would give extra conjuring stuff, it couldn't destroy the whole mountain(if we take that largest meteors are about the size of a cottage), whilst GC would pulverize the whole thing in one go.
lol loser
Nazarick Moon space station when?
That's ban-able now user.
It'd probably vaporize it too.
DnD doesn't really do meteors justice, honestly speaking. Like most natural shit they're supposed to be terrifyingly powerful.
Either way my original suggestion was just dropping them onto a plain them dumping the entire meteor into the exchange box.
o shit jesus i lose then
Stupid/casual question
Just recently watched season 1 of Overlord, loved it. But every time I see a community discussion, they speak of things I assume are in extra content I'm not aware of.
Is season 2 out yet and I just can't find it because I'm an idiot?
>That's ban-able now user.
No it isn't, stop taking the shitposting general seriously. It was banworthy before too under GR6, the shitposting general's 'decisions' mean fuck all
There's a LN, user.
Light Novel.
Anime and Manga are adapted from the Light Novel series dude, manga is ahead of the anime now if you want more stuff, and LN is up to vol.10, anime covered first 3 volumes.
you can google for it be careful dont casually share it
Well it might be shitposting, but mods have increased a tiny bit in dropping their ban hammers on those things.
Is Ainz going to introduce AOG Tokens adventurers could spend on special gear? Selling it for normal cash would probably not be a good idea.
Mainly because when idiots like use 'lol' it literally is in violation of GR6.
im so sorry user
Probably yes, I can see Nazarick crafting section take equipment that dwarfs will be making for Nazarick and buff it with like tier 1 to tier 5 spells.
vol 11 will have the loli twins being sold as whores and later turned into fuckmeat at Demi's happy Camp
He might just have his own currency made.
Also he mentioned that the gear was what he wanted to hand out as rewards, so he'll probably have it decided on a case-by-case basis or something
Not given to Mare as a learning experience for when he goes to the dark elves and establishes dominance for Ainz-sama?
>hand out as rewards
But apart of weapons and armors adventurers use huge amount of potions, scrolls and other shit.
Rare Chair get.Where did you take this from?
How would each guardian/NPC deal with a human that insults Ainz-sama?
They can make do with nfriea's purples.
The Magician's guild was making scrolls just fine, you can't imagine he's about to hand out Chain Lightning scrolls?
It...it isn't Chair though...
He has a bunch of elf maids.
So what actually happens at Demidemi's funcamp?
cannibal feasts and human experiments/eugenics for better crafting materials.
Don't need healing potions if your chest armor is imbued with [Regeneration]
Don't need scrolls if your helmet is imbued with [True Sight]
I wish Arche got her web novel bad end and became Shaltear's fucktoy
Probably not strictly 'Human', since the camp is in area around orc, dwarf and elf lands.
Can we take a time to contemplate how a MMORPG like Ygg and its developer team would never come to exist?
In all of the novels I've never heard of Satoru mention things that plague and break MMOs being present in Ygg. Things like item duplication glitches, bug abuses, gambling, real world trading, scamming and phishing sites, bots, cancerous raiding community, and the list goes on. Also no sign of bad development team communication with players, promising things they can't fullfill, being inconsistent with the rules they set up, and overall being nice people and not having massive ego fests.
I mean there was clan drama between TM and Ulbert, and rampant p2w, but overall the game did seem too perfect to be real.
Or maybe the only good thing in their poluted world was the gaming industry which was keeping most people from killing themselves.
>Don't need healing potions if your chest armor is imbued with [Regeneration]
You've never played an RPG or MMO, have you?
If he didn't stop them, literally 100% of them would murder the dirty humie. Even Sebas and other Good aligned NPCs will tear the shit out of anyone who sullies Ainz name.
Ainz is a hoarder. He was interested because it was an intelligent item, but otherwise its powers were garbage in his mind.
That's my point. The only reason he gave a shit is because #rare item get
>item duplication
can be hotfixed
>bug abuse
didn't he mention that was how he got the ring of three wishes?
>real world trading, scamming etc.
im sure these existed just never mentioned maybe? That or the law changed when VR gaming became huge and prevented a lot of these sites from legally operating in the open
>cancerous raiding communities
they had those guys who spawn PK'd and some betrayals were mentioned. I'm sure they existed
Can anyone translate what they say?
Ainz should be saying something like "all according to keikaku".
>Not having massive ego fests
I remember the human player going Deus Vult on all heteromorphic player.
Ygg seems more like you describe it than a good MMo.
You generally want to avoid wasting equipment enchantment slots on things you can do with scrolls, wands and potions.
Yggdrasil was a game where devs said "We don't care"
I have but since most adventurers won't surpass equivalency of a level 30 then a Tier 3-4 Regeneration(or some other name that regens) is going to heal them faster than a potion will, and anything that can't will be lethal damage anyway.
Its set like 100 years in the future, so the technology has advanced by a huge degree, beyond the obvious Matrix style immersion.
Meanwhile, the world has gone to shits, too polluted to breath the air outside, to the point that you wear a Hazmat suit on the way to work.
Meanwhile the economy has been stagnant, as has society in general.
Ygg is probably partly funded by the government to function as an escapism outlet for the masses. At its peak, a good portion of the Japanese population played the game. Ygg (and its presumably replacements) was a world where the down and outs of society could escape to, rather than clamouring for reform from the elites.
And even then, all the player driven faults are still there, as said.
>real world trading, scamming etc.
It is mentioned, things like selling info of other guilds or quest on websites. It is on prologue
Same for scamming.
It's NW, do you really think people will be able to min-max themselves? And I doubt Nazarick will bother doing constant custom equipment order for Adventueres, at best they'll mass produce stuff for every role and that's about it.
Warrior section:
This one boosts agility and offense
This one increases your defenses and gives stamina regeneration
This one boosts your overall endurance/HP and increases your strength/Attack
Main issue was "one character per person" thing. You couldn't just make new account after they've banned you.
>I doubt Nazarick will bother doing constant custom equipment order for Adventueres
>at best they'll mass produce stuff for every role
Except that's literally the reason Ainz wants dorfs. Because he knows generic, mass produced shit is useless.
He knows that everything NW has is shit and useless and that even lowtier by Nazarick standards mass production will be godlike for Adventurers.
If you think Ainz would lose to Shalltear in a spontaneous 1v1 you are delusional. Remember that Ainz took all his OP equipment off and his ring of auto-res. Shalltear had 2 lives and couldn't beat Ainz with his Trash tier items.
You're not even trying today.
>Because he knows generic, mass produced shit is useless.
Brain's katana is literally a grey item that's powerful by virtue of being high level.
Most people are using level 5 trash even at level 10 because level 10 chainmail is actually fucking expensive. The difference between a level 10 using mostly level 5 gear and a level 10 using level 35 gear is fucking massive.
Has anyone thought this though?
It's not about level. It's about all of them being the same type that benefits one build much more than others or works better against one opponent but is useless against other.
Would you want a flaming weapon if almost every guy in your team can cast fire spell? Or would you rather have the ability to choose different enchantment?
>summons all the primal elementals
>has cash shot items to use super tier without delay
wow shalltear can summon bats so scary
It's not a bad bait. But it was used many times before.
You've gone down to a 1/10
>Would you want a flaming weapon if almost every guy in your team can cast fire spell? Or would you rather have the ability to choose different enchantment?
So you mass-produce ten times of plate armor, ten types of chainmail, ten types of cloth armor, ten types of robes, ten types of each daggers, longsword, shortsword, twohander, axe, danish two handed axe, hammer, polehammer, spear, round shield, kite shield, crossbow, longbow, composite shortbow?
He's not wrong - Shalltear loses to Ainz despite having a better matchup because Shalltear is retarded while Ainz is not and Ainz knows about Shalltear's build while Shalltear probably knows like a tenth of Ainz's skills if that.
le pippette isn't some magic super counter to summons, if the summons are in large amount and sufficient level they can out dps her healing. Ainz can even summon Wiseman and Thanatos she is literally going to get overwhelmed.
They can't though, because she's also a holy mage. Ainz summoning Wiseman and Thanatos drops his own levels.
>He's not wrong
Except for the fact that he almost lost that fight even with his cash items and overpowered gear.
You're right Ainz says something like:
>Hmm, The results are just as I expected, you have my thanks people.
He wasn't even using his Divine equipment and can pull even fucking more shit out of the Treasury. Cash items are part of your strength in Ygg.
Also shalltear once again is fucking retarded.
Ainz very clearly won the fight, literally keikakku'd the whole thing and fought with his shitty perfect warrior spell (which he admitted on multiple occasions was a gimmick ability).
>b-but if Aura didn't use [Scary Eyes]
Ainz hesitated for a moment because he felt bad, but if Chair just attacks him for no reason he would be merciless
What about the others?
b-b-b-b-b-but..... w-w-w-w-hy d-d-do y-you r-r-retards h-have t-to t-t-type l-like t-this? I-i-it's l-lame and o-obnoxious.
Ulbert literally comments on how Ainz is always underestimating himself and was jealous of his build and called it "quite practical" despite being a fun build. Ainz in pvp was among the top tier of players but he would never admit it. The teaching on Punito Moe have made him a tactical genius
Your bait doesn't work when Ainz explains why he did this and not that in LN.
>I have no argument or retort so I'll just call it bait
really massages the cerebrum
t. newfag and You mean because he fighting while acting as bait? You mean that's the reason he took off his own rez ring? You mean that's the reason he didn't use restoration items (not HP pots since those hurt undead but negative pots)? You mean that's the reason he used no cash items but the sticks and the hourglass? You mean how Ainz literally controlled the entire fight from start to finish to the point he put mines exactly where Shalltear was going to step?
Ainz should write PA anonymous letter. And tell him: "U R LAME DUDE"
Except, it's actually bait. Just calling a spade a spade, user.
Mind you, I'm still learning moonrunes so my interpretations could still be far off from what it actually mean, also I'm slow as fuck when it comes to reading.
>Ku hu, It seems I'm really the one who can properly understand Ainz-sama (intentions?).
In case anyone wants to better try to understand this:
>turns into scrying build SB
>finds out it is Ainz himself
>commit sudoku
Ulbert would lose to Ainz in a PvP since the retard would just lose all his mana after Ainz finds a way to tank the 5 spells he can cast.
Thank you, it really is a big help for us who cant read moonrunes at all.
t. butthurt at getting btfo
Y-y-yup, t-tt-this i-i-isn't l-l-l-lame o-or o-obnoxious a-at a-all.
No, I mean
>muh Divine gear
>fought with his shitty perfect warrior spell
Well, you're lame and obnoxious.
Still 1/10 bait, user. You can do better than that.
yeah I really got btfo, all you did was ingnore all my points and go BAIT!!!
Moving on to Ulbert vs Ainz
>Ainz is a high functioning autisit and memorizes all the details of Ulberts build
>Baits him to use all his direct dmg spells
>Since Ainz memorized his MP and spells cost he uses some trump card spell to block Ulberts mega spell when he gets to 60% mp
>Ulbert now has no mana and Ainz just finises him off
Head cannon, head cannon, head cannon.
it makes sense though, it's like Head Cannon backed up by good logic
Thanks, it means a lot.
I'll do my beat to defeat dekinai-chan and bring more translates text to the world. I'll continue after lunch.
A-a-at l-l-least I-I d-d-don't t-t-type l-like t-t-this, a-a-user. Y-y-you'r-re a-a-a r-retard.
I'm the person who said though. If Ainz had his fucking rez ring he'd just come back to life and spam his spells all over again with the exception of TGOALID.
Knew it was you.
Ulbert is actually experienced at PvP and wouldn't be baited so easily especially since he's cleanly familiar with Ainz' shit.
It's highly fucking unlikely there's a spell capable of blocking the effective 12th tier spell that's on part with TGOALID as a spell that surpasses super tier.
Only if you assume Ulbert is an NPC or some shit. This guy was the strongest offensive caster in AoG, the top PvP guild. He's not going to be a fucking imbecile nor is he going to fall for cheap bait like 'use your huge spell that I can block' - Ulbert would know Ainz's build too, they raided together they needed to know each other's abilities to offer support.
I didn't type like that, but you are. Retard.
I think his human voice says "organization votes?" in the sense that he wonders if everyone in Nazarick voted for him, or maybe that the voters voted for "Ainz Ooal Gown" instead of Momonga alone.
>It seems many people understand that I am the most suited for Ainz-sama
>Sigh, these lower life- what?
>Err, thank you very much, everyone. Is this alright, Ainz-sama?
Evil Eye
>4th place, thank you
>But the stares I get from the one below me creep me out
>5th place, I have fallen down one
>However, the one above me looks quite delicious
>Thank you for voting, I'm counting on your support next time as well
>Woo, I did it! 7th place! Yeah! I'm counting on you next time too!
>... I'm happy.
>... That's why I'm dancing a little
Pandora's Actor
>(some cringe-worthy thank you message)
>Hey! I'm shrinking! Don't talk to me!
>... Huh? Ah, thanks.
>If Ainz had his fucking rez ring
But he didn't have it. Care to guess why?
yeah you're probably right
>Pandora's Actor
>(some cringe-worthy thank you message)
Translate it faggot
>Hey! I'm shrinking! Don't talk to me!
Because he was obsessed with 'fighting fair' and putting his life on the line, which is not an issue in a 'spontaneous 1v1'?
W-w-why d-d-do y-you t-t-think i-it's c-c-cool t-to t-t-type l-like a-a r-r-retard?
Because he wanted to fight with proper motivation to give his all
Can you fuck off to yet? The only one typing like that is you. I'd say you're baiting but retards like you exist.
>>However, the one above me looks quite delicious
Ahahahahah. EE confirmed for 3some ending with Shalltear and Momon?
>>That's why I'm dancing a little
CZ a cute
>all this shit about fighting Shalltear
Ainz uses Wish to literally bend reality to his will. Unless Shalltear already has her WCI, Ainz now temporarily has her melee stats.
>Translate it faggot
It just comes out as something like "I am again thankful for the help of many people " but I don't know how to translate the strange way he talks.
I don't get it either. Maybe it's a visual pun on her votes shrinking and her disappearing from the top 10 chart.
If I have the time I could copy down the Japanese text for those who want to use Google translate or something
I never thought of this. Wish in NW is like no limits fallacy bullshit. He can wish his friends back, I wonder why he hasn't done it yet.
>It just comes out as something like "I am again thankful for the help of many people " but I don't know how to translate the strange way he talks.
Is it like ancientspeak and stuff like "Many thanks to ye who hast voted for my esteemed self' or something
Well, can you not bite the bait, I mean I know i looks like pic related but seriously, you're half the problem.
I don't understand why Nabe is so popular
Did you watch the anime?
Because Nabe is actually pretty based. Also Rabbit's Ear.
I don't even know if he's baiting anymore.
She was a lot in the anime so she got a big boost.
Does she have a defining personality trait besides hating humans?
All the other pleiades have distinct personalities,
>Does she have a defining personality trait besides hating humans?
Being dumb.
>Does she have a defining personality trait besides hating humans?
Being a retard counts?
It's the same thing with Albedo, they're both waifu characters that have a lot of screen time. This is enough for them to be popular even if they are bland and boring.
Nabe is kind of aloof and an airhead
She's kind of retarded and really high and mighty.
She has high INT and low WIS, that should explain everything.
In 'Emissary of the King' it mentions a Cherry Blossom guardian who watches the warp system in Nazarick. Is that supposed to be Lastborn and how did everyone arrive at the conclusion she is supposed to be lvl100?
Is the user who said that would find and post the link to the lewd artbook here? Any good news?
There's a picture of level 100 NPCs. One of them is in the shadows and looks like a Miko.
I kinda wonder what her settings are like. While some of the NPCs practically have novels of backstory written by their creators, I immagine Nab's backstory section to be just a couple of lines about hating non-Nazericks
but that could also be Rubedo
Unlikely, since Lastborn is known to be the Cherry Blossom Guardian.
>there was a vision of a woman in clothes which were red on top and white below―
Doesn't really look like her.
Ainz wool goun
A mistranslation maybe? Miko uniforms are definitely white top red bottom.
Chair sucks
maybe she's an evil Miko, like the reverse yin-yang thing
Yin-yang isn't a Shinto or buddhist concept, it's a taoist one. It's one of the reasons Reimu is so weird, she's more of a taoist hermit (including how she gets shit done, 'pick a direction and go it'll work out eventually') than a shinto priestess.
>Albedo pulled back the hands wandering down her belly. Now was not the time for such
things. It seems this is becoming a habit, Albedo thought as she pulled herself upright.
I'm late to the party. Does this passage imply that Albedo is regularly sneaking into Ainz' room and schlicking in his bed?
Yeah, that's how she spreads her scent, almost like a dog really. And people say she isn't best girl.
I think it's the same in original. It could just be that So-bins drew normal miko but Maruyama decided to use inverted colors volume later.
Is there a penalty for roleplaying out of alignment in NW?
Didn't the same thing happen in Vol 6 with Gargan and her using a war-pick, but in the Entoma fight image she has a hammer?
I enjoy this running gag of Ainz enjoying the mystery scent of his bed and how he never figures out its Albedo.
If only she knew how he rolls around on his bed for stress relief.
Why not whore out some lowlvl pop?
Enforce service ethics among the customers with Death Knights.
I'm sure it's a win-win.
But Lupu said that lowest lvl in the library is 43 so I dunno about that.
Besides Ainz who is self-aware, I don't think anyone else is capable of roleplaying out of character.
Just whore out Elder Succubi, I'm sure they're a thing.
Tabula would mastrubate while watching.
Ulbert would spew chuuni bullshit about satanic orgy ritual and join in with his goat cock.
That's just the summons found in the library. Nazarick has auto spawned POPs available like the skeletons on the first floor.
Is that Emily Blunt?
It looks like her but my god, them titties
It happens sometimes when the author doesn't specify something and the artist makes the choice by himself.
For example Aura/Mare have one eye blue and other green but LN doesn't specify which ones.
That's why few of So-bin's pics from volume are wrong.
They're too pale for his taste user.
Karma is what you get for acting in a certain fashion, not a compulsion to act in a certain fashion.
Her end is worse in LN though.
And her loli sisters too.
Then why is Sebas such a Kamen Rider and Demiurge is Satan?
That's like asking 'why is a good guy a good guy and why is a literal archdemon demonic'
"Roleplaying" is only a thing when you're not actually the being in question, the karma values for the NPCs literally come from their personalities.
Have you not seen video about white Rust players chasing all the black players into the valley and eventually genociding them there under nazi marches through broadcast?
Isn't that literally the point of Rust though, it's like Lord of the Flies - the game.
The NPCs got personalities to match their karma when they were transposed to the New World and/or their creators gave them karma to match their personalities.
Kingdom - shitton of cheap troops, almost no weaponized magic
Empire - Small amount of elite troops with large focus on Arcane Magic
Theocracy - maintains a bunch of spec-ops forces with heavy focus on Divine Magic. Don't remember if mention was ever made of the actual army they maintain.
Holy Kingdom - ??? possibly Asian Style Magic with Talismans. They mentioned they have a Great Wall of China to keep demi-humans out.
>Wow, this Everquest game seems like an interesting thing, let's read about it.
>Wait a second.
>The game is about the exploring the unknown
>Hate mechanic.
>Food mechanic.
>All those in-game stories and stuff.
>There was even a mind wipe spell, i am not joking. wiki.project1999.com
I think i found the main inspiration for Yggdrasil.
Go on, I'm hard as bone
Spooky scary skeleton Clem when?
The main inspiration is DnD, which Everquest is also more or less based off (it was an MMO about living the world)
I want to see Solution do some high level assassin shit soon. If the side story for Vol 11 or one of the other upcoming ones is Demi, CZ, Solution and a few other stealth/spec ops NPCs operating in the Holy Kingdom to destabilise it.
I wonder if the Draconic Kingdoms current invasion was manufactured by Nazerick?
We've had a good amount of battle and combat action but no ninja stuff (apart from the Blue rose introductions)
>exploring the unknown
every MUD and MMO
>Hate mechanic
every MMO
>Food mechanic
most MUDs and MMOs
>in-game stories and stuff
most MUDs and MMOs
It might have been the main inspiration in the sense that Everquest and Ultima Online inspired every other MMO.
How old are you?
Solution and CZ definitely need more screen time. Sebas has been kind of forgotten since vol 5-6 as well.
Why does Shalltear only have -450 Karma when Demiurge and Albedo have -500 Karma? What makes Shalltear slightly more "good" than them?
Are you literally underage
>It might have been the main inspiration in the sense that Everquest and Ultima Online inspired every other MMO.
WoW-style MMOs have very little in common with Everquest and Ultima Online, and nothing has anything in common with EVE Online.
Fuck WoW.
All hail Lord British
By the way, I think the advanced features of Yggdrasil hint that Maruyama is familiar with MUDs, especially the extensive customization.
I want Solution to have a sequence like link related.
Yeah, I doubt pimping skellies will bring a lot of income.
Except if Papa Bones work the corner himself, but it's not sasuga enough for him.
The only thing i remember that was said about teocracy, is the fact that average level here is the highest.
I am a dirty millenial with some interest in old games, that is all you need to know.21
Both Demiurge and Albedo literally get off to being evil, it's like their main drive besides muh Ainz
Shalltear is just a hedonist and loves carnage, Demiurge and Albedo want to see people cry.
It's the difference between a guy who genocides a country to kill someone inside it and a guy who genocides a country because his nose itched.
Also the difference between a vampire and a literal incarnation of evil.
I think you'll need to prostitute them for several centuries to break even.
Mercs are expensive.
She'd slaughter a village and feel a little regret about having to slaughter any hot sluts.
Albedo and Demi would go to lengths to make sure the villagers suffered for daring to exist in Ainz' way.
I'm sure there's a shitton just sitting around Demiurge's place
Or spawn some Lesser Succubi
>for free
Can Ainz break his Karma alignment and lose access to certain spells if he goes full Jesus?
The NPCs personalities seem to be influenced with the personalities of their creators. We don't know if that's because the players' personalities are reflected in the backstory and settings they gave their creations or if the gaps in their personalities were filled with their creators personalities when the transfer happened.
Ainz doesn't have any classes that depend on karma so no
>the point of Rust
More like the point of every online game with races.
Just need to filet and she's ready
No I'm pretty sure like Rust was actually a social experiment or some shit which is why you can't change your appearance I stopped playing right there what the fuck is the point of getting a randomized appearance that looks like dogshit.
Solution needs more love and more pages. She needs some action in every sense of the word
I'd join Glorious Nazarick Troops even if they SPLAT my whole family on Katze plains then.
They're not strong enough to handle his manhood though, one thrust and he'd kill them, it would probably make papa Ainz mad.
Something that bothered me is from Vol 8.
The bicorn is restricted to non-virgin characters, but how did the game keep track of who is virgin or not? 18+ wasn't allowed, so the only thing that mattered was a char-bio which you can easily edit at any point.
So what's the point of having virgin//non-virgin restricted gear when you just have to change you bio? I guess you can't equip both at the same time? I mean Albedo is fucked now but clearly she used to be considered a non-virgin pre-edit.
Which then makes me wonder how the fuck the game knows you aren't a virgin from some bio text? I guess the future has really good parsing algorithms.
Flavor text?
Probably asked when you create a character
Or choosing between a unicorn and a bicorn decide it for you
maybe if you engaged in an in-game marriage it could change virgin status
good idea
you think Buku married anyone?
Do slimes even reproduce sexually?
Its not like you have virgin bacteria.
Her brother
I can see her forcing him to do it just to be able to equip a new item.
I always think of slimes like bacteria when it comes to mating. They just inject some Slime in you then it feeds of your nutrients and bam, baby slimes explode everywhere.
t. person who hasn't taken a Bio course in over 3 years
Bacteria don't mate they just split in two.
don't they inject into your cells or something to multiply? Or is that viruses, idk.
Flavor text became real in the NW, user.
That's most viruses.
Vol 11 in a week, right?
This is a slime reproduction thread now.
then how did the game know to change her status to virgin based on flavor text if another variable was already set to the opposite. Why did flavor text get precedence over a set variable, assuming there was one? If flavor text overwrites numbers than if you wrote "strongest fighter ever will never lose" then would that make a lvl 1 invincible?
I wonder what would Yuri's face be like if she suddenly come face to face with dozens of chibi Solution.
one please
Thats viruses
Bacteria and slimes are pic related
that's a lot of slime
Bacteria are fucking cool. I've been doing some work that touches on them recently, they are pretty terrifying considering how tiny the little buggers are.
>CZ: Yuri-nee Solution is ill
>Yuri: Ara~~what happen to her, I go check her out
>Goes to Solution's room with CZ
>Door suddenly opens, dozens of chibi Solutions came pouring out
>CZ: Cute
>then how did the game know to change her status to virgin based on flavor text if another variable was already set to the opposite.
It didn't, in Yggdrasil it didn't matter whether your character was a virgin or not, but in the NW things like flavor text and lore have become real and do matter.
Leave her for few hours and you're facing a horde of tiny Chibi Solutions.
ahh, so you're saying the non-virgin restriction never existed but because the Bicorn's lore became real in NW Albedo can no longer use it. Thanks, you helped me get through my autism.
Intersting, is there are the limit to how much flavor text can affect things? I like to think that demiurge tier is the upper limit of how smart npc can be.
How is an undead supposed to reproduce?
Nah, you can probably make some angelic being with IQ1000.
It will GTFO through the wormhole do to stuff on it's own in a parallel galaxy in a matter of seconds though.
It probably can't go beyond what their level suggests. Just because you said this angel can sound the Apocalypse doesn't give her the ability to do so.
With pleasure user.
>Chibi Solutions everywhere
>eating carpets, under tables and chairs, some fighting.
Hell, can't think of anyway to gather them to 1 place.
I bet Ainz regrets not changing every npc into a super-genius like Albedo and Demi.
Not that user but I think the flavour text only has some effect, and that stats take precedent.
e.g. if one of the 41 maids had flavour text stating she was secretly the most powerful being in Nazerick, she would not become the most powerful being - though she may believe herself to be.
As for intelligence, then I think as long as it synergism with their stats then its fine. To a certain extent, It actually take the idea and aims of the creator to fill in the gaps.
They don't, at least not sexually.
>They don't, at least not sexually.
In Monster Girl Encyclopedia if you pump enough semen into an undead girl they literally form a womb and at that point, yes they can.
That would be to much for him to handle, and I don't think it works like that. Flavour text fills in the gap, but stats rule at the end of the day.
By pumping dark magic seed into the virgin corpse.
>DnD rules
Shalltear and Evileye both acknowledge that they are sterile.
but there is no INT stat. Isn't that why Renner can be a super genius despite being like lvl 2.
Can you [Wish] a baby in DnD?
When what are the dhampirs and half-vampires are, hm?! Checkmate unbelievers, true love will prevail!
Don't start with "organic" thing again.
Renner is NWer.
Yggdrasil rules applies in a limited fashion to her.
I want to protect that smile
Ainz stated that with Wish Upon A Star - making a baby would probably be possible, but that would be a waste of a trump card and he's never going to do that willingly.
yeah, I think flavor text acts more as modifiers. Other special effects like the virgin thing, flavor can only twist an existing property.
Dat smile guardian position is already occupied by Climbleric
Flavor Text > Levels
>Renner is level two
She's like level 10, but with 0 in combat. Similar to JUST. They both have levels in jobs that excel in administration and governance (and deception)
Demi and Albedo presumably have levels in similar stuff, both having stats for commanding the defence of Nazerick.
Putting it better than I did.
The Stats are the ingredients of the meal, the build the cooking method, the flavour text is the presentation.
Under NW rules for sure.
Forgot the pic
>Renner is a super genius
>Holy Kingdom
>10.000 mile great wall
If that isn't a mistranslation then the world is huge.
That's why a simple trip to a neighboring country takes days.
>When you want the best boy Demiurge to succeed and be happy, despite him being a cruelest guy in the Nazarick and co.
>At the same time, you want the good guy Climb to suffer a horrible fate
How did this happen?
>Ainz didn't read Demi's flavor text
>It says he's a compulsive liar even to his master
would explain the sheep
That's you.
I can't tell if that's a compliment or not.
Who knows.
Authors are generally shit at dealing with distances. If that penisular is cut off by a 10,000 mile long wall, then the NW is around the size of Neptune.
The Kingdom alone would be the size of NA.
I love Shalltear!!
>NW is around the size of Neptune
Why not?
Eggheads sometimes still argue IRL if Super Earth exist at the far reaches of OUR star system or not.
How long did it take Justniv to get to the Tomb from the capital? Wasn't it like 3-days travel on a super horse? That seems like pretty reasonable travel time between large cities. Carne is like half-day travel from E-Rantel.
Who doesn't?
Maybe it's multi-layered like the actual Great Wall.
But yeah, distances are usually dodgy.
That said, trips really should take several days in a premodern setting. Even 100 km wouldn't be covered in a day unless someone was riding his horse hard or flying around.
Wasn't there a D&D spell that lets literally anything grow a working womb?
>Eggheads sometimes still argue IRL if Super Earth exist at the far reaches of OUR star system or not.
No they fucking don't, there's no gravitational wiggle room for a massive object at the fringe of the solar system.
t. egghead
It isn't literally 10,000 miles. The term used is 'Wall of 10,000 li', where '10,000 means 'fucking massive number' and the entire term is colloquial for the Great Wall.
>Why not?
Neptune has 15 times the surface area of the Earth. I mean, it's possible, but it's mind-bogglingly large and introduces much more serious problems of scale than the Great Wall thing.
I would take it as a title, not a fixed distance. You know, like "The 10.000 mile wall" can't possible be anything other than the only huge-ass wall that exists.
Albedo on a super-horse from E-Rantel to Re-Estize in 7 days.
Some user already calculated:
Assuming horses go 30kmh without rest that's 30*24*7=5000km or 3150 freedomiles.
If you take this as a ruler this map is at least 15000 x 25000km.
Earth Equator is 40000km.
Assuming map shows but a fraction of NW landmass - the world is truly huge.
how would she react if random nw guys would offer themselves to be her sex slaves?
would she accept or just kill them?
has ainz found out about the happy farm yet?
No they don't.
Trips would take way longer. The Kingdom has a stated population of 9 Million. England only passed 9 million during the late 1700s, during the green revolution. In terms of healthcare and food production, I think the NW can be roughly equated to western Europe in the year 1800, the Napoleonic era.
As for travel time, Richard the Lionhart travelled 70 miles in a single day, which was considered incredible, with changes of horse and discomfort in travel.
Without the use of Gate travel, Ainz trip to the Empire would have taken a long time.
So basically WN Brain? She'd kill them no doubt, or turn them into women.
These are not eggheads?
I'm not reading this articles attentively though.
Some of them few years old, I didn't follow up on that recently.
Did they explained it some other way?
I wish to be the vampire bride
>turn them into women
W-w-what if-f-f a m-man w-w-ould a-ask to t-turn h-him into a w-w-wom-man right away?
It's-s-s not like I'm-m-m interested in those kind of t-t-hings or something!
Thats an absurdly high speed. 30 miles a day was considered a good speed.
The Kingdom expected her within 7 days and they had no idea she was coming by super horse, so there can't have been much difference in timing. 1000km absolutely tops
Truly the most perfect chair.
This was meant for you
Okay, I misinterpreted what you were saying - I thought you were talking about the meme massive body close to Neptune that got debunked decades ago
"Planet Nine" is neither confirmed nor outruled as of now. At any rate, 'far reaches' of our star system is VERY fucking far, it'd be near the edge of the Kuiper belt.
She did travel by road and made it a point to show off her travel to display the power of Nazarick, so maybe she was traveling slower. It's still a fuck huge distance no matter how you try to skew the numbers.
Like this user said:
it's medieval setting.
Roads are shit and carriages don't go much faster than a pedestrian.
I can walk something like 30 miles in 12 hours but I would be done for.
My guess is too that they traveled "majestically".
Nah, I meant VERY fucking far.
So fucking far - full rotation around sun takes it tens of thousands of years.
It's a pretty exciting concept to me really.
Why are humiefags so inconsistent with their logic?
>Pleiades vs BS
user: An 8th tier AOE lightning spell from Nabe should one-shot most if not all of them
Humiefag: No, humans can tank 8th tier spells because I say so. Also, muh BS equipment.
>Solution vs Clem
user: Solution has superior stats to Clem and has better equipment. She's resistant to physical attacks and she can basically suck in and dissolve Clem the moment they make contact. Also, she has scrolls and other magic items stored in her body which would be useful in battle.
Humiefag: Clem wins because she has 3rd tier spells infused in her stilettos and muh martial arts.
So according to humiefags; humans can tank 8th tier spells but Solution can't tank 3rd tier spells? Why are humiefags so retarded?
What happens on the farm anyway
Post your rare Chairs.
>Gas giant
Super earth means a large rocky planet user, i.e. akin to earth. Due to the way planets are formed in the aftermath of a supernova, you only get rocky planets near the sun.
There was a story about a possible earth like planet out there, which the media did dub "super earth", but its a joke with literally no origin (earliest source is a fucking Physics undergrad).
Happy things
We now have two different rides in Demiurge's House of Horrors
There is a confirmed inter-species breeding farm at this point as well as a mass producing scroll farm.
Could it have been slingshot to it's long-long orbit sometime early?
Maybe captured from the fringes of another star system passing by.
IDK, maybe it's a gas giant, maybe it's not 1 huge body but several smaller ones.
Wouldn't it be easier to spot this way though?
Eggheads detected gravitational waves recently, how far ar they on using it as celestial bodies detection method instead of conventional ones?
Obligatory pic
I like to think the current NW map is a USA sized middle-east. What Ainz doesn't realize is Super-Straya is still waiting to be discovered with thousands of lvl 100 spiders and crocs.
Humiefags will take every opportunity they can to dispute Nazarick's canonical superiority. It's best just to ignore them.
Its much more likely to be the size of Western Europe its inspiration.
>canonical Nazarick superiority
>sullying Papa Bones sacred paranoia
Humiefags should just go watch SAO or some other shit tier isekai where the shounen humies prevail through the power of friendship power-ups.
It literally doesn't fit the narrative at all. PDL and everything will never be anything more than a minor annoyance in a direct fight. There will never be a full on battle unless it's Nazarick on Nazarick action, the 30 hidden golems theory is the dumbest shit ever.
>Due to the way planets are formed in the aftermath of a supernova, you only get rocky planets near the sun.
That's not true. What the fuck is this shit about 'planets formed in the aftermath of a supernova' anyway? planetary disks can form outside of supernovae.
Planets 'migrating' is a common thing in astronomy. Jupiter is often considered to have migrated to its current orbit from a much closer one.
>Solution:Ainz-sama, I want you to put a baby in me
>Ainz: EHH!?
>Sol: I need a snack to hold me over until dinner
How big can a rocky planet get before it starts collapsing under it's own gravity?
You mean until it becomes round or you mean until it becomes a white dwarf?
Pretty fucking big if circumstances are right.
If the planet if formed mainly of very heavy and dense materials then it's going to collapse sooner than a planet with light and thin materials.
Found the Clementine chair passage we were talking about in the last thread.
>After cancelling the magic he had prepared beforehand to cope with the possibility of the ceiling falling down, Ainz inspected Clemen with a sidelong glance.
>What he saw was a simple woman.
>Reacting to the big crashing sound with a light scream (“hii-!”), Clemen was shrugging her shoulders trembling every time a piece of the ceiling fell down.
>Furthermore, reminding him of the behaviour of a small animal, she was gazing at the throne fallen over and heavily damaged.
>If she had previously lowered her back to assume a battle posture, now she was lowering her back to make herself smaller and keep away as much as possible from Ainz’s field of vision.
>Seeing that figure, Ainz decided to drop his evaluation of the woman one notch.
>(Could it be…… she is not guard but just a normal woman? She must have only displayed that arrogant attitude because the Duke was interested in me. Geez, to react to the rashness of a simple young girl…… maybe I should have been more tolerant as an adult? Whatever, I can’t allow others to make light of me, so I guess it was an appropriate behaviour.)
>“……The filthy chair is no more. Now, where should I sit?”
>“Then, shall I become your chair?”
>Hearing the voice of Solution who had so far been quiet, Ainz exhaled slightly, exhausted.
>“That is not a bad idea but……”
>“……Th- then shall I”
>Clemen asked timidly. Fear was reflected in her eyes and in Ainz’s mind she only appeared as a simple commoner young girl.
>(Do I give off the impression of someone who enjoy sitting on women? ……indeed I don’t care if people suffer as long as the results are good but that doesn’t mean that I enjoy inflicting pain for the sake of it…… as I thought this is the reaction of a commoner? Maybe I should avoid taking off my mask)
Should i start reading the novel or wait for season 2 never ever?
That's wrong though unless we assume infinite rigidity making the light and thin materials unable to compress as you add on more and more. Planets passively shrink themselves all the time, hell Jupiter is still shrinking right now.
Fun fact - gas giants and even brown dwarfs (''failed stars'') don't actually get any bigger than Jupiter, they just get denser and denser. Most brown dwarfs are held up by electron degeneracy pressure, the same shit that holds up white dwarfs.
Exactly. The humiefags are so obsessed with trying to prove PDL > Shalltear or CD > Shalltear or EE > Entoma that they don't realize that none of it matters. Even if PDL and CD are stronger than Shalltear (they aren't), it makes no difference. If Ainz organizes a raid party consisting of himself and all the guardians + their lvl 80+ subordinates along with WCIs, they can steamroll everything in the NW. Nazarick's superiority cannot be denied.
I don't know shit about physics beside what equally to + and - in math, so yeah I'm wrong or just incomplete.
Is that WN?
When will Ainz raid the ST's capital with all the guardians and allow them to run wild and destroy everything in sight?
Hooooooooooooooooooooold up, anyone know who the fuck voices inner Ainz in dub? It sounds crazily familiar but I can't put my finger on it.
never ever, read the LNs.
Vol 15 at the earliest.
>11 - get dorf runes
>12 - Focus on the Kingdom, with Dragonic Kingdom side story, from where rumours about the BS reach Ainz
>13 - Culmination of Kingdom arc
>14 Beginning of ST arc
>15 Invasion of ST (possible)
I like the VA that does the outside/Ainz voice, can't help it.
>13 - Culmination of Kingdom arc
Will Lakuys need a new set of armor?
I hope it is similar to Pandora's.
Maybe user.
btw did anyone save a screen cap of that Lakyus Chuuni stuff from a few threads back? It was glorious.
Nabe inspecting the sword and Ainz rolling a nat20 doing a speech as Momon then EE trying to downplay Nabe?
Well he'll probably be the reason Lakuys would need new armor though.
And the bit about all the BR promising to help her with it before Narb ID's it, telling her they will support her through the burden.
I found it, gonna make a screen cap
The chunni is adorable.
Ah thats the shit. Thanks user. Did you get all of it?
Even more chunni.
Lakyus has so little showing compared to other characters but the Chuuni makes me love her.
What about the other one, where Ainz says "Maybe only the wielder can unlock it's power" and then EE says it's because Lakyus is a virgin and Nabe is not
I got that one
>EE says it's because Lakyus is a virgin and Nabe is not
>Everyone hears a sudden clap
>Ainz holds Narberal by hand under the table
>Dynamic vision of everyone present was too weak to follow up on what really happened
>Narberal tried to draw a sword on EE
>Ainz stopped her before anyone noticed
>Ainz goes "Ma-ma-maaa"
>Narberal lets out low grunts of offended vegan
>Offended Narb and Chuuni Lakyus
I never knew these things would make my dick hard.
Man, LN is much more mature.
This passage looks like something a puberant teenager would write.
But thanks to it Overlord exist as it is now and I have the only onemore reason to live.
Daily reminder that Cimb is one of the best warriors in Kingdom and is better warrior than Go Gin.
You never know user, you never know.
As bad as these baits are I actually enjoy hearing the mental gymnastics that go into supporting them. So what's is your reasoning for the bold theory user? Is it because Climb has plot armor?
>mental gymnastics
LN literally states this.
One part of the farm has men and women of all races forced to breed in order to better understand eugenics. Demons forcing human males to mate with goblin females, and human females getting essentially ripped apart by Troll males.
Those are the lucky ones.
The unlucky ones are repeatedly skinned alive and then healed, then skinned again in order to provide scrolls for the great tomb of Nazerick.
When they get hungry, the demons force the inhabitants to choose some to act as sacrifices, who are then dismembered, then healed, then dismembered again. Their limbs serve as the food. Sometimes they get a treat, and Demiurge cooks the very young infants. Thankfully, the parents of said infants are always invited to see their kids be consumed.*
Always a fun treat in Demiurge's Happy Farm!
*Failure to accept the invitation will result in a two-week stay in the Black Capsule.
He's mithril with Ring and [Limit Breaker].
That's what, 15>lvl>20?
I'm not arguing, it's quite impressive for a normal talentless person to climb that high.
Also I hope he learns some Divine magic to slap some buffs on himself.
That would go just right with his build and alignment.
He already have a Goddess he believes in and from vol7 we know that Gods NW priest believe don't actually exist.
Renner does.
>Another user
It's literally said so in LN in vol10 by Zanack.
Granted this was only possible due to SPLAT and Disturbance combing the ranks of the best.
I dieded
Where is this from?
>t. butthurt nazarick fags
>humans can tank 8th tier spells but Solution can't tank 3rd tier spells?
Only kc and cd can tank 8th tier.
Solution fights with full armor now? clem is a better warrior and solution is a storage space with low mp which means she has almost no magic let alone offensive ones .
Solution absorbs the stilettos you say? clem detonates her magic inside her.
Nazarick fags can't accept defeat and think it's like SAO where nazarick will never lose because "Muh Seinen".
Aha, a ship!
>other continents confirmed
How many Climbs are needed to beat a Yuri?
I'm not saying Climb is higher level or can defeat Go Gin.
But he is better warrior.
>But he is better warrior.
Climb knows like 2 MA
How many ants does it take to eat a burning fire
By definition it's when MC gradually becomes strong through muh friends muh honor etc.
In Overlord MC is powerful from the start.
Clem is ~35lvl by most generous definition.
Solution is 57lvl and has 150% of Ainz speed and comparable level of HP.
Clem is anti-humanoid specialist.
She won't be able to win against Solution with meager 3rd tier spells (4 charges, only 2 offensive probably).
I don't think you can count this way with x2+ difference in levels.
Probably no number of Climbs can win against Yuri.
She won't even tire, she's undead.
He knows at least several. And unlike in divineMAfag's headcanon Go Gin in LN sucks in MA.
If power goes up exponentially as your level increases, so that 2 lvl 50 would still get destroyed by 1 lvl 100, why did Ainz Ooal Gown not just make 27 lvl 100s with the guild points? Surely this would be a stronger fighting force than breaking levels up?
Go-Gin knows like 1 right? Everything else are class specifics, or am I fucking things up?
This here >Clem is ~35lvl by most generous definition.
Should be
>by generous estimate
Also Solution have +20% in PhAtk over Ainz.
Clem wasn't able to do anything with Ainz strength and Solution is stronger.
For diversity and giggles?
They put their soul into NPC.
If you want efficiency - welcome to muh 30 100lvl 8GK Guildbase guardian golems headcanon.
What a misleading OP, I thought this was the Danganronpa thread.
>Keep running the simulation
>Each time double the number of climbs
>each time takes longer and longer
>Most of the Climb deaths are due to being crushed under the weight of other climbs
Assuming climb in armour weights around 150kg (super lightweight armour) then you would need 1267650600228229401496703205376 climbs to achive the mass needed to create a black hole and kill yuri.
>female named a slavic man's name
I keep thinking of pic related when someone mentions Yuri.
I think of girls kissing other girls
He beat me to it сука блядь нахуй
Entoma Vasilissa Zeta
Vasilissa is an obsolete slav female name.
Like medieval times obsolete.
Female of Vasya (Vasiliy)
I bet Solution would get a thrill out of dissolving a little bit of herself into the tea and watching you drink it with a smile and tell her it tastes good.
So the vol 10 took about a week before the fanfiction was readable in its entirety. Vol 11 should have a similar turnaround time?
>So the vol 10 took about a week before the fanfiction was readable in its entirety. Vol 11 should have a similar turnaround time?
Depends on chinks.
I would tell her it tastes good even if I knew she added it.
Do we know how long vol 11 is going to be?
~400 pages?
>squatting bug
sums up my views on Russians desu
I always wonder if we're on the end of a long trail of Chinese whispers. Each translation loses some of its original meaning and any subtle references, and when we start doing all the micro-analysis on hidden meanings we end up with a completely different picture.
Luckily Nigel loves us and is slowly rechecking everything with jap raw.Even better than jewpress.
You're flattering me.
I'd like to call myself "поехавший" (crazed) too.
Unfortunately I'm just your average boring degenerate.
I also find squats uncomfortable.
>EVEN better
>Than jewpress
Isn't that great in some way?
Hi Mossad-kun.
Nigel cross-references with the Japanese versions as well, but iirc he isn't completely confident in his Japanese abilities in comparison to his Chinese abilities.
Also Japanese -> Chinese is actually a comparatively much easier translation process since the languages are similar. Japanese has its roots thoroughly in Chinese, after all.
Though there probably is inevitably at least a little bit lost in translation. From the translators I talk to, apparently humor is often the hardest thing to translate from one language to another. Especially when you have to localize that humor for it to make sense.
someone post it
I was only mad about EVEN part.
That's belittlement of our God and Savior Nigel-sama!
It also depends on who translated it.
You are kidding right?
Would you cum in a bug?
Can we start bullying the humiefags? I mean, I know posts like this are bait, but this level of faggotry should not be tolerated. No need to argue with them, they already know Nazarick is superior. That's why all their arguments are retarded; they know they're wrong. Shut down the humiefags the moment you see them or just ignore them completely, but don't fall for their bait.
Also, Solution one-shots Clem.
>Solution vs Clem
I don't think pairing an assassin with physical power higher than a warrior with said warrior is fair.
not to mention what's Clem going to do, stab her? And we really haven't seen Solution actually fight. Just play with her food.
I think humiefag sticks to "muh fireball" because it's the only think Clem has that can damage Solution. Everything else is useless. The biggest problem for Clem is she has only melee attacks.
>tfw you realize undead would be fantastic astronauts
>No need for air
>No need for pressurized suits so long as the liquids and gases are drained from them
>Won't mind the freezing temperatures
>protection spells and items for not getting cooked by solar radiation
>No need to constantly exercise to fight off muscular atrophy since no muscles
>No need for food
>No need for waste disposal systems
>Fireballs for guiding the spacecraft in space
>Never tire, never sleep, never go insane from isolation and claustrophobia
>Can probably see in the darkness of space
Moon Base when?
Fuck off nazarick fag, your delusion is disgusting.
Solution wasn't made to be a fighter, clem wins every single time.
>Ainz wasn't made to be a fighter, he won
Clem wasn't made to fight lvl 57 acidic slime assassins. Solution > Clem
You probably think Climb can beat Yuri, humiefag. No one takes you seriously.
>t. butthurt humiefag
Solution rapes Clem.
Shell most likely just dissolve her.
Quit being a faggot, humie. Acknowledge Nazarick's superiority.
Clem vs Solution
>Clem stabs Solution
>Solution dissolves Clem
Solution > Clem
Nazarick > NW
>implying Solution can't rape Clem and dissolve her at the same time
According to WN distance between E-Rantel and Re-Estize is 280 km, it takes about 7 days (42 per day) by carriage. Albedo's trip took 7 days too, so in LN it was indirectly confirmed.
I wonder about that. Clementine was first introduced in the LN and only later added to the WN
>Ainz starts exhausting NW's resources
>Needs more shit for the exchange box
>Creates a fleet of undead von Neumann machines to pillage other planets
How many pets does Aura have?
What are the chances that the new volume will contain one or more of the following phrases?
>puppet with its strings cut
>trump card
>world-class beauty
Any other Overlord-isms I'm missing?
mentioned having a "huge" collection, most of them are around level 80 and buffed to 90 by her skills.
>distance between E-Rantel and Re-Estize is 280 km
As in straight line or by the road?
>As in straight line or by the road?
Smell of ammonia
>But Ainz was just a simple salary man
Or the meteors just melt away the rock and ore upon impact and all you're left with is useless rubble.
You wouldn't even get the meteor fragments either because spells disappear after an ammount of time if made purely out of mana
Does dwarf pee smell like ammonia?
I would imagine it would be more sulfuric.
Would Aura with her pets be a match for Shalltear or would they just help her regain her HP with Spuit Lance?
>Ainz thinks Aura and Mare love him like a father rather than them wanting to jump his Papa Bone
He's so pure. It's adorable.
Bad match-up.
Shalltear would just slurp up the mobs for regen points. Aura is specialized for large-scale overwhelming enemies with mobs.
If she only used mobs with long range attacks while she herself played tank then I don't see why not though it'd then mostly depend on how well she can keep Shalltear in one place without dying
What if they gang up on her? With that many beasts they may overwhelm her?
The scene where Aura taunts Albedo when she gets Ainz lap time is very telling. She knows what's going on. No way Bukubukuchagama wouldn't program her completely innocent.
Shalltear could probably counter by summoning her household to take the heat off.
Her specialty is outlasting the opponent by regenerating and making them run out of mana and skills. Aura herself isn't that great at HtH as the other Lv100's because shes specced to buff her pets. Her pets are finite in number and can't be respawned with skills since they are more like cash-generated mobs than PoPs
Little did Ainz know that him adding Loves Momonga wasn't a perversion of his guildmate's desires. In fact, every female NPC had been programmed with "Loves Momonga" in order to tease him.
The only one left without it was the NPC with blank flavour text, Narb
Hmm I thought there was some sort of limit to how many Oponents can attack a Target at once. in order to not make PK so prevalent, but this is Yggdrasil so probably not.
This would explain why she's a retard.
Narb having no flavor text has been my headcannon all along since she's completely lacking in bizarre quirks like the other maids. Even the "emotionless" CZ likes to tote around the penguin butler because she thinks he's cute.
Her's might be like Cocytus. He is/was pretty dumb too. It sounds like he's getting smarter, but Narb hasn't gotten smarter at all, so I don't really know what to think.
Can't remember where I saw it, but apparently its been stated that Narb and Cocytus get along very well because Nishikienrai and Takemikazuchi were bros
where can i find the rest of these pics? i just can't fucking find them anywhere but i love them so much ;_;
Implying one of Demi's reasons to experiment with humans isnt to find a way to let his bro impregnate his doppel girl.
that map is fan-made so it can't be used for scale purposes, but on the other official one, the lake in the forest of tob has a 20km radius on average, which can be used for scale.
i did a rough estimate before but i think it's like 3 to 4 times larger than the actual middle east.
Isn't that from Val-halla?
it honestly makes the most sense, considering nishikenrai didn't even skin his player character
Nfirea is moe
id fuck him
Referring to humans as lower life forms, gadflies, amoebas, red click beetles, water fleas, caterpillars, etc. isn't a bizarre quirk?
>not fat innkeeper worm
LN says that while Aura is quite weak for level 100, she together with her pets can overwhelm any guardian.
>Yfw the reason Aura and Mare likes Ainz so much and gets a lot of Ainzbowl points is because they represent Buku's love for Momonga
Was it ever confirmed she was violated? I thought she just said that as a sick joke to tease and it was up in the air whether it actually happened.
>Climb beats Yuri
Possible because Yuri took pity of Climb, she have positive Karma.