We can safely say that Class B are throwaway characters, right?
My hero academia
There's a class B?
I want to hold her horns and fuck her face
>my hero academia
Holy shit OP kill yourself
I had to actively look for this thread in the catalog
You should just search hero. There's only a few threads that ever have that.
Still, OP was less than helpful in this situation.
>Light and reflection manipulation
>created flashbang
>potential to create death ray by concentrating light on one spot
>potential to make things around her invisible
>potential to adjust the wavelength and create wide deathray
>potential to create mirage and illusion by adjusting refraction and reflection
Huh, invisigirl will turn out better than I thought, and that also means she can choose to reveal herself
>and that also means she can choose to reveal herself
Strongly doubt that, there is no reason for her to be invisible during normal school activities other than the fact that she can't turn it off.
Mineta confirmed assman?
No, he's just a pervert in general. He did sneak a feel up froggy chest
What if she's fugly and choose to not reveal herself?
What if "She" is actually a "he"?
What if she's actually too goddamn beauty and choose not to reveal herself for that?
What if she's actually old hag?
So much question
>actually a he
>abuses ambiguity of his gender to sneak into girls rooms
>can get away fapping right next to hem
>cross dress without getting called out like a faggot
what a tweeeeest
There's still characters in Class A who aren't fully or even partially developed. I think it'll be a good long time before Class B gets any more screen time let alone development
Mixing the two classes in this arc would've helped but you'd still have had the problem of underdeveloped class A students. Iida and Aoyama's development last chapter probably wouldn't have happened if we still had to explain the quirks of some class B people
What if invisigirl is actually the traitor? She was just playing dumb with how much control she has over her powers.
That's not certain, Kendou and Tetsux4 and even the new slime girl had more development than Sugarman so far who only has the room chapter as his development and unlike the ones listed above don't mean jack towards him being a hero.
Extras for Volume 10
Kamui's page keeps his face hidden but reveals some pretty interesting things.
>Midoriya still being a shrewd bitch around Bakufuck
Man up, you can blow his fucking body to bits in one punch.
Whenever you want to find a BnHA just type 'hero academia' or even just 'hero' and scroll through the few results you get.
I like the Onee-chan character of their class and the brainwasher who could just ask for the licence and get it.
Even their adults are fucking manlets. Where are all these giants for whom the 3m tall doors at UA were built?
They are all Japanese
i wish they make kongou banchou anime..
Wait for Shouji to get a growth spurt
best hero
>From when he started counting
So does plant man not age normally or what?
Makes me want to count the rings.
I think the implication is that his parents were so shit, they didn't even bother remembering his birthday. Or maybe he's an orphan of whom there are no records. It's to indicate that he had a horrible childhood, nothing to do with trees.
him dying/ losing his ability to be a hero to stain saving his friends would be poetry. Would be a smack in stains face that people can change and that iida is indeed a hero
Didn't think he was so old the same age as me
And he's probably slightly older since that's just when he started counting.
Remember the talk we had back then when Deku confessed about OfA?
Someday Baku is gonna bring that shit up and it will fuck both Deku and All Might up.
Would you arrest this criminal?
I would hop into her ass anytime.
is that gay black spiderman?
damn, where was thorn girl in the whole fight? She's pretty strong.
That's Otto.
that's osbourne in spidermans body
Yes. She knows the law and is willfully breaking it. Not to mention that being an idol (however popular she is) risks others attempting to join in with her or imitate her in other areas.
However I'm a lenient officer and would just writer her a citation and forward her to the nearest city council building to get a street performers license so she could operate on the up and up.
Man it been a while so I forgot how great Iida costume looks like with his helmet on.
the visor on Ochako's costume shouldn't be see through, it looks far cooler when it has the opaque sunglasses effect
I wonder what happened to ochako and kirishimas helmets
Brainwasher is from General Department course, user.
I wish more characters with helmets kept them on, the fully armored or masked look is super cool
What did he mean by this?
Just wait for round 2
The laws in the BnHA universe are pretty bullshit. Restricting non-dangerous quirks this way wouldn't fly in America.
Body is too feminine to not be a girl
I wouldn't be surprised if its much more lax in America than in Nipland. Remember, they got shit taste so of course their laws will be shit
They don't want to give hints to the traitor.
Her annoying trait is probably that she's either shy and being invisible makes her feel confident or she's somehow a pervert and this explains why she doesn't wear underwear
If she isn't annoying then she'll just be a genki girl who goes invisible because she thinks it's fun
We used to have more testosterone in this board.
You'd be suprised, user.
Maybe more Froppy.
It absolutely would. Can you imagine having a city where at any given point in time dozens of people would be flying in the sky, jumping or climbing around, or using any number of quirks just for mobility.
We'd probably do something like a "quirk" lane similar to a bike lane but a lot of people would be required to not use their quirks for shit like that. Too much risk of accidents or general chaos.
lost in the rubble
Ochako spends if you can believe it less time in her helmet than Iida but still leagues more than Deku
You have no idea what the situation is like in BnHA America, you also completely fail to take into account that civilized society went through a massive period of upheaval due to the explosive emergence of superpowers in humanity.
Its pretty much impossible to make a law that individually applies to each quirk when they are so ridiculously varied and individual in the majority of the population, blanket coverage is the only possible option to maintain order.
>Cred Forums
>board filled with old men wishing they were little girls
She has massive invisible tits, as seen when she was in the hotspring.
Its not like she is a guy that could have gotten a boobjob when the surgeon wouldn't even be able to see what they are wroking
I was thinking for a long time that a standoff between Hagakure and Best Jeanest would be neat.
No tumblr, I wouldn't.
So you want to cum inside her? Is that correct?
less frog girl because she is worst
Spoilers when?
>calling best girl worst
Will a lewder hero ever exist?
5 days
This fucker need to remain helmeted for the rest of his life.
>he doesn't know about the sex change quirk
>blanket coverage is the only possible option to maintain order.
That makes sense. Not to mention that quirks still aren't fully integrated into society as evidenced by the mention of quirkless gymnastics classes.
>civilized society went through a massive period of upheaval
I want to see this. I always forget that BnHA-world is a completely different one from ours.
>blanket coverage is the only possible option to maintain order.
Or they could give out licenses
You should probably move north, old man.
I hear the cold can help preserve that old rotting flesh.
Alaska has room.
I'm still mad we still haven't seen how Deku looks with the hood and mask on after more than a year.
It's symbolic.
>First time Deku puts on the mask and hood they instantly get destroyed, showing he isn't ready yet to be the new All Might
>Second version of hood and mask were never put on, showing he stopped trying to be the new All Might
>Third version will be without a hood and mask, showing he is now his own hero aka Deku
it's not like he's saving it for those "Oh Shit" moments because he's had plenty of those and stayed uncovered
Maybe we'll get it when he debuts on the to the public with his provisional licence
His mom made it. Getting rid of one of the key features of the suit would count as replacing it which he said he'd never do. The colour scheme is not the most important aspect of the costume
I'm hoping he just completely revamps his costume into something entirely new.
Hopefully with a mask.
because it's ugly. I hope Horikoshi is able to design it better than that.
But that would kill the rabbit hero meme, user!
have you ever been in USA? I'd bet there are people complaining "holy shit why I can't I use my acid quirk to slide through the streets faster? It's not like acid damages the streets, and if it does it's because Super-Obama doesn't built good streets, so fuck the police"
There'd be a ton of americans who would argue that their quirk is totally not dangerous and go full sovcit
The jump suit was her idea. Not the hood and mask. He got the mask from a military equipment shop.
He should get rid of the sleeves because they always get destroyed when he uses 100%. Combined with using this mask he'd look like Bane.
It was supposed to look like a devil at the beginning. In an interview Horikoshi showed some sketches and for Deku's costume there was one called "Fiend Kid".
poor guy
imagine how he'll feel when he finds out
Surprised nobody's talking about Hagakure's new special ability yet
First time I've ever seen an invisibility effect handled like this. She can control the flow of light through her own body?
I just noticed many heroes actually need tools to optimize/properly use their powers.
That was always her quirk. Her invisibility is a secondary effect.
I love these goobers
What? No. His mum made the suit and the hood based off of one of deku's drawings for his superhero suit.
Only the jumpsuit.
Because it's ugly. No one liked it when it came out.
Doujin's are not canon reddit.
I thought All Might was an American immigrant to Japan or something?
The quirk lane would be like a paid road, the government would make money off of it
The government would require licenses and the Supreme Court would rule that using your quirk is like using a gun, it's okay to be as dangerous as you want as long as you're only endangering yourself (but not intentionally trying to kill yourself because suicide is wrong)
Quirk Control would be a major political issue, also there would be quirk supremacists and then there would be people who would demand the legalization of tanks for domestic ownership on the basis that there are quirks as powerful as a tank and they need a tank for self-defense
America is a fun country
And of course, the police would totally be allowed to use their quirks with abandon. Pro Heroes would still exist though, some government-sponsored, some corporate-sponsored and some idependants.
I love how Hori makes them all have dorky moments. Its great
But that was the 1.0 costume. The costume makers modified the hood so it wouldnt look so lame. But he still hasnt put it on
I assume they are talking about the "froppy became a noumu" thing
He did call Japan a strange land as though he was a foreigner in the first chapter, but it never came up after that.
Maybe originally he was gonna be from the US, but his actual name is definitely japanese
It's thw same situation as Yuuga, Pony, and Scales.
All of Hori's foreigners have Japanese names.
What a racist
Is he pulling that classic manga and anime bullshit where all the foreigner characters are actually 'half japanese'?
bakugo knows. shit's going down.
I don't think so.
Either he isn't confident enough in his pun abilities to try it with foreign names, or his editors are forcing him into Japanese names.
That was the prototype made by a dork.
I mean, compare Spidey's proto-suit in Sam Raimi's movie to the shit he wears for the rest of the trilogy.
The first suit looks like a cheap cosplay.
And how the hell do you wanna judge it when he hasn't even put it on yet?
is it even confirmed yuuga is french
based on what the wiki says (they put "according to himself" in brackets) it just seems like one of his delusions
Data book confirms he's a frog.
His name is Toshinori, so ye.
>bringing old small horse memes back
>being outside your containement board
please leave
I wonder what their nanes would have been if Hori had made them not japanese.
Who is best Class B boy?
Monbo, easily
Tsuyu is frog
>Aoyama Yuuga
Lucien Beumont
>Pony Tsunotori
Appaloosa "Pony" Hornerbeam
Lin Fei Long
No one replying to you so here's your (You).
>shit's going down.
He won't do anything and knows since the parent meeting.
Chapters like this makes me glad the era were mangas half-ass their characters and revolve them around a stereotypical archetype are gone. Good-bye Bleach.
Is BnHA your second manga or something?
Deku is gay
Yes, he truly is glad to get through the first phase of the provisional hero license exam.
I'm almost certain this is takes the cake for panel that gives Momo her biggest size yet. Even if sadly it only shows half. Bet she was busy eating before this exam.
Why did Ochako fluster him then?
you must not have seen on the conversations in the last thread.
Most battle shounen have half-assed, one dimensional characters. Just look at the recent popular ones like naruto, fairy tail, bleach, etc.
It took me way to long to get that joke....excuse me while I go read a thesaurus
They do look retardedly big in that panel
Not that i minde but Hori is still inconsistent in that regard
Pretty much. It'll be months, if not years, before we see them all in their hero outfits and find out what their Quirks actually do (although we at least have the names of the quirks).
Well he's pretty short so the ass is the only part he can get a closer look at.
l don't see how they're any bigger than usual, look at the scene where mineta tries to look inside the girls dressing room and gets stabbed in the eyeball, her tits are gigantic
That's assuming we get even that.
>tfw everyone is more or less the same height as
Otto Octavius, not Osbourne. faggot
Will Hori ever give us Kamui's backstory?
There's some acceptable harem material there
Maybe, it would be weird if he didn´t after this, though we also know that Ectoplasm lost both legs fighting a villain and we may never see a flashback of that.
Everyone these days knows you want a smaller hitbox. Why do you think everyone picked Oddjob in Golden Eye?
>Why do you think everyone picked Oddjob in Golden Eye?
>mfw I know what he means
I think you, and I might be to old to be in this thread or on this board.
>mt lady in casual wear
Fucking Oddjobfags apologist.
>mt lady spin-off never
It hurts
I cant remember for sure but I think in Goldeneye Source hes the same height.
TimeSplitters was on another LEVEL of bullshit though
>though we also know that Ectoplasm lost both legs fighting a villain
Wait what? When? Where?
it was in some bio extra thing just like kamui
same thing
Don't forget to make Momo cry today.
I forgott how that retcon series ended?
It was Octavius and basically he realized Peter was right and gave him back his body willingly
And then they came back into the status quo and Otto turned a villain again.
Fuck off Sero
Superior Spiderman. To make it short, a terminally ill Doc Oc swaps body with Peter. Peter in Doc's body dies and octopus continúes being Spiderman in his stead.
Can anyone give me the sauce for this?
>one of the girls in Class B has growth/shrink powers
>we'll never really see her use them
First Mt. Lady and now her...
>Uraraka, Mt Lady and Yui were supposed to be one character
I want to enter Momo's matryoshka.
Vigilante was actually better than the first preview made me think.
Looking forward to more of it.
I want an OVA just to see her animated.
All I care about is the new vigilante chapter it was so amazing
Gentle-man is my favorite character now
Wait, they brought Otto back to life too?
Space-Time BS is Spider-verse or Secret Wars?
So what's the deal with Frenchy? What happens to him without the belt?
He's alive inside of Living Brain.
Fascinating. So her ability is actually a subconscious manipulation of light, which she's now learning to more properly control...
Aoyama's face when she figures out how to shoot beams of light?
I hope she proves as popular in porn as the main cast.
And now he's going to be brought back to life in his real body in the Clone Saga 2: Electric Bugaloo.
He probably goes full Cyclops without it. It's constantly holding the beam back, and only opens when he wants it to.
Probably embarrassing that he can't control his quirk.
I can see her doing tiny thin lasers reminiscent of those gadgets used by Hollywood agents and burglars to cut glass. She's like an all in one spy gadget.
For fuck's sake Marvel, this is why nobody takes you seriously.
His power is actually brutal. It cuts flesh like it's not even there. How do you restrain someone when that's your power? How do you win without maiming them?
>Implying villains haven't been dying and then coming back to life for decades
This was like the fourth time Doctor Octopus has died.
I thought it was going be a shitty cashgrab.
I was very wrong.
>Deku happy about the Crow hat
>Ochako unhappy about the Grapes hat
Who would be happy about a Grapes hat?
That's my point, nobody stays dead ever.
Unless you're Uncle Ben. Although given the ebin 'let's aim for shock value and nerd rage to sell our crap' meme Marvel has been using more and more these days this has probably been defied too.
Uncle Ben means during these days, even in Spider-Verse there was an Earth where everyone was dead but the uncle Ben.
Remember the time Uncle Ben got NTR'd by his own brother?
Yeah, wish I didn't either.
Uncle Ben's alive in the Spider-Gwen'verse.
Following the old Civil War crossover event, during Spidey's "Back in Black" run, one plot thread involved an Uncle Ben from an alternate timeline appearing...but he was killed off pretty quick.
Speaking of, is there any one here or villain that has so far actually only died once and was never seen again?
You're actually right on the money user. The Clone Conspiracy arc is going to have The Jackal bring back pretty much every dead Spider-Man character. Uncle Ben is in the promotional materials.
Though I'm pretty sure most of them will go back to being dead by the end of it.
Tell me about Kamui. Why does he wear the mask?
Just search hero academia you massive weeabo
scene where Kamui spurts his sap all over an unconscious Yuu when?
Explain this very carefully to me...
There's a spinoff manga?
Maybe, in a potential sense. It's uncertain, sometimes.
Yes. It follows the misadventures of three unlicensed Quirk users.
A girl with leaping powers who dresses up and puts on shows as a "Street Idol".
A guy who can glide along the ground so long as he maintains 3 points of contact who dresses up in an All-Might hoodie and plays good samaritan.
And then a muscle-bound, trench-coat wearing, ultra-violent vigilante.
The former two encounter the latter, and...that's as far as we've gotten.
Knuckle Duster is quirkless, right?
we can't be sure.
We've never actually seen his palms, so as far as we know his brass knuckles are his literal knuckles.
Quirkless Knuckleduster would be rad as shit though, since hw would be accomplishing what Izuki thought was impossible.
Don't set yourself up for disappointment if he does. It's better to assume a character has a quirk unless explicitly stated otherwise. If they do go this route I hope he tries to keep it a secret because the villains assume he has a powerful quirk and his reputation is enough to end conflicts. Or he could have a shitty and very situational quirk. But I won't hold it against the manga if he does have a reliable combat quirk. Batman only works because he has a ludicrous amount of funds for a weaponized vehicle, body armor, a huge pile of gadgets, and a large hideout/forensics lab to perform detective work and store all that junk.
>Kendou will never hold you in between her gigantic hands then rub them all over your body until you cum
why live?
>you will never bathe with her nee-san style afterwards
It also acknowledges the "street crime" subgenre of superhero comics, like Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage...etc.
Not every crime is perpetrated by dastardly supervillains and world-ending scenarios. In a world where everyone has superpowers, even the common gangbanger is incredibly dangerous. I'm guessing Vigilante will focus on these types of crimes.
>Mt. Lady without her mask
It just ain't the same...
He has the best fucking costume in the entire roster.
Quirk use ain't free.
I love how Knuckle Duster seems to be a Nod to Street Level heroes like Wild Cat, and the Question.
He seems to have brought it up this issue.
>Is that "Borrowed" power yours yet?
Deku freaked out
So we all agree Navel Laser's going to fucking die, right?
>Cowardly comic relief character with insecurity issues
>Was One Of The Other Reindeer as a kid
>Hides through the whole first invasion
>Grows some semblance of a pair during the second and saves the day (sorta) without being acknowledged
>Just shown how his insecurities were for nothing and that he's just as good as everyone else in Class A.
Horikoshi just bullrushed through his entire character arc and I am afraid.
Tell me how this isn't going to lead to him making the ultimate sacrifice somewhere down the line.
That'd be surprising.
But no, he'll never kill a student. I don't think he has the guts.
He likely will however kill All Might at some point.
Speaking of Aoyama, did Horikoshi seriously bring up RACISM in a SHONEN MANGA?
I'm assuming he's a haafu at this point. And there's literally nothing else about him that would make a babby!Laser stand out from the other kids.
>kill All Might
At this point, I don't even know anymore. The fucker straight up ignored nearly 100 chapters worth of death flags AND beat the final boss.
If we can gather anything, it's that Horikoshi doesn't play fair. We're playing by his rules.
Think of it this way regarding the death flags:
All Might was never going to die in a gigantic city-destroying punchfight with his arch-nemesis.
He's going to die helpless, in Shigaraki's hands now that he can't defend himself properly. He may not even totally fight back because of Shigaraki's connection with Nana.
Shiggy's desire to kill All Might almost certainly has gone up even IF All Might isn't really the symbol of peace anymore.
It's not any of those death flags disappear.
The fact that he no longer have OfA and All for One foreshadowing that All Might lost his perfect chance to die set up even more death flags. There's also Shiggy still on the loose who probably will go after All Might sooner or later.
He needs a device for his quirk to work. It could be something like he can't turn the beam off without it or something gets seriously screwy when the harness comes off.
This will never happen. Horikoshi doesn't even have the guts to have a student fail, let alone kill one off.
The one major downfall of this series is that it tries to promote all of the characters as equal with equally viable goals. If any of them fall behind, they're going to lose readers who like those characters. It's the same issue that Naruto had, but Naruto handled it poorly in the exact opposite way by just completely ignoring everybody who wasn't related to Naruto or Sasuke.
So he's literally just Laser-dick!Cyclops.
I was wondering where I was that beam-in-the-air scene before.
The retard bunch are GOAT.
Ill pick Pikachu, Devil and Tapebro + Kacchan over Deku's dekus every single day.
He could fail some but they can't be in the plot without their licenses unless he wants to pull yet another USJ scenario. The stakes are arguably higher from a meta perspective than other arcs because whoever fails will definitely be out of the spotlight until they get another chance at the license off-panel or something (which would be who knows how many chapters from now).
who is the better frog: Yuuga or Tsuyu?
Everyone and their dad's talking about it, and how her transparency has always been light manipulation, obviously.
I just think she found a useful gadget for someone that can't be seen
Remember Tenten from Naruto?
That's what's waiting for him
>No All Might in a meido outfit.
0/10 glorious opportunity missed.
What am I looking at?
>Only Ochako and Tsuyu as maids
>Bakugo as chef
At first I was dragged here 'coz the name recalls UA and heroism rather than just the MC so I expected more from the secondary characters but lately Hori has been created too many of them so we've a bunch of underdeveloped characters.
For instance, do we needed to have UA vs Shiketsu at this point? I mean just at 100 chapters? I know things have escalated really quickly -specially since AfO- but putting over Class 1-B would've been way much better at this point.
I mean they ALL live together right now so it does make more sense to have 1-A and 1-B interacting in a way which could've affected their lives in other ways rather than just MUH SCHOOL IS BETTER.
Gordon Ramsay
This exam is going by quickly. I'm thinking it's just to get them introduced for something later on. Class B was similar in that it didn't really matter at the end of the sports festival but they had some time to shine during the second invasion.
I think Hori should just make a Class B spinoff
he's already having trouble with one class, two may be too much for one manga
>Just read Vigilante.
It was alright for the most part, but the whole "you bumped into us NOW WE'RE GONNA RAPE YOU MWAHAHAHAHA" thing was really hamhanded until Knuckle Duster showed up.
Really, Gentleman being a useless weakling is to be expected. But given that Pop Step has been doing the whole rebel idol thing for awhile, you'd think she'd have enough street smarts to not get grabbed so easily (how long has she been getting away from the cops now?). Also that her quirk would let her drag them with her at LEAST. Also that she'd at least put up somewhat of a fight. Because really, for a heroine her performance was just SAD.
Also they didn't need to use that same gang for every encounter. They just read like 1D plot devices and nothing more. Even the mud monster from MHA's ch.1 was better.
>Also that she'd at least put up somewhat of a fight. Because really, for a heroine her performance was just SAD.
well she's an idol not a fighter. We'll probably get development in that regard
>blanket coverage is the only possible option to maintain order
fug you
"All Might" is already dead. He died in the battle. Toshinori is the one who survived.
>throwaway characters
Reminder that Best Girl is in Class B
What if this becomes some huge capeshit expanded universe like Marvel and DC?
Her costume is pure sex
chine dresses are great
I'm surprised exists, because BARREN WOMB.
Probably not the only way but definitely simplest and "fairest" way. If you make a bunch of specific laws for particular quirks it's both tedious and quirk users could probably find loopholes since a lot of quirks tend to be less straightforward than they appear.
So, she's Sue Richards tier powerful?
The only way crow hat could be cooler is if it said Fatal Fury somewhere on it
Nah Sue basically has tk.
Haga's theorized ultimate powerset is mostly lazer beams.
Do we know the results of the poll yet?
The polling period is 4 weeks I think
The first popularity poll was opened on Chapter 52, and the results were revealed on Chapter 62.
The second popularity poll was opened on Chapter 106, and the results will probably be revealed on Chapter 116.
he's not going to die at all because in the end this is happy funtimes shounenshit (and that's fine)
There were already multiple situtations where Hori had the possibility to go for a darker tone like Iida's possible fall from grace, AfO fight, villains beating the shit out of Bakugo etc. but he didn't. And it's completely allright.
The only issue I have regarding this is how non-threatening it makes the villains look. They're literally unable to achieve a single thing.
So when are we gonna see Todoroki in action?
Besides the newly introduced rival, we haven't really seen him fight for awhile.
Class B is fodder though. Kendou is pretty much their best, and she's got nothing great other than being calm with Ochako-tier techniques despite having Yaoi Hands. People just misplace hopes in them cause they occasionally get panel time when it was very clear that most of their abilities are all less 'fun'.
Shiketsu is introduced to show clear visible rivals that are currently within the same level of the monster trio so to speak. Deku got clowned by slime girl, and windfag is built up to fight Todoroki. Even the meat potato retard only lost cause not only did he sperg out but he was facing 1v3.
Whether Class B upgrades along the way is another story, but it definitely isn't right now.
i want to see kirishima get smashed into a wall
damn, thats a long time
I hope deku's shoe gets more votes this time
Gives you more chances to vote, I think it's a good thing.
I wonder what Yeti Kid can do.
Fight Nathan Drake?
I want him to say.. "I am so hard right now!"
aside put the pillar of society out of commission
Reminder that All Might is going to die alone, scared and helpless as he's slowly disintegrated by Shiggy's hand.
All Might officially the moest
All Might himself has a internal crisis because he can't bring himself to tell Midoriya that he's dying.
I don't think when he said "I won't be there with you when you face [AFO]" that he was thinking "Well I'll be powerless by then!" or that he was anticipating dying to AFO at some point.
I didn't think anyone would remember this 2000s meme
AfO definitely gonna find AM when he's totally unpowered and fucking ruin him
he is trying to fight people like All for One like batman does
he is beating up people with shitty quirks but still commit crimes. This what I said Deku could have done if he truly wanted to be a hero. He could have trained to fight CQC and he wouldn't need a quirk against someone like that "my quirk lets me glide on the ground like a cockroach" That quirk is pretty close to being powerless in and over itself.
JIraiya died. Urahara died(?) Master Roshi died.
Mentors die to push the shounen brat to adulthood
that was an inevitable course of events at any rate
Dantalian no shoka
>For fuck's sake superhero comics, this is why nobody takes you seriously.
Fixed that for you
We do only know a few of their quirks , so Hori mat have just saved the stronger, more spectacular ones for later.
Like the kid with a manga bubble for a head. His quirk has to be pretty wild.
God, I fucking loved that game.
>tfw no TimeSplitters 4
>no Brick Only One Shot Kill FFAs on PC in glorious HD
Best Marvel series is The Punisher
Would be interesting to see All Might be tempted by evil somehow to become a hero again, but that would be to out of character for him for the sake of drama.
>not legitimate
Gain height please
>yfw one of the big 2 makes an official crossover with BNHA
I want to say how PERFECT it is that she wears fucking heels in her casual outfit. Girl wants to stand out, badly.
It's amazing how perfectly the character designs dovetail with their characterization. All Might, Mt. Lady, Bakugou, Iida, Ochako, they all fit like a glove.
...How is he an up-and-coming hero at the age of 29? Hist partner Mt. Lady just broke into the scene and she's 23.
>tfw you will never bugger Bakugou
Pain in the neck
Bnha needs to stop teasing dechako and start actually putting them in a relationship. This shit is getting blueballsy as hell.
Post some Thicc for Momoday.
>all of class A passed
It's the first round. I'm expecting some of the weaker, less rescue-oriented kids in A to drop out in the second round (grapes, navel, etc.)
>responding to such obvious bait
>todoroki and bakugou fail because they are combat specialists
I'm disappointed we didn't get students from other schools commenting on her ridiculously huge tits.
Maybe we'll get an old man or young kid reaction during the rescues.
>thinking the old geezers wont wall the fuck out most of them
That is how she will subdue the child examiners, one look at her giant tits at close range and they will start crying for their mommies and beg to be held
>tfw Gran Torino shows up to BTFO todoruki, bakugou and Deku
Grapes would be good for rescue, he could build a ladder anywhere basically. if he worked on his physique he could literally personally ferry people out of buildings.
>it's like this scene
So why is it we haven't gotten a mutantform girl that's a big monstery looking person like Shouji or Mongo?
Maybe he's cooking one up. There's a literal matryoshka somewhere.
The fact Baku was revealed in the training arc as able to cook. It should had humanised him a bit. Yet I always hate seeing him in the manga. Anyone else is worth panel time but this edgelord. I rather see Sadrock, or Sugarman doing things.
Attack on Titan did one, so at this point it wouldn't surprise me.
Sadrock and surger man cuold die or all I care.
I can't even see the point of that crossover comic, there didn't even seem to be any plot to it just "Here's Some Titans in new york" "Here's Spiderman swinging around" "here's the Avengers" "Comic over"
Grapes would be great for rescue missions though, also Uraraka is obviously going to shine on this one. I'm more worried about people like Todo and Bakugou
I don't know why but I find those villains so fucking cool. Most of the VA have pretty good designs.
I'd say the student whose power is the least useful for rescue missions is Hagakure.
Does the snek girl from the Tsuyu chapter count?
I guess she could, but really only her head was effected while a bunch of other mutants had their entire body plan fucked with.
I'm just gonna put this 'moar' right here
Dual weilding DD44 > everything else.
>Not Klobbing it and still managing to win
>Mineta has a 5/5 int stat
There are many kinds of intelligence and there's gRape intelligence.
>Not playing multiplayer set to only rocket launchers.
Maybe she's the traitor.
Hopefully Hori would give them all upgrades and better costumes as time goes on.-
Good idea user, lets talk about this.
How would you guys upgrade the costumes/appearance of each member of the villain alliance?
>not playing split screen temple with grenade launchers
I'm still waiting for the day when Deku wears his "asshole" clothes again, the broker of the villain alliance sees him and offers him some villain work.
The OVA is teasing Tsuyu/Izu just to fuck with you.
Moonfish and Toga are already perfect. I know that much at least.
>The OVA is teasing Tsuyu/Izu just to fuck with you.
I sure hope so. I'd like more fanart of these two. Anything to keep Froppy in the spotlight.
I fucking love how this looks like a '90s comic poster.
Man, the training camping trip arc was one of the best arcs.
They just need cosmetics upgrade. Their quirks are pretty much perfect.
Yes user. Thats why I said costume/appearances upgrades. You know how to read yes?
Funny, looking back as it was coming out people were calling it the worst arc and saying things like this is when the manga's gonna go downhill.
Yeah, you're not the only one I replied to.
To be honest I'm not even that mad because he clearly explained how All Might not dying fucks Deku and pushes Shiggy to the next level.
I kinda want to see more Shiggy chapters, he's one of the best characters.
>left to right
gets me every time
>no one posted mina yet
do it faggots
It's genius, really. The dying mentor is such a staple in just about every literary work; to see it actually invoked and commented on by the bad guy is incredibly refreshing.
I also want to see more Shiggy. I'm really invested in how Horikoshi is building him up as a dark mirror to classic shonen protagonists.
when will we see her in spats?
got you fampai you won't ban me right, mods?
I just realized that snake face has human teeth.
Shiggy is super fucking annoying, dude. He irritates me everytime he opens his mouth, so I guess that makes him a successful villain. I just hate the overly cryptic pseudo-intellectual rambling he does. It's just par for the course in the genre of capeshit, I suppose.
He's still done better than a vast majority of shounen bad guys, though; and I think this series and Mob Psycho are the best currently running action shounen, (or at the very least, my favorites.) I am super fucking excited to see how Vigilante grows, I feel like this will give the mangaka the opportunity to deepen the universe without having to shoehorn everything into one big series, and I am relieved the protagonist isn't another middle/highschooler. Feels like proper capeshit in a way.
>how Vigilante grows
It ends next month like all Jump Giga manga.
shit man I was talking about this one
It would be fun if it happen like in nurarihyon no mago where the author pushed rikuo x kana, but the editor and anime staff pushed rikuo x tsurara up to the point even the author changed his mind and delivered it in the ending omake not strange as kana was shit and tsurara was best girl
most left - uraka
next to her - acid girl
in the middle - froppie
horned girl - momoka
most right - earjackgirl
will they be forgotten like how bleach drops their cast?
t h i c c
Oh that, have this best team instead.
I'm surprised a fujo would draw a female in their yaoi stuff.
I think the Naruto comparison shitposts would start back up again if that were to happen because that's almost how it went with Hinata as well.
>biribiri dick
Woah baby that's lewd
mods come on do your fucking job.
They did.
Devil girl is the hottest.
Okay, I guess I'll be the one to say it.
That costume is garbage. What the fuck was he thinking designing that
>people thought she was brown because of her hero costume
I remember way back when people thought she was black/charcoal and red
>he finally got his chapter
>tfw Moonfish got fucked up so badly by the Banquet of Darkness that he probably wont ever show up again
Nigga had most of his teeth knocked right out of his head.
So does shadowbird
>being this retarded
it's about him needing that piece of equipment to maintain his quirk.
pay attention to the pictures next time.
I'm convinced that Mina is some sort of bug heteromorph and that her sight is like some insects where she can see color spectrums out of the normal human range.
So basically, all of the really weird gaudy/eyeblasting stuff she wears and decorates her room with looks really cool/cute to her but looks like eye cancer to anyone else.
I always thought it was supposed to be some sort of sea slug motif, but she is sort of pushed as having an alien motif, so whatever.
So are these two OTP material or what? Both like to dress up in outrageous outfits to stand out.
Yeah, but that was more obvious and always made more sense to me.
diss'in the Alien Queen?, you heathen
Not him, but I love Mina to death. Her hero outfit is objectively shit though.
He's the true hero of the series.
>superhero who looks like fucking Daft Punk
Swamp Thing crossover when.
Midnight has shit taste, I wish she had kept the name Alien Queen.
This. It was genius.
Mina is "Ethnic"
your lucky its not a tube top and micro skirt
>Mina's going to enter a cocoon during a future arc
it's not about taste, it sounds more like a villain's name and would probably be bad for her public image
>daft punk
If you look closely, he's trying to look like a roll of scotch tape
I like to think he has enough genre awareness to know that the traitor could easily be in class with him.
Think about it: Him beckoning the others into his room during the contest would obviously turn them away.
5 bucks says it's a fucking bunker. Maybe even one of the safest rooms in U.A.
And since he's comic relief, no villain'll think to stop him until it's too late.
A tape dispenser. Hell, even his hair in costume looks like the end of a tape roll
>Midnight is shit
I wouldn't be surprised if his Quirk makes him like a shark, in that he can grow new sets of teeth as needed.
That would be pretty neat.
The helmet looks like one of the dudes in Daft Punk
>sounds more like a villain's name
It bugs me how in fiction queens are always evil and princesses are always good. Thus you'll get characters who by all rights should be queens be refered to as a princess.
I want to hug a lizard
>implying it's fun to rape a screaming animal
It has similarities, but that's not the point of the design.
What I really enjoy about this series is that quirks are decidedly less important than skill. Just look at Stain.
Although that makes it kinda weird that being quirkless makes it impossible to become a hero. Stain without his quirk would still be able to take on a lot of heroes and win, I feel.
I thought it was more like Mina don't deserve such name yet. Like after showing off in pro hero world, then she could change her title to "Alien Queen"
Is that why she's so thicc?
Fuck off
Excellent taste.
>you will never hold her hand
>you will never see her pop it off, still gripping your hand tightly
>She will never do the same thing to your duck in bed
Why live?
Because ducks don't belong in your bed, dummy!
>>She will never do the same thing to your duck in bed
Wait, wha?
Bonus ducks
Has there been any fanservice apart from the onsen panel?
Of course.
Is duck a euphemism for dick, or do you goose a pet duck?
Pretty much any time Mt. Lady or Midnight are on panel.
momo in her hero costume is constent fanservice
You can do sexier than that.
Patrician taste.
Good shounen do not need to rely on forced fanservice to boost ratings, just saiyan.
I wonder if Mt. Lady can change her growth, like stop it anywhere in between her normal size and her biggest that would make her quirk a lot more versatile
How about some natural fanservice?
Big talk coming from the anal queen.
She can't do that. In fact one of the bonus strips actually covered that. Its one size or the other.
momo saved us a long rescue arc
It's not Fairy Tail tiers of fanservice. The bulk of it shows up in omakes and cover stuff.
Welcome to the Millennial generation.
name one good shonen that hasn't
oh damn, fuck me then. do you have that saved or nah
You can't count pretty girls as fanservice though.
O I know. Still waiting
My Villain Acadamia when?
>implying Madoka isn't shonen
what the fuck kind of rocks are you smoking
Do you think that means a show with boys instead of for boys?
>they don't know
I suppose it doesn't really matter.
Why is her ass so big?
Too many donuts.
everything's bigger in Texas
Can noumu be fixed?
When will we see Froppy again?
We need more Texas anime.
She's gone m8, it's time let go
I won't believe your lies.
>two sets of dubs
Who do I trust?
The next one.
Trust in me, user. I will never let you down.
Because it would look stupid if the rest of her grew giant but her ass stayed the same size.
>The scene where she tears into Kaminara and Momo
If she does come back, she won't be the Froppy we knew.
>Giant Mt. Lady with a regular tiny ass
Lurking drawfags, go
Am I the only one who finds Horikoshi's females to be lewder when they're properly clothed?
not at all
case in point
That's the same for most characters in the series. On the other hand many of the Class A characters are quite boring yet the author insists on them.
Office clothing is so fucking hot.
because the sexiness is in the girls themselves rather than body parts. It's not thighs. It's Ashidos thighs. Momos boobs and Mt Lady's ass.
>skirts to short
Would not hire.
Normally I fucking hate skirts that go up to the waist.
But this is an exception. Hori just keeps working his /fa/ voodoo. How does he do it?
Yeah, m8. Schoolgirl outfits have never done anything for me, but an office lady with stockings on? MMMMF
Also, Midnight is the sexiest because of the garter belt
Happy Birthday
new doujin for best girl
Is Dekudad even alive or still married?
He isn't stated as dead, he's just off somewhere doing something.
Maybe he'll come back and see his boy all grown up and being a great hero.
Maybe one of those, watching on the sidelines, seeing him on the news when he can kind of deals
I feel like they would have brought it up if he was dead.
How high do you think Deku's shoes will get on the popularity poll?
Mandalay is a cheating fucknugget and should've had her quirk stolen
fuck her telepathy
fuck her claws
fuck her dumb cat ears
fuck her cat motif
fuck her
I do hope it gets voted again. Those shoes deserve to be there.
They also need to be put out on the market. I need those shoes.
>fuck her
Yes please.
>she will never dirty talk you in public with telepathy
What do you guys think about this?
Lucky guy.
Pretty cute, but only male frogs ribbit don't they?
>>Mandalay molests your mind in public using her quirk
>>She quietly gets off to watching your expression as she relentlessly assaults you with telepathic sex-talk
BnHA doujins write themselves
I don't know about IRL, but Tsuyu has ribbited in the manga.
What's happening in the last panel?
Her heart is beating so hard it makes her croak, or something.
Basically, her nerves get to her because she likes Deku.
It's a long running thing in the bonus contents that her power is hopelessly impracticable.
Depends on the species. Tsuyu only coincidentally resembles a frog, she can ribbit if she wants to.
We need more Mt. Lady dammit.
Alright, I'm going to bed.
All Might clearly already won the Dekubowl years ago.
What did Mineta see?
Too bad he's got super death syndrome.
Luckily, Tsuyu is happy with picking up the pieces.
Hardcore vore fetishism. It's not as sexy IRL.
>tfw she pretended he was grapes and put him inside her mouth to scare him to never masturbate to her again by rolling him around in her mouth and almost crushing him with her teeth
needless to say if vore was one of mineta's fetishes after mt.lady he fucking hates it
he found out that mt lady is a roastie
Yeah, I think the same.
Bakugo is my spirit animal.
She continuously stepped on him
What exactly is the Police planning?
Shoot some more black people while it's still relatively easy to get away with it.
>Black people
Noumu Sentinels
This side chapter is shit, I mean there's tons of weirder looking people than a snakegirl.
So is All Might the strongest hero on the entire planet?
What's happening in the other countries? Are they aware of how dangerous (and potentially world ending) All For One is?
Is this just going to be like Harry Potter / Voldemort, where a global threat is dealt with entirely by one country?
>So is All Might the strongest hero on the entire planet?
We don't know.
>What's happening in the other countries? Are they aware of how dangerous (and potentially world ending) All For One is?
We don't know. We just know that he was Japan's Number One hero.
>Is this just going to be like Harry Potter / Voldemort, where a global threat is dealt with entirely by one country?
Probably, we've gone this entire series without ever seeing an actual foreign hero, I don't see that changing anytime soon.
The murican heroes reacted to the news about his retirement, but that's it. Why should anyone else care about some japanese hero?
This thread is nearly dead but I ought to say: no WSJD in the coming week from me, I'll be away.
That said, Takuan and Batsu still barely clings to life, World Trigger is off NEXT week, and Red Sprite and Love Rush will start running in Viz jump on Monday. That is all.
>Takuan and Batsu still barely clings to life
No offense, but it won't be missed.
We know nothing, except the whole hero HQ is in US.
>Is this just going to be like Harry Potter / Voldemort, where a global threat is dealt with entirely by one country?
Probably. I don't expect to see any foreign hero for now, maybe in some near future (students of foreign origin doesn't count). And even if they show up, I can only guess they're going to be either stuck up assholes to get blowed up by superiour nippon, or a bunch blonde, blue eyed girls craving to get some piece of MC ;^)
Doubt it, otherwise they would get farther during the tournament arc. Hori does lamp shade and subversion but he doesn't twist shit for the hell of it, and there are no hints anyone in Class B is a hidden gem when they are already considered top tier among their age. If anything it's Shinsou but that's obvious as all hell.
>Dantalian no shoka
Thank you.
I'll miss it, so that's FALSE
Well he's smart enough to be aware that he has very little chance of getting laid by good looking girls given his physique, so he's taking his chance now to grab what he can, while passing it off as heroics.
How is that not 5/5 intelligence?
Is the OVA only on youtube or some shit? Why can't I find it on Nyaa?
He did get some of the highest grades in class and was smug about it.
And yet Moonfish lived through something that would turn a tank into scrap metal in real life. I think losing your teeth isn't much.
It's capeshit, you just gotta go with the flow. As cool as it would be for Hori to just hide it all along acting like it's running under capeshit physics only to have someone go "Hey wait a minute, even without quirks humanity has long since turned into saiyans" it would also unfortunately undermine the value of quirks themselves thus undermining the super hero theme of the story.
It's not like Stain is an exception, just recall all the instances where a human body with no quirk reinforcement/protection was able to with stand ridiculous damage that would normally turn them into a corpse, it's basically a staple.
It's kind of bullshit that the databook says that Stain has higher speed stats than IIDA.
>Is this just going to be like Harry Potter / Voldemort, where a global threat is dealt with entirely by one country?
Most likely. To begin with, All for One at his peak only took over Japan.
But it makes sense. Iida only outsped Stain during the Hosu arc when he used his NOS and that has a draw back. Stain without a quirk easily outmaneuvers Iida especially on a 3D plane.
All Iida is good at is running in straight lines, it's arguable that even Bakugou would go faster than him if the race was in a heavily congested area.
Speed also can factor in more than just your feet possibly, and there's no doubting Stain moves his hands and arms way faster than Iida.
It's more that Iida hasn't reached a point where he's leveling up his whole body for combat, and right now he's still just overly reliant on his legs whereas for example Deku has already shifted from hands -> feet. Iida has a big build, but that doesn't mean shit when his hand to hand techniques are worse than Ochako's.
I can understand him being faster than normal, but 6/5 (S-Rank) in speed is way too much for someone without a quirk that enhances strength or speed in any way. All Might is the only one with the same speed stat.
>snakes/reptiles have fangs/teeth in general
>it somehow seems weird, and unnatural to see tham
>bird face man with teeth makes more sense somehow
I forget how fucking stupid shonen readers are. I am really not surprised what people shit on them.
AfO probably has 6/5. And we haven't even seen the stats on guys like Endeavor and shit. It might be a case where 6/5 actually means 5+/5 and it just doesn't go any higher meaning there's a wide range within that class kinda like how in OPM, S class can go from Tatsumaki to shitters like Tank Top Master.
I do agree that All Might is way faster than Stain in so many ways that it's unfair for Stain to be ranked the same speed as him, but who knows how it's being rated?
Even if you wanna talk about techniques, All Might doesn't really have a chance to use minute / finesse since he can either bulldoze everything or he's fighting kaijuu tier opponents like AfO. I wouldn't even claim Stain could beat All Might in anything, not techniques, not intelligence, nada. All we've seen so far is Stain fucking up scrubs.
>implying databook stats ever matter
Only series I can name off the top of my head with 90% accuracy to those stats is Kingdom. That one is a legitimate data book and basically aside from 1-2 occasions every battle is justified by those numbers.
For reference, Aizawa has a 4/5 speed stat.
Marvel comics handbooks also have some pretty efficient and researched stats. It helps that they describe what each number indicates, unlike most Manga databooks. This is how speed goes for instance:
>1 = Below normal
>2 = Normal
>3 = Subsonic Superhuman: peak velocity below Mach-1 (approximately 760 miles per hour)
>4 = Speed of sound: peak velocity between Mach-1 to Mach-2
>5 = Supersonic: peak velocity between Mach-2 to Orbital Velocity approximately 17,000 mph)
>6 = Speed of light: peak velocity up to 186,000 miles per second
>7 = Warp speed: transcending light speed or a teleporter(instantaneous travel)
And this is how they do strength
>1 = Weak: cannot lift own body weight.
>2 = Normal: able to lift over own body weight, up to twice own body weight.
>3 = Peak human: able to lift over twice own body weight, up to 800 lbs.
>4 = Superhuman: Able to lift over 800 lbs., up to 25 tons. This range includes "enhanced human" (800 lbs to 2 tons), Class 10 (2 tons to 10 tons) and Class 25 (10 tons to 25 tons).
>5 = Superhuman: Able to lift over 25 tons, up to 75 tons. This range includes Class 50 (up to 50 tons) and Class 75 (up to 75 tons).
>6 = Superhuman: Able to lift over 75 tons, up to 100 tons.
>7 = Incalculable: Able to lift in excess of 100 tons.
Wrong thread?
But seriously, What? Another civil war? Didnt cap die in the first one?
Aizawa got caught by Momo/Todo, whereas Stain tooled Todo/Deku/Iida, the latter two having enhanced speed. I don't know about 6/5, but Stain is definitely much faster.
Aizawa's only feats are handling fodder that even UA kids consider fodder and dodging Dabi who is basically Todo when it comes to speed.
Marvel handbooks were created ages after Marvel comics first started. It's a tad bit unfair to compare that to manga where they not only usually don't share universes, but they don't have the same material pumped out to use as a reference.
There was no handbook with stats in the 1990s and before. No one fucking knew how Wolverine compared to Spiderman on a numerical level, it was just show of feats and kids arguing over which character was better in the arcade game.
And of course, there's no reason MHA should abide by capeshit scale of measurements, if Hori wanted to he would have done so but my guess is that being a guy published in a weekly serialization working on an original piece of work in an original universe he doesn't have time to be as detailed and just wrote what he felt at that time, just like you know most other mangakas.
It's more appropriate to compare Marvel stats to something like Fate/Nasuverse stats, where both are established franchises with lots of material to work with. You will never find that kinda detail even in the west if it's some one's random ass comic that has no relation to others.
All For One is a Japanese villain, the full extent of his original schemes seemed to be running Japan from the shadows. His scope was never really to TAKE OVER THE WORLD
I brought up Aizawa because since his Quirk has nothing to do with speed or strength, just his training, I thought it would be a good comparison to Stain.
Yeah and I was elaborating on it, showing why I think Stain is justified in being ranked higher, though I'm not sure about being +2 higher in speed so long as we don't know how the rankings even work.
To begin with, people don't even know how the current hero rankings are ranked overall. All we know is
>All Might is so much better than everyone else it doesn't matter how long his work hours are and he's flat out the strongest in Japan
>Endeavor got #2 and his claim to fame is having solved the most cases
That's about it. We don't even know the #3, 6, 9, or what the fuck reason they got in the top 10. Personally I think power levels in MHA are more flexible and soft capped in a sense, and the author doesn't wanna get himself into a dead end due to silly number games.
Remember, he is an author who 'failed' twice and banked everything on MHA. Even if he's a success now I doubt he's gonna try to overachieve. Plus even Oda is really sketchy when it comes to power levels and as far as mangaka goes he's the role model for success.