Reminder that Koe no Katachi and Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni will be the two best anime of the year.
Reminder that Koe no Katachi and Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni will be the two best anime of the year
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Kimi no na wa > KnK
I agree. It's gonna be AOTY, but how much you wanna bet Cred Forums won't give a FUCK.
They will be the best movies for sure.
Did you watch the new PV? I hope for Mappa's sake this won't flop. Shit looks so good.
shout outs to WW2 for giving us decades of entertainment
If Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni will be even half as good as the manga it's based on, it won't be best movie of the year, it will be the movie of the decade, or more.
I don't think they can replicate some of the stylistic tricks that made the manga so good, but just the strength of the story will be enough to demolish most competition.
it will flop. 100%
I've seen so many anime movies about civilians during the war that I'm kind of numb to it, but the art does look nice.
This and Doukyuusei this year, Miss Hokusai and Hana & Alice last year. Anime kino is alive and well.
Anime movies are kinda having a surge this year. Let's hope it reaches out to Kono Sekai because by the looks of it this will be a good movie.
Koe no Katachi this year and Bakemono no Ko last year are top tier technically if you watched them.
Koe no Katachi >= Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni > Kizu II > Doukyuusei > Kizu I > Garakowa > Kimi no Na wa.
They (Genco, that is. MAPPA probably has nothing to lose at this pint other than cred) aren't really expecting that much from it. Even after more than doubling the number of screens, it's still only at 67.
And that's probably only because a massively popular actress accepted doing the MC's voice.
the anime movies that do well are always of the sorta generic j-drama variety. japs don't care for adventurous filmmaking or political stories and katabuchi doesn't carry the brand power to compensate.
>Kizu better than anything
Did you watch it? Outside of good storyboards the movie had nothing going on for it. At least Kimi no Na wa had great animation and voice acting.
New Shin-chan should be up there
Wolf Children and Kaguya Hime sold really well(Kaguya hime however couldn't recuperate the massive amount of money spent on it).
Give the nips something good and market it and they'll come.
I wasn't aware that it was that small of a release. But even then a 300Mil run could be great.
>great voice acting
>Kaguya hime however couldn't recuperate the massive amount of money spent on it
What money? Shit looked sketchy and cheap as fuck.
Kill yourself.
Wasn't this shit entirely funded by kikestarter anyways
Looks pretty good.
Reminder that Kimi no Na Wa is the best anime movie of the decade and one of the best anime movies ever made.
And that is a fact.
Even you don't believe what you just typed.
They got like 300,000 dollars, and that's before deductions. I'd be shocked if it made up a quarter of the budget.
Am I missing something? Are you actually implying that Kaguya Hime looked good?
>inb4 It's the style! It's supposed to look janky and cheap!
too desperate for (you)s
>no argument
>can't even quote properly
What a retard.
(You)'ve overplayed your hand.
>>>newfags can't quote
fuking noobs haha
Koe no Katachi could be the only thing released this year and it wouldn't be the best. Worst "drama" I've ever read.
Whether you like how it looks or not, it was not easy or low-effort animation, nor was it cheap. In fact, it was literally the most expensive anime ever made.
> Wolf Children and Kaguya Hime sold really well
I think that goes back to the brand power the guy mentioned.
Yeah. I missed that.
supposedly the movie fixes all the stupid shit from the manga
i mean yamada has a proven track record of fixing shit manga in her adaptions, see k-on
>L O L
Kill yourself fucking cancer.
Not him, but I do think there's a difference between fixing a boring SoL (mainly with great atmosphere and making the characters less dull) and fixing a drama where the plot is just bad.
What's wrong with the plot?
For those that haven't seen it yet, now on the official channel.
It's going to be amazing
Woah, it really looks like the manga in movement. And I mean actual movement and not just colored manga panels.
a bad plot becomes a good plot if the storyteller can draw the essence of it and orient it towards a theme
This seriously looks like Kyoani's most well-animated work yet.
I can't fucking wait.
If you mean they could drop everything post oneshot, yes, they could fix the adaptation.
People have really forgotten the Disappearance.
Disappearance was already beaten by Hyouka.
Probably the only good anime this year if things keep up. But yeah I'm fucking excited for both, even though Katabuchi's last film was rate shit. I'll never forget Princess Arete though. Yamada needs no explanation, she's the best working director now that the old men at Ghibli are retired.
Disappearance is not very well-animated by modern Kyoani's standards.
I'd say it barely even looks good period, but that's just my opinion
Hope someone subs this and upload it somewhere
It has strong layouts and art but the animation wasn't anything special.
>even though Katabuchi's last film was rate shit
Mai-Mai Miracle? I thought it was decent enough.
Based Yamada.
I feel like Hayamin is even more popular than HanaKana now.
>Koe no Katachi
>better than anything
Yamadafags delusional as usual.
Am I the only one who thinks Hyouka is Takemoto's best work, and TLS and K-On's movie are better films than Disappearance? Possibly Koe no Katachi too.
Aside from the Kyoukai no Kanata movie and recaps, Disappearance is my least favorite Kyoani film.
I do love it and think its a masterpiece though.
Generic, insubstantial bootleg Ghibli. Watchable, maybe, but pretty worthless. Really disappointing after Princess Arete. My standards are kinda high for these things though.
That or general audiences stuff like One Piece, Pokemon and DBZ flicks.
Yamada is the best movie director at KyoAni. Takemoto used to do good episodes but even that isn't true anymore. Compare the storyboards and the cuts in HS! with TLS and you'll see how mediocre he really is.
>be praised by everyone in the industry
>be the youngest director in the industry to have 10k+ BD sales, 1Bil+ box office sales, to win Arts Media award
>somehow overrated
You're dumb
>>be praised by horny nips who think they have a chance of getting into her pants
Tamako Love Story > Disappearance for me, and from what was shown for Koe no Katachi it might be KyoAni/Yamada's best film yet, a definite upgrade in storytelling from Love Story.
It starts out as My Neighbor Totoro lite but I thought that was a good way to play with the audience's expectations for the darker turn it takes. I can't say it didn't surprise me.
nice projection
I guess MMM doesn't have some sort of secondary meaning applying to a wider context like Arete or supposedly this new film. Although I don't remember that much about MMM