Why is Silver hair objectively the best?
Why is Silver hair objectively the best?
Silver hair is what they give girls they put actual effort into, instead of filling out a checklist of archetypes.
It's fucking not.
More like non existent.
>implying 18 years old
>implying military commander
>implying virgin
>she will never win
just kill me noowww
Silver hair fags just have a geriatric fetish and don't realize it.
I can agree with this
Holy projection, Batman!
who ? tried to search but no results.
Literally made for breading
You'd like to know
What was it? His or her natural "talent"?
Silver is nice since it has the whole otherworldly aspect towards it but there's nothing better than a really hot black haired girl.
This is one of the rare exceptions, since Sakuya was best girl. She was easily second best, though.
does this count?
That's a wig
To me silver/grey/white hair only really works on dark skinned characters.
Especially great since she is pretty much the canon ship.
Can I stop posting now?
>Chidori with a handgun.tiff
well, that's what my dick is telling me
you can see his hair and beard are the same color though
It works fine for any skin tone
Kyo > Kyo
How was that even such a big deal? Modern science can do a lot to influence whether a child will be born male or female.
I need to watch Bento already but something tells me left is better than right.
I actually think Black hair + Blue eyes is the best combo in existence, but Silver is good too.
One of the series where best girl actually won
Looks more lavender desu.
That's not blonde
I only like white hair, the purest and brightest
please do not mix up silver and white as they are not the same
They usually mix cool appearances and expressions with a burning passion. Pic not related.
These are not silver you blind fucks.
Bite me
because silver means love
silver is just old, gray hair
Interchange Brown and Blonde and we agree.
Orange is better
Ginger/Red > Silver/White > Black > Brown > Blue > Pink > Blonde > Everything else
But that's light purple