Zophis and his army of ancient demons have been quelled, Gash bell moves into it's third arc as ov volume 18! We are at the point where the series has really hit it's stride!
Gash bell is a Shonen action/comedy series by Makoto Raiku. The basic plot premise is that there are 100 kids from the demon world who come into the normal world to fight until only 1 is left standing, who is crowned king;
I'll be making a thread every day (can't give a specific consistent time of day yet due to IRL bullshit) and will post 1 volume every day until the whole run is posted.
>Why should I be interested? It has really fantastic art, good humor, great tactical fight's with great choreography and is really excellent at utilizing both positive and negative emotions for FEELS; admittedly the series is a little rough untill arc 2 rolls around, after that all the above starts to really shine and continues to get better; the art in particular.
>Where are your scans from? NULL's release. their site is here: n-u-l-l.net/ and they can also be found on bato.to and mangasaurus. EBJ has superior digital volumes for sale on their site, but they are japanese only, I'll be buying and ripping them eventually. There's also some really amazing quality Portuguese scans, but only for like 20 chapters halfway into the series, and, you know, aren't in english.
A-Destiny has really amazingly high res scans in english for the last 3 volumes, but they aren't publically available anywhere right now other then the last 3 volumes as jpgs on otakusmash, and the translation is generally nost as good as NUll's I feel in most cases. They also have 18-30, but thye quality isn't much better then Null's and the translation is still iffy.
>Isn't Zatch bell that kiddy pokemon ripoff? You probably saw the localized anime. The anime is pretty not great due to changes it makes and missing the last arc (nontheless, here's a link to the anime episodes: anime.thehylia.com/downloads/series/konjiki-no-gash-bell-), and the localization is fucking terrible. The manga is way better, but even it admittedly starts out only above average untill it gets into the second arc.
Brody Sanchez
I encourage you to post and respond to stuff as i'm dumping pages. It's far more fun for me while dumping if I see other people reacting to stuff that's happening and there' conversations I can reply to.
HOWEVER, please do not post images till I finish so the image limit isn't hit before then, and use your judgement for how often you post/how long what you are posting is. Don't overdo it.
Bentley Scott
Carter Sanders
Blake Scott
Already needs a bump
Josiah Parker
Luke Hill
Brayden Phillips
Aww yiiisss best demon chapter
Cameron Johnson
Julian Torres
Dude please, that second video is a spoiler
Bentley Campbell
Aiden Martin
>Search for the Gift!
dreamcrushing imminent
Evan Parker
How does a mangaka draw 100s of pages for a volume? Who comes up with dialogue and everything? Man being an artist for readers must be tedious. Back up work always.
Asher Gomez
Nathan Robinson
Zachary Cox
Hunter Thomas
poor suzume
Austin Thompson
Landon Morgan
Gash best wingman
Jaxon Perry
Ayden Sanchez
Hudson Bailey
Gabriel Reed
>tfw no closet demon to help you help your man
Aaron Lewis
Nolan Williams
>What's happening to this school?
Vector Ball foreshadowing?
Isaac Barnes
Jaxon Thomas
Cameron Baker
Easton Ramirez
Jacob Ward
Isaac Stewart
Angel Young
Liam Hall
Raiku actually researched places where to keep horses in a city and found nothing.
Josiah Smith
Joshua Edwards
Never change Raiku
James Cox
What a depressing end
Matthew Walker
Leo Reyes
Matthew Moore
Gash best wingman
Zachary Wood
Touyama sucks dick Mon-Mon sensei a shit sensei Someone help me please
- Takamine Kiyomaro
William Wilson
Charles Evans
Liam Williams
Roboruku time!
Nathan Gomez
Jack Sanders
Carson Baker
Mizuno pls
Joseph Diaz
Joshua Wright
Logan Collins
Gash must REALLY want that fish.
David Garcia
Christian Long
Angel Bailey
This is what being a baka and chasing a fish gets you.
Gabriel Cooper
Wyatt Rodriguez
I keep reading all of Suzume's lines in my head with her horrible dub voice. It's killing me.
Luke Powell
The anime extended this scene to have a whole sentai/tokustatsu theme song and it's fucking amazing
I'll post the extended versions of the song too once it's not spoilers to do so
Aiden Gray
Jonathan Morgan
hah he still took his shoes off before entering the house of the lady changing.
Landon Scott
I sort of hate the anime for really dumbing her down, even in the original.
Anime remake including the episode with Suzume helping that kid get his parents back together when?
Christian Gray
Wyatt Gutierrez
Isaac Gomez
>step 1: draw two circles >step 2: draw the rest of the fucking owl
Oliver Hernandez
Camden Gomez
The song is great but the anime ruins the transformation joke a little.
gachin gachin gan gan gan
Joseph Perry
Cameron Jenkins
I love this
Cameron Perry
Angel Bell
Jonathan Foster
I am kind of really interested on how they did that flying yellowtail, was it magic? was it technology like professor riddles and his falgore/kanchome drone?
William Edwards
Mason Price
The book owner looks like a scientist. Maybe he just made it.
Suuuuure when a cool robot knows everything about you then they're "smart" and "strong" but when I do it they call me a creepy stalker. #double standards
Adrian Campbell
Julian White
Brody Jenkins
This fucking guy.
Brandon Hill
So moe
Jackson Murphy
I just noticed how much he reminds me of Grendizer
Caleb Foster
Henry Foster
>Even Kiyomaro sings a little Scenes like this are the reason I watched the anime. Same with him dancing Chi Chi wo Moge in front of Pamoon's tablet
Levi Jackson
Kiyomaro is such a dumbass.
Asher Reed
Nolan Harris
Luke Butler
Nice run.
Angel Garcia
Hey, look, it's jikerudo
Nathan Morales
Rashirudo is probably my favorite spell of the series. I love how the wall just burst out of the ground, plus Kiyomaro manages to do a lot of tactical moves with it.
Ryan Jones
Mason Parker
>Stock Footage
Ian Fisher
Julian Sanders
>enemy is a robot >"Get covered in steel!" so you just make him stronger?
Easton Edwards
John Stewart
user, that is not how it works
Adam Long
>Coral Q is THAT kid
Nathan Baker
Ian Richardson
Logan Flores
He just wanted the spell to actually be useful for once
Nolan Reyes
h-he's fast etc
Dominic Hernandez
>Gotta go faster Gash come on now
Jonathan Cooper
Henry Jenkins
Lucas Garcia
Jordan Lewis
Truly Kiyo/Suzy is the best human pairing in this series
Elijah Baker
Henry Adams
Joshua Jackson
Luis Nguyen
Lucas Gray
Henry Howard
Jayden Morgan
Hudson Kelly
this is a bit bullshit, really. If he had gotten better at reading his opponents during the fight against zophis, why is it only kicking in now?
Jonathan Smith
Megumi's wet as fuck
Luis Cruz
Ian Johnson
Because Zatch is an idiot who doesn't go full out unless you're a total prick And I think they just pushed that prick-ometer right on up to 11
Camden Parker
i figured he used it pretty well against demolt and maybe even pamoon. those were the last two fights he had, right?
Samuel Adams
It kind of is, but also not. I think the point is that he wasn't really taking the robot seriously, and wasn't really trying. Gash really wants to smash his nuts now that he knows that. See how his face changed to serious when he learns that.
Benjamin Lee
before it was just a contest of spells really, and coral q's were a great counter to gash's. But Gash is the better fighter. I guess.
Benjamin Foster
Isaiah King
Matthew Scott
Adam Moore
Wyatt Martinez
Maybe because his main strat against Demolt was 'I'm gonna eat shit until I can make this guy eat shit'. Coral Q is clearly weaker, so all he needs to do is tap into whatever mindset he had during Demolt. If he fights on the level of a stronger opponent than the one he's facing then it should work out, barring gimmicks.
Chase Martinez
Jacob Morris
Joshua Sanchez
Easton Foster
Chase Gray
Dominic Wilson
Daniel Smith
James Evans
Juan Morales
Michael Taylor
Kevin King
Dylan Cruz
The anime did this scene way better.
Isaac Ortiz
Benjamin Barnes
Jayden Mitchell
Jace Harris
>that face
John Allen
Xavier Stewart
Samuel Johnson
This manga is actually great
Anyone else ever play the card game?
Dominic Hernandez
Ethan Kelly
Nolan Ross
Oliver Ortiz
Jordan Richardson
What a great two page.
Evan Lopez
Nolan Nelson
Zachary Long
Landon Watson
Julian Murphy
Christopher Long
Benjamin Clark
Brayden Edwards
>impossible thing that feels like a demon >its just a big castle
Logan Green
Jordan Robinson
Ethan Howard
Nolan Hall
He's not a scientist at all. He's just a NERD N E R D E R D
Thomas James
Luke Cox
I'm glad raiku decided to not waste much time getting the next arc started. Demon of the week gets kind of boring quickly.
Zachary Murphy
Easton Perez
Hunter Thompson
Jack Fisher
Asher Garcia
Justin Allen
Time for some suzy bullying? Best time of the day.
Joseph Myers
Jayden Cox
Now that I think about it How much does Kiyo's mother actually know?
Because she seems pretty chill with her son getting injured, taking long trips and hanging around with attractive older men (Folgore, Sunbeam, Riddles, etc)
Well fuck now I've made Kiyo sound like a male escort.
Wyatt Foster
Juan Phillips
It's implied she doesn't know but I have no clue how kiyo makes excuses
Wyatt Thomas
She's just happy that Kiyo finally is making friends and isn't a NEET fuck-up.
Jayden King
"Mom I'm going out to fight demons 'n shit, I probably won't call, see ya" "Oh that child, just like his father"
Evan Bennett
>Even Raiku's calling out his own designs
William Thomas
Pretty fucking much >Ma, I'm gonna skip school to go to South America >alright have fun
Justin Flores
yes...the bullying pleases me..
Parker Bailey
David Moore
Samuel Hughes
Squeeze the breast, boing boing
Zachary Powell
Do your best Suzy! We're all supporting you!
Thomas James
Bentley Cook
Carson Gray
Jackson Roberts
Adam Watson
Charles Jones
Sebastian Murphy
Pls no bully
Aaron Jones
Gash was sent there to make sure Kiyomaro makes friends and stops being an edgy teenager. After a while, a lot of people get invited to his house and he takes frequent trips. She probably thinks Gash is really good at his job.
Adrian Brooks
Jacob Reed
Isaac Sanders
Leo Peterson
Julian Ward
Wyatt Martinez
Parker Cruz
This is it. This is my absolute favourite arc. Yeah the final arc has arguably better artwork and fights, but man, this fucking arc is excellent.
Ian Parker
Noah Hernandez
Jordan Parker
Megumi best bully.
Evan Price
Kevin Nelson
Nicholas Lewis
>Won-Lei vs Unko Tintin >Momon vs Rodeaux >Ted vs Cherish and ThatOneDouche yeah, this arc is awesome
Colton Thomas
Adam Barnes
Also, still waiting for that user with the artbook to come back
Bentley Walker
Carter Sanders
>it's a hundred years too early for you to talk of the wind like me Truly delinquents
Logan Brooks
Gash is one strange boy.
Lucas Young
Brandon James
James Campbell
>He might be as strong as Vulcan
This kid.
Jordan Reyes
Fucking love all of the covers in this and how they show us the introductions of demon to master. >Jeed found this little runt in an alleyway all dirty and shit >Fucking brawled with him for who knows why
Xavier Perry
>he might be as strong as Vulcan Vulcan confirmed for being as strong as a demon
Hunter Myers
Don't act like you're not loving every second of this, Kiyomaro-kun.
Jeremiah Walker
suzy suffering is truly best time of the day. Megumi best partner girl.
Isaiah Ortiz
Kayden Sanchez
Jason Jones
Angel Jenkins
>this competition "my master can beat your master" when
Jeremiah Young
Easton Clark
Evan Lopez
These fucking faces, I'm dying over here
Julian Williams
Ryan Moore
>Ted's waifu is actually the literary girl
Jaxson Roberts
Nathan Phillips
>Hidenori became a delinquent demon child that punches like a truck What a world
Cameron Russell
Cameron Ward
Can we just talk about how this fucking manga handles it's harem?
Both Kiyo and Gash are swimming in puss. Kiyo >Best Girl Suzume, completely loyal, tries her hardest, cute >Megumi the fucking pop idol, totally wants to protect Kiyo's smile, actually competent in a few instances
>Gash >Koruru >Tio >Patty >Zeon's boipussy
And yet none of them ever really seem to give a fuck and the women all seem overall chill. I wish we had more interactions between them. And worst of all they don't make any signs of a decision in the end. Gash just has all his pussy surrounding him, and Kiyo just fucking keeps living on, with Megumi basically being alone, overworked, and depressed
Nathaniel Phillips
Nathan Harris
Jonathan Mitchell
Henry Butler
How often is Gash on a table chair? I've never noticed he has a booster before now.
Isaac Perry
>Oh no a Kekaku
Christian Wilson
>That Gash spoiler Oh fuck, you nearly killed me. HA
Carson Walker
Goddamnit, Kiyomaro's mother really need to stop accepting all the weird shit going on in her house.
Lucas Hill
Hunter Butler
One chapter slice of life break Another chapter with a new encouter, leading into the very next arc THINGS MOVE FAST MORE PLOT INCOMING
Gabriel Peterson
Isaac King
Is that some kind of tsundere delinquent move?
Julian Evans
Adam Stewart
Blake Sullivan
Charles Garcia
He even has a fang in a few panels. If I were a faggot, I'd be all over Ted's boipussy.
Noah Reyes
William Martinez
It's time.
Blake Gray
but we saw you talk to kid and riddle last volume ted.
Thomas Hughes
>Shel- >ther >Shelther Shelter?
Xavier Jones
Evan Flores
Comeon, Kiyomom, why are you shipping with Suzume when you could ship your son with an idol?
Ian Bennett
added to the list
Tyler Davis
It's the Suzume gets wrecked over and over chapter.
Joseph Ward
Kayden Barnes
I don't even think she knows megumi exists. was his mom there when they were researching the millennium demons at kiyomaru's house?
Asher Williams
He looks way too tiny here.
Cooper Watson
>the bloodlust I sent your way
But he's actually a nice guy. How does that work?
Camden Scott
Ian Harris
Jaxson Morgan
Megumi shifting into maximum overbully.
David Garcia
Leo Edwards
Even Tio can see the bullying.
Justin Jenkins
>Humph, is there anything else!!? >forgetting about Baou Kurou Disugurugu
Parker Sullivan
Hunter Gray
Jordan Bailey
Isaiah Sanders
Which spell was that, and who used it?
Brandon Hall
Isaac Torres
Of course. She, of all people, should know bullying when she sees it.
Nathaniel Mitchell
Fuck yeah ted
Gavin Flores
So moe
Nathan Bennett
Gash, it's the one where he summons one of baou's claws and attacks with it
It's manga only, as it shows up after the anime divereged, so that may be why you've never heard of it
Ian Sanders
I wish gash learned more dragon-like spells
Connor Cruz
Oliver Stewart
Considering Baou evolves and gets bigger and changes form; in a way, he sorta does.
Bentley Price
Jaxson Peterson
Evan Reed
Is it one of the spells he used in the clear note fight, or does he get it during is his battle with zeon? I'll admit that as soon as kiyo and gash start busting out more spells i loose track of what he can do. Besides, that's still taking the same baou, and gash's father might not have had it.
Levi Rivera
Isaiah Morris
>Ted hanging with the main party
I wish
Angel Morris
Eli Allen
>Gash's clothes and shoes are no longer greenish tint and now blue like the anime Nice. That always bothered me since I wasn't quite sure what was canon.
Levi Walker
It's first used when he and kiyo are mopping up Roudex and Jedun right before engaging Zeon, and then he uses it again against clear
Green is still the canon manga color I think, it's just drawn blue there for some reason
Jose Garcia
>Ted tried to punch out what he thought was a normal kid
Now that's rude.
Hunter Watson
what's with that shitty hair?
Oliver Brooks
Luke Jackson
>Ted's pompadour >Shitty Nigga I will cut you.
Jack Lewis
wrong answer
Brayden Cruz
Cameron Clark
Shes so happy. It's adorable.
Adrian Clark
Tyler Bennett
Gabriel Jenkins
I honestly thought i was alone in thinking that.
Owen Ortiz
Caleb King
Jonathan Adams
H-He's fast! It never lasts
Cooper Morales
Brody Reyes
Jason Perez
Grayson Bell
Thomas Anderson
Benjamin Reed
I really love how the motorcycle riding delinquents get a series of spells that are easily associated and described by changing gears on a motorbike.
Jeremiah Walker
What I forgot what an asshole Earth was in his first appearance
Robert Ward
David Nelson
If it wasn't for earths' loli partner, he'd never be redeemed in my eyes.
Adam Parker
Gabriel Ross
Man, bare fisted combat makes me rock hard
Ryan Hill
So why didn't the three Zaguruzemu spells on the last big Millenium Demon work like this? Yeah they exploded but they didn't resonate with each other to get this big an effect, and they were all on the guy's body.
Liam Rogers
because it was all charged on a single object so the effects couldn't be seen.
Ryan White
This was a chain reaction with the Zaguruzemu spread out to see a noticeable difference as Boau crawled along. The previous was just a big nuke hit at once. Plus Demolt was just really fucking powerful.
Gavin Williams
Demolt is probably so big that all the spots Zagerzemu hit were too far away from each other to resonate. Like, Demolt's shoulder is probably a full 30-50 feet away from his knee
Or raiku just hadn't thought of it yet
Jeremiah Thompson
Probably because they were all too close to each other for any significant amplification to be noticed.
Justin Robinson
Elijah Young
Angel Powell
Matthew Clark
Jace Wright
Mason Moore
Samuel Thomas
>Named Earth >Head is shaped like a star
Nathan Myers
Jaxson Hughes
Lincoln Cooper
Cause she knows what the real best ship is
Jace Lewis
>Implying the Earth isn't the brightest star in the sombrero galaxy
Luke Walker
I just realized...I want Kiyo's coat.
Dominic Young
You can do it suzy!
Nolan Jackson
Carson Ross
I ship Suzy with that short UFO nut
Ayden Perry
Landon Taylor
Wait. So is he actually closer to suzy then? Also the faces this chapter are top notch
Easton Lopez
there's another snakelike one he uses when he and brago 2v1 clear
Ethan Rivera
The anime explained it. He was physically standing closer to Suzume at the time the question was asked. Kiyomaro took the question literally, like the oblivious Japanese MC he is.
Julian Howard
Anthony Wilson
Logan Lopez
>Dissing the Do
Man what's with our shit taste.
Jeremiah James
I love when enemy book keepers are legitimately saddened or disappointed by their partner leaving.
Jaxon Myers
Bentley Ortiz
the legendary super ted?
Jose Bailey
Jordan Jenkins
Brayden Wood
God dammit HIRO
Dylan Morris
ah yea, time for best boy who's looking for best girl
Levi Scott
wait...she can't mean they have to use..."that"!
Luis Jenkins
Oh no...
Chase Edwards
>accidentally clicking on /toy/
Juan Barnes
Michael Garcia
Adrian Carter
Dominic Gray
>Telling your melee to mid-ranged partner to move away from the long-ranged lightning user
Shit move Elly.
Ryan Scott
Just throw away the fucking sword.
Ian Thomas
Zachary Price
I remember the loli partner's seiyu screaming every spell so damn loud in the anime.
Liam Bell
Chase Sullivan
>elly's eyes
Thomas Watson
This shit is so cool that it's getting reused in Boku no Hero Academia Not calling that one a ripoff, of course, it's just a great idea
John Richardson
>Demon based heavily on Japanese samurai >Just throw away the fucking sword >Throw away his soul
James White
He only talked to Riddle, I suppose
Levi Perry
Luis Campbell
Robert Martin
She's too overjoyed that Kiyomaro isn't alone anymore
James Ward
Cooper Adams
All I have to say is your taste is awful but you are entitled to your choice.
Joseph Harris
>Faudo name drop
Oliver Diaz
Ryder Rogers
>Calling someone else's taste awful >While supporting kiyoXsuzy. Nah
Colton Wright
At least it wasn't OP. And secondly, Hiro sold Cred Forums to LowTax
Blake Evans
Ted is too good.
Leo Evans
>Hiro sold Cred Forums to LowTax Sauce.
Christopher Miller
Lincoln Adams
I like how Raiku used modified proto-Gash and proto-Kiyo(Kiyo-loli now?) for this characters
Dominic Evans
>And secondly, Hiro sold Cred Forums to LowTax Wait so this wasn't just some fakeout?
Owen Wilson
Chase Smith
So uh. What the hell happened to my pic?
Lucas Nguyen
Austin Diaz
>Those Top 2 Pretty good, Especially love the Style on the Top Right one. Reminds me of PSG a little
Luis Wright
Ayden Torres
You posted less than one millisecond away from someone else's post.
Zachary Stewart
That's a cute little bee butt.
Carter Long
Fucking launched him
Jaxson Martinez
Bottom-right is cute. CUTE
Levi Nguyen
In the event that whatever the drama going on with the site ends up making me unable to continue to dump (i'm seeing some rumors that Cred Forums may shut down), i'm also concurrently dumping on 2x4chan's Cred Forums board, so either check in there or you can just finish reading the series yourself on bato.to or mangasaurus
Austin Phillips
>Top-left >Naomi's cameo appearance in the eventual sequel. Nightmare fuel.
Josiah Stewart
Liking Middle Left and Bottom Right. Odd thing to say but Bottom Middle looks like it would make a great Spectrobe design
Christopher Adams
Earth resembles Solgaleo from Pokemon SM
Noah Bennett
Ian Wood
Lucas Kelly
>i'm seeing some rumors that Cred Forums may shut down This is the second time I've seen this now. What the fuck is going on? Is it something to do with those 'make up rules for Cred Forums' threads I've been seeing recently? Fuck, I don't want to emigrate to another chan.
Kevin Lee
End of volume 18
Isaiah Brown
Damn son. No mercy.
Jose Ramirez
>i've had teachers like this
Gabriel Evans
Hiro just couldn't handle it anymore
Isaiah Hill
>forgetting Barry's fight Best part in the manga for me. Best demon.
Oliver Ortiz
This is kinda hypocritical considering he was just threatening Ted's partner.
Matthew Morris
Ice cold
Brody Sullivan
kek, nice one Gash.
Grayson Wilson
It has something to do with Hiro apparently giving up on Cred Forums and Selling it or handing it over to a Mod.
Joseph Scott
The best part is how content he looks eating that potato
Eli Cook
>Burned potatoes with BURNed Suzu Pottery
Brandon Gutierrez
>Top Left
Henry Foster
Okay this is the first time I'm seeing this, so bare with me. I don't think this is him selling the site so much as just handing control over to a mod who can both understand our language and bullshit better; while he still owns the site. I think this is a false alarm. I hope.
Brody Ortiz
>Not supporting Kiyo/Suzy If you don't see why it's great then I can't help you
Dylan King
Not potatory
Alexander Brown
Is there even a /j/ ?
Joshua Davis
Kiyo/Suzy would be just fine, but unfortunately for Suzy, Kiyo has a much better option
Jordan Murphy
Jaxson Green
Super secret janitors/mods/admin only board.
Owen Turner
Seems so.
No. Said this apparently,
Asher Phillips
But suzy is best girl.
Anthony Richardson
That's where you're wrong, user. Devotion alone does not a best girl make
Gabriel James
I'm waiting for "Live strong."
Aiden Gray
wasn't this the last episode of the english dub?
Jonathan Baker
But adorable airheaded klutz that represents a return to normalcy and a peaceful life does
Jack Nelson
This user speaks the truth.
Juan Watson
IIRC Yes. I found it understandable since a character who caused Panty shots IIRC was introduced later on, while the anime was being advertised towards kids a little. Though I sort of wish they had stopped around Ted.
Justin Butler
Time for Based Mick Jagger
Aaron Nelson
I guess they just didn't want to dub Coral Q's song.
Justin Hughes
Christopher Turner
>adorable Debatable. Kiyo certainly doesn't seem to get that impression
>airheaded klutz Not really best girl traits. More troublesome than endearing
>represents a return to normalcy and a peaceful life Kiyo is and always was meant for greater things, demon king fight or no. He doesn't need a completely unremarkable girl weighing him down
Wyatt Perez
don't worry suzumefags, you'll get a hope spot a bit later
Man, out of the whole mamodo power lottery, Ted got by far the most satisfying power. The power to punch niggas in the face real hard.
Evan Brooks
You're just bullying yourself at this point, Suzy.
Colton Richardson
John Jones
Andrew James
This makes me want to boot up the fighting game again. I didn't even know until recently that Rauzaruku was in it as an unlisted move.
Henry Kelly
>you're manga
Evan Robinson
Does anybody know what episode the barry vs ted filler was?
Nicholas James
What are the characteristics of Musical Keys?
Gavin Robinson
Much thanks.
Logan Stewart
wiki says 123
Jaxson Green
>people still think Kiyomaro, the ultimate Chad, would go for an /r9k/ beta Pretty Princess Wojak
Living in a fantasy world is not healthy.
Gabriel Sanchez
>this entire post You're on the wrong board.
Carter Parker
No I say I'm on the right board.
Kiyomaro is literally the perfect male. Suzume is at best a beta and at worse a girl who would fit in /r9k/ after losing Kiyomaro forever. Stop deluding yourself from the truth, you actually seem more like some /r9k/fag than someone from Cred Forums because of this.
Aiden Wright
Gash is only 6, so it's understandable for him to not be interested in romance. Kiyomaro is just dense though.
Elijah Morales
Are you forgetting that she has a kiyo sense that she can tell when Kiyo is in danger or when he's nearby. That is some next level best girl powers there.
Thomas Fisher
Kiyomaro is also only 14, spent most of his life as a social outcast, and is probably very distracted by a life-threatening battle royale.
Carter Clark
post a single panel that shows kiyomaro being a chad
Sebastian Jones
Earth knowing that Gash had Baou is complete bullshit. There is absolutely no reason for him to assume that anybody other than Zeon had it.
Unless he was also watching them during the millenium demon arc or even before that, which is never implied.
Hudson Miller
Couldn't the king just have told earth's family since it'd be in their purview to know?
Jose Parker
Megumi and Tio are pretty competent overall, they just got shafted in the power lottery by only getting support spells. Tio really needs a body enhancer to operate alone.
Jordan Lopez
He could've, but why would he? He specifically sent Gash away to hide the fact from absolutely everybody possible that he had Baou.
There was no reason to tell lawmakers. In fact, the one guard they sent to go pay the woman Gash lived with probably didn't even know why exactly Gash was out there.
Kayden Wilson
Forgot he had this spell. Why doesn't he ever use it
Mason White
Except that Gash had been using the fuck out of the spell, he could have found out about Gash having the spell due to his use during the previous arc, and then figured things the rest of the details out.
Noah Gomez
Because it's really situational, without a lot of metal around it's useless.
Owen Cook
actually yeah how the fuck did Earth know that Gash has Baou?
The only thing I can think of is just word of mouth: several demons hears of the fearsome power of baou and tells other demons
there's some demons with the capability of tracking other demons, it would be no surpise if someone picked up on Baou's power.
Dominic Brooks
It's wise to tell at least SOMEBODY else since it's still a potential thread. What if the king died without telling anybody?
Carter Young
They get better. MUCH BETTER.
Cameron Clark
In the video games Tio has an upgraded version of her offensive spell, Saisu. It's not much but I'm glad it's there.
Caleb Brown
Love how it changes. Pretty great to make Baou more interesting
Benjamin Diaz
Just noticed these threads a few days ago, good stuff OP. I'm still mad Viz never finished their English release of the manga.
Anyone that's been reading totally blind thanks to these threads? Rarely see Gash Bell threads on Cred Forums, all the reactions to big moments have been great.
Can't wait to see Zeon finally get some real exposure this arc.
Christopher Morris
This series really makes my day brighter, thanks OP for diligently posting every day!
Cameron Taylor
At first I thought it was cheating that Earth had a magic sword that absorbs strength but then I remembered that Gash also has a magic item and has been wearing it all along, he's just too dumb to realize it.
Hudson Murphy
Yeah, but who automatically assumes that their dress is a magical item?
Luis Scott
>this cover Harem manga confirmed.
Jordan Young
>those demons who just kidnapped their partners Oh Raiku
Matthew Ross
It's got nothing on Leo and the two items he brought, a staff that can curse people to death if they don't do something he commands them to, and mother fucking Faudo.
Angel Ramirez
Noah Kelly
Connor Nelson
I think of it as that they just detonated all at once since he hit them all with Baou so they didn't get a chance to amplify
Caleb Hernandez
>it's zagurzem chain time
aww yeah
Jayden Powell
Bentley Cook
Ethan Walker
>Madman Mode Initiated
Brody Lewis
Evan Lewis
Julian Gray
Angel Russell
Thanks for the dump >09/21/16(Thu)
Matthew Thomas
>i'm also concurrently dumping on 2x4chan's Cred Forums board OP for once I thought you weren't a faggot but now I clearly see you are indeed a faggot.
Jeremiah Cook
OP here, just so everybody is aware, tommorw's dump will start early, probably sometime between 9-11 am EST
If i'm going to spend 5 hours of my time every day dumping, I might as well dump it to other places at the same time to maximize the amount of people who will get to read it, no?
Chase Baker
Lincoln Scott
Jace Sanchez
Brody Phillips
Cool OP, Gash Bell is awesome.
Jeremiah Smith
>random hip japanese person likes Zatch Bell absolutely based
Wyatt Ramirez
But Gash Bell anime was garbage.
Connor Sanders
what video
I wouldn't say it's garbage but it's certainly not nearly as good as the manga
anyways, maybe he didn't litterally mean the anime, but just meant the series in general