-24h to the AOTS finale

-24h to the AOTS finale.


Reminder that Reigen is the second coming of Christ

He dies on episode twelve


An overly powerful being helps him seemingly rise from the dead and teach people the error of their ways.

don't post in this thread

But New Game! already ended.

how do you know it's the last episode?

Final Mobday tomorrow

You are right, Bananya ends this monday



I enjoyed the animation ride so far, but I wouldn't say it's AOTS. 91 days, in all objectivity, is better written.

New Game already ended kid

Saiki kusou ripoff

Both are well written stories but the technical qualities between both series is staggeringly one sided toward mob.

>aots anything

I didn't watch New Game, but I like how mature its fans are in keeping it to themselves.

idk about aots, but it's AOTY for sure


it's not even the best shounenshit about psychics this season

it's time you go

You don't control me.