In Japanese Animation, is Autism considered a "charm point" for female heroines? Yes or no?

In Japanese Animation, is Autism considered a "charm point" for female heroines? Yes or no?

In no more than 500 words, explain your reasoning. You have 15 minutes to respond in full.

I'm going to marry Noe-chan!

yes it gets my dick hard

Because it allows to make perfect girls that are pretty, succesful, motivated and with a thousand good points that would make them out of the reach of anyone but the best 10/10 chad.

But how do you make them marketable to pathetic wastes of life who need to buy your merch?
It's simple: you make them autistic.
Even if they're pretty, they're skilled, out of your reach, if they're "broken", even you, yes, you!, has a chance.

That's usually when they bring out the big guns. That is "I love MC, he's so nice" spiel. Beta males usually think of themselves as 'nice' for their lack of spine, so if you display a 'nice' MC and use their niceness as a plausible explaination for why the girl loves them, filthy trash will just eat it all up.

Fuck, I loathe romance in anime with the rage of a thousand burning suns.

Very true.

Autism makes girls pure because they're too stupid to know about the dick.

A very well reasoned answer. The same logic applies to monster girls and "damaged goods" girls like those in Katawa Shoujo.

>"This perfect beautiful girl is slightly burnt/has the lower half of a snake, while still remaining perfect and pretty! Now I have a chance with her and somehow these minor issues repulse everyone but me!"

In Japanese animation, everything is a charm point. As long as it's well executed, anime girls hardly even need to behave like humans.

Time for effort-posting.

Yes.And your "autism" description and noe as a picture means to me a child-like demeanor and curiosity/adventurism leading to an eccentric teen.
Going off that...
Childlike behavior is somewhat attractive to the male species due to ancient history of much older men marrying young women.

No pedo here, we aren't talking the muslim world, but in ancient times typically a boy will become a soldier by 16 and then get married and have kids at 25-30.
Meanwhile the women skip the soldier part and get married and have kids at 14-20.

This age difference has persisted long enough that it has been coded either in our DNA or is still a long lasting side effect of society where men are instinctual attracted to young (but still child-bearing) women.

When most people read "attracted" they think sexually and based on looks. However, one can argue that there is a mental component to this too. Many people are attracted to their significant other for their personalities and intellect.

So if men want young women, and can be attracted to personallity traits, having a younger personality is attractive to some. To put it simply women acting like children pleases some men, to a degree ofc, no being a literal retard.

The meme where "women develop mentally faster than men" comes from the fact that women used to have kids and marry young. When pregnant, a woman goes through a massive mental shift and can pretty much go from tsundere highschooler to Ara~ Ara~ mom-dom in 9 months. The ancient man doesn't know shit about kids because all he did was kill people. So you have the scenario where the woman looks significantly more mature being a mother and the father being a tard for the first few years of a kids life.

I can't deal with romance either, but mostly because it's usually so badly written. Most shows that can handle romance at all are from pre-Eva times.

How many years before Cred Forums understands the distinction between having social difficulty and autism?

I doesn't even have to be that advanced. Young women are fertile, so men are attracted to youth and youthful traits. Women have always needed protection, so they're attracted to experience. Not much harder than that.

We call it autism because it's funnier that way.

how many years before you realize that Cred Forums uses "autism" as a euphemism?

This has nothing to do with autism.

autist detected

How fucking autistic are you to think we care about using the term autism accurately?

Cold NO EMOTIONS cunt is probably the most popular character type.

>In Japanese Animation, is Autism considered a "charm point" for female heroines? Yes or no?


People on Cred Forums think genki is autism so you can't discuss that here.

Uh, autism?

Why does she look so similar to Megumin? Is there some relation between this show and Konosuba? Is it just a coincidence? Same character artist or something? Just rice-nigger being derivative?

Also the most annoying.

isn't genki more likely to be ADHD?

We're not doing your school chores for you

>There were people who, really, truly believed Noe was going to win the Tearbowl.
Still gets a laugh out of me

Airhead isn't the same autist, remember that.

making up shit about chicken berries and taking tears makes you an autist, not an airhead.

stop crushing my dreams normie scum

>>"This perfect beautiful girl is slightly burnt/has the lower half of a snake, while still remaining perfect and pretty! Now I have a chance with her and somehow these minor issues repulse everyone but me!"
As if.

Half the reason I did a science degree is so I could avoid bullshit essays like this.

Define the word usage of Autism. Disambiguation of the term is required given Cred Forums's usage is unique.

When I am actually autistic and that I become rather pedantic over proper terminology when the original poster demands a properly structured response to his question.

>is autism considered a charm point for female heroines
>female heroines

No, just the heroine (male)'s.

You're fucking retarted, friendo.

How you jest as you misspelled the word on purpose.
Here's your (You)

Nailed it well. I've yet to see an anime that deals with how transient love can be. Like once a girl won the MCbowl the others haremettes eventually get over it and find another guy. I guess Otakus wouldn't like that though.

Stop confusing your waifus.