Why is lesbian lolicon such a rare thing in anime? There needs to be hentai with this too.
Why is lesbian lolicon such a rare thing in anime? There needs to be hentai with this too
its distressingly common that the only lesbian in an anime is a criminally aggressive rug muncher.
>tfw my
>was a huge lolicon
>mfw she had a 320 gb external hdd full of nothing but loli and /ss/ doujins
>mfw she had insane amounts of pictures of herself with her loli cousins in bikinis/swimsuits from their vacations
>mfw she told me she taught her favorite loli cousin how to masturbate
>mfw she would chat up acquantainces' loli daughters/cousins/siblings and random schoolgirls on the street and take multiple pics of them and would meticulously archive them
I'm still not sure whether I shoulda called the FBI or not.
But she's married now to a man her age in Scotland so.
It appalls me how women have it much more easier than men when it comes to pedo stuff.
Do it faggot or else I'll report you for blog posting.
Yeah honestly.
She's living outside of the US now and I think she stopped doing anything illegal, since she's married to an adult male. Also this was like 9 years ago.
>the man she married in Scotland is more than likely a pedo, too.
Blame the West for being full of pussy-worshiping retards
>since shes married
not to say she is doing it, but you are retarded. Most perps are family or close friends of the victim. The whole reason pedo witch hunts is retarded is because the people who would look for them don't understand the people they need to profile are themselves. the whole thing is a scam. which is why the fact that she got married makes it even more likely not less.
Why didn't you marry her? You both could had molested your daughter for years and no one would be the wiser, possible she could had /ss/ your son too
Eh, I wouldn't know, hopefully not?
Shudder, hopefully not. She was honestly really nice and would never hurt anyone, I chalked it up to experimentation, her cousin was pretty attached to her too. Funny thing her cousin ended up dating one of my little sisters for a bit when they moved out to start college, small town haha.
That's fucking disgusting user and I hate you.
>You both could had molested your daughter for years
I am sharing a board with these kind of people
Most pedophiles are sexually frustrated/perverted men.
>cousin ended up dating one of my little sisters for a bit
How do you cope with a homosexual sister?
>Rule violation
>I'm not a robot
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds
Theres a good chance she also molested your sister or "thought her things"
I don't have to cope with it? She's my sister.
Nah, I'm overly protective of my siblings and I always told her I would destroy her shit if she funny with my sisters. They all loved her though.
Yeah but shes gay
Yeah because that ever stopped a pedophile. Her cousin and your sister probably shared some stories of their first experience being your gf
Is it weird knowing your sister and you shared sexual experiences with the same woman?
His gf is probably the one who made her a dyke in the first place
I'll try not to think about it, that's on them.
>I'll try not to think about it
You introduce your sister to a pedophile and get her molested and the only think you can say is "I'll try not to think about it?"
You are probably more fucked up than your gf
As I said, I never let her out of my sight and if anything awry woulda happened my sister woulda come running straight to me as she always did whenever anything got sour. Had to beat up quite a few kids back in my day.
more lolis, less user's fap fic
>implying in your small town there was no moment ever in which you weren't around and they were alone
> if anything awry woulda happened my sister woulda come running straight to me as she always did whenever anything got sour.
If it was this simple child molesters would get caught easily, children are molested by people close to the family as they don't know how to behave. First you assume she would understand what its happening is "sour" or really wrong to tell you. being told that what they are doing is between girls would be enough to keep it a secret.
Was your sister fond of your gf? If so that would be enough to be influenced into fooling around, did she not like being around her? That could also be a sign that something happened, didn't know how to react and didn't wanted to make problems for her big brother who really likes this girl.
It could go both ways, all you know is that your gf didn't mind molesting her own cousin, but you believe she wouldn't touch your sister because you wagged your finger at her.
When I said "That's on them" I meant that my sister was 15 and my gf was 18 when they met, so even if something did happen I highly doubt it was anything akin to molestation or rape.
And again, my siblings are incredibly close to me, if anything had happened I woulda known instantly, no one showed any signs of being awkward or repulsed by my gf. She wasn't some psycho-impulsive rapist going around in pedo-glasses masturbating in her car while schoolchildren passed, she just liked little girls a bit too much.
you both munch on the same pussy
>inb4 pulling a leg and this guy is a known rapist
Now I have the weirdest boner.
I would kill to have the chance to watch my sister have lesbian sex.
Yeah, just imagine user's ex-gf fucking user's sister and then fucking user, both in the same day while being the dominant one at both times.
Yeah but you are a degenerate yurishitter. A normal person wouldnt want their sister to be a faggot dyke
Because lesbian shit is boring.
Especially loli shit.
It's all bitches who haven't experienced the cock yet.
The answer is easy. Lolis don't want love from old hags. The loli rape van was loaded up with beer and classic rock CDs because they want onii-chans.
Lel the mods deleted it all
They did a good job
What's that short OVA where the was the woman who liked lolis? Had a Nichijou/Yuyushiki look to it.
Oh and the woman was trying to get a cellphone signal under a girl's skirt.
Pick one.
Can I pick you?
Full series when?
Does someone have raws of vol6.
>Limone loli
But EP26
>tfw puffy vulva
>it's common that the lesbian is a lesbian
What did he mean by this?
That is one of the best reaction gifs ever.
Onii x loli > loli x loli > shota x loli > Old hag x loli.
Someone remembers Cosprayers?
Onii x loli > Christmas cake x loli > loli x loli = shota x loli
God that girl was annoying. Ruined the show for me just like Benio, School Rumble guy, and that grandpa from Ranma did.
One track mind perverts are my biggest pet peeve for some reason.
They annoy me to no end.
>inb4 thris thread gets deleted
Honestly why are mods so shit?
you could just read Yuzumori-san and happy sugar life
Oh look, the thread is autosaging. I wonder who could be responsible.