Fuck Kyoani, fuck SHAFT, let's talk about two studios which have actually released good shows in the current decade

Fuck Kyoani, fuck SHAFT, let's talk about two studios which have actually released good shows in the current decade.

Other urls found in this thread:


You misspelled Silverlink.

Both are hit and miss though

>studio wars

You Cred Forumsermin are trying so hard to start a studio war

Neither is anything special. A1 has made more good shows by virtue of producing so much shit that at least a couple have to be good.

They're actually not though. Both have well above average industry hit rates. Hit-or-miss would be more like SilverLink, JC Staff, Bones, DEEN, or even SHAFT.

"I can't actually argue with OP's point, so I'll say he's from Cred Forums" - you

>I can only release moeshit: the studio
and dont bring up luck and clover because nobody even wants to remember that garbage

Fuck White Fox. Their Utaware S2 adaptation was garbage.

You're just biased against moe. Doga Kobo is basically the gold standard of moe right now. Way better than Kyoanus which tries to do the same thing.

Fuck off.

>right now

Let me guess. You didn't even watch Sansha Sanyou? You're just a New Game fan, not a Dogakobo fan?

This thread stinks of Cred Forums shit.

Now we need one for 3hz and David Production

Doganus is doing the same thing. KyoAni moved away from CGDCT because they've already mastered it.

Current decade 2010 - 2016

>White Fox
Akame ga Kill - 2k
GochiUsa S1 - 11k
GochiUsa S2 - 12k
Hataraku Maou-sama - 12k
Jormungand S1 - 6k
Jormungand S2 - 5k
Katanagatari - 11k
RE: Zero - 10k
Steins;Gate - 28k
Super Sonico - 2k
Utawaremono - 3k
------------- Total Average Cumulative = 9.2k~

AmaBuri - 7k
Chuu2 S1 - 17k
Chuu2 S2 - 8k
Free S1 - 32k
Free S2 - 22k
Hibike S1 - 12k
Hyouka - 20k
K-On!! S2 - 49k
Kyoukai no Kanata - 6k
Nichijou - 7k
Tamako Market - 5k
Phantom World - 2k
------------- Total Average Cumulative = 15.5k~

Looks like KyoAni wins again.

Sansha Sanyou was crap.

>actually released good shows in the current decade
So Deen and Sunrise?

Studio wars seem to have really amped up recently.

I second this.

Stop samefagging.

>Anne Happy fans still upset that it was outsold by Sansha

>Having no shame including gay shit like Free to inflate your numbers

Without that, Kyoani's average drops dramatically.

If you're going to make up stupid rules like that I shall drop Re Zero and Steins Gate for being Reddit friendly anime.

Why wouldn't it be included? Because you have autism?

Fuck off fate/shit faggot. SilverLink's total body of work is absolute joke. Stop pushing Ufotable as well, nobody cares about your shitty franchise.

>Sanyashitfags still salty as fuck that nobody gave a fuck about their garbage in here
Friendly reminder that your kin were the only one shitposting in our threads when nobody wanted to even mention your garbage show.

I didn't like Anne Happy either. Maybe I'm just numbing to SoL shows or my expectations are getting harder and harder to meet.
The only Dogakobo SoLs I like a lot are Love Lab and Nozaki

Both this and Anne Happy were mediocre as fuck.

Who the fuck is Doga Kobo?

>look em up
>Yuru Yuri
>New Game
>Luck and Logic
Oh, they're shit. A SHIT!

pic fucking related.

Just ignore the moron. He has been using this imaginary rivalry has an excuse to doge every criticism towards one of the most boring dogakobo shows.

neo-shitposters are worst posters.


Doga Kobo's name pisses me off so much. It's so hard to fucking remember all the vowel placements. I literally have to look it up every time I want to post their name.

Just learn Japanese and it'll be easy to remember. 動画工房

>Just learn Japanese

If I had the discipline to do that, I wouldn't be on Cred Forums.

We're in the transition period between two anime seasons.

And what is worse, a KyoAni show will air next season together with a Shaft show.

On the other hand, this means that the threads for other shows will actually be a little bit more tolerable, since the shitposting will be concentrated in Euphonium S2 and 3-gatsu.

This is kind of just the reality here now. It sucks and it's fake as shit but it is what it is. This is just what Cred Forums wants to talk about over and over in 2016

You can really tell that A-1 thinks of itself as like this pace setter model studio that the rest of the industry should try to emulate and up until about this year I would swear it was heading in that direction. There inability to get positive feedback on much of anything this year should really stick with them now I'd hope

I was being facetious. Telling a guy who can't remember two four letter words to learn a language, you know. Not a good idea.

I don't think I've ever heard much of anything about them outside of Cred Forums shitposting nonsense. Yet another post 2005 studio set up to just do factory style contract work lacking in identity or passion really

This thread is just awful. You can just feel how strained and forced it is as the shitposters are putting out there feelers trying to coordinate which direction they're supposed to shitpost in except more obvious than usual. Cred Forums is a bigger joke than all of its boogeyman forums somehow.


Somehow I'm skeptical the shitpost squad will allow that to happen

Cred Forumss for fucking 10 year olds at this point. The anime forum equivalent of youtube comments

shits gay didnt sell 28k average, thats a fat ass lie

Cred Forums doesnt get actual outside the box humor was your one mistake.

With the re-release it did. That list takes into account re-releases for both studios.

Too bad White Fox hasn't made anything good since Katanagatari.

White fox HAD a chance but they pulled another akame ga kill.

NNB makes other sols look like jokes.

think of doga from ffiii and the kobo e-reader

Bones is ridiculously inconsistent and butchers almost every second season or sequel they do.

you've never seen another one

What is THE current ecchi studio?

White Fox made Katanagatari which was good and Gochumon which was cute and that's it
Also White Fox barely makes anything

Dogakbo is worse. Yuru Yuri was tolerable but Plastic Memories was one of the worst pieces of shit I've seen in a long time.

I'll go back to dickriding kyoani now


Katanagatari isn't good though.

NNB isn't anything special. Just a solid but not spectacular SoL, and even if it was, it's not enough to carry the baggage that is more than half of the irredeemable garbage SL has ever produced. Their body of work is so mediocre.

You almost got me there. Nice try tho.

KyoAni is the best studio when it comes to SoLs. This is a fact, sales, popularity and critical acclaim show that. NNB is light years behind masterpieces such as Hyouka, Tamako Market/Love Story, or K-On.

Tamako is shit. Hyouka is good. K-On is great.

What part of what I said do you take issue with?

White fox is the best.
My favorite anime is Akame ga kill.

>No one defending Doga Kobo ITT

Why? They have a pretty good resume. I didn't want them to get pulled in the studio wars, but they're solid as shit.

Yeah, nobody is buying your false-flag post kyoanusfag.

>Sansha fags still upsets that people liked Anne happy more than sansha sanyou.

Tamako was amazing it just sold like garbage. Yamada pays so much attention to detail with characters

I like both shows though

You shouldn't, just choose a side.

They have some shows that are good, and some shows that were rather eh.
Also, they're kinda partially infamous for the forced animated eating from Luck & Logic.

They do have high production values for their shows though, so there's definitely that.

Sansha it is, then

You're wrong.

Let's just be friends

if we're really judging a shows quality by sales than SAO is a really good show.

The hate for Doga Kobo probably stems from autistic t/u/mblrfags who are still butthurt from getting BTFO by Love Lab.

Their SoL work is amazing.

How can I say no when you posted the best Unhappy?

You also forgot White Fox's original will also be airing. Next season is THE shitposting season.

Wow, I actually just checked out Doga Kobo's studio work for the first time. It's not bad at all desu. Never realized they were responsible for quite a few shows that I like.


White Fox seems like a comfy studio

Dogakobo is such a hit an miss studio.
They can do either great shows like Love Lab, Mikakunin, Sansha Sanyou or Nozaki-kun or absolute garbage like Luck and Logic, New Game, Umaru or Mikagura.

This year is owned by Deen and FEEL studio anyways.

There seems to be a higher concentration of studio shitflinging today.

Is it the shitpost of the month gimmick?


I'm sorry that you can't enjoy things because they are shitposted on Cred Forums.

>people hating on dogakobo

Shit thread. Dogakobo is based.

We're between seasons right now and Kyoani, SHAFT, and White Fox all have upcoming shows in the Fall. Everyone is just getting antsy to shitpost.

No, I can't enjoy Umaru because it's not funny and features one of my most disliked character archetypes as the main character and the source of apparent comedy.

New Game and Umaru aren't bad at all. You seem like a stick in the mud.

Umaru is a bad comedy and New Game is a bad slice of life.
There are much better examples of both genres in Dogakobo's own library.

> Dogakobo

That's an interesting spelling of Ufotable

Fuck off fate/shitfag. Nobody gives a shit about Silverlink or Ufotable. You guys are the most unbearable retards on Cred Forums.


Do you have literal autism? You've made this post in this thread already, and in several others. Lurk for 5 more years.

I'll stop as soon as you stop pushing your shitty studio. That image basically confirms everything I've been saying anyway.

Except I'm not the guy you initially replied to and I don't particularly care for either studio, I'm just pointing out your autism. SL and Ufotable's best work are both non-Fate.

>shit fox

Now thats a meme if I have ever seen one. In before reddit:zero delusions of grandeur and pretending it was a big hit.

No, that's kyoanus cultists.

I would say actually taking the time to search out and screenshot all those posts is far more autistic than anything I've done or said thus far. The fact that you found all those posts almost certainly means I was responding to you because you were pushing your meme studio.

>Claims to like SL and Ufotable for reasons other than Fate/Shit
>Right after responding to my post with a fate/shit image

Yeah, alright. Likely story.

>literally so new that you don't know how to check if a post is by a new IP
Jesus Christ. And if you could vary up your shitposts they wouldn't be conveniently lined up after taking 5 seconds to search "silverlink ufotable" on the archives.

>>Claims to like SL and Ufotable for reasons other than Fate/Shit
Correct; I am no fan of Prisma Illya and both of Ufotable's Fate anime are mediocre adaptations of their source material. Non Non Biyori and Kara no Kyoukai 5 are their best works, respectively.
>>Right after responding to my post with a fate/shit image
Fate is a visual novel, not an anime, with most of its sequels and spin-offs also based in written mediums. I don't need to like the shitty anime adaptations to be a Fatefag.

Have my Gae Bait, you earned it.

>Silverlink or Ufotable
Please dont use those two words in the same sentence.

Nobody is buying this utter bullshit. You just happen to like, and are currently going to extreme lengths to defend 2 incredibly mediocre studios, but you say it has nothing to do with the fact that both have worked on fate/shit stuff.

Okay man. Whatever you say.


But that's shit.

Hey, one of those girls is my wife and she's very cute.

>literally the most influential SoL since K-On

If it's KyoAni or Dogakobo I always give thier show a try. Why do people dislike KyoAni though? Even their bland shows are better than a lot of other shows in the same season, because they are usually directed very well.
Dogakobo are consistently upping thier game, they handled Sansha Sanyou pretty well.

Is it really? I didn't even know it was doing well. I watched the first season as it aired and I love SoL, but I found it rather typical.

Yeah I thought S1 was OK but S2 really made me realize I was dealing with another generic SoL that can't compare to the bests in the all-girl SoL genre. I still rate it higher than A-Channel or Kiniro Mosaic, though.

What about it is typical? It subverts pretty much every moe-SoL trope. And yes, it's fucking huge in Japan. The first episode is the most watched anime episode on Niconico Douga.

How does it subverts every SoL trope?


I'm actually starting to really look forward to Matoi. It looks cute as fuck.

I'd make the case than Sansha Sanyou subverts tropes pretty hard by having Ojou-sama actually being dilligent but a little aloof, and the genki glutton actually pretty sensible and able to cook etc.
It was a long time since I saw Gochuumon but I don't remember anything like that from it.

It looks comfy but the quality of the cuts they chose to show in the PV seems dangerously low.

>main characters are not schoolmates
>nor do they live together
>nor do they work in the same place
>***no school setting***
>no Japanese setting
>MC is not "totally average girl"
>no fixed "couples"
>parents being plot-relevant
>dead parents
>(anime only) season-wide story arcs

Sansha Sanyou is like 100 years old, when it started there weren't any tropes in the first place.

You know, I wasn't really planning on watching GochiUsa because I'm not a huge moe/SoL fan, but all those things make it sound like it could be interesting.

That sounds interesting, I'll have to give it another go. I don't agree that there weren't any tropes in the early 00's though, considering the emerging formulaic personalities in general, carrying over into all genres of the medium inculding SoL. Actually I mean archetypes and not tropes, my bad. Speaking only of SoL though, it's true that the standard ensemble of characters more or less needed for a modern SoL was not set in stone back then.

>main characters are not schoolmates
Half of them are, but I'll give you that, it's not really common. Koufuku Graffiti, Nichibros and Minami-ke are some others that don't follow this trope.

>nor do they live together
This is common

>***no school setting***
Not as uncommon. In recent years Joshiraku, Tamako Market, Graffiti, SoreMachi, Working, Nichibros, Minami-ke, or Aria come to mind just off the top of my head, and a bunch more if you count shows where they still wear their school clothes but the bulk of the show doesn't take place in school

>no Japanese setting

>MC is not "totally average girl"
MC being a total goofball is very common for an all-girl SoL, the totally average, boring character is more a trope for when a male is the MC.

>parents being plot-relevant
Also not that uncommon, some of the shows I've mentioned use parents.

>dead parents
I think this is irrelevant

>(anime only) season-wide story arcs
I don't understand this

>let's talk about two studios which have actually released good shows in the current decade.

How about KyoAni and Shaft?

In Koufuku Graffiti all 3 main girls are in the same art school. Anyway, the point is that the characters in Gochiusa really have nothing in common, and have no reason to be a group. This makes the storylines more inventive, to somehow involve all of them.

>they're bad because something better exists

They are barely recover with new game after blunder like plastic memery inbetween a bunch of fujoshit.

KyoAni being good is a meme not a fact.

I am sorry for your loss

Well, I was hoping Doga Kobo would be able to avoid getting thrown in to the studio wars nonsense because I really like them, but I should have known that's asking too much of Cred Forums.

How is White Fox hit or miss? Like 80% of their shows are at least above average.

Just because Gochiusa is 80% doesn't make them all hits

What are you even trying to say?

I don't think any of that could really be considered subversive, nor do I see how any of that really prevents it from being a typical genre example.

Tears to Tiara (2009) - shitty ero kusoge
Katanagatari (2010) - Good
Steins;Gate (2011) - another eroge adaptation
Jormungand (2012) - shit, just a story about a crazed arms dealer
Jormungand: Perfect Order (2012) - shit, just a story about a crazed arms dealer
The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (2013) - so so isekai light novel adaptation, nothing special
SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation (2014) - shitty eroge mascot
Is the Order a Rabbit? (2014) - Good
Akame ga Kill! (2014) - pure shit
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen (2015) - shitty kusoge adaptation that went down the hill
Is the Order a Rabbit?? (2015; co-produced with Kinema Citrus) - Good
Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- (2016) - another isekai adaptation
Matoi the Sacred Slayer (2016) ??
Steins;Gate 0 (TBA) ??

80% success rate? I think not.

I wouldn't say it's subversive because that typically implies your twisting tropes to make some sort of statement, but quite a few of those things are definitely outside the norm of most SoL.

Pic unrelated.


you wot m8

I guess we just have different ideas of what the typical slice of life is. House of Five Leaves is an atypical slice of life, Gochiusa is basic as hell.

>doesn't like yuru yuri and new game
>likes meme umaru shit
Your taste is horrible.

80% is definitely an exaggeration by that guy, but White Fox admittedly punches at a much higher than industry standard hit-rate. The problem with your post is that it's just full of your opinions.

Nobody would disagree with you that Super Sonico, Utawarerumono, Tears to Tiara, and AgK were bad adaptations. Devil is a part-timer, Steins;Gate, and Re:Zero however all sold over 10k (S;G even went over 20k), and are pretty popular shows both on Cred Forums and nipland.



>New Game

More like your taste is garbage, faggot

We Dogakobo now.

>White Fox, Doga and Silverlink and better !

If you like generic anime art-style with zero visual innovation.

I think you meant to say Kyoani user.

I like Madhouse.