ITT: Dead Waifus

ITT: Dead Waifus

she'll come back, wait and you'll see


Forced Drama.

Whats unforced drama?

What did she mean by this?

She lives in my heart

her coming back to life due to X (the value of X is bad writing)


Any character voiced by Risa Taneda



Still too soon :'(

too soon, man. way too soon




She will never spit in my mouth.

>tfw every waifu you choose ends dead






>That final volume
She never had a chance did she?

I'll still remember her

She wasnt alive to begin with.


some people just get a unlucky roll in life

I drink to forget.


How can I forget the girl who was the source of a thousand faps?

delet this

Thanks user it hurts much less now

Speaking of...


WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TSUGUMOMO CHAPTER!!!!!, shit came out on the 12th this month



You are absolutely retarded if you think she isn't coming back.

That being said, it was absolutely forced drama.

shes never coming back.


wait what?

If those drills are supposed to be piercing her, it's not very well drawn.

she's not real

I don't like it when she gets bullied, Aqua can fuck off

>inb4 lurk more new fag

If only Kircheis were here...

I'm still can't believe she fucking died. That voice was so sex.


We first loyal will be redeemed!

Thank GOD

give me kukuri back instead
kiriha should stay dead for story purposes


I really wish the way she died wasn't so incredibly groanworthy, the absurd amount of death flags she tripped one after the other right before the mission that claimed her life was indistinguishable from parody.
I also hear they killed Wendy in the anime, which is bullshit.

Yeah, they do kinda look glued on don't they.


She's just out there, not dead.


She's much better off dead honestly.


Her soul was destroyed, she won't come back in any form.

I realize I missed a day
But I'm too wrecked to care anyway
I look around and see this face
What the hell have I lost my taste
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out

I just thought a really good pun, I'd tell you, however by that point you'll be torn to pieces

Have you considered doing a time travel rescue?


And tomorrow, Donut dies too.

From a flesh wound?