It's not perfect but I'll give it 10/10 anyway

>It's not perfect but I'll give it 10/10 anyway

jesus christ

Is this the rate-youre-waifu thread?

I would bump if you sauced me

10/10 doesn't mean perfect

that's fedora wearing hipster talk. He loved it but loving anything is "uncool", so he gives it a 10/10 while shittalking it at the same time.

welcome to the mind of the hipster.

>it was average, 7/10

I think that's acceptable.

Something can be objectively bad to others, but perfect to your subjective tastes.

that doesn't bother me too much, what bothers me is people that give 10/10s out like candy. If you have more 10/10s than 9/9s or 8/8s then 10/10 doesn't even really have a point anymore. It's not special if like 15 shows are 10/10

Didn't you know there's only two ratings on MAL, 10/10 or 7/10?

>its pretty okay 3/10

>it's a piece of shit

heaven forbid people use something as arbitrary as a number scale in different ways, that'd be just awful

I only have three 10/10s out of all the Jap media I've consumed. Clannad AS (anime), Little Busters VN, and Ayakashibito VN

>C grade isn't average

If those are your standards, you should have hundreds of 10/10s on Jap media.

>i give it 2 thumbs down

10/10 - Enjoyable
9/10 - Enjoyable, but not 'cool'/'hip' enough
8/10 - Honestly not that great
7/10 - terrible, but I still finished it
6/10 - hot garbage

I'm sorry but you don't have good taste.

10/10 doesn't have to be without flaws. You can get to 10 by adding points for merit rather than by taking points away for imperfections.

>C grade isn't average

5/10 is average, this isn't a fucking math test, this is a study score lad.
5/10 = 25/50

7/10 is a good series worth watching.

5/10 is passable haremshit

How do people still have such questionable judgement in 2016?

The problem arises in that, when many people use the same grading scale differently a la Rotten Tomatoes or MAL, the average score fails to represent how people actually feel. If your "average" is 5/10 but someone else's is 7/10, the average is inflated because you used the same scale differently.

I agree. Everything should start at 5/10 and points should be added or subtracted based on merit.

When you go to school for real, average scores are usually around 50%

but it does
if there is nothing more to be gained from 10/10 or 100% how is it not perfect?
You can't go higher and it has no lows that would bring the 10 down

The bigger problem here is when someone takes an aggregate score seriously.

Average for anime is like a 2 - 3 / 10 buddy.

5/10 is the same as 1/2, also known as 50%.

>doesn't have to be without flaws

Yes, yes it does.

I would pass a 9.5 if the .5 was merit, but an even ten is a 100% for a reason.

And to give anything less than perfection a ten because of 'merit' is to dirty the pure and reserved score of 10.

A 10 is only fitting of what you unquestionably consider to be not only your favourite, but objectively the benchmark for comparison by ALL and any standards.

and see about your questionable judgement

No i'm sorry C grade is literally average assuming you went to a non shit school.

It just means it's passable and meh .

Meant for dude you replied to

To spell it out, at a real school around 50% will earn you a C after the curve if your school/degree is anything more than highschool 2.0

That's fucking absurd for the simple reason that no series is EVER without flaws. 10 becomes a useless rating, nobody should ever be able to use it. And it also makes no sense to assume that a rating has to be directly linked with your own personal preferences, your 'favourite' is always going to be heavily subjective.

>at a community college around 50% will earn you a C


>no series is ever without flaws
>he hasn't seen K-On!

>average for anime is like 2-3/10 buddy

It is a sick, sad world, and what you say is the truth.

But 5 shouldn't be a subjective score, it should be based on quality.

So you don't get retards saying shows like Free! are 9/10 when realistically they are 7.5 at best. saving 8 for stuff like SEED and TTGL and 9 for stuff like Cowboy Bebop .

What if I know it's not good but I personally enjoyed it so much it's a 10/10 for me?

>Average for anime is like a 2 - 3 / 10
It should be between 4.5 and 6.

Favourite is heavily subjective, but even I can see the flaws in my favourite shows and where they clearly skimped on animation to save budget for the immense fight scene in the following episode, or when they ran out of budget from the immense fight scenes in the first 22 episodes that not only did they need 2 recap episodes but they had NO budget left for the series finale so they had to release it as movies (congratulations)

But if there is not only no flaws but retains all the qualities expected of a modern animation.

Namely visual design/ artwork animation quality, sound design and music, action, humor, romance/ sex, stylized violence, character design quality and development.

If all of these aspects are objectively perfect AND it is the individuals favourite series, ONLY THEN does it qualify for THAT SINGLE individual to give it a 10.

I haven't found my 10 yet, because that is the only real dream we share.

But to find a unanimous ten, a true objective ten, is the reason we are on this earth.

If the series rates below a 7 for me, I won't even finish it, and therefore wouldn't rate it. Pretty sure this explains at least part of the MAL skew as well.

I think people, yourself included, oughta get some context. Watch a real film. Expose yourself to the arts outside of anime. Cowboy Bebop, a 9? If there's one thing anime criticism needs it's their bubble popped and a lethal dose of elitism.

If only.

yeah, regardless of what people are saying about schools, this is the proper rating.


>Average for anime is like a 2 - 3 / 10 buddy.
Are you comparing anime to different media? Why wouldn't you compare it against other anime?

Even against other anime, the disparity between the average and a masterwork is fucking massive.

There is not a single piece of fiction that is completely flawless. 10/10 doesn't really exist. Everything has flaws, what matters is how bad said flaws are and how much the good points overshadow them. I've never seen anything I couldn't find a flaw in, but that doesn't mean I'll never give anything a 10.

In my mind, a 10 is basically a 9, then you add a point if the series especially resonated with you for whatever reason.

I think because there is such a small pool of anime, you're able to consider even the shittiest of the bunch in the average.

However, have you considered the steaming pile of shit you don't know about in the western media? What about TV in other countries, such as Russia or Mexico? If you're going to compare anime to the rest of all media in general, you'd better be willing to include stuff that you can't catch on cable TV.

>objective ten
>objectively assigning my subjective interpretation of elements to an arbitrary number scale's maximum

Of course, I'm not trying to slight anime in any way. The average "art" sucks in general. I'm just saying, if Gurren Lagann is a 10 then Citizen Kane must be a fucking 30. People have this awareness of what great means outside of anime, but they tend to cast it aside. That's what I think people should wake up to, in order to emphasize that which is truly excellent.

>cowboy bebop a 9?

That show has the best sound design and art style, i've come across.

It has 2 separate soundtracks.

Granted its a fairly dated series now, compare it to the stuff of its time and it unquestionably a 9/10

Comparing it to the modern benchmarks it might have dropped to an 8.5, but considering the average quality of animation has dropped since digital animation and incorporation of CGI became mainstream, and the interest in its production values would have easily maintain that position as a 9.
Not even mentioning it is one of the few series the English VA is actually high quality.

>objective 10
I found an objective 10. I think we can all agree it is indeed a ten

>I haven't found my 10 yet, because that is the only real dream we share.

The best show you've seen is your 10, and the worst you've seen is your 1/0; everything else falls between them. How can you judge a show based on what you HAVEN'T seen?

That looks like a 1 and a 0 side by side, not so much a 10.

You can rationalize it to yourself all you like, and in the end that's all that really matters, but you'll never convince me that you're not rating this shit with blinders on.

1/10 - Absolutely disgusting and a disgrace
2/10 - Pure stinking garbage
3/10 - Abysmal
4/10 - Bad
5/10 - Mediocre
6/10 - Okay
7/10 - Great
8/10 - Excellent
9/10 - Absolutely Fantastic
10/10 - Masterpiece

Hey is that Saku's gf from BECK? Top tier taste if so.

>Contrarian trying to be special

Sometime after watching so much anime, I will feel dull and will have no idea what to rate anything.

>using numbers to score a piece of media

Numerical scores (or F - A+ for that matter) are dumb as fuck for anime and media in general. Its not like a test where you an anime have to answer correctly questions, its entirely subjective. Even if there is an objective way to score an anime it dosen't mean an anime is good even if it "answers" all questions correctly.

And don't even get me started on faggots who score with decimals, trying to sound smart giving an anime scores like 7.59, 5.71. Decimals don't mean shit and people only use them to try to sound smarter or say the analyzed an anime in depth

Because nothing is perfect and having a grading scale where the top and bottom values can't be used is idiotic.

It's settled. These are both the anime of the season and potentially anime of the year. Masterful writing, gripping suspense, and drama that rivals HBO programming.

I disagree with the jump from 6 to 7 being "okay" to "great". Don't give me that 6.5 shit either, if we want to get retarded may as well use a double precision floating point to rate anime. Should be more like okay -> good -> great -> excellent -> masterpiece

65 was failing at mine. But seriously, at most prestigious institutions, and pretty much anywhere, a C is a 2.0.

>10/10 except for the music