Anime cliches you hate

Ill start.

>Tsundere girl
>guy even looks at her at all
*Punches him into oblivion*

>Guy trips and always lands in the most sexual situations where he is grabbing her tits or grinding his face into her pussy.

Shut up and put up.

Funny because tsundere girls makes me diamond.

Yeah, eva does suck

What did she mean by this?

>Pic not even related

>>Tsundere girl
Opinion already fucking discarded.
Don't even need to read the rest to know you have tremendously shit taste.

I want Yui to punch me in my dicks

Stop using my waifu to start off your shit fucking threads.

I basically hate every anime

Stupid pervert

>guy even looks at her at all
It's impossible to defend this "humor".

Why are you so mean? He's only asking a question

I don't get how the fuck you're able to stomach and enjoy that sort of thematic neuralgia. It's not about tastes, it's a matter of standards.

Give me 1.4 millions shows where this happpens.

That's sociopathy, srs, we need a Bojack Horsemen take on the Tsundere characters.

>a bunch of happy stuff is happening
>everything has this weird comfy lighting
>something really bad happens to one of the characters directly afterwards

I see it coming from a mile away and it still always gets me

That's why I read the general synopsis first.

>something happens to the MC
>camera pans to the sky

>spoiling the show

Oh Jesus, where do I even begin? Really, all you'd have to do is watch Kanoflag to get an idea about what really pisses me off, but I'll name a few tropes anyway:

>Women are good for nothing except breeding, and critically annoying and stupid to the point where even this is an unappetizing prospect.
>The wannabe "boy" that is actually a buxom, fully feminine, straight woman.
>Random video game shit out of nowhere.
>The male MC is completely unlikeable, but everyone wants to suck his dick anyway and no one else's is good enough.
>Male MC is drawn in the exact same "moe" art style as the girls.
>Male MC voiced by a woman.
>Show has absolutely no sense of direction.

>show only has 1 season

>story is specifically about fighting and bravery
>all the characters are anti-war pussies
>side characters scream out in protest to main characters to "not give in to hatred" when they're about to kill a bad guy in self-defense

Those are all good tropes, though. What's wrong with you? Were you born without a penis or something?

>hint at S3
>no S3
I hate this!

I know you can hear the slap.

I hate it when they make the bad guy look too crazy.

>Harem or romance
>Writer introduces tons of different appealing girls throughout the series
>The first girl the MC sees ends up winning and she's bland as fuck or a tsundere

>sees her in a towel
>immediate reaction is to gut him
Alright. I mean we already knew that the Japanese were hacks when it comes to characters.


You have more than one?

>a best girl option clearly exists
>forgotten about by the plot after 2 episodes of being itnroduced
>doesn't end up winning

How could you possibly call any of that shit "good"? It's terrible garbage; all of those cliches are totally overused and typically so poorly executed to the point where they kill any show they're used in.

Maybe once you've actually had sex with a woman you'll actually grow a set of standards.


Why do they care so fucking much.

I get changed in front of male friends and have never given a shit. It's a body, if they want to see tits they can look on the internet, same fucking thing. Who cares? Or that shit where they wear a short skirt and get assblasted when the wind lifts it up and their panties show. Either wear shorts under it or stop being a retarded bitch.

We need to nuke them a third time, two wasn't enough.

???????????? you should delete this post already

But it happens IRL.
Feminists cry rape if a man shares the same existential plane as hers.

>be 400 pounds beached whale
>see depictions of cute girls in an anime
>get triggered

Nah, we're just not interested in what you have to offer (i.e., nothing).

Yuri in general. It is the hallmark of shitty plots.
Any anime with a cast made of only high school girls, watching such shows reduces your IQ by 20 points per minute.
Traps in general. Boy in drag somehow looks better than any of the girls is absolute bullshit.

>all female game development company
>people are actually buying their games


>implying I am a woman
>implying I'm 400 lbs
>can't even handle criticism of Kanoflag, one of the objectively worst anime ever made.

For fuck's sake, all I am saying is that there is much, MUCH better shit on the market than what trash like Kanoflag has to offer. Are you actually telling me that you'd prefer one of those dumb, blobby cunts over pic related? Have some fucking dignity, user!

>implying you aren't

The original source had both male and female characters. The anime decided to remove all the males because the wotas that eat this shit up are all pathetic.

>It'a a "MC was a normal high school/middle school student until something strange/wacky happened to him" anime

I am a man. I just prefer women with class.

>implying you aren't a woman that thinks stupid, useless women are "cute" and "need to be protected."
>implying you aren't accusing me of womanposting to obscure the fact that you have a vagoo.

Nice try, Shirley, I can smell the damp on you from a mile away.

A feminized man and a feminist aren't different enough for me to care about any opinions you could possibly conceive of.

>Character says something deep or inspiring

>Women are good for nothing except breeding
I don't see any problem with that. Women main role and value is to breed and take care of children.
Women's wombs starts to age quickly in their 30's and the quality of eggs and the viability of good pregnancy starts to fall rapidly. Therefore, they should either choose to have a professional career or to have children. If they choose to do both at the same time, they will do a shitty job as mothers and make concessions in their job. They will suck at both. The best strategy in life is to min/max.
Since men don't have to stop working because of pregnancy, can't breastfeed, have a superior average IQ and strength, don't have monthly emotional fluctuations, why not let men provide for the family by doing the job thing and let women raise the children? There's a reason why practically every society on Earth throughout history came out with gender roles. Nature and now, Capitalism, are about specializing and excelling in a niche. If you want your children to be competitive in modern society, one of the parents should excel on nurturing and one of them is clearly more fit for the role than the other one.

Guy hangs out with a harem of girls.

Traumatized character is amazing an ace at some competitive endeavor.

The authority figures are always wrong.

lol stop watching ecchi rom coms then, faggot. if u watch anime that you actually like you'll find that ur less annoyed by stuff

... no it doesnt. lol, go outside and you'll see that never happens. unless ofc u are 2/10 and girl is immense bitch which bte those are rare

>He likes tsunderes

Why are you so inquisitive? He's only tossing an insult.

>character explains a thing that happens
>MC and companions look serious, MC lets out a "tch" or some sort of strained exhale
>character explains it again, almost exactly the same shit they literally just said
>MC and characters go "huh...? Wait... you don't mean....?"
>character goes into further detail, wherein they actually don't give any more detail but just say the exact same fucking thing for the third time
>MC and the gang all gasp in shock and their eyebrows twitch and one of them cries "N-nani?!?"

How absolutely retarded do they think the viewer is? Most people would have figured out the grand revelation long before that point in time, that scene merely exists so the characters have an in-canon excuse to understand what obvious shit is going on.

>camera pans to the sky

>girl is confessing to MC
>a-a-user-kun d-d-daisuk-
>MC turns around

How am I a feminized man? I was literally just complaining about:

>The male MC is completely unlikeable
>The male MC is voiced by a woman
>The Male MC is drawn like a woman

Furthermore, there is nothing "unmasculine" about wanting a woman that isn't a simpering fucking retard that doesn't even have any money, especially considering as I personally know I can do way better than that.

And if you're trying to say, "Well, you're unmasculine becasue you're being selective and won't fuck everything that moves!" then by all means, allow me to refer you back to YOUR OWN POST:

Only a woman could be as retarded as you are. Can you even deny that any of the girls I'm posting are better than every single girl from Kanoflag? No, you can't. You're clearly on the rag and can't think straight. Please stop trying to protect the feelings of fictional characters, they can't hear you and I wouldn't inseminate them even if you paid me.

I completely agree with everything you've said, and I also agree that the ideal woman should be good for breeding and that men should be the primary breadwinners, etc...

What I have a problem with is when nearly 90% of a given anime's entire cast consists of nothing but vapid, worthless cunts with no personality, that can barely count to 10 without tripping over themselves. Who would actually want to befriend someone that stupid in real life, let alone impregnate them? It would be like fucking a retard. More importantly, what's even the point of watching anime if not to imagine how great the ideal that it portrays would be to have in real life? I'd be ashamed for my children to share their genetics with someone like that, and because my fetish is impregnation, I am therefore required to think about these things when considering the fundamental attractiveness of an anime bitch.

At this point the anime industry doesnt even try to create realistic and well rounded characters.
What do I care if the character does "eeeehh->pan sky" or screams "oishii" every time food touches their mouth or does the drinking trope? No one acted like a normal human would before or after that trope anyways.
Modern anime is just a sea of poorly written trope characters, made for the entertainment of japanese who apparently have zero standards.

>character uses an ability that supposedly decreases their life-span but the series ends when they're young so this never matters

Haven't seen this cliche for a while.

>How am I a feminized man? I was literally just complaining

>It's a thread about complaining.

Why are you here, then?

It's legit the cutest archetype, but I guess is easier to judge from few recycled gags.

Jesus fucking Christ are we being raided or is afterschool shitposting time?

Just observing and being a hypocrite

>girl says happy line
>"hazukashi serifu kinshi"

retard fuck


Let's see, in order

>Overpowered wish fulfilment MCs.
They're usually the same character each time, and it gets very dull.
>When one genre keeps strangling similar shows

>First girl wins
So in any show with harem elements, character interactions are one of the things you would watch it for- there's going to be drama between them as they fight to win the heart of their beloved There's going to be tension as we wonder who will be successful- OH NO WAIT WE AREN'T BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THAT IF THEY AREN'T THE FIRST GIRL INTRODUCED THEY'RE NOT WINNING. It's a stupid thing because it completely nullifies the closest thing the show has to a plot.

>Character reset
Related to first girl winning, character resetting is another blight- so this character has finally had a touching moment and got some development. But next episode they're right back to how they were before. Similar to how first girl removes all tension from character interactions because the end result is obvious, this is useless because whats the point in caring about a character when each episode wipes their personality back to factory settings.

And finally
>Spineless main characters.
Just give me a MC who does things. Who has courage, who isn't just pushed around like a sack of potatoes. "Oh no, I am surrounded by attractive women who all want my dick" "do I A- act like a normal human being and stick it in so hard I may never escape" or "B- act like a gynophobic coward who's spine has been replaced by chastity rings." If you answered B, congratulations- you are an anime protagonist.

And I think that's enough ranting about things I hate for now.

Fuck off retard.

Well, at least you've got decent taste in manga.

Seriously though, give Black Lagoon a try if you're just in it for bangable bitches. Even something like Princess Lover (or even Ladies x Butlers, which features equally stupid women but is nevertheless a much funnier anime) would serve you better than the garbage that is Kanoflag.

Incidentally, speaking of Black Lagoon...
>When the kids are psychotic and "play" with people by killing them.

The whole debate about MC not giving girls hard dick always feels dumb to me.

If the MC just picked a girl and fucked her, end of story, then there is no plot. There's nothing to piece the show together. It's simply nothing.

lol whore

Alright I'll give you that. Sure there's a shitton of waifu tier tsunderes out there, but the thing that makes most of them annoying is the whole "B-BAKA HENTAI!!! *punch*" thing

Jesus fuck I hate this one.

>shows source manga has many volumes
>enough for 3-5 seasons of anime
>anime production company picks it up
>releases 1 season
>never touches it again
>never hints at any 2nd season
>completely dropped
>rights are now owned by the company
>no others can animate the entire manga now

>character always keeps their eyes closed and acts aloof
>they open them and shit gets real

Just kidding I love that one

anything not yandere

>not having multiple dicks
>the year of our lord 2.016 kiloyears

OP specifically talked about the violent ones retard.

Simon you're a fag.


a developing relationship has always been absent in romance anime, which makes people think like they can't possible exist.

The conflict doesn't end when mc gets a gf, IT BEGINS.

Also, if a story becomes nothing if you eliminate the 'which girl will win the useless mc bowl' and nothing is left behind, then the story was worthless in the first place.

>Protag chose a girl early in the series
>His harem members still drooling over him like retards, instead of moving on
>later he even got new girls for his harem

I fucking hate this shit. I don't have problems with harems, just don't make anyone win early if you're still continuing the harem shenanigans, goddamn fuck.

>little kid molests girls
Can't be helped, he's just a kid.
>little kid murders a mountain of people
I guess it can't be helped.

>he still watches shitty harem shows just to complain about overused tropes

>the power of friendship
>"I'm strong because people believe in me"

stop it that's not how it works you're misleading the children

Doubledickdude, is that you?

Post an anime that doesn't have a single trope from this thread in it. Go on, I'll wait.

>MC and possible love interest meet up
>"MC-Kun, I....I... I lo--"
>All of a sudden a wild interruption appears
>MC says "I'm sorry, could you say that again."
>"It... it was nothing."

It's bad enough that this shit is common, but what I don't get is why the MC doens't apply a bit more pressure into saying that the love interest is in love with the MC.

>MC is about to kill said character
>No! Mc-kun dame! If you kill him you'll be just like him!

i really fucking hate when they switch to some side character and he does nothing but sit there and say MC's name
Kurosaki-kun ! Kurosaki-kun ? Kurosaki-kun !! Kurosaki-kun ?!?! Kurosaki-kun !!!

that's an edited version of Momo

Indeed, Yui is bigger.

> Stuttering
> Just saying someone's name as a response
> MCs with a spine made of a wet towel the entire time
> Not killing the bad guy
> Being shocked when the bad guys they let live do bad shit after
> MCs that have no opinions, don't make choices, and let the supporting cast progress the story
> MCs that can't tell when one person likes them, let alone a whole group

>villain has a "true identity"
>character discovers it right before dying

>slow death scenes
>I love you...

DEATH is fucking quick and unpredictable dammit.

You truly are sloth.

>Purity fag logic dictates than any woman, no matter how good of a character, how old, or how much life experience she has, she has to be a virgin.

>Guy trips and always lands in the most sexual situations where he is grabbing her tits or grinding his face into her pussy.
Is the alternative any better?

>Anime is self aware about its own tropes enough to try to avoid them
>falls for them anyway like every other generic anime.
Plz stop this

It would have been funnier without the dialogue.

anime cliches are funny as fuck why do you guys hate them

its like the differance between watching anime and western cartoons in the anime shit

>character gets a new power up
>"my body feels so light!"

this or


Even Donarudo's Bizarre Adventure?

It usually goes
>5 seconds of silent, zoomed reaction shots
>mc sighs

>character says something stupid
>everyone falls over

keep fartposting where it belongs

>literally what OP said
the tsundere is just annoying as hell.
zamasu is an exception

Childhood friend doesn't confess feelings for MC, or waits until MC interacts with other girls then decides to confess.

Childhood friend you've known MC for years, and wait until now to confess? Or you don't confess and take a backseat for the girl he just met?