Is Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu a masterpiece?

Is Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu a masterpiece?

It's barely any better than SAO, so no it's not.

you are a pleb...


It's almost up there with SAO, so close but not cigar.

I don't think SAO is a masterpiece by any means, but I respect your opinion.

The music in that scene was great. But no, the shitty fanbase retroactively made the show shit.

A shitty fanbase does not ruin a show unless the writer starts listening to them.

Re zero is shit though

I wouldn't even pout it above SAO
For as bad as SAO's story and characters were, at least the action was pretty and the soundtrack above-average.

Re: Zero has absolutely nothing going for it save for a few moments of solid presentation that were undermined even as they happened by the insipid hogwash they were presenting. It handled a few narrative elements better than SAO, which isn't really saying much, but both deserve failing grades in that category, so the difference between two Fs isn't much of a difference at all. At the end of the day, Re: Zero couldn't deliver on even interesting visual elements to be enjoyed around it's obnoxiously terrible storytelling and that leaves its merits at Re: Zero.

Imagine every episode was like episode 15

one decent episode and people forget the rest of the shitty series?

This. Re Zero is good but the fanbase ruined it for me. I can't enjoy it in any way.

I feel like people praise this series based on this episode only.
I honestly couldn't take the anime seriously anymore after the royal selection arc. I don't really understand why Emilia wasn't elected by default considering that her rivals didn't have any good reason to be elected.
>I'm the best so I have to win
>Tax everything
>Kill everything
>fuck the nobility lol

I appreciate your level-headed answer user. You are a true gentleman, sir.

That episode was only really good thing to come out of it. Otherwise the show was painfully mediocre.

The whole election is stupid in the first place. They were only doing it so that they can get protection from the Dragon but why don't they just ask Reinhard to kill the Dragon? and after that they can choose a suitable king and not from priestesses whatever the fuck that is.

Cred Forums just made me understand I have shit taste. I found SAO and re:zero bearable, while I found painfully boring all other revered isekai on Cred Forums, like .hack, konosuba, escaflowne, dungeon, log horizon, overlord.
Am I beyond saving?

the elections was just filler

Re:Zero had better gimmick ideas


Episode 15 is really top tier but I wouldn't put ReZero in my AOTY list.

Didn't stand out enough for me and all the girls were fucking god awful.

Dumbest people in this thread.


Overlord was bad, it only has a fanbase here because it pandered hard to DnD and tabletopfags and there's a significant, vocal /tg/ overlap on Cred Forums. The Overlord 24/7 general is basically their refugee camp and just a pretext to talk about /tg/ shit on Cred Forums.

.hack aged poorly and is only really notable for the fact that it came from a time when getting stuff in the west was often more effort than it was worth, and it aired on tv. It's nostalgia and rose-tinted goggles from people who saw it when they were still new to anime, but it's hardly seminal to anime fantasy or this little subcategory of it.

Log Horizon had legitimate pacing issues and failing to hold interest is a fair criticism, even though the payoff made the slow progression well worth it. It's the sort of thing not everyone would enjoy, justifiably so, even though it's good.

But at least regarding Escaflowne, it shared a lot of the same issues as Re: Zero, particularly regarding weak pacing, poor characterization and gratuitous edge for the sake of it. I'm not sure how you could actually dislike one and not the other, they both share the same problems, and, arguably, Escaflowne did everything that Re: Zero did, but better.

> 7 fucking threads all dedicated to shitposting and false-flagging.
Kill yourselves. I repeat. Kill yourselves you stigmatizing false-flaggers.

Why are you so mad?

I cannot bear read this. Be more specific. Stop being lazy.

That episode was the highlight of an otherwise slightly above average show.

> Seven fucking threads.
Why fucking not? All to shitpost and false-flagging. Because all I see is a bunch of bullshit. Like you.

Actually I saw .hack when it came out. At the time it was extremely hyped because of the personalities involved with it.

I understand the chosen perspective of the psychological analysis, yet this seems to undermine the need of the mmo world, which ends up being used just for shock value when their true beyond the avatar personas were hinted.

So your plan is to make more shitposting to make up for shitposts? Fantastic. Not that I expected anything different from an ASD manchild who spends time counting Re Zero threads in the catalog.

I bother to look at the fucking catalogue but this is a bunch of bullshit to make multiple threads to shitpost. One or two threads is enough but now there are seven. Fuck you. That's rich trying to say I have nothing to do but lurking in the catalogue. Learn some moderation. Shitposting and false-flagging levels are at an all time high with this show. Fuck you.

Honestly, shitposting and false-flagging follows every single popular Shounen-esc series. It's why I ignore the threads at all costs, because people can't understand board culture.

Great, another thread. This is ridiculous. The show is fucking over but now this is bunch of pointless antics. This is why this has turned into complete bullshit regarding what's happening right now.

>the fanbase is what determines if something is good or not
>I let other people's shitposting interfere in my judgement
Take a load of this pleb.

There's nothing new for people to shitpost about this week.

Multitrack drifting without being a trainwreck, not quite samflam but it did have despair going for it.

this Cred Forums obsession about hating everything that gets extremely popular is really cringy

Yes, actually. Barely anything from the genre has reached Re Zero's level, it's just that good.

>I have no idea of what I'm talking about