Tfw Cred Forums isn't intelligent enough for this show

>tfw Cred Forums isn't intelligent enough for this show

It was painfully mediocre, my dear shitposter.

It was pretty shit.

>tfw op isn't intelligent enough to post a bigger image instead of the thumbnail

Cred Forums fucking loved this show when it aired, the problem was that was half a fucking seven years ago. I personally love it but there isn't really anything to talk about at this point. There is no deepest lore, there is no secret meaning.

Anything symbolic or any topic that is interesting to talk about in regards to Eden of the East, and really any anime that is in that late 2000s period of "Not old enough to warrant nostalgia" and "Not new enough to warrant active discussion" so there is never any talk of it.

>>tfw I'm not intelligent enough for these dubs

dumb dubs poster

it was shit bro

>I lack the mental capability to grasp the complex themes of the story and therefore it sucked

All I remember from this show is some black woman singing a gospel song while a plane is flying across an ocean.

Oh, and naked men. Tons of naked men.

Cred Forums isn't smart enough for gin tama

Biggest disappointment I ever finished. It had a crazy amount of potential.

It had some of the best cinematic timing I've ever seen.

>solution to the NEET problem was to ship them all to Dubai to either be enslaved/killed by arabs, or tap into their sleeping Samurai spirit to enable them to conquer the UAE and plunder its resources


Just gas them. Why spend extra money sending them?

should have been a normal series, not that "series + two movies" clusterfuck. It probably hurt the script cutting the story to fit that nonsensical format. Also the movies came out much later when everyone already forgot everything.
it could have been great.



sexy cellphone design ended and died with this show

It had a really good start but it ended up being pretty shit. Probably would have been better with around 24 eps

I don't think I've been as disappointed as I was while watching this show. So much wasted fucking potential.

I only just finished it earlier and I feel the same.

It was still a nice experience as it was though.

Pretty high potential and then it just shit the bed. Especially the movies. But just in general it´s pretty meh for what it could have been.


I liked it but I don't know why I liked it....

Went to shit when they introduced the fat slut obsessed with cutting penises. Eden of the east was the fedora tipper anime before such concept was created.