RIP fansubs, japanese pirate hunters are coming for you, discuss

RIP fansubs, japanese pirate hunters are coming for you, discuss.

>Kyoto Prefectural Police arrested two Chinese company workers, Liang Wang (30) and Wangyi Yang (20), on Wednesday on suspicion of violating the Japanese Copyright Act.
>Kyoto Prefectural Police found both suspects by using their computer IP addresses.

>According to the police, both suspects admitted to the charge, and Yang claimed to be a member of "Subtitle Group" (字幕组), a Chinese group that uploads video, including Japanese anime, with Chinese subtitles.

>Among other charges, Wang is suspected of using file-sharing software to upload The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance in July, and Yang is suspected of uploading Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Drei!! in August.

Other urls found in this thread:

Based Kyoto dealing with these Chinese terrorists.

>using their computer IP addresses

So as long as the distribution hub isn't located in Japan they have no way to intervene.

>they have no way to intervene.
They do, but it's a shitload of bureaucracy with almost no gain.

>chinks moved to japan to steal anime
Well, jokes on those retards.
And I don't think any english sub group is located in Japan, so nothing changed.

They are targeting the raw providers bruh.

>chinks in nipland get their ass busted.

They should have just used off-shore seedboxes or vpns if they really "worked" for chink subgroups and were first uploaders for doing it from moonland.

Well at least the hunters have earned their paycheck and maybe in future people wise up that you should probably cover your ass when you're being the sole source.

>a Chinese group that uploads video, including Japanese anime, with Chinese subtitles.
>with Chinese subtitles
No they don't, bruh.

They could probably though but call me when it's not a bust for chink shit.

Piracy is just unstoppable.

They need to do this to scare a little and justify their work.

But it doesn't matter

>Use a VPN when trafficking copyrighted material
Oh look, it's fucking nothing.
All they had to do was not use their real IP when uploading video.

i guess they suspect to have a market in china.

They know that they dont have any infrastructure in the west aside from the fans.

80% of raw providers are in Russia.
Beatrice, ohys, leopard, reinforce, you name it.

And it doesn't take much to order a fucking BD by post, rip it and upload.
You know you don't have to be in japan to buy something from there?

Hell you can even upload it from a different place on the planet while still living in japan.

And these guys, like all the japs in the past used the work PCs to do it, AGAIN, for the 1000th time.

They never learn, just go to their office, get a filesharing program that everyone already knows is monitored in japan (LIMEWIRE) and upload it.

And then they wonder why they're found when they use hardware assigned to them on a network owned and filtered by a company.

Duh, magic, right.

They probably hardsubbed it, too.

>chinese subs
Well shit, though some chinese got caught in some manga raw before.

>80% of raw providers are in Russia.
>Beatrice, ohys, leopard, reinforce, you name it.
Whew, thanks for this info user. Other than that, yeah I think thats common sense.

I thought ohys was Korean or some shit.

The only korean raw person I've seen is Moozzi2.
漏勺rip is chinese.

Almost all of 1980s-2000s raw anime on nyaa is provided by Russians, as well as most BDrips.

Is this the end of the fansubbing community? Who will translate anime for us now?

Are you Chinese or something?

Fansubbing is already dead. For now you get subs from Crunchy and Funi.

Crunchy does a good job.

>80% of raw providers are in Russia

And we never give the slavs the thanks.

>ohys, leopard
I don't know why I thought Leopard was Chinese.

It is unstoppable in the current liberal system of the west, harsher countries can deal with it quite easily when they want.

>harsher countries
You mean totalitarist china.
Yeah, they can deal with it pretty well by holding the entire population at a gunpoint.
Very achievable goal for the world, uh huh.

Oh wait.
All of the piracy comes from china.
They can steal anything they want.

They do it because it's easy way to hurt other countries. But when they want to purge content they are quite good at it.

But worry not, you will be soon seeing what I'm talking about in your own country.

>80% of raw providers are in Russia
and god bless em

Man why does the Japanese hate Chinese so much?

The Chinese killed lots of Japanese soldiers during WW2.

Probably the war.

They have inferiority complex, since they are merely a barbarians emulating chinese civilization and stealing all that encompases their "identity" from there.

They're tough, they can handle it.

I always knew Russians were the biggest weeabos.

Which is ironic, since Japanese despise them because of the territorial conflict tension right now and Russo-Japanese war from the past.

Who do they not?
Pretty sure they only don't hate japanese themselves.

They hate Americans, hate Africans, hate Russians, hate Chinese/Koreans.

I think they only like Germans, French, and "Fairytale English aka blue eyed blonde tea drinking gentlemen, as they see them".

They're called the most xenophobic race on the planet for a reason.

They also hate indians a lot, like hugely just want to genocide them.
Even though they inherited a lot of their culture.

Let based Putin take care of them. Most anime is already illegal in Russia.

Well they're actually legitimately being taught in school that Americans nuked them and they didn't do anything wrong to deserve it, just to instill hatred in them.
It's scummy but it's a pretty common practice for asian countries like Taiwan, Korea, Japan.
Not so much China, because they're not really considered as humans by their goverment there.

I thought they only banned hentai/porn as like CP propaganda or something.
Don't think normal anime counts.

>it's a Pirates defending their right to illegally and unethically post and upload copyrighted files on the internet thread

>This is what is considered good

Russia has shittons of crazy ridiculous new "internet" laws so they can imprison you even because of ten years old post on forum. But as you can see is just beta test. US will catch up soon.

chinese are always getting nailed for filesharing in japan, retard

Get with the times.

>implying I give a shit about chinks or chinksubs/chinkscans

>80% of raw providers are in Russia.

You do fucking realize you need to be physically in Japan to record TV raws (unless you hack people's recording PCs)?

>You do fucking realize you need to be physically in Japan to record TV raws
You don't.

Well enlighten me how. Satellite TV doesn't count because anime airs first on terrestrial.

>being this ignorant

underage b& plz

Explain how I'm wrong.

>moving goalposts

good job user, you done it

>I think they only like Germans, French, and "Fairytale English aka blue eyed blonde tea drinking gentlemen, as they see them".

Don't forget Mexicans. Though apparently Mexican food is too weird for their uncultured tastes.

>Chinese killed lots of Japanese soldiers during WW2.

Mao dindu nuffin. Yellow genocide never forget. Also FREE OKINAWA!

making the implication that what you know is right is not the best thing to say, especially when you use a swear word.
You should have said it in the form of a question and mentioning what you thought was true to inquire further information on what he has said.

Mexican halfbreeds

>They're called the most xenophobic race on the planet for a reason.
American propaganda?
Chinese Propaganda?
Korean Butthurt?
Cred Forums memes?
Because im 100% sure that you've never really met or slept under the same roof as japanese before.

>most xenophobic race

That would be the South Koreans.

Why are you idiots jumping on this guy?
Fansubbers do get their raws from cable tapped in Japan, absolutely.

eh, japs are alright.
t. paki in japan

>It's scummy but it's a pretty common practice for asian countries like Taiwan, Korea, Japan.
>Not so much China, because they're not really considered as humans by their goverment there.
You don't know shit about China if you think the government doesn't use the war with Japan.

Don't forget the Senkaku Island thing. Communist horde will always be buttmad about fish.

Why the fuck are Japan and Mexico such a good fit?


Capping is done through private individuals who have cap boxes in Japan, that only upload to private FTPs from where the files get to fansubbers outside Japan. Hacked capping boxes are also a thing but the most reliable way to obtain caps is by having proper control of the necessary hardware in Japan.

And with everything being private communication until subbed files are released by non-Japanese people, Japanese "pirate hunters" have basically zero impact on it.

>crushing the beer can with the hydraulics

What the fuck, this is cute as hell.


Blah blah how long have they been saying this when a bust happens.