Which one of the recent generic haremshits was the least shit?

Which one of the recent generic haremshits was the least shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to FUCK Claire.

I want to FUCK Claire.


That's not really recent.



Does rewrite counts as generic haremshit?

Not a true harem unless you want to include the males that want Toyota's D.

Is that even a question?

Yuri harems are a different genre though. And they are almost always good.

>And they are almost always good.
Come again?

It's true.


what was the ending of this show about. I couldnt follow it at fucking all. it seemed it ramped up way to quickly and ended suddenly and very confusing.

huh? You can't be serious? How is it any different?

It's the same shit with an ugu moe cunt as an MC.

How recent? The only good ones in the past few years have been Antimagic and Trinity Seven.

It's not. Yuri harem MC's are often great.


That's cheating user.

2chan memes: the anime


Rewrite was the weirdest shir in a while.

Hard, and considering the BATTLE HAREM route, I think it is

Rakudai > Anti-Magic > Trinity Seven > DAL > Hundred > Absolute Duo > Bahamut > World Break > Asterisk > Blade Dance > HxH > Luck and Logic > Lance 'n Marques

Spent quite the time thinking if I should add of remove some.

Hundred and Bahamut are way too high. I never liked Blade Dance but I definitely enjoyed it more than those two.

Implying that being less shit means that is watchable.

Blade Dance for me.


how is absolute duo not at the bottom?

I'd say a good harem needs a good MC too, so he can enable interesting situations. Ikki was okay, definitely above average, but nowhere near as good as Takeru or (pre-Anastasia) Arata.

It had Sakuya and Julie.

holy shit is he a midget or is that just one huge fucking door or both

Best girls:
Magika: Mio
T7: Liese
DAL: Tohka
Campione: Erica
Antimagic: Ouka
DXD: Xenovia
Testament: Mio
Vanadis: Ellen
StB: Asagi
Rakudai: Stella
Fafnir: Kili
Machine Doll: Irori
Bahamut: Celestia
Hundred: Claire
Asterisk: Claudia
IS: Cecilia
Raildex: Misaki
HxH: Yurishia
Blade Dance: Fianna
Color Wars: Purple
Absolute Duo: Lilith
World Break: Shizuno

Why do people respond to an obvious rec thread?

Put your trip back on, Lelouch.

It was shit

I agree with most of these other than DAL and IS.

First part was one of countless possibilities simulated by avatar of moon in attempt to find a way to save children of her sister Earth. It turned to be one of the worst possibilities.
Second part air in 2017, where she finds a way with help of mc.

I'm seconding this, though I mostly liked it because it looked pretty.

I think Gakuen HxH is decent for what it is too

It had best girls

It was shit, spics.

They're pretty low tier given their weak interaction with the shitty MC and plot.

It wasn't.

It had cheesy disco music. That makes it great.

>shitty MC and plot.
This applies to every single show mentioned ITT.
The only thing that really matters about harem is girls

Hundred was the peak of "Generic".

But it was steady and stable throughout the season, while some just got plain weird by the end of the season or ended in a weird spot.

Plus, Hundred's main girl helped to save it a bit.

Nice argument spic.
Even a cheesy disco music OST can't save Bahamut.

Julie and the Opening. Also the MC not being the
>the blackhaired swordsman boy

>Nice argument spic.
Same to you.

Bahamut was easily the shittest with plot and worst MC. The girls are only as good as they're portrayed and the series failed them with the importance of David shitty plot.

>Rakudai that high
Buzz off.

>This applies to every single show mentioned ITT.

>no you

Tor was so insufferable that the translator dropped the series. He was the worst part about it

I've put Rakudai above simply because the fights were better overall, but considering the overall, AA and Rakudai are around the same spot.

Arata is a legenda himself, but Trinity Seven felt quite too short to give any conclusive feeling.

>Rakudai being that high
Literally no justifying that garbage.
Fuck right off.

The girls weren't portrayed well.

That's the reason I dropped the anime too.

Not to mention that T7 has the worst main heroine out of any battle harem out there.

This. It has every element a battle harem should have.

It's a
>Generic Harem

No one reqs those.

I don't understand this meme, how's she worse?


It's not a meme. She's the epitome of no fun allowed. While other main girls may be controversial, they have their share of fans too. But with Lilith, pretty much everyone in the fanbase agrees that she is inferior to every other girl and the series would be much better without her.

All other girls (and more or less every other character) in T7 is glorious. Lilith is an annoying "no fun allowed" character.

>great girls
>cross dress MC
>nano.Ripe ending

It wasn't bad

Shes the straight man in a cast filled with clowns

Its normal that she is hated

She is a moralfag no fun allowed type as her only character traits.

Explain why Mira gets liked over Lilith then.

She didn't seem that bad to me but ok.

>cross dress MC
>a good thing
You probably just like sissyboys

>Explain why Mira gets liked over Lilith then
Cute moeblob

I didn't mean like that.

Just wanted to say that when we talk about Generic BATTLE HAREM, the MC is 99% a japanese swordsman boy with Black hair.

K pal

Mira gets better over time. Lilith stays the same annoying cockblocker and fun sucker.

I understand but other than that, Tor was literally no different.


He said generic harem you fucking retards.

Can you yurishitters fuck off already with your degenerate garbage

s2 when

She is literally the
>no fun allowed

Even Mira is less strict, unfun and unreasonable tsundereish.

Now compare with every other main girl from the shows ITT, she loses to every single one


Movie soon.

Hey, as long as its cute, what's the problem?

>Needless pic


Which chapters will it adapt

I want
to watch while he wants fuck Claire

Shomin Sample was great. Also Gets!

Wonder where Unbreakable Machine Doll would fit in here?

I mean, it has Yaya and the ending is legendary tier, but Renshin is a little bit of a bore.

How did it end

Yaya is great, but Komurasaki's sluttiness is even better.

>LN translations never



I'd say Antimagic Academy. It was the only one of the Unholy Trinity of battle school harem anime at the time (Antimagic, Rakudai, Asterisk) where 90% of the action wasn't confined to something as lame as a school-run tournament. Also, Hosoya's voice acting really did it for Takeru.

9/10 taste.

He talks about ending song.


pa payapa payapaya pa!

>Rakudai anywhere but average best
>Hundred being higher than AD, Bahamut, WB, Asterisk, and BD
>Antimagic anime higher than T7 and DAL

Your normalfag cowtits only taste is vomit-inducing and shit.



You forgot Isuca. Which belongs belong m'loli.

Her VA was a terrible fit too.

>belongs belong
Belongs below.


Nami was the only good thing about that.

Gayest post in this thread.

AD, WB and BD were absolutely bad.

BD threads were fun because anons made it fun, but BD was bad.

WB was real shit early and got crazy fun in the middle but it was shit.

DAL was only good after Clock.

>DAL was only good during Clock.

Fix accepted.

sauce on this?

can't you read the thread?

It's in this thread, newfriend.

Good Luck.

yuri yuri

Rokujouma > KonoSuba > Trinity Seven > Machine Doll > DAL > Taimadou > Ore no Nounai > Mahouka > Kanojo ga Flag > HS DxD > Black Bullet > Shinmai > Absolute Duo > Saenai > Shimoneta > World Break > Bladedance > Shomin Sample > Rakudai > Asterisk > Brynhildr > Bahamut > L&L > Hundred > Kuusen Madoushi > Fafnir > LN'M > ISUCA > MG HxH

Step it up.

You need a few =s in there, I'd say Konosuba and T7 are equally good but for different reasons.

>Kuusen Madoushi
The ED song was so great.

Rokujouma literally the best.

I can't really complain about this ranking. It's mostly agreeable.


What's making Machine Doll so high up?

>Saenai that low when it is definitely better written than most series there

I'd put Rokujouma 3-4 positions lower, Shomin 5-6 lower, DaL below Taimadou since the latter was consistently good whereas DaL was mainly Kurumi's show, Brynhildr 2-3 positions higher, and I don't think L&L really belongs in the same category.

Also, I think the last three were equally bad.

>DaL was mainly Kurumi's show
Have you actually read the series? Cause Kurumi is somewhat relevant but she's getting herself another arc in the new volume.


I mean bestgirl-wise.


Not even. I'm just a Yuzurufag who enjoys the series as a whole. I'm just wary of people who only recognize the series for Kurumi when she hasn't had a big part in it other than being on the side for the longest time.

>tfw its actually not a harem because only 2 girls like him

Is HxH really that bad? I was thinking about picking it up, it seemed decent as battle harems go.

Antimagic anime suffered because of all the budget being diverted to Rakudai. As a LN it stands above both TS and DAL if just by the fact that it remembers the battle part of the battle harem.

>Best girl
Just what I needed to see. I know you won't be willing to read a single page of the LN but at least don't go typing things that are not true. DAL had great moments without the crazy girl.

Shame that the final volume's fight won't be as hype as Orochi's. You really can't beat that sort of fight.

Saenai is boring. Harem isn't about being more solid writing, but entertaining value and quality of harem is most important.

Someone's mad that his semi-character favorite has been overshadowed by what is clearly best girl.

that was probably the funniest scene in the entire show

Rakudai or

Kurumi is a decent character but many anons agree that she's as stupid s old Origami for you know what. I don't hate Kurumi but she's not particulary appealing to me. I don't even have a favorite girl.

The only thing many anons agree about is that she's best girl. Enjoy your inferior moeblobs.

You're clearly visiting the clockfag threads.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Someone hasn't read the novels.

That's you clockfags. Have you ever been to a normal DAL thread before? Try posting in one with Kurumi pictures and we'll see what happens.

There's barely any Kurumi worship in the actual threads with volume discussion but I guess I can say the same to you.

>we'll see what happens
You'll sperg out? Oh no.

>n-no u
I stand defeated.

Trinity Seven > Bahamut > Asterisk > DAL > Rokujouma > Blade dance > Shinmai > HS DxD > Taimadou > World Break > Kuusen Madoushi > Hundred > Absolute Duo

Rakudai is not a harem

Just be glad that it is ending, it could go the way of other LNs and go on for longer than needed.

Thanks for the laugh.

I don't what threads you're visiting mate but there's a clear divide, that's all I'm telling you.

>novels in an anime thread

My nigga, sadly enough it doesnt get much attention.

They are good

Asterisk you could make a case for. Not at all for Bahamut.

>Bahamut and Asterisk above DAL and Taimado.

Yes, it is. It's basically badly done porn with plot that doesn't try.

There's a limit to things to discuss, but there's also someone who stands above the rest of the forgettable moeblobs.

Is there even a harem next season?

Retard zero was kinda alright

He's a clockfag user, there's no point in talking to him.

Asterisk has bitching fights and awesome soundtrack. Bahamut has the best girls in the harem genre

Taimadou is QUALITY and CGI as fuck which makes it unwatchable. DAL is a bit boring

It's good if you enjoy horribly fake moans and horribly fake "sex".

Strike the Blood.

>Bitching Fights
>Awesome soundtrack
>Best Girls
Now this is some true shit taste.

a harem for the female audience, yeah

>anime thread
I don't such a restriction see anywhere in this thread.

Asterisk is objectively shit. DAL and Taimadou, in comparison, are objectively good.

>Magika:Mio, Liese, Stella, Irori, Celestia, Yuishia, Claire, Purple, Lilith
Literally worst girls

>Bitching fights?
I'm guessing you're the person who praises Ayato and Kirin's fight too. Only two fights in that entire series is worth anything. A literal who music producer for Taimadou made a more memorable OST for Asterisk, whose only good songs were the OP and EDs

Bahamut's girls are decent, they're hardly anything special with the shit series they're in.

Liese is undeniably one of the best girls.

DAL sure, but Taimado? Fuck no
People need to stop sucking its dick already

>objectively good
Not him, but that's not true. Taimadou is objectively quite bad. You can only enjoy it you read the novels to make up for massive adaptation decay and shitty budget.

I think his point is mostly on the series as a whole, not just the anime adaptation cause it's agreed to be a terrible anime.

Well, I only said in comparison. Of course DAL is up there while Taimadou is below average, my friends

Anime was ass, light novels are great compared to the others.

>Implying it isn't

is best and got it right.

Why you guys never count phantom world?
It's by all means a legit harem.

DAL Season 1 was beautifully done compared to what IMS unfortunately pulled off with S2.

Talking purely about anime here, Asterisk and Bahamut are a lot better than Taimadou

Its novels may be better, wouldnt know

Stop quoting yourself already.

The anime was completely different from the Light novels, and barely anyone read the light novels.

Thank fucking god magical academy LN battle harems have died.

Most people don't even read LNs of adaptations that they watch, though. Most are only going by anime.

Your comparison was relative to objectivity and Taimadou is objectively not a better anime than Asterisk. Opinions using other material or sources is a different story.

Stop being dumb and paranoid.

Asterisk is to blame, or praise.

Season 3 when, user?

Not at all when you're so transparent.

God bless it then.
At least that shitshow was able to barely muster to good things before collapsed in on itself.

The LNs aren't translated. 99% of people go by anime and you're obviously one of them. Novelsfags have said before that the anime is a decent adaptation, anyhow.

Kirin was the only good thing about it.

The girls are all top-tier, I'll give you that.

What is Masou Gakuen HxH?

I don't know if I can completely agree to that since Asterisk bored the shit out of me. Bahamut was all sorts of insufferable to watch with its plot trying to be so prevalent instead of focusing on the girls. Where the fights are involved, Asterisk fights are comparatively the best but the fights themselves are boring and so is nearly everything else. Bahamut's character interaction for me was completely neutered with Lux and that goes double for the fights where all he needs is to pull BAHAMUUUUUUUUTO and win. Taimadou had the shittiest looking fight but jesus, at lead there was something interesting going on in the back.

You're proving his point.

How so?

Don't you mean Antimagic since it sold worse than Rakudai and Asterisk?

Was Hundred really as shit as people say?

I kind of want to watch because designs are great.

Kirin is barely a character. She's only cute. Julis is legitimately the only decent character and heroine in that show.

I like harems, but i had to watch the last episodes of hundred on fast forward

Which battle harems forget the story and just focus on the girls? The last one I tried to watch was Bahamut and the writing was so unbelievably boring.

Asterisk represented everything that was wrong with magical academy battle harems.

Ironically, it was the one with the biggest backing compared to anything else before it.
Thankfully, it fucking bombed.

It's generic, but it's a solidly generic harem title. it's alright but unmemorable since it's just another title in the pile whereas the memorable ones are memorable cause they're shit and get discussed why its shit.

It's bad, but not IS bad. The designs are the best things about it, as one would expect from designs based off Nekosuke.

Antimagic barely mattered on the scale of things.

Antimagic had shit budget, zero marketing and merchandising. SL only cared about Rakudai. Asterisk had ridiculous amounts of Aniplex shilling, a Vita game, an anime announcement in a western expo and they tried to sell it as the next SAO.

Get off your high horse. Asterisk is average tier at worse.

Anyone ever made a comparison of how those series sold?

You can't deny it was the next-big-thing project with so much support for it and failed.

Digibro pls. It was better than Rakudai and Antimagic.

You grossly underestimate the amount of people who can read moon and those who bother with the LN summaries. Everyone knows the best parts of the series are novel-only. The anime isn't even really faithful to the LNs.

Literally all harems since DxD failed.

That's why they are almost non existent in upcoming seasons.

The shilling truly was ridiculous.

>You can't view Asterisk as bad without being called Digibro
Realize that people found the series pretty boring before he even made anything on it.

Based on what? It barely had good marketing and advertisement.

How many battle haremshit get a non VN video game.

Right, that's why the novels were more popular and actually got translated by request from fans before the anime, right?

>That's why they are almost non existent in upcoming seasons

Only shitty magical academies.
We're back to the glorious highschool romcoms, absurd comedies, urban fantasies, a few isekai shit dotted around, and unabashedly hilarious non-LN/non-magical academy battle harems shit.

Harem manga adaptations are back in business. The only few LN adaptations are either StB or romcom shit.

And there was barely any discussion of the novel either way in the threads. Don't really care who wanted LN translations before it but no one that cared seemed to be in discussion threads.

>there are only 2 harems next season
>both of them are shoujo

It's VN plus action. Either way, not many get a game, but so what? That's just Bandai Namco being Bandai Namco because merchandise is more important than anime sales.

Not him, but that's literally almost every battle harem thread ever. There's almost always nothing to talk about even if there's novel or manga translations.

He said the least shit, implying that most if not all battle harems that aired recently are garbage.
That means you can't mention AV since that's actually a good show.

Is it? because it did not seem like one. I dropped it at episode 5
It felt too childish

>he hasn't been to antimagic threads before

Rokujouma, where all girls are a single best girl

>doesn't deny that's more popular and liked before Digibro
>implying Antimagic and Rakudai weren't the same

>It felt too childish
>anons says in a battle harem thread


>It felt too childish
>anons says in a battle harem thread

It says a lot about Phantom world doesnt it?

Realize Antimagic threads were 50% light novel discussions and bringing people over to read it. I was one of them who got into it with promises of rival battles.

antimagic threads don't happen anymore unless new chapters are out because we discussed the novels so much that we ran out of things to talk about.

Nah. Antimagic is one of my most favorite and I looked forward to the anime when it was announced and back then when we thought it was going to be two course because of mistranslated text from the afterword. Let's not fool ourselves, even Antimagc thread barely had LN discussion except during actual LN release topics.

Don't know which threads you've been to man but there were plenty of it.

I wish, but that's not remotely true. We had discussions on occasions about some of the plot and development, but it was brief and all over the place. Most of the time it's waifu posting, creaming over Haunted, complaining about CGs, the bad direction and animation, and bickering with haremfags.

Refresh my memory then. Pick a thread in the first few weeks.

Best Phantom World-girl was the Shantae.

It's funny when I think about it becuase the only two harem battles that I give a fuck about are the ones that got fucked by the budget whcih are DAL and Taimado. I wouldn't mind seeing a 3rd season of DAL but I know that won't fucking happen.


nah everything is bad in this genre

Granted, I only visited the threads actively by Usagi's arc but that was when most explanations and light novel stuff was happening when I was around.
>All over the place
I think that goes to say for all of the three series but Antimagic just had more of it.

The only time were there was a consistent discussion was with Ouka and the incident with Laugh Maker because some people wanted spoilers. It didn't go on for long and after that it wasn't talked about again since those curious got their answer.

More? Well, yeah. But it's still not much. It's not like Asterisk and Rakudai didn't have its little share of spoilers and talks from the source material either, but they too are just very minority compared to everything else. That's really how battle harem threads are like.

>replying to an underage faggot

You're still upset?

Some are not even battle, like Saenai Heroine or Shimoneta, and some while had battles like Invaders, Konobusa and Flag, I don't think they should be considered Battle Harem.

Flag is too high. Was good at the beginning with the harem shaneningans, but it went way too serious and got real shit. Kinda the same with World Break.

Blade Dance is also too high.

Rest is about right.

At the point where all three series were ending, I definitely recall more light novel discussion and people explaining "what really happened" moreso than the other two, but that's understandable since it got the worst adaptation. The only Asterisk light novel mentions that were prominent were future girls and tidbits of Fan. Rakudai threads were mostly impossible to talk about in that regard too. But I get your point.

There's just absolutely no way Bahamut and Asterisk are above than DAL, Roku and Anti-Magic.

Bahamut had great girls and Kasuga Ayumu's art, but nothing else much. Asterisk brought literally nothing new to the table and didn't even had proper harem interaction, something that even IS had.

>Bahamut had great girls and Kasuga Ayumu's art, but nothing else much
2 more things than Anti-magic

The first episodes count i guess, but it dosn't count as least shit.

He is clearly a shitposter user, the fact he goes to clock threads makes it obvious.

Best thing about Hundred is Silver Charlotte winning over Yellow Houki.

Of course Hisasi's designs are great, but the anime is full of QUALITY, bad fake sex scenes, HORRIBLE fights and they even toned a bit down the MC. Plus the girls weren't even that good.

There was nothing much else to find interesting.

glad im not the only one who survived tha last place.
Havent seen every other show on this list, but i'd personally rank hxh over hundred and bahamut because at leats it went full out with his shitty fanservice.
hundred deserves a lower place alone for this ending with the singing wheelchair girl and imagery that was more like a slideshow than actual animation...


>tfw used to love harems, but can't get into them anymore at all
what's happened to me

HxH was actually painful to watch, with all those aaaAAAaaaAAAaaaAAAaaaAAA ambulance voices that pass for moaning in Japan.

AMA girls are great

Ouka is a much better main girl than Lisha but that's it.

Dark times we live, my friend.

Even though we all might have different taste, we are being civil and discussing in this thread like gentlemen, but next season there's nothing much to hope for.

>Was Hundred really as shit as people say?
Yes, it really is. But if you're in a really guilty pleasure mood and just want to watch some "OH NO HE FELL ON MY BOOB... AGAIN" moments, it's a fine show. It can be kind of funny in a cringey sort of way too, and the girls are pretty damn hot.

But yes, it really is terrible.


Most are so generic and cliche that there's no point in watching more after certain point. I could tolerate them more if they actually had harem ends and resolutions

Mari, Ikaruga, and Lapis are great too.

it certainly wasn't good, but i can appreciate how they set the focus on the fanservice while not taking itself too seriously. At this point the actual plot in this kind of show is so bad that i'd rather watch a SoL setting wiht these characters instead of the awful fights, antagonists and overall story.

Better than IS.

She's literally worse than Houki and Stella combined.

Still waiting for an artbook announcement ;_;

I love Mari!

>hxh over hundred and bahamut because at leats it went full out with his shitty fanservice.
HxH was just plain bad in about everything.

>hundred deserves a lower place alone for this ending with the singing wheelchair girl and imagery that was more like a slideshow than actual animation...
I'll give you that.

I like the w/e Buddy Buddy ed theme. It was painfully generic.

>Houki and Stella
Gonna need some
>explain further
on this

I can kinda see why Houki based on user's opinions ITT, but Stella?

Lilith is my least favorite, but that's just wrong.

You're right, Stella wasn't nearly as bad as those two.

No one is looking forward for OVA 4 here?

Lilith is only "worst" because the other girls are all better, but Lilith isn't bad. Houki and Stella are genuinely bad by comparison.

Why do you people suck T7 dick so much? It is mediocre even by harem standards. I can't even remember a memorable scene from that show.

Her entire character is basically "Aaaraaataaa! Stop having fun!".

>but Lilith isn't bad

She's terrible though.

IS wasn't even that bad.

Seriously, the #1 complaint about it is Ichika. And who the fuck cares about the male lead in harems?

Op specified generic hatems

Kurumi is getting like 5 times more fanart than any other girl.

DAL is pretty much forgotten except for her.

IS had group interactions while other series girls exclusively exist to interact with the MC and only the MC.
Some shows can be improved or be made worse through the MC and directly influences the sort of interaction with see.

Smug girls with actual personalities and lives of their own, who don't simply exist for the sake of orbiting around the MC's dick, excellent (and smug) side characters, and a confident and awesome MC (pre-Anastasia, anyway). Much more than 99% of the other harem series can claim.

>pretty much forgotten
Especially when character polls love Tonka and Kotori and the novels that don't prominently feature her are going strong. Nothing less than absurdity from clockfags. Fan art doesn't necessarily mean people liking the actual character, more of a indication of interesting design a personality. Kurumi is great and all but you fags are delusional. Last reply you're getting from me.

Well, that's the only harem that might air this season.

IS sold so crazy well because it was mecha musume with a female dominated world and MC being a shit tier pilot instead of a chosen one so amazing he makes half of the world wet.

And yet she still loses to Tohka in actual polls. You are the kind of retard who thinks more porn means more popularity.

>character polls

Holy fucking shit, this is always won by the main girl.

It's like arguing that Newtype polls are accurate.

>fanart = popularity
Do you also think more sales = better quality?

Not really. Lilith is the no nonsense type, but she is quick to get swept up in the flow of fun and goes along with it.

I'm sorry you think that.

Sure she is.

>pretty much forgotten except for her
Kurumi is in my top 3, but you're being silly here.

>comparing newtype to official polls of the series
Holy shit, not that guy but you are either baiting or are a genuine retard.

If Kurumi is as popular as you claim she is, she would win the official polls as well.

This again:

>Best-tier: DAL, Taimado, Rokujouma
>Great-tier: Trinity Seven, Mahouka, Konosuba
>Mid-tier: DxD, Testament, Blace Dance, Machine Doll, Rakudai, Black Bullet, World Break.
>Low-tier: Hundred, Bahamut, Absolute Duo, Asterisk
>Trash-tier: IS

We can stop replying to the clockfag now

It's not just about the number of fanart.

Take a look at best rated DAL pics on Pixiv.



>this is always won by the main girl.
Never happens in series like Asterisk, Antimagic, Bahamut, Blade Dance, DxD, IS or Shomin Sample.

Holy autism, character polls are never accurate. They are always won by the MC and main girl. Fucking always.

Yes, she is like that. She also knows when to enjoy herself and take advances. Maybe you need to lighten up and see that her no nonsense side of her is part of the gag used for comedy, it's not something to get frustrated over, no more than the other girl's gags that could been called annoying or boring if someone had took them seriously in an angry way.

>keeps showing fanart
Seriously, you can't be this delusional.

>Maybe you need to lighten up
says a Lilith fanboy.

My sides.

>Rokujouma > KonoSuba > Trinity Seven > Machine Doll > DAL > Taimadou > Ore no Nounai > Mahouka > Kanojo ga Flag > HS DxD > Black Bullet > Shinmai > Absolute Duo > Saenai > Shimoneta > World Break > Bladedance > Shomin Sample > Rakudai > Asterisk > Brynhildr > Bahamut > L&L > Hundred > Kuusen Madoushi > Fafnir > LN'M > ISUCA > MG HxH

Still better.

>Lilith fanboy.
Such a thing can't possibly exist. He's just reverse trolling for reactions.

>character polls are never accurate
I thought you were baiting but it seems you are genuine retard. The fact Tohka keeps winning in the official polls means people who actually follow and buy the series like her and not a bunch of random whos drawing your a girl just for her design.

Are you literally retarded? Number of favorites on the largest japanese site with fanarts means nothing now?

How many votes Tohka gets in those official polls? 1k? 2k? Probably not even that much.

Kurumi has fanarts with over 10k favorites. And literally 90% of high rated DAL art is with her. All the top artists do only her ignoring other girls.

Don't reply to him.

>Lilith is only "worst" because the other girls are all better, but Lilith isn't bad.
Sorry, but just because I'm being reasonable and argue the contrary doesn't me a fanboy. You, on the other hand, are acting like one-track hater who has it out for Lilith regardless of reason that warrants treating her like the worst thing ever, more than Houki and Stella.

What generic harem had the biggest titties so far?

Was is hundred?

She's the Yozora of that anime.

>official poll
>1200 votes for #1

Ahahahahahaha! Holy shit you fags stop.

and yet Tohka still wins in popularity contests, you are keep saying "she has the most fanart so she must be the most popular!" but that's not the case when it comes to actual fan choice.

"No fun allowed" is not reasonable.

Wouldn't be the first time.

>DAL and Taimadou being that high

>posting old shit
When was the last time you went to a DAL thread? You are only making a retard out of yourself.

That shit is from 4-5 years ago idiot.

Then go ahead and post the most recent one.

>people relaying to a clockfag
>people replying to a literal shitposter

Meatfag pls

The clockfag won't stop user. You know how they are when they get stubborn.

They're pretty good all things considered.


Tohka - 357622

Kurumi - 531429

You fags just REALLY embarrassed yourselves.

>this thread
This why you don't go to threads like these, it shows how retarded can circlejerkers be.

>movie poll
>the one who was won by proxy spamming
>the one where the flavor of month girl aka Mayuri won
No, seriously. When was the last time you went to a DAL thread?

It's you who's being unreasonable. She's isn't any more no nonsense than Azusa or Kyon or Setno. In fact, she has more dere and gets docile real fast under pressure. To reduce her whole character to just that over something you personally don't like is even more unreasonable.

>shitposters told so hard they shut up

>From second most release time
Still old.


>movie poll
Yeah, this guy is baiting and Mayuri won that one

Other side is posting facts and you are just talking. Post serious evidence of stop shitposting.

Kyon is different, he doesn't prevent people's fun, he's just cynical as his name suggests. Sento is also a bitch. But Lilith is surrounded by vastly superior girls, and all she can do is yell STOP HAVING FUN.

Wasn't this poll proxy voted to death? The total votes are way too high.

Stop replying to him. He's never been to any threads past S1

>Liking Rakudai

>doesn't prevent
Neither does Lilith. Kyon complains and gripes just like Lilith, and if he could have it this way wouldn't engage in the "fun" Haruhi drags him into. He only goes along with it for the sake of the universe from getting destroyed.
Think that as you will, but she's still popular and liked. I never seen anyone even complains about her strict and temperamental side, obviously since it's not something to take seriously, which is something you've failed to do.

Not even denying the other girls are better, but Lilith is still good and she does more than what you're forcing her to be by reducing and exaggerating her to one aspect of how she actually is like.

>Neither does Lilith.
Her gun says otherwise.
>one aspect
She has no other aspects.

Kuraudo was great and that's mostly it.

>implying rewrite isnt AOTS


>not liking Stella, the best harem main heroine of 2015

So anyways, what happened to IS? Is it cancelled indefinitely?

I think it's not even on Overlap's site anymore.

Main heroines are usually horrible, so that's not saying much, but she was indeed above average.

>liking Stella
Why Stella is so shit? She ruined the whole show.

What gun? She only used that on rare occasion to threaten Arata after the fact, so there is no prevention. She doesn't use it on other girls Arata, only those rare occasions where Arata does or is teasing really prevented and that's executed in boke and tsukkomi fashion.

>straight man in the comedy act
>sensei mode skits
>the mature and level-headed
>ice queen
>easy to fluster
And still you think you aren't being completely unreasonable? You're behaving like a no u child who's being a hater ignoring everything else that would contradict your erroneous tunnel vision belief.

>Stellafag is here
Stella shit. Kill yourself.

You mean the worst.

Mad asterisktard is mad.

Man, you're trying hard to defend someone who lives and breathes no fun allowed, and ruining everyone's memorable moments with whining.

>Red Houki
>Anything but garbage tier main heroine

Still untrue

Only Ouka and maybe Julie were arguably better.

Why is Ouka so shit? She ruined the whole episode!

You're the one trying very hard to make her out to be something she is not by distorting context and blowing her complaints out of proportion. She doesn't even do what you''re claiming right now. Being the straight man in the comedy doesn't ruin anything, she usually only reacts like this, she doesn't try to stop or make the girls stop.

If it was any other girl, it'd get more amusing. She cuts it off with her annoying tsukkomi. And that's one of her less offensive scenes.

Give it up, you're not getting what you want here.

>Satsuki is shit because no fun allowed
Are you a Chisatofag?

So it's now tsukkomi in your eyes. At least that's the first step disregarding your opinion.

>less offensive
Feel free to post these greatly offensive scans then to prove me wrong.

>I don't like what you said so you're wrong because reasons
>prove me wrong
The ones where she uses her "no fun allowed" gun.

Are you drunk?

Except I didn't say that, you troll.

She used her gun a handful of time. It shouldn't be hard for you to come up with scans to support your burden of proof.

None of the other girls have the personality to do tsukkomi except Mira who does do it often. She's actually more strict than Lilith.

Oh shit, the smartphone is out. Time to hide.

>you're a troll because I said so
Read the mango.

I'll take that as a yes then.

Still not seeing scans that proves me wrong.

>stays the same

So you are drunk? I see no other reason to bring up unrelated names, unless you're desperate to end this and you want to put up a smokescreen of nonsense.

I see no lewd, interesting, or both situations there. That's what Lilith destroys with her presence.

Yes, but that's only because last year wasn't really a good year for harem main girls in general.

>hiding being the veil of I'll call everything bad opinions rather than giving an argument and coming up with burden of proof
You're not even trying.

What about Mira there? All girls have their dere time with Arata. Mira still have a strict tendency and gets angry, so she's still like that and it's part of what makes her cute.

>bad opinions
Where did I say that? You're not even trying.

I'm not even the guy you're arguing, but your never-ending rant of no fun allowed sounds just like Chisatofags bashing Satsuki.


>Where did I say that?
>"I see no lewd, interesting, or both situations there. That's what Lilith destroys with her presence."
You not trying at all.

Okay? What does relinking to the same post that I addressed achieves?

I don't know who those are, or how she compares to Lilith, but if she's just as bad she deserves it.

Is it lewd? No. Is it interesting and exciting? No, it's just a date.

You must be truly starved for attention to keep begging for it for so long. You better say thanks afterwards.

Lewd was already posted. Interesting and exciting? Yes because opinions. What's next, complain about out of place fanservice during a serious date and lighthearted date where they have fun and get intimate?

Don't delude yourself. You know Kuruminia the popular one, even Tsunako is an admitted Kurumifag.

I liked Isuca

>Lewd was already posted.
Yes, and she ruined it, even in one of her less offensive scenes. And a date is not interesting, they happen all the time.

Go to sleep and read what you wrote tomorrow. It'll hurt, but you have to do it sometime.

Imouto and Nene are vastly superior. Stella isn't even better as main heroine in the same season that had Julis and Ouka.


All you're doing is throwing opinions where you hate her no matter what. It's crystal clear to anyone that you have a serious vendetta against Lilith and don't have a single intention of being reasonable and unbiased. So these opinions where you restlessly bash and flame to invalidate argues made against you have little weight, especially when you haven't given a single scan or concrete argument to support your claims to help your case.

I love this meme.

>I have never read the manga, and I assume nobody else has
>I am also extremely upset

What's good about Rokujouma? I left it "on hold" when the Blues Brothers showed up.

Emilia best Hundred

That's the best counterargument/implications you could come up with? I truly feel sorry for you.

Just because I haven't posted pages of her blowing good moments to pieces with her gun doesn't mean they don't exist, as anyone who's read two chapters can tell you.

You're just desperate.

>Tsunako is an admitted Kurumifag
Except, Nepgear is her waifu you newfaggot.


That's because you can't find any because the kind that you delude yourself into believing doesn't exist. I already told you that she used it rarely, literally a handful of times in over 45 chapters and they're as noted .

If they're truly as numerous and frequently like every two chapters as you're implying then it would be super easy for you to just post them. But you can't for a reason.

So you admit they exist? Good boy.
And there are good moments she ruins without using her gun, like .

So yeah, you're either literally starving for attention or really upset. Both are sad.

Way better than Stella

>there are people who actually defend Lilith

I can't wrap my mind around this.

It's one guy trying to be contrarian. The things people will do for attention.

Rakudai: Imouto
Bahamut: Krul
Hundred: Claire
Asterisk: Kirin
IS: Charlotte
HxH: Aine

Read her interviews newfag.

Acting condescending when you're now blatantly confirming you've ignored earlier arguments that acknowledged and corrected your point about about her "gun" moments only hurts you, not me.

To even use as a scene where she ruined anything when all she did was reacted per tsukkomi manner that does nothing but make the whole thing more amusing.

With all the above, you're grasping at straws and are being everything a troll is.

>Hundred: Reitia
>Asterisk: Sylvia
>HxH: loli mom


>Dat one Lilith hater is getting BTFO
WITNESSING and saving this thread for future use.

You couldn't be more obvious if you tried.

Nah, the correct answer for HxH would be the big sister.

Tsunako worked on Neptunia before DAL you stupid fuck and her waifu is Nepgear, you can see how she keeps drawing her clones all over the LN.

Lilith is at last better than Stella, but Stellafags praises Stella to high heaven. Explain that.

You admitted she's used her gun to blow good moments to pieces. Good boy.
You posted a good and entertaining moment that ended with her ruining it (and it's not the only one). Good boy.
You've done your job, now go to sleep.

You couldn't be more obvious if you tried.

Isn't it like one Stellafag?

>better than Stella

Does not compute.

It seems like he is a Nepfag. This could be fun to watch, cancerous Nepfag vs cancerous clockfag.

Except I didn't agree and acknowledged your opinion, stupid troll. I explained how she uses it, which is different than how you're misconstruing it to be.

>two (You)

Lilith > Stella > Houki

Hey retard, the post you're sperging to is about DAL series not Tsunako's career.
And doesn't changes the fact Kurumi still is her favorite DAL character.
Now fuck off.

I'm not sure if you noticed but this whole thread is cancer.

Nobody cares if you agree, or how attention-starved you are, it's a fact that she ruins good moments with whining and violence. You posted one such occasion, and you're a good boy for that.

Yeah, right.

>Retarded Lilith hater pretending to be a retard and derails to avoid proving evidence

No, she isn't. Tsunako only said she liked her design just like she also said Shiori was her actual favorite.

Yes, Ouka is way better than Stella.

Yeah, but at least it will be a battle between two shitposters sperging nonsensical shit.

When the thread started was clear Lilith isn't the popular one on T7 but it seems the spic is on full throttle now.

Lilithfag is Nepfag as far as I can see and is alone on this cancer of a thread. He even though plied the same posts twice.

Your tunnel visioned hatred and biased opinions aren't fact, you troll.

You''re trying so hard, yet not trying at all. Using your biased and hatred, we should be hating Mira too then since she does scenes like that you take great offensive to and cry ruin.

>isn't true if I say so
Yeah keep sperging.

Let the thread die like this.

Fuck off. Mira at least joins the fun.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that and maybe one day it will become real.

DAL was shit

Mio was the best main heroine from fall 2015. Julie was okay because she was actually useful though. Ouka was annoying and Stella was just Ikki's personal cheerleader.

>you are a troll because opinions!!!1
Thanks for posting a page that supports what I'm saying, good boy.

As for Mira, .

Here, however, you're taking the smart approach to defending Lilith. It's impossible to do it rationally, so just go all-out troll.

You're the one sperging to multiple posts here cuckboy.

>Stellafag = Nepgearfag = Lilithfag =Clockhater
The best is this shit is getting archive so proofs are saved now.

Yeah, keep lying to yourself fag. The fact you think Tsunako gives a shit about a shitty girl she barely draws over Nepgear and her clone shows how retarded you are.

Why are harems so popular?
No one seems to actually like harems, it doesn't help the MCs are non-character pieces of shit either.
When you say there is a best girl, you or the author who allowed such a mistake completely missed the point of a harem.
Why has harem devolved into a fast food "pick what you like and focus on this girl" genre?
Why doesn't anyone write a real harem, where every girl is best girl including the main character?

Many potential waifus.

>Stellafag = Nepgearfag = Lilithfag =Clockfag
Nepfags are cancerous but clockfags are even worse.

>literally admitting admitting to be the troll derailing the thread
One job, thanks for proving what the others claimed.

Read above. He is the clockhater. Look at how he got triggered and started talking about Nepgear when nobody talked about her.

Have your third (You)

Exactly, that Nepfag came out of nowhere while the clockfag has been here shitting up the thread since the beginning.

Kek. Go to bed, retarded Lilith hater. You're losing badly in here. The amount of red herring and playing dumb you shit out is hilarious

>Why are harems so popular?

They are not. Very few harems sold good. They are just crazy easy to write so shitty authors make tons of them.

IS was the last one that sold very good. After that DxD and DAL sold okay. Since then nothing sold good.

But if you want a waifu wouldn't it be better to focus on developing one character instead of creating archetype clones whose only merit is character design?

I don't know which cancer is worse you or Nepfags.

No. He's been sperg Lilithfag. Are you blind?

And so does Lilith. Do you even read the manga?

The very fact you're actually using that scan that's supposed to prove how trolling you are proves you're a troll.

>stays the same
You already tried and failed.

>what is Monogatari

>inb4 isn't harem

How? This is the first time that Nepfag mentioned her shitty waifu while the clockfag has been shitposting for a long time and Nepfags only care about their shitty series becase muh Tsunako.


>Everyone who likes Kurumi, Lilith, and Nep is same person

>ur a troll because reasons!!!1
Those, as I said, are not lewd or interesting moments, so she's not ruining them. But really, you should stop that approach

and continue this one. It's much more intelligent than what you've been doing.

>conspiracy theories
Sounds fun. Let's play it. You = Stellafag = Clairefag = Liesefag = Claudiafag

I doubt Nepfags even watched DAL, they hate the series because it has a male MC.

He is a spic. He doesn't even knows what red herring means.

>triggered sperg took the bait again
Like clockwork.

>triggered sperg took the bait again
Like clockwork.

That's why he keeps shitting threads.

Yeah, and the only one shitting on DAL is the clockfag so far, let's not trigger the Nepfag too.

You're a troll because you're acting like you've won by acting like a condescending shitposter raving on about how I've supported your point when I in fact have done the opposite since these scans of "ruining" and my refutation of your gun claim that you are afraid to support shows otherwise.

Your opinion is that isn't fact that you claim are irrelevant to the real point. It's really obvious you're a troll. You sound and behave just like a troll trying to get reactions via bait. You don't have the intention to argue seriously, as proven many replies ago.

Where are my Shinmai niggas at?

Lilith haters: 0
Lilithfags: 2

I already thanked you for helping me prove my point, by both admitting that Lilith ruins certain moments with her gun and posting an example of her ruining one without it. Your job here is done, I fail to see why you're still up.

Or maybe you chose to take a more intelligent approach to attentionwhoring, like here? That would be an improvement.

>442 replies
Are mods dead?

He already did. Clockfag left hours ago.

Fuck off attention whore.

Unless you're retarded, Kurumifags and Lilithfags don't even share the same fans or taste. They don't even like Stella. Hell, I don't.

>Clockfag left hours ago
They were throwing shit at each other a few minutes ago, what the fuck are you saying? Are you that clockfag?

It literally says Clockhater is Lilithfag.

You're the retarded one when you can't read the 'hater' after Clock.

Were just watching this.
Just stay at the background.

Backpedal much there? Earlier you stated those aren't as offensive so it was nitpicking, but now you're saying they prove your opinion just because. You're not trying at all and are truly a troll. Three times you failed to back up up claims, and three times I refuted you.

You're just a shitty hater trolling for an argument you lost many replies ago.

>Replying to sudaca
Shameful display.

Except I like Kurumi, you shitty troll.

That's what you said, not what I said. She ruins moments in many ways, some involve violence, others 'just' bitching. Fitting that a bitch like you would like her.

You really should give this up and continue what you're doing in though, it's far more intelligent than this sorry attempt.


i love Shinmai maou no testament!

>Retarded Lilith hater who is losing thinks everyone who doesn't agree is same person
Delicious delusions and mad

You're alone idiot.

>This is what I want to believe

You're both retarded.

Elder God tier: Levi, Liese
God tier: Lugh, Arin, Illya, Akio (loli), Yui, Sora
High tier: Akio, Selina, Liber, Ayesha, Mira
Mid tier: Anna, Hijiri
Low tier: Yui (mature), Judecca
Shit tier: Lilith

I thought it was good, better than Sao and konosuba at least

>Retarded Lilith hater is THIS insecure

Move Liese down there with Lilith.

All this thread has convinced me is to stay as far away from Battle Harems as possible.

Date A Live

Different user here, loli mom rekts everyone in the title of best girl for me here

>echoing the general consensus makes you a retarded hater now

Not even the guy you're arguing with.

Liese is right where she belongs.

I was replying to the guy saying Clockfag, dumbass. Clockhater = Lilithhater nakes more sense though. They have the same posting style and spergy attitude cherrypicking at one thing about both characters that they hate to aututic level.

I'm not telling you to watch harems, but if you do make sure to never lurk the threads.

That's what you keep implying over and over again. Your original point was built upon preventing fun = ruin, and one of the scans shows her preventing fun. Straight man reactions are only just that, which is the point and you actually acknowledged her tsukkomi and that itself is the opposite of ruining moments when tsukkomi complements and furthers comedy scenes.

As stated before, your "opinions" doesn't have weight when your r biased is obvious as hell. It's even obvious that you haven't read the manga since Lilith isn't even the violent type. You're just guessing and going on one gun scene where that you go full autistic over, probably the first time she pulled it out before she got to know Arata and well before her development arc.

I never acknowledged your samefag accusations since I'm not the same person and that should be obvious to anyone, but if you're going to keep at it, you should know you're only hurting yourself, much like the rest of what you've been doing.

Bad taste
Judecca should be god tier.

The straight man is one of the most hated character types in history, however they are good for being a foil to the cast and making the others look more "quirky" but when done wrong can be boredom incarnate

Take of that what you will

>general consensus when Lilith is one of the top most popular girls in T7 poll
Contrarian as fuck hater

>tsukkomi complements and furthers comedy scenes
No, what Lilith does is cut them short and ruin them.
>obvious to anyone
That you're samefagging? Yes.

You are six lines upset. Rethink everything.

Or should I say two posts upset?

You must have not lurked any T7 thread at all.

Put Mira higher and I'll agree.

Except she doesn't even do that. They are done after the fact or are there to be funny, so there is no cut or ruin. Seriously, either support it or shut the fuck up and let go of your autism.

No. Believing this isn't going to help you win your arguments, you know.

What about the headmistress who's into Based Headmaster?

Elder God tier: Hijiri, Levi, Sora, Mira, Ayesha
God tier: Lugh, Arin, Illya, Akio (loli)
High tier: Yui, Selina, Liber
Mid tier: Akio, Anna
Low tier: Liese, Lilith, Yui (mature)

We're just lurking this thread for a good laugh.

Sorry, but no matter how angry you get, her role in the story won't change. She's there to interrupt fun, as in the page you posted.

Didn't prevent you from posting , except in your case you were wrong.

No one in the chain said clockfag but you dork.

Now let's hide to shadows while that guy spergs.

>Retarded Lilith hater literally BTFO for the third time

>Liese low

I'm fine with this but Anna for me is boring though. She lacks spark.

Pretty much no new battle harem series after Infinite Stratos sold better than mediocre. It was actually surprising they insisted so much on the genre, with multiple shows every season, in spite of so many failures and no other big success. It had to stop someday. VN adaptations also fell out of flavor.

I'm surprised there's no isekai ln adaptation next season though. Those are often harem too.

Except the page I posted didn't showed that. Her comedy role has bee stated numerous times and it doesn't do prevent fun like you kept crying on about. Your headcanon simply isn't fact like you've claimed. Maybe you should remove the stick from your ass, you might finally realize that and see that whole point of a comedy duo is to progress "fun" and not prevent it.

Pink Houki a shit.

Loli Akio should be higher.

Red Houki a shit too.

Destroying comedy is not a comedy role, son.

You're being more intelligent in this post, though.

Clockfag was said twice in the chain. Either way, they are both wrong.

Stellafag pls. Your taste is garbage.

Julis being superior is objective fact.
Has anyone ever fallen for that meme you push daily, anyways?

Holy shit. That Lilith "fan" better not ruin the T7 movie threads when it comes out.

So amusing and comical skits is destroying comedy. Right. You're clinically a retard, you know that? But of course since you are a troll.

Before it gets archived, besides OVA 4, what are other harems that is coming out next year?

No, but wrecking comedy is. Also, your anger is mildly amusing.

I never took Shinmai as anything more than DxD rejects anyway.

>Julis being superior is objective fact.
Prove it then.

Rokoujosama>KonoSuba>Strike The Blood>Highschool DXD>Hagure Yuusha>Mondaiji>trinity 7>anything else in recent years

Rokoujosama and konosuba get carried by their character interactions
Strike the blood gets carried by its grills
Highschool DXD, Trinity 7, Hagure Yuusha and Mondaiji get carried by their main character.

All other battle harems in recent years have been generic and worthless.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't

That's not how manzai works.

Funny you mention this now when your anger at Lilith's straight man COMEDY act is the whole reason for your autism and sperg. Enough to single only her out when there's Mira and to even call her worse than Houki and Stella combined when she's objectively far better in development, dere, and isn't even violent.

>battle harem thread
>no one ever mentions Twintails

>doesn't fall for MC's D after two episodes
>character that doesn't revolves around muh MC

-What Lilith does is non-comedy, a black hole of good things.
-That wasn't me.
--You have problems.

For winter 2016/2017, Masamune-kun no revenge, and then Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata in spring 2017.
Both seem to be standard harem shows though, not battle harems.

Well that's good, less shitposting.

Watch the show.

I hope magika will never get one as much as I like reading to it.

Yeah sure, and none of the girl's dere is cute because I said so.

>That wasn't me
I'll take one page out of your playbook and call bullshit because obvious samefag is obvious.

There's also Clockwork Planet, which there has been no new news for it since last year.

Keep the good job.

>Highschool DXD
>Carried by main character
Your opinion was made worthless right there.

But Stella is objectively better than Lilith. She's more enjoyable, developed, sexier and cuter.

>ESL-kun agrees with normalfag taste
Confirmed shit taste beyond a shadow of a doubt.

if that's what helps you sleep at night okay. DxD is literally "muh editor problems" the series.

That's subjective, wrecking comedy and stopping it in its tracks is objective. Especially when you do it with a gun. You need to get in touch with reality.

You tried that in , and you were equally off. Is this what mental deficiency looks like? Or are you just that desperate for attention? You better thank me afterwards.

We can't discuss Twintails because the MC is also in the best girl pool.

Masamune is "White Knight the Bitch" the animation.

Never liked DxD either.

Following the harem tropes and keeping the status quo for eternity isn't really "character"

It becomes shit when harem happens. I mean, I expected a revenge manga, not high school harem hijinks. Fuck that manga.

You're just showing how terrible both are and to compare them would be something only idiots would do.
Both are shit.

>that's subjective
Exactly my point, genius.
That's just your subjective view, as biased and full of hatred as it is. Since it produces laughs and amusement then it can't be objectively ruining/destroying/and everything else you're trying to amount it to by going on about facts.

Yeah yeah, ignore how I didn't bothered to acknowledged your attempts to undermine me by implying anyone who dares speak against you is same person.

The only hatred I see here is in your enormous, autism-filled posts.
The way you can't tell the difference between advancing and wrecking comedy is endearing, though.

But that's exactly what you did in .

Name a battle harem that don't have tropes and cliches.

Ok pal

Mah nigga.

Hurry up with that chapter 2, krytyk

Samefag because no one but you could possibly like Stella.

Sorry pal, but unlike Lilith, Stella is actually the most popular girl in her series.

The point of that picture was that those two series employed exactly the same tropes and cliches from the start and beyond. It doesn't matter individually but to have two "different" series start out nearly the same way says something.

>Implying I give a shit about Lilith
>Implying Stella isn't the most hated girl in her own series on Cred Forums
Fuck off, Stellafag.

>This delusion


Imouto is the most hated.

He isn't wrong. Seriously, you were all alone in the thread from the other day. Stella is terrible.

That Lilith "fan" isn't going to show up anymore in our threads out of the sheer embarrassment he's being given in this thread.

Keep trying, Stellafag. I'm sure you can troll a newfag if you try hard enough.

>this is what asterisktard tells himself to help sleep at night

Mein sides.

>Retarded Lilith hater saying this when he was BTFO by a Lilithfag
I can't wait to show this thread to the others.

>Stellafag and Asterisktard having full on sperg war
Thank God for bumplimit

Other fans are just going to agree with the opinions and arguments made against Lilith ITT. Not a very good idea.