Can somebody explain to me what people see in this show? Literally the most boring garbage I have ever fucking watched

Can somebody explain to me what people see in this show? Literally the most boring garbage I have ever fucking watched.

It's suffering porn.

>Edge and waifubait everywhere.
Literally a teenager's wet dream.

waifus and melodrama

I haven't watched it but the girls look cute i guess?

best girl
well done main character personality
episode 18

Wow, you must be hard to impress, OP.
I didn't care that much for most of the show but fuck me, every week I couldn't wait to see this guy to show up again.
Best comedy of the year for me.

Kill yourselves, all of you.
> Five threads right now for shitposting.
This is bullshit. I repeat, fucking kill yourselves, all of you.

I don't trust these devil's trips

I didn't even make it that far

>Re Zero fags need to make falseflagging threads so that people talk about their series now that it's over

Just fuck off

The fuck they are. They are in their damn thread talking with Subaru's daddy. This is just shitposting for the sake of shitposting. Also, I recommend you do this shit right now . Do it you little pussy.

Garbage character.

>Can somebody explain to me what people see in this show? Literally the most boring garbage I have ever fucking watched.
You're doing this every end of the season. Can you fuck off?

Why did you enjoy this crazy guy making kooky faces?

The primary problem with LNs and manga over anime is that the communities that translate those are very half assed. You can find hundreds of manga series that are unfinished translations and with LNs it's even worse with most not even getting a translation without an anime and even then they will die off eventually too. Anime is largely the only real impetus that gives manga and LNs fanbases in the west.

You sit down at the kitchen table after a marathon of Re:Zero. The room is somewhat well lit but you feel a certain unease about you, as if something is about to happen. Suddenly from out of the corner of your eye, you see a creature lumbering around the corner. It has no discernible eyes, a tiny nose and wears a large grin upon its swollen head. Its blue hair droops down in a haphazard manner over its body, hiding what might lie within. It lumbers towards you as you remain paralyzed, too frightened to move. Now it sits opposite you and slowly reaches its hand over the table and toward you.

What do you do?

See here

It is only by shitposting that your posts have any value. Appreciate the shitposters, for without them we would all be as such.

See here again.It's either that, or let the thread get saged. Because this is bullshit.

yeah relax man we all saw your trips, its not that big a deal

Shitposting has no value. Even if your life were to end, you are still considered a piece of shit. So even if you were to die right now, nothing of value would be lost. One less piece of shit in the world. That's a great benefit for everyone making these threads should follow.

>Literally the most boring garbage I have ever fucking watched.
Watch lucky star.

Yeah man, and I'm telling you idiots to end your miserable lives of shitposting and letting the thread be alive. Sage should have stayed.

But it would reduce the value of everyone else, because the less shitty people that exist the shittier everyone else looks

>not enjoying beetlejuice

He didn't even show up until a few months after it started.

It doesn't matter. It just means you want to hide that you're a piece of shit with the same value as a piece of shit, worthless. One less shit in the world. There's no true devaluing when there's no value in the first place. If there's gonna be less shit in the world, then by all means, everyone needs to be get rid of. Fuck you.

What is it with underaged posters and this character?

I thought it would be boring because of the premise but episode 4 ending hooked me in.

oi, first 12 episodes or so were pretty good, it felt like i was watching worse version of steins gate

Kill yourselves, both of you. For bumping this god-forsaken shitposting thread. See here . I repeat. FUCK YOU.

They can bump whatever they want fagboi, stop being angry that people don't agree with you.

Fuck you. I repeat, fuck you. There's seven fucking threads. SEVEN FUCKING YOU IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT. MAJORITY BEING SHITPOST YOU FUCKING IDIOT. Off yourself if you think this is opinion and not just a bunch of bullshit to make shitposting threads and stigma.


This show is kinda up there for stuff happening. You must be some asshole that hard to please since nothing can compete with watching gore, rape, and snuff films.

>Inb4 OP says he only watched like 5 episodes

In that case he is a faggot saying an entire show is bad when he didnt even watch all of it.

Rezero is flavor of the month tier bullshit. Even SAO is better than this show, the repeating death shit is going to be the new stuck in a video game meme.

>Worse than SAO

You might wanna go get yourself checked, user.

This thread was going to die you idiots. Please off yourselves.

Get out. See here and here .

Holy aspergers

One of the best anime of all time.

Honestly best anime of the decade. Excels on every category. Only people who dislike it are insecure elitist contrarians.

OP here.

I've watched 24 episodes and I don't plan on watching the last one.

But that's where it finally gets gooooooooood

Lem is the best female character I've seen.