HAVE A Cred ForumsECIAL BIRTHDAY Cred Forums
HAVE A Cred ForumsECIAL BIRTHDAY Cred Forums
Is an horse an athlete
thank you, Cred Forums-kun! I hope you have a Cred Forumseci/a/l birthday too!
I'm so glad I lived on Capitol Hill when this happend
tanjoubi omedetou
Anybody else from Cred Forums here?
What did he mean by this?
S/a/n Antonio Cred Forumsurs reporting
Hey Cred Forums you dumb nerds, what you doing on my board? Do you want your lunch money stolen again?
What is Cred Forums's favourite anime?
is this /bundes/?
Wew Kobe
I use Cred Forums during handegg games.
Have a very Cred Forumsecial birthday too, Cred Forums-kun~
How bout that Husky game?
Who Cred Forumstletico m/a/drid here?
That soccer is for homosexuals
Probably something retarded like Re:Zero
pls, delete this cancer thread immediately, it gives me the cancer
Who's a lesterl/a/d?
>unironically paying 100,000,000 dollars for a dabbing black lellana
You are cancer. You are merely observing your own likeness
Who Cred Forumsrsenal here?
r/a/ifurongu kitsune here
That's impressive. Was he trying to break a record or something?
>A hundred trillion dollars for a dabbing Kevin Davies
Who's the anime equivalent of Pogba?
This thread makes me nostalgia hard, I miss pre-flag Cred Forums
Ash. He's a popular big shot, great player. But you know he's never going to win anything important.
Who's the anime equivalent of Tom Brady?
Every casual became enamored with him because he was supposed to be "the next big thing," but he ends up being shit week after week.
Gilgamesh. Eli is Shirou.
Overrated, overhyped trash that changes haircut everyday?
Hmm, I wonder.
>international break
An interchangable Issekai protagonist.
Any overrated Gary Stu protagonist that seems good because the rest of the cast is.
t. Peyton "hgh" manning
Remember when Cred Forums and Cred Forums used to be the same people?
What went wrong?
we still are, it's just Cred Forums afraid of admitting it
We still are. Go to any game thread on sunday and you'll find them full of anime images.
And you'll have a hoard of faggots telling you to fuck off for posting them.
Half of those are anime posters themselves
I don't think they ever were. Sports is one of the most manliest normie hobbies out there while anime is one of the nerdiest feminine hobbies.
Kira Yamato
>Cred Forums and Cred Forums used to be the same people
it was Cred Forums and Cred Forums
Cred Forums and Cred Forums were just friends
Did you not forget that there are some sports anime?
it's cute watching the normalfags' autism flare up
just look at the frenchie in the thread in Cred Forums
I thought it was Yuru Yuri.
Aren't they the same people posting on Cred Forums though?
The only acceptable Cred Forums sport is r/a/cing.
Who /running in the 90s/ here?
Reminder that the W/a/rriors will never lose again.
we Drift und Panzer
why are you being so mean to me
i'm reporting this
Cred Forums and Cred Forums are a single entity.
Cred Forumsartan here, can confirm. akkariin best girl
"Just friends"
I would fuck Akarin at the first opportunity
Cred Forums is netoraring Cred Forums?
I find that most boards tend to have this particular kind of cancer which claims that Cred Forums is a containment board rather than the soul of Cred Forums
It's true. Cred Forums talks to them online but would never associate with them off the boards.
Who Cred Forumslambama here? Roll tide!
Ozil x akarin otp
Qualidea Code
most of them are just scared to admit to watching anime. They have aome misconception that liking anime automatically makes you a loser shut-in, when quite the opposite can be true.
that, or they were rejected by the anime kids at their high school
>mfw Cred Forums and Cred Forums during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Still hate you regardless.
that's gonna be a fun time
hopefully I'll be shitposting from Tokyo during the Olympics, instead of at home
Any Cred Forumsnons going to watch university handegg in a bit?
>watching college football
Nah, but I will watch that shitty clots/jags game just to shitpost with britbongs.
>watching college football
the pac 12 minus stanford is shit and even then, they'll fuck it up and the SEC or THE Ohio Sate will win again. I have no hope for this shit ass conference
> turnleft
Does Cred Forums like Giant Killing?
I do that to bait people, autism works on both sides. I some times post anime, call myself out and watch the thread erupt.
Yuru yuri
Since/a/ hates Cred Forums nowdays, which boards are buddys with Cred Forumsm
No, it's always.
There was a time when Cred Forums and Cred Forums were bros.
So that explain why the hat on every single post with picture
None because newfags take Cred Forums too seriously and don't allow anyone from other boards
That is the best thing about Cred Forums you autist.
Not really
Cred Forums elitism and self moderating is the sole reason this is the only board that hasn't gone full leddit.
cancer, just a bump, for you
guess what, the guy you replying to is the real newfag that ties to manipulate the situation.
This why you see a lot of back lashing cunts
Why does Cred Forums like this girl?