Who is the best studio and why is it Ufotable?
Who is the best studio and why is it Ufotable?
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that's not kinoani
that's not gonzo
That's not sunrise
Trigger>Kyoto Animation>Madhouse>Bones>David Production>>>>Ufotable
>btfo by Chinks making animation better than them in "their" style
What's being compared here?
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ufotable one looks like shit though
They need to stop adapting nasu garbage and put their resources elsewhere. They've wasted so much talent on his shit stories.
The Zestiria anime was pretty good though.
Your taste gave me cancer
OPM has better animation than mob psyco though. In before tumblr bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwws.
I like ufotable's use of CG.
I'm also really into Fate
we all know studio DEEN is best
>I like ufotable's use of CG.
Cred Forums Pass user since March 2016.
ufotable's style got old really fast, it's just a joke now when everything they make looks like KnK and F/Z.
They make whatever Aniplex wants them to make, they're the one that put them on the map in the first place.
>They make whatever Aniplex wants them to make
I mean I'm not really blaming ufotable for that or anything, I'd just like to see them working on source material that isn't shit.
GoHands > Ufotable
>Cred Forums Pass user since March 2016.
The fuck is this?
They aren't an Aniplex exclusive bitch. They also are Bamco's bitch.
>not Tatsunoko
I like how Madhouse shows have quality and substance
>opm is the only madhouse show
fuck off fate/shill
kyoto has the most boring shit ever