Oh what a day

Oh what a day.
What a lovely day!

Other urls found in this thread:


i still think the anime wasn't nearly as bad as people were trying to make it out to be
wasn't 10/10 material either but still

Bern is cute! CUTE!

It made Battler denying Beatrice's existence look like stupid denial rather than a heroic act of resistance. When the entire premise of a series is misportrayed, the adaptation can't really be called anything but shit. That's not even getting into shit like them inserting fanservice during death scenes or the incoherent pacing.

ok it killed your dog we get it

Fuck this storm. How am I supposed to look for gold on this island with all this rain outside?

I can't believe it's that time of year again

Oh fuck I didn't even realize the date.

I've been waiting in anticipation since the month began

I remember the anime having an interesting premise but nothing else.

After reading the visual novel though, I'm not entirely sure a decent anime adaptation can be made, even with a competent studio.

they did a pretty good job all things considered
the VN doesn't loan itself well at ALL regarding its adaptability into other media
there's simply too much to adapt without having to severely cut corners

Yeah but it just cut off huge parts of the VN and change the relation between the characters.

Anyway, long VN adaptations are often disapointing. For example, planetarian is short and its adaptation is fine.
It exactly follows the story of the VN and almost nothing is forgotten

I imagine that Clannad was probably the most faithful VN adaptation, but the anime dragged on for too long and the ending made no sense as a result.

Don't die on me.

>inserting fanservice during death scenes
What did you mean by this?

>Umineko thread
>tfw only on 2nd chapter
I don't know if I should stay or get the hell out of here.


You'd best leave just in case.

Enjoy the worst episode of the visual Novel.
Also it was all Small Bombs


Did someone say Erika?

>2nd was worst

Get the fuck out of here. That's chapter 8

>Shroedinger will never come back

Get the fuck out now, dummy. You'll get spilled really badly. For example Yasu is Beatrice, Shannon and Kanon


Nobody did, but I like the way you think.


Great character design

Rena a best.
Fight me Rika Fags.

Probably panty shot or some shit like that. Happens sometimes.

>not Mion
Shit taste, cos

would you say higurashi better, worse, or just different than umineko

RenaXKeichii was the end game. Sorry Mionfags, but cheap tomboyish clones aren't attractive.

Are you talking about the Mion Shion, or the Shion Mion?


The only things Keiichi loved was himself and baseball
You're trying to trick me, aren't you

Keichii x Mion is canon.
Rena ends up with me!


I thought she was the blue flame. Calm and collected.

Here she's just berserk.

its brain parasites i dont gotta explain shit

Posting best Seacat.

What do you think about this guy?

I'm still reading, but so far a huge faggot for some reason

He's a fat bastard with a strong love for men

This little girl just stands there with this look on her face, wearing a pirate hat.

Is it time for Desire?



Makes me want to suddenly lift the hat up and watch her react.

I want to sexually humiliate Erika.



HAHAHAHAHAhahahahahaaha oh man heh

I'll kick your ass you whore of the democratic process.


Higurashi has a more consistent story and characters, but less experimentating with cool meta stuff. I prefer it to Umineko overall I think but both are great.


She's still pretty blue even when she's yelling, she has vicious and carefully thought plans for back-up, like the fake bomb.

This got posted in a recent thread.


Oh boy Oct 4th again huh


KeiichixSatoshi best pair


Rare lewd Erika!!

I love Erikaposting

A wild Erika appears!

I want to deito Lucifer.

Dumb Erika posters

Erika had a hard life.

I don't want her to suffer anymore.

Don't worry, her creator has moved on, so Erika will never be called upon again. She will never suffer agin and will rest for all eternity

While that's nice, it's also unfortunate we won't ever see her again. Seeing Erika return in a future work like in EP8 would definitely be fun.


Shit game

shit anime

Shit manga

0/10 fuck the author with a passion

Picture is true but Umineko is still pretty good, it's just Chiru that fucks up by going too meta and experimental

Shit taste

Magic, not even once.

Damn you Yasu you had your way

With blood you drew out of red and gray

Other madmen have had their say

But only for a day!

Eva did nothing wrong




Fuck off

She killed Ange metaphorically, then she actually got her killed physically.

Eva didn't give Ange cancer

She gave her everything and made a press announcement so everyone would target her life for money. Literally murder.

I want to fuck Lambdadelta!

Eva was like the only character I went from hating to loving

Her duels with Rudolf and Kyrie man

Except be an even worse person than the rest of the family you mean?

Eva was the smartest Ushiromiya and the hardest working. Whenever she is being a bitch in ANY episode it's because she's almost always right about her accusations

Her first accusation towards Natsuhi about Natsuhi and Krauss hiding something about Kinzo ends up being right on the money. Her SEVERE distrust of Shannon is also as we all know one hundred percent justified

Those are fair observations, but they don't absolve her if my claim.

She's just a killer that didn't get a chance to kill.

Also she "accidental" killed Natsuhi and her husband "accidentally" killed Krauss.

i don't get it


Man, episode VIII manga is so much better than that pile of shit called ep VIII.

They actually confront the truth instead of tip-toying around it like retards and Erika even solves ep V.

Just having solved mysteries doesn't redeem her. She did bad moral choices.



To be fair, Eva didn't know about Shannon's true identity and was only against her getting close to George.

>A girl

One of the reasons Genji hid Lion was because he was afraid Lion would grow up to look like Beatrice, and Kinzo would be tempted again. Why would he be afraid of Lion getting dicked by Kinzo if Lion was a boy?

Because homolust can happen if the boy is cute enough

cute boys can be girls too

Cred Forums of all places should understand

The only actually exceptional thing is the OST. Other then that the first chapter is pretty good, then the rest of the 1st game goes downhill.

Chiru was just straight a mistake

You don't know SHIT about desire, see above the black magic and know the TRUTH


I fucking love the split personality trope, so I liked the younger her/her stuff. Although in reality she let her whole family die then became a shell of herself, so.

Well that look close the truth

The ultimate truth being that it's all useless

When he hid them, he was already a "girl" without a body that cannot make love.

Not to mention Bernkastel asks Lion is he wants her to find a Fragment in which Natsuhi accepts him AND Kinzo repeats his sin. Given how set ep VII was on the ambiguity, it implies Lion's sex wouldn't matter to crazy Kinzo.

>The ultimate truth being that it's all useless

Ep VIII Manga message is more like "Both the absolute truth and fantasy will ruin you, you have to balance things."


>that image

I bet her pussy tastes like candy
Damn it Bern is so lucky

>those Mugen videos of Birdie raping Ange

I want Bern to be raped next

> I want Bern to be raped next
You sick bastard. I would've wanted Eva or Erika


I'm literally gonna send him Bernkastel character files and voice clips

I want to see Birdie destroy Bern

There's a special place in hell for people like you

Will there ever be another unreasonably long meme-producing VN? I miss Umineko

Eva was a real human being who made the best of a bad situation.

Umineko was such a fun wild ride, I still miss it.

Also it's unironically one of the best love stories ever told.


>best love stories
I hope you're talking about Willard and Lion, because Yasu and Battler is the most fucked up one-sided sociopathic relationship in existence

>muh food bombs
>muh rosatrice
>muh soundtrack

how long until R07 makes something this good again?

It's been so long, I actually forgot most of this shit.

>Battler when he was a kid talked to yasu
>yasu now is kanon, shannon and beatrice just because it talked to Battler that one time
>now wants to murder and do weird shit because of shitty poorly-written motivation
>Ange is in the real world, all the magic shit is just written by outsiders in bottles
>Ange in the present with Featherine who is just a normal human and Bern is just a cat. She actually meets Battler with amnesia
>magic ending shows amnesia Battler is insane and deludes himself into thinking the family is all there

And that's it right? It's probably one of the worst things I ever read in terms of writing, but it sure was entertaining.

I want to see this.

>Also it's unironically one of the best love stories ever told.
>Talk to a girl once in a year
>She fell in love
>It's your fault she killed your family

Fucked up? Yes. Sad? Sure? A great love story? ???

Yasu didn't even know Battler much, she's in love with that imagine of him.
No wonder Meta-Beatrice basically committed sudoku at the end of ep IV.

>>Battler when he was a kid talked to yasu


>>yasu now is kanon, shannon and beatrice just because it talked to Battler that one time

She created Kanon because she felt uncomfortable with her body and tried to live as a body. Shannon is who she is. Beatrice is who she consider her true self and wishes she could be.

>>now wants to murder and do weird shit because of shitty poorly-written motivation

Yasu was a moron, yes. In the manga her mindset is better explained, she basically goes insane because Genji and co. couldn't shut up.

At least she realize it in the end.

>>Ange is in the real world, all the magic shit is just written by outsiders in bottles

Magic doesn't exist, the meta world is ambiguous. Even at the end of Ep VIII, Ange has meta-world knowledge.

Oh man

Read more love stories for the love of god

I like Umineko because I see it as the story of how Ange breaks the cycle of hate due to both understanding Yasu and also due to understanding Eva.

Without Ange and Eva Umineko would lack any structural merits. It would just be a meta mess that asks you to care about the Mastermind because the Mastermind felt sad

I think it's time for me to move on, say goodbye and thanks and go search for something new.

I feel like R07 looked at the Kohaku route of Tsukihime and said "I want an entire VN about that", without remembering what made Kohaku so great.

>magic ending shows amnesia Battler is insane and deludes himself into thinking the family is all there
Not exactly. While leaving the island, Battler got injured and was left with brain damage that temporarily took away his memory and gave him a new personality. When his memories started coming back, his new personality was in conflict with his old Battler self, giving him headaches and shit. He was treated to suppress the Battler in him.
Not sure how and why his family "returns" in the final scene, but that was during a party Ange threw for him in that orphanage.

Real human beings dont torture and kill childs for fun

I think Ryukishi tried to be intellectual, failed, obnoxiously started using the word LOVE to justify his shitty writing. And still couldn't even think of a good motivation for all this.

Umineko was amusing but objectively it's shit.

R07 really like Tsukihime, you can also see it in Shimon arc.

There's no cycle of hate in Umineko. Only a bunch of sociopathic assholes you'd just cut off from your life instead of 'understanding' them if you had a brain

It's a shame, since Shmion and Shkanon are his weaker characters.

Rena and Eva are great. Rena in particular. I mean jesus you would have no idea from the anime that Rena is basically a high functioning sociopath BEFORE she starts going crazy.

Been years since I played the maid raping simulator. What made Kohaku so great?

Without a doubt the most overrated VN ever made.

Umineko felt like he tried to bite more than he could chew.

The solution is obvious shit from a mystery perspective, but I do kinda like a few things about Yasu character.

However ep VI+ suffers from wanting to hide stuff from the readers, overall poor pacing and ep. VIII is just a mess.

Eva is pretty shit though

All of the cum she guzzled over her years


Maekashi is a masterpiece, fix your shitty tastes mate.

She did not set up a 8 episodes pity party.

Ep VII is basically "woeh is me, Ushiromiya servant girl"

At least the manga fixes that.

Manga is great. Focuses on Ange, Battler, and Eva. Shows what happens. Has Ange move on.

Course it jerks Yasu's dick a bunch, but it's better than the VN

That definitely belongs to Fate/stay night, buddy. Umineko doesn't trail too far behind it though

>Course it jerks Yasu's dick a bunch, but it's better than the VN
Yeah, but in the manga Yasu admits her flaws. I can't remember if she did that in the VN, but she calls her own bullshit, instead of playing fate, she blames her inactivity and delusions.

There are also some parallels between her and Ange.

Also Erika discussion Shkanon and solving ep V was fucking great. I don't know how R07 expected people to solve the last one.

>not Steins;Gate

niggers pls

Is Umineko over-rated when everyone points to it as the definition of "Cop-out ending?"

Not when fate/stay exists

>Creator of Higurashi shits out something so fucking bad it tanks the When they Cry series permanently
>Makes it so Umineko and Higurashi are linked by certain characters, obvious parralels and that Higurashi takes place in Umineko, being a previous board/cat box

Honestly this is the worst part of Umineko.

It fucking ruins Higurashi canon.

>episode 8 was a mess
It was fine from a story perspective. I don't see why people hate on it so much. The main focus of episode 8 was on the real world, specifically Ange and how she should believe. Some scenes were drawn out, but I think thematically it handled this very well.
Yasu only blames herself in the VN as well. There's a considerable amount of self-hatred once you realize the fact that Yasu is the author of episodes 1 and 2.

Just because it had a garbage ending doesn't negate the fact that it's overrated. Most of the endings in f/sn were garbage as well

>It was fine from a story perspective.
Oh come on now, it was absolute fucking trash.You just don't hear much about it because most people gave up long before it.

do you faggots really believe the shannon is kanon shit even if it's retarded?

>they told me it's true so it has to be
>it doesn't matter if it makes no sense

do you have brain damage?

>he believes in magic


>A bazillion of poor magic scenes
>you can't handle the truth XD
>overall bad pacing
>Ange comes off as a cry baby
>u stupid reader

The manga has better pacing, the Ange-Beatrice parallels are drawn out, Battler hypocrisy is much better handled, the truth is revealed so the characters can actually argue about it and confront it instead of dancing around it like retards.

>the scenes during the quiz where each of the family members regrets their wrongs towards each other and towards Ange
>the battle scene with the goats where each of the family members defends themselves against people trying to talk shit about them
>the emotional ending scenes with tohya hachijo and the magic ending
I thought it was a fantastic way to close off the series. It had a really bittersweet tone throughout, and it is so far the only VN that has ever made me shed tears.

>Ange comes off as a cry baby
Come on now, you'd come off as a cry baby too if your entire family was murdered and nobody was able to explain why.
>u stupid reader
A lot of people fail to realize that though the goats do symbolize the reader they also symbolize the people of Ange's world. I don't think Ryukishi demonizes the reader, since Will and Dlanor are shown to respect the goats in the scenes where they are fighting them. The scenes with the goats attacking the family are ultimately showing the battle that is going on in Ange's mind, and how she should think of her family.

>[good VN] is bad
I love this meme.

What does that even mean?

If you look on the surface, yeah it was a nice cuddely sweet ending.

Literally any level of critical thinking and it just gets fucking destroyed.

None of that happened, it was just Battler screwing around for Ange. They are all dead. They never made any recompense with anything, apart from the ground. Hence why they were nice and welcoming, when in reality they were cold bastards.

And now we get into the problem of Umineko, it's just so fucking all over the place that whatever the ending was, it would be bullshit. Up to that point we've had fakeouts, false narrators up the ass and generally really poorly written cop-outs. If you add in the Meta, then essentially whatever we are shown is wrong. It's a fucking nightmare of bullshit which only the manga after fucking years of trying has been able to iron-out, and only by adding so much it's essentially a different beast fromt heg ame.

>[bad VN] is good
I really, really like this meme

This was such shit. I loved Higurashi. Why is this even called "When they Cry?" Was Bernkastel supposed to be Rika or something? The fuck? Useless sequel to a great anime.

Very funny

> Was Bernkastel supposed to be Rika or something?

she is literally her

The Meta is a complicated and incredibly poorly written bridge between Higurashi and Umineko, with characters like Bernkastel being born from Higurashi, the whole of Higurashi being nothing but a catbox in Umineko, and generally the two being linked by references, parallels and some character moments.

In actuality, the two are very different games which should have had no link at all, one being straight fantasy and the other being a post-modern pile of shit. The two being linked exponentially lowers the quality of the two, lowering Higurashi to Umineko's level, and adding in yet another layer of convoluted bullshit writing to Umineko.

But then it wouldn't be When they Cry, the only time the author wrote anything worth a damn.

>Hence why they were nice and welcoming, when in reality they were cold bastards.
That was kind of the point. One side of a person doesn't define them. "Without love it cannot be seen" as the story often says. Why do you think the story made a big deal to show all the characters feeling sorry about the things that they did? They probably never had a chance to feel regret in real life, since they were all dead. What Umineko is trying to say is that they all might have felt regret, or they might not have, there's no ultimate "red truth" to say how a person truly feels. Whether or not we should turn towards the optimistic side, is up to you.

>And now we get into the problem of Umineko, it's just so fucking all over the place that whatever the ending was, it would be bullshit. Up to that point we've had fakeouts, false narrators up the ass and generally really poorly written cop-outs. If you add in the Meta, then essentially whatever we are shown is wrong. It's a fucking nightmare of bullshit which only the manga after fucking years of trying has been able to iron-out, and only by adding so much it's essentially a different beast fromt heg ame.
I disagree, the story is purposefully misleading but that is largely the point, since the story has always been about ambiguity, but I would argue that the story makes sense, even if it seems incomprehensible at first. I think if you re-read Umineko with the truth in mind, a lot of scenes make more sense, especially looking back at the earlier episodes.

>Come on now, you'd come off as a cry baby too if your entire family was murdered and nobody was able to explain why.

In the manga she doesn't come off as a cry baby, she come as off a young woman that gave up on life and is in despair.

The parallel with her and Beatrice also enhance her character, in the VN I never felt like Beato genuinely liked Ange, while I did so in the Manga.

>I really, really like this meme
Ep I-IV and V are genuinely good, tho'. I do agree that Umineko was too far up in its own ass a the end.

>This was such shit. I loved Higurashi. Why is this even called "When they Cry?" Was Bernkastel supposed to be Rika or something? The fuck? Useless sequel to a great anime.
Read Rei.

>I disagree, the story is purposefully misleading but that is largely the point, since the story has always been about ambiguity, but I would argue that the story makes sense, even if it seems incomprehensible at first. I think if you re-read Umineko with the truth in mind, a lot of scenes make more sense, especially looking back at the earlier episodes.

Ep 1 and 2? Definitely. 3 and 4? Eeeh, things get muddle. Too many variable, too many people lying. Ep 5 has like 3 groups tricking each others, it's hilarious.

It means I wish I wasn't born.

I'm sure your parents feel the same way

Na, her parents actually love her. Even her grandma.

>None of that happened, it was just Battler screwing around for Ange. They are all dead. They never made any recompense with anything, apart from the ground. Hence why they were nice and welcoming, when in reality they were cold bastards.

They actually a nice side of them, even Kinzo.

But yeah, mostly dicks.

I've seen the Rei OVA, she just says "I shoud stop being Bernkastel", with no other explanation whatsoever

>The Meta
The fuck is that supposed to mean, I'm talking about When They Cry, and not about Overwatch or League of Legends.

>I've seen the Rei OVA, she just says "I shoud stop being Bernkastel", with no other explanation whatsoever
Can't wait for Mangagamer to translate it officially so people can stop asking it.

The meta is the fucking alternative dimension introduced in Umineko.

Go play these games before you ask stupid questions

I don't play video game adaptions

It's adaptation, newfriend. It's also a sound novel; the only game part of Umineko is Golden Reverie

Literally her trashcan, actually.

Why go in a thread about a topic you don't know about?


The connection between Higurashi and Umineko still confuses me. I mean, Higurashi is referenced as just a novel in Umineko but there are characters like Bern and Okonogi that contradict that.

Rosatrice still a thing?

Anyone here going to play Ougou Musoukyoku when MG releases it?

Novels can have real-life people in them. Bern isn't really a character in the real world if you're discounting Ikuko's cat.

To educate myself, to troll, to educate people about trolls, to collect (You)s, related.

Thanks, user, people like you give me the drive to continue my godly work.

It's one of the many fuckups of Umineko. I assume it's a dropped concept which was half formed.

Umineko does show up in other stuff as an in canon piece of fiction though, like in the Higabana manga as a play.

So really the author doesn't give a shit about the connection and clearly hasn't thought about it, and I won't either.

The meta wasn't included in Yasu writing.

Actually, thinking about it more, in Higurashi episode 4 the ending has that cop guy (forgot his name) and Akasaka publishing a book literally called "Higurashi no naku koro ni" so that might be what Battler read.

It's a dead game, nobody plays it anymore.

>It's one of the many fuckups of Umineko. I assume it's a dropped concept which was half formed.
The connection is there, it's just really isn't important much to overall Umineko narrative, really.

MG is going to release it in english, didn't you know?

Every thread until we reach the Golden Land.

>Umineko does show up in other stuff as an in canon piece of fiction though, like in the Higabana manga as a play.
Keep in mind that Umineko itself is a series of message bottles/fanfiction by Tohya, so maybe someone ripped off from that and made it into a play.

Just forget about it. R07 fucked up trying to make a connection between both, it adds nothing to any of these fictions. It makes Higurashi seem cheap because it's apparently just a fiction in a fiction, and it makes Umineko seem pretentious because it tries to gulp the previous game

Yes, I did, I've known for five minutes since the user I replied to told me. It's still a dead fighting game nobody is playing anymore. Not even Melty Blood became "alive" again after its Steam release, and Type Moon Stuff has a much larger fanbase than When They Cry.

No, I think it's clear that Higurashi is something
that happened in the Umineko universe, not that it was a piece of fiction within fiction. Keep in mind:

Now now, don't bring up the bottle shit. That's just too many layers of bullshit for one piece of fiction to handle

They hit you on the head with the "Higurashi was just a board game between Bern and Lambda" thing. It makes Higurashi cheap.

Wasn't that because they didn't implement rollback with the Steam version? Both games are still fun.

Maybe there is some smart connection he wrote in.

But honestly who gives a shit, they should have stayed separate anyway

You are overthinking it. Higurashi also appears in TV during Umineko anime.

Higurashi and Umineko are separate universes basically, they don't even follow the same rules, one it's a fantasy, the other is a mystery.

Bernkastel and 34 can cross dimensions and Featherine is basically GOD.

I won't deny it, I'm just realistic. I love Ougon to death, so I don't get my hopes up.

>They hit you on the head with the "Higurashi was just a board game between Bern and Lambda" thing. It makes Higurashi cheap.

Why? Meta sections with Bern discussions the fragments and the pieces were already in Higurashi.

Heck, they create Matsuribayashi-hen word from scratch.

>That's just too many layers of bullshit for one piece of fiction to handle
How so? It really adds a lot to the story if you look at it in this light. The first two episodes of Umineko portray Beatrice in a very negative light, and Beatrice really toys with Shannon and Kanon. This makes sense when you consider the fact that Yasu is the author. There's a reason why episode 3 is very Eva focused. Since episode 3 is the first episode written by Tohya, and at the time the eva culprit theory was the most popular. What happened in episode 4 is somewhat similar to what happened in the episode 7 tea party, which means that Tohya might have been regaining his memories by then.

I want to marry Dlanor and cuddle with her on the couch!

This is why I tend to think of Higurashi as separate.

Thank god it was written after Umineko, so there aren't any references to that fucking abortion in it.

If you want to really overthink that shit, fine. It all leads to disappointment either way

It makes Higurashi cheap because it tells you all the character are just pawns in some dumb nihilistic game between two bitches.

Wouldn't that mean that Umineko takes place in the world where Rika and all of Hinamizawa is dead? If the Hinamizawa disaster happened, then it would be pretty clear that the book published would be a non-fiction record of what police think happened, but Battler described it like just an average mystery novel.

>Since episode 3 is the first episode written by Tohya, and at the time the eva culprit theory was the most popular. What happened in episode 4 is somewhat similar to what happened in the episode 7 tea party, which means that Tohya might have been regaining his memories by then.

That's actually not true. That's what you get when R07 doesn't reveal the solution clearly, I guess.

Yasu still does a lot of the killing in ep III. In ep IV she essentially brides EVERYONE. Also the whole thing with "Trail to chose the next head?" she came up with that.

She came up with countless scenarios.

>If you want to really overthink that shit, fine. It all leads to disappointment either way
For you, maybe. I just find it cool how much thought Ryukishi put into it. Hell, even going back and re-reading scenes in Umineko, it's cool how much shit is foreshadowed.

>Thank god it was written after Umineko
Higurashi was written before Umineko, and probably without the Umineko lore in mind. It's okay as a stand-alone.

The great equalizer is death.

>Asanagi will never make porn about Erika/Bern getting raped to death
Why live?

How so? It doesn't change anything. For the characters, their fragments are real. Rika/Bern struggle is real, she isn't even the Witch or Miracles in Higurashi.

Yeah, but they are still supposed to be people. All of it is fictional anyways, but the characters in Umineko and Higurashi are fictional to other fictional characters as well, which really doesn't cheapen the experience.

There was still EVA-Beatrice and Eva was a major accomplice in episode 3. Obviously Yasu is still the culprit, otherwise the story would not work. This is where Ikuko comes in. Ikuko was the one that new the culprit from the start, and as Tohya wrote the drafts, Ikuko edited it to make it fit with the true culprit.

Throw EVA-Beatrice in the mix as well. She was such a little cum slut

He probably wrote those things in, then later incorporated them into his writings. He almost defiantly didn't think of episode 8 when writing episode 1.

Whoops, meant to say before Umineko.

I actually really like Higurashi, it's one of my favourite VN's. Imagine my surprise when reading the raging dumpster fire that is Umineko

It still means their universe is actually just a tiny piece of Umineko, a simple game 2 lolis played.

I really have no doubt that he thought about the Tohya/Ikuko thing from the start. It explains a lot about how the meta world is set up.

>There was still EVA-Beatrice and Eva was a major accomplice in episode 3. Obviously Yasu is still the culprit, otherwise the story would not work. This is where Ikuko comes in. Ikuko was the one that new the culprit from the start, and as Tohya wrote the drafts, Ikuko edited it to make it fit with the true culprit.
>Implying Eva is not capable of killing

Higurashi and Umineko universes are separates, 34 and Bern are voyagers.

Also again, the characters in Higurashi novel are always seen as "piece" from the fragments words, it isn't nothing new.

Instead of Higurashi being a heart-wrenching tale of mistrust, hatred, suffering, murder and eventual friendship and triumph, it's a board game played by people who don't give a shit, by non-living pieces in a fictionalized board game.

Man who the fuck even thought writing that would be a good idea

Higarashi was better because it had rewatchability. You can watch Higarashi and realise why a character is acting a certain way. In Umeiko all you do is watch scenes and feel bored because you know the magic isn't real and is nothing more than padding.

Thank you

Yeah she's capable of killing but Tohya is the one writing it. I'm saying that episode 3 puts Eva in a bad light because that is what Tohya thought initially. It's even revealed as such in the manga, if you want to check that.
>In Umeiko all you do is watch scenes and feel bored because you know the magic isn't real and is nothing more than padding.
That's wrong, the magic scenes often contained very crucial hints to the motive and the culprit. They weren't padding at all. It's very interesting to re-read some of the magic scenes knowing what's going on. It really ends up enhancing umineko on a re-read.

Uh, it still these things. You are thinking that from the point of Bern and Lambda these characters are fiction. They are not. The sea of fragments is real. Lambda is just lending Tanako her power. Rika is just trying to survive.

Heck, Bern was born from the struggle of Higurashi characters ultimately.

The more I read this thread, the more I want to go back to watching moeshit.

Higurashi is a "story" within the Umineko world that written by someone and had a popular anime made. Umineko itself is a story within the Higanbana world and is used as the basis for a stage play.

It's very possible however, that when you look at the worlds from the meta-aspect, the idea that these worlds might actually exist but be thought of as stories within their own worlds are interesting.

If an author creates something that world springs into its own existence, or take on a life of their own and exist independently of the author. Even if someone in the Umineko universe wrote a story about Higurashi, the universe of Higurashi actually exists because of that and Bernkastel came from that universe to Umineko's.

This seems to be one of the constant themes throughout Umineko - that people can create individuals or even entire worlds or realities and those worlds can be said to exist provided there is no way to disprove the existence.

I read the mango. What I'm saying is, Ep III is a totally valid scenario. Eva is capable of killing, all the adults are expect Krauss because he's probably too stupid-

The actual writing of Higurashi is superior as well, the slow descent into paranoia in Onikakushi is masterful. Umineko really can't compete.

I'm amazed you can't see that the tale essentially being two omnipotent beings fucking around instead of actual people actually suffering has less emotional impact.

I mean, power to you but most people don't see it that way.

The correct solution


I think Higurashi is better because the main cast is fully fleshed out unlike Umineko. Everyone got a story arc, and the motivations for the characters actions are INFINITELY better than Yasu's stupidity. Also Higurashi was just more fun and memorable in general. Umineko spent most of its time trying to be intellectual, backpedalling, and then having underwhelming endings (ryukishi even made 2 because he's not confident enough to make a true compelling ending)

The only thing I liked in Umineko more was the music. Higurashi was less pretentious and more entertaining. Umineko was a mess.


Someone's jealous of the moon man. Those moon resorts will be a hit any day now