Why is most Shoujo art so fucking bad? How can people even stand to look at this?

Why is most Shoujo art so fucking bad? How can people even stand to look at this?

Fujos don't mind the shit quality.

Because girls don't care about art they just want to fap to the rape.


Stop reading shitty ones


wow faggot you literally sort of the worst example to prove your shit point, kill yourself

They all fell for the boku no picasso meme

Meh you can find shit art in any demographic.
Shoujo shit has both good and bad authors, tho admittedly all of my favourite artists do seinen shit.

Like with any genre, if it takes place in a school, it is ten times as likely to be of shitty quality.

I've been seeing people misusing the word fujo so often lately. Is it just newfags or did Cred Forums decide to change the definition to mean anything female?

>did Cred Forums decide to change the definition to mean anything female
Basically this, with the implication that all female anime fans are also literal fujos.

Thanks for cherrypicking, mate.

>Cred Forums-tier level of shitposting.


You mean yaoi right?

sauce for this one?

Just Cred Forums being retarded

Still looks better than most shit Togashi makes.

Shoujo art was beautiful in the 80's, mostly shit in the 90's, decent in the 00's and kinda good in the 10's. There are a lot of shoujos with decent art currently running, the new shoujo style is very soft and appealing.


Sadly this has been happening for years.


That's seinen, there are loads of seinen with female leads written by women with shoujo-like stories. Ran, Koi wa Amaagari no You ni, Otomeyagatari, Arte.

Is there a source for this? want to see if artist improved

Maybe if you're blind.

>Why is most Shoujo art so fucking bad? How can people even stand to look at this?
It is porn for women.

They run on emotion.

Art is not that important.

try again

need sauce
search didnt help

It's almost as if series which target a more adult demographic, rather than a specific gender, tend to have better writing and art for some reason. Weird.

that just make shonen shit are just as worse.
you eternally condemned to have shit taste as long as you keep believing that shonen is made for "thinking"

Isn't art a more emotional subject? If a man so much as steps into an art museum or a musical theatre, he is considered a faggot.

That aside, porn for women isn't shojo manga. It's porn (usually written).

Ah shit, whats the name of this again ? Reverse searches give nothing

Post the rest of that page.

Shoujo art greatly improved these past years.

Technically it's cheating because it's Chinese.

You also could have googled it. Just change the Chinese characters in the text field to something generic like "manga".

A warning on this one.

The plot gets fairly intricate, and is made more difficult to understand by all of the Chinese names that we dumb foreigners can't remember. Furthermore, it doesn't update very often (blame translators, they're behind).

So prepare for a lot of re-reading if you're going to pick it up.

>If a man so much as steps into an art museum or a musical theatre, he is considered a faggot.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

To be fair, 80's shoujo art could be pretty good. The main problem was the sameyness. Swan is beautiful and the dance was wonderfully depicted.

Shoujo/Yaoi is just plain surreal.

Ran and the Gray World

Is this real ? I mean it's not shooped or a parody ?

Thanks user

Because they fetishize the story just like you with your badly drawn furry porn.


>enter thread expecting OP to be called out for cherrypicking, while cherrypicking themselves in response
sometimes i want to be disappointed

They can actually have buttsex with those chins.

Or be lewd and swordfight with chins

Muslim people would probably start praying if they'll see those.

>Shoujo art so fucking bad
Go read SAO-manga.

>Go read SAO-manga

Who would read that kind of shit ? The anime is already terrible, I can't imagine how crappy the cash grab manga would be like

It's been the case for ages. As retards started using "otaku" to mean "overweight NEET who owns a daki" instead of "anime nerd," they somehow decided that it was male-only and that "fujo" was just the same thing but female.

Thanks! Gonna pick it up.
That doesn't bother me. I mainly read for the art. Shame about the slow translators though.

>I can't imagine

Oh my fuck