Ok, so you can't ban guns because of the constitution, and you can't take guns away from people. But that doesn't mean thay you can't do anything.
Make guns and ammo really expensive. Especially rifles like the AR15.
Make people take a class and pass a test before they can get a gun. Make this retroactive. Anyone who has a gun without this kind of licence gets a massive fine.
Only gun stores and the state can buy and sell guns. You can always sell your guns, but just not to other private citizens.
Limit the number of guns a person can have. If that's unconstitutional, limit the number of guns you can buy in a year. You can buy all the guns you want, but just one a year.
Additional tax for gun owners. Or tax breaks for people who don't have guns.
Guaranteed jail time for illegal weapons.
There are a lot of things can be done. In most countries in the world it is possible to get a gun, it's just complicated, not everyone can do it, and in the end - there's just no need.
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__ +Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is/hkpKO ) +Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is/eU9Az ) +Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is/pJeMy#selection-2671.0-2671.178 )
__Feb 14__ +Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ( youtube.com/watch?v=OFly5Ut5Jag ) +Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is/O0jbm ) +Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. ( youtu.be/zlhMGWyT_uU ) +Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ( youtube.com/watch?v=_R39tNfv_fg ) +For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide. +Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ). +Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is/GOlmf ) +FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is/8MfoN )
__Feb 15__ +Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is/uAhPt ) +Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__ +Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is/p6UIl )
Charles Phillips
>so you can't ban guns because of the constitution no, you can't ban guns because it's an unalienable right. it has nothing to do with the constitution. the bill of rights is just a list of reminders that were placed in the constitution to remind morons like you of your rights. the constitution doesn't give you any rights, so taking it out of the constitution doesn't take away your rights either, you dumb fuck.
Levi Murphy
The supreme court can strike down anything like you suggest on the principle that it is overly burdensome.
The court isn't stupid. You can tax and create certain restrictions but if they are too obviously designed to reduce gun ownership then they are automatically struck down as unconstitutional.
Mason Robinson
The additional taxes make no sense
>guaranteed jail time for illegal weapons Yeah because the one thing criminals have in common is following the law
>only gun stores and the state can buy guns Given enough time they'll be under the same banner, so no
>In most countries in the world it is possible to get a gun, it's just complicated, not everyone can do it, and in the end - there's just no need. Except in America it's not about need, it's a right laddie.
Jacob Howard
Change the cultural narrative. Keep fathers in the family. Stop degeneracy. Mass shootings will be fewer and fewer before becoming a memory.
Dominic Cook
>that pic >that polish chick with the bolt-on tits turned into a gun bunny
Jordan Cruz
Reddit Spacing, 1 post by id, anti 2nd amendment. All the shill bases. Good job the last couple days guys, doing such a good job. How fast are you going to burn through Soros money?
Jose Allen
Indeed. America is unlike every other country because we don't believe rights come from the government but from God, and that all men were born with these rights. It's a powerful thing because the founding fathers were basically saying, we're deeply religious people, but if we kill you in order to protect these rights, God will give us a pass.
Ryder Powell
Agreed completely user. Every single thing that is being portrayed negatively today (Christianity, families, morality) needs to return to the core of our society in order to counteract this ongoing mass deception
Dylan Bennett
>Yeah because the one thing criminals have in common is following the law
Sure, gang members don't give a fuck. But other people will think twice if getting caught with an illegal gun gets you 2 years in jail.
Adrian Hughes
Justin Ward
>Make people take a class and pass a test before they can get a gun. Make this retroactive. Anyone who has a gun without this kind of licence gets a massive fine. >Only gun stores and the state can buy and sell guns. You can always sell your guns, but just not to other private citizens. >Guaranteed jail time for illegal weapons. These are the only points that make sense in your post, especially the first one. The rest only penalizes legal gun owners and accomplishes next to nothing in terms of additional security
Tyler Sullivan
>rights don't come from government but from God
Where does it say in the bible "thou shalt be able to carry an ar-15"
Josiah Thompson
...I'm pretty sure you guys get your own heaven, with free double wide parking, a shooting range and free soda refills. No black people allowed.
Jaxson Gonzalez
Unless the person that buys said illegal gun carries it around like a dumb faggot this is completely redundant
Benjamin Wright
So only gang members will be armed and will usher in a reign of terror on the law-abiding unarmed? Like in Mexico?
How fucking retarded
Jackson Evans
Our leftists here have been trying these sort of tricks for nearly a century when it comes to guns. You're being the same sort of conniving Jew playing tricks, that any rent-seeking crook with a big bag of money you probably despise in your head can think up, to turn it into a bigger bag of money off the public swine trough, from the city level to the national. You're a sneak. People are on to your sort of bullshit. It's not honest and it's very vile.
Nathaniel Foster
>. The rest only penalizes legal gun owners and accomplishes next to nothing in terms of additional security
The point is to discourage gun ownership.
William Mitchell
Forgot to add that the one key point that is missing from this debate is gun registration: create a central register for gun owners andkeep it up to date if a weapon is sold. This way you could also be allowed to sell to private citizens since it's up to the seller to verify that the buyer is licensed to buy a gun. This would keep legal gun off of shitskins and gangbangers, thus allowing to separete between crime committed by legal and livecensed owners (which is very low) and crime committed by mentally ill shitskins that by guns illegally. It is a good way of silencing gun grabbers
Michael Cook
The need of tests and livensing already discourages 90% of it. That's how it works in France and we have relatively low crime rate compared to the numbers of shitskins we have. And most of the gun crime is made with illegal weapons.
Ryan Taylor
Mexico is fucked because the cartels own the police and the local government. That's not the case in the US.
Ayden Wilson
you think an ar-15 is bad? the 2nd amendment refers to all armaments that a contemporary infantry would possess. that means bazookas, grenades, tanks and anti-aircraft missiles.
Brandon Foster
We have a compulsory gun registry in Australia.
There are currently more guns than ever. Illegal firearm ownership has been growing consistently.
Gun registry hasn't done shit.
William Smith
>Gun registry hasn't done shit.
You don't have mass shootings every other day, and your gun crime statistics are low, so it's done something.
Owen Stewart
What about people who have had their firearms rights taken away? Are they still unalienable? Genuine question because I got mine taken away at 17 and want to find a way to get them restored.
Joshua Perry
No, that was jefferson's little addition that he snuck in while many of the other founding fathers were preoccupied with actual nation-building. It was a french, liberal idea to prescribe "God-given rights" to people. They believed in universal/natural rights. Franklin and the rest were anglican conservatives and believed that it was the law which gave people rights. And thank God for them becuase they were the one's smart enough to make the bill of rights from common english law - which arose only from many centuries of refinement and debate.
This is a fucking political board and y'all don't even know how our laws and rights were created. Traditional liberalism and traditional conservatism both believed in individual freedom, but the liberal school of thought was that liberty was somehow self-evident and simply needed to be laid out and the conservative philosophy was that liberty arose only from common agreements (laws) amongst a group of people.
Lincoln Stewart
Sage these threads anons. They are all shill threads that serve no purpose here.
Levi Myers
>make guns and ammo really expensive
I’ll take “WHAT IS FREE MARKET 101” Alex?
Jackson Thomas
That's a problem with porous borders that is happening in Europe as well. The point of a gun registry is that it allows to distinguish between crime committed by responsible legal owners and crime committed by idiots that bought a gun off of some random shitskin in a parking lot. It' doesn't stop crime, but it shuts up people that want to use crime as an excuse to take legally owned guns
Brody Miller
Also: fuckin check those digits.
Angel Roberts
...you have state taxes, right? Things don't cost the same depending on where you buy them?
So you have a 500% state tax on guns.
Luis Martinez
Fingerprint scanners on all guns.
In the hands of an unregistered user, it becomes useless.
Juan Cruz
>Especially rifles like the AR15. people would just buy the next ergonomic semi-auto rifle. although the main reason people like it is that it looks like what everyone uses in the movies
Daniel Nguyen
Okay but for real I would like to know where 2nd ammendent advocates get the idea that the right to bear arms is a right from god. I'm not being funny I genuinely would like to know.
Daniel Martin
...only crazy people think that.
Levi White
Nice pic. Terrible, lame premise. Completely unfamiliar with our system of governance and politics. Stick to what you know, not what you think you know.
Robert Harris
The instant such a thing is proposed then every gun lobby group and gun manufacturer ever will be front and center to derail it. Guns are a huge business in the US and messing with that will get a reaction.
Luke Harris
I don't know, kike. Go spew your masturbatory fantasy somewhere else.
Anthony Gomez
The concept of unalienable rights predates parking lots and soda refills, but the American Revolution started when the Redcoats crossed the Concord bridge to confiscate the colonists weapons. In American history classes, we refer to it as "the shot heard 'round the world." The people who love this country and upon what it was founded will not tolerate our unalienable rights being taken from us. To a lot of well armed people, including police and military, that would be the end of our government's legitimacy.
Samuel Carter
no one cares what you think you cuck-spacing plebbit fag
Landon Jones
Yeah, obviously that's the biggest problem. I have no idea how you could get rid of the gun lobby.
Noah Adams
Sage Sage Sage Sage Sage
Camden Brown
You can't. Thank god for that. The free market works.
Hudson Gomez
>Make guns and ammo really expensive. Especially rifles like the AR15.
The government to interfere with free markets?
>Make people take a class and pass a test before they can get a gun. Make this retroactive. Anyone who has a gun without this kind of licence gets a massive fine.
Knife class & license incoming. Also there is such a thing as prohibitive legislation, which can be argued is a constitution violation.
>Only gun stores and the state can buy and sell guns. You can always sell your guns, but just not to other private citizens.
Interfere with free markets?
>Limit the number of guns a person can have. If that's unconstitutional, limit the number of guns you can buy in a year. You can buy all the guns you want, but just one a year.
>Additional tax for gun owners. Or tax breaks for people who don't have guns. Do not tax Americans on bullshit. 1776 will commence.
To all the other posters, I apologize for this Balk idiot. He's probably a serb.
Hudson Martinez
Wyatt Miller
>the first sentence in the declaration of independence was "snuck in."
Joseph Wilson
Mason Martinez
>waaaaahhh stop ruining my Nazi safespace with opposing opinions!!!!!
Wyatt Taylor
Jason Johnson
Jace Hernandez
Andrew Green
Michael Nguyen
Jason Young
Carson Brooks
Caleb Johnson
Brayden Ross
Dylan Jenkins
Anthony Sanders
Jayden James
literally all of this has been covered in consitutional law, and more.
Anthony Barnes
You're operating under an incorrect assumption. I won't have an argument under a false premise, and instead will leave you with this:
Liam Murphy
Nah, Cred Forums is just an alternative hugbox.
We call each other nasty names, but really we all love each other and hate on libtards together. It's the most honest form of love.
Connor Ward
Great idea, ask Hillary to do it.
In 2024.
David Davis
It isn't a privilege granted by the government, it's a right GUARANTEED by the Constitution. The Founding Fathers said so themselves after they kicked your sorry asses back across the pond.
Josiah Nguyen
stop trying to infringe. understand word infringe.
i can make a gun idiot. i can use a propane tank some hose a lead pipe and a jar of marbles and make a machine gun/backpak that will str8t fuk your shit up. quit being tarded.
every lil incremental slap at gun rights is gonna be repaid hard tenfold so plz continue adding to the total of your teeth i'm gonna pull.
fuck off kys and eat a dick comfag
Angel Clark
That's that Paige bisch from that 'tarded gunsmoke gunshop show, correct? The bitch with the giraffe neck?
Luis Torres
We just did this for eight years under Obama. 5,000 + pieces of legislation & you got 0 passed.
Fucking ZERO.
None of this will happen.
And another thing, SAGE.
Angel Foster
I know that a lack of Jesus and the issues/principals you both allude to are what ails society the most.
That said, replace the FBI with a non-corrupt, non-politicized actual Nationwide crime fighting org. that tries to stop shootings, as opposed to creating politically convenient ones, is also needed on a practical level to stop shootings going forward.
The FBI, as it is currently constructed and how it operates, is not only a terrorist org. as it presently operates but, it is THE biggest threat to innocent lives here in the US. I would have never dreamed such things were even possible 5+ years ago as I was a naive normie who let others do the critical thinking for me and now my eyes are open and the horrors I see before me are downright devastating.
Xavier Adams
Hey lets infringe. fuck You. SAGE
Jack Young
Fuck you op. From my cold, dead, hands.
Hunter Brown
We Americans own guns, Who is going to personally knock on my door and request me to hand over my guns? Better send a few people you don't care about. Won't be local law enforcement. They can't keep guns away from the criminals. Gonna send the Feds? Best send a few. So who wants to die at my front door....then the house next door,,,and the next house.... see where this goes. We do not intend to lay down our arms to anyone.
Blake Hall
...somewhere a bald eagle just had an orgasm
Luke Wright
The abundance of guns isn't the problem. The problem is forcing a bunch of kids who hate each other to keep spending time with each other day after day after day.
Tyler Thompson
Then consider why they will not go for registering every printer, every written note, every item in a house or business. Then, is abortion a right that they must register? Tattoos? Gun registries are a sick attempt to enslave Americans. Those who pursue this are slavers.
Wyatt Brown
So, you have registration and gun control, yet there is crime with illegal firearms??? How does that happen in progdom? I thought that registration was a serious matter... looks like criminals dont care about the law. fancy that.
William Morris
This is not workable. What if you need your firearm RIGHT NOW, and it decides it needs to reboot? Not just NO, but HELL NO.
Jordan James
>make guns and ammo really expensive that will work
why do libtards REPEATEDLY fail basic economic understanding? It's exhausting discussing real-world situations with you fucking retards.
>government intervenes in the marketplace >create giant price bubble >market responds >black market develops and supplies the demand at lower cost while making bank
Its the fucking drug-war all over again.
Cameron Roberts
Are you dense? Oh, just British I see. Rights are recognized by the government, not granted by the government. if the government grants you a "right", it is actually a privilege which is revocable. The people predated the govt. It is in the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Suggestions.
Dominic Cooper
How about we make solar panels, trannie operations, hybrid cars and chardonnay really expensive? Add to the urban property taxes until the progs are homeless... how about that? If guns become expensive, than all pozz lifestyle choices must become prohibitively expensive. See how this works?
Ethan Lewis
You seem to not comprehend that Hitler was a gun grabbing freak. Grabbed the guns of his opponents before making them into oven stuffers. It seems to me like you want to lay the groundwork to stuff my people into ovens. Talking about it is a lot easier than doing. And no, you cannot have them.
Juan Campbell
None of these things actively kill people on a daily basis. How the fuck is there even a comparison?
Henry Garcia
>You cannot control the entire country.
Nazis did just fucking that and if not the retarded "let's attack USSR" plan, the whole Europe would be goose stepping and serving German overlords.
Christopher Morris
Why are you replying to me, habibi, I'm pro-gun and market.
Joshua Diaz
yep. her daddy went to jail for FFL license violations. redneck retards.
she's just your standard issue instagram thot now
Nicholas Jenkins
You don’t focus on the cost of ownership. You increase costs on the use.
First no open or concealed carry in public areas; make it a hefty fine and criminal offence for repeat offenders. You can buy the gun, but can you afford to after? Market is not an issue. Plus, If you’re carrying, and not a cop, you’re a presumed bad guy and the cops responds immediately and with force. Carrying is a presumed threat, reducing that threat is in the interests of public safety.
Also hefty registration fees. If you’re not registered even bigger fees. And once registered, weapons can be traced. no registration, immediate confiscation. No serial number, immediate confiscation.
Michael Hall
ban bullets
Cooper Moore
ammunition is technology of the 1880s. it's entirely plausible for individuals to manufacture their own from start to finish. most serious shooters construct their own ammo from components at a significant fraction of what factory stuff costs. the only thing remotely complicated is the chemistry involved with making gun powder, but you can bet your ass that it would get figured out fairly quickly in the event of some kind of ban.
Joshua Hernandez
no tinfoil hat here
Caleb Thomas
Threadly reminder that the vast majority of homicides by firearm are done with handguns and the ONLY reason to ban modern sporting rifles is to subjugate the population.
Ryder Adams
Then it sounds as if their lives played out damn near exactly as one would have guessed, it seems. LoL!!
I wonder if "Step-Mommy bolt-ons" stuck with our hero, big shot after the $$$ and her snizzach dried up and the law came sniffing around? I am gonna guess "no" but am off to see if I am right, 2xLoL!
Brody Williams
Don't break the law? As long as it was a non violent felony or if you got your brain in proper working order after a being committed you can appeal to have your rights restored.
Juan Adams
>Make it so only rich elitists can have guns. Criminals are still armed to the teeth.
>Such a class would only reduce accidents. It will in no way prevent crime.
>Well look here, the Yuropoor solved the drug war crisis... oh wait, it's unenforceable bullshit.
>More random bullshit that will not effect crime at all.
>More elitism and predatory laws that make life harder for the poor, low income and middle class while criminals remain heavily armed.
>It's already the fucking law.
Stay in Yurop, fucktard.
Leo Ward
I agree with everything you said but our real problem is a culture promoting hate through the media and incompetent law makers. I don't trust my government to protect me and I don't trust them to make common sense decisions. See; fast and furious Eric Holder and Assault rifle ban
Jace Morris
>being this retarded. You can't ban guns because of the constitution. Period. You remove the 2nd amendment will cause a constitutional crises. Its contentious enough to break the union
Ryder Barnes
Worry about your shithole countries you fucking gossipy housewife niggers!
Lincoln Fisher
It’s always some faggot foreigner posting against guns.
Joshua Richardson
Good, now lets do the same thing for voting. Only those making 200k and up per year can vote.
Caleb Johnson
>usa is WASP >WASP believe in god >god is above country >guns are granted to us from god
Its a circular line of thinking
Samuel Green
Check retard. News flash: it already is.
Michael Diaz
Why should I give a shit what Croatia thinks about my rights? >In the fields it goes.
Andrew Powell
A meme flaggot expertly debunked this. Don't bother looking at it, it's debunked. He must know what he is talking about for he used a meme flag.
Lucas Miller
Marjory Stoneman Douglas was famous for her efforts in not wanting to “drain the swamp”, the Everglades
Tyler James
Kek. Having a gun doesn't stop the cops from swatting you
Landon Taylor
Look it up.
First gun control act was passed when Black Panthers were arming themselves in '68.
nothing to see here folks just libs using feral nigs to scare the decent folk again
Angel Rodriguez
Tell that to Seth Rich’s Family.
Mason Cook
You mean like a kind of prohibition for guns?
Angel Rivera
Ryan Sanders
>Guaranteed jail time for illegal weapons. But that's racist
Evan Adams
Or we could just ban white men
Eli Moore
Alexander Walker
This is indeed a legitimate line of thinking. Read the federalist Papers, the founders did think this
Eli Moore
ITT: yuropoors ignoring their own history of having guns taken away from them, only to have a dictator take control of their country while they couldn't do anything about it except be good boys and stfu
Thomas Foster
Henry Sanders
Luke 22:36 He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.
Nathan Bennett
shall not
Ian Roberts
How about, instead...
No, and
Fuck you.
Refraining the issue as a public health crisis is some of the most evil bullshit ever. Governments should be scared of their armed citizenry, period.
Jack Gutierrez
Eurofags don't get what rights means before they don't have it. If you can do it with one right, you can do it with the other. >Make people take a class and pass a test before they can get a gun
Make people take a class and pass the test before they can vote. Make people take a class and pass the test before they can speak freely.
Aiden Turner
Joel 3:10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, “I am a warrior.”
Nolan Gray
> just raise the white man's tax burden even more Fuck you, nigger.
Christopher Scott
Says someone who has been protected by white men her whole life. Roastie detected.
Matthew Campbell
I got it! Let's making murder illegal! That will surely solve the problem you stupid faggot.
Josiah Carter
>Make people take a class and pass a test before they can get a gun i have a better idea, make people take a class and pass a test before they can vote. see how that works? the 2A is not a privilege, it's a right, same as voting or freedom of speech.
Carson Mitchell
Nice quads
Josiah Bennett
Making it harder to kill people is a good thing. How many foetuses are killed each day in the US? Making performing abortions illegal isn't going to prevent all abortions but it will stop a lot of them. Same with weapons and firearms.
Jack Richardson
>guaranteed jail time for illegal weapons
this is the only thing i agree with. They sort of implemented this in some nog infested city with high gun crime under the program "Project Exile." Basically it threw the book at any criminals charged with illegal possession of a firearm. They faced like 25+ years in maximum federal prison. In just one year gun homicide dropped dramatically. I'm going to fuck up the statistic, but it was wither 60% or 80% in just one year. Problem is, libshits and black activists chimped out and called it racist for "targeting blacks." Obviously this is a blanket law that is applied evenly, but blacks just commit the overwhelmingly majority of gun crime so naturally they are affected the most. This is why nothing will ever change or be fixed, because any effective programs or legislation will disproportionately effect blacks and hispanics due to their tendencies and it will be labelled as targeting and discrimination. fucking ethnostate now please. just let us get away from all the filth and be left alone
Oliver Howard
Imagine a passed law that no one followed, considering New York's SAFE Act is a "success" with an eighty-percent NON-COMPLIANCE rate...! >My almonds are activated.
Nathan Roberts
>Make guns and ammo really expensive. Especially rifles like the AR15.
Gavin Anderson
This was tried in the State of Connecticut after Newtown. Guess what happened? A huge chunk of the population ignored it, including a massive number of Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs). The State scrambled to pass legislation for an amnesty period to encourage the owners of "assault" rifles to register. That didn't work either.
Lincoln Scott
Cameron Butler
You are crazy
Adam Allen
Noah Perry
I disagree. Let them spend their time and money arguing with us. If they are here arguing, they will be doing nothing productive. Plus it helps a few anons form coherent arguments against their desire to strip gun rights away from law abiding citizens
Nolan Adams
Christopher Parker
There needs to be serious discussions with classifications based on color. Clearly there is bias. #BlackRiflesMatter
Adrian Wood
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED = - No attempting to tax or make absurdly expensive in an attempt to use economic pressure to stifle their rights - No creating 'tests' to determine if someone can enjoy their rights or not - No restriction on the private purchase, sale, construction, or gifting of arms in an attempt to limit access to the tools necessary to exercise their rights - No restriction on how much you can purchase in an effort to limit how effective exercising their rights can be - NO JAIL TIME FOR THE EXERCISING OF INALIENABLE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS
Andrew Bell
This guy gets it.
It would be like saying "You have freedom of speech but hate speech is illegal, you need to have a government license to speak in public places, you cannot speak in public outside the hours of 9 to 5, and speech critical of the government can only be in regards to homosexual marriage policies."
Aaron Walker
Okay, Why don't you just mind your own business like the Euros who don't make me feel ashamed to be one myself? You're a dickwad like any other holier than thou Euro. I'm sure you support taking in the migrants too.
Luke Jones
>Plus, If you’re carrying, and not a cop, you’re a presumed bad guy and the cops responds immediately and with force.
So your brilliant idea is to prevent gun violence with more gun violence. Got it. You moron.
Grayson Walker
>just becuase its against the law to take away peoples guns doesnt mean you can use sneaky extra judicial means of circumventing the law to strip people of their rights. Join the rest of the world.
Chirst euros are pathetic
Leo Rivera
everything you suggest is an infringement thank you for identifying yourself as an enemy of the constitution that we are all sworn to defend against.
Jayden Garcia
Similar to tests in order to vote, such measures would be quickly shot down by the US Supreme Court. It's not an easy matter to stomp all over constitutionally protected rights in the US.
Liberals only hope is getting rid of the 2nd Amendment entirely. Good luck getting 3/4 of the states to ratify an amendment to nullify our right to bear arms. Maybe someday our citizens will be sufficiently cucked and it will happen, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell that it could happen in today's climate, no matter how many kids are killed. The best they can hope for is another pointless "salt weapon" ban.
John Collins
thats exactly what people who have been buying ar-15s for years are betting on.
Brody Jenkins
Personally I would accept a trade of the 15th and 19th amendments for repealing the second