Why do cuckservatives keep pushing the meme that wanting to ban guns makes you a "Nazi"?
The Treaty of Versailles disarmed Germany, and the Allies "took away dur gunz" after WW1. In fact, the treaty even had a clause that made it so France, England, etc. should progressively disarm themselves over time (which they didn't respect, rightly so).
After Hitler got elected, he said "fuck that shit" & basically removed all restrictions on rifles, shotguns, ammo, lowered age from 20 to 18, increased permit validity from 1 to 3 years, and relaxed restrictions on handguns with the 1938 German Weapons Act.
The only people that had weapons confiscated or were given more restrictions on acquiring guns were communists and other groups that were hostile to the Germans, and this was because they had created a civil war & attempted a revolution that killed tens of thousands of Germans at the end of WW1
Armed revolutions are also how Jewish communists like Yakov Yurovsky toppled the Tsar, created the USSR, the Hungarian Soviet Republic & the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Communists & anti-communists were constantly fighting each other on the streets in Germany, and the Soviet Union was banging at the door so they couldn't take any chances
The Weimar Republic before that had strict gun control laws and that's why you often see pictures of "brownshirts" & other groups with shovels since most of them didn't have guns, it was never how got into power
The only people who are trying to remove guns from Americans now are Jews & their leftist/communist pets trying to disarm whites who want to protect themselves from demographic annihilation & state repression, so when will this boomer meme die?
>Why do cuckservatives keep pushing the meme that wanting to ban guns makes you a "Nazi"? Hitler didn't ban guns because there was a domestic war happening dude. stupid to disarm a population when they were facing the threat of invading forces. stop being a fuckign moron. it had nothing to do with hitler believing in gun rights. after the war the people would have been promptly disarmed and everyone knows it.
Logan Wilson
>stupid to disarm a population
But he didn't "disarm the population", that's the entire point. In fact he loosened restrictions on regular German citizens, and only put more regulations and confiscations on hostile groups like communists that were funded and supported by the Soviets.
He didn't want a Novemberrevolution 2.0 and he couldn't afford having to worry about internal communist subversion and attempted revolutions while the Soviet regime didn't have that weak point. It was a defensive measure.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Lincoln Carter
>being part of the Nazi party allowed yrou to own any type of firearm known to man Orgasmic
Isaac Morgan
>But he didn't "disarm the population", that's the entire point holy shit, you're literally incapable of fucking reading simply sentences, aren't you?
Gavin Jones
Yeah sorry it's late and I can't sleep.
But the point is that the Germans were constantly facing the threat of invading forces from WW1 and on, yet they had strict gun control laws in the Weimar Republic and until Hitler loosened them in 1938 (a year before the war).
There's also no indication that he would've promptly disarmed everyone after the war. Have you looked at gun laws for Western Europe right now? Sweden has super strict gun laws (so do most EU states, and it's been getting worse for decades) and yet the streets are filled with guns and grenades and the police is fucking clueless. Swedes are helpless against invading armies, Jihadists or third-world invasion, and they can't blame the "evil Natzees" for it.
Jonathan Mitchell
It wouldn't make sense from Hitler's ideology to ban guns, there is nothing more powerful than a unified and armed nation.
Jack Ross
dude i'm going to presume you know that hitler wasn't around in ww1. he was just a lowly soldier in the army, running messages across the battlefield if i remember correctly(?). he wasn't a fuhrer, lol. so i don't see where this ww1 reference would be relevant
it's highly unlikely that hitler, given his political ideology, would have chosen to leave his populace armed outside of the context of the immediate situation his nation was facing in ww2 and the run up to it. he had a totalitarian government. he had absolutely zero belief in personal freedom. to say "but there's no proof" is kind of special pleading. we don't have a crystal ball to look into the future and see what he would have done, but common sense says one thing.
the reason people say it's "nazi" to disarm the population is because nazism is a really totalitarian ideology. i mean keep in mind you're not just talkign about a guy who put jews in camps and wanted to deport them to madagascar (i don't believe in the holocaust), but he also murdered the mentally ill, banned artists picasso, banned the works of EINSTEIN and other important scientists, defacto outlawed personal property, and had a hundred overbearing, draconian policies, many of which just seem silly and laughable today.
the nazi thing is just a meme dude. 98% of people here are just being ironic with it. i do it all of the time, i'm not a nazi though. you shouldn't take the nazi meme seriously. it's really a bad, broken political ideology.
there's no evidence he actually intended to kill all jews, but other than that, most of the criticisms he gets from people are founded.
Brody Gray
This is the tipping point. I love Hitler now. Fucking Jewish propaganda. Pol is LITERALLY always right
The point is that German leaders kept Germans disarmed during all those years up until 1933 regardless of the very real "threat of invading forces" that already existed. They would've kept them disarmed & helpless had Hitler not come along & opposed the Treaty of Versailles
>given his political ideology, would have chosen to leave his populace armed National Socialism was about the spiritual and physical cultivation & cohesion of the German volk, the German people uplifting themselves. Basically he wanted a homogenous culturally & racially cohesive group of Germans with high social trust who would've never had any reason to shoot at one another, like Iceland or Japan now. He would've made more restrictions to hunting since he wanted to protect animals but he wanted the German people to be able to defend themselves and trust each other
>absolutely zero belief in personal freedom Wrong, he just believed that the collective was just as important as the individual, and that the individual shouldn't put themselves ahead of the collective interest of the German people and nation as a whole. Read their program
>nazism is a really totalitarian ideology. Communism is, and they actually took away guns, so why call them "Nazis"? National Socialism was for a little while as a bulwark against the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union and Jewish domination of banks and Germany. Basically Europe had been so subverted ever since the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, and Germany had become a sea of shit in the Weimar Republic, so they needed a strong hand to put things back in order and protect themselves from the communist takeover of Europe, but this didn't extend to gun ownership. Who knows how things would've changed if communism was defeated & Jews were sent to Madagascar? Things would've gotten more hands-off for sure
The US and other countries also had internment camps
Charles Walker
Wrong image.
Christian Stewart
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disarmament >After the war revulsion at the futility and tremendous cost of the war was widespread. A commonly held belief was that the cause of the war had been the escalating buildup of armaments in the previous half century among the great powers (see Anglo-German naval arms race). Although the Treaty of Versailles effectively disarmed Germany, a clause was inserted that called on all the great powers to likewise progressively disarm over a period of time. The newly formed League of Nations made this an explicit goal in the covenant of the league, which committed its signatories to reduce armaments ‘to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations’
Kevin Stewart
Jaxon Cruz
It's even on Wikipedia. They're not even scared to put it out there since the "if le Jews had le guns, they could've stopped le Hitler" is an argument used by cuckservatives, and leftists don't want it to stop their agenda so they debunk it themselves.
Why does it surprise no one to see that he clearly had adult-size MALE genitalia???
Brody Ortiz
>parallels of globalist shills and wahhabi globalism Oh man. Not a wahhabi, but this is something
Cameron Fisher
Oh shit!
Juan Hall
Shit shit shit!!!
Henry Murphy
Why does no one care about his junk?
Joseph Rodriguez
He had a cock!
Evan Thompson
He had a John Thomas.
Bentley Garcia
Damn straight.
Eli Turner
Why does no one care?
Jace Baker
Are you like one of those Jewish freaks who obsess with Hitler's sexuality and make up other myths about how he had "one testicle" and "a poop fetish with his niece" and "a microdick".
You sick fuck.
Gabriel Thomas
He looks 100 percent male.
Jayden Smith
Wyatt Rivera
>lefties hate hitler >lefties want to ban guns >remind lefties that hitler took the guns from the jews flawless argument, not that a lefty is capable of noticing when he's lost an argument. but its an easy argument to make hence the meme
Nathan Cook
He really did like to poo in his pants and on his niece, then have her do the same to him.
Kayden Barnes
It’s called ABDL fetishism, but since babies went diaperless half the time, and there were no Pampers, they got just as much arousal from pooping on the floor as in their pants .
Xavier Perry
If you have to make up lies to win an argument, you have already lost. Fuck arguments, if these people haven't already realized what's going on they deserve nothing.
Zachary Garcia
Heil Shitler!!!
Caleb Torres
Only little babies poop their pants!
Oliver Long
this faggot was on my gubment tv a few nights ago i wonder what his allegiances might be
Adrian Fisher
>the (((Weimar))) "Republic"
Blake Hill
I’ll bet he got sexually aroused from pooping in his pants!
Cooper Brown
Oh shit!!!
Austin Rogers
Why does no one care if he pooped himself as an adult???????
Angel Campbell
What lies?
Jonathan Cox
William Rivera
John Reyes
I agree, it's still stupid though since you could bring up communists who have an extensive record of gun confiscation, and have much more brutal record (Great Leap Forward, Holodomor, etc.). They generally have a counter ready against the claim, so much so that Wikipedia has an article called "Nazi gun control theory" to debunk it.
Mao famously said: >All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no gun can ever be used to command the party.
Remember when the worst thing you could be called in America was a commie? Now even "conservatives" would rather talk about "Nazis" and repeat Jewish lies about them. This all started with Reagan (who was another advocate for gun control).
Whatever faggot freak. Go die of AIDS & tell yourself that Hitler was half-Jewish & secretly gay too.
Cooper Gutierrez
Evan Taylor
Remember who the message is for. All resistance is from people we don't want in this movement. Jews, faggots, niggers, mutts, slavs, marxist vermin. Don't try to convince them. Our people are open minded to our cause they come with curiosity not beastial hate.
Jaxson Ortiz
Jason Nelson
My mother said HITLER WAS THE DEVIL!!!
Christian Reed
So wait, are we arguing that disarming the people in your country that you want to exterminate ISN’T gun control?
Lincoln White
It's definitely fake and gay but not really the most outrageous assumption to make about a German.
Jacob Bell
Why does no one care if Hitler poo-pooed in his pants numerous times throughout his adult life? Wouldn’t that make him the most unusual world leader of his time? Weren’t babies practically “born potty trained,” in the Victorian Era, having no memories of poop in their pants thanks to 1.) dresses for boys, 2.) cloth diapers, and 3.) mothers obsessed with putting them on little hand-held chamber potties all the time? I’ve wondered this for years!
Owen Howard
He also shat his pants!
Xavier Flores
Why does no one care if Hitler poo-pooed in his pants numerous times throughout his adult life? Wouldn’t that make him the most unusual world leader of his time? Weren’t babies practically “born potty trained,” in the Victorian Era, having no memories of poop in their pants thanks to 1.) dresses for boys, 2.) cloth diapers, and 3.) mothers obsessed with putting them on little hand-held chamber potties all the time? I’ve wondered this for years!!!
Connor Hill
Why the fück does no one care?
Leo Cook
Your utter desperation is pathetic and pleaseing at the same time. Is this the best you all can do? This is why you need to go, either back to your own country or to a concentration camp.
Hudson Sanders
You are the most insufferable faggot on this site and I wish death upon you.
Anthony Brooks
>Sweden has super strict gun laws No, it's not really that strict. And we have a very high rate of gun ownership.
Getting a semi-automatic hunting rifle or shotgun isn't a big issue at all. The restrictions (on a hunting permit) are for cosmetic shit, none of which concern themselves with modifications and after-market stuff.
Aaron Ortiz
Oh shit!
Noah Garcia
Disarming an army != Disarming a populace
Chase Cook
Men poop their pants way more than women!
Parker Johnson
Oh shit!
Joseph Young
He's trying to make the thread slide like the dirty little jew he is. They really don't want you to know this.
Noah Nelson
Okay, what gun laws were enacted before 1938
Leo Anderson
>and that the individual shouldn't put themselves ahead of the collective interest of the German people and nation as a whole So the collective is more important than the individual? The collective and individual can't, by definition, be equal as one always enforces their believes on the other one.
Blake Rivera
I think a more fun hypothetical is
>what if Jews had guns and used them?
Lets say nazi germany is progressing and some jews decide they are going to fight back. They start using their guns agaisnt the government (asymmetrical warfare).
The Government then uses it as further exuse to crack down of the radical and violent Jews, as an excuse to totally disarm them, and maybe even justifying their own destruction.
William Taylor
It's always implied that Hitler was hated by his people, and that he disarmed them so he could devilishly oppress them w/o opposition. But it's the exact opposite, he empowered German citizens & was loved by them, even relaxing gun laws, and only made it harder for enemies of Germany (Jewish communists, Soviets, etc.) to acquire weaponry.
There was no extermination plan. They were told to leave Germany, stay in work camps, or stay in Germany as non-citizens as long as they accepted they didn't have the same rights until the war
I read the only type of gun you can get is a hunting rifle. Even that is hard to get.
You have to have a hunter's licence and weapons licence and then you can only get hunting rifles. If you want a normal gun you need to be active in a shooting club
Meanwhile third-world migrants and terrorists don't give a shit about laws and import all this shit from their countries
Regardless, Sweden has some of the strictest gun laws, and Germany isn't that much better now.
See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_legislation_in_Germany#Regulation_after_the_1919_Treaty_of_Versailles >In 1919 the German government passed the Regulations on Weapons Ownership, which declared that "all firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition, are to be surrendered immediately."[5] Under the regulations, anyone found in possession of a firearm or ammunition was subject to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 marks
>On August 7, 1920, rising fears whether or not Germany could have rebellions prompted the government to enact a second gun-regulation law called the Law on the Disarmament of the People. It put into effect the provisions of the Versailles Treaty in regard to the limit on military-type weapons
Sebastian Hall
Oh shit!!!
Isaiah Morris
Obviously Hitler cared more about the collective German volk and nation, but he was trying to find the balance between the two.
Something between the soulless, slavish state collectivism of communism, and the greedy, empty materialist individualism of capitalism.
Jack Green
>would have >everybody knows it Prove it.
Evan Hill
This is just bullshit. Hitler advocated personal freedom to a point and also called people who wanted to regulate every single detail in a citizens' lives a threat to his movement. Hitler indeed loosened gun restrictions and allowed guns for Nazi party members and the military, at the same time disarmed Jewish citizens.
Asher Campbell
You seem to be an expert on shit? Do you sample it like wine? Filthy shit eating sodomite.
Noah Nguyen
Asher Gutierrez
>I read the only type of gun you can get is a hunting rifle. Even that is hard to get. You can literally take a one-weekend hunting course to get one (more serious people take the full course which is one day a week for a few months). A semi-automatic hunting rifle and a military rifle is virtually the same thing in principle, and like I've said there's nothing preventing you from getting a traditional looking wood stocked semi-auto rifle then put all the tacticool pistol grips, rails and drum magazines you want on it for shooting on a range.
>Regardless, Sweden has some of the strictest gun laws Not compared to the UK, Australia and a whole bunch of other nations. The real issue is that's there's no gun culture here at all.
I own several guns and it is a right protected by our Constitution. It's there to protect me from a dictatorial government or frightened citizens who wish to take away the rights of me and my family and my neighbors.
Isaac Sullivan
You know he personaly would not allow any off his officers or other personel to carry a gun in his presence. Thats why assasination attempts where so difficult.
Also: "no gun law was passed in Germany in 1935. There was no need for one, since a gun registration program was already in effect in Germany; it was enacted in 1928, five years before Hitler’s ascendancy. But that law did not “outlaw” guns, it just restricted their possession to individuals who were considered law-abiding citizens, and who had a reason to own one. And there’s no reason to consider that law particularly significant, either; the Nazis didn’t seize control of their own country with gunpowder. They used a much more potent weapon: propaganda."
Luke Jackson
Yea protection. Is it not nice to live in constant fear from your own governement. you watch to much NRA commercials my friend
Parker Perry
This anti Semite needs to be fired, fined, and shut down from all platforms. Fine him 20,000 dollars, then once he's paid that $40,000 fine, we'll take that fine and donate to the ADL the $60,000 to combat hate speech online.
Thomas Walker
sweden.org.za/gun-laws-in-sweden.html >"It is illegal for a civilian in Sweden to carry a firearm, unless for a specific, legal purpose;such as hunting or attending shooting ranges. To transport firearms, there are rules to adhere to;the general regulations are that the gun must be unloaded, hidden and transported in a safe and secure way under supervision"
You can't even own the gun legally, Firearms for protection is absolutely forbidden. Your firearms are probably all registered and you cannot conceal carry a firearm.
You shouldn't be content with this even if it's better than the UK, things will get bad in the next decades. a lot of people will need to learn how to use guns and it might be too late for them, they might not have the time, there will be even more surveillance and police state measures than now. Meanwhile the EU keeps trying to enact even stricter gun laws. You don't realize how much your own government hates you and wants you gone.
In Sweden less than 5% of guns used in crimes are legal firearms. Gun crime is constantly on the rise despite the strict gun laws, definite proof that it makes no difference in the long run since criminals don't care about laws:
archive.fo/3Sc8i >Swedish City Sees 300 Per Cent Increase in Shootings in 2017
You should ask for better & worry about the future.
Gavin Perez
Jews should be deported and restricted to "Israel". Jews should be kept from banking.
Tyler Roberts
Nicholas Evans
>They used a much more potent weapon: propaganda."
Nolan Ortiz
OP must be a Russian bot.
NO ONE outside Sweden gives a fuck about Sweden, yet this AMERICAN forum has all these stupid Swedeposts. We don't care. No Americans visit Sweden. If it slid into the Baltic Finland and Norway would enjoy better fishing.
Two things give away Russiashills, Nordposts and Balkanigger posts. You idiots clearly are as clueless about what you are trying to accomplish as Hitler was about US industrial capacity or Trump is about coherent public speaking.
YOU ARE BORING. Post bitches or something if you can't step up your game. Good thing your bosses don't read 4chin.
Anthony Young
here's the story you never heard from stomniggers: the nazis were faggot degenerates themselves
Ryan Baker
Kkes shills like you are exactly what fuels the "Amerimutt" meme. Take your shit back to Rebbit.
Pic related is you right?
You make all burger posters look bad.
Charles Phillips
There is almost always truth on both sides of the argument. Its how you use it and witch truth gets emphasized is how it becomes propaganda for a sertain idea.
Adrian Baker
Actually, for those of us who don't want America to get overrun by even more violent foreigners, we do in fact care about Sweden.
It's an exemplar - kind of like how your post was of why you should be forced to drink bleach.
Julian Gonzalez
nice flag there memeboi
Tyler Lewis
>You can't even own the gun legally I think you mean "carry".
>You don't realize how much your own government hates you and wants you gone. >In Sweden less than 5% of guns used in crimes are legal firearms. I'm fully aware of both of those things. Stop putting words in my mouth.
>You should ask for better & worry about the future. I do user. Where did I ever claim I don't?
Eli Young
>There is almost always truth on both sides
And one side always has more truth to it than the other.
But what really matters is:
>Control of the narrative Through media outlets, movies, history books, academia, etc. Truth doesn't matter that much if you have a monopoly over information since most people just go with the flow and prefer convenience and comfort
>Consensus It really doesn't matter if it's true or not as long as you get enough people to believe it... for example, some people unironically think Hitler killed 6 million Jews in gas chambers, that he banned guns, that communists are somehow better than "Nazis" even though they killed over 100M people, that Hitler wanted to take over the world and started the world war, that mass immigration is good, the races are all equal. Jews are innocent victims, etc.
>self-interest People are more likely to believe stories that benefit "their side" or "their identity" or "their ideology" even if unconsciously, so you get echo chambers where people just go to get their confirmation bias
And that's how Jews manage to get people to believe anything they want, regardless of how true it is. And unlike the Germans they don't have an obsession and concern for truth or objectivity, they only use truth when it's more likely to support an agenda & their interests, even outside of war.
I was just making sure you understood the gravity of it. We all have a habit in the West of accepting the status quo as the norm, and thinking "it's not so bad now" about things that would've been considered insane just 50 years ago, then it gets worse and worse, and the next generation just accepts the decline as the norm too until your country is unrecognizable.
Hudson Myers
>Why do cuckservatives keep pushing the meme that wanting to ban guns makes you a "Nazi"?
Because they're sucking circumsized cock of the Greatest Ally.
Camden Flores
well i have seen the gaschambers with my own eyes. I have seen the destruction. I have seen the names of the thousands of death. My great grand uncle died by german occupation. Only a year ago we found a nazi bom under the gymnasium. The Germans have almost the same gunlaw as the whole of europe. The communist party under Stalin was probably equaly bad. Hitler wanted living space. He wanted to create europe as it is today. Controled by the German reigh. Created to fight against one common communist enemy. Races are equel but morality,culture and ideoligy is different. You can change this with education but it is verry difficult.
Alexander Rodriguez
I was told it was only jews that weren't allowed to get guns, but whatever
Jason Wood
>The only people that had weapons confiscated or were given more restrictions on acquiring guns were communists and other groups that were hostile to the Germans
So he did take away the guns then
>Armed revolutions are also how Jewish communists like Yakov Yurovsky toppled the Tsar
Implying toppling the Tsar was a bad thing
>and this was because they had created a civil war
Surely this goes both ways? The state was every bit complicit in the beginning of the civil war as the communists were. Also, Hitler himself tried to launch a violent coup against the German government. Why is it ok for Hitler to do it but suddenly we need to disarm the commies when they do it?
Jason Clark
How are German communists somehow no longer considered the German population just because you disagree with them?
Evan Martin
>All certified Hitler Youth could easily obtain guns. His goal was to keep the class of people that would oppose him unarmed, and the people who support him, well armed.
The cops carry guns in the US too and would even if non government supporters were banned like in Germany.
The hilarious thing is Germans aren’t allowed to post in this thread.
Ayden Nelson
Literally any state wanting to disarm a part of it's population dehumanises it's opposition. It's 101 of being in the dictatorship business. It's what communists say about Nazis.
Also disarming only people who are victimised by the state literally defeats the whole point of the second amendment. Probs why the NRA used to support gun restrictions when the Black Panthers were around.
No, more than the Jews were disarmed. Hitler’s oppression was not only vs the Jews.
Jack Carter
Do you know where you are? Do you know how to read threads on image boards? I said I thought the jews were disarmed, a belgian gave a source saying exactly that.
Jack James
and he did that because he was based as fuck let's all take a moment out of our days to consider being a little more like hitler
Ayden Gonzalez
>more than the Jews were disarmed the communists were also disarmed, you're right, but overall, gun ownership laws were expanded and more people than ever owned firearms.
>Why do cuckservatives keep pushing the meme that wanting to ban guns makes you a "Nazi"? Because cuckservatives are liberals run by kike interests, just like the so-called "leftists" are. Democracy and choice are shams. You live in a Jewish slaughterhouse for goyim.
Jason Morris
>well i have seen the gaschambers with my own eye
I've been to Auschwitz too. Chambers were used to clean clothes (against typhus) or were built by Stalin after the war in Eastern Europe to frame the Germans.
The only "gas chambers" that existed were for fumigating clothes and bedding to exterminate Typhus-spreading lice. It was a life-saving measure in all camps (including army barracks with no prisoners). That's why survivors often include details like haircuts & showers (also to eliminate lice). Despite these efforts, typhus (aka "camp fever") resulted in 200k+ deaths by the end of the war (Red Cross reports). That's why the camps needed crematories. But those deaths weren't planned, in fact the Germans tried to prevent them, and total nowhere near 6 million.
rense.com/general53/aauz.htm >In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin
Even if you believe some of the stories or you know that there was obviously violence and deaths in your country during the biggest war in history, you have to see that a lot of it is embellished, one-sided, exaggerated right? History is written by the victors. Hardly any mention of the firebombing of Dresden, the rape and death of million of innocent Germans after the war, the Holodomor and other communist massacres are barely touched upon...
Ryan Adams
>He wanted to create europe as it is today. Europe isn't controlled by Germany, it's controlled by the Jews and their puppets who run the EU, hate Germans and are in the process of replacing Germans with Africans, Arabs and Muslims. Hitler wanted sovereignty and nationalism for all the peoples of Europe even if he wanted more power for the German nation obviously, not globalism like the EU. He wanted to reclaim land lost after WW1 & defeat communism.
The primary focus of "living space" were the Volksdeutch (Germans held in former German lands after the redrawn map of Versailles) populations and former German lands used to create Poland and Czechoslovakia under the Treaty of Saint Germain.
Even if you think everyone should be treated equally, it's naive to ignore biological differences and nature and think you can make everything work because of some magic belief in equality.
Because they were quite literally funded and armed by the USSR, and a lot of them were Jews. They were from an alien people, with an alien ideology, doing the bidding of an enemy nation. All enemies of Germans and their nation. Quite literally the definition of traitors when that actually mattered.
Hitler watched the Soviet Jewish NKVD head Yagoda, the Jew Kaganovich, and Jew-married Molotov famine 6,000,000+ Slavs around the Black Sea in the 1930s. This after he saw the civil war in Germany and every year he could see what communists were doing to his people. If anything he was kind to them.
Also you're content with the gun laws that were forced on Germany after WW1, and the much stricter ones implemented by communists all over Eastern Europe, but as soon as he relaxes them in a way that doesn't benefit communists but benefits everyone else, that's when you complain? That's funny. Would you complain today if they relaxed gun laws for native Brits, but created harsher resitrctions for Jihadists, ISIS, and Islamist groups to avoid terrorism?
Christian Foster
How's that for dehumanization?
While Hitler was shutting down communist terrorist groups that were rotting his country from within, the Soviets were genociding & starving Ukranian nationalists and disarming all regular citizens.
Samuel White
Another Jewish communist who disarmed millions before killing them.