Is being undesirable to the opposite sex and inability to attract a gf really the only cause for these mass shooting?
Is being undesirable to the opposite sex and inability to attract a gf really the only cause for these mass shooting?
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>thousand yard ritalin stare
All the psychos in your pic have SSRIs in common. They also all had gone or started seeing a psychiatrist before they went mental.
Actually, they were mental BEFORE they went to see the shrink. So your statement amounts to, "They were crazy before they started shooting up schools", which is obvious.
probably, slamming pussy and getting high is all I live for basically.
sure they may have been mental, but they didn't go on murder sprees BEFORE getting on the meds.
Takes 1 to 3 months for the pills to start having a significant effect.
What is reasonable reality is that you might have a school shooting every 5-10 years. And there was a lot of answers and coverage to them.
Now? It's these crazy wild news stories with vague answers, confusing reports, and we get a new shooting every few months.
I'm not suggesting anything.
Except I smell bullshit. And it stinks.
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
>Is being undesirable to the opposite sex and inability to attract a gf really the only cause for these mass shooting?
Are jew still trying to frame Cred Forums as the purpetrator of the attacks so that you can finally trick the rest of the goyim into jailing us because we keep defeating your psyops?
Who knows what makes crazy. Visually there is something wrong with them. It seems to be an additional factor. I call them leftovers. They are more violent than the feminine versions but no less a blight.
we need to turn then into harmless girls so they live a happy life and won't shoot up a school.
wow he is pretty cute, I would fondle his girl penis.
No, because most men are undesirable
It's that plus some form or narcissism/sociopathy & violent tendencies
>fucking Melon
Parkland High Students, Parents, and Teachers Told a “Drill” Would Take Place. Student who survived Parkland school shooting: ‘We were told the police would do a fake code red, with fake guns’
Mandatory sex change for all omega males when???
what is it about these meds that make them do it? are they really some sort of neurotransmitter that allows some mkultra dude to control them remotely?
Except for the chink and Holmes low IQ is the main factor. An inability to understand the world as it truly is leads to frustration. Frustration without proper thinking skills leads to violence.
Not coincidentally, you’ll notice many alt-right retards have serious anger issues as they can’t cope with their failures.
If you force a bunch of kids who hate each other to interact day after day, sooner or later one of them is going to snap. Government schools won't even try to do anything to stop it because the incentive structure of government institutions is all wrong. We need to get the government entirely out of education. Once schools are private and somebody's financial bottom line depends on providing a safe and beneficial learning environment for kids, then schools will start to shape up.
we need physiologists to assets students, identifies high risk candidates, recommend sex change to mitigate high risk behavior.
Too bad there isnt enough gb to post all the nigger murderers who kill 1000's of people in Detriot or chicago alone every year.
at least if they could do that, it would save 166838 families pain and human lives. Fucking prick
But Cruz got a girlfriend. He was cheated on by her.
>They also all had gone or started seeing a psychiatrist before they went mental.
and these psychiatrists just happened to be democrats, highly skilled in hypnosis, and were practicing satanists.
Adam lanza was a ddr world contender.
He was literally a genius at the game. We all remember the video
It's always THIS, user.
Fail bait dumbass lol
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
Top left isn't even a real person.
The fuck is that CG shit going to fool anyone?
wh*tes did WW1 and WW2
Far worse than anything blacks have ever did
If anything, wh*tes are not paying for their crimes
>wh*tes did WW1 and WW2
They did
What's your point?
they are barbarians.
>What the fuck is wrong with white people?
We just can't stop killing and committing crime. You had best hurry and move to Liberia, Haiti, or Somalia where you can be safe.
I know
Wh*tes are savages
time to ban the psychotropic drug industry, think of the children!
Blacks did WW2 President Roosevelt was a KKK Democrat. He drafted almost every black man in America, and sent them to Europe.
>we need to turn then into harmless girls so they live a happy life and won't shoot up a school.
this is so fucking hot.
i want to be turned in an hot harmless girl
>Dylan Roof
>fighting soldiers of other countries for geopolitical reasons
>stealing a bike and shooting you becuz you was on my turf and shit and I needs to make money yo
also this
he was an 8/10
Didn't the guy who went ghost have female fans on his YouTube?
Both are savages
Your point?
How is he considered white? His girl equivalent looks racially ambiguous as fuck
only 1 and 4 are unnattractive. 2 could look good if he lifted weights a bit and got a different haircut, 3 already looks pretty good but needs a normal hair color and a shave, gook would have a gf within 3 days if he went back home to Korea and last guy just needs better glasses or contacts.
We know what you are doing so quit using bots/vpn to change your id schlomo. Gtfo.
pretty strongly feel that folk are too quick to jump to the "mentally ill" or "insane" label for mass shooters- out of those the only ones I could properly say were nutty were Loughner (now he was pretty fucked in the head) and Holmes (hello MKULTRA). haven't gone down the Sandy Hook rabbit-hole so much, maybe i should.
people flatly deny that the "standard" human condition allows, on rare occasion in certain individuals, for the desire to remain sane and in control of all one's faculties but retain a desire to slaughter
also this, fuck some compulsory primary education, that shit is babby's first institutionalization and indoctrination centre
Who started ww 1 and 2 were not whites you fucking dumbass. Try harder schlomo and make sure ya keep using that vpn od yours it ain't fooling anybody.
Point is the two examples are very different and you’re an absolute autist if you can’t see that
t. savage mutts who think they are wh*te
honestly this, we should end gov't schooling, or at least make it completely optional and scale it back significantly. The kids that don't want to learn anything wind up not learning anything anyhow. Most public schooling is just daycare where kids play on their phones all day and otherwise do nothing. Pretty much nothing would be lost if we got the government out of educating children.
Cho was a fucking nutcase too. It was well known that he had mental/behavioral problems before Vtech kicked in yo, but iirc there was nothing the authorities could do to intervene.
whites don't go to public schools
A lot of them came from broken homes and single mothers. Also as other anons pointed out, they were fucked up to begin with. Personally, I don't even believe Sandy Hook actually happened. So, there's that.
>and these psychiatrists just happened to be democrats, highly skilled in hypnosis, and were practicing satanists.
took advantage of their unstable patients, telling them to kill.
I have seen plenty of dudes uglier than ANY of these men with pretty girls.
So I think this is a bad theory
you forgot Elliot roger
The vast majority of whites go to public school.
Having spent some time working in higher ed, I can tell you that the skill divide between public school kids and private school kids is significant. Of course it isn't universal, but as a general rule the kids that went thru prep school are miles ahead of the kids from random ass public schools. Also the grade inflation that goes on at gov't schools is crazy. I had 5.0 GPA valedictorians working in my lab that couldn't construct a coherent paragraph or do basic multiplication.
This is a tranny right?
middle column could get a decent gf if they put a bit of effort.
seeing your pic, it may rather be weird haircuts
One of my employees has a son who's about to graduate high school. The boy is illiterate, and cannot even grasp the concept of numbers, let alone mathematics. I believe the child's mother was hispanic.
literacy and writing skills are one of the biggest problems with most gov't education. they simply do not teach kids to read/write at an adult level. most kids who matriculate to college have no idea how to put together a coherent term paper, lab report, or essay. I went to private school, we were doing MLA-cited term papers in 7th grade. When I got to college most of my friends had no fucking clue what they were doing on those type of assignments.
Honestly one of the biggest problems with education in general is the focus on stupid bullshit that doesn't matter. A knowledge of 1870s British literature never got anyone a job outside of academia. Schooling could be drastically improved if that kind of shit became optional with a much heavier focus on job and life skills. Even mathematics would be incredibly easy to revamp - it's far too abstract and seemingly useless to most kids. An application based approach integrated with something like physics/electronics labs would get a lot more kids to pay attention.
>I have seen plenty of dudes uglier than ANY of these men with pretty girls.
if they have girlfriends they are not ugly
Which meds?
And I'm betting you don't even know how an ssri works.
>learn some chemistry you brainlet
If you fail as a man you will be turned into a woman.
Agreed, especially boys
It's not that they're ugly. It's that they're bot in the top 20%. Due to feminism and extreme gynocentrism, even the most unattractive women think they deserve Chad and so average looking men are invisible. This youtube channel covers it pretty well.
>I'm betting you don't even know how an ssri works.
The manufacturer doesn't know how it works, but I suppose you were put upon the Earth for the sole purpose of enlightening us.
State funded sex robots could fix this. As well as many other social woes. It's time our tax dollars get utilized more effectively
FPBP no one is having sex with that.
>Is being undesirable to the opposite sex and inability to attract a gf really the only cause for these mass shooting?
The main cause is being Jewish.
At least 3 of those are autistic, how long until they all turn on us innocent autists?
No. I havent had a gf in like 12 years and I never shot anyone. These dudes are going after the fame the media props up. Sure theyre lonely and bitter but you hold over their head the fact they can be famous and suddenly theyre ready to go full snackbar. Then the msm projects them to the world and their name is known and theyve affected society in a way they never could before. Same shit happened in the 70's with serial killers.
Correlation =/= causation
He looks a little fem as a boy, I hope he gets butt fucked plenty in Prison.
This. I remember when I was in middle school the teacher would congratulate me for being the only kid in class that understood you weren't supposed to use personal pronouns in essays.
He would tell the class over, over he did't like seeing personal pronouns in essays. Yet every assignment they would show up.
It wasn't until much later into the year that the poor man realized I was the only kid in class the knew was a pronoun was. Let alone a personal pronoun. This is a class full of 7th-8th graders. They should know what a fucking pronoun is.
Can I speak with your father?
At the very beginning of the tan jew video, which starts with the girl in mid sentence, she says"All the kids to go up so they could start shooting up." Then later says, "Then after all that we finally got out, and like, they started yelling at us to keep focused and pay attention ahead, the Army people, because they didn't want us to see the bodies that they hid in the corner, they were putting mats over them so we wouldn't see them."
This was a Jew false flag, I guarantee it.
To be fair, the ability to understand the world as it really is is just as frustrating.
How on earth are you supposed to write an essay without personal pronouns?
>Thomas Jefferson was admitted to the Virginia bar in 1767 and then lived with Jefferson's mother at Shadwell.[13] In addition to practicing law, Jefferson represented Albemarle County as a delegate in the Virginia House of Burgesses from 1769 until 1775.[14] Jefferson pursued reforms to slavery. Jefferson introduced legislation in 1769 allowing masters to take control over the emancipation of slaves, taking discretion away from the royal Governor and General Court. Jefferson persuaded Jefferson's cousin Richard Bland to spearhead the legislation's passage, but reaction was strongly negative.[15]
Third person pronouns are alright.
Ah, that makes sense then. For a moment I thought it was one of those "you can't just assume Ghenghis Khan was a heterosexual male!" teachers.
Academic writing is pointless, autistic shit. Hurr he used I instead of we or he wrote don't instead of do not. Who fucking cares.
I think inability to get laid is a huge factor, along with not being able to make friends which goes hand in hand. I think we should legalize prostitution, skip the bullshit psychiatrists and meds and give troubled young men regular affection from a cute girl. It would make them feel better, give them some people skills, curb the pent up anger, and give them something to live for. For the most part all of these shooters have sad miserable lives. Wouldn't it stand to reason if we made their lives more enjoyable they would want to live it and not die in a hail of bullets or in jail?
if you look at this in a wider spectrum, then yes...
actually, those people are mentally ill, which sometimes crosses over with the way they look.
>be a mentally ill kid
>go to highschool
>fall in love with a girl
>see the girl get taken by another guy
>be bullied by him, his friends and other guys
>eventually get pissed of
>go home one day
>look for a gun on the internet
>buy it
>shoot the fuck out of the school
its all connected.
Why do you think mass shootings rose exponentially after 2010?
Modern psychiatry isn't therapy. It proscribes benzos like xanax, valium, and klonopin to shut off your brain (to not feel anything), vyvanse and ritalin for irritable, erratic focus, and seroquel for "psychosis" (which BLOCKS serotonin and dopamine--which essentially makes life MEANINGLESS at a physiological level).
Also ask yourself where all these mentally ill people came from in the last few decades. Seriously, where.
You think this stuff doesn't find its way into the water supply anyway? You think your food is healthy? You think the plastics that everything is processed in is good for your endocrine system?
Are you really shocked that everyone is so chemically imbalanced in America?
News flash fags. We didn't exactly win the Cold War. We won the arms race. The Commies played a more insidious game, and they're winning. We'll probably lose our guns along with our sanity, autonomy, and will to live.
Welcome to the dystopia.
We need to look at the Psychiatrists agenda.
Seems all of them were known to FBI , but somehow were allowed to carry out crimes.
A lot of high level Psychiatrists are Jewish and that would be a good place to start looking to see if these vulnerable dipshits were used by them.
>t. can't process an academic journal to assess whether or not the conclusion and methodology are valid
Failure to understand academic writing is how they keep you in the dark and force fake "gender studies" down your throats. And you're lapping it up. Hook. Line. And sinker.
>inb4 "b-but I know how to spot bait lmao"
very frightening, beacause what you said is mostly true, and i never realised it
That number seemed so low back around 1965. I wonder what happened in that year that changed america so drastically and seemingly exponentially?
Who could have been behind a certain 1965 Act?
We don't have a strong sense of tribal community (mostly because we aren't allowed to) and the social cohesion of our societies is in the toiled thanks to diversity, so a lot of us become alienated from society. These alienated people are subjected to social memes from the Jewish media which have taught them through constant exposure that going on a shooting rampage is what they're meant to do and the best way to get back at society.
What is more valid about saying "we can see that" instead of "I think this data points out this"? I can process academic writing just fine but it is painfully autistic. All my corrections at university were always stuff like "stop doing contractions" or deleting/adding the occasional comma, never my actual arguments
>british academia
Well? Do you not have an actual answer to the question?
Push someone to the breaking point and people die user. Keep poking this hornets nest too, its a good thing.
It's amazing the amount of denial some individual can go through sometime.
Of course if you go way back and you look at the big picture you can easily see what caused the dysfonction in the first place.
It's the lack of what those pharmaceutical companies are milking from society that cause the people around the nut jobs to go ape shit on the crazies and thus "force" them to snap.
But since people say we have a choice to not snap in the first place and just keep seeking help from the people who are causing/hindering the problem it's kind of easy to see why going all out and shooting people instead of mindlessly getting grinded by the gears of this system...
It's not like we can't see what those gears are doing to the people around us for ourselves!
You can tell Roof was a good ol' SC boy that only had difficulty in socially adjusting to a desegregated majority black SC public school. Essentially his alienation was imposed; not by pharma. Not saying what he did was right or wrong, only offering some perspective.
Looks to me like CGI and Staging are responsible for "mass shootings".
I mean, it doesn't help
If that were true a vast majority here would be terrorists.
fuckin loughner's stupid-ass grin cracks me up. looks like the kind of guy who would knock on the door of your dorm room hella baked and ask if you want to throw water balloons or some shit.
Money has always been the enemy of the poor. It's no accident.
There is not one personal pronoun in the text you quoted.
> is unattractive male
> doesn't work out
> doesn't improve hygiene
> doesn't change style
> doesn't get a useful hobby
> blame women for being a loser
> shoots random people
> dies like a pathetic faggot
mass shooting = the new edgy kid suicide method. instead of jumping off a bridge like their boomer ancestors, today's youth realize that it's much cooler to go shoot up a school and get famous while killing yourself.
even the blacks do it. it's called suicide by cop. go rob a liquor store/popeye's chicken, get the cops to show up, start a gun battle, get capped.
this shit is just a result of your ordinary suicidal ideation combined with the narcissism and desire for fame that is present in our modern world. why kill yourself like a loser virgin in your bathroom when you can get famous?
Yes. In general. The cunt cools the fire of young men.
>I went to private school, we were doing MLA-cited term papers in 7th grade.
I went to public school and we learned MLA/APA/Chicago in 5th or 6th grade. Was it a private school for retarded kids?