>"My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your right to own any gun you want. It just does."
\pol\ btfo?
>"My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your right to own any gun you want. It just does."
\pol\ btfo?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just ban Yank desu.
goddamn. the amount of anti-gun shilling is getting annoying enough, I want to buy a rifle out of spite.
do it you nogunz pussy
>I'm too poor for proper education for my child.
you are obviously a commie, commies are not people and thus do not have rights...ergo your so called "children" (3 abortions & a yappy dog) do not have rights unless they become anti-communist.
Until then I think more of them should be killed.
there are so such thing as rights
you have no more right to live as you have no more right to own a gun
Public school didn't come before the Constitution, sweetie
I never said I was some nogunz fag. I just don't own a rifle, yet.
do it guns are fun.
Nobody has the right to not die, you colossal fuckwit.
False dichotomy. My right to own a gun does not cause your child to die. My gun never hurt nobody
The Mueller investigation has uncovered that Russian agents pose as Bernie Sanders supporters, advocating for BLM and pro gun control.
OP is a Russian agent attempting to undermine the American way of life. Your IP is now being backtraced and the cyber police will be notified.
- fuck their jizz stains
- i have the right to own a gun and defend myself just in case their stupid fucking kid makes a pipe bomb, goes on a slasher spree or tries to rape my cat.
Cruz was just a kid going to school 1 or 2 years ago. He's 19.
Everyone forgets that most of these kids will turn into shitty adults.
Then support armed guards at your kids school and training kids to kill active shooters when they need to, ya fucking faggot. Nothing else will work. Quit supporting your slave master's plan to take away your right to defend yourself.
>My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your right to own any gun you want. It just does
No it doesn't.
I literally heard a girl say this tonight!!!! How fun life is when you realize how bad the normies are
These is no right to go to school and not get shot in the american institution.
Besides, it's not legal to shoot up a school
Your kid is going to die in the coming civil war and so will you, cuck.
>vagine that makes fascist bleed
Take your complaint to the FBI. It's their job to prevent school shootings, not mine. Removing my rights because you refuse to hold the FBI responsible just means you are willing to give up rights for the illusion of safety, when your kids at school can still be stabbed, ran over, strangled, dropped on their head etc.
>Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
I hope your kid gets shot for you being such a pussy. lol.
No body has the right to live forever.
I never shot any kids, the fuck does my gun have to do with your brat's safety
(((Skool))) is a privilege not a right. Privilege, according to leftists, should be punished by death. Hence, lefties are getting their prayers answered when their kids get shot.
gun free zones are killing fields though
think about it, if you were a mass shooter, wouldn't you want to go to a gun free zone to maximize your kill count? obviously
then move to a different country retard
Non sequitur - my right to own a gun does not impact your child's right to go to school alive.
Fucking get one already. Rifles are your only hope to fight
get a good old m1 garand
>"My kids' right to go school and not be exposed to sexual deviants outweighs your right to mutilate your genitals and use made up pronouns. It just does."
tumblr btfo?
How can it cock by itself perpetual motion? Science cucks btfo
let's see, hundreds of emotionally unstable teens in one place? i'm honestly surprised it doesnt happen more often.
It's not perpetual because bullets.
abbos btfo
why does being able to see the inside of the hole youre fucking, make it more attractive? that's what i wanna know
Like the ones here?
>"My kid's right to go to school and not die in a communist genocide outweighs your right to spew vitriolic leftist rhetoric. It just does."
I've had that in the back of my mind. I'm in Fagifornia, and if secession actually catches on, we could have a little civil war here.
>walk away from stupid cunt
>with my gun
Ya'll aren't going to do shit. You speak of civil war, but you're a bunch of pussies. Like you're really going to fire at a fucking army. Psh, keep larping, tards
Not according to the constitution. The intent of the 2nd amendment is to afford the American people the ability to defend themselves against a tyrannical government (which it hardly does as it stands). The vast majority of kids go to school while never being shot, but the loss of the ability to defend ourselves would be much more drastic than a handful of kids dying per year.
You have that in reverse, cuck. The military will never fire on civilians. Keep sucking government cock like it's getting you somewhere, fag.
Fun fact: the first recorded mass shooting at an American school was committed by
>muh noble savages
where some four Delaware shot a schoolmaster and hacked 9 schoolchildren to death with tomahawks before scalping all of them.
>The military will never fire on civilians
If they're ordered to, I guarantee you they will. They'll brainwashed to follow orders.
>if they're ordered to
No commander would ever issue such an order. Literal revolt and mutiny would happen before any American Soldier would EVER shoot a civvie. The only brainwashed one here is you.
You don't understand American Soldiers at all, memeflag faggot. Their fellow soldiers would literally execute on the spot any single soldier that committed such a heinous crime.
Russian agents arguing against each other here lol.
>max tinfoil
Are you taking meds for that schizophrenia? Do you wake up and check under your cardboard box for russians?
>The urban leftist fantasizes about ordering the military (lol brainwashed inbred rednecks) to genocide their fellow gun-owning Middle Americans in flyover country.
Making your country deadlier is ultimately a danger to you by proxy.
Australia banned them and hasn't had a massacre since. WOW! I am -shocked- I tell you. Shocked.
You americans are fucking insane, and your country looks like a warzone to us.
I don't give a rat's ass I give about your child. Which in realpolitik only exists to me as a 'potential competitor for resources'. A being whose existence I gain absolutely nothing from.
To show you how many fucks I -don't- give I'm going to toss out this information to random, potentially unstable strangers on the internet.
>T-this time we got you, r-right?
You leftist soyboys are pathetic, put up metal detectors then if you want to be a pussy about it
>muh port arthur
It was staged, cunt. Everyone knows this.
>no one shows up to school with a gun, not even the most mentally stable and responsible teachers
>Blame guns when some spic shoots up your whole class without any kind of deterrence against him until the police arrive 15 mins later
If the founding fathers believed not getting shot was an inalienable human right then US would have never been born. You have the right to defend your life, and clearly your children failed - strengthening future generations by weeding out the slow.
How about a right to defend yourself and not die from armed nigger assault on your property? Nicolas was on FBI watchlist and they didn't do shit on purpose, complain about them >1 post by this ID
>>"My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your right to own any gun you want. It just does."
haha no
>States passed laws to make schooling compulsory between 1852 (Massachusetts) and 1917 (Mississippi).
>The concepts codified in these amendments are built upon those found in several earlier documents, including the Virginia Declaration of Rights and the English Bill of Rights 1689, along with earlier documents such as Magna Carta (1215).
>On June 8, 1789, Representative James Madison introduced nine amendments to the Constitution in the House of Representatives.
>white kids get shot up at school
>virtually no one at school was stationed to protect them
>knee jerk reaction is to instantly ban all guns instead of up security
>losing liberties instead of defending one's self
This is literally how liberals think, because of how weak and fragile they are, they believe making everyone around them weak and fragile increases their security, not understanding that threats will always exist and disarming your own people just makes you that much easier to conquer.
Liberals are just projecting their own insecurities. If they enjoy being government cucks then we ALL should enjoy it. Meanwhile some fucking durka durka will annihilate them because he does not and will not ever share their retarded pacifist ideology.
Forced overseas deployment is the only solution to the soyboy manchild anti-firearm mentality. Put them out there in the real world and let them see just how violent and cruel humans are.
wait whats this
My right to self defense outweighs your right to have MY money stolen to indoctrinate your kids into hating me. It just does.
>manufacturing this part is a felony, and all of the information included is for educational purposes only
>do not remove label under penalty of law
If you're going to 3D print out the parts for a firearm, you will need that one metal piece to make the gun fire.
Going to school is not a right.
guess im keeping that picture then
do you have any more?
A) ban the guns
B) 1984 police state
C) bullet to your head (neither)
I wanna know what the fuck you're on about you schizo
Holy shit. What backwards ass country do you live in not to think education is a right? Are you some kind of nigger?
my right to defend myself and my family outweighs your desire not defend yourself, and it greatly outweighs the anti gunners desire to keeps schools and other public places unprotected from deadly threats. stating a high school police would greatly reduce this, and many more problems.
but in all seriousness the recent shooting is shady as fuck with too many red flags and inconsistencies between statements provided from witnesses, and it'll be nice to see the all 8 or 9 or as many hours of footage from the security cameras to set the record straight before discussing ((("gun control"))) they had cameras in the 90's when COLUMBINE happened and those tapes were shared with the media and many people saw with their own two eyes what happened on that day, where's the footage from sandy hook? where is the footage from Douglas HS? Really makes me think
wrong you no gunz faggot
It interfaces the bolt with the disconnector in an ar15 making it full retard
All I got is a photo some /k/ommando posted.
Just shoot people with those opinions.
You know, with your guns?
Sooner or later people won't have those opinions anymore.
Whether or not education is a human right is questionable, as its something that is highly exploitable by the state - as we can see in the practice of producing a billion braindead marxist automatons in our countries today. To insinuate its your right to be brainwashed is frankly kind of stupid.
shit looks interesting
Okay, adhering to your paranoid delusions, let's make sure the next generation of kids don't go to school and see where we end up as a civilisation. I've heard Swahili is a great place to live btw.
>what is private education or homeschooling
The very fact that people have to work to bring you this basic right inherently proves its already not a right to begin with. You -never- have the right to make other people serve you. Period. Please stop being a stupid fucking faggot.
What is this supposed to be and how does it function
>My friend to own arms secures your childs right to have a choice in which school he goes as the 2nd Amendment is the first line of deterrence against invasive government tyranny
>Mommy and daddy pay for me to get through life and I claim it's off my own back.
You're the unrealistic faggot here. You obviously haven't had much a challenge in life have you? Not everyone can be born into a family with money to pay for private education. I was born into working class and did my best to crawl up the social hierarchy and it would've been impossible without a basic education provided from the state. If you want to live in the first world you have to make some sacrifices for the common good of your people. Or are you some faggot that doesn't believe in the prosperity of your own people?
>Literally send your kids to government-controlled kike indoctrination centers surrounded with fences, and armed guards.
how does one write Friend in the place right?
They're already government controlled kike indoctrination centers now, they just don't have armed guards.
consider yourself Doxed your time has come user . we'll be seeing you
You don't. Use "right" instead.
Lightning link
It makes an ar15 full auto by tugging on the disconnector when the bolt returns to battery.
Swahili is a language, not a place. Maybe you're the wrong guy to be touting state education.
Let me repeat myself, there is no human right which holds as a precondition other people to have to serve you. Period.
So then I suppose you would say that, you can purchase a gun if your Government says you can?
What gives the government the _____ to tell you what to do?
By what ______ do you stop them/change the system?
Begone cuck
>Also Sage
""""rights"""" are only granted by those who have power over you. The government doesn't have the """right""" to tell me what to do, but they do have the power to force me under their rule. If you think someone is undermining your """rights""" you have to assert your power to be free.
>what is blowback operation
I unironically bought another sks in the last few days just incase dear leader trudeau decides to go full cuck again
What about those who are physically incapable of "asserting their power to be free"?
what about them? If they are at least somehat capable then they need an equalizer, such as a firearm. Otherwise, they need to have capable others protect them. In the latter, the incapable are subject to those that champion for them.
Vae victis.
In Soviet Russia, fleshlight blows load in you.
>my wife's kid...
My constitutional rights outweigh some libcuck's fefes.
>The right to life
Just stop with this fucking meme. If you can't defend your own life then you deserve die.
I don't get it
Jews make billions every year selling guns to stupid mutts
But the samem utts that buy those guns hate the jews and will defend their right to make jews richers with every fiber of their being
rights should trump gibs, but since when does the government give a fuck about the constitution?
um... i *am*a jew, and i love guns.
A part that converts a semi auto AR-15 into full auto.
Right, I get that and it more or less worked throughout human history, then we began to build better tools.
Fast forward a few thousand years and we are now facing a time in which technology is so advanced - what with self aiming sniper rifles, back flipping humanoid robots and remote control drones, the ability to see you in the dark, through walls and beneath the ground, and very soon iron man suits and invisibility cloaks and you can 3-D print all of it, not to mention advancements in medicine that will give big bad the ability to live forever.
All this to say that there will come a time when big bad doesnt fear you anymore and more to the point, he dont like you and wants you gone and you have no "equalizer" available to you.
What then?
well lawmakers side with the constitution so i suggest you move nigger
What then? Some combination of submission, death, or victory.
Doesn't matter if you are incredibly outmanned or outgunned. If you won't fight for your rights than you are for sure gonna lose your rights. But if you do there is still a chance you will succeed. If you're to afraid to fight for your rights you don't deserve them
i pretty much buy a new receiver, 5 mags and 1000rounds every time one of these big events pop up.
school shootings are funded by the NRA to boost gun sales and please investors
Point to the part of the Constitution that says that. I'll make it easier, point out the part that says public education is a right.
Guns are banned in my country and I've never been shot even once.
Coincidence? I think not.
Please share more info and docs so we can infuriate liberals with clever posts!
Btfo fbi nigger.
Pretty sure your kids won't die if I own any gun I want.
How are your stab wounds healing up Nigel?
Guns are everywhere in my country and I've never been shot once. Coincidence? I think not.
>need a gun because too weak to fight with fists like a man
Such is life as 56%er
So your saying if there were no guns people wouldn't get shot? wow, what a mind blower.
It's a good thing that the gun debate is that simple and binary
ITT: Triggered Amerishots
After the stupidest you shit and how you reacted when their was a military parafe you honestly think at this point the military will side with you? God fucking damn get some self awareness you retard and even if were fighting the army your also forgetting america has a lot of choking points you fucking dumb fuck and if we were fighting the military it will also habe another country to take on a weakened america to and conquer it from it's own oppressive regime.
not an argument
worthless on its own need a specific bolt carrier most bolt carriers have a cutout to prevent use of this link of course tacweld but still
Here we have a fbi nigger probably using /vpn/
Come back once you understand what a false flag is.
So what your saying is that we are all crabs?
>He doesn't buy a new gun every time there is a school shooting
Just got a norinco sks
This. Public schooling is a privilege, and a shitty one, at that.
Schools. There is nothing good about it. Ban schools.
But your romantic vision of a conqueror will not have been the inherently strongest individual. It will only be the most dishonest and whats more, it will only have been made possible by our creative efforts, as they cannot possibly invent all the tools and tech necessary to achieve such a power level.
Consider also, that the take over will not be swift. They arent going to go toe to toe with people who are capable of defending themselves. It will be a slow, inexorable crawl towards orwells 1000 years with a boot on your neck. But it will get there.
However, it is only through the concept of the individual we can prevent a government from removing the tools that we would need to fight such an inevitability.
i didn't see my kids right to go to school and not die in the bill of rights
“My right to arrive home safely from work outweighs your right to drive faster than 30 mph on the freeway.”
Given the fact that more teenagers died nationwide in car accidents the day of the recent mass shooting in Florida, and about 37,000 people die annually in car wrecks, why do we never hear this?
School shooting deaths are almost non-existent statistically. Government tyrannies enslave millions if not billions worldwide as we speak because the people can’t defend themselves and have no deterrent against government power. Yes, a few dozen children dying is a reasonable price to pay to preserve liberty, just as 37,000 traffic dead are a reasonable price to pay to preserve transportation efficiency.
if only the left knew that he greatest source of red-pills is they themselves
I disagree.
A womans right to not be raped and a mans right to not be enslaved, exists irrespective of their relative inability to defend that right.
You think i'm giving up my gun rights so the Democrat's nigger and spic criminal constituency can be the only one's that have guns? Fuck you, faggot. And your kid's rights.
>my kid's right to go to school and not die outweights your right to own a car/swimming pool/medication/fast food, etc, you know, all the stuff that is 1000000 times more likely to get you killed than a gun. It just does.
Says who? It doesn't matter what thier rights actually are if they can't ensure people will respect them.
Look it up.
First gun control act was passed when Black Panthers were arming themselves in '68.
Look it up. KKK Democrats started Gun Control.
How then do you differentiate between just and unjust actions?
>Remington goes broke because of industry wide low gun sales due to lack of fear of a gun ban under Trump
>Suddenly a massive school shooting causes the fears to reignite, revitalising gun sales and the whole industry
REd Flag to take press away from Obama's Treason coming to light.
Google "Hezbollah cocaine" then "Obama releases ms13"
Crimes against US Citizens and the World.
Don't do anything stupid now, user.
Just actions are ones that don't violate someone's rights while and unjust ones violate people's rights. The rights aren't objective things they are decided by the people and are protected by law. The only way to enforce laws is by force. which is why police officers carry guns.
Now tell me how am I supposed to ensure my rights aren't violated by the state or police if I don't have a way to force them too? How do I stop a criminal from violating my rights if I have no means to force them too.
Your entire idea is that people should respect other people's rights out of the goodness of thier hearts. That's all well and good but the second someone doesn't care about that you won't have anyway to stop them.
>ordered a JCOMP v2 for my AR
>forgot to put apartment number in shipping address
>immediately email website support team about adding my number to the address
>no response for two days
>finally gets back to say that nothing can be done since it shipped already
>packed shipped and is considered undeliverable
>have to wait until Monday to pick it up from the post office
>My kids right to go to school and not die
The thing is, there is no such right. All those little kids who get wiped out in Tornadoes in Oklahoma every year have no such right.
>My right to life is more valuable than your right to life, so you should just die
Yes, I'm sure the guy believes his life is more valuable because it's his, and he extents that to his children. Too bad for him I don't give a shit because my life is infinity more valuable to me than his or his family ever will be, and any person that says they put more value on some stranger's life over theirs is literally insane. It might be too ugly a thing to say, but it's a rule of life to want to live.
>trusting the government with education
>trusting the government with protecting your children
Holy shit this whole situation is an AnCap inducer.
Post YFW mass shootings are paid for to sell more guns
>says a britbong who literally cannot own plastic knives legally
"I don't give a fuck if your child dies. Keep them at home if you're that afraid."
I just argue about the military equipment.
Do you want a gun? A hunting rifle? Please, take two, for what I care.
But come on, wanting a M16, an handful of granades or a bazooka because "muh second amendment" is laughable. What, if you catch a thief in your house, would you throw him a granade? Or risking destroy half of the room with a spray of your assault rifle?
If you want to protect yourself, knowing what you are doing, a gun is more than sufficient, in my opinion.
(And selling weapons to under-age kids should be illegal)
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. youtube.com
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. youtu.be
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. youtube.com
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is
2A isn't about hunting or self defense.
Nope. That isn't one of the amendments. Who gave you permission to breed anyway? Your tard of an off spring is not special.
>But come on, wanting a M16, an handful of granades or a bazooka because "muh second amendment" is laughable.
So is your garbage fucking opinion.
So, rape isnt rape, if it is "decided by the people and is protected by law"?
"Now tell me how am I supposed to ensure my rights aren't violated by the state or police"
Well, given that you dont believe that rights are objective, it would be unjust to resist the cops - because after all they are just enforcing the will of the people...
"That's all well and good but the second someone doesn't care about that you won't have anyway to stop them."
There are many ways to stop them. The question is by what "right" would I do so -which according to you is entirely contingent upon your opinion and not I the victim.
What sense does it make to assert that you have the right to choose for me...but I do not have the right to choose for me?
>My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your wish to flood the nation with culturally incompatible, criminal savages. It just does.
lmao which amendment is that?
>1 post by this ID
>ban guns
>violently sweep entire nation and forcibly remove all guns from all citizens
>monitor all metalworking and chemical production so that producing guns is impossible
>monitor all other vectors that could possibly be used in a terrorist attack
There's still time to sage
A "M16" as you call it, shoots an ammunition that is much weaker than what the average hunting rifle shoots. You're much more likely to kill a bystander outside of your house with a stray bullet that penetrated a wall with the later.
Grenades and "bazookas" are already illegal, except in very peculiar circumstances for a handful of rich collectors.
Automatic firearms are a closed market that is only available to people who paid a tax, waited 1 years for a special background check, and are willing to spend A LOT of money for a collector piece.
People under 18 cannot buy firearms.
Stop being a fucking idiot.
Wait.. Do. Do ya'll not American fags actual think M16's, hand granades, bazooka's are legal and easy to get in 'murica? And selling to kids. ya'll... like ya'll relize thats not legal right? i can't handle this level of tard faggotry.
UN promotes and supports Child Molesting.
60,000 known cases, how many unknown?
Use Third World Police Force and this is what you get.
>My kids right
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
Come on now
Maybe these shootings are setup by the NRA and they pretend to be anti-gun shills so people buy more guns out of spite.
its actually an inalienable right along with liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
You probably didnt know that because your country doesn't acknowledge rights at all.
you should, you never know when they'll ban it
The worst possible reason to get a gun. You are a shill. You are what makes gun owners look bad. The people who replied to you are probably shills too. And if your post was legit, you're a future statistic. Shame on you.
School is a no fun zone, and yet still get shoot up. Also banning gun does not stop nigs from getting it illegally. Also assault truck. Also gun free Europe import replacement (((immigrants))), while oppressing gun free citizens. Think, really, etc.
>compulsory to send your kid to these gated prison like education camps
>no I don’t want my kid to have any protections, just make guns illegal!!
Technically the kids don’t have a right to go to school. But we all have a constitutional right to own firearms. We need to keep our children safe though but nobody is coming up with any viable solutions, they’re just trying to take away our rights and that is not going to end well. Gun control would not prevent this sort of thing.
If people want to put a stop to mass public murders, then they need to segregate and preferably expel non-whites and jews. jews must be removed from all positions of power and especially finance and reduced to low status. The CIA needs to be abolished. Antidepressants need to be banned. Circumcision needs to be outlawed. Psychopathy/sociopathy/autism spectrum needs to be identified and those “people” with it need to be expelled or sent to labor camps.
first federal gun law was nfa 34 in answer to al capone/bugsy malone/dillinger et al
gca 68 was a response to jfk assassination
while im at it
us vs miller, miller was charged with having unregistered sawed off shotty, claimed 2a defense, was convicted becasue SAWED OFF SHOTTY IS NOT A WEAPON OF SUFFIENCT MILITARY UTILITY FOR MILITIA SERVICE BUT RATHER A TOOL ALMOST EXCLUSIVE TO CRIMINAL ACTS
in other words that ar15 is more protected by 2a than your god damned deer rifle or revolver
There is no such thing as a right
Well if you want to put it like that then yeah you’re right. But within the confines of a state the state does grant citizens rights. We have a right to bear arms that
shall not be infringed but there is not right for kids to go to school
google "bonus army". america is the souless whore of babylon full of hypocrisy which is why your kids, after being touched by the truth of god, freak out and shoot every scum piece of shit american they find before them. fre phelps was right. God hates America.
join a well regulated militia if you want constitutionally protected access to a gun
supreme court needs to revise its interpretation of the amendment.
nope the 2nd ammendment is right behind #1 my right to tell you to fuck off!!! I read anything about public education in the constitution you retard
Your kids right to go to school and not die wouldnlt exist without our rights to defend our freedom with whatever we need.
that's funny, i don't remember any amendment that guarantees that
anyone else /NYcuck/ here?
only reason i can have fun guns is because a relative is NYPD, seriously retarded, remove the SAFE bullshit already
fucking this
>+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is
>No official decision has been made,' school district spokeswoman says
what did he mean by this?
>implying theres a correlation between the two when evidence says there isn't
Wake me up when the US enforces its existing gun laws and I'll shit in your commie mouth then.
nobody has any "rights"
Why do you think they have been pushing so hard to get nogs and spics into the military?
Can’t have autists poking around in there. They have a terrible habit of finding unconviemt little details.
>I need muh gunz fur huntin n protection
>so wut if teh second amendment includes niggers and crazy people?
>lol yuropoors jeluz cuz we hab gunzz n shiet
>whiter dan u muchamed xdddd
>muh (((freeydum)))
>shooting happens in muttmerica
>mutts "debate" about it for a day or two
>forget about it after a few days since they have an attention span of 4 seconds
>another shooting happens because mutts are retarded
>cycle repeats
God you mutts are so retarded, I hope the fat chink boy nukes you to extinction.
>1 post by this ID
Le EBIN troll OP. Simbly ebin.
You are only restricted by time. If death by foul play or natural causes is your fate then so be it, but nothing can live forever. You have a right to your own life but it's up to you to keep it.
shall not be infringed
also whiter than you Muhammad
I can smell you from here you fucking mongrel
>moves the goalposts
Get shot, fag
>right to go to school
Where is this in the Constitution?
post by this ID
I'm gonna join a shooting club and spite all the antiguns people i know. They say the stupidest shit like americans. Fuck that, i live in a shithole and i have the damn right to defend myself, the only thing i have is a reinforced lead pipe and a machete, how is that going to save me when a group of subhumen fuckers raid my house?
Buy your guns, people. Shit will only get nastier in the future.
Your children have no right to a go to school. They only have a right to go by virtue of the fact that individuals states have established school systems with tax dollars. If you're local government were so poor it could not afford a school system and was on the verge of bankruptcy, everyone in the district would have no choice but to school their own children or pay for private education. Their is no constitutional right to an education. However, everyone has a constitutional right to self-defense using 'arms' -- in the generic sense 'weapons' -- which includes, but is not limited to firearms. Nonexistent rights don't outweigh real ones; they just don't.
sorry you're not white Muhammad
The problem with the other kind of gun owner
Do it. Cred Forums has been garbage for days now. I'm gonna buy a new one today just to piss people off. Sig 226 or CZ 75?
>"My kids right to go to school and not die outweighs your right to own any gun you want. It just does."
Do people seriously worry about this? I mean as tragic as it is in the communities where it has happened does anyone really send their kids to school thinking this is a likely thing to worry about?
Seems like it's just an emotionally based argument towards a problem that is statistically rare and insignificant.
That man is 56 percent which is 56 percent more white than your average Bosnian
Of course it does, you have the right to defend yourself but it should be heavily regulated theres way to many nutjobs crawling out of the woodwork now.
Being spiteful isnt a attractive trait
I know you are jelous of our superior dinaric gene. Cry me some more mutt, your tears are delicious. Whiter than you Tyrone.
I don't get this mutt meme
US is the Whitest country on Earth!
>that chick lean
why do women do this
Weren't you bitches conquered by the Ottomans for hundreds of years? Muslims aimed a cowardly attack at our nation once and we ass-raped their nations. Also you poor fucks wish you could live in a resource rich/economics powerhouse like the United States.
>trusting eyewitness testimony
Wow conspiracy fags really are low IQ inbreds
Gun control wouldnt stop school shootings.
>Muh Bosnians are half Muslim so they are mutts meme
Bosnians are the fucking epitome of whiteness compared to you Americunt.
Not only are Bosnians white, but they are superior white. They are taller and stronger on average than any European, let alone overweight American manlets.
guns are awesome, and they piss off no-guns fags.
So do those actually reduce recoil, or are they just for cyberpunk larpers to jack it to?
cz75 is tops.
SIG America's ceo was some jew. He killed their QC a few years ago and they've been making shit lately.
its an integral silencer pistol
google "silencerco maxim9"
iirc it's an integrated supressor
um just take your kids to school then because no one is giving up anything
We fought and rebelled against them for all of that time. Sorry mutt we are still whiter than you. When will you and emu here
have based, white, virgin, trad waifus like in lic related
Much love Serb bro. Natsoc Greater Serbia when?
t. Bosnian muslim who is aware we are muslim Serbs
>Do quick wikipedia search, because Bosnia/Serbia/shithole facts aren't at the forefront of my mind
>GDP: $5,256.06
>t. literal Muslim
not surprising that only Muslims and Africans post mutt memes
I love Bosnia, and I am so sorry it went through hell because of the stupidity of Slobo, the corruption of Alija, and the perfidious meddling of the American and Kraut demons.
We'll get over it all, though, because that's what we do. Long after their countries have gone to shit and crumbled, our peoples will still be here.
forgot to include thisalso sorry we bombed your country
jk not sorry we'll just do it again
Don't let school children or the mong minded have guns?
Also blacks and muslims.
Proofs pls
"Shall Not Be Infringed" needs no further interpretation, commie
Too bad the Bill of Rights specifically lists my right to own a whatever gun I want and your kids "right to go to school and not die" isn't actually a right garunteed to anyone, anywhere, by any government, ever, because it would be impossible to do so and your goverment would be failing to uphold its end of the social contact every day. Instead the government garuntees rights with regard to thigns that it CAN control, like its own policies. It garuntees that they will pass no law limiting your freedom of religion for example. The Bill of Rights garuntees that the government will not force you to testify against yourself for another.
Nowhere, not here or in any other country, is anyone guaranteed the right to go to school and not die. Public education, compulsory or otherwise is a gift you should be grateful for, you entitled jerk.
>only muslims and africans post mutt memes
Hahahaha. No, you are the laughing stock of roughly 70% of the non-American part of this board, reflective of the real-world opinion too.
>we'll just do it again
What are you gonna do fat fuck? kek
You can barely get up to go to the supermarket or wash the shit stains out of your underwear I reckon. And not that you'd have the balls to come here yourself even if you were the fittest fucker on the planet. This ain't Kuwait where "you" can just roll in with tanks. These hills would be your cemetery.
He's not trying to attract hippy fags.
>My kids right not to get raped or rammed by a truck outweight your right to import brown dicks. No matter how many tolls you pay.
>muh gdp
Maybe that's because your nation is a jewish slave since it's birth. You are a literal meme country. Bosnia has existed for thousands of years. You are the cumstains of this Earth and need to die.
Same applies to you mutts
Death to Muttmerica
Based Milorad
(((They))) have truly both divided and conquered us. We must become bros again.
Man I enjoy these mutt tears, the more they talk the more they prove our points.
Life is less important than freedom.
>long after America has gone to shit
don't hold your breath on that one
we're one of the largest first world countries in the world and unlike Australia and Russia our land is actually good to live in
>thousands and thousands of miles of undevoloped forests and grasslands
>tons of untapped resources
sorry reality isn't like our movies you watch
America will be one of the last of any modern country to "go to shit" just by merit of all our arable land
along with Canada
don't worry though
when your continent is running out of space, resources and Muslim free zones we'll let you guys in
well... not YOU your anti American Internet activity cost you a ticket
sorry buddy
I'll take your care wife and daughters though if you ever have any
I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees-Emiliano Zapata
>he thinks we can't invade any day we wanted to
how is it being this stupid?
who's gonna protect you?
your EU army?
mommy merkel?
also I am fit thanks
>It just does
Do they think that sounds good?
Post like this will eventually get you put on a watchlist if mass shootings become more prevalent
also no its literally just muslims and Africans
because only Africans and Muslims are Butthurt enough to post mutt memes
and man are those mutt memes butthurt
pretty hilarious
keep posting em
could someone deliver that ancient hidden weps pasta
I'll be a shit covered dick. I am actually more proficient in this mutt's native language than he is. I thought my American friend was bullshitting when he said my English is better than half of his class. Incredible.
Anyway, your problem is that you clearly can't look past your own nose. America is brimming with all sorts of problems, many of which are also economic. Did you know that some schools in Oklahoma recently shortened the work week to 4 days so that teachers can work a second job in order to afford basic necessities?
>>he thinks we can't invade any day we wanted to
No, you really can't haha.
Now it's starting to look like you're just trolling. You can't possibly be this retarded.
It's funny, after I leave my computer I'm gonna drive around my beautiful country, go to my profitable job, and enjoy the merits of my freedom.
>muh history
>literally been the bitch of Europe AND TURKEY
You're argument at this point is that you hate us because you ain't us.
I'm sorry bud, when our nation inevitably goes to shit the rest of the world will have already crumbled.
Why would we invade your country bud? The muslims? The "Booming Economy"?
>mutts thinking they are human
You are aware that every conutry in the world hates you and wants you gone. Russian, Chinese and North Korean forces combined would devostate you. You faggots can't defeat chink farmers and niggers hiding in sand? Only things you can do is cowardly kill children with your bombers. Go suck some more jewish dick and kill children for (((oil))).
You are the literal breeding nest for all types of degenrates. Your grandfathers fought for jews, your fathers fought for jews, and you will inevitably die for jews. How do you have the audacity to even speak about whiteness?
Yes they can Milorad, they are mutts after all.
>I'm sorry bud, when our nation inevitably goes to shit the rest of the world will have already crumbled.
Being this inept at history. No fucktard, the rest of the world will not have already crumbled. You will have been replaced by a successor that was already in the making. That's how power and civilization itself work.
>Why would we invade your country bud? The muslims? The "Booming Economy"?
I don't know. Ask fuckface over there. He's the one who started with the invasion shit.
>Thinking there will be a civil war
It will be more like the US national guard exterminating everyone involved. The only reason US militias even exist is because the government tolerates them.
You're as dumb as a rock if you think humanity is gonna last longer than a century or two, we've already left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene...
>Hate Us
>Ain't Us
Why would we care what other nations think when the decisions of our nation actually dictate outcomes on a global stage. BTW, I'm proud of you guys for maybe almost kinda qualifying for the European Union
This faggot doesn't speak for me.
>decisions of OUR nation
You mean the decisions of your jewish overlords?
>implying we even want to be part of the (((EU)))
idk exactly how is this on Us, but generally those rights on Constitutions aren't given, but recognized by the govt.
then, the govt. uses its Police power to regulate those rights
They don't give a shit about the children's mental issues that lead to this. They only care when they can virtue signal about shot children.
The 2nd amendment was made with white people in mind, not modern mutts
My right to defend myself and my family from armed criminal elements outweighs your feelings and inability to combat the root cause of violence: the individual.
Eliminate the abundance of soft targets. Problem solved.
I don't think this means what you think it does it means. Faggot.
I bought a 16 gauge side-by-side double-barrel shotgun the other day. Fun Gun that reminds me of my youth.
Murder is illegal ahahahaha
Lets be real here. I spent this time looks up facts about your country on Wikipedia and somehow hit you with harder facts.
You spent it blaming hook-nosed fucks and speaking in hypotheticals.
Well those are facts too. You are a puppet state for Israel. Everything about you says that. Listen man, mutt memes aside, your country is a multicultural shithole and the low amount of actual whites you have will be gone in 50 years if you don't do something. Your having a high standard of life and GDP will not help you. You have shown the true power of the people by electing Donald (altough he is a huge disappointment). You have shown what white Americans are capable of doing when they work together. Now please, stop fucking the entire world over and mind your own buisness. The only reason you are a superpower is because your jewish government destroyed other superpowers in the making.
>muh freedom argument
Dude come back when you are redpilled because you are making embarrasing your self by being this retarded.
The only things you are getting right is that america is a puppet for israel also please understand what false flags even are.
My right is explicitly stated in the Constitution. Your kid doesn't have to go to public school.
Your first shitpost reddit?
1990: "Gun free school zones act"
1994: Columbine shooting.
>1 post by this id
Yet again you all fall for liberal bot op.
Okay dad. Get in the hole, I'll walk your kid to school today.
Do they degrade over time?
No one has the right to not die you moron.
>"My kids right to go to play on the road and not die outweighs your right to own any car you want amd drive it above 10 mph. It just does."
>"My daughters right to not get raped outweighs mens rights to exist, it just does".
No gun is stopping your kid from going to school
They get there, then they get shot, Christ, use your brain.
Grieving mothers don't have greater moral legitimacy over gun rights than legal experts. Scraping reasoned judgment in favor of emotion is just plain reckless.
people only worry about it when it happens until the next big news, like whatever blumpf says at a rally or the next iphone
American students trying to go to school
based flip
I bought a .22 so I could start building up an immunity just in case there's another shooting.
Your children's privileges mean nothing if you can't assure the security of a Free state.
Install metal detectors if you want safety
>your right
>to homeschool and shoot anyone who disagrees...
Let's ban abortion along with the guns. 2 for 1.