what happens in moldova?
What the fuck happens here?
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that is Ukraine idiot
Me and my homedog visited this place, very beautiful. The weather was great, and they were all Romanian. I got people dogging me and my friend since we're both African Americans but whateva
Plotting to steal diamonds
Feel kinda bad for them. If they had a little bit more soil they wouldn't be landlocked.
Why do you come here, and why did you go there?
theyre just sealets
I heard Modolva is a bargain bin for beautiful Slavic women even though the Slavic countries are themselves bargain bins for beautiful women
They got cucked so hard by Stalin on a coastline. They're 1.5km away from a port and access to the oceans, but Ukraine is in the way, and they have to pay money to ship through Ukraine's port instead.
They have town rapists
moldova isnt slavic
what is this meme? i heard about it but i dont know what happened
Eastern part of this country is an independent rogue state, with Russian, Ukrainian and Moldovan as official languages, and its population is basically 1/3 Russian, 1/3 Ukrainian and 1/3 Moldovan. Google Transnistria or Pridnestrovye
i died thank you
Russian subversion, poverty and corruption.
simple comfy life happens
>richer culture than Romania
>richer history than Romania
>barely any gypsies
>has fallen for the Russian imperialist subversion
>Russia siphons most of its income so Moldova is dirt poor
also their current president is a communist and Russian. What a shame.
isnt romania's poverty rate higher?
>Russia siphons most of its income so Moldova is dirt poor
You mean "Moldovan workers are working in Russia and sending money they earned in Russia to their families in Moldova so they aren't starving to death"?
No to be honest.
I come here because black twitter mentioned this place. I went there because I was on an European vacation over the summer.
What's bait?
It's the only European country I need visa to get in.
A Russian friend of mine comes from Moldova and he told me its a melting pot out of Ukrainians, Russians, Romanians, Kazakhs and all other countries of the former soviet republic. He said after the fall of the soviet republic it got dirt poor so his family decided to move here.
Cheep illegal cigarettes trade and poverty. Good wines tho.
>Russia has been annexing, raiding and interfering with Basarabia since 1600
Stop it, Ivan.
T. Ion
>Moldovan as official languages
Not "richer", they are more nationalistic, and care more about the preservation of traditions and such
Yes, consider the fact we have more gipsies
>a country exists since 1859
>the other exists since 1346
>pic related
Town rapists
should they be part of Romania, Ukraine, or do they have a reason to exist as themselves?
>how do I activate my gentials
really activates my almonds
>corruption (123 in the world in 2016)
>alcoholism (second country in the world after Belarus)
>poverty (poorest country in Europe)
All of this are to blame on some of the communist leaders in the country who instead of aligning with the west, they keep pulling their country towards Russia for their benefit only.
So fuck them for being stupid pieces of shit
muli(romanian etnic niggers) + corruption = jopa(ass).
I'm a Moldavian fagot, I'm Romanian.
Moldavian Walachian, Transylvanian history is Romanian history
I'm more Moldavian than those ruskie rape babys, Stephan the great had the capital at suceava, iasi,
When fagots from the republic of Moldova claim history they ignore that in Romania there is a region called Moldova that shares that history.
BTW, bozgore kys
they should reunite with Romania
Dunno, but Weev lives there currently.
ha-ha! Stefan cel Mare twice burned Bucharest, the capital of romanian niggers.
Nice English proficiency you faggot, go back to your nationalist circlejerk forums, it's obvious from how less time it takes for you to get triggered over an anime board.
Cuckarest was a smol village back then anyway.
Here's what REALLY happens:
Probably some dog spinning competitions, maybe there's some inter-regional championship going on
Romanians are fuckin gypsies!
Moldovans will one day remove the romanian filth once and for all
Beautiful women. Romania too
>muh dik
Thanks for the subhuman post.
>someone mentions women
>m..muh dik! s..sub human!
permavirgin got triggered?lmao
Are you delusional, wtf
Sad, I have many relatives in Moldova and in N Bucovina, classmates from Moldova that study here, good things, pro unification. No nationalism is needed to see the truth.
You may be(as I see) a retarded bozgor, that doesn't mean I think all Hungarians are( surly not my hungarian friends)
orthodox turks
Isn't Cat Goddess from Moldova?
get your next wife from there. trust me.
a real example of a non-country, kek
Nothing, Russiabot. Don't you have better trolls somewhere? The quality of posts stagnated long ago.
Step up your game. You have become boring.
They're poor as fuck. I remember see a documentary and it was depressing.
>what's bait
Here you go,
You should probably ask Slav men. One Russiabro referred to their women as "feral whores". If you are a loser with money, bring one back, but you'd better sequester your assets and have an ironclad prenup.
this is always the case with mail order brides. i dont think moldovans are worse than the usual east Europeans. more desperate to get out maybe.
Town rapists.
Now what happens HERE
I thought the danube was an international waterway, and moldova gets to use that for sea access?
Even poo in loo country has no concept of town rapist......
>how do I get a loan
>how do I get a loan
>how do I stop drinking
>how do I get rich quick
>czech rep
>how do I star in pornos
>how do I tell if someone is a terrorist
kek, is this legit? It's like Cred Forums were the ones being surveyed.
kek, very comfy
> Black Twitter
You realize that identity politics is the most racist thing every created, yes?
HAHAHAH I remember seeing that post about the town rapist
Enjoy your ban and van
LOL...threatening people with a ban is also an offense.
More of this exotic beauty!
Lol, going to save this one.It seems like Moldova has a lot in common with Somalia.
Somalia has 10,000 rapists per capita...Moldova has 1 assigned rapist per town, max.
Their towns are not big enough for 2 rapists.
Blast from the past, I remember that in middle school we asked a Moldovan girl to translate the lyrics.
>Cat Goddess
TV prime time soap operas from the 1980's get fictionally set here.
hey, here's a thought. fuck off back to the chocolate continent and stay there where there's no wypipo and you're surrounded by fellow kangz & quaingz
there are some good people there, beautiful women still quite trad, and a rising nationalistic fervor; not to mention scenery and very old historic sites
This guy lives there.
It was one of our main sources of slave labor just like tajikistan and uzbekistan.
Maybe? I don't know what that is though.
Nah man, I'm chill. I have 3 kids here I gotta raise with 1 on the way. Africa doesn't need nor want me.
it would not take much work for them to get a port though, a job right up your ally neiderland
holy hell, that is one sad looking bus shelter
Poor and corrupt as one can get.
But they do make pretty good workers, always had hard lives so they'll do about anything without bitching.
Spain recently started paying them to move over and help whiten the country.
Reunification with Romania happens
this picture is from meme donetsk republik
Probably means "Little Green Men" will be visiting soon.
Why can't Putin keep his molesting fingers to himself?
Throw the jew down the well.
Identity politics is the placement of some identifying characteristic above actual merit, veracity, or quality. e.g. I am black I can't be racist. Basically an attempt to make blacks and whites fight while the jew tends his fields. Read and learn Malcolm X, please.
It's a joke from Borat(movie) you fucking retards.
Is it? The thread is from 2015, so maybe
A better question would be what happens in Transnistria.
And the answer would be absolutely fucking nothing
are they communists or is it just the flag?
Gypsies are gypsies, dummy. How long does it take for these dumb amerimutts to be racially aware for once? We finally managed to make them realize they were all mutts at least.
Daughter fucking