what level of false flagging is this
there's no way the first brits were actually 'black', is there
What level of false flagging is this
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I knew it. Turks colonized Britain before a*glo-sax*ns
Someone dig some dirt up on these guys who are making all these nigger heads and saying it's what Europeans looked like.
Ancient brits were black and circumsized also they were all females and LBGT, PAY REPARATIONS!
>Blacks looks like prehistoric cavemen
I'm okay with this. The Science is settled, after all.
Everybody was black at first you fucking idiots. Humans spread from Africa, and their skin color got lighter the further away from the equator they lived.
This is basic evolution for fucks sake.
So, you're saying niggers arent evolved?
We wuz abbos
No, they stayed in Africa so their skin color didn't change.
Also, you know this, you nazi fuck.
plenty of niggers that aren't in africa anymore their skin isn't getting any lighter
We own Africa. WHeres our rent money niggers?
6,000-year-old baby found cradled in mother’s arm
>Primitive man looked like a nigger
If all primitive men looked like niggers, couldn't we just say that niggers look like primitive men? THERE'S A CONNECTION HERE.
>implying evolution is a ladder.
No form of life is 'more' evolved than any other, the same amount of natural selection is accounted to all generations if each species.
Genes that help you survive, get passed along
Genes that hinder you don't.
Genes that don't do anything, stay.
Hence the different skin colour.
nigga we were all black at some point
man/women that is out in the sun 24/7 look like a brown person
people are fucking retard dude
>Thinking 400 years (roughly 8-12 generations) is enough time to change an allele enough to affect the gene pool.
>he thinks different circumstances don't make animals adapt differently. Coincidentally only skin color.
We were all microbes too, irrelevant.
There's some evidence suggesting homo sapiens developed independent outside of Africa (not conclusive by any means) but the ancestor thereof came from that region, sure.
>We were all dust in Gods asshole too, irrelevant.
depends on the selective coefficient
but why would it? African-american gene frequency change from African populations is dominated by ADMIXTURE from northwest europeans, not selection
Chimps aren't black.
so tell me mr. know it all
how long does it take?
and please provide proof
>Muh kike on a stick
Chedder dude doesnt have an African skull.
They just figured by DNA he was Swarthy.
This is Israel trying to lie about Anthropology again.
No they were not black.
What happens when Aliens drop in every couple thousand years to genetically modify your race ?
Brits have always been niggers.
Why do you know what order skin color and skull shape mutated in better than geneticists?
dude, just look at the history of this shit. it's all just propaganda. it really doesn't make any difference at all.
for the longest time you all believed the out of africa. then some other science fag said no, here's my evidence. then these science fags say yep, look at this cheese man evidence.
who fucking cares.
bullshit out of africa has been btfo ten times over now with older remains discovered in europe and the discovery of a group of people native americans wiped out and replaced
Social3state did some digging on one of thems twatter. Its exactly what you would expect.
Я нe yдивлeн.
Dude. I've never even heard of you. I just had to google Seychelles to know what area of the world you are.
Blacks don't have faces and hair structured like this. From what I've read the skin color was left for the artist to interpret, so obviously he had to pay homage to blacked.com somehow. This scultpure looks somewhat like a neanderthal, perhaps mixed with homo sapiens, and it's known that neanderthals and whatever they mixed with wasn't nigger.
Yes it's a false flag.
The author of the paper came out and called bullshit. Also, after 10kyrs, there's but a fraction of DNA remaining to be analyzed.
Dude. I've never even heard of you. I just had to google Seychelles to know what area of the world you are.
Out of Africa theory is 100x stronger than this
look up "dna half life", then how old the Cheddar Man body is.
Ask yourself if DNA sequencing would be possible after so many years.
I always knew that all the British - it's Negroes.
>I don't know anything about biology but I will talk about it anyways
We Wuz White
Does the gene provide either life saving or life threatening changes to the individual who possess it?
If not, it stays. Much like our appendix (yeah I know bad example), the muscles around our ears, and our tail bone, if the gene neither helps nor hinders an individual, it simply remains in the gene pool. Skin colour may have been a deciding factor back when Mankind did not have readily available shelter and was nomadic.
With the invention of shelter, we have largely suppressed the need to have darker skin.
Except for 4th world people.
Much like our appendix, we don't really need any particular skin colour these days (in the first world at least)
Black people literally invented white people
But I'm surprised Cred Forumstards didn't sperg harder over this honestly
So, you didn't look it up?
>being able to tell a genetic code from a facial structure.
They fuck your mother :)
what do?
who's white?
Dark skin creates an active hindrance to ANYONE living in cloudy, overcast, low-sun areas like England.
Namely because you need vitamin D to live, and dark skin with low light conditions means you won't make any vitamin D.
You realise that means DNA lasts for something like 6 million years right?
It's stronger for good little goyim like you who don't mind believing that their DNA is literally the diary of some bored nigger that just one day decided to leave Africa. I'd like to remind you that modern African niggers are legally retarded and can't create anything of value, so the ones in the past must've been even less experienced and less intelligent. Many modern researches debunk your shitty Jewish lie that so many fuckwits are so keen on repeating and show more and more actual evidence that Eurasian and African human populations evolved independently for a very long time and that the first Europeans had more in common with Asians than by Africans.
Explain how I'm wrong then.
Explain how you can get skin color from less than 0.00006% of a someone's DNA.
Bear in mind that unlike eye color, which is the result of a single gene, skin color is controlled by over 100 known genes. It's likely closer to 500, but nobody really knows because very little research has been done to identify the specific sequence of genes involved in skin pigmentation.
But please, tell me how I'm wrong.
>The author of the paper came out and called bullshit.
Source. This'll shut fags in my social group up.
that's not surprising considering you're an amerimutt though is it
Things that never happened
>Explain how you can get skin color from less than 0.00006% of a someone's DNA.
That's literally less than 1 gene. Are you sure you have any idea what you're talking about?
Ironically correct. That's mutation. Dude's an idiot.
Unless you meant evolution in general never happened, which would be a stupid thing to suggest.
Looking forward to their kid?
Or, you know just eat food
Like normal people.
>56% white
>most of the whites are pic related
That's police reports, not the census, at least troll properly.
>less than 0.00006%
Apparently your entire skin, the largest organ in your body is only a couple atoms thick.
I'll just leave it here. Searching relics of WW2 Frozen arms but warm hearts: youtube.com
A pyccкиe мoнгoлы, дa.
Half life of Bone/tooth DNA in optimal conditions: 521 years
Cheddar man is "aboout 10,000 years old"
This means that, at minimum, the base pairs in his DNA would have disintegrated by 50% 19 times.
So, it's actually 0.00019073486328125%
If you consider Cheddar Gorge to be "optimal conditions" for preserving a corpse.
The smug look kinda betrays that the artist had a chip on his shoulder in the first place, everything about this is too convenient to be accurate
Heт, pyccкиe - пoтoмки дpeвних Apиeв.
>jews are more educated the the average wh*te
Imagine my shock
Yea, no shit
I'm sure the ancient black brittons with their advanced understanding of nutrition did just that.
OR, more likely, those with dark skin died off at a MUCH higher rate, naturally causing them to not pass on their genes and be replaced with lighter skin humans who COULD produce vitamin D without eating 2 dozen eggs a week.
Please, tell me how Cheddar Man's skin survived 10,000 years of rot in open air at Cheddar Gorge.
I'm fascinated to see how you spin this.
>People have thin skin
Sounds about right.
It's pretty hilarious that their symbol of an ancient black man is a crying effeminate figure that can only distinguished from a woman by the fact that it has a barely noticable beard.
Why is "no DNA link was found highlighted". It's saying there was no link with the earlier remains not that there was no link between him and us.
You can get reliable DNA from bone that's 10,000 years old. It degrades too quickly, one of the scientists involved in this is a Jew. Go look at the original reconstruction of Cheddar Man.
Now google : Boxgrove Man.
The human body has about 3 billion base pairs of DNA in their body.
After 10,000 years of optimal storage, a piece of bone might contain 5,722 base pairs that haven't disintegrated.
Bear in mind about 50% of our genetic information is shared with a banana, or rather, that it's old useless junk data that is common to all life on earth.
As far as I see it there are only 2 ways about all this. Either white skin is evolution, making white people the progression in evolution, or whites were first. It's a no win for niggers.
It has been confirmed that it was highly likely a black slave who gained freedom and mingled whit the brittish gals.
>hurr let's make some orc faces and claim britons looked like this without evidence
fuck these kikes
Point to Fort Wayne, Indiana on a map without looking it up.
It is more populated and relevant than the nigger-poo islands.
If humans came out of Africa obviously we all used to be black. I don't see how what we were 10,000 years ago makes any difference to current afairs
>Bear in mind about 50% of our genetic information is shared with a banana, or rather, that it's old useless junk data that is common to all life on earth.
t. learned about DNA in 1980
Mutation is a part of evolution.
I've noticed a significant increase in honest Schlomos in recent months. Is this a reward for being good goyim in Syria?
nothing evolves without mutation
That's why I'm confused by him making the distinction.
Probably just proxies
>I don't see how what we were 10,000 years ago makes any difference to current afairs
That's because you're an ignorant bigot. Blacks have more right to this land because black people lived here first. This is so obvious it's painful.
Who gives a fuck? If you're not a nigger, you're not a nigger. Be happy that you're not and pay no mind to kike propaganda.
imagine being this much of a turbocuck
technically chedar man was a abo not a nig. its not better but it is different. the lack of the flat hair follicle determined by DNA test indicate that the brits are still subhumans but didnt cross the land bridge to america and infact that was neanderthals all by themselves
it also means whites cant claim the accomplishments of neaderthals in europe. so a simple stone carving from 10 mil years ago in europe isnt what your ancestors made
your just a mutant like every one who isnt a abo . just like nigs who have a flat hair follicle
It can be used to claim that all dindus can do is bitch and moan, since even in death their ancestors cry like a bitch.
Nor was he though, that's the point.
No, the skull was haplogroup U5, Cro-magnon / indo-european
saw a post about the guy behind it a while ago, he has tried to blackwash english history for a long time
they detect skin colour from an unmummifed 10,000 year old skull, timescale is completely wrong for the adaptation of skin colour.
Cede britain to the niggers!!
It would be easier to take you seriously if you used proper grammar and format.
Link the flat hair follicle and DNA test or your chatting out your arse. The papers and genome haven't been released to the public last time I saw.
Nah, Israel is full of blue pills and media shills. Half is religious jews or communists. Those in between are traditional and just don't belive in mysticism, but somewhy keep the tradition.
What i'm saying is, living here you can sense and feel so much of what's wrong with this western world, with judaism and with the fact a lot are nationaliats here, but not in other places make articles like this seem as obvious lies and propaganda.
I wish I could leave this place and stop being a jew.
>and stop being a jew
Wrong attitude to have really; you are what you are. That doesn't mean you have to become the worst embodiment thereof but you don't do yourself or anyone else any good by trying to atomise yourself - that's a large part of all our problems.
There's also something a little pathetic about a man derogating his heritage and wishing to denounce it entirely.
Yes, light skin is a relatively recent adaption. The original African migrants didn't get it immediately, because they got vitamin D from their food. But when people switched to farming, they couldn't get enough, which led to skin adaptation to get more from sunlight.
Nice flag bro
I had this mindset too. I thought that all those bolsheviks were jews that denied their own heritage.
But, Judaism is't specifically a race in the others nation's sense. It is just by mother. It is more religious and cultural.
I think those bolsheviks didn't want to accept they are not special as judaism tol them, and didn't want to live under the europeans and embrace their true culture, instead they wanted to subvert ir and.create something new they could belong to, but it was just the same as secular judaism in a senss.
I don't belive anymore that any of this culture's values are that virtuess and righous.
You were born a jew to be an 'inside' player with greater access and to dismantle what you have access to, to make this world a better place for everyone.
If you are not part of the narrative you get cut off. It is politics, like anywhere else. When this country was founded it was a party state, if you weren't a part of the party you get jack shit, it's either that oe being old.enough to be a part of the other bodies founding this country. Nothing changed, jews are jewing themselves.
Hertzel wanted this country to be a 'light for the goyim', in a democracy (probably multicultural) sense. The only good that can come of this state is to light europe towards nationalism, since this place is.
Then, maybe europe will stop believing this bullocks of 'you were black'
>There was no DNA evidence
>He wasn't "black", skin colour =/= race and they're conflating it on purpose
>He wasn't a "briton", he was pre-briton that were displaced by those who would be known as britons and within the most briton blooded populations in the UK (like the Welsh) they are barely related to him, relation being in the single digits
TLDR; It's a purely political manipulation by an artist which is then being manipulated by the media to gas light the public.
Personally I'm beginning to think we're all on a path heading the opposite direction to any sort of metaphysical truth. My only interest is preserving what we know of past thought and culture so that if we ever turn ourselves around we won't be navigating completely blind.
>521 year half life for DNA then it starts to degrade
>They managed to find out skin colour from a 10,000 year old sp00ky skellington
You are right in a sense, but in what way are you going to live your life, that's what more importnat imo.
conditions are also important, and it does happen that prehistoric DNA is often found in good status, at least enough to look at specific genes like those known to be involved in depigmentation
that said, the Cheddar man and WHGs were probably tanned, not black
I understand that, but conditions in this nation are not very good unless he was preserved in a bog, like lindow man/woman. He was not, he was found in a dank cave, the original reconstruction is more likely.
This hot son of a bitch who got more pussy than the new cuck faced one with weird eyes and smooth skin. The new one looks like a fucking native american with contact lenses in.
Retarded and it's not only this they've been playing around with, they are trying to re-write history with the GCSE history papers, historians have come out in anger against what they are doing, but still they do it because niggers are absolutely useless and everyone knows it, so we must attribute everything whitey invented to nignogs so that they don't feel useless in a vain attempt to make them domesticated and behave in a civilised way. Which won't fucking work because you can give them billions of dollars, a mansion, drugs, whores etc and they'll still find a way to fuck it all up.
They are that useless, always have been, always will be.
>but conditions in this nation are not very good
>he was found in a dank cave
that's pretty good though, the northern hemisphere is generally good for DNA preservation
for instance a lucky sample from Villabruna, Italy(14k years ago), thanks to its conditions, was sequenced with a resolution of 1215433 SNPs
We're wet and then go through phases of hot flashes. We're not icy like Iceland/Faroe/Finland etc.
Also this guy was found in Cheddar which is in the South West, warm not cold. Yes things change but the conditions are not ice age perfect. Now go look at the Lindow man remains. Preserved in a bog is the best way to preserve. Dank cave? No, not here anyway. Why did they get the first reconstruction so wrong when they had this DNA then?
With the rise in political correctness and revisionism of our GCSE history papers? Also (((Yoan Diekmann))) involved? It's revisionism plain and simple and you know this, we all know it!
>Why did they get the first reconstruction so wrong when they had this DNA then?
they didn't have its DNA, I'm pretty sure the fuss is about how they have resequenced it with newer tech
I can agree on the reconstruction being pretty shit but still though, all of the people from the same rather bottlenecked "tribe" so to speak as the Cheddar man show similar traits, look up the reconstructions of the La Brana man and Loschbour man(pic related)
think of a tanned dark haired Dean Norris basically
The evidence is pretty strong that Europeans and Asians migrated out of the African continent through the Middle East. People are dark skinned down in hot as fuck areas for a reason, and light skinned in temperate areas for the same reasons. Even if early Europeans were dark skinned, it would have evolved out of them quickly.
I would be willing to bet by the time they migrated out of Africa, through the Middle East, through Eastern, Central and Western Europe and into the British Isles, that that would be enough time that they would be lighter than a full on African. Shit, people in northern Africa are lighter skinned than that. No fucking way a people who have spent probably tens of thousands of years migrating all the way up there would be as black as a fucking sub-Saharan African dude.
Yeah except if you take a black person out of the sun they don't turn white you doofus.
Just whatever you do britbongs, DONT POUR ACID ALL OVER IT.
Because it's been developing for over 50 years. With the recent digs unveiling new bones far older than those in Africa, we'll start to see new theories formed around an 'out of europe' theory.
>Is literally Serb+Turk+German
>calls the german a Nazi
Ebin roast m8 xD :D
They had it, they are just lying. Your La Brana man looks like another reconstruction here but I forget which one.
We have proto human remains in this country that go back nearly 800,000 years, why no reconstruction jews?
>They had it, they are just lying
they probably had just mtDNA as usual, from which you can't reconstruct phenotype
happens often, with old tech mtDNA was often the only thing they could extract, many samples have been revisited with newer tech to try and get autosomal/Y DNA info
the Villabruna man I mentioned before for instance was first analysed back in 2002 and they were only able to get its mtDNA(U5 like Cheddar), but two years ago when they reanalysed it they extracted much more
>800k years
that's much much older, pretty much impossible to get any phenotype relevant DNA
Negroids never reached Britain though. This reconstruction is pure ZOG scifi. The Western Hunters who dominated Europe from 15,000 to 10,000 years ago were conventional Caucasoids who lacked depigmentation genes of modern Europeans. This does not imply that they had the heavy pigmentation genes of tropical Negroids. Western Hunters were a blue eyed, tan-skinned race of ancient Caucasoid Europeans, not a race of coal-black Negroid-Mongolian mutants.
MitoCUNTria DNA shouldn't be ignored, we need that shit.
Also fuck Cheddar man, naming him after some block of cheese and you and me are going to have sex and correct the government for their cuckolding! Yes we are Giovanni, now get naked.
>there's no way the first brits were actually 'black', is there
early on all kinds of people migrated all over, doesn't mean anything
>Everybody was black at first you fucking idiots
eh, more at first everyone looked Apache
The cheese was named after the place.
LIAR! The place was named after the amazing cheese.
It depends on how hard the selection is.
If you kill all people without blue eyes, then all brown eyes are gone in 1 generation.
You could try to figure out what the effective vitamin D deficit and skin cancer rates are per time in sun and use latitude to find effective duration.
You can probably plot this to latitudes to find skin colors. To find how long it is expected to take you have to find out how much more/less likely someone with the trait is to have breeding babies. Find their effective reproductive rate, compare to other situation then you can do the math to see how long to change the population over.
It is a lot of data that is NOT easy to get but it is technically possible to figure out.
Why do this set of cuck twin art fags get to pick head hue? Shouldn't it be peer reviewed or passed through some impartial scientific process? Did (((they))) just let a couple fags make this shit up?
Found their house. Send pizza.
>t. newfag
>Did (((they))) just let a couple fags make this shit up?
Maybe,we started evloving white skin about 10 000 BC, or was it 8000 BC, not sure,something around that.
Look at the facial lines ,lips,eyes,it's not the same, one are Negroids, one are Caucasians.
>there's no way the first brits were actually 'black', is there
The first brits may not have been, but the first whites definitely were.
most animals under their fur/hide are white, if you will. dogs, cats, etc. So why would first humans be black? The real problem is mental welfare, in that people like you demand that others do their thinking for them, and accept the intellectual bibmedats without questioning their validity.
aside from pigmentation, Europeans around ~20/30k years ago would probably already fall within common European variation, specifically the robust/large headed types
depigmentation in the last 10k years is largely a response to the massive change in diet brought by the neolithic revolution as well as the "pastoralist revolution" so to speak
big game hunting-plenty flesh eating hunter gatherers don't need much vitamin D from the sun
if European brown bears were to start eating exclusively grains or generally vitamin D-poor foods in 10k years they'd probably lighten up as well
but that said though, the old meme about "Europeans" as a whole being dark until farmers came is wrong as well, some Scandinavians foragers were already pretty much fully depigmented, even some foragers found in Serbia(iron gates) already showed some of those derived alleles for white skin
Animals are white under their fur, therefore man was orignaly white.
most of those aren't claimed to be from europe though, or even homo sapiens
he was dark-skinned, deal with it. who the fuck cares, it doesn't mean he was a Bantu yam-farmer.