Red pill me on SSRIs
I'm currently on the Zoloft Jew now I'm hearing funny things about it and how most mass shooters are on them
am I going to get psyop'd? in unironically worried now
Red pill me on SSRIs
I'm currently on the Zoloft Jew now I'm hearing funny things about it and how most mass shooters are on them
am I going to get psyop'd? in unironically worried now
Other urls found in this thread:
I was on 200mg of Zoloft for about a year. I didn’t feel like it was benefitting me, so I slowly tapered off. The discontinuation symptoms were literally hell: extreme anxiety, vivid dreams, heart palpitations, etc.
It’s honestly a hit or miss with SSRIs. I’m currently attempting a holistic approach and ditched them entirely.
One of the problems with the psych meds is that you don't get prescribed them unless you are mentally ill. Normal, well adjusted people do no use psychtropic drugs.
>am I going to get psyop'd?
are you wearing the boot?
I was on it (when I remembered to take the pills) for a couple weeks but then just stopped. Was on addies before that but it made me feel like absolute garbage. Try eating healthy low carb zero sugar, removing dyes from foods, take walks in nature daily, and interact with a consistent group once a week in a fun or relaxing setting.
You should only take them if you are on the verge of suicide, and if you are on the verge of suicide then you should probably just go ahead with it.
Your brain works kind of like a septic tank. Chemicals in your brain help control your mood and help signals get sent. Your prefrontal cortex is where you sit in your brain, that is "you". The part behind your brain is the amygdala, it regulates emotion and reacts to threats and stuff.
So when your prefrontal cortex interprets stimuli or data, it sends it to the amygdala, and the amygdala tells you what emotion to feel. This is a crude explanation.
The signals between the two parts are heavily dependent on those chemicals to send signals and operate properly.
What ssri's do is basically stop your brain from draining excess chemicals and spinal fluid, or some make you drain them faster. It just regulating your dopamine. But here is the problem.
Let's say you jerk off constantly, smoke tons of drugs, and eat junk food all day. You are going to have a huge excess of dopamine, in turn your brain will slow down dopamine production, in turn you become depressed. So slowing down dopimine production even more is probably a bad idea.
This is a very basic gist of the problem with ssri's. There are many factors, mentally and physically that influence dopamine.
Zoloft makes the disorders it treats permanent.
Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Vitamin A (activated animal form), Natto, Kefir, N-Acetyl-Cysteine would be better for you...
cold turkey is the only way
heavy drinking helps
stop now
>1 post by this meme flag
ssri's are for pussies and losers. the brain stops producing serotonin to try and get you off your ass and not be so complacent when you start failing. its a survival mechanism, stop being a faggot and go lift some weights
Once got me out of severe depression I doubt I could have handled otherwise. But only take it if you see no other solution and the stick to it for at least half a year or more. Stopping it because you see no results after a few weeks is stupid. For example the it's the neurogenesis hypothesis the ssri work by restoring hippocampus Volumen and function. But don't just wait for them to change something but do what you can to improve yourself. Lifting weights synergies with antidepressants and even on its own the the best thing you can do against feeling down and being anxious also effects will kick in much faster. Also a healthy diet and an impression rich life is mandatory. Also consider taking zinc, low zinc levels result in worse outcome to ssris and stress will heavily reduce your zinc levels
>taking drugs designed to alter your thinking
>wonder if you're getting psyoped
Also, enjoy your non-functional penis.
good point actually
SSRIs did nothing for me, mirtazipine worked though.
Get on Adderall instead
It will also help you discover more about the filthy Jews scheme
No. Correlation doens't equal causation.
Just because shooters have been seen on psychiatric medication doesn't mean the drugs caused them to murder people.
>our new allergy drug kinda sucks, but it seems to be making the rats happy
>cool, let's sell it for that instead. How does it work?
>fuck if we know
>great! Let's charge $10 a pill
Listen to me. Closely. You do not want to get health advice that could potentially fuck up your entire life from a board of 18yo armchair intellectual kids. Go see a fucking doctor. A reputable one. Go see a few of them if you have doubts. Get a referral to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist) and discuss it in depth with him. If you are on them already, stick with what you have been told, but treat it like a life or death priority to go get other opinions, and from people who have done the science.
Anecdotal evidence from anyone on here is dangerous as fuck. Go treat this seriously, get a proper opinion. The fact you are asking for information here signals to me you are in danger of making some serious life changing mistakes. Doctors are not evil, they are not part of a conspiracy. Go see one.
youre already on pol so its not like your life can get worse
I take escitalopram and lorazepam for my avoidant personality disorder.
It seems to help. I even lost weight from not being nervous all the time and nervous overeating. Went from 156 lb to 140lb
Honestly listen to this guy and seek proper medical advice.
I've taken at least 7 different SSRI's.
Then they start me on at least 3 different anti-psychotics.
I asked for Ativan or Xanax and I was called a "drug seeker" and was told not to come back after spending my entire teens and early twenties looking for the "right match".
All I needed was anti-anxieties.
Now I'm addicted to opiates because they calmed me when I had nothing else to calm me down.
Now I spend all my time on Cred Forums because I hate society.
Psychiatry is a Jewish invention and a cult fueled by drugs and subverting Christian morals.
Best answer so far.
SSRIs are designed to put a chain around your brain, that is all they're designed to do. Phrma companies have been trying to develop addictive synthetic drugs for years, SSRIs are just one of the many productions. They do not cure anything, they simply get you addicted to them. They are addiction-meme pills.
Oh, but they do affect your reproductive/sexual system. So there's that.
>tfw doctor prescribed zoloft and I never took it
i was circumstantially depressed, can only imagine what a drone I would have been for the rest of my life if I had listened to that doctor for something that was passing. fucking certified drug dealers, is all they are.
>yes goy just listen to the doctor
you may be right in Australia, but in the US, doctors are in bed with drug companies, and most just want to make you a dependent customer for life.
I think I took this once. Isn't it for anxiety?
Do as I did. Terminate it.
I was on zoloft for 1 year before my doctor had me moved off antidepressants and onto mood stabilizers.
Coming off zoloft was a bitch. Brain zaps were annoying. Headaches were awful. I couldn't speak right for about a month. Hyper-vivid dreams and derealization.
Now I'm on lamotrigne. Seems to work pretty well fof what I have. It's like a combination of severe depression and explosive anger.
You want to make lifestyle changes to address the root cause of the issue so you can get off the jew pills soon
zoloft is very common, many people take it and aren't shooters
i myself have been on it for ages combined with seroquel
i'm probably skitzo and the meds tune out the disturbing thoughts so i can function
i wouldn't be able to function otherwise
they didn't ask me much to put me on it either.
>are you depressed?
yeah maybe idk
>you look depressed.
oh ok
>do you ever get nervous or anxious?
on occasion, sure
>take these and talk to an overpriced psychiatrist your insurance doesn't cover
uh, right.
Holy fuck, why are you americans so fucked up in the head. Its like you cunts are all mentally ill.
Whatever happens, make sure you livestream it and put a link in pol. Godspeed, you glorious insane bastard.
big pharma
Try supplement of Iodine, fella.
If your thyroid is under-fed you'll basically have hair-trigger anxiety.
And be prone to eating salty snacks chasing the iodine you need.
Which you'll then balance out with sugary drinks, which will fuck your moods up too.
That's right, that is the intended course of action for those with high stress and anxiety. Actual drugs that can treat acute anxiety are denied categorically, while the SSRIs are pushed as a "cure-all". Where do you go from there, hm? You go to the street pharmacist, for opiates and other stress relieving medications. The opiates on the street generate revenue for government, at the cost of its citizens. It's all one big system/game, very rarely will you find individual actors at the top.
I don't know much, and I only got Zoloft very shortly long, long ago at the start of my depression, but to give you a quick rundown:
I took antidepressants from the age of 11 to 21, most of them were SSRI, and I "cured myself" by stopping taking meds. Not brutally, I asked my psychiatrist to drop the dose to zero over a week.
Never felt better in those last 10 years than by stopping them. I'm certainly not happy and I can't get myself to work, but at least I don't want to kill myself, that's a huge progress.
The implication are so terrible that I'd rather not t hink about it. I might be an outlier, but still, how many people are in the situation I was, taking SSRIs that hold them down? How is this shit even possible? How many years have I wasted by taking meds that were supposed to protect me but were destroying me?
all pharms are jew shit, i've been on 5 differnt psych drugs at once and it didnt 'help' me at all, get off that shit, vape if you have to, it lowers estrogen and cigarettes have natural anti-psychotics in them, that shit will rewire ur brain so you cant feel happiness anymore, literally doing heroin for 6 years is less damaging to ur brain than doing this shit for 6 months
Cred Forums get off meds, it is the literal bluepill
i would rather get shot in the lung than take meds for 3 months
Also, there are more violently insane people now due to simple population growth. Don't let the fucking lugenpresse influence you that easily.
Hey OP, ask for Abilify instead. I take small doses (2,5mg) and it has antidepressant properties without making me asexual.
Are you saying big pharma is making americans ill?
dont listen to all the retards on the internet
if you are truly depressed meaning there is a genuine chemical imbalance in your brain the SSRIs will have a significant effect over the course of many months or even years. if you are just feeling whiny and bitchy they won't do shit
I have inherited genetic depression meaning I have had it my entire life. I was extremely sceptical before finally taking SSRIs because absolutely nothing else worked. and the SSRIs actually made a difference, it was just very slow. most important, I feel like my brain performance increased. I mean I pass classes with less than 10 hours total semester effort and I do very well in IQ tests. the most noticeable difference though is that for the first time in my life I don't actually want to kill myself. so all the people who say that SSRIs make you more suicidal are full of shit
anyway, don't expect them to be a complete game changer. the impact is still pretty small. they are supposed to give you a foundation to build on, they wont magically make your life super great
they're making american dependent on their drugs, and in some case worse symptoms, and more ill, so yes.
It saved me.
Was having Rage episodes that turned physical after my father leave us.
Yes, stop being a weak faggot dependent on pharmaceuticals and doctors to function properly. You don't need drugs, you need self-discipline nigger
It didn't save you, it ended your career as a boxer.
>all of these people with SSRI experience
Jesus fucking christ this place if full of mentally ill pussies just like reddit.
How to become ultra paranoid meth head.
Yes, they are.
Very useful tool:
Search for your doctor/physician to see a list of all the payments, donations, bribes and lunches your doctor has received to shill SSRIs.
Lol. Doctor....paid shill, same thing really.
Stop all medication immediately and buy a gun.
Jordan Peterson should do a video about them, since you can tell by his dead eye expression that he's a long-term walking research project in antidepressants.
I got on escitalopram 10mg a day and it completely got rid of my lifelong depression.
>I'm hearing funny things
>Non mexican spic
The Anxious Ones.
look at statistical studies that correlate IQ and depression rates
generally lower intelligence correlates with higher chance of mental disorders including depression
however something very odd happens once you go up far enough on IQ. beginning at about IQ of 120 the chance of mental disorders increases again and people with an IQ of above 130 have a chance of over 50% to have clinical depression
Psyfag here. Zoloft is serious shit, and it's best use is for temporary use to keep you functional enough so you address whatever problems you have psych or otherwise.
This user's ideas are solid. If your shit is serous enough to need zoloft, you should have proper psychological care.
Did anybody get this prescribed because they were having a hard time sleeping?
Psycology is based on opinion, which may or may not be correct.Prescibing medicine is a practice, it is called this because experiment sounds scary.
9 out of 10 doctors recommend this course of treatment.
When you get yourself hooked on SSRIs, you cease being a citizen of whatever country you're from and become a citizen of Big Pharma. By the way they're out to bleed you dry and destroy you. Your choice.
>needing drugs to function properly
You people are what's wrong with society. Change your diet, get better sleep, stop browsing the internet so much and maybe go outside. Don't take mind altering drugs that'll have you dead by 35 and unable to get your cock hard. I figured this board was filled with mentally ill larpers from the start but you freaks are actually taking that shit for soccer moms and & "depressed" people? What do you have to be depressed about, youre spending your Sunday shit posting on a Tibetan basket weaving forum, you're living one of the most comfortable lives compared to the average experience on this planet. What a bunch of pussies, please never own a gun.
If they did you need a new doctor. That's fucking terrible even by Hueland standards of care.
>taking Zoloft when the generic drug is cheaper by several magnitudes and does exactly the same thing
Are you competing in South Korea in the sport of mental gymnastics?
You could have used the rage until you got some skill
nigs are all 80 IQ and not depressed at all
They will prescribe it for anything. Tried to give it to me for joint pain and then later neuropathic pain.
This is very interesting. I know this might be a bit much for Cred Forums but can you cite a legitimate source or a published paper describing this?
That was my initial report, but I was diagnosed with anxiety so they said "sure goy, take this".
I think I took like 150mg (I mean it came to this, we started @ 50mg) of it a day at some point, but it was short lived.
How can you be depressed knowing that you will soon have a chance to slaughter all the Jews? Oh happy day!
>Mfw Bruce lays all the cards on the table
Also prove that the average IQ here is over 120, I'm highly doubtful of that especially on this board.
>too smart to be happy and need drugs to achieve it
Yes, thats what every intellectual says
You're both cultists.
That's why you agree that you're not doing anyone harm.
Everyone else in the thread probably agrees that psychiatrists need to be summarily executed and strung up to our interstate highway lamp lights.
Sleep aids are tricky, but there's at least a full dozen drugs they should have tried before going to Zoloft.
I'm too smart to be happy but I will bathe and sing in Jew blood soon.
I just drink 1-2 glasses or wine these days, lol.
Does the trick like a charm and it's good for ya.
Aye this.
What is this meme? Anxiety is a human feeling, you should have been taught to deal with it mentally instead of fucking up your brain chemicals. How can people actually walk to a doctor and day "I get sad sometimes" and it's LEGAL to give them drugs? This is happening in Brazil too? I thought you third-worlders were supposed to be happier and tougher than us.
Nah cunt. Healthcare actually costs money in this country. Cred Forums is cheaper than a real doctor.
Anxiety and depression are warning signs. They mean your brain is functioning properly, because this world is shit and you should be anxious and depressed. I don't get anxious any more, simply because I stopped fearing death. Learn to cope with reality you faggots.
I dont know anyone who is actually on meds, let alone hooked on them. Get your shit toguether, lad
I probably have brain damage from all the neuroleptics and "medicine" I have been put into my system. I´ve been institutionalized 3 times for suicidal behavior where I was force-fed neuroleptics. Never been put into SSRI though, just schizoid medications.
I do not even understand who gains any help from those drugs. They make you feel horrible, zombie-like drooling type of existence. They make you dumber, probably permanently.
I was under 3 months of heavy forced medication cocktail of valproate, olanzapine, levomepromazine and diazepam.
Every week I saw doctor I told about my concerns that these drugs are making me retarded and I feel horrible. Never came into question that these drugs would have side effects, doc just told me that it is my paranoia and these drugs do you GOOD.
I´ve been literally assfucked by Big Pharma. Don´t ever get into situation you end up in forced treatment in looney bin. Even my room-mate back there said that Prison had much more freedom and no chemical violence. Those pills will fuck you up for good and it takes months or even years of clean living to get your brain working again at normal level.
Get a job you nigger. I pay only co-pays because my employer covers me. You'll figure this out when you get older.
>all the people who say that SSRIs make you more suicidal are full of shit
as someone who stopped taking ssris I disagree. At first Zoloft seemed to help me, then it seemed to stop working. after 3 years of switching meds every 2-6 months. I'd decided I'd had enough with side effects (citlopram or ecitlorpam made me stop feeling emotion entirely (went closet emo for a month thinking maybe it would be bearable to not feel anything but eventually I just wanted to feel anything be it pain or pleasure) after that I decided I was going to taper off) I moved across the state and have been much better since (occasional dark thoughts but nothing like while I was on SSRIs)
>tldr SSRIs can help but it depends on the person, medication and cause of depression
Why did you take them then?
>stops producing serotonin to try and get you off your ass
except that's not how it works
you actually need serotonin to get off your ass, bozzo
It's happening here too, dear burger:
But suicides seem to be dropping:
Lol stop taking it and see what happens. Your brain is going to go ZAP every few minuets. You screwed up by taking that drug in the first place.
>giving advice on mental health
>if you are considering suicide you should do it
fuck off back to montreal leaf faggot
fuck the pills I'm trying to ditch Prozac at the mo
that would be unfair though I wouldnt mind getting me some gold medals
you can see detailed statistics in there (pic related is from page 20 of full report)
as for high IQ:
>the presence of major depressive disorder according to DSM-IV-TR criteria was found in 65% of the 100 children with high intellectual potential (above 130 IQ)
the average on Cred Forums is obviously not above 120 but highly intelligent people tend to be red pilled and reclusive (prefer anonymity), ergo someone who is truly intelligent is much more likely to be a Cred Forumsack than a plebbitor
jesus youre retarded you deserve to be mentally fuckd for life
I'm currently on 150mg for anexity. On one hand it's helped with it, on the other I feel like it caused me to completely check out of society. I started them in college, and I went from a "party every weekend normie" to someone barely motivated to leave the house.
Literally I Wake > Work > Sleep every day, and on weekends its Wake > Consume Media > Sleep. I cannot find it within myself to do anything else.
It's really fucking weird, I feel like it's made me into a robot. I tried going off it once before but I don't think I was mentally prepared. I am debating using my last 1.5 scripts to ween back off and really hit the gym hard to try and fix it.
The only problem is my doctor will probably drop me as a patient if I do, but at the same time I think he is a bit of a pill pusher (He is REALLY pushing me to start taking Beta-Blockers when my avg. Blood Pressure is 126/75.) Sure it's "Pre-Hypertension", but I literally don't know a single male who has a sub 120.
away satan
When the power substations are shot and the fiber optic cables are cut and you are without power and internet and the food stops being shipped to your town, because the supply lines are cut, wtf are you going to do?
If you´re in the looney bin and you don´t know when you are going to get out you have 2 ways:
You stick up with the system, eat your pills and buttlick the nurses and doctors.
The hard way:
You don´t eat your medicine, don´t trust doctors and deny your condition. You could end up being there like 6 months
Suicidal ideation in adolescents is a recognised side effect of SSRIs
not all of us based kangaroo
You forgot breaking out.
>the average on Cred Forums is obviously not above 120 but highly intelligent people tend to be red pilled and reclusive (prefer anonymity), ergo someone who is truly intelligent is much more likely to be a Cred Forumsack than a plebbitor
You will lose a lot of sex drive and not jerk off as much. Oh and gain a shit ton of weight while also being a zombie. Fuck that shit
>>tldr SSRIs can help but it depends on the person, medication and cause of depression
this is a perfect summary
speaking for myself, I have been depressed in spite of having a great life and therapy + sports + a shitton of other stuff did not work but SSRIs did
so that's why I said that if your depression stems from your life being shit, a temporary life crisis (lost job, breakup, ...) and not from a genetic disorder then I think SSRIs will only harm you
You are a drug seeker. Fuck ups like you ruin it for legit sick people you fucking junkie. Please kys asap.
You forgot remembering you're an adult and sorting your shit out. Why are you in a looney bin in the first place? You obviously have shit to work on, do you think posting here is the best use of your time?
>be depressed as fuck
>want to kill myself
>get prescribed SSRIs
I have never seen a study which proves that SSRIs cause suicide
>Why are you in a looney bin in the first place?
Missed way too many good night´s sleep and things got a bit out of hand.
> do you think posting here is the best use of your time?
What kind of moral lesson you are giving here over the internet. What the fuck are you doing here if I may ask?
I am guessing the more payments the worse it is (I am half asleep from working 28hrs straight fuck this snowstorm)
If thats the case I am dropping the SHIT outta my doctor who is taking 2-3x the average Payments/Transactions as people in his specalization
I believe its probably the comedown that makes people snap
The mentally ill people like the guy you replied to ruin many things for many people. I bet the guy owns a gun with his mental problems so hopefully he only kills himself but if he pops off like any of the other mental patients he ruins gun ownership for them. Anyone can see his post and post it on reddit or somewhere else to further propagate the idea that this place if full of mentally ill crazies. Mental patients shouldn't be allowed to do anything other than sort their lives out because they ruin society for everyone else
It turned my poop into liquid. Very sad!
>tfw forget to take quetiapine, sertraline, and carbamazepine last night
Wake up all cold sweaty and shaking, THANKS PSYCHIATRY.
Just looked up my doctor and he takes 2x the national average for Family Medicine in General Payments
Really REALLY R E A L L Y making me think
Maybe not all, but it's got to be 85 percent of your population are goddamn nuts. Americans are the craziest bastards in this whole wide world.
shit actualky works for neuropain can confirm, stop brain from sending false signals
fucking drinking and eating lots of protein veggies , while swimming , sauna , sunbathing is all you need to cure depression - all in moderation. trust me i´ve taken over 10 sorts of neuroleptica nature and abandoned human behaviour due to city life is what got rid of my suicidal vandalistic destructive tendencies.
mpd bipolar2 shizophrenic tendencies paranoid behaviour (((diagnosis))) over 11 years ago.
taken zoloft very briefly only made me mellow and extremely apathetic , lithium is what fixed me also taken bunch of other things until lithium fixed my psychosis completely.
now it only breaks out when i get over the top emotional to the point of breaking down , instead of breaking down i come out as my alter ego which is rather demonic and very blunt especially towards those that i hold dear and cold plus agressive towards those i don´t care about.
I've been on all three, not symultaneously but the sertraline and quetiapine at the same time.
Its bullshit, I got off them after ridding my body of fluoride and suddenly, as if by magic I wasn't mentally ill anymore and was just content and very normal if not a bit more sedate than your average person.
Are you mister ploughman.
>Americans are the craziest bastards in this whole wide world.
not while russians exist
I’ll share my experience with them. I was about 15 when it was prescribed to me. I had legitamite chemical imbalances in my brain. I went through a lot of issues about self esteem, fitting in, all the stupid teenager shit. I didn’t get enough sun, played video games a lot and had a girlfriend who broke up with me because she was a petty stupid girl (i can’t even remember why, it was stupid kid nonsense).
When you’re young you don’t have any grasp of why things work the way they do. I went into an emotional spiral, in which I constantly felt like I was going to throw up, always felt like I was having a panic attack, that my life was going out of control, that every day felt eternally long and that I feared waking up every single morning to go through everything again. It’s a state of mind I couldn’t shake.
I was prescribed Zoloft to help, Xanax for my sudden panic attacks, as well as Ambien to sleep (another insane story). Long story short, it definitely helped. I pulled out of this insane spiral, but my body began rejecting it several months in. Running stomachs, fatigue and more. I hated what it was doing to me, and I once saw the bill of how much this shit was costing my family. I stopped taking it cold turkey because I didn’t want to be someone who took pills the rest of their life.
Been fine ever since. Your best bet is be relatively active (not heavily, just light to moderate), eat a goddamn balanced diet and get sunlight every single day. Take multivitamins on top of everything else because it does help. Makes need zinc and a lot of problems I’ve found stem from that. Also Vitamin D
americans are retarded just smoke weed and If u think that's nigger shit cook with it you dumb cunts
fucking taking drugs n shit when u call niggers niggers cause they smoke pot
if thats the case then user enjoy my bullet to your lungs, then enjoy asking for psych after your fight or flight response doesnt turn off
jesus Christ we usually just say kys op what the fuck ahahhaah
>he thinks depression is the only indication for SSRIs
>he thinks adolescents taking SSRIs for anxiety or OCD suddenly wanting to commit suicide is normal
dipshit its way more than your pea brain can comprehend
Yes. It's comfy as fuck but I am always so hyperfocused (As to not plow down Susan and her 4 kids going to Wal-Mart to buy Pepsi in 15in of snow) that as soon as I get home I immediately get tired as fuck.
just smoke weed instead
jew here: avoid anything that fucks with your head. if you have real problems, try real solutions.
Been on Setraline for almost a year now, only 50mg now.
For the first 2 months or so I was actually pretty happy but I went to neutral after a while. I'm not suicidal anymore or even that depressed really. A lot of my motivation to do things came back as well and my anxiety is almost non-existant now.
I'm in the UK so not sure if the US version is any different. But to anybody thinking of getting it, I've had a good experience with it. But do talk with a proper doctor.
Plebbit fag detected please dont go back just kill yourself, because you didnt take pills
I used to have insane anxiety on Zoloft. I switched to Lexapro and now I’m as chill as a penguin my dude. I think they really work for some people. It stimulates natural chemical production in the brain. It’s not like a cocaine or something where it’s acting on top of your normal bodily functions.
The mass shooters were already fucked. If you’re really fucked in the head, something like Zoloft isn’t going to help you. It’s just what they give people at the start because doctors don’t like to institutionalize people aren’t start force injecting them with the heavy duty drugs.
>Writing about serotonin reuptake inhibitors
>Constantly mentioning dopamine
Read up on your biology
By preventing reuptake of serotonin by the pre-synaptic neuron, the drug keeps high concentrations of serotonin in the synaptic cleft. Thus more serotonin is available to bind the post-synaptic neuron receptors. When all these receptors are bound to serotonin, you feel good.
Then the destruction of your brain and personality begins-
The body knows this is an unnatural state and is out of balance. In order to restore homeostasis and the normal functioning of the synapse, it down- regulates, or reduces the number of post-synaptic receptors. This compensates for having excessive serotonin in the cleft by reducing the amount of receptors the serotonin can bind to. Then if you ever remove the drug from your body, you are desensitized to serotonin, sometimes permanently. You can never be truly happy again without the drug. It’s similar to what happens when body builders stop using steroids- their testicles have atrophied permanently
and they can no longer make their own testosterone, so they are forever dependent on artificial male hormones. Without them, they can’t get erections, they grow bitch tits and cry like women.
Serotonin regulates countless functions
In the body, not just mood. It’s role in the body as a neurotransmitter is not entirely understood. What is understood is that SSRIs can permanently damage your neurotransmitters. Your brain, IQ, sexual function, and mood regulatory mechanisms may end up damaged, and some of these changes may be irreversible.
Treating depression with pot, alcoholism, prostitues, or BASE jumping is probably less destructive.
LOL, wasn't expecting it to be true.
You`re ploughing snow and I can`t get sleep because it's still 29C at fucking night.
if you actually looked like the girl in your pic Id fly over and fuck your smug smile off your face but instead Ill thank you for the link to the study
And yes, almost every mass school shooter was on these drugs.
>Red pill me on SSRIs
Man up and stop thinking a pill can fix your shitty fucked up life.
hi, former drug company R&D user here....
the entire idea of SSRI's is based on quite an old and very basic concept that "more serotonin = more happiness". happiness is an incredibly difficult thing to define. by the same reasoning, pumping someone full of it should make them off their tits on happiness.
all anti-depressants / psychiatric drugs have incredibly 'shaky' basses behind their reasoning. a lot of it is based purely on feedback from dr's / nurses etc that can be tampered with. for instance, at one point i ended up being prescribed anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. wondering if there was something wrong with me or not, i simply stopped taking them without bothering to tell anyone. yet i still magically 'got better' according to the surveys.
the tests used to prove these things work are usually as simple as holding rats upside down and seeing how many times they try to turn themselves up again. you can also 'fake' brain scans to 'prove' a point. the entire concept is based around the idea of defining a psychological state as a disease in the first place, as opposed to something someone should naturally feel due to being in a possibly shitty situation, or a situation that would be better treated by changing that rather than drugs. they also fake the journal entries by having supposedly third party independent references 'hone' the statistics. for instance, the drug we (gsk) sold was shown to be entirely inaffective at treating depression in teens, but created an increased risk of suicide; study involved 9,000 teens in three different locals and three different study groups (all failed).
they are very big on the teen market as teens are still easy to convince there's something wrong with them + they get annoyed sitting in classrooms being polite when instinctively they want to be fucking like bunnies. solution -> adderall (amphetamine) to keep them entertained -> anti-depressants + anti-psychotics to treat the side effects of the adderall.
leaf why are you sounding like a nigger
>stop being a faggot and go lift some weights
this 2bh
I found a better source afterwards. It's a Cochrane review which is considered the gold standard of meta analysis.
>Anecdotal evidence from anyone on here is dangerous as fuck
not as dangerous as getting hooked on SSRIs
>I have never seen a study which proves that SSRIs cause suicide
it's printed on the box for a reason.
the pharma companies would like nothing more than to get that black label off the box, i can guarantee you of that.
>Red pill me on SSRIs
doctors prescribe them with very little justification and you shouldn't be on them unless you're extremely mentally ill. I had severe back pain, had MRIs that showed herniation of l3, l4, l5 s1 and a bone spur nerve inpingement. I was miserable and didn't want to go on pain meds and didn't want to fuse. every doctor tried to put me on ssris. I finally found a european educated neurologist that noticed I had no loss of muscle function and that my only symptom was chronic pain. he explained that back pain is almost non existent in asian countries even when herniations are present on MRIs. he couldn't explain why this phenomenon exists, but that it's probably cultural and psychosomatic. he convinced me to accept my pain and assured me that surgery was hit or miss. after five years of chronic pain I just accepted that I could live with this and the alternatives were worse. it was a long process but somehow I decided that I wouldn't let my pain destroy my life. little by little, my pain went away. now I can't even remember how bad the pain was and have a completely normal life. I have no explanation except for how this works except that for me, it did.
tl;dr resist taking meds unless there's no other alternative. cure the disease, not the symptoms.
You Mexicaniggers should be depressed. I’ve seen the shithole you live in.
My psychiatrist that prescribed me with Zoloft told me that Zoloft isn't the solution, but a "tool" or lubricant to make your getting-better process easier.
Believe me when I say people who’ve been on benzos and such long term end up exactly the same as people who’ve done too much MDMA. Endocrine system totally fried
oh and yeah... trump is correct. americans are getting absolutely screwed medically.
it cost us a few pounds to build an inhaler (not including the R&D), they were sold to the NHS for ~£40. they were sold to second / third worlders for pounds to increase market penetration, they were sold in the US for something like £140.
you pay more in the US for healthcare insurance than we do in the UK for the NHS, yet the healthcare is only supposed to cover you / your family..... so it should be cheaper. and then you can use it without exceeding the deductibles. that's bullshit. it needs sorting. create a national generic drug engine that just churns the generic stuff out at cents (most of the generic stuff works as well / possibly better than some of the newer stuff).
nice, I might fuck you anyway
SSRIs can help with pain, though
well, technically, they will raise pain threshold
take some together with anti-epileptics (the actual pain killers in my treatment) since a thalamus stroke
but SSRIs are not benign: I indeed would avoid taking those if I could
particularly since I seem to have naturally very low levels of serotonin (if I take even 1/10th of the max SSRI dose, I'm already doing a serotonin syndrome...)
>can use
Shoot up a school because I’m a white male, what else would I do?
This user knows what’s up
I’m an MD btw. There are lots of drugs that we prescribe with poor data to back up long term effectiveness. There is virtually no data showing that ssris or any other psychiatric meds help anyone long term, and there is lots of evidence that they can cause major problems. Doctors are not always right. When it comes to these drugs they are almost always wrong. Also, the doctors pushing these drugs are psychiatrists who make their paycheck primarily off of drug sales. Psychiatrists are usually doctors too stupid to succeed in all the other real, evidence based specialties.
You sound stupid
as in final?
what would the state board of medicine say if they found out you went on the cartoon frog website?
why so many circumsisions?
LOL exactly what I’d expect from an Ivanbro
>SSRIs can help with pain, though
so can opiates, but I didn't want to be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. drugs should be the last resort after every other attempt has been exhausted.
wellbutrin is better option ask your doctor, it also helps to quit smoking. anti depressants are good to use for a period of time but never rely on them for more than a year
I was on lexapro after struggling with depression for years and was slowly becoming and alcoholic. I was on it for a year then decided it's time to come off of it so I did. I never felt better and it cured me of my impending alcoholism and I had started lifting.
The shit actually worked for me though I am just one case. I hear SSRIs dont work for others but a small percentage actually does so I guess I am lucky for that
I also take Tramadol for headaches, even though doctors don't really like it, but only because anti-inflammatories do absolutely jack shit (and I can't take triptans after a stroke), while 75mg Tramadol+1g paracetamol completely cuts the headache in 15-30min
same with those: if I could do otherwise, I would, seeing as the rather low doses of it all I take already make me slow as fuck...
>75mg Tramadol
*50mg Tramadol
>if you are on the verge of suicide then you should probably just go ahead with it.
Unironically this. Suicide needs to be destigmatized.
no leaf! thats a bad leaf! you stop propagating Jew-nigger culture.
Taking drugs tends to help the least. They are starting to find that hormonal treatment shows some positive benefits in treating PTSD, I imagine that the future of treating depression bwill take a look at hormonal treatment as well.
However, microdosing psilocybin works pretty damned well too.
Here, in Canada, we just order weed through the internet and it gets delivered to your door.
Literally any CBD strain will cure whatever issue is requiring you to use Zoloft. Trust me. You don't even get high from CBD weed.
Look up "Harlequin" Marijuana strain. And replace zoloft with that.
we live far too comfortable lives for it to end up accepted, though
it's the same mechanism behind people being ready to disarm themselves, opening the way to a much more violent society (eg France violent crime rate is twice the US one), just so to avoid a few dozen less clustered and shocking deaths a year
or behind people accepting lower and lower speed limits (50mph on standard roads for us, in july, ffs...), buggering dozen millions people just to save a few hundred lives a year
we've reached such a high standard of living that we've completely forgotten about life being supposed to be hard, a notion that's become completely unacceptable in 1st world societies
and it'll only get worse and worse as to that...
how old were you when you had a stroke? did you recover?
this is my 11th day on zoloft. first 7 days i took 25mg and now im taking whole pill(50mg).
This shit caused stomach problems first days(diahrrea), but the main problem is that is making me tired as hell. Never felt so tired, can't get out of bed before noon. I think i will stop this shit soon.
33yo when I got it (Christ's age, as a neurologist joked about...)
37yo now
I'm much better than 4 years ago, but still not there yet
I'm still getting better and better, though very slowly
still have hardcore back pain, but recently got most of my scapula back
4 years ago, when the tingling in all my left side stopped, it just turned into a big block of attrocious pain (describe it as if white hot metal cables had been inserted errywhere in my left side)
doctors say I shouldn't be recuperating still, but most people getting such a stroke (thalamus) are old as fuck, so I for one think they just aren't used to how it evolves for a much younger patient
used it for depression. zoloft worked for me in that it blunted my ability to feel negative emotions and didnt necessarily make me happier. i was on it for two years but stopped because it was making my erections weaker and i came less. that was 6 years ago and Im fine.
yeah, pain sucks. good luck.
no choice but to endure, anyway
at least, as long as it keeps getting better...
Get off as slowly ans safely as you can. I was on tha shit for years, took away a decade of my life. Split pills is half if you have to, in order to take consistent low dose safely......look into DR PETER BREGGIN.....and his book MEDICATION MADNESS. Its all in there. Godspeed user.
>I'm currently on the Zoloft Jew now I'm hearing funny things about it and how most mass shooters are on them
If it's working for you stay on it. I cannot emphasize that enough.
In the *unlikely* event you start losing empathy on it, having an increase in suicidal thoughts, or ever start having homicidal thoughts, only then should you talk to your doctor about going off them.
There's a real possibility the danger period for SSRIs is when you go off them, so dropping something that works for you because of news reports and internet banter is the worst possible thing you could do.
In the meantime, use this opportunity while you're on it to start lifting weights or swinging kettlebells. *Not* because that is a full substitute for antidepressants, but it's a thing that will help you whether you're on or off them.
All mass shooters were on SSRI
Pre teens didnt use to kill themselves
weed makes depression even worse afaik
>kekistani flag
You should stay on them. You honestly should be on something stronger.
Except all of them are
>go see a jew
No thank you
>You do not want to get health advice that could potentially fuck up your entire life from a board of 18yo armchair intellectual kids
>here's some advice
that's just not true anymore. Like 1/5 of Americans are on these drugs now and they hand them out like candy. It's incredibly easy to get some kind of antidepressant or mood stabilizer these days.
was put on them for awhile
they will make you fat, but you can keep your dick up for ages while on them.
>subverting Christian morals
if you kept these morals you wouldn't need opiates
I've been anti ssri my entire life but, recently I've been accepting I may have a chemical brain issue
I feel nothing almost ever, no stimulation, i have to force myself to do anything and i don't get joy and stimulation from anything, just this constant state of boredom.
other than that i just feel extreme rage and sometimes that rage gets pointed inward and becomes dread
i can't find pleasure in anything, what the fuck should i do? I've thought about giving ssris a chance
Anyway, I used Hydroxyzine for anxiety few times (half a pill, mind it) and it always hit me like a truck so I was unable to be anxious. I also just read that it's used in treating opioid withdrawals, so maybe consult your doctor if you can use it or something. Definitely don't start on your own with a new drug. That's waht put you in your current situation in the first place.
But serotonin is less relevant than dopamine when it comes to drive and risk/reward system
>what the fuck should i do?
accept that you're not a hiveminder, like most people seem to be
erryone is tugged by impulses, though
thing is hiveminders are tugged the other way by their collective "mind"
you're not, so you have to channel your impulses another way if you don't want those to take the better of you
getting high on meds is not a good way
strengthening your mind or exhausting yourself are much better ways
Dopamanergic drugs are antipsychotics, not SSRI's.
Subtle drug like all SSRI's, when you're at your lowest point and feel you have no hope, these basically take months to dull that "no hope" feeling and make you run on autopilot mode. They fuck around the primitive brain (sexual arousal and other things are regulated), SSRI discontinuation syndrome can be a pain in the arse and dangerous. SSRI's also cause a surge in electrical activity in the brain (which increases the chances of a seizure).
Yes they get bad press and rightly so but they can work for some people.
Jesus who the fuck put you on 200mg? I'd have you on 100mg maximum then reduce you down to 50mg once every morning (if they make you alert) or evening if they make you feel sleepy. Anti depressants are weird and can make you either energetic or sedated.
Ritalin user here.
Found stimulants for Dopamine did more for depression, anxiety and OCD than SSRI/SNRI ever did
t. Tried Venlafaxine and Citalopram
St. John's Wort or 5-HTP can be just as beneficial as pharmajew antidepressants only without the horrible side effects.
Taking SSRI's is like adjusting the equalizer knobs on your stereo. Before you take them, all the knobs are in a line. SSRI's push the bass and treble up. Then when you decide to quit the SSRI, they don't go back to a flat line. It actually goes lower than they were originally. That's how it was for me. Don't take them unless you take them your whole life.
Because of your meme flag I'm going to assume you're in hs and just want attention, but no. Ppl who are on meds who do that shit are on them because they're gonna do that shit.
Don't get medical advice from pol. Half of North America takes SSRIs now, they dont even do anything for lots of people, and work for others. they dont work for me, it's like sugar pills.
I've been working a lot to strengthen my mind, and getting in tune with spirituality. It's still hard to even, get out of bed. i wouldn't say i want to die, but it just feels like something is missing. i can comfortably just sit around doing nothing for a long part of my life if i wish. perhaps that's the issue, the underlying psychological reason
i spose you're right just gotta work on my mind, maybe learn more languages or instruments.
i can't help but shake the feeling that I'm missing something dire though, like this hellish boredom is eating me inside
5-htp and st johns wart have similar effects in regards to weird dreams and sexual issues, along with sedation.
Doctors should be giving everyone lorazepam, that'll make the world a better place, but they are greedy and they hog those medicines for themselves! Evil doctors, they need to share the good stuff and make benzodiazepines available OTC.
I'd be willing to bet your diet is junk, Therefore your hormones are junk, therefore you feel like junk all the time. If you did these simple things that I'm about to list, I'd be willing to bet it would change your life, eat healthy at every single meal, workout, 8 hours of sleep a night. If you do that for 3 months and you don't feel good, then think about the drugs bro. Don't take that s***. Those drugs inhibit your ability to learn severely. They f*** with your body's chemical set up and don't allow the correct endorphin release when you're learning, so you never learn. And yes, the School shooters all take these drugs. Look it up. It's because when they come off, and their hormones bottom out and they're really f***** up then, that's when they go nuts.
I'm in only 10mg of Lexapro. Zero libido. Basically a eunuch now.
my diet isn't that bad honestly, and when i do eat good i still have just an inability to derive pleasure from things. this has been my entire life really, I've never had this autopilot that other people seem to talk about. i know your advice well and I'll take it, I've been trying to get the motivation to even leave the house to work out, i do get enough sleep
i really have a suspicion that this is something underlying neurological issue here though, most people seem to be able to get stimulation and pleasure from things and have a wide range of emotions, all i know is anger and boredom.
i don't think I'll be taking srris
No, but my point still stands. Doctors are just greedy and want to hog all the nice drugs to themselves. They are selfish and deserve to be struck off for such selfishness!
Doctors lurking, stop being selfish, help your fellow man and give them benzos to make life better, instead of the fucking misery that it really is. You share those real "happy pills".
>I'm missing something dire though
yep, you seem to be missing the forced connection to the hivemind most people have
that's not necessarily a bad thing, though, looking at most people
they waste most of their energy hiveminding
you have the luxury to spend it on yourself
just make something of that ability of yours (it is one), like you tell you're already thinking about
I'm taking Zoloftin the morning for past 11 days,my nex appointment is in 2 weeks.
Zoloft is making me tiered as hell, can't get out of bed till noon.
Should i start taking it before bed?
explains why I've always felt misunderstood and isolated, like feeling like an alien
i suppose it is a gift in a lot of ways, but too unlock the gift it seems i most conquer my own mind first through will power
>conquer my own mind first through will power
that's the gist of it, yes
Yeah but speak to your doctor about that, it can make people sleepy or alert, most people it makes them alert which is why docs say take in the morning but if it's making you sleepy then your doc should tell you to take in evening.
Also they take a few months to actually "work" but the change is subtle, you won't really notice it and you'll think they're not work (even though you don't feel like slicing your wrists up or jumping out of your commie bloc).
yeah that's what i thought from the start, checked
ight yeah, i know what i have to do
thanks i appreciate it
My experience with them is they can make you hyper emotional like a woman. Get off of them is dangerous as they all sorts issues. Some people have to use a razor and slice a little off everyday.
Get it off of them and getting in healthy routine was the best thing I ever did.
you're welcome
and good luck, user
That is shaman retard level right there.
I hope it will help in a way. I just really need Z to work. I just don't know is it going to make me lose or gain weight. I'm skinny guy, i would benefit with extra 10kg. Also i suffer from bad premature ejaculation that made me basically avoid sex, i already feel it is helping that way, but it feels like it is going to kill my libido totally. Too bad gf left me, bcs sex would be great now.
I'm in the same boat, I might give it a try since I've been stuck in this state of mind for some time now, It might help to know if these pills actually relieve anxiety, depression symptoms for good or you need to keep taking them in order to maintain it?
If homeopathy was good enough for Hitler it's good enough for me.
Like I said in an earlier post, it's very subtle but it can help, yes Cred Forums is very anti SSRI's and that's fine but for those that need them (much like those that need Respiridone or Zyprexa) then well it's needed.
Don't want you killing yourself, if you do notice more suicidal thoughts than usual or more intense feelings of "no hope" and isolation then you need to speak to your doctor and get off them and be put on something new. The whole "blackbox warning".
I hope you feel better and there is a medication that can be given to counteract the sexual dysfunction effect of SSRI's but I forgot which one, talk to your doctor (I sound like a parrot).
But go do that young lady and get better!
I had this problem too. I take half of my doses when I wake up and half when I go to bed.
if you're like described in the post you quote, there's little chance meds will actually help you
those meds are for people naturally and forcefuly hiveminding, and who stumbled at one point
if you've never been like that, chance is that they'll do more harm than good, from what I've seen
Instead of taking it all at once.
SSRI’s are a last resort, pharmacists hand that shit out like candy and it fucks with the population big time by making pillheads with less emotional drive than me (an apathetic aspie)
Really though doctors should just give out lifetime scripts of benzos, much better than anti depressants.
>on Zoloft
>kekistani meme flag
Hmmm it’s like there’s something more wrong with you that no pill can fix
what is your dose? 50mg?
While depressed i had trubble waking up for years now, sometimes i would wake up and stay in bed for 2 hours just in sadness of my mind. But zoloft now makes me sedated and sleepy whole day.
>no pill can fix
>He hasn't heard of cyanide pills
Fuck that, I’m throwing a sink through the window and going home.
Before Zoloft, doctor prescribed me Effexor.
I took ONLY ONE pill of effexor and booom!
Only one pill of 37.5mg made my pupils dilate, i couldnt fox, but i couldn't think about anything negative(my usual toughts). That shit scared me. And from all antidepressants the most horrific storys I have read are about Effexor.
Yeah venlafaxine is crappy, so is SHITalopram. I know people that have been put on Quetiapine (an anti psychotic) and I tried a 25mg pill to help me sleep and that shit knocked me out, one person I know is on 200mg of that shit and they walk around and act normal on it and it's crazy.
50mg is a starting dose for Sertraline for mild depression. I have been on amytriptaline (can't spell that shit) for migraines and it helped a lot for the migraines. Didn't really make me happy or sad.
Effexor gave me a week of the absolute worst farts known to mankind.
Seriously; it was the middle of summer and I'm loading delivery trucks and turning the whole back of the truck into a 45C degree methane-filled Auschwitz
I understand, what I was saying about being in the same boat was that I was anti-ssri from the start.
My problem is the lack of motivation that has gradually increased over these past 4 years like I don't want to do anything anymore, suicidal thoughts, anxiety to the point where if someone would've made eye contact my heart would start racing like I was on coke, I hate this fucking shit and it came from nowhere since I wasn't always like this.
Doctor person ITT, what is so deadly about mixing MAOI's and SSRI's? It should make you double happy, kek.
>it came from nowhere since I wasn't always like this
and in that case, it may be different
still be wary of meds, though
I mean, I see your point but don't you ever talk shit about my parent's native breakfast ever again. Natto is good shit and has shit tons of probiotic. What everyone should stop abusing at the slightest sign of sickness is antibiotics. Those fucking bacteria carpet bombs fuck your whole ecosystem up. Look into new studies focusing on emotional health with relation to gut bacteria. This sounds like shaman type shit, like eating natto, but bacteria is shaman level shit.
Fix your bacteria, create a healthy balance of probiotics, and don't screw up the equilibrium with alcohol or antibiotics (unless you need them)
My english is not so good to describe effexor the way I want.
I think that pill can erease your memory. It seems like you could lose the core of your beeing, the core of who you really are and couldn't go back. It is scary.
Wellbutrin fucked my dick. Caused problems with my ex. I stopped Jew pills and got /fit/ instead.
>Having a mental illness
lol week cunt
Slowly ween yourself off. Don’t quit cold turkey, but get the fuck off of that shit.
Once done get your ass to the gym, start eating right, dump the booze, and self improve.
SSRIs are a crutch.
>everyone's a jew
back to >>//x/ with you
One thing I didn't like about Effexor and a couple of the SSRIs I tried was also that it dulled the feeling in my dick
No big deal though I just carried on with my usual routine of not having sex anyway
Don't know where people get this problem with comedown after stopping SSRI/NRI.
I didn't experience good enough results to continue with them but didn't experience problems coming off them.
>Losing memories of your past
I bet a lot of people who want these drugs would prefer to forget large portions of their lives.
cyproheptadine is supposedly quite good at getting your dick up if you have SSRI/SNRI induced dick flopping.
That's pretty dramatic but these drugs don't just work on your mood, they change brain chemistry, mental state changes as well as mood changes occur when using these drugs as it should say in your leaflet.
i suffer from premature ejaculation and it feels benefitial already(11 days of taking). I just wonder is it going to stay this way(the way my dick should actually feel, not to sensitive) or it is going to kill my libido entierly.
I had rough time, but I'm not into "earsing memory" thing. Effexor could be good for someone who was imprisoned and raped.
I had really terrible headaches and was a few months away from becoming an opiate fiend (I did consider they might have been causing the headaches but cessation didn't help). The month on SSRIs was pretty unpleasant and coming off them was worse by a couple of orders but I haven't had headaches of that intensity or frequency since.
I hit a real depressive lull last year. More so than the usual seasonal disorder when it stays dark 2/3 of the days. Nothing was getting me out of it. Was resenting the (ex) girlfriend more and more. Talked to the psych who really made me introspect and really what was bringing me down
Came out of the lull without drugs fortunately. Got a better job. Realized the girlfriends best friend was a cunt and it was rubbing off on her and by extension me. Her boyfriend at the time was a sad man. I know when my ex hung out with a better character girl that I liked, we were more positive. Started exercising more and taking vitamin D
Trying to practice more kindness and less sarcastic. I don’t have I’ll feeling toward the ex, though she plays the immature card of ignoring me every time we see each other. Still don’t like her friend, at all, when I unfortunately see her too.
Change of scenery really helped
You have to be sociopathic to commit these mass shootings. SSRIs just put these people in more of a dissociative state which make it easier for them to actually go through with it.
But, statistically you're fine, 1 in 6 Americans are on an antidepressants, and almost none of them will ever think to do anything violent.
So when he said Zoloft would be good for me he wasn't just shilling?
jesus christ 200mg, what are you an elephant?
Same with the Irish
>Doctor described mum Zoloft + valium for her severe migraines
>I've tried both
How do you even relax when being on either zoloft or valium? I felt like I was in a forced dull state.
I see, thanks for the advice.
I'm tapering off of Paxil now after many years (20mg/day). Can confirm: It's a BITCH.
I've been on them for a while, instead of being depressed I feel literally nothing and am basically a zombie
Would not recommend
This is actually very relevant to me. Thank you for the post. Are there any brands of supplemental iodine that you recommend?
LineageOSbrah? Nice to see it here.
I took ten different anti-depressants. It didn't make me feel any better, if fact I went only worse. I had several side effects, some of them dangerous, and I still suffer from the after effects. Taking antidepressants was the worst decision of my life. I'm still depressed, but I won't touch AD ever again. I don't believe in any treatment.
>being given antidepressants at 11 years old
child abuse, plain and simple
OP Read this
>SSRIs throttle "seratonin" supply
they works the opposite way, by making SEROTONIN abundant
>I don't believe in any treatment
does that include daily exercise and even the basic pursuit of happiness?
more like jet a fucking job and better yourself physically and emotionally instead of trying to shortcut progress with drugs like a lazy retard
They are the only things ever that have helped my premature ejacitation. Without them I cum in 5 seconds no joke. It's such a shame because I have no confidence without them, and with them, every other side effect is almost too much to bear.
I dont understand the robotic feeling people talk about. I took it for about 5 years and if anything it cleared my head and gave me some personality again. It's not a miracle drug but it could potentially allow you to find enough motivation to fix things in your life. Depression is very complicated and a pill is not going to just fix it, it can help you though. Make sure you lift weights while taking it (it will help you put weight on) and be prepared to have problems cumming. Getting off of it is also horrible. Bad nausea, mood swings, etc. Good luck, remember to use it as an aide, not as a cure.
I get you bro. PE made me basically avoid sex, sometimes i would cum in less than 5seconds.
Thats the only thing I miss from zoloft, the ability to fuck for a long time. I cum so fast now.
I take 50mg a day. Before I was in bed all day, no job, no drivers license, and playing video games all day.
Now I have a job, got my license, and don't play as much games anymore. Also not afraid to leave the house I stopped giving a fuck what people think too.
I might be psyopd but to me its been worth it to have a normal life.
I'm sure it would help someone who still has sufficient levels of energy and motivation, sure.
I can only talk about my own experience with Prozac. I’ve been on it for 3 years and it has helped me overall. I don’t have any sideaffects like a limp dick or anything like that but now and again my symptoms come back for a period of time.
It's a problem of causation. People that are crazy are prescribed them. So they do crazy shit. It's hard to say whether it's the pills or the fact that the person was already psycho.
Anecdotally, they've been a lifesaver for me. My anxiety was overwhelming every aspect of my life before I was on Paxil. I'm overall more happy, less anxious and depressed when I take it.
I think depression can happen for two reasons,
1. Real inadequacies in your life that you can act on.
2. Chemical imbalance of the brain
If you have #1, take steps to fix your life and maybe take the ssri's during that process. If you have #2 ssri's may be your only option.
>forced on SSRIs at 17 after years of abuse from my mom to try and make the pain go away.
>Literally almost murdered my abusive mother.
>Completely deconstructed and destroyed my personality (ie huge extrovert became incredibly introverted and overanalyzed everything to a paranoid level.
>Took me YEARS to feel like myself again. Not sure if I’ll ever be the same guy I was before that depression.
>I know Cred Forums will laugh at this but weed actually saved me. Got me out of my funk and feeling like myself again. I admit it’s a bad habit but it was hugely therapeutic for a while.
>Like I said it took me years to feel myself again. It’s a decade later and I’m only just starting to quit weed because I have finally moved beyond what happened to me. And my mother is dying now anyway so that’s nice.
My advice is stay the fuck away from SSRI’s.
They are a crutch like booze is except you don't get cirrhosis. Your doctor should evaluate if you need them every 6-12 months. They are more effective for depressive disorders, but you can take them for anxiety as well. If SSRIs don't work then you might be put on SNRIs or a dual action antidepressant like buproprion (SNRI+indirect dopamine agonist). In the end, the mechanism of depression or anxiety is unknown. Natural alternatives to try are St. Johns wart, folic acid+vitamin D or S-Adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM-e).
Did you try good sleep, exercise and healthy balanced diet and after those some supplements/vitamins first?
Infowars has a good one. Survival shield x2
>stopped giving a fuck what people think too.
>I might be psyopd but to me its been worth it
This is all you need to see, folks. No feeling, no pride, no spark of rebellion— the perfect worker bugman.
Depends on your brain, if your a paranoid Psychotic taking SRRI's is a bad idea
Yeah probably.
Dude I was doing zoloft every day for like a week and when I came off it I was so unbelievably pissed off for no reason I destroyed a retarded woman's tricycle that my roommate had stolen and hid in my shed.
My advice: drink plenty of water, do regular cardio sport (sweating), when you quit them, taper off gradually over the course of months.
In general they are safe and they work and can completely eliminate things like anxiety, but a few times a year you might get a mood swing, including abnormal anger or rage. Fighting or insulting people is not rare during these episodes. This period of anger is brief, usually a couple of hours.
Dont have guns at home if you take ssri. Leave them away, so that it takes you a couple of hours to retrieve them.
Get off em now man. Took my testosterone count from 2000 to literally 0
I suspect this is true. Mine is 165 and am on SSRI for anxiety. Had to take pams to sleep some time because of anxiety. Slightly paranoid.
I studied EE and physics. I only seem to be happy and calm while working in hard problems. Whenever I am idle, its like my mind cannot stop thinking and evaluation scenarios and potential threats. I guess madness is very close to greatness.
You are a genetic failure sorry bud no pill can save you
What, they give anti depressants to 11 yo??
Hypnagogic trance state of mind. Saudi Arabia and CIA can pump information through airwaves to your skull. Mind = receiver antenna. Hijacks seratogenic system. Mind, will, emotions. Pharmakeia sorcery.
>needing medicine so you don't feel the need to kill yourself.
Fucking degenerate weaklings.
Stick to your shitty podcast, joe. We know youre not really concerned with anyone or anything.
Prove that
>mirtazipine worked
How much weight did you gain?
Help a little bit short term, hurt long term, hard to come off.
Sucks u fell for the antidepressant meme, now your fucked
The purge will fix this. Shoot them all.
Im working in hospital in neurosurgery and spinal clinic so we are using them everyday and i wouldnt say they are bad.There is no way how could Zoloft change your mind in such way.
>go lift some weights
I was lifting weights 4-5 days per week and was pretty fucking strong and visibly muscular when I was depressed, and it didn't do fuck all for my depression. Don't act like weight training is some panacea when it's not. It works for some, but others have deeper problems
A former doctor of mine also put me on beta blockers. Worst shit ever!!!! You don't need them if your blood pressure is normal.
After having been on them for a short while many years ago it is my biggest regret. I have never felt the same. Before I was filled with motivation and energy, I was all in all not too bad. I felt emotion strongly, happiness, fear, love and sadness.
Now? I've been off of them for 5 years. They made me lazy, constantly fatigued, apathetic and bored. Never ending boredom with a lack of emotion.
If anyone is ever tempted to, going through a rough patch, please I fucking beg you with what little drop of urgency I can be fucked to... DON'T DO IT. That shit seriously fucks your brain up so bad by rewiring it. It doesnt stop you feeling depressed and make you happy again, it kills all your emotion so that instead of feeling depressed you just don't feel anything. I know friends who have had similar experiences and one or two that were so desperate to just FEEL again that they got into some heavy shit. The big hits of heroin re the only times they feel any emotion at all anymore. Your brain is sacred, don't fuck it up
Neuroscientist here, this guy is making a ton of really overreaching assumptions about how modular the brain actually is
Beta blockers are hell, I took them for about a month and it made me depressed as shit. I was taking them for SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia) to make it happen less often. I just deal with it now it barely even happens
I used to ride bikes a LOT. After a month of serious training I started to get damage in my thighs, groin and genitals.I know now that it was nerve compression, but my fucking cunt whore of a doctor for weeks on end continued to attempt to convince me it was all psychological. What it was happened to be a shit seat, but, she was hard selling me these things so in the end oit of spite I said fuck you fine and popped some pills. It didn't help the bollock issues, at all. I told her and time after time "give it time"... I've never been the same again. Up to that poknt in my life I had sworn I would never take antidepressants because I knew they were unnatural and fucked with your brain. Now I wish I'd had listened to my gut.
OP is a Faggot, pic related.
From 10 to 21, parents had me on so many pills it's impossible to name them all
Many were SSRI.
it makes you not depressed by burning out your receptors, your no longer sad because you dont feel anything, they make you emotional dead
>also it makes it physicaly impossible for you to cum,
It stops sending any signals, it's a fucking disaster
>Doctors are not evil, they are not part of a conspiracy.
Shut up, shill.
Ask your doctor trust your doctor