Why does US media use the word 'Russia' so goofy and awkwardly...

Why does US media use the word 'Russia' so goofy and awkwardly? They use it as if it's single evil person conspiring against the US people, almost like a caricature. I am not a native English speaker and even to me it seems like they are butchering the English language and not being at all specific in the claims they make. Phrases like "what Russia wants" and "Trump has taken no action to protect public from Russia" don't seem to really mean anything specifically, they read like just vague accusations.

Most people seem to be satisfied enough with this kind of journalism. I guess it's because the majority of people will only read a headline of an article and automatically take it as a fact or watch TV which is basically the same thing since it's 100% controlled. I feel bad for Americans because they have to live in a country where the media is so awful and takes every chance to get them to be paranoid and divided.

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Israel literally and obviously controls our government and absolutely did more interference than Russia but the media will never point it out.

>conspiracy theories
>Steele was hired by the FBI -fact
>GPS was funded By the DNC and Hillary -fact
>GPS bough oppo research from Steele -fact
but Trump is being blackmailed by Putin is not a 'conspiracy theory'

oh and Steele got info from the dossier allegedly from russian informants, i don't know if this was 100% confirmed though

>CNN accuses Trump of floating conspiracy theories
>After over a year of claiming he colluded with Russia while providing zero proof

this was before the memo was published, makes it way better imo

>They use it as if it's single evil person conspiring against the US people, almost like a caricature.
it's a way to dehumanize them to create tribal sentiments; unity under a common threat

>after a year of screaming about plots involving russians, shitposters and pepe the frog, MSM are now throwing around the "conspiracy theory" label



but it seems that Russians did commit election fraud

>and -- wait for it -- the FBI
But he's right. The FBI paid Steele for at least one dossier.

The evidence:


Muh conspiracy

CNN is obviously fake news. Kill yourself. lol

>Why does US media use the word 'Russia' so goofy and awkwardly?
Because the US media gets its talking points from the "Intelligence Community". Typical IC tactics to blame everything on Muh Russians. The problem for the MSM and IC is that this is not the early 2000's and they are not pushing the lie of WMDs in Iraq to boomers. They can't lie their way out of this one.

Russia didn't alter the result of the 2016 election.

rosenstein himself said it did not affect election results. funny how MSM never mentions that.

by 2020 the headlines will be:
>Trump said that he will just 'maybe' run for a second term and now he's definitively running, another lie and a broken promise.

Almost nobody in the states watches CNN anymore.

you mean the handful of twatter and faceberg accounts?

Rosenstein himself said nothing in that indictment suggests that Russia altered the results.

He also said nothing in the indictment suggests any Americans cooperated knowingly with the Russians literally while a guy in California was pleading guilty to that.

>in the indictment

Plenty of people watch CNN because CNN provides them with their anti-Trump news fix. CNN is like a cable news drug for leftist. They get high off of all the Trump hate.

Why the fuck are you even giving one second of your time to (((CNN)))? Fuck, even retarded magapdes know better than to do that.

What about boomers? Also they still have a really big presence on the internet.

This discussion is intended to be about all media outlets, in general, and the language they choose to use.

Because when we say "Russia" we mean "the Russian government", which works because the Russian government often does have unified goals, a unified foreign policy, and speaks with one official voice

Note that news media doesn't often say "United States" in the same unilateral context anymore, they say "democrats" or "ISP's" or "the NRA", because the US is extremely divided in it's goals and ideology

Russia is run by competing Jewligarchs and does the necessary for power and wealth. Of course it's an enemy of its competitors as they are Russia's enemies. The last Russian government not an enemy was exterminated by Bolsheviks which fate it invited by spectacular incompetence and Tsarist degeneracy (Rasputin ring any bells?).

The Russians are good at maskirovka, playing all sides, but Putin serves Tel Aviv because oligarchs have no international influence without Jewish support.

The average Russian citizen is fine. What they are collectively referring to is the Kremlin and the Oligarch's destroying the country and irritating the rest of the world.
They should focus on self-improvement instead of meddling.

It's pretty fucking obvious what their agenda is...

The mysterious Twitter accounts named in Robert Mueller's indictment Friday were long-suspected of being sock puppets of a Russian influence operation, with a Texas contact recommending to focus on purple swing states. Now, a federal grand jury has agreed.
@TEN_GOP & @tpartynews = Alex Jones. Pamela Geller. Breitbart. Russia Today.
LOL! You're all going to prison for conspiracy.

This guy gets it

Literally kill yourself shill

>often does have unified goals
>unified foreign policy
>speaks with one official voice
So glad I could finally talk to an expert about the mechanism of the Russian government. I'm sure you 100% know what you're talking about. Can you please explain what the Russian government, as a whole, would get from having Donald Trump as president?

*desperate pathetic shill


They aren’t vague accusations though. Their modus operandi was outlined clearly in the FBI report.

Don’t like the journalism? Read the source.

Reported for Russian shilling

Viewership keeps going down and down.


The younger boomers were probably the first to get disgusted with the endless virtue signalling. The older ones are probably just senile or on the verge of it.

take it easy user

Because the Saudi Arabians that own our media do not like Russia and Iran

Tick tock

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Waleed_bin_Talal this guy?

Because it generates revenue
That's literally it

Because it's propaganda, not journalism

>Saudi Arabians
user, I...

If the narrative is that Russian-bought political ads are interference in our elections, & that people from Trump's sphere speaking with Russians is collusion...then how is having 35plus members of the house & senate holding dual Israeli citizenship NOT outright infiltration?
>Gary Ackerman (D-NY)
>Shelley Berkley (D-NV)
>Howard Berman (D-CA)
>Eric Cantor (R-VA)
>David Cicilline (D-RI)
>Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
>Susan Davis (D-CA)
>Ted Deutch (D-FL)
>Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Barney Frank (D-MA)
>Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ)
>Jane Harman (D-CA)
>Steve Israel (D-NY)
>Sander Levin (D-MI)
>Nita Lowey (D-NY)
>Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
>Jared Polis (D-CO)
>Steve Rothman (D-NJ)
>Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
>Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
>Adam Schiff (D-CA)
>Brad Sherman (D-CA)
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
>Henry Waxman (D-CA)
>John Yarmuth (D-KY)
>Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
>Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
>Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
>Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
>Al Franken (D-MN)
>Herb Kohl (D-WI)
>Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ)
>Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT)
>Carl Levin (D-MI)
>Charles Schumer (D-NY)
>Ron Wyden (D-OR)
>Michael Bennet (D-CO)
They sit on the Ways and Means committee, the Appropriations committee...the Intelligence committee...can you imagine if they were dual Russian citizens? If any effort needed an operation to get the word out to normies, it's this one. Absolutely no one I've mentioned this to had any idea this was true. We need to petition the White House to sign an executive order banning dual citizens from holding office, or something.

No they didn't.


Obummer dindu nuffin? Mueller dindu nuffin? In 2008 or 2009 or 2014?

Are you actually retarded? Seek help.

Well yeah but what's there to do about this? Do you see a possible future where voters read with understanding and are critical towards all information sources?

The Mueller indictment is a joke. Fake news corporate media are having to say with a straight face that busting trolls is some big thing despite 1. The Clinton campaign publicly having paid millions in to Correct the Record and ShareBlue, with foreign money often ultimately paying for that 2. Many countries obviously doing this (what are the BBC US election editorials if not a British government funded effort to influence American opinion?) 3. The fucking first amendment and 4. These Russians are in Russia and therefore not showing up to defend themselves and point out all of the above and more.

It's a sham of an investigation and it's attacks on trolls and free speech is just it's latest offense against American law

Rosenstein starting to look Schiffy there...

Go back to Olgino.

I would love some nooky. Yes, please.

Just leave my boy kinamania alone and we're cool. Anyone got an original dendy the want to trade for a NES?

Take It Easy by the Eagles.

Thank you, Mr. Whataboutism. Try to stay on topic.


>it actually was funded by the Democrats and the FBI by their own admissions
>Russians were paid to spew bullshit
>The entire Russian interference conspiracy is a conspiracy to begin with
What the fuck is CNN doing? Are they just completely out of reality now?

I guess fuc*ing with another country's elections are no big deal...GTFO.
1. bbbbut Benghazi. STFU
2. While internal election manipulation is frowned upon, external election manipulation is prohibited by law. GYHOOYA
3. 1st Amendment applies to citizens of the host nation, not foreign nationals or govt's. dumba*s.
4. Irrelevant, when acting on behalf of a foreign power. I'm sorry you're so stupid, that you don't understand foreign policy and international law.
You're just jelly you got caught.
Good night, Boris!

>Russians buying faceberg ads = not okay.
>Russians giving money to Clinton foundation who then give it to shareblue who then buys faceberg ads = Okay
I guess you're right Schlomo. Shut it down goys

fucq it bump this post

Because it's a conditioning word. They're trying to condition their target audience to elicit a negative emotional response to the word "RUSSIA" alone.

No, this isn't a joke.

This is what my instinct tells me, do you have any other examples where I can find similiar behaviour in the media?

It will get to the point in two years where you are unable to even use the word "Russia" without them getting hysterical.

The same vector was used for Trump's name.

Just follow their key phrases, they spread them like an STD.

This. I'm very surprised Maryland kike Jamie Raskin didn't make the list.

Propaganda, which Obama legalized.

>Marine renter
>Mueller's a marine
>Refuses to charge Trump with treason after almost 2 years of intense investigation

Do you think the marines are colluding to take down the DNC?

The least they could do is make smith-mundt shit funny.

Sorry, leaf! Wrong pic!


this. No media is real news. They're given a story by the editor and when corporate agrees they send it to marketing to develop the phrasing and shove it out to all outlets who run it all the same way.

Fox is just as control they only give them different stories so to keep appearances.

That's clearly trying to cause mass hysteria, wtf?

because its all a euro game of thrones... Russia would have gone to the defense of the Hapsdburgs in WWI and then the swiss/german/easternEUroyals would not be ruling the world... so Russia is an old fear for the empire... but the eu winners gave them a revolution purge just like france all via pamphlet propaganda... question is are you enjoying your new and improved internet propaganda today???

That's not election fraud

He's not wrong you faggot. Look up operation mockingbird


isn't that exactly what happened though? The DNC paid FusionGPS to dig up some dirt on the Trump campaign so they hired Steele to create a fake dossier that the FBI took to a FISA court in order to start surveillance

that CNN article was posted before the memo was released, I can only find different screenshots of it but no archive link so it may still have been e dited

-- wait for it --

Let's face it, if Hillary won and the exact same stories of corroboration and with Russians (with the same shaky evidence) were floating around, Fox News would be doing exactly what CNN is doing and you guys would be acting and thinking exactly how the left are.

>nearly all of them are Dems
Imagine my shock

>-wait for it-

except the clinton cunt DID collude with russians
and evidence of that are not exactly shaky

Round them up and kill them all

>and - wait for it -
Why is this acceptable in journalism? This isn't fucking twitter, act professionally. I used to lament I didn't do photojornalism in school, but holy fuck did I dodge a bullet staying out of that cesspool.

that honestly seems like a v comfy job if you don't have to travel a lot. like for local news and whatnot.


Yes goyim Russia tried to undermine you and render you a minority it's not (((us))) Hahaha go kill some slavs now

Why is your use of the word "awkwardly" so awkward?

Please explain the error so I don't repeat it again, how would you write it?

honestly look what normal (deep state installed) presidents have done.
Not Normal is a good thing.


they say 'Russian' because they can't say Putin, you retard, can't implicate a foreign leader without evidence. Unless that leader is Donald Trump

ITT: shills and idiots. Aka dumbass pol