Did anyone watch Mike debate this Kike in redneck clothing? He got so triggered when Mike told him they have to leave.
Mike "Deport them all to Israel" Enoch
Why are 90% of alt righters virgins/fat neckbeards/NEETs/weaklings? Is this the best they have to offer? Sad!
kike first post
And here comes JIDF like flees attracted to shit.
That Halsey guy is such piece of shit
>(((mike enoch)))
>those facial features
listen good goyim, he'll save you!
watching a sophist jew argue with a lying jew, wow
what is it with these 'debates'? they started out of nowhere and all the sudden get way more views than even the personalities that participate get. is this some sort of ploy for alt righters to practice arguing with people in public since most of spencer's media appearances make him look retarded?
Sure is a lot of Jewish shills here.
Doesn't surprise me considering that the SPLC and the ADL closely monitor Cred Forums now.
>look at me i don't know about e-celebs
You're on your own, faggot. You impress no one.
Where is this list from?
might as well not have posted anything, user
>He's totally a Jew like us gggg-guys?
enoch is jewish, are there still people who dispute this?
im posting ops ('''halsey''') info to baph right now.. check it
True, he redpilled 80k normies just being the kike he is
>enoch is jewish, are there still people who dispute this?
Hello, antifa
Why would I want to watch 2 jews arguing with each other for an hour?
Out of curiosity, where does he live? I'm guessing NYC/tri state area but he doesn't have the accent
Watch him destroy a real Jew - starting 1:30
peinovich makes good arguments, but that doesn't change the fact that he's from the tribe; admitted it in his discussion with rufus
Mike is not a jew
Speaking rhetorically.
Halsey destroyed him. I guarantee you if you broadcast this debate worldwide Enoch would become the laughingstock of the internet. The only people claiming he won are biased to the point of mental illness.
Ok, faggot
Found the Jew.
found the mentally deranged idiot who would stomp on a baby if someone proved to him it was part jewish and nobody was watching
Naw, just send it to Siberia to never return.
Makes sense, this place is indeed shit (no thanks to you).
why does he have eyes like a dead fish?
mental gymnastic gold medal; he said that in a white ethnostate there (ideally) would be exceptions made only for jewish people who have done a lot for the movement and 'i think in my case I have demonstrated that"
then the podcast was
>delet this
a few days later
you guys are lost causes, i'll bet you brainlets even donated money to this new york heeb
If you deny that Halsey won the debage you are a legit lost cause. You are so biased that your opinions means nothing. When the moment comes you won't be able to tell what's right and what's wrong because you are so brainwashed. People like you need to be labeled.
>you can't win, you can't win, you can't win, you can't win, as i said, as i said, as i said, you can't win, you can't win
that user ID tho
>apropos for this thread
If you can manifest your opinion in reality, it doesn't matter if others don't believe it. Didn't you learn anything from jewery?
Besides the kikes in this thread? No
You are a Britfag, get RAPED BY PAKIS nigger.
His wife was a jew. Btw goebbels looked like a jew too
Et tu?
hefty won the debate in the sense that he steadfastly and confidently presented and maybe even himself thinks that his viewpoints were correct and obviously doesn't care about his clear double standards; essentially rule 4 of saul alinsky's rule for radicals, make your opponent live up to his own standards while you don't have to-the debate.
for anyone who was actually keeping score on points made/refuted, he made himself look like unreasonable, conceited, derisive, overly defensive, thin skinned, and basically had no arguments. he acted like a fool.
Def not a jew, senpai. Just not a kike like you.
what happened to his face. he looks like a burn victim recently. and his opinions changed too since new year. did he got replaced by a cia asset?
Enoch has a DNAandme proof he isn't a jew.
Does that fagoot JF literally call in from a port-a-potty or something? Does he live under the stairs at someone's house? He's cramped into a goddamn 2'x2' box with a massive plant right in his stupid fucking face every single time he's on camera.
Fuck that stupid loser.
>If you deny that Halsey won the debage you are a legit lost cause
You gotta be out of your mind.
Even if I was the most bluepilled normie I'd laugh at that guy, he made an ass of himself and Jewish people
Next time the rabbi should tell him to stop fucking talking
Enoch was literally screaming at one point. He is the least defensive "minority" I've ever come across in a debate. The thing is Mike Enoch is so uninformed and only has 2 arguments so it's easy to defend against anything he says and point out how ridiculous it is. The point of a debate is not to think you're on the right side but rather present your arguments and counter any argument the other side makes. If you go into it with a very clear bias you are probably gonna lose.
t. JIDF fag
No one "wins" these debates, people just whine and bitch for a few hours. These debates are hard for me to even listen to the people debating are so spergy and always cutting each other off. The Sargon debates are funny though so I listen to them.
>trusting a jew telling you that he's not a jew
you have to go back
Found the newnigger.
Jews have eyebrows, a very unique lip structure, and a sloped forehead. Mike has none of these.
Just admit it broski its on tape, the walls are closing in. People can make their own determination as to whether or not he has to go. I can’t trust someone who has misrepresented himself for so long.
enoch is a kike roflstomp yoself
look here 23andme would love to put lots of non-white DNA into his shit.
>jews signed the declaration of independence!
Of the people who would listen to these podcasts I wonder if there's any who would think halsey's bullshitting was true.
department of corrections...putting non-white dna into your shit for the duration of your stay
I agree with you. The problem is that people like Enoch and Richard Spencer and the lesser known alt righters don't think of them as debates. They see them as recruitment tools. JF is obviously biased as fuck and andy is glad to oblige but you still need the audience to be there. That's why they are so pissed about Sargon refusing to be a part of it anymore. The only debates that grabbed a meaningful audience were the ones with him in it.
I know. I'm tired of fags saying he is a kike. I've seen kike chicks, I would want to fuck some. Just beause he had a kikefucking deathwish doesn't mean he was a kike and it doesn't mean he is wrong about kikes or about anything else.
yeah i agree, Pienovich look flustered because he was raising his voice. did you know that doesn't mean you won or lost a debate? I would have been getting upset too if i had to argue against classic jew tactics like Hefty was using; so gd frustrating. no arguments, just repeating over and over that "nobody likes you!"
You have to be drawn and quartered.
How can you take that retarded looking faggot seriously?
Rhetorical. He was speaking as if he was a person who had mixed jew blood. i.e. Robert Downey Jr
It's a moot point because the alt right doesn't really believe in anything america stood for they just want it to be japan for white people. But there were founding fathers that many people debate were jewish to this day.
jf definitely has an opinion but biased would seem to suggest undo influence, when in fact he doesn't often get in the way and when he does he mostly just restates what people have said for confirmation/clarification.
I will never get over the fact that your idol has the beadiest eyes i have ever seen
As dark as the abyss,as treacherous as a dark chasm
What's wrong with Japan for Whites?
he admitted to being a kike, brainlet and he also lied about his wife not knowing that he did a white supreemesist podcast since before the fallout she recited the Fascist version of Twas the night before christmas poem. Why are we rehashing this fucking bullshit AGAIN? who would trust him after so much lying? only the most gullible.
>”among fellow jews”
If you look at some of the images Enoch is in you can tell he doesn't look like hes happy at all. Sad depressed as fuck. Look at him now looks happy as fuck to be out of that jewish and nigger shithole.
Who would trust you who has done nothing for Whites?
Keep shilling fag, not working.
Not really, he raised his voice twice and he was controlled, as a joke
Mike was trying not to laugh in his face for being the most stereotypical impersonation of the Happy Merchant in real life
I think Mike was quiet and laughing most of the time because he thought "damn this kike is digging himself a grave so I should let him speak more to finish himself off". The kike lacked that self awareness
already proven wrong here
Is this the protocols?
JF is pretty much alt right but also a moderator. It's ridiculous. How can you say having an openly biased moderator is gonna lead to a good debate unless you are rooting for a certain outcome?
Japan is an obsolete shithole that's been passed by every other meaningful asian country because of how closed minded and insane they are.
Good for him, sometimes you take stock and realise that you would have done things differently.
>Japan, passed up
Now I KNOW you are a kike.
>creating a honeypot and convincing the goyim to give their personal information via donating shekels
>creating heilgate at npi conference to give white identitarians the worst possible image
>doing something for whites
If his name is really Enoch, he's a fucking kike, you idiots.
What you think the founding fathers intentions were is incorrect though.
>Being a homo raging on Cred Forums.
Kill yourself Sargon
Haha. Dummy.
From Cred Forums can't you see?
Nobody is passing it up. It's a shitty country with subhuman men and women who hate them. It'll be one of the first countries to go extinct without a major conflict.
Listen to me you fucks, enough of this eceleb bullshit. Enough. No more stop this childish pointless armchair commentary. These threads are started by these scumbag entertainers for views and a follow. They are making a career out of you. They don't care, they are all cowards. Enough take it to Cred Forums no more giving your attention to these rats these sophist morons, these clowns.
He biased in the sense that he here's the both sides arguments and is swayed by the alt rights side and not swayed by the opposition. In the market place of ideas the alt right is winning, put head to head. Why the opposition is doing what they can to keep them from the general public.
You are from Britain, faggot. Your country will go extinct before Japan, I assure you.
because a lot of times white nationalist sentiment stems out of sexual frustration. Notice how every semi-decent looking right-wing girl spewing Cred Forums talking points immediately acquires thousands of subs.
t. vice
Notice how ever leftwing hot chick is a movie starlet?
keep believing that you weeb
Japan is literally the number one argument against an ethnostate. It's a shitty country full of unhappy people who would be way happier if they just got some contact with the outside world.
I think Halsey was reasonable. He's saying that if if you're going to do it expect a fight.
Why would a country that has less geographical area than California be worried if its population became less than 125 million? You are fucking dumb.
t. Leftypol
Every word that comes out of your mouth would be expected out of any Jews mouth.
The only reason Soygoy attracts an audience is that everyone loves to see his smug ass getting btfo every time.
Contact with the outside world just like England, right? With your shity brown capital.
0/10, halsey was trying to get a sound bite of evil racist nazi(tm) alt right saying they want killing in the face of the other side repeatedly saying it doesn't work that way.
You're one dumb kike. Japan is increasing it's birth rate and thriving
They have 0 crime, people sleep drunk on the streets of Tokyo at 2am and no one bats an eye
Japan is an example of why pure states work. We'll make you leave US/Europe and ship you hook-nosed sandniggers back to Palestine. You can go to Iran if they let you tho
They need for falafel and tacos and brown people in their country making them in order to feel happy....
Anyone see Mike and Spencer debate with that howler monkey nigger Tree? This bitch tries to come off as being respectable, but as her arguments fall apart she becomes angry and throws out personal attacks. I'd like to see her get torn apart in the blood sports.
Because he's one of the most popular political youtubers. Richard Spencer's videos on youtube get less than 10k views on average and he's like the biggest alt right youtuber who goes on these debates. They have nowhere left to go. It'll be the same autistic audience unless they can convince some big youtubers to come debate them which seems unlikely at this point.
Hi Sargon.
I tried watching the first one and quit, waste of time, didn't bother with the second.
Can you explain why they are so miserable, xenophobic and so prone to suicide? Do you really think it doesn't hurt them one bit when they see people discuss Japan on the internet and it's always mockery? Can you explain why they are so in love with Apple products? Their lives are miserable and you are celebrating that.
It's the same with all of them, they realize petty insults/fraud accusations will only get them so far
The get btfo by alt-right leadership like Enoch, Spencer, etc.
If this is the best the Chosen people could offer as opposition, they won't last long in a pre-identitarian society. It's high time for a white ethno state, free of Jews and non-white parasites.
>So miserable when people attack them on the Internet for being Japanese and embracing their own culture..
Attacked by Jews Like You.
It's in their nature, they've been killing themselves for centuries now, adding people to replace them isn't going to fix that.
So you would agree that Israel needs diversity in order to feel happy and fulfilled?
>always mockery
Well this isn't true, there's a whole sub culture of non japs infatuated with Japan and Japanese.
>Japan is so miserable
Stupid Brit has never heard West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys
20.7% of Isreal is non-jews. Less than 1% of Japan is non-japanese.
Why is that the only podcast I can't get
A left chicken wing?
It's Serbian genetics.
>let me finish
>I didn’t interrupt you
Finnish and Serbian retard
Jews promote these altkiker in Pol /, the whole audience comes from Pol /.
trump, altkike, AFD threads are 100% jew bots
So you agree that more diversity for Israel will make then more happy. In fact Israel would be happier if it was a majority-minority country.
Thanks for the illustration, that does explain a lot.
Sure thing Brazil flag how are those the falvelas working out. I didn't look up how to spell that stupid fucking word because it doesn't matter because I don't live in a shithole like Brazil.
I think you bringing up Israel in the first place in a discussion about japs is the dumbest non-argument ever. Unless you believe jews secretly control the planet. Which in itself invites an entirely different argument.
isnt he jewish? why do some many jews have high positions in the meme-righ- ohhh.
He's talking about himself being Serbian and Serbs aren't white retard
Stop blowing this kike, they have their identity and will never let go of it even if you "win" a debate with them. So they can spin your wheels endlessly.
We need to think of ways to remove them from our countries and never let them in again, like the Arabs have done half a century ago. They shipped all their kikes to Israel.
>Not expecting people would get angry when a fat beady-eyed neck-beard tells her she will get her nationality stripped off because of her skin pigment
The fact that this beady-eyed motherfucker acts "suprised" when people berserk just shows how privileged he is. If you say how deporting people based on their skin color will be the norm in his future ethno-state , do you really think people are just gonna put up with your shit?
> the state of your brain
> you claiming Jews don't run the planet
I'll btfo him until this thread is archived.
Didn't he saw say that he himself is a jew?
>see the kike get exposed and get mad starting at 1:03:00
You Cred Forumstards truly are the dumbest. If jews control the planet why would japs not wanna be like them? Why would any group of people not want to control the planet? Why aren't white people in control of the planet but a group of people you consider inferior are instead?
Top kek/10
what were those quotes the super chatters sent in?
>Mike "Help more Jews make Aliyaa to Israel" Enoch
This guy doesn't know how to stop at minor race treason, does he? I used to balk at faggots saying alt-right was Jewish controlled OP, but at this point, what do faggots like Enoch and Spencer actually preach that differs from the Zionist agenda?
No, he doesn't
I know you shouldn't have. Why even post, you stupid faggot?
No u
That all Jews should leave white countries so whites don't have to kill them all.
Jews know about the way they do things, and everything you imply about their power directly or indirectly.
They just underestimate these alt-right guys and talk to them like they're toddlers using arguments like "jews are not a hivemind" or "I am not religious" or "you think we're all in on a global conspiracy" and end up looking retarded the way this "Halsey" guy did here.
You'll get nowhere arguing with Jews because your identities are opposite and your tribal interests will always collide. They want the Jewish tribe to win, you want the white tribe to win. Basically everything that works to your interest goes against theirs, and they know it so they try to come up with a median solution that allows them to keep living in our countries unaffected.
However, this is not working anymore because our ideas spread. Namely the idea of a Jew-free white country. I think we should shift all our efforts to the ethno-state and call them out when they're against it, taking up a higher moral ground because if they're against our survival that means we have to defend ourselves from them. Which will give us the right to kill/deport them.
You are arguing that jews took control of planet earth without a single major conflict, something that has never been done in human history. You are literally saying that jews have accomplished more in a few decades as far as conflict is concerned than any white man has done in history. How are you not advocating for jews being the superior race?
Mike is not a Jew. You can look up his 23andme
If being a sneaky, devious, unhonorable brainwashing victim of a fake 6 million person Holocaust is superior, I'll take being (((inferior))) any day.
is not an argument
>post literally censored for being spam for calling out reeing poltards
>They have 0 crime, people sleep drunk on the streets of Tokyo at 2am and no one bats an eye
Proof? I hear this same tired like get repeated over and over on here by people that’ll never step foot in Japan once in their life. I guarantee no matter where you are, you fall asleep drunk in the street all night, you’re getting robbed. Don’t care what some anime watching fag that never goes outside says
Enoch is an inbred Kike. Look at those features. If you knew what inbred southern folk look like, then this man is perfect for the match. If you need an example then go watch deliverance. It really amazes me how you guys would choose to argue for and with someone when they would quickly see you hung. The only idiot you can count on this world is yourself. Remember that larptards.
that kike btfod that other kike.
I don’t know who’s jewing who!
>That all Jews should leave white countries
Specifically to Israel, where they will be allowed to have a sovereign nuclear armed state in the proximity of many oil producing nations? Sounds like a reward for attempting to genocide our race, not a punishment. This is also the zionist agenda: to force every Jew to migrat to israel and leave the diaspora, to justify the creation of "Eretz Israel" (greater israel). The alt-right shills for greater israel, but they justify it according to their watered down version of white nationalism. All I'm saying is that its interesting how alt-right spends the majority of its time attacking more radical white nationalists and NS/Fascists, while shilling for Zionist goals as if these are "white nationalist goals". Is it a white nationalist goal to serve "greater israel"?
In the same way that cancer or AIDS might be superior to the host, sure.
Is their any doubt you are a Jew at this point?
Wrong, Jew.
>Mike is not a jew
He looks like a jew. He's married to a Jew. He claims to be alt-right, which is a movement created by a jew called Paul (((Gottfried))).
You have to wonder why these people, who are part of networks that are clearly jewish, would ever advocate on behalf of europeans who want to escape jewish influence.
Kike Enoch, and the rest of these alt-righters, these are the jews who put you in the gulag once their compatriots have performed a coup d'etat. It's textbook controlled opposition. This thread is full of jewish shills trying to snare goyim, that's all it is, and they will say and do anything to put blinders on you.
Wrong, faggot.
I'm a slav but I wish I was. According to this board being a jew is pretty much being a demigod.
But the west is doing better than ever by every objective metric.
Whether he's a jew by blood or not doesn't matter after he hid his jewish wife as 1488 inside the movement. He even had her on his show making 'jews in ovens" jokes to help hide her jewish identity.
Whatever, kike. You will be exposed for the vermin you are.
Then convert, go to Israel or gas yourself and never come back.
>look at me, I’m a gullible goy that needs to watch e-celebs because I can’t comprehend what’s happening in the world without some neckbearded fags interpretation
Ok, Sheckelberg.
There were short-term gains from cheap labor for sure, but now our societies are fragmented beyond repair, the US is about to collapse, massive civil unrest in Europe, I wouldn't say it'll work out in the long run.
Present some meaningful arguments you dumbfuck. Cred Forums is a shithole but think for yourself for once.
United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization,” March 26, 1790
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court of record in any one of the States wherein he shall have resided for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such Court that he is a person of good character, and taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by law to support the Constitution of the United States, which Oath or Affirmation such Court shall administer, and the Clerk of such Court shall record such Application, and the proceedings thereon; and thereupon such person shall be considered as a Citizen of the United States. And the children of such person so naturalized, dwelling within the United States, being under the age of twenty one years at the time of such naturalization, shall also be considered as citizens of the United States. And the children of citizens of the United States that may be born beyond Sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born Citizens: Provided, that the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States: Provided also, that no person heretofore proscribed by any States, shall be admitted a citizen as aforesaid, except by an Act of the Legislature of the State in which such person was proscribed.
So not forget Mr.Metojew and the "oi vei it's like Jerry Springer you can't criticize us Goyim"
Except for the fact that people are arguing for Lord Nelson's column to be taken down because it's racist.
>but now our societies are fragmented beyond repair
mostly because of reactionary idiots like you and people on the left who just want more power without having to work for it
>the US is about to collapse, massive civil unrest in Europe
pls tell me you actually believe this. in a decade you will be making the same posts
I don't want to be ruled over by women, minorities, faggots and trannies and pieces of shit that hate the West, and Jews. You need any more?
Enoch is an inbred Kike. Look at those features. If you knew what inbred southern folk look like, then this man is perfect for the match. If you need an example then go watch deliverance. It really amazes me how you guys would choose to argue for and with someone when they would quickly see you hung. The only idiot you can count on this world is yourself. Remember that larptards.
You are a massive faggot and a Jew shill. Go OD somewhere.
"Do you really think it doesn't hurt them one bit when they see people discuss Japan on the internet and it's always mockery" I have never seen or heard this in my life, who is mocking Japan? Literally nobody except in a joking non-serious like people do with EVERY country.
Ok, whatever you say Jew.
That's the thing, even though it is my personal belief that most of the high tier kikes know that 6 gorillion Jews were not gassed, the idea that a goy would (rightfully) imprison them in camps for the duration of the war so they could not do subversive kike shit is just as bad to them.
The idea of the Chosen being subjugated by the goyim is the worst possible thing.
Even just EXCLUDING Jews from something good you got going on will psychologically wreck a neurotic Jew.
Only Jews and SWPL shitlibs that have jewbrain mock Japan.
the entire alt right movement hates the west. the west never meant "white people only"
most people on this can't even agree what white is
55 posts. Enough said.
These are (((SUPERIOR))) peoples according to the SlavKike from Britbongistan in here.
SARGON? How's your stepkid, jewcocksucker?
Kike, nough said.
All western nations were 90-99% white until after WW2.
>most people on this can't even agree what white is
Are you fucking kidding Hameed al Burka Durka Makmood?
We've gone over this.
Shit even the skeptics have gone over this.
You're doing a great impression of "jews signed the declaration of independence" halesy.
You seem to be new here Shekelstein, you make 1st grade comebacks like all new jews who arrive here
Learn from israeli shitposters. You'll be living there soon anyway
Sargon, what is a puddle?
Posting in a controlled opposition thread.
Hey, jew, I mean no disrespect, but you do know that the 'chosen' will serve the goy right? I know you can't stand it and want to sacrifice every western whitey in blood libel to disapprove the truth, but it won't stop it.
Your mom is controlled opposition
Right, latetothethreadfag.
What's wrong, goy, got your tongue? Enjoy eternal damnation with Moloch, JEW. HAHAHA
As long as you continue to attack the Jew, I will induge you.
I got blocked from posting. I guess you cunts are reporting me non-stop. This board is irredeemable. Literal echo chamber. Fuck the mods on here.
Its from the mental gymnastics autism they all share. Same people that say white Antifa are racist towards whites yet the Cruz guy cant be a white supremacist because he isnt white enough. Or like the point you made how they think Jews are inferior yet they blame them for oppressing whites and controlling everything. Zero logic just willful ignorance
jews own you
if you are circumcised you are their property
>Buy up all the property in Israel
>Fund Nazi movements in the West
>Sell them property when they arrive at inflated prices
>Become the king of Juden
Indeed, forgive me false one but remember, do unto others as they do unto to you. I think it's only fair that you get a bit of payback considering all the heretical lies you've been spreading. Comical it may be that you get paid for such low tier larping.
Sarg’n Sarg’nnn this is not your run of the mill thread in case you didn’t notice. Full damage control engaged by Enoch and the gang.
Mike is great. Jews know the power of "if you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth". They will never do anything but counter signal your movement without offering another option. Don't let them holohoax you.
>Hurr durr activate buzzword
This is why nobody will ever take alt right faggots seriously. You are literally SJW's. I can't believe that a Cred Forums board became a fucking safe space.
>Cred Forums is a hivemind
>all Nazis/far-right people are the same
I thought Jews were smart?
>Cred Forums is a hivemind
>all Nazis/far-right people are the same
Both are true for the most part
Lastly, before this thread is flooded with more of your false band of fellowmen. Who do YOU, YOU define as jews? Not your larping retards, YOU,
They are literally trying to block me from speaking and cheering it on. What kind of human being does shit like this and how do they justify it?
take off the mask halsey.
>Or like the point you made how they think Jews are inferior
No one on here has claimed Jews are inferior, that is a complete strawmen. All complains against Jews are about a few of them in key positions undermining white interests.
Jews are a hivemind too then. You all have the same views and agree on the same things.
For instance, you agree white privilege is real. There are no conservative Jews. All Jews are leftists.
Oh wait
No one is blocking you from speaking you paranoid fuck.
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Go submit an appeal at your local synagogue
The fact people like you exist here, and the threads that get the most attention are the ones that present a different viewpoint.
do you believe in free speech or not? do you believe in freedom or not? are you racist SJW's or not?
I just don't like you but you get (Yous) here because you said you're Jewish
Otherwise you have the mental scope of a high schooler based on what I've seen you post in this thread
I'm not even jewish. Halsey won the argument plain and simple. Mike Enoch is a moron. I'm not gonna pretend otherwise to appease some collectivist retards.
Why do you have to believe in any such thing? All such things are fabrications used to exploit the weak and ignorant. You will burn forever for this false one.
>here we go again with the mutts telling us who's white and who's not
He made an ass of himself and Jewish people, making them look like butthurt losers/hypocrites
If you saw that as winning I really believe you're not Jewish
One things is for sure hasley, you like spreading lies about the founders of America.
A Jew claims the HOLOCAUST happened and gaining ISRAEL for it was just.
>do you believe in free speech
>do you believe in freedom or not?
>are you racist SJW's or not?
Strawman, most people before the 1960s were racist. Racist wasn't even a word until the 20th century it was just obvious to prefer your own against foreigners.
Racist? Subjective label, but very much interested in the interest of whites.
Social Justice Warrior? Not even sure the term has a generally accepted meaning anymore, but no. Although it is a social injustice to America that there are people in American government whose allegiances are suspect at best.
He debunked everything Mike Enoch said by using incredibly simple arguments. He destroyed all and every argument of being a zionist and he pointed out what a primitive retard Enoch is as well as the fact he's proven to be very opportunistic and never really doing anything outside of complaining.
meant for
The alt right acts like social justice warriors. They employ the same tactics, the same justifications. Are you against them?
"SJW" means having an identity beyond licking Sargon's ass for a living to these people.
Your mother was a whore who took the kielbasa form goldbergsteinblatt.
You are such a stereotype it hurts to read.
Not against them per say, I'm for common sense. I align with a lot of the main idea of the so called "alt right" but would never put myself in that box. I guess far right would be a better descriptor.
>muh horseshoe
Communists and libertarians both think economics are important. Communists and libertarians are the same.
I believe in it until we have power.
...because WW2 wasnt a major enough of a conflict? Holy fuck you're so jewish. 100 million white deaths for your little desert shithole.
Are you drunk? Libertarians never killed millions of people. Communists and nazis did. How about that as a starting point?
untrue, you jews have killed millions of people.
Do you really want to turn this into a holocaust thread sargon?
>treating niggers like they are human
Someone should remake this meme, but with a little picture next to each protocol demonstrating the progress that has been made on it
>Jews have eyebrows
why you lie?
you're a fucking cunt, you know that?
Just as the left uses victimhood tactics and cries about supposed injustices to minorities and women, people on the right cry about supposed injustice to whites and use the same victimhood tactics with "white genocide" and the media is propagandizing against white men. Just as you have people cry racism with anything even vaguely offensive to minorities you have whites the right cry anti-white or thats racist against whites anytime anyone thats white is labeled a racist even though very often they are racist.
The Viet-cong used the same tactics as the Ameican revolutionaries.The American revolutionaries are the same as the Viet-cong!
You completely missed the point. By your logic you could say any two things are the same.
Jewish lie.
Whites are racist. Everyone is racist and jews hold a disproportionate amount of power.
Not really. We are talking about autistic internet movements. Of course in the real world there would be a lot more nuance. The fact is as far as behavior on the web the alt right and SJW's behave the same way. They constantly try to infiltrate everything. They wanna censor people. They celebrate echochambers. They see everything as a potential recruitment tool .
Only leftists use that word
The difference is they are wrong and we are right. Whites are factually decreasing both numerically and more importantly proportionally in every country we inhabit with the exception of Uruguay. By 2044 non-hispanic whites will be a minority in the United States and all whites in 2060. All western nations will be majority non-white by the end of the century, and in 300 years whites will cease to exist.
Every day 50 threads about jews.
You losers are obssesed with the divine and mighty don't you.
Notice how no topics are created about Russia siding with Israel against Iran ? Or god forbid... actual real politics ? Instead you discuss e-celebs and various "he said she said" bullshit. And then you wonder why we rule you ? You are subhuman tier, easily herded and controlled through media. Sheep. Barely any jewish posters here because its like talking to niggers.
The talmud was right, you're subhuman apes with no souls.
Thank you for showing me reality.
>the media is propagandizing against white men
That's just plain to see, not that you argued it isn't true.
>you have whites the right cry anti-white or thats racist against whites anytime anyone thats white is labeled a racist even though very often they are racist.
Not really intelligible tbqh. People are just waking up. The difference between the nonwhite and us is we have the intelligence and means to do something.
3 HOURS ??
Are you insane? Who has that kind of time?
How is the alt right different from radical social justice warrior as far as tactics and justifications are concerned? It's literally communists and nazis all over again but carried out by internet larpers.
3 hours. An interesting point is brought up by jew#2, and that is an counter-semitic lobby is needed.
You're just jealous.
How are your lies about the founding fathers of America different for your lies about the holohoax?
Keep on poking the bear kike
And you're just like SJW's in that you have a moral dogma that goes beyond the realm of practicality. These racial groups can't coexist whether you want to admit it or not. Their behaviors and philosophies are far too different, particularly between whites and blacks.
Not halsey. You faggots lie about the founding fathers just as much if not more.
>America is a country founded for white people
>most of us would not be considered white people by those standards
>we should still live by those standards anyway only they should apply to those groups I don't like
>from his own mouth
23andme only tests autosomal DNA, going by which, would make even the most jewiest jew less than 20% JEW. you can be let into those pure settlements in israel with 0% jew showing up in autosomal DNA. enochs 23nMe was a jew trick by a jew, fooling only the ignorant
>pic may be unrelated(only thing named "enoch" in my files)
>Say Cred Forums is an echo chamber
>implying Cred Forums with basically no moderation or censorship is a bigger echo chamber than /r/politics that censors, blocks and downvotes any facts or opinions that go against the consensus
>When the ADL recently referred to Cred Forums as being unmoderated, of course that was kikespeak for uncensored.
Oy vey goyim, don't organize for your own group interests in the face of your enemies doing just that. Ignore demography and voting statistics. Rogue individualism will save you from everything. Banding together for survival with those of similar goals just makes you a sjw. Suck Sargoys dick, while letting the muslim invaders rape all underage girls in his town. If only the masses could accept Hoppean libertarianism and Austrian economics, then we can make the whole world into Lichtenstein.
Also, if you point out the global ruling elite you are a racist and anti-semite.
The Alt Right by in large has never tried to censor any dissenting opinions, and have willingly debated many people of opposing views.
You're just jealous what we say is sourced vs your blatant falsehoods.
Die for me in a desert mutt.
Wakanda forever.
>mulatto 'sibling'
>chose to stick his dick in a hook-nose
Show me some quotes of Enoch promoting Zionism or engaging in anti-white tactics in the past and you have something. Showing me he fucked a jew before he took his red pills and that his mom made poor decisions does nothing.
Nothing you say is honest as far as historical truths go. You know damn well 90% of the people in the alt right would not be considered white by the founding fathers but you make that argument anyway. You twist history in a way that fits your own agendas and beliefs.
>The difference between the nonwhite and us is we have the intelligence and means to do something.
You really dont, its obvious from how many whites have bitten the Alt-Right bait hook line and sinker. Its a psyop to create a threat that was never there, to make every white man look like a white supremacist. To terrify the left and moderates into voting in the most liberal president this country has ever seen come the next election.
fuck off Jew, quit kidnapping the non-Jews and draining them of their blood.
That's not reality bud. You just complained and cherrypicked the idiots complaining about idiots. You still aren't discussing WHO controls the moderation of the site, the paid jews and Russian trolls who have been spreading agendas and false beliefs in a false people. You really think a site flooded and controlled by the same people who are forcing their agenda and beliefs on everyone else is going to discuss events that actually matter or reveal deeper intertwined connections in relation to the said 'agendas'?
While the founding fathers definitely wanted to maintain a mostly northwest european nation, I've never seen anything that would indicate the didn't view southern and eastern Europeans as white.
Sargon was feeling like a big man when he was 4 on 1-ing alt hype a few nights ago. Then Enoch signed on and Sargon ran offline without a word
It doesn't matter if it's the same definition moron, it's the fact that a definition existed, and it worked for a time. The argument that "white" can't be defined is so intellectually dishonest it's comical, which is why we make fun of it all the time.
Link to debate?
you still have to leave chaim
>The talmud was right, you're subhuman apes with no souls.
If anyone is soulless, it would be you Jews, always lying to non-Jews, always betraying non-Jews and always ruining the lives of non-Jews, just so you Jews can better yourselves. Your people have been banned/kicked out of over 100 countries throughout history, don't tell me it was all a coincidence or because of some antisemitism shit or whatever.
Go back to /r9k/, it's you crossboarders who shit up this board with masochistic bullshit.
Why do you fuckers do this?
No, the alt right arose and capitalized from people seeing what's right there in front of them.
>a threat that was never there
What are you talking about? They're in every level of government browning the country to shit. Kicked out of 109 countries. We're all just confused goyim that perceive a threat that's not there.
Never watched this stupid e-celeb bullshit but mike is a fucking retard who is doing his best to divide any coalition we have.
One fucking step at a time you stupid niggers.
You faggots do not know how to win so shut the fuck up and listen to those who know better.
>Japan is an obsolete shithole that's been passed by every other meaningful asian country because of how closed minded and insane they are.
never go full spacker m8
Quick Rundown
Enoch is not jewish.
Enoch calls out the jew so the jew says he is lying then calls him a jew.
Constant attempts at character assasination based on the fact that he grew up in NYC and married a kike before he was woke on the JQ.
Was deep in the Lolbertarian movement and started a podcast with a parody name "the daily shoah"
Gradually became woke on the JQ and was then doxxed. They didn't give a fuck about them when they were edgy lolbertarians.
Constant character attacks with no actual argument to the content their show and other shows on the network put out.
Morpheus, Mike Delaney, and christian identity fags like Longshenks constantly attack the individual and ignore the facts or the content.
He and Sven are moving the overton window and bringing many white men to white nationilism.
(((They)))) are afraid, and it's showing.
Now I got blocked for complaining about Cred Forums on /r9k/
I swear to god the mods on here are autistic as fuck. Cred Forums is their moneymaker and they will strike down anyone who dares criticize the pure brainlessness on display.
Also Strike & Mike show is the best show and the kikes worst enemy. A former libertarian and a former commie discuss the jewish stain on humanity and the hirstorical truths that have shaped the current clown world.
moreso than any other bloodsport, i wish i could find out what normies think about this debate.
halsey steamrolled mike but as someone who noticed all his talmudic tricks he just pissed me off.
>always always always
Dealing with extremes is fun.
Jews were banished because they were smarter back then like evidently shown today. They invented banking. Today Israel exists for only 70 years and has a yearly GDP of close to 380b$. Safe to assume jews outdid everybody else back then too because we can see how they outdo everybody else today.
Because jews were not in Israel when they were successful in other countries, locals got envious. And envy exists in all cultures, add to thay group preferances and you get... yeah, antisemetism.
The jewish "hat" they had to wear were created and forced on jews to wear because they were btfo everybody else in trade/politics/debate/speech.
In the ancient world, the majority would resort to violence when they are unable to deal with the obviously smarter minority. And so they did.
All countries agree on this today. And yet you listen to neets on the internet with infographics, because everything is a grand conspiracy to the lesser mind that is unable to cope.
Jews were called people of the book while europeans were sacrificing virgins to thunder gods, fucking goats and killing each other for golden trinkets, While the jews were reading books and studying.
I never said you were Jewish, what you said has nothing to do with my post.
some Cred Forumstard reported me on /r9k/ which is pretty much a free for all board the mods give no shits about
if you get reported on Cred Forums or Cred Forums you are gonna get punished within 10 minutes. if you get reported on any other board don't worry about it
Same. Talmudic Pilpul is difficult to deal with because they concede a point, attack you personally, throw out strawmen and then deny the fact they had previously conceded. It's the same tactic used by Soygon and Laura Loomer.
There is a reason he wears the sunglasses
holy shit those eyes
I like how you haven't responded to the majority of my posts, and are just complaining about bullshit.
If this debate got out both enoch and JF would be locked out for severe mental retardation.
Jews are such a risk to humanity that god sent his son to overturn the merchants tables and to expose the JQ. Jews are parasites on every other in group they are around, which is why they've been kicked out of at least 109 countries. Your people are subversive and you believe your the only race of people who actually has an interest in preserving their race, culture or heritage.
What posts? I literally got modded twice so far. Are you gonna report me even more?
Untrue halsey.
Okay, sure thing Sarg'n.
>the never ending d&c shilling in every trs thread
>never ending claims that mike is Jewish even after releasing his Dna
>never ending baseless critiques from people that don't even listen to the show
at least its better than it used to be.