Prove me wrong.
Well, am I wrong ? alt-fart ?
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Pretty awful choice of picture shill-kun. The staggering difference between these two species is on full display. sa
You are completely wrong, alt cleft friend. The indy 500 is a race.
Here, alt-fart won again
there's only one race
The Anglo race
Human on the right, Homo Africanus (nigger) on the left. What's your point here?
>Pretty awful choice of picture shill-kun. The staggering difference between these two species is on full display. sa
They are both the same species, because biology.
>still proud to be anglo
Keep destoying western values, bong
of course you need to be in denial of the nose, teeth, lips, forehead, eye sockets, skin color, hair type, bone density, IQ, brain case volume, voice difference, propensity to violence, race specific diseases...
You just described normal variations that occur between any white person.
Proof is not required.
All I have to do is run you over.
why would you hate someone like this ?
>pic related
So white people who have widely varying facial features aren't the same race?
they are different ethnicities.
There's only one race and it's wacky
>implying I have emotions for nigger cattle
I meant to say species, my bad.
Just because blacks have wide noses and whites have narrow noses (not always, sometimes the opposite is true) doesn't mean they are different species.
There is only one race. The Daytona.
if this was true racism would exist
Post your real flag jewnigger
I agree with you. Race is an outmoded concept that is harmful. Why do Dems keep pushing it so much? Oh yeah, because it is the root of their power.
Chimps and orangutans are more genetically similar than the white and black "races" and they're separate species. Thus so should be caucasoids and negroids.
right, you also need to be in denial of the relative breadth of variations and average values within a group when compared to another one
takes a lot of denial to be a race relativist really
Yes, the one human race on the left
Missing link on the right
>there is only one race
>race to the bottom with niggers
Anywhere there are more than 300 blacks. You are in da ghetto. Unable to create a succesul society or invent anything EVER. Dont compare actual human beings to sub human animals. Even they want to get away from niggers and live amongst whites the first chance they get. In case your wondering nigger we dont want you or your crime and violence. Better to just get shot in your own nigger neighborhoods.
Explain why Caucasian organs, blood, marrow, cannot be transfused/transferred to a black person, and vice versa?
There is one human species but different races you american imbecile
We categorize people into races based on what is useful. If it were useful for humans to see themselves as a single race with no smaller more specified groups to further split ourselves into, we would do so.
YOU ARE CORRECT OP !!! There IS only 1 race - The human race !!! And then there's niggers
>there's only one race, the human race.
which means there's no such thing as minorities, and no racism.
which means liberals have been whining over NOTHING.
Human beings are a species, not a race.
Blondie looks like George W. DESU
Lmao there is more diversity between genetics in races than fucking different dog breeds. Different levels of brain development. Different skeletal and muscle structure to the point that an anthropologist can tell whether a skelton is from a white, black, asian etc. There are race-specifuc genetic diseases. You are dumb.
did the baby provoke the assault?
Who believes out of africa is a retard jew story believer. We did not all decend from niggers. Thats obvious and only tards believe that if we did please explain O- blood type. You cant because it doesnt fit the story does it. Go and figure it out. As if I am related to shit skin niggers hahahahahahahahaha
You misspelled species. Human isn't a race.
Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. ~ 1 John 4:11
There's only one species: clumps of cells
i'm not religious but i'll defend them by saying that you can understand that races are different and still advocate for ethnonationalism
i hope someone beats you to death for being such a hypocrite piece of shit
What about the 100 meters, or marathon, or relay race. The thing about the human race is its a race, the best win, the others lose.
Because there's only one breed of k9... dog
Lol that aint racist, dat white boy probably said some shiiiiiit and got his ass whooped. He need to fight back next time LOL
Why white people gotta be mad we takin shit over? Fucking racist devils.
Whiteb0i btfo
just open your eyes
You are right. Retards are humans too, only retard ones. Hope we find a cure someday.
Niggers arent human....they are part ape. I'm convinced Ancient Aliens mixed humans with apes in AFREEKA to create niggers...probably to mine gold/diamonds.
Whites = Humans
Niggers = Human/Ape Mix
what the hell
are these barbarians doing
Mass replies should be an automatic 3 day ban
This is what the Jews bring in your country, they do this so you’re and\try at them and forget about the Jews...
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Common for them to be abused children then they go on to abuse more children when they grow up.
They think this is normal.
Based Frenchman.
>I posted a picture of black people wearing suits therefore your argument is invalid.
If there's just one race, how can I be racist? Actually where do we even have the concept of race if there's only one?...Oh're retarded...
those kids are ugly, they must be americans
This doesn't change the way I feel about niggers.
Human isn’t a race. Dummy
Sure, but destroying black and arab countries to take in refugees destroying white countries HELPS NOONE.
hloy shit we wuz metro fighter gang and shiiitte
there is seriously something wrong with niggers and coal burners
the nig looks into the camera lens because he sees his reflection and wonders how a little nig is in the camera
the white kid looks into the eyes of the adult taking the picture with disdain doe being told he had to put a arm around the nig so it looks like they are friends. his actual friends will now think hes some coal burning faggot and all his mother gets is $20 for compensation for this
Yeah but niggers are not human tho
They're just like us!
its called bullying. that shit its a different problem mr.strawman
We don't believe in God m8
The only race which counts as Hunan is the Celtic race. The blameless angels in a world of mortals.
SAGE this crap.
Wakanda if true.
For many are rebellious and full of empty talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision, who must be silenced. ~ Titus 1:10
how can anyone be racist if everyones the same race
boom. libtard retard cucks btfo once again
That white kid looks almost identical to me when I was that age, jaw is a bit smaller than mine was. it’s rather unnerving because I thought for a second I took a picture with a nigger as a kid.
Nigger please.
The very fear in a nigger of being deported to Africa is all the proof you need when contrasted to the willingness of whites to move there as long as they can separate themselves geographically from nogs like the founding of South Africa.
Nigger demand for access to white people all the while professing to hate white people is the ultimate catch 22.
>Well, am I wrong ? alt-fart ?
Eeeech. You have to go back.
Humans are the Species, not the race.
yeah, pretty sure you're wrong.