When do we annex Canada?
When do we annex Canada?
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If you annex Canada they actually annex you
United States of Canada
When your jewish overlords command you to Amerimutt.
Who would want it?
Canada's sole contribution to this world was maple syrup. When you discover biscuits and gravy, Canada is made obsolete.
Why annex Canada?
That's like giving the Democrats a million EC votes. You'd effectively be handing the country over to them and turning it into a single party state.
We dont want to be part of your shit country maybe?
If the US were to annex Canada, I would happily kill as many Amerisharts as I could. If I managed to kidnap one I would torture him and film it. It would not be easy.
You will easily be killed as soon as you try.
That's canakanda to you wh*TE boi
What are you going to kill us with? Moose antler spears?
Reminder that Amerimutts have delusions that they are Rambo: The Country and are all lean mean killing machines when they are actually just fat brown docile cattle of ZOG.
they would have no problem in killing you guys
You mean you'd try to kill and resist but in reality would just get executed.
I'll just put on a yarmulke and a star of david and they will drop their guns and start kissing my feet and throwing money at me.
Reminder that Canadians have delusions that they are Rambo. The "country" of dog blowing vermin are all lean mean killing machines when they are actually cowardly cucks. YOU were the moron who started spouting shit about how much of a bad ass he was going to be, kidnapping and torturing Americans. Fuck you, punk, no one is impressed by your extra chromosome.
Soon I hope.
Fucking hate my government.
>If the US were to annex Canada, I would happily kill as many Amerisharts as I could.
So like zero?
We wouldn't even need the full extent of our 100,000,000 gun toting population to take out your entire military and the rest of your pathetic 30,000,000 nationals.
>Reminder that Canadians have delusions that they are Rambo. The "country" of dog blowing vermin
Reminder that bestiality is not legal in Canada and never was. ZOGmericans should learn to read before spouting off this garbage.
Meanwhile bestiality is still fully legal in 4 US states. Disgusting.
>are all lean mean killing machines when they are actually cowardly cucks.
I'm not the one threatening to annex other countries as if I'm big and mighty and not just a servant of ZOG.
>YOU were the moron who started spouting shit about how much of a bad ass he was going to be, kidnapping and torturing Americans.
No I didn't you retard.
>Fuck you, punk, no one is impressed by your extra chromosome.
No one is impressed with your dick waving "Hur dur gonna invade and annex country X" when you slide into demographic suicide and elect a homosexual jewish nigger twice.
NO it is full of leaves, it is not worth it.
When we have a president who could actually fire a gun properly.
And Mexico?
trump is a fucking disgrace
>When do we annex Canada?
We wait until the Chinese finish their take over. We do not need or want Canada.
We annex Canada once the war with China goes haywire, and we start needing their maple syrup,oil, and timber.
Ergo, whenever the Chinks invade Alaska.
Pay no attention to this self hating piece of shit.
He only represents faggots.
OK, so you supported the punk who thought he was Rambo. No difference, punk. Although you post a lot of idiotic shit, it doesn't mean you are right. It only means that you are an idiot who posts a lot of shit. Really, if any of you came and tried to kidnap anyone, you would quickly become a bullet sponge. Fuck off, we don't want you here.
Canada would have much to gain by combining with the only other Anglospheric country in this hemisphere. Should major demographic, legislative change come, Canada could have their 65% turned into a 95% with the rest of the U.S. Plus Trudeau would be forced to go back to Malaysia.
I know that the 56% meme is infuriating for its truth, but there are many common cultural ties between us.
Annex West Canada only
Let Toronto and the frogs rot
Only butt-hurt Kremlinites annex sovereign nations.
Honestly, I'm for it if it means I have an easier way to get out of here.
I'd do it just to piss off all the liberal and NDP voting faggots that out number the sane people in this country.
Trudeau is slowly turning us in to Venezuela north, and the media is complicit here. Plz halp.
You don't. You rake it.
Wow bro so impressive and strong big mighty american. If it's so easy then do it faggot.
You sound like a boomer. I'm not threatening to kidnap anyone. You're the one posting delusional fantasies about annexing a country. I don't want to be there. I'm not making threads about annexation. Americans are.
Balkanization will be the logical end to this. Canada is too big and spread out already. Same with the US.
Alberta has more in common with Montana than Quebec. Western Ontario has more in common with Michigan/Wisconsin than Quebec. Maine has more in common with Nova Scotia than Texas. Washington has more in common with British Columbia than Florida, etc.
when you go to war with china you'll need to harness canadas rich natural resources directly. also fuck you I was gonna post this pic.
Fuk me. fuk you.
remember Afganistan or Vietnam
regardless of the amount of money, weapons and men that were sendt there, you lost
you muricans are now too fat and stupid to annex a big country
you still could annex Porto Rico only, even he Mexicans would kick your ass
Canada doesn't need a mongrel invasion
>Balkanization will be the logical end to this
Agreed. If annexation occurred, Canada would likely still be referred to as Canada. It would simply be the Northern-most area of the U.S.
However, I think annexation would only happen if the current U.S. had much more influence over Canada. A referendum among Canadians might change this, but I'm not sure if there's popular support, especially in the "peoplekind" Liberal atmosphere.
I think it would be easier to annex canada, they are too used to 1st world comforts and never having to fight for anything. 3rd worlders are hardened by constant conflict and struggle making them far tougher opponents and less likely to give in, the examples of afghanistan and vietnam you gave are a testament to that.
Please take us except ontario and quebec, nuke the fuck out of those shitholes
t. the rest of canada
How in the fuck am I the self hating piece of shit? I want to save my country from invaders you faggot. Am I the only nationalist left in this shitty board?
You fucking coward. Am I supposed to just bow down and accept my land to be taken over?
you already have accepted zhang and panjit taking over so you'd probably accept america doing it to be fair.
Fair enough but joining the US would only make the Jew machine (US) more powerful. Balkanization of North America is the best hope for whites and go against the Jews.
>Ontario is the problem
Nice try. Let's break this down via the 2015 election shall we?
Ontario gave 88/121 (72.7%) of their seats to left-wing parties in the last election. That's pretty bad. But let's look at the other provinces.
British Columbia gave 32/42 (76.2%)
Alberta gave 5/34 (14.7%)
Saskatchewan gave 4/14 (28.6%)
Manitoba gave 9/14 (64.3%)
Quebec gave 66/78 (84.6%)
New Brunswick gave 10/10 (100%)
Nova Scotia gave 11/11 (100%)
Newfoundland gave 7/7 (100%)
Prince Edward Island gave 4/4 (100%)
The Territories gave 3/3 (100%)
So unless you live in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba you have absolutely no room to talk about Ontario. And if you live in the Maritimes or Territories you have absolutely no room to talk about Quebec.
Ontario was the 4th most conservative province last election. Quebec was the 6th.
This country (and the US) needs to break up. Only way to save the white race here in North America.
This is the kind of cognitive dissonance I hate on this board.
>Damn jews taking over the US and bringing us into needless wars to destroy white nations we fought on the wrong side in world war 2
It is necessary. Northern Americans should have to be mongrelized by the spics/niggers/injuns mutts in their southern states either.
He'll just stay in Seattle and backreap one of you in Toronto
I have rifles. I'll take out as many as I can before getting gunned down. You would do the same.
Take out Trudeau instead
Anybody would. I don't know why American posters think they could steamroll through any country without any resistance.
They tried that against the Japs and ragequit with a nuke when they had their asses handed to them.
Be careful!
Will only empower liberals to take away what few gjns we have. Although that would be a dream.
Are you serious? Your country is a joke. I had some 50 year old Canadian chick with breast implants ready to drive down here, pick me up, and basically be her live in boytoy just because I talked to her. Your entire country seems filled with lunatics and retards.
Thank you. Good to know there are still a few gpod Canadians left.
First annex Latin america please and remove the cholos
These Leftie fags here want to make us spaniards feel bad for our ancestors
Yeah polite speeches about tolerance and maple syrup are pretty effective weapons.
Where do you send the Canadians though, the land bridge to Siberia is under the sea? We would need to trick them all into going on vacation at the same time.
>Annex Canada
We will would rather join Europe.
Friendly feminder that when your enemy kills you then you win!
Trudeau is just the prime minister.
This is our true and permanent leader.
Nice story. What does it have to do with the fact that you lick your lips at the idea of destroying another country on behalf of your jewish masters because you have delusions about being the hero of a 1980's action movie?
Why are you so eager to destroy countries on behalf of your ZOG masters?
We have enough hapas already. Why should we annex more of them?
We're taking Alberta and that's it
You’d be bringing down the hammer of the commonwealth and NATO if such an event took place
take saskatchewan too, they have twice the resources but are less developed due to lower population
This. Trudeau is just a “representative” since the queen doesn’t live here by Canadian law.
get rid of the injuns in both and you have a deal