> People see Black Panther > Africa sees black panther > they see other africans building extremely high-tech civs > in reality the basic requirement for high-tech civs is essential morality, higher prefrontal cortex activity, sort of a culture of intellectualism > an entire generation of African people looks at the movie, and all subconsciously think "Wow. we're great. we can do that!" > everyone feels accomplished > for watching fictional characters build civilizations in a comic drawn by white men > a fictional world wherein no evolution is needed since they're fucking white girls and, (at least in the movies), building ultra civs > every1 wants to be just like black panther > no european hunger for evolution & expansion > no royal decrees discriminating against protestants or whatever for 200 yrs, forcing cunning, prefrontal cortex growth > no culture of sherlock holmes for 200 years, forcing everyone to admire cleverness and ingenuity > all white males in the generation: "Damn, we really need to improve... get more aggressive, less pussy, soft, etc" > all black males in the generation: " 8) we fuckin white girls now. we advanced vis" > whites all trying to go crazy hard and improve > blacks all trying to relax, already made it. after all, the main argument - can't build civs - is tackled subconsicously now, any inner humility gone forever around it
blacks are like bratty children that will throw temper tantrums unless you constantly tell them how special they are telling them that blacks are stupid would be like telling a child santa claus doesnt real
Noah Martin
you need to stop caring about capeshit
Hunter Anderson
niggers will always be niggers
it is funny the best example of a successful black nation is a fiction written by whites
top grade pottery
Ayden Thompson
reminder that the only reason for wakanda to be that succesfull is literally "space magic"
Michael Barnes
Pull up kike media, every post about how good we wuz panthers and shiiieeet. Niggers praosibg it saying they are kangz and smart.
Kike media is cancer.
Nicholas Morgan
Just to add, Stan Lee was born Stanley Lieber, his parents were Romanian kikes.
Grayson Williams
How old are you?
Carson Martinez
It will bring more black people to marvel movies and make more money, which is good because they'll make bigger and better movies.
I see no problem with Black Panther and can't understand the backlash against it.
BP is a good role model for anyone, he's like a more masculine Tony Stark.
Parker Mitchell
holy shit this level of cuckery
kill yourself you fucking fag
Gavin Martinez
>niggers will always be niggers >it is funny the best example of a successful black nation is a fiction written by whites >top grade pottery
Their best one is this: "Much of the recorded information about the Mali Empire comes from 14th century North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun, 14th century Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta and 16th century Moroccan traveller Leo Africanus. The other major source of information is Mandinka oral tradition, through storytellers known as griots" (what's left of it...see image attached)
Of course, not comparable to any past empires..(Babylonian, Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian,Ottoman, Roman, Aztec etc..) but it's better than nothing i guess.
Thing it, they still have to count on arabs to actually tell them about their own history. for whatever reason, africans don't keep records of their own past. It's just bizarre.
Thomas Taylor
>here marvel kikes, take my money, in exchange for "bigger and better" movies
jesus i didnt realize people like this faggot existed
and ironically this are the same anti capitalist, muh oppression fags
Mason Gray
Disney is draining nog and guilty white money. That's all there is to it.
Jaxon Harris
we wuz kangs but we cantz writes
Leo Moore
>written by whites Written by jews more like
Jack Evans
I like marvel movies and would like to see new ones made.
I think the tech they come up with is inspirational and encourages people in to science.
I work in engineering and there are loads of people who want to get into engineering because of Tony Stark making it look so much fun in the marvel movies.
It is very odd isn't it ? Then again i'm not specialized in african history but it almost seems as though they didn't have writtings of their own. No books,
Maybe that would explain why there's thousands of books discarded in Detroit. schools... The only things they haven't stolen
Angel White
>0,5 secs later Madimbo Monbobo receives the rude awakening of sub saharan africa >there's no cinema to watch the nubians gods >who he met through a pamphlet dropped by one of the poachers >in the reserve where they slaughter wildlife for a living >still in the back of his mind >the white "black ideal"
Jose Flores
The movie really is a nigger fantasy come true:
>Giant welfare check falls from the sky >Now we kangs n shit >No work required
Jaxon Perez
Why are you even watching black panther? 5/10 bait.
Jackson Jenkins
From what I know, no Sub-Saharan culture has ever developed it's own writing system. And no one is saying that African's don't have things to be proud of, but building a 3 story structure out of mud and sticks is hardly impressive, especially considering they've had 10,000 years to improve their civilization
Robert Jackson
Mali - the best example of Sub Saharan African architecture and civilization over 5,000 years since the first known organized civilization existed.
And, It looks less impressive than a sand castle built by a white guy on 1 week vacation.
Jacob Thompson
Ethiopia developed ge’ez a writing system
Bentley Richardson
Juan Wood
Ok but nigger movies aside
>no culture of sherlock holmes for 200 years, forcing everyone to admire cleverness and ingenuity
Was Sherlock Holmes setting the stage for later cultural figures and memes to push materialism, muh science, and Atheism™?
Dylan Richardson
>When Sherlock Holmes is ALSO a fictional character...
Connor Hughes
So are Dr. House and Brian Griffin. Fictional characters can still shill ideologies, if not more effectively than actual people, because very few people have one-dimensional personalities on the level of a tv character or another personified archetype.
Aaron Cox
I fucking hate Brian griffin
Brody Gomez
Not strange at all. Writing is a form of record keeping, which implies an ability to think of the future in the abstract, something blacks are famously incapable of - resulting in their impulsivity and poor ability to plan or think ahead. One keeps records for the future. Makes perfect sense actually.
Black people feeling pride in wakanda is about the same level of ridiculous as basement dwelling white autists taking pride in western accomplishments.
Jace Nguyen
it's available on streaming right now. im going to watch it so i can post about it here
Kayden Foster
that is a nice sand castle
Jeremiah James
At least they had something that they took instead of having it be given to them let’s of cultures in Europe didn’t have an alphabet until the romans gave them one
Jeremiah Wood
gonna be the devils abvocate here but aren't vikings in that same "place" where much of what we know about them is because christian monks wrote about them and how they where savages (barbaric) pillaging and killing that they had a strong culture based on war ...
well I guess it goes to show you how white barbaric tribes where capable of becoming great countries...
Jason Morgan
Do they actually fuck white girls in the movie? Wouldn't that make their kids only half black? I thought the point was it was a city of only black people.
How much jewery is happening in this to be exact?
Jacob Parker
Liam Johnson
Blake Sanders
I wish the nigs would realize that Black Panther is Alt-Right, and abandon their degenerate, parasitical, leftist mindset. Better yet, I wish they would all move back to Africa and try to create "Wakanda" IRL.
Ethan Perez
Lol so the niggers best attempt at civilization is literal pottery
Charles Ward
You must be new here. Give it 2 months before you're spouting anti nigger shit
Gavin Robinson
Top kek
Ian Peterson
holy shit its a fucking superhero movie. fucking mong
Ian Powell
Didnt read your post or click the link
Mason Hall
Dominic Garcia
Holy shit! you're right...
Carter Jones
>Black Panther comes out >Black people worship and cheer on fake country
>Olympics are happening >Black Olympians are competing in REAL LIFE >Black people don't care
Jaxon Hill
Its the winter Olympics what niggers are in the winter Olympics.
Alexander White
a lot of speed skaters are black or half
If anything it should give them more of a reason to rally around those competing. But what do I know
Do you know when the mosque on your picture has been built? 1400? 1500? No at all, it has been built in 1907 under French administration. Before, the great mosque of Djenné looked like this.
Lucas Rogers
>The actual date of construction of the first mosque in Djenné is unknown, but dates as early as 1200 and as late as 1330 have been suggested.[1] The earliest document mentioning the mosque is Abd al-Sadi's Tarikh al-Sudan which gives the early history, presumably from the oral tradition as it existed in the mid seventeenth century. The tarikh states that a Sultan Kunburu became a Muslim and had his palace pulled down and the site turned into a mosque. He built another palace for himself near the mosque on the east side.[2] His immediate successor built the towers of the mosque while the following Sultan built the surrounding wall.
>There is no other written information on the Great Mosque until the French explorer René Caillié visited Djenné in 1828 and wrote "In Jenné is a mosque built of earth, surmounted by two massive but not high towers; it is rudely constructed, though very large. It is abandoned to thousands of swallows, which build their nests in it. This occasions a very disagreeable smell, to avoid which, the custom of saying prayers in a small outer court has become common." Couldn't even take care of their own damn sand castle.
James Gomez
This is great. Thanks for the share user. I am a young Historian with multiple degrees, and I try to study the history of all continents. .... I was already red pilled on Africa, but this is further red pilling beyond my expectations. Not even their dung heap buildings are really authentic.
Dominic Phillips
Kys cuck
William Clark
if the movie isn't pushing 'fuck whitey' sjw propaganda (not going to see it, but consensus seems to be that it isn't), why exactly are so many people here sperging out over it? pretty obvious that a lot of people are reaching for any contrived reason to hate this movie, even before it came out. just let it go, its a fucking comic book movie. sage
Cooper Johnson
Where can i watch it for free?
Logan Jackson
Powerful movie about what an majority black society should be.
And cut back to reality.
Alexander Rivera
The Vikings did not only raid and pillage. They set up trade routes and were expert sea faring people. They used highly effective tactics and their descendants created civilizations so effective that nearly everyone crawled out of absolute poverty.
When given technology and knowledge, the white peoples of the world out invented every other civilization combined to the point they are talking about colonizing Mars.
Black Africans have endless excuses for failure. They most often destroy any technology they are given. There is something deeply wrong with the Black African brain. That's what everybody knows but is too afraid to investigate. The problem is that if Black failure is genetic, so are other colors of failure.