[This was not my idea, just continuing and spreading the fire]
in order to deal with the porn industry, Cred Forums will conduct one of the most cunning role reversals.
We will false flag feminists all over social media, to attack porn studios for their "Apparent" marginalization and abuse of women for the sake of money.
This will inevitably force feminists and commies to attack porn, because if is a beneficiary of sexist men and capitalism. We will be united with everyone by deception. and will have one target, the Juden in porn.
We make the left attack themselves with a very coincidental silver lining, feminists and hard right shitposters have one thing in common. They hate porn, if we use feminists as the main rule of engagement, they won't see it coming. We can dominate magazines and headlines all over the web including fox news which may pitch into the fight based on their supposed "Traditional" views.
This operation also has more than one victory, it will red-pill normies about porn and at the same time debase feminism to centrists.
We attack porn on facebook, Twitter and any other social media site that has studio accounts. (There are many).
Also, if you're participating, we must gradually begin this adventure, to not alarm anyone about troll accounts please only tweet once or twice per day about said topic, talk about other feminist shit and viewpoints to muddy the water. If we can get media outlets to report it we've done our jobs, we just need to get the snowball off the crest of the mountain. Because this has huge ramifications for porn studios and will highlight the disgusting practices of feminism.
I saw some good posts on twitter, people trying to trend the hashtags. We need those popular feminists. Main twitter account that we've made: twitter.com/Porn_patriarchy Main hashtag is #Pornispatriarchy We can do this! spread the fire.
Mason Stewart
shameless bump
Chase Nelson
/pol sleeping?
Jaxon Robinson
Hey I’m reading don’t worry Bumping to see what others think
Jaxon Morris
you sound retarded
Chase Adams
Most feminists support porn. That's the problem.
Jaxon Parker
I don't get the hate for porn. If it wasn't for porn I still wouldn't know what boobs or a vagina look like. Porn is pretty cool for losers like me.
Lucas Scott
I think the better attack vector is the divide between feminists and trans activists, and then that fault line can be injected with racial/nativist tensions as well. I agree coopting feminists is the right choice but going after porn, that's very unlikely.
Dylan Jenkins
But wait Engaging yourself in twitter? Too much work for the buck. We should come up with a more effective form of shitposting
Justin Watson
Joseph Cook
>literally retarded you dont belong here user.
Charles Peterson
That's not a fight that needs the wheels greased. There's a lot of legitimately exploitative stuff in the porn industry too, maybe there's a #metoo angle in there somewhere.
Juan Lee
Luis Baker
Jordan Perez
We need some big shot sjw or some outlet to tweet this
Elijah Bell
brilliant idea OP please do not be discouraged if this thread doesn't get many replies, shills are sliding the board precisely to stop ideas like this
stay determined and it will pay off >t. MyBordersMyChoice organizer who had to keep threads alive for 2 months but it paid off in the end
Hunter White
Daniel Smith
Alexander Flores
We need fuels for the fire Where is ideas man?
Josiah Parker
Gabriel Nelson
My opinion would be to continue doing this even after it is successful for maximum effect
Isaac Brooks
Go back to Korea faggot sage desu
Colton Hall
What's wrong with porn again? Is it because it allows men to seek a simple avenue for gratification?
Y'all know it's education and the higher cost of raising a child that's lowering birthrates and not... porn, right?
Jaxson Ross
Have a bump I love the idea of controlling the opposition...
Charles Foster
>What's wrong with porn again? I've gone from wonderful lover to facefuck fetishite because of porn
Colton Turner
Gotcha. I can see the reasoning. I suppose I wouldn't be into amputated midgets without porn.
Juan Ross
I agree. We have to counter the meme that anti-porn is somehow "sex negative", and that porn is empowering.
Nathaniel Torres
Hudson Green
Make fake twitter account, post a bullshit story about feeling objectified share the hashtag, .... be creative lads.
Ayden Anderson
Ryan Perez
Make a fake propaganda sjw twitter and fill it with their bullshit then shill to some feminist about noporn boom
Or try making a thread like this on reddits nofap/noporn (i think there is one saw it on /fit/ )
Jose Thompson
My wife likes to be face fucked because of porn. Its fun and all but not really sexpositive.
Jayden Sullivan
as if low t males need arm twisting to retreat into porn. if they have the moxie then they'll dig themselves out it is evolution. the only jewish conspiracy is the conspiracy to make a little dough
Dylan Roberts
Porn is a cancer, bump
Luke Cox
Kevin Long
Maybe this thread is going no where because the people that would be bumping the hell out of it are at church right now?