>Lost the Empire
>Oversaw mass immigration into the UK
>Allowed her Grandson to marry a mongrel, the most embarrassing royal match ever
>Under her stewardship London has gone from beacon of the world to 3rd world shithole
There is nothing great about her or her reign, she has presided over the most staggering decline of any nation in the history of the world.
She will be judged by history as that incompetent, weak fool or indeed traitor who allowed Britain to sink beneath the waves.
Sure, the collapse of the Empire was already underway when she ascended, but she did nothing to stop the decline, in fact she quickly accelerated events and pretty much closed it all down within a decade.
The way Britain's power diminished so rapidly under her rule is unprecedented in world history.
And we all know about the effects of mass 3rd world immigration, not only into Britain but Australia, NZ and Canada too. Protector of the Commonwealth? You've got to be fucking joking, Arch Destroyer of the Anglosphere is how she'll be remembered.
There is a demographic time bomb ticking away which she planted, the fuse has about 20 years left to burn, once that explodes you'll see what I'm talking about.
I work for the department of education, I see a different school every day and I'm telling you, I see many all brown classrooms, a lot of majority brown classrooms, quite a few 50/50 classrooms, some majority white classrooms but I have never seen an all white classroom in 8 years of inspecting schools, not a single one, the most popular boys name in Britain by far is Mohammad and it's variations.
She's a fucking German and a Globalist, she sits on the board of several (((Central banks))) and is fully committed to the globalists agenda and the inevitable white genocide that would result, anyone who refuses to see that is a fool.
QE II is no friend of the Anglos, far from it, she's done more than any other ruler to utterly undermine and sabotage our futures, a truly silent assassin.